HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-26MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2006 HUNTINGTON BEACH CIVIC CENTER 2000 MAIN STREET, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CAUFORNIA 92648 5:15 P.M. - ROOM B-8 (CITY HALL LOWER LEVEL) CALL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO ORDER P P P P A P P ROLL CALL: Burnett: Livengood, Scandura, Dingwall, Farley, Horgan, Dwyer (Commissioner Farley arrived at 5.30 p.m.) AGENDA APPROVAL A MOTION WAS MADE BY LIVENGOOD, SECONDED BY BURNETT TO APPROVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION AGENDA OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2006, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Burnett, Livengood, Scandura, Dingwall, Horgan, Dwyer NOES: None ABSENT: Farley ABSTAIN: None MOTION APPROVED A. PROJECT REVIEW (FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS): A-1. ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT NO.06-03 (NORTH HUNTINGTON CENTER SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTIFREEWAY SIGNS) —Jennifer Villasenor Jennifer Villasenor, Associate Planner, gave an overview of the proposed changes and provisions of the Specific Plan. Discussion ensued regarding size and placement of signs and the possible presence of the Huntington Beach logo on the proposed signs. A-2. ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT NO.06-06 (VEHICLE STORAGE) - Bill Zylla Bill Zylla, Principal Planner, reviewed the proposed amendment and explained how the proposed changes to the definition of vehicle storage would address the enforcement issues within the city. Discussion ensued between Commissioners and staff regarding the proposed amendment and if the suggested changes would adversely affect different areas of the city. (06POM09m) PC Minutes September 26, 2006 Page 2 A-3. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 06-04 (EDINGER AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT) — Ricky Ramos Ricky Ramos, Associate Planner, gave a brief overview of the project and presented an aerial photo of the bridge site. Steve Soo, Project Manager, County of Orange, explained that the City of Huntington Beach would dispose of an easement to the County in order to receive funding for the project The County would then be responsible for the construction and maintenance thereafter. B. STUDY SESSION ITEMS - NONE C. AGENDA REVIEW (UPDATE ON ALL AGENDA ITEMS): Jason Kelley, Associate Planner, advised of a late communication received for item D-1. D. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMITTEE REPORTS: Commissioner Scandura noted that the next City/School District Quarterly meeting is scheduled for October 6, 2006. E. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Regarding Study Session Portion of Meeting) — NONE F. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Bumett announced that she would be hyphenating her name to Shier-Bumett for all future correspondence. Commissioner Horgan asked if Home Depot had submitted an appeal and asked for updates on the Brightwater Project. Commissioner Scandura recommended standardizing delivery hours for all big box type stores in Huntington Beach as stated in Planning Commission Minute Action dated November 14, 2005. 6:30 P.M. — RECESS FOR DINNER 7:00 P.M. — COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Chair Dingwall P P P P P P P ROLL CALL: Burner Livengood, Scandura, Dingwall, Farley, Horgan, Dwyer (06PCM0926) PC Minutes September 26, 2006 Page 3 AGENDA APPROVAL A MOTION WAS MADE BY SCANDURA, SECONDED BY BURNETT, TO APPROVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2006, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Burnett, Livengood, Scandura, Dingwall, Farley, Horgan, Dwyer NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION APPROVED Chair Dingwall welcomed new Planning Commissioner Blair Farley. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - NONE B. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS - NONE C. CONSENT CALENDAR - NONE D. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: D-1. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO.06-02 (VACATION OF PUBLIC STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT) Applicant: City of Huntington Beach Request: To determine whether the proposed vacation of a 140 lineal feet portion of the Beach Blvd. frontage road is in compliance with the goals and policies of the General Plan. Location: 8002 Taylor Drive (East of Beach, South of Taylor Drive) Project Planner. Jason Kelley RECOMMENDATION: Motion to: "Adopt Resolution No. 1613 approving General Plan Conformance No. 06-02 with findings." Jason Kelley, Associate Planner, gave a presentation of the proposed project that included landscaping and construction improvements prior to the vacation. Chair Dingwall expressed his concern regarding the necessity and cost of improvements to the property. Travis Hopkins, City Engineer, explained where the proposed improvements were on the subject property. He also explained the improvements on the adjacent Beach Blvd. frontage and how they met City requirements. Commission Dwyer asked if this project was put out for public bidding. Hopkins advised that it was; five bids were received; and the City accepted the lowest bid. Discussion ensued between the Commissioners and staff regarding the cost of improvements. (06pcm0926) PC Minutes September 26, 2006 Page 4 A MOTION WAS MADE BY LIVENGOOD, SECONDED BY SCANDURA TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1613 APPROVING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO.06-02 WITH REVISED FINDINGS, ACTION WAS TAKEN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Burnett, Livengood, Scandura, Dingwall, Farley, Horgan, Dwyer NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION APPROVED FINDINGS OF APPROVAL GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO.06-02 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL — GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO.2006-02 1. The proposed frontage road vacation is consistent with the following goals and policies of the Land Use, Urban Design and Circulation Elements of the City's