HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-23Adjourned Regular Minutes City Council/RDA Meeting City Council/Redevelopment Agency City of Huntington Beach Monday, January 23, 2006 3:00 P.M. — Rooms C & D Central Library 7111 Talbert Avenue Huntington Beach, California 92648 Call to Order Mayor Sullivan called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 3:11 p.m. in Rooms C & D, Central Library. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Roll Call Present: Bohr, Green, Coerper, Sullivan, Hardy, Hansen, Cook Absent: None Public Comments Robert Dettloff, affiliated with Council on Aging, gave an update on the current condition of the Senior Center and asked Council to place a high priority on its renovation. Larry Gallup, resident, spoke regarding the citizen participation portion of the Strategic Plan. He asked Council to include the word "dialogue" in the goal pertaining to communication with residents. Doug Traub, representing the Huntington Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau (HBCVB) offered his assistance in the planning process. He suggested the Bureau be funded on a long- term basis, rather than negotiating funds year -after -year. He stated the economic impact of tourists should be spread more widely and recommended that a designated information kiosk be placed permanently at Pier Plaza. Mr. Traub voiced his support for Council's efforts. Ralph Bauer stated he represents the Council on Aging and spoke regarding the aging of the community. Mr. Bauer asked Council to place its focus on renovation of the Senior Center. The Assistant City Clerk Announced No Late Communications Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, Assistant City Clerk Robin Lugar announced no Late Communications regarding agenda items had been received by the City Clerk's Office following distribution of the agenda packet. (City Council) Study Session Held — City Council Strategic Plan Workshop Conducted by Management Partners, Jan Perkins and Amy Paul. (120.30) City Administrator Penny Culbreth-Graft introduced Jan Perkins and Amy Paul from Management Partners, Inc. Ms. Perkins reviewed accomplishments made by Council thus far and outlined the steps remaining in the process. Ms. Paul facilitated review of the resource worksheets and spoke regarding phase one and phase two of the implementation. January 23, 2006 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 2 of 6 Councilmember Green inquired about the process of correcting goals. Councilmember Cook suggested revising City Services Goal 2 by removing reference to specific departments. Mayor Pro Tem Coerper voiced his desire to include a reference to Police Department staffing. Mayor Sullivan, Councilmembers Bohr and Hardy stated their preference for the proposed revised version of the goal. Councilmember Hansen stated his preference to end the sentence of this goal after the word "needs." Councilmember Cook suggested including the word "funding" in the goal statement. Ms. Perkins noted that the funding component is identified as a constraint on the accompanying matrix. Councilmember Hansen stated his opinion that other issues that effect public services such as technology should be addressed as well. Councilmember Green voiced her opinion that staffing is the issue with public safety. Councilmember Bohr suggested adding the words "ensuring that the City is adequately staffed and equipped overall" after the word "needs." Mayor Sullivan called for a motion. A motion was made by Hardy, second Hansen to approve Councilmember Bohr's suggested language changes to City Services, Goal 2. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bohr, Coerper, Sullivan, Hardy, Hansen, Cook NOES: Green Council discussed City Services, Goal 1. Councilmember Green asked what steps would lead to reaching the goal. Councilmember Cook suggested including language that provides a connection between affordable housing and local transportation improvements. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft spoke regarding language revisions made by staff, and the need for Council review and discussion on potential revisions. Mayor Pro Tem Coerper asked for clarification on the projects directly related to achieving the goals. Councilmember Green spoke regarding synchronization of traffic signals, traffic calming and alternate methods of transportation, asking about the importance of the goal. Councilmember Cook voiced her opinion in support of this goal, and also suggested language pertaining to increasing commercial pockets within neighborhoods. Mayor Pro Tem Coerper stated his support for traffic synchronization in areas controlled by the City, and for alternate transportation. Ms. Paul asked if others had objections to Goal 1, and no other Councilmembers responded affirmatively. