HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-04 (5)Minutes
Council/RDA Meeting
City Council/Redevelopment Agency
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, June 4, 2007
4:00 P.M. - Room B-8
6:00 P.M. - Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
An audiotape of the 4:00 p.m. portion of this meeting
and a videotape of the 6:00 p.m. portion of this meeting
are on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
Call To Order
Mayor Coerper called the regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:04 p.m. in Room B-8.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Roll Call
Present: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
Absent: Hardy
The City Clerk Announced No Late Communications
Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced no Late
Communications were received by her office pertaining to items on the Study Session
and Closed Session portion of the agenda.
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Study Session Held - Joint Meeting of the
Citizen Participation Advisory Board (CPAB) and City Council to Review
Recommendations for the 2007/08 Action Plan (that also included amendments to
earlier Action Plans) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and
HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) Provided by the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Review the Revised Citizen
Participation Plan.
City Administrator Penny Culbreth-Graft introduced Director of Economic Development
Stanley Smalewitz. Director Smalewitz thanked Council and members of the Citizen
Participation Advisory Board (CPAB) for being present, and briefly discussed CPAB's
participation in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget process.
Assistant Project Manager Carol Runzel introduced CPAB Chairperson Michael
Johnson, who announced other members present including Pat Pillette, Bob Cummings,
Gerald Lipson, Rick Campbell and Peter Andrez. (Angie Dahman arrived at 4:24 p.m.)
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Manager Runzel provided a PowerPoint presentation that outlined the following points:
Consolidated Plan including HOME Program, the Citizen Participation Plan, Process,
Recommendations for Administration and Projects (Non -Public Services),
Recommendations for Public Services, Action Plan and Next Steps.
Chairman Johnson discussed the budget allocations recommended by a consensus of
the Board, including Colette's Children's Home. Councilmember Carchio asked for the
location of Colette's Children's Home. Chairman Johnson stated it was located in the
Oakview Area.
Councilmember Green asked if the recommended allocation for Colette's Children's
Home could be changed by Council, and inquired about the differences in what was
requested by the Home, and recommendations made by CPAB, Agency and staff.
Director Smalewitz stated Council's ability to revise the amount, and described the
Agency's contractual obligations.
Mayor Pro Tern asked about supplanting Code Enforcement positions. Manager Runzel
explained that the request involves two full time officers assigned to the CDBG program.
City Administrator Culbreth-Graft discussed the City's position on funding Code
Enforcement positions without CDBG funds, and requested that Manager Runzel
provide budget actuals for the prior year.
Councilmember Carchio asked if the Board was satisfied with their recommendations for
senior citizens, and if the Council On Aging had been consulted. Chairman Johnson
stated the Board's satisfaction, and confirmed that contact had been made with
members of the Council On Aging.
Mayor Coerper asked if funding Colette's Children's Home will impact Project Self -
Sufficiency, or any other organization. He also asked if the Home is of non-profit
status, and if it offers assistance to battered women. Manager Runzel responded that
the Home is non-profit and, serves a broad spectrum, allowing them to operate through a
variety of resources. Director Smalewitz added that original discussions involved
purchase and rehabilitation of the facility. Mayor Coerper asked if the Home
had received funds from the City. Director Smalewitz confirmed, but explained that the
money provided didn't fund operating costs. He also discussed the fund
allocation process.
Councilmember Green complimented the report, and its author Manager Runzel.
Chairman Johnson stated the Board's pleasure in working with Manager Runzel.
Motion to Recess to Closed Session
(City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, the
City Council shall recess to Closed Session to meet with its designated labor
negotiators: Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator; Bob Hall, Deputy City
Administrator; Dan Villella, Finance Director; and Renee Mayne, Chief Negotiator,
regarding labor negotiations with the following employee organizations: MEA, HBFA,
SCLEA, and Non -Associated.
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(City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, the
City Council shall recess to Closed Session to discuss the following personnel matter:
Contract for Human Resources Director.
(City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, the
City Council shall recess into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding
the following and potential lawsuits:
A. Barbara L. Agee, et al. v. City of Huntington Beach, et al., Orange County Superior
Court Case No. 06CC00125. This suit concerns the affordability covenant for the
Cape Ann and Promenade subdivisions, both of which are located near the
intersection of Main Street and Promenade.
