HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-03January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 1 of 10 Regular Minutes Council/RDA Meeting City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting City of Huntington Beach Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:00 P.M. - Room B-8 6:00 P.M. - Council Chambers Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 An audiotape of the 4:00 p.m. portion of this meeting and a videotape of the 6:00 p.m. portion of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Call to Order Mayor Sullivan called the regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:03 p.m. in Room B-8. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Roll Call Present: Green, Coerper, Sullivan, Hardy, Hansen, and Cook. Absent: Bohr. The City Clerk Announced No Late Communications Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Joan L. Flynn announced no Late Communications regarding Study Session or Closed Session items had been received by her office following distribution of the agenda packet. Public Comments Regarding 4:00 P.M. Portion of Council Meeting Daniel P. Gooch thanked the former and the current City Clerk for the level of accessibility of City documents. He stated he recently retired after 32 years working for the City of Long Beach. He voiced his opinion that the trash collection proposal is environmentally correct, however asked Council to ensure that it is the best deal the City can receive. Mr. Gooch asked Council to survey surrounding cities for issues that may need to be addressed including alley pickup, scavenging, productivity and worker safety. He also asked who will benefit from any cost savings. Ken Maylone, 20-year resident, voiced his opinions on trash scavengers and on a new collection method, which he said could potentially increase scavenging. He stated concerns about identity theft, suggesting that problems can be eased if the Police Department places more emphasis on enforcement of Municipal Code 8.21.220. Dean Albright commented on the process of separating trash in curbside containers. He stated his objection to 5-year and 10-year contracts with the disposal company, voicing his opinion that businesses are held hostage to these contracts. He suggested that businesses could realize greater profits by finding other sources to purchase their January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 2 of 10 recyclable material. Mr. Albright also suggested Council negotiate shorter contracts, and that the recycling fee be eliminated from billings if a move is made to curbside separation. Richard Ludlow thanked Rainbow Disposal for the trash pickup in Seal Beach. He voiced his support for the proposed changes to the trash pickup plans. He stated he has an objection to large barrels, due to his concern that people cannot or will not move them to the proper storage location. Mr. Ludlow suggested less than 27-inch barrels are ideal. Leonie Herting, 28-year resident, spoke regarding her experiences with trash recycling in Europe and suggested that the proposed recycling plan would be an improvement over the current program. (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Study Session No. 1 Held - Representatives from Rainbow Disposal Company, Inc. Made a Presentation to Inform City Council of the Planned Schedule to Automate the Solid Waste and Recyclables Collection Operation. Automation Plans Include an Upgrade and Modernization of the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) to Incorporate Processing of Source -Separated Recyclables. (810.60) Public Works Director Robert F. Beardsley introduced the Chairman of Rainbow Disposal, Ron Shenkman. Mr. Shenkman thanked the Public Speakers for their comments, stating community involvement is welcome in this decision. He introduced Co -Presidents of Rainbow Disposal, Bruce Shuman and Jerry Moffett. He also announced that Wendy Weber, Linda Moulton -Patterson, and Bonnie Bruce were present at the meeting. Mr. Shenkman spoke about the reasons for the proposed change, stating it will provide for a healthy and safe environment for employees, will reduce environmental pollution by converting the entire fleet to compressed natural gas (CNG)-powered vehicles, and will reduce waste sent to landfills. He also introduced Jim French, an individual who has assisted numerous cities in setting up this type of program, and Blair Chastain, a representative from Los Angeles. He invited members of the public to visit the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). Mr. Shuman gave a PowerPoint report titled Rainbow Disposal Modernizes Trash Collection, which was included in the agenda packet, and demonstrated the proposed collection system with a model truck. He outlined the strengths and weaknesses of the current program, as well as the threats including legislation and standards that would lead to fee increases if changes were not made. He then outlined