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft referred to page 1A.2 of the agenda packet and explained staff's intentions when creating the projects listed. She inquired whether Council should focus on projects at this point in the meeting or not. Ms. Paul asked that Council focus on these projects both now and later. Administrator Culbreth-Graft suggested adding the words "include focus on trails and bikeways." Councilmember Cook clarified her intention to cut back on miles traveled by residents, and ways to create projects that help reach this goal. Mayor Pro Tem Coerper inquired if the City has a traffic signal program in place. Deputy City Administrator Paul Emery and Public Works Director Robert F. Beardsley reported on a traffic signal priority list and stated a traffic management plan does not currently exist. Mayor Pro Tem Coerper also inquired about traffic calming methods. Director Beardsley reported on various traffic calming measures. Mayor Sullivan stated his opinion that the focus should be on traffic synchronization and on creating a master plan. Ms. Paul asked if Councilmembers had questions on project detail pages 1A.4 through 1A.10 of the agenda packet. Councilmember Hansen asked about Project 2a - the Central Net Training Facility. Fire Chief Duane Olson reported on the Central Net Tower, which is currently being refurbished and for which funding has already been secured. Ms. Paul indicated that the projects listed in the report are examples of the types of projects Council had previously stated are important. Mayor Pro Tem Coerper asked for clarification on training for fire personnel, and Chief Olson reported. January 23, 2006 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 3 of 6 Councilmember Bohr inquired about the funding source for Project 2b — Fire Dispatch Communications Center. Chief Olson stated funding is already secured for the project. Councilmember Green asked for clarification on the project listed on page 1A.4 — Core City Services Identification. Deputy City Administrator Emery provided an explanation on prioritization of services and development of a community survey. Councilmember Green also inquired about page 1A.3 — City Services Goal 2, asking if the projects listed are feasible. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft stated the projects would require a broad focus, including all key service areas. She suggested comparisons be made between cities of similar size and staffing. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper restated his support for increasing public safety staffing. Councilmember Green asked if direction to staff is needed on specific projects such as the Fire Station Relocation. Ms. Paul requested that Councilmembers only add or remove critical information, and state their opinions on phasing projects. Councilmember Green spoke regarding the Senior Center, clarifying she would like the feasibility study to begin in Phase 1. Administrator Culbreth-Graft indicated both the needs assessment and the feasibility study are currently underway. Ms. Paul stated projects could be prioritized as Phase 2 with pre -planning initiated in Phase 1. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft spoke regarding Project 4 — Green Building Practices and reported that some enhancement projects have commenced. Councilmember Green asked about the City's success at meeting standards and saving resources. Public Works Director Beardsley reported on a City Hall energy retrofit that included switching out boilers and improving lighting. Administrator Culbreth-Graft indicated that staff would review energy usage in the City. Director Beardsley reported an audit was done five or six years ago. Ms. Perkins asked for Council comments on Economic Development goals and projects. Councilmember Cook commented on Economic Development Goal 1, stating she supports a balanced approach to tourism. She also stated she is uncomfortable with the language of Goal 2. Revisions were discussed and the Council reached a consensus to revise the language as: "Improve the efficiency of the development review process." Regarding Project 1 — Downtown Design/Layout, Councilmember Cook suggested revising language to list specific unifying attributes that make development projects flow together visually. Councilmember Green commented on the Huntington Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau (HBCVB)'s request for funding and asked that it be included in the projects. Councilmember Hansen suggested adding a project: "Analyze potential for a long-term contract with the HBCVB." Councilmember Green asked for more specifics, including a permanent information kiosk. Councilmember Bohr stated his support for analyzing the need for a permanent facility at Pier Plaza. Regarding Economic Development Goal 2, Bohr suggested investigating ways to implement an expedited plan process, for a fee. Councilmember Hansen suggested adding a fourth column to the charts that references work done to date, similar to a backlog. Councilmember Green suggested an ombudsman's program. Regarding page 1 B.4 of the agenda packet, Councilmember Hardy reported a conflict between the project description and information within the associated matrix. Administrator Culbreth-Graft indicated a correct version would be provided. Councilmember Green asked for the definition of economic toolbox, and Economic Development Director Stanley Smalewitz explained funding opportunities as possible tools. Councilmember Bohr inquired about a major arterial to the ocean referred to on page 1 B.5 of the agenda packet, and the estimated cost. Administrator Culbreth-Graft commented on January 23, 2006 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 4 of 6 exploring redevelopment options as an economic tool. Councilmember Hardy asked for confirmation that the major arterial to the ocean is Beach Boulevard. Deputy Administrator Paul