B. Whether the City Attorney should be directed to file a lawsuit regarding the
enforcement of the affordability covenant at Brisas del Mar a condominium project
located at 409 Utica.
C. The appeal filed by 7-9-11 Downtown, LLC (Ed Bonnani, managing partner), for the
Quimby Fee for Final Tract Map #16682 (located at 16811 Roosevelt St., near
Meadowlark Golf Course), and the related appeal by Bonanni Properties & D. S.
Products (Ed Bonanni, managing partner) for the Quimby Fee for Final Tract #16846
(located at Main and Gothard).
Reconvened the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6:05 p.m.
No Actions Taken During Closed Session Which Required A Reporting Pursuant
to Government Code Section 54957.1(a) (3) (B).
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Roll Call
Present: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
Absent: Hardy
Pledge of Allegiance/Flag Salute - Led by Brownie Troop 798
Invocation - Led by Maria Camp, Islamic Center of Orange County
The City Clerk Reported No Late Communications
Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced no Late
Communications were received by her office following distribution of the agenda packet.
Presentation - Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
Mayor Coerper called on Alan Chancellor, Chair of the Human Relations Task Force to
recognize June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month. Chair Chancellor introduced new
Task Force member Tiffany Geckel and described the Heritage Month Program
instituted to recognize various community individuals and groups. He also presented a
proclamation to Denny Spargo representing Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians
June 4, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 4 of 12
and Gays (PFLAG). Chair Chancellor described Mr. Spargo's affiliations. Mayor
Coerper read briefs from the proclamation and thanked Mr. Spargo for his contributions
to the community.
Presentation - Youth Character Wall of Fame
Mayor Coerper called on Shirley Carey to present the Youth Character Wall of Fame
Awards, honoring school age children from various districts who demonstrate inner -
strength in overcoming obstacles, making the right choices, and helping others while
serving the community. She stated the honorees were selected from a group of 40
nominees, and that the City of Huntington Beach has recognized 400 nominees in the
past. She called on the following recipients and described their qualities:
Jaylene Hernandez, Katrina Relph, Chad Minato, Jake Olson, Kamber Fishbein, Joe
Kiblen, Tyler Lindberg, Naomi Martin, Nicole Sakioka, Meghan Wolf, Tyler
Briscoe, Melissa Faland, Stephanie Lucas and Francie Ludwig.
Ms. Carey encouraged viewers to visit the Wall of Fame displayed at Bella Terra in
Huntington Beach.
Presentation - Youth Sports Grant Award
Mayor Coerper called on Dr. David Bloom to present the Youth Sports Grant Award. Dr.
Bloom, Chairman of the Community Services Commission, explained the purpose of the
Grant Program. He called on grant award recipients to be recognized for their fund
raising efforts for affiliated associations including David Smith, Marina High School
Soccer Boosters; Phil Scher, Ocean View Little League; John, Mike and Joe Getts, and
friend Trevor Gilmore, Robinwood Little League; Kent Hayden, Seaview Little League;
and, Martin Stuga, Edison High School.
Presentation - Orange County Teacher of the Year
Mayor Coerper called on Huntington Beach resident Greg McFall to accept a
commendation for being named Orange County Teacher of the Year for 2007.
He described Mr. McFalls teaching qualities at Johnson Middle School in Westminster.
Mr. McFall described some of his educational tactics to remain innovative and keep
children interested in learning. He also discussed his philosophy to educate and aspire
to greatness. He introduced guests in the audience, including Marcia and John Hoist,
wife and son of mentor Carl Hoist, Robert Collins and Melissa Cruiseshot, Dr. David
Hover, Dr. Sharon Nordheim, Janet Brubaker, Heidi DuBritton, Kaye McFall, and sons
Andrew and Jonathan.
Public Comments
(The numbers following speakers' comments reflect the approximate point of time in the archived video the
speaker appears, available at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/Government/Agendan
Debra Reed, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) spoke regarding
sponsorship of current legislation. She discussed serious health impacts realized by air
pollution, mentioning SB 857 (Correa) - Air Quality Incentives (Tax benefits and Credits),
and SB 1028 (Padilla) - Necessary Measures to Attain Clean Air Standards. She stated
June 4, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 5 of 12
a colleague was present to answer questions
Councilmember Hansen asked why SB 630 isn't moving forward. Ms. Reed's
unidentified colleague stated he was unsure of why the bill was in suspension.