the goals of the modernization program. Mr. Moffett spoke regarding the specifics of the modernization program including the three -cart system, size choices, and the cost of the carts (trash cans with wheels). He stated there is no charge for the first supply of 3 carts, with a charge for the delivery of additional trash carts, but no charge for additional recycling carts. He also spoke regarding public outreach and expanded bulky item pickup. He lastly commented on the automated fleet and reconfiguration of the MRF. Mr. Shuman reiterated the benefits of the modernization program to residents and to the City, including free access to City vehicles for usage of the new CNG plant. He January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 3 of 10 requested the City approve the plan by April 2006 since construction of the CNG fuel facility requires one year of lead-time. This would allow an initial rollout target date in March 2007. Mr. Shenkman announced that Sunset Beach would experience its rollout this summer. He suggested that parties interested in discussing the program contact him. Councilmember Hardy inquired about resident compliance rate in other cities. Mr. French responded, stating that participation is a learned process. Mr. Shenkman reported 3-6 months for resident compliance, but stated he could not give percentages Councilmember Hardy stated her goal of high 90 percentile for compliance. She inquired about apartment complexes and their conversion to carts. Mr. Moffett stated there would be flexibility for those types of residences to continue using bins or to convert to carts. She inquired about the process of maintaining the separation of trash in the trucks, and Mr. Shuman reported multiple trucks would travel each route. She inquired about the usage of plastic trash bags within the carts, and Mr. Shuman responded in the affirmative. City Clerk Flynn announced a Late Communication received by her office after the meeting began, submitted by Ramon Boesch dated January 3, 2005 in opposition to changing the current recycling program. Councilmember Cook voiced her support for multiple size cart choices. Councilmember Green inquired about the City's current diversion rates, and Mr. Moffett responded the number is approximately 63%. She inquired if the new program will help increase the diversion rate, and Mr. Shuman stated that the rate would depend on the level of participation. He also reported on other ways diversion percentages are impacted such as problems with self -hauled waste from outside the County not being reported. Councilmember Hansen inquired about methods used by -other communities to address scavenging. Mr. Shenkman spoke regarding City of Orange code enforcement efforts, suggesting the City of Huntington Beach increase its code enforcement efforts. Councilmember Hansen also inquired about the Christmas tree collection program, and Mr. Shenkman stated that it would continue. Councilmember Hansen asked about neighborhood trashcan programs, for example one in the southeast area, asking if Rainbow would continue the collection service. Mr. Shenkman responded in the affirmative. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper asked if the proposed automation would cause employees to be removed from their positions. Mr. Moffett stated some Rainbow Disposal staff would be moved to other positions, but it should not result in a reduction of staff. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper asked if reductions in worker's compensation claims would benefit the City. Mr. Shenkman reported that fees would not be increased to the extent they would have been without the new program. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper asked about the life expectancy of the carts. Mr. Moffett reported a 10-year guarantee on the carts, 15-year expected life, and replacements at no charge in the absence of negligence. Mayor Pro Tem Coerper commented on wheels on the carts and availability of larger carts, and stated his support for the program. Mayor Sullivan asked if Rainbow Disposal will give presentations to other civic groups, and Mr. Shenkman replied in the affirmative. Mr. Beardsley reported that the item would return to Council at a later date. Mayor Sullivan thanked Rainbow Disposal for the presentation. January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 4 of 10 (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Study Session No. 2 Held - Representatives from Project Navigator made a presentation covering an update of the Emergency Action Plan for the Ascon Landfill Site. (520.10) Fire Chief Duane Olson introduced Mary Urashima, Public Affairs for the responsible parties of the site. Ms. Urashima introduced Tom Cota, Branch Chief for the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and Tamara Zeier with Project Navigator. Mr. Cota gave a PowerPoint report titled Emergency Action Update Ascon Landfill Site, which had been updated and was handed out at the Study Session. He reported on the recent history of the Emergency Action. Ms. Zeier spoke regarding the site maintenance work performed, air monitoring and sampling, and transportation and disposal. Mr. Cota then reported on final remediation at the site, stating that odor elimination is an important concern. He stated the feasibility study had just been completed, and would be submitted to Council. He also stated an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) would be required, and it would take 12-18 months to produce. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper asked if recent rain had any negative impacts on the facility. Mr. Cota responded in the negative. The Mayor Pro Tern also asked if the fence on Hamilton Avenue identified on slide 12 of the PowerPoint report will remain. Ms. Zeier reported the fence will remain, and that the temporary fencing will be replaced with permanent fencing. Councilmember Hansen inquired about enhancements to the berm and seismic occurrences. Ms. Zeier stated the berm is designed to seismic safety standards. Councilmember Hansen inquired about testing of contamination adjacent to the property. Mr. Cota reported that water on Hamilton Avenue was tested and was not contaminated. He also indicated some offsite tests have been done, showing no contamination. Councilmember Cook inquired about DTSC's role in permitting a pipeline construction project. Mr. Cota responded, stating that DTSC does not have a permitting role, but that review of the project plan would be necessary to ensure no adverse effects. Councilmember Cook asked who would be responsible for cleanup of any hazardous release caused by pipeline construction. Mr. Cota stated that consultation with legal counsel is necessary to respond. He also stated he would attempt to get a legal response as soon as possible and forward it to the Council. Councilmember Green inquired about offsite migration of contaminated water, and the role of the clay in the soil. Mr. Cota reported that the clay assists in reducing migration. Mayor Sullivan asked for an explanation of the purpose of the toe drain. Mr. Cota explained that water seepage from the berm would end up in the drain rather than the street. The Mayor asked for the diameter of the pipe leading to the toe drain. Ms. Zeier indicated the pipe diameter is six inches. The Mayor asked about the final remediation project, if it will be 5 years of work. Mr. Cota replied in the affirmative, stating that the alternatives are to contain the contamination or to only remove some of the materials. Mayor Sullivan inquired about different levels of remediation and how they affect the future use of the land, and Mr. Cota reported on reuse decisions and maintenance plans. The Mayor asked about potential for contaminants to enter ground water supply in the event of an earthquake. Mr. Cota spoke regarding containment of contaminants. Mayor Sullivan asked for an estimate for the onset of the remediation plan, and Mr. Cota replied 18-20 months. January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 5 of 10 Motion to Recess to Closed Session - Approved A motion was made by Hardy, second Coerper to recess to Closed Session on the following items. The motion carried by the consensus of all present, Bohr absent. (City Council) Closed Session - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives: Agency Negotiators: Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator; Dan Villella, Finance Officer; and Irma Youssefieh, Human Resources Manager regarding labor relations matters - meet and confer with the following employee organization: POA Labor Negotiations. Subject: POA Labor Negotiations. (120.80) Reconvened City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 6:17 p.m. Present: Green, Coerper, Sullivan, Hardy, Hansen, and Cook. Absent: Bohr. No Actions Taken in Closed Session Which Require a Reporting Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1(a) (3) (B). The City Clerk Announced Late Communications Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Joan L. Flynn announced Late Communications regarding agenda items that had been received by her office following distribution of the agenda packet: Communication submitted by Ramon Boesch dated January 3, 2006 and titled Huntington Beach Garbage Collection, in opposition to changes to the trash collection program. Communication submitted by Daniel P. Gooch dated January 3, 2006 and titled Discussion Points - Rainbow Disposal Presentation. Communication submitted by Thomas Cota, Chief, Southern California Cleanup Operations Branch, Cypress Office, Department of Toxic Substances Control, State of California dated January 3, 2006 and titled Emergency Action Update Accon Landfill Site. The Following Communications Were Submitted During the Meeting: Communication submitted by Marinka Horack dated November 24, 2005 titled Huntington Beach Real Estate Update, Compare Your Median