Emery confirmed. Referring to page 1 B.6, Councilmember Bohr requested the Study Session be detailed and comprehensive. Ms. Paul transitioned discussion to Engaging the Community Goal and Projects. She reminded Councilmembers of public comments made earlier that suggested revising verbiage. Mayor Sullivan suggested adding the word "dialogue" after the word "involvement" in the proposed revised version of the goal. Councilmembers agreed to this change by consensus. Regarding page 1 C.2, Councilmember Hardy commented on the third constraint and suggested it be reworded in a more positive manner. Councilmember Cook suggested a flyer be created that outlines the public's opportunities to reach Councilmembers. Councilmembers directed staff to reword the third constraint. Regarding pages 1 C.2 and 1 C.3 of the agenda packet, Councilmember Bohr suggested adding a project that would place more emphasis on televising programs that outline City services and educate the public. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper directed staff to ensure reports given on Channel 3 are current, and that City Hall telephone hold messages be used as an opportunity to educate the public about City services. Councilmember Hansen asked how the suggested survey would be administered. Deputy Administrator Paul Emery reported on available methods. Councilmember Cook and Mayor Sullivan commented on the crafting of survey questions, and the purpose of the survey. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft spoke relative to survey intentions and design. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper voiced his opinions on soliciting residents' opinions and indicated his support for a survey. Councilmember Bohr and Mayor Sullivan also voiced their support for a survey. Councilmember Bohr inquired about creation of a Community Foundation, and a decision was made by Council for staff to investigate adding this as a project. Council then referred to the replacement page 1 B.4 presented by Economic Development Director Smalewitz. Ms. Perkins asked for comments, and Councilmember Bohr requested a constraint be added which would specifically address the impact of closing Main Street, including which blocks, which days, seasons, and etc. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft asked Director Smalewitz to explain the HUD 108 loans. Director Smalewitz reported on low interest loans and repayment options for economic development projects. He also indicated cost estimates for the major arterial improvement, stating costs include acquisition of land and assumed private investment. The Council recessed at 5:12 p.m. and reconvened at 5:34 p.m. Discussion was held relative to Financial Goals and Projects. Regarding Goal 1, Council agreed to accept the proposed revised version. Pertaining to Goal 2, Council agreed to retain the original version. Councilmember Bohr spoke regarding page 1 D.2 of the agenda packet and inquired about a long-term fiscal plan that would include new sources of funding. He also commented on the importance of identifying the options with regards to the item on page 1 D.3. Councilmember Hardy suggested more specific verbiage to allow Council to better understand staff recommendations. Councilmember Cook stated she would like to hear more about the long-term consequences of Council decisions. Ms. Perkins summarized the discussion and suggested adding a project which creates an internal process of outlining the consequences of Council decisions. Mayor Pro Tern Coerper requested a deadline be set for review of projects. Regarding page 1 D.5 of the agenda packet, Councilmember Hansen inquired about changes in tax laws. Councilmember Cook responded and spoke about the Telecom Act. January 23, 2006 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 5 of 6 Pertaining to Infrastructure Goal 1 and Projects on page 1 E.2 of the agenda packet, Mayor Pro Tern Coerper inquired about harbour dredging by the County. Councilmember Cook indicated the County was only responsible for a portion of the dredging, and suggested establishing a fund. Public Works Director Beardsley reported on a Harbour Committee Study Session and City Attorney Jennifer McGrath reported on a subcommittee H-item request. Referring to page 1 E.5 and 1 E.6 of the agenda packet, Councilmember Green asked about pavement ratings and liability reductions. Director Beardsley reported on the need for pavement ratings. Deputy Administrator Emery reported on liability reductions and the goal to be proactive. Councilmember Bohr commented on private investment in relation to these projects. Councilmember Green suggested adding the words "encourage private investment" to the project list. Councilmember Cook suggested adding the following: "access opportunities for alley dedication and update of landscape code to encourage plantings that require less resources to maintain." Councilmember Hardy pointed out similarities between the project listed on page 1 E.7 and City Services, Goal 1. Ms. Paul announced this project would be moved to a position under City Services - Goal 1. Councilmember Green voiced concerns with some traffic calming measures. Regarding Land Use Development Goals and Projects on page 1 F.1 of the agenda packet, Councilmember Green inquired about the timing of the studies and City Administrator Culbreth- Graft