Doug Traub, Huntington Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau, spoke about the
Pacific Shoreline Marathon and its newly branded name as the Surf City USA Marathon
He discussed the event's history, and how use of the City's official brand name will help
market the event and showcase the City to attract investors and tourists.
Tami Bui introduced herself to Council as the City's newest representative for Southern
California Edison.
Denny Spargo, representing Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
(PFLAG), thanked Council for recognizing June as Gay and Lesbian Pride month. He
described the purpose of PFLAG, read a portion of the association's mission statement
and discussed education and advocacy efforts among organizations across the County.
Mr. Spargo closed by commending the Council for its policy on Human Dignity.
Council Committee/Appointments/Liaison Reports
Mayor Pro Tern Cook reported attending a meeting of SANDAG, San Diego's Regional
Planning Agency on June 1.
Councilmember Green reported attending the 40-Year Celebration for Huntington
Beach Hospital, Memorial Day ceremony at Pier Plaza to enjoy a group presentation by
local Veterans, Annual Street Cops Award to honor a number of Huntington Beach
Police Officers including Bob Reed, Steven Mack, Steve Bushhousen and Linda
Mayor Coerper reported attending the Regional Housing Summit "Housing Blueprint"
for Southern California (SCAG) meeting on May 24.
City Administrator Culbreth-Graft reported attending a meeting with the Chamber of
Commerce President to discuss Chamber and City issues.
City Administrator's Report
City Administrator Penny Culbreth-Graft announced that Laurie Payne, Community
Relations Officer has added new, free programming on HBTV Channel 3 that will include
segments from Huell Howser's California's Water and Green Living, cooking show,
exercise programs, music program, Views of Vintage Vehicles, Classic Art Showcase,
and the debut of a pilot called Surf City Highlights following tonight's broadcast of the
City Council meeting. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft also informed the public
that programs scheduled for broadcast can be found on the City's website at
www.surfcity-hb.org, or the public can contact City Hall for programming information.
Consent Calendar - Items Approved
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A motion was made by Green, second Bohr to approve the following Consent Calendar
items, as recommended: The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Approved Minutes - Approved and adopted
the minutes of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency regular meeting of May 7, 2007
as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Submitted by the City Clerk.
(City Council) Approved the Project Plans and Specifications and Authorized the
Director of Public Works to Request Bids for the Greenview Lane Maintenance
Project, MSC 446 to Replace Two Existing Concrete Cross Gutters - Approved the
project plans and specifications and authorized the Director of Public Works to request
bids for the Greenview Lane Maintenance Project, MSC 446. Submitted by the Director
of Public Works. Funding Source: Funds are available from the General Fund
Maintenance Account 10085410.64620. The engineer's estimate for this project is
(City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2007-35 Amending the City's Classification
Plan to Incorporate Changes Considered by the Personnel Commission - Adopted
Resolution No. 2007-35, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach Amending the Classification Plan by Revising the Class Specifications and
Changing the Job Titles for the Positions of GIS Administrator, Associate Civil Engineer,
Associate Traffic Engineer and IS Computer Operations Supervisor; and Establishing a
New Job Specification and Setting Compensation for the Position of Senior Supervisor,
Cultural Affairs; and Deleting the Class Title and Job Specification for the Position of
Office Automation Systems Administrator." Submitted by the Deputy City Administer.
Funding Source: Funding for the amendments is included in the Fiscal Year 2006/2007
budget and funding will be included in the budgets for Fiscal Years 2007/08 and
(City Council) Approved a Three -Year Agreement With an Option for an Additional
Three -Year Extension with Pacific Shoreline Marathon, LLC (PSM) to Conduct the
Pacific Shoreline Marathon on Super Bowl Sunday of Each Year, Commencing in
2008, and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Agreement -
Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement Between
the City of Huntington Beach and Pacific Shoreline Marathon, LLC to Provide the Pacific
Shoreline Marathon in Huntington Beach. Submitted by the Director of Community
Services. Funding Source: Not applicable.
Councilmember Carchio requested that this agenda item be removed from the Consent
Calendar to thank Jim Engle and members of Community Services Department, and
Amy Comcheck and representatives from the Pacific Shoreline Marathon now known as
the Surf City USA Marathon for their efforts to maintain the event.