Price. Communication submitted by Joseph Mastropaolo dated January 3, 2006 titled A City Entity Violating State and Possibly Federal Law. PowerPoint presentation submitted by Tim Geddes, undated, titled Tim's Top Ten (Reasons to Not Approve the Poseidon Plant). January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 6 of 10 Pledge of Allegiance/Flag Salute - Led by Councilmember Green Invocation - Led by Rabbi Myerson, Alliance for Christian and Jewish Studies Public Comments Joseph Mastropaolo, resident, voiced concerns about what he referred to as a City entity violating State laws. Using a hypothetical situation involving schools and the teaching of arithmetic, he asked Council for advice on how to resolve the problem. Councilmember Cook addressed Mr. Mastropaolo and stated that the City has no jurisdiction over the school system. She asked the speaker to contact her directly to set up a meeting to discuss his concerns. Eileen Murphy, affiliated with Residents for Responsible Desalination, directed her comments to television viewers asking them to attend the City Council meeting scheduled for January 9, 2006 at 6 p.m. regarding the Poseidon project. She requested that interested parties unable to attend the meeting call and leave a message for Councilmembers stating their opinions on the project. Topper Horack presented a PowerPoint report and referred to comments regarding a newsletter residents received from Congressman Dana Rohrbacher. He refuted water shortage concerns, and the need for a desalination plant. Mr. Horack asked Council to delay the desalination project in order to take advantage of better technology, which he said would be available in the next 15 years. Tim Geddes, southeast Huntington Beach resident, voiced his top ten reasons for opposing the Poseidon desalination project as illustrated in a PowerPoint report. Marinka Horack thanked Councilmembers for the opportunity to speak and asked them to review their priorities regarding the AES plant and the Poseidon project. She voiced her opinion that the AES plant is an eyesore for the community. She referred to a Huntington Beach Wave article, attributing the lower median house price values in southeast Huntington Beach to industrialization in the area. Ms. Horack asked Council and staff to protect the property rights of the southeast Huntington Beach residents. Mary E. Poe, resident of Fountain Glen Parks, described a problem in her apartment complex regarding seizure of and current status of her belongings. She asked for Council's assistance in regaining her furniture. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft asked Mrs. Poe for her contact information in order to be of assistance. Mayor Sullivan asked her to speak with the Sergeant at Arms, and to fill out a blue card. (City Council) Councilmember Green Reported on 91 Express Lane Closures. (120.85) Councilmember Green reported that on January 3rd and 4th the westbound 91 express lanes will be closed from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. She also reported that on January 4th and 5th the eastbound 91 express lanes -will be closed 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page. 7 of 10 Consent Calendar - Items Removed for Separate Discussion (City Council) Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement Between The City of Huntington Beach and Fire Chief Duane Olson, Effective December 5, 2005 Which Includes Longevity Pay and Additional Mileage for City Vehicle Usage. (City Council) Original Ocean View Estates Tenant's Request to Relinquish "Life Estate" Status and to Have "Right to Sell" Status for Space 17. (City Council) Pulled to a Date Uncertain at Request of Staff - Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement Between The City of Huntington Beach and Fire Chief Duane Olson, Effective December 5, 2005 Which includes Longevity Pay and Additional Mileage for City Vehicle Usage (600.10) - The City Administrator recommends the City Council approve Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Duane Olson. Submitted by the Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator. Funding Source: Funds are available in the Fire Administration account 10065101.51100. (City Council) Pulled to a Date Uncertain at Request of Staff - Original Ocean View Estates Tenant's Request to Relinquish "Life Estate" Status and to Have "Right to Sell" Status for Space 17 (600.10) - The resident's request to relinquish "life estate" status and establish her "right to sell" status at Ocean View Estates, Space 17. Submitted by the Economic Development Director. Funding Source: Not applicable. Consent Calendar - Items Approved A motion was made by Green, second Hardy to approve the following Consent Calendar items, as recommended: The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Coerper, Sullivan, Hardy, Hansen, and Cook NOES: None ABSENT: Bohr (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Approved and Adopted Minutes (120.65) - Approved and adopted the minutes of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting of December 5, 2005 and the Adjourned Regular Meeting of December 12, 2005 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Submitted by the City Clerk. (City Council) Approved Professional Services Agreement Between The City of Huntington Beach and AlphaCorp, LLC for the Acquisition of SIRE Document Imaging and Records Management Software (600.10) - 1) Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with AlphaCorp, LLC for the purchase and implementation of AlphaCorp's SIRE document imaging and document management software totaling $176,087.37; and 2) Authorized the City Clerk, Public Works Director and Information Services Director to execute amendments to the contract with AlphaCorp, LLC as necessary for the completion of the document imaging software implementation for the City Clerk's Office and Public Works Engineering Division, providing such amendments are approved as to form by the City Attorney's office, are funded in current budget and do not exceed $50,000. Submitted by the City Clerk, Public Works Director and Information Services Director. Funding Source: The document imaging and records management software is being purchased for and implemented in the City Clerk's Office and document imaging in the Engineering Division January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 8 of 10 of the Public Works Department. The software, installation and training cost for the implementation is $176,087.37 and is budgeted in the current fiscal year (FY2005/2006). The City Clerk's portion, $130,192.63, is budgeted in Information Services, Account 10042154.86100. The Public Works Engineering portion, $45,894.74, is budgeted in the Water Fund, 50685201.86100 and in the Sewer Fund, 51185201.86100. (City Council) Approved Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) State Grant for Funding of a Domestic Violence Program Aimed at the Prevention of Violence Against Women (340.80) - 1) Accepted the grant between the State of California, Office of Criminal Justice Planning and the City of Huntington Beach, and; 2) Approved the appropriation of $83,219 from the unreserved, undesignated General Fund Balance, to be reimbursed by the grant from the Office of Criminal Justice Planning, and; 3) Authorized the expenditure of funds not to exceed $110,959 to pay for contract counseling services, and some operating costs related to domestic violence. Submitted by the Police Chief. Funding Source: A 25% City match of $27,740 is required which has been included in the Police Department's 2005-2006 budget, under the General Investigations -General Fund, Account Number 10070203. The grant, which was not anticipated for the original budget, will be established upon approval by the City Council. All appropriations under this grant will be offset by new revenue not anticipated during the budget adoption process. (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Appropriated Funds and Approved the First Supplement to Funding and Construction Agreement Relating to Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2003-1 (Huntington Center) for Edinger Avenue Improvements Near Bella Terra (350.30) Redevelopment Agency: 1) Approved the appropriation and expenditure of $83,640 from the Redevelopment Agency fund balance to the General Fund, Public Works Development Services, Street Improvements Business Unit 10085251.82300 and; 2) Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the First Supplement to Funding and Construction Agreement Relating to City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2003-1 (Huntington Center) among the City of Huntington Beach, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach and Huntington Center Associates, LLC. Submitted by the Public Works Director, Economic Development Director/Deputy Executive Director. City Council: 1) Directed the City Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $45,000 from cash bond receipt #9120 into the General Fund, Public Works Development Services, Street Improvements, Account 10085251.82300; and 2) Appropriated $45,000 from Account 10085251.82300 for the reimbursement payment. Funding Source: 1) Funds in the amount of $83,640 will be appropriated from the Redevelopment Agency. 2) A cash bond in the amount of $45,000 for the bus turnout will be appropriated. 