reported. Councilmembers approved the proposed revised version of Goal 3. On page 1 F.2, Councilmember Hardy commented on a specific plan for Beach Boulevard and asked for a separate project pertaining to completion of the Edinger Corridor specific plan. Councilmember Cook suggested adding a project related to visioning of all corridors, and Councilmember Bohr stated his concurrence. Referring to page 1 F.3 of the agenda packet, Councilmember Hansen suggested creating a report that identifies upcoming school site purchase opportunities, which would include details such as size and current and allowed use. He also suggested adding the words "school districts" to the right column of the page. Pertaining to page 1 FA, Councilmember Hardy suggested adding the words "neighborhood compatibility" to the far right column. Councilmember Cook suggested reference to a Historic Preservation Ordinance. Mayor Sullivan stated his opinion this is a citywide issue, not specific only to historic areas. Council agreed to add to the project "a review of policies regarding neighborhood compatibility." Regarding page 1 F.5 of the agenda packet, Councilmember Cook commented on opportunities to change the land use in some areas. Councilmember Hansen spoke regarding economic - driven land use changes. Councilmember Bohr suggested removing disincentives to developers and landowners for upgrading commercial centers. Pertaining to page 1 F.7, Project 3 - Bolsa Chica Annexation, Mayor Pro Tern Coerper inquired about the purpose of project. Councilmember Cook reported on LAFCO requests. Mayor Sullivan requested a cost/benefit analysis. Council agreed to keep the project on the list. Ms. Perkins announced that Project 4 — Surplus School Site listed on page 1 F.8 would be moved over to Land Use Development, Goal 2. Councilmember Bohr spoke regarding page 1 F.9 - Affordable Housing asking Council to take a look at "for sale" versus rental property. Economic Development Director Smalewitz indicated a workshop on this topic is scheduled for the future. Councilmember Green commented on data currently available to Council regarding the Bolsa Chica annexation. Councilmembers Hardy, Cook, and Mayor Pro Tern Coerper all stated opinions that more information is needed regarding the costs involved with annexation. Council agreed to add a project: "Council review of annexation costs/benefits." January 23, 2006 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 6 of 6 Ms. Perkins asked Councilmembers to identify their choices of projects for Phase 1 (green) and Phase 2 (yellow) by placing dots on charts hanging on the wall. Results of the dot voting reflected Engaging the Community, Goal 1 as Phase 2 and the remaining goals as Phase 1. The consultants suggested staff present an implementation plan to Council that addresses phasing. Ms. Paul stated a strategic plan would be written by the consultants that reflects ail of the planning up through this meeting. She stated it would also include suggestions for performance measures, and that Council would receive the strategic plan by the end of February, with the implementation plan to follow. Ms. Perkins asked for an evaluation of the study session. Councilmembers listed positives, including keeping the meeting focused, good presentation, organized material, and graphics. Comments on the overall process included: brainstorming identified important projects and priorities, the process gave a great foundation for Council to improve the City, the plan can be taken to the community, performance measures may be useful with staff as well, and the plan offers a good roadmap for staff to work from. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft suggested Council eventually reprioritize goals in order to give more specific direction than Phase 1 and Phase 2. Concerns of Councilmembers and staff were listed as follows: the meeting had a slow start, it is a long process, it is difficult to prioritize goals, staff is concerned with phasing, the high volume of projects, too many dots, and funding availability will determine implementation. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft suggested the Executive Team meet and discuss phasing, then bring a report back to Council, perhaps in conjunction with the presentation of Waterfront Hilton funds. Councilmembers commented on the success of this planning process. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft voiced some concern with ending the process with the consultants at this point, and suggested another meeting for Councilmembers to finalize prioritization of projects. Ms. Perkins clarified that the strategic plan delivered in February will be a draft document, with staff concurrently working on an implementation plan. Councilmembers expressed their desire to meet again to finalize the plan. Mayor Sullivan suggested that staffs implementation plan be given back to Council, and at that point Council determine the next step in the process. Adjournment — City Council/Redevelopment Agency Mayor Sullivan adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 7:09 p.m. to Monday, February 6, 2006, at 4:00 p.m., in Room B-8 Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: ,AS City Clerk -Clerk AIR&I�PIA;i City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of th6Zity Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor -Chair