A motion was made by Cook, second Carchio to Approve and authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute the Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Pacific
June 4, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 7 of 12
Shoreline Marathon, LLC to Provide the Pacific Shoreline Marathon in Huntington
Beach. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
NOES: None
(Redevelopment Agency) Received and Filed the 2005-2006 State Controller's
Report Comprised of Information Regarding the Agency's Financial Transactions,
Blight Progress and Loan, Property and Housing Activities for Fiscal Year 2005-
2006 - Received and filed the 2005-2006 State Controller's Report. Submitted by the
Deputy Executive Director. Funding Source: Not Applicable.
Mayor Coerper requested that this agenda item be removed from the Consent Calendar
for clarification. City Administrator Culbreth-Graft called on Director of Economic
Development Stanley Smalewitz to provide a report. Director Smalewitz explained the
Redevelopment Agency's obligation to provide an annual oversight report to the State on
Agency activity related to blight progress, loan property and housing activities for the
previous year.
A motion was made by Coerper, second Green to Receive and file the 2005-2006 State
Controller's Report. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
NOES: None
(City Council) Approved a Ten -Year Lease Agreement with Park Bench Cafe, Inc.
dba Kokomo's Surfside Grill for the Operation of a Beach Food Concession on the
First Floor Level of the Marine Safety Education Center, and Authorized the Mayor
and City Clerk to Execute the Agreement - Approved and authorized the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute the Lease Between the City of Huntington Beach and Park Bench
Cafe for a Beach Food Concession on the First Floor Level of the Marine Safety
Education Center. Submitted by the Director of Community Services and the Director of
Economic Development. Funding Source: Not applicable.
Mayor Pro Tern Cook requested that this agenda item be removed from the Consent
Calendar to discuss the City's policy on use of Styrofoam and non -recyclable paper
products. Community Services Director Jim Engle referred to Section 18 of the contract
which prohibits use of Styrofoam products, and stated that he communicated her
concerns to proposed concessionaire Mike Bartusick about using recyclable
paper goods. Mayor Pro Tern requested that language be added to ensure use of
recyclable paper products. City Attorney Jennifer McGrath recommended the Council
authorize the execution of the agreement, pending an amendment with the
concessionaire that would agree to use recyclable paper products only.
Mayor Coerper voiced concerns about a 10-year lease term, and inquired if other
concessionaires submitted bids to occupy the first floor level of the Marine Safety
Education Center. Director Engle explained how the lease was advertised, the amount
of proposals sent to City and State concessionaires, and advertisements posted on the
June 4, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 8 of 12
City's website. He stated 6 proposals were submitted and explained the
extensive review process each applicant was subjected too. Director Smalewitz also
explained the economic reasons behind a 10-year lease term.
A motion was made by Cook, second Carchio to Approve and authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute the Lease between the City of Huntington Beach and Park Bench
Cafe for a Beach Food Concession on the First Floor Level of the Marine Safety
Education Center, as amended to ensure use of recyclable paper products. The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
NOES: None
(City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2007-34 Authorizing Execution of
Administering Agency -State Master Agreement No. 00035S and Program
Supplement Agreement No. OD38 Rev. 000 for the Safe Routes to School Program
for Improvements in the Vicinity of Newland School - Adopted Resolution No.
2007-34, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing
the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Administering Agency -State Master Agreement No.
00035S and Program Supplement Agreement No. OD38 Rev. 000 for the Safe Routes to
School Program in the Vicinity of Newland School." Submitted by the Director of Public
Works. Funding Source: The grant amount, including construction, is $251,700.
Matching funds are budgeted in the Gas Tax Fund.
Mayor Pro Tern Cook requested that this agenda item be removed from the Consent
Calendar for an explanation of the improvements expected from the Safe Routes to
School Program funding. Public Transportation Manager Bob Stachelski described
improvements effecting 50 curb ramp installments in the vicinity of Newland School,
traffic signal installation at Yorktown and Windward, radar feedback signs powered by
solar energy that measure vehicle speed, sections of sidewalk and minor signage and
striping improvements.
Mayor Coerper asked about funding future improvements. Manager Stachelski
described three additional projects that will receive grant funding to improve traffic safety
in school zones. He described how minor improvements are commonly made
throughout school zones with budgeted funds, but larger items such as traffic signals,
radar feedback signs and other unbudgeted items are typically obtained through joint
efforts with school districts when traffic safety concerns are identified.