3) Water well and street improvements totaling $35,313 will be completed with budgeted Water Fund ($7,000) and Gas Tax ($28,313). (City Council) Authorized the Chief of Police to Transfer Funds and Approved Building Improvements at the Oakview Police Substation Located at 17473 Beach Boulevard (600.10) - 1) Approved the Chief of Police to expend $26,000 for building improvements on Oakview Police Substation; and 2) Authorized the Chief of Police to transfer $26,000 from the State Narcotic Forfeiture Account #21470101.63100 to expense account #21470101.82200. Submitted by the Police Chief. Funding Source: Funds are available in the State Narcotics Forfeiture Account, business unit 21470101, object 63100 general supplies account, which will be transferred to object 82200 building improvement account for $26,000. No additional appropriations are necessary. January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 9 of 10 (City Council) Approved as Amended - Recommendation by The Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC) of Projects to Receive the Highest Level of Focus for Funding Efforts by the City's State and Federal Lobbyists During the 2006 Legislative Session (640.90) Councilmember Hardy reported orally. Councilmember Green inquired about removing the Bolsa Chica Mesa item since the purchase has been finalized. She also asked that more emphasis be placed on the Senior Center funding and possible locations. Councilmember Hardy clarified that the list will be narrowed by State and Federal lobbyists, but that the Senior Center should remain one of the top priority items. Councilmember Green stated her preference that the Senior Center item be established as a priority at this meeting. She also requested that the Harbour Dredging item be listed as a high priority. Councilmember Cook spoke regarding the lobbyists' process and stated that priorities are decided by funding that is available. She indicated her preference to keep the Bolsa Chica item on the list in order to pursue further funding for trails and other projects. She suggested changing a word in the description of the Bolsa Chica item from "acquisition" to "enhancement." Mayor Pro Tern Coerper suggested this item be agendized for the next Council meeting for further discussion. He asked Councilmember Green if she would be agreeable to waiting a month to agendize the item. Councilmember Green stated she would be agreeable, as long at the entire item is deferred. Mayor Sullivan asked for clarification on past methods of listing the items and the current practice of lobbyists. Councilmember Cook commented on emphasis being placed on items that relate to current legislation when seeking funding, and the efforts of the lobbyists. Councilmember Green reiterated her support for prioritizing projects, citing concerns about funding availability. Councilmember Hansen stated his concurrence with some of the statements made by other Councilmembers, and asserted that the list should remain broad, with some priorities being set. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper inquired about enhancements to the Bolsa Chica and the County's responsibility for the area. Councilmember Cook clarified that the boundaries have not been finalized. A motion was made by Hardy, second Hansen to approve the projects as shown in the 2006 State and Federal Legislative Funding Priorities List (Attachment 1) as those projects to be the focus of the City's funding efforts in the coming year as amended to highlight the Senior Center and Harbour Dredging and to change the verbiage of the Bolsa Chica item from "acquisition" to "enhancement." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Coerper, Sullivan, Hardy, Hansen, and Cook NOES: None ABSENT: Bohr January 3, 2006 — Council/Agency Minutes Page 10 of 10 (City Council) Adopted Ordinance No. 3724 Amending Various Sections of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Relating to Religious Assembly/Land Use (450.20) A motion was made by Coerper, second Hardy to, after City Clerk reads by title, adopt Ordinance No. 3724 - An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Various Sections of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Relating to Religious Assembly/Land Use (Approved for Introduction December 19, 2005). The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Coerper, Sullivan, Hardy, Hansen, and Cook NOES: None ABSENT: Bohr Motion to Recess to Closed Session - Approved - 7:00 p.m. A motion was made by Hardy, second Hansen to recess to Closed Session on the following items. The motion carried by the consensus of all present, Bohr absent. (City Council) Closed Session - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives: Agency Negotiators: Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator; Dan Villella, Finance Officer; and Irma Youssefieh, Human Resources Manager regarding labor relations matters - meet and confer with the following employee organization: POA Labor Negotiations. Subject: POA Labor Negotiations. (120.80) No Actions Taken in Closed Session Which Require a Reporting Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1(a) (3) (B). Adjournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Mayor Sullivan adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 8:48 p.m. to Monday, January 9, 2006, at 6:00 p.m., in Council Chambers, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. City Cbfk and ex-officio Clerkff the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: F City Clerk-Cle Mayor -Chair