General Plan: A. Land Use Element LU Goal 4: "Achieve and maintain high quality architectural, landscape, and public open spaces in the city." The expanded lot and adjacent frontage road are being improved as part of the Beach Boulevard Parkway Enhancement Project. The project includes enhanced landscaping and a new split face block wall fronting Beach Boulevard. New curb, gutter, sidewalk and a bus pocket are included in the overall scope of the project. LU Policy 4.3.2: "Promote and support community and neighborhood based efforts for the maintenance, upkeep, and renovation of structures and sites." The proposed vacation of the public street easement would result in a transfer of land to the underlying fee owner of the property located at 8002 Taylor Drive. The transfer of land would allow the property owner to capture approximately 4,174 square feet in total lot area. Prior to recordation of the public street right-of-way easement vacation, a concrete driveway and concrete walkway extensions will be constructed within the existing street easement B. Urban Design Element UD Goal 1: "Enhance the visual image of the City of Huntington Beach." The portion of the frontage road proposed to be vacated is currently being used as vehicular access to the existing residential garage located at 8002 Taylor Drive. The purpose of the project is to provide aesthetic improvements to a portion of a major transportation corridor that is bordered by a single-family residence to the east. The project proposes to install landscape and hardscape improvements along 960 lineal feet of the public frontage road including a new driveway access to 8002 Taylor Drive. (06pcm0926) PC Minutes September26, 2006 Page 5 C. Circulation Element CE Goal 1: "Provide a circulation system which supports existing, approved and planned land uses throughout the City while maintaining a desired level of service on all streets and at all intersections." The vacation of the public street right-of-way easement will not adversely impact the City's transportation system. This portion of the frontage road is only utilized by the residential property to the east to access their garage. The proposed project intends to construct a new driveway and drive approach to maintain vehicular access to the existing residential garage located at 8002 Taylor Drive. D-2. APPEAL OF DESIGN REVIEW NO.06-24 (CIVIC CENTER SEISMIC RETROFIT) Applicant: City of Huntington Beach Appellant: Councilperson Jill Hardy Request: To review the design and materials for the Civic Center Administration Building seismic retrofit. Location: 2000 Main Street (Southeast comer of Main Street and Yorktown Avenue, Civic Center Administration Building) Project Planner. Rosemary Medel RECOMMENDATION: Motion to: "Approve Design Review No. 06-24, with modifications, findings, and suggested conditions of approval." Scott Hess, Acting Director of Planning, gave an overview of the proposed project and displayed the two design alternatives for the seismic retrofit: The Design Review Board design recommendation has the retrofit added to the base of the City Hall building to the top of the parapet of the building; the other design alternative has the retrofit from the base of City Hall but stopping part -way up the top floor of the building. Scandura asked what the cost difference would be between the two designs and what difference the design with the retrofit to the top of the parapet would make on the project Ross Cranmer, Director of Building and Safety, stated that adding the top portion to the building would not only allow for a better design flow, but the additional weight would make the overall structure more stable. The approximate cost for the additional bracing would be between $80,000 and $90,000. Discussion ensued between the Commissioners and staff regarding price, design and funding. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BURNETT, SECONDED BY SCANDURA, TO APPROVE DESIGN REVIEW NO.06-24 AS APPROVED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, ACTION WAS TAKEN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Burnett, Livengood, Scandura NOES: Dingwall, Farley, Horgan, Dwyer ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION FAILED (06pr-Mo926) PC Minutes September 26, 2006 Page 6 A MOTION WAS MADE BY HORGAN, SECONDED BY FARLEY, TO APPROVE DESIGN REVIEW NO.06-24 WITH MODIFICATIONS, FINDINGS, AND SUGGESTED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. ACTION WAS TAKEN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Livengood, Dingwall, Farley, Horgan, Dwyer NOES: Scandura, Burnett ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION APPROVED CONDITION OF APPROVAL — DESIGN REVIEW NO.06-24: The elevations as depicted in Attachment No. 4 of the Staff Report shall be the conceptually approved elevations. E. PLANNING ITEMS E-1. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING Scott Hess, Acting Planning Director: Hess advised that the Newland Street Residential Project and the Conditional Use Permit No. 06-24 (Condominium Conversions) had been approved on September 18, 2006, by City Council. E-2. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Scott Hess, Acting Planning Director— reported on the items scheduled for the next City Council meeting. E-3. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Scott Hess, Acting Planning Director — reported on the items scheduled for the next Planning Commission meeting. F. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS F-1. PLANNING COMMISSION REQUEST ITEMS —NONE F-2. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Burnett — None. Commissioner Livengood — None. Vice -Chairperson Scandura — Welcomed Commissioner Farley to the Planning Commission. Chairperson Dingwall — Welcomed Commissioner Farley to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Farley — None. (06p=0926) PC Minutes September 26, 2006 Page 7 Commissioner Horgan — Welcomed Commissioner Farley to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Dwyer — Welcomed Commissioner Farley to the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 7:50 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of Tuesday, October 10, 2006. (06p=0926)