A motion was made by Cook, second Green to Adopt Resolution No. 2007-34, "A
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing the Mayor and
City Clerk to Execute Administering Agency -State Master Agreement No. 00035S and
Program Supplement Agreement No. OD38 Rev. 000 for the Safe Routes to School
Program in the Vicinity of Newland School. " The motion carried by the following roll
call vote:
June 4, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 9 of 12
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
NOES: None
(City Council) Approved a City Council Position on Legislation Pending Before
the Federal, State, or Regional Governments as Recommended by the City
Council Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC)
Communication from Councilmember Jill Hardy, Chair on behalf of Intergovernmental
Relations Committee Members Councilmember Don Hansen and Councilmember Keith
Bohr transmitting the following Statement of Issue: Approve a City Council position as
recommended by the City Council Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC) on
legislation pending before a federal, state, or regional government, thereby authorizing
the Mayor to communicate the City's position to the elected members of the federal or
state legislature, or regional body.
Funding Source: Note Applicable.
Recommended Action: Motion to:
1. SUPPORT HR 1684, Section 1112 (Thompson) - Homeland Security Authorization
Act to authorize funding for the Metropolitan Medical Response System - as amended
on May 11.
2. SUPPORT HR 1865 (Davis) - To amend Title 31 of the United States Code to allow
certain local debt to be collected through the reduction of federal tax refunds - as
introduced on April 17.
3. OPPOSE AB 1338 (Huffman) - Local Coastal Program - Nonpoint Source Pollution -
as amended April 11.
4. SUPPORT AB 1634 (Levine) - California Healthy Pets Act - as amended May 9.
5. SUPPORT SB 857 - (Correa) - Air Quality Incentives - as introduced.
6. SUPPORT AB 630 (Price) - Authorization for local Mobile Source Standards or
Requirements - as amended on May 1.
7. SUPPORT SB 1028 (Padilla) - Necessary Measures to Attain Clean Air Standards -
as amended on May 8.
Councilmember Hansen discussed the IRC's action during the past few months, and the
committee's recommendations for bills outlined in the staff report.
Councilmember Green stated she received a number of calls regarding AB 1634 -
California Healthy Pets Act, and reports of problems this type of bill experienced in other
states. She asked if the bill's program was constitutional. Attorney McGrath
wasn't aware of State law issues in other jurisdictions, and deferred to Police Chief
Small for a response. Chief Small reported no problems in California; however, had not
June 4, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 10 of 12
studied other jurisdictions outside the State. Councilmember Green voiced concerns
about the potential of spending future funds defending a bill that was unconstitutional.
Attorney McGrath stated the original Council request directed staff to research the issue
and return with a recommendation, at which time constitutionality of local regulations
would be considered.
Councilmember Bohr discussed cities with similar law enacted 10 years ago, and stated
support for the item.
A motion was made by Cook, second Green to 1) SUPPORT HR 1684, Section 1112
(Thompson) - Homeland Security Authorization Act to authorize funding for the
Metropolitan Medical Response System - as amended on May 11; 2) SUPPORT HR
1865 (Davis) - To amend Title 31 of the United States Code to allow certain local debt to
be collected through the reduction of federal tax refunds - as introduced on April 17.; 3)
OPPOSE AB 1338 (Huffman) - Local Coastal Program - Nonpoint Source Pollution - as
amended April 11.; 5) SUPPORT SB 857 (Correa) - Air Quality Incentives - as
introduced; 7) SUPPORT SB 1028 (Padilla) - Necessary Measures to Attain Clean Air
Standards - as amended on May 8. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
NOES: None
Councilmember Green stated support for AB 1634, but would abstain from voting on the
item prior to additional study on its constitutionality.
Councilmember Bohr provided information in support of the item, discussing the number
of pets euthanized in Orange County in 2006, contracted services for animal control
and microchipping.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Cook to SUPPORT AB 1634 (Levine) - California
Healthy Pets Act - as amended May 9. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, and Coerper
NOES: Hansen
Item No. 6. SUPPORT AB 630 (Price) - Authorization for local Mobile Source
Standards or Requirements - as amended on May 1 was pulled, and no further action
was taken.
(City Council) Adopted Ordinance No. 3768 Amending Huntington Beach
Municipal Code Chapter 13.48 Relating to the Consumption and Possession of
Alcohol and Public Intoxication Within City Parks.
Councilmember Carchio asked why terminology was lined out within the report. Attorney
McGrath stated that the legislative draft represents modifications to make the ordinance
constitutional and permit local law not to be preempted by State Law.
June 4, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 11 of 12
A motion was made by Green, second Cook to After City Clerk reads by title, Adopt
Ordinance No. 3768, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter
13.48 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to the Consumption and
Possession of Alcohol and Public Intoxication Within City Parks" by roll call vote. The
motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
NOES: None
(City Council) Submitted By Mayor Gil Coerper - Directed City Staff to Work With
the Huntington Beach Human Relations Task Force (HBHRTF) and the Library
Board to Facilitate the Huntington Beach "Reads One Book" Project; and Adopted
"Three Cups of Tea" to be Read in the Huntington Beach "Reads One Book" 2008
Communication from Mayor Gil Coerper transmitting the following Statement of
Issue: The Huntington Beach Human Relations Task Force (HBHRTF) has as its
mission to promote and celebrate diversity in our community through education and
understanding. The HBHRTF believes that citywide participation in a "Read One
Book" project will help to advance this mission and to develop communication among
a variety of groups and individuals in the city.
Recommended Action: Motion to:
1. Adopt Three Cups of Tea to be read in the Huntington Beach Reads One Book,
2008 project, under the sponsorship of the Huntington Beach Human Relation
Task Force and in partnership with the Huntington Beach Public Library; and
2. Direct city staff to work with the Human Relations Task Force and the Library
Board to facilitate the Huntington Beach Reads One Book project.
Mayor Coerper discussed his thoughts on the Project.
Councilmember Bohr explained the goals of adopting the book, and requested that
Richard Moore, Trustee for the Huntington Beach Public Library approach the
podium to discuss why the book was chosen. Mr. Moore identified Greg Mortinsen as
the author of Three Cups of Tea, and described events experienced by Author
Mortinsen following a failed K-2 expedition in Pakistan and his subsequent recovery in a
local village. He later raised funds to meet the needs of a village school.
Human Relations Task Force member Fred Provencher approached the�podiu;m-to _
share how the Reads One Book Program is a great way to cross the�lines,that-divioe
communities. Councilmember Green commented on her daughter»s expe„nce��f`tl e
program in Portland, Oregon, and described her enjoyment of the book: Directorlragle
stated that he spoke with the Library Director about purchasing,the book and making ii.,
available for public check out.
4 ..4
June 4, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 12 of 12
A motion was made by Cook, second Green to 1) Adopt Three Cups of Tea to be read in
the Huntington Beach Reads One Book, 2008 project, under the sponsorship of the
Huntington Beach Human Relation Task Force and in partnership with the Huntington
Beach Public Library; and, 2) Direct city staff to work with the Human Relations Task
Force and the Library Board to facilitate the Huntington Beach Reads One Book project.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
NOES: None
Council Comments - (Not Agendized)
Councilmember Carchio reported on attending the Marine Safety Division Open
House, Virtual Enterprise Company event at Marina High School, Memorial Day
Ceremony at Pier Plaza, Annual Street Cop Awards and fund raiser held by the
Therapeutic Riding Center on Sunday, June 3 to benefit children with autism. He also
reminded the public to attend Surf City Nights on Tuesday evening to enjoy good
produce and entertainment, and the Father's Day Celebration that will take place
downtown on June 16 and 17.
Mayor Coerper reported attending the Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony for Eric Lee
Woodworth and Thomas Mathew Swan on May 26, Annual Street Cops Awards on May
29, Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony for Matthew Elwood Wissmann at First Christian
Church on June 3; and his visit to Circle View Elementary School on June 4 to meet with
Principal Dr. Pauline Tresser and Mrs. Moses, classroom instructor to answer questions
from students curious about the Mayor's activities, likes and dislikes and ideas. Mayor
Coerper stressed the importance of hearing from young people who wish to express
their ideas.
Adjournment - Council/Redevelopment Agency
Mayor Coerper adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment
Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 7:40 p.m. to Monday, June 18, 2007 at 4:00
p.m. in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach.
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Cit Clerk and ex-officio CI k of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Huntington Beach, California
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