HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-20 (5)Minutes
Study Session
City Council/Redevelopment Agency
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, August 20, 2007
4:00 P.M. - Room B-8
6:00 P.M. - Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
An audiotape of the 4:00 p.m. portion of this meeting
and a videotape of the 6:00 p.m. portion of this meeting
are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are archived at
Call to Order
Mayor Coerper called the regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:00 p.m. in Room B-8 of the Huntington Beach
Civic Center.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Roll Call
Present: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy.
Absent: None.
(Councilmembers Hansen and Hardy arrived at 4:05 p.m. and 4.11 p.m., respectively)
The City Clerk Announced No Late Communications
The Following Communications Were Received at the Study Session
Communication submitted by Engineering Technician John Von Holle, undated, titled
Benefit for Early Retirement For Employees Past 50, pertaining to Closed Session item
Communication submitted by Public Safety Systems Manager Jim Moore, undated, titled
Retirement Plans in Orange County Cities 2007, pertaining to Closed Session Item #2.
Public Comments
Dave Guido, representing the Huntington Beach Environmental Board, expressed
his enthusiasm at the anticipation of implementing the "Build it Green" Program in our
Jim Moore, Public Safety Systems Manager, asked Council for its consideration of the
communication he distributed to be discussed during the Closed Session portion of the
meeting. He highlighted illustrations of cities with enhanced retirement plans, various
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 2 of 21
retirement formulas, Classification and Compensation Studies conducted by Cooperative
Personnel Services (CPS), cost comparisons of existing and enhanced retirement
plans, and various options of adopting 2.5% versus 2.7% enhanced retirement packages
with PERS versus PARS.
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Study Session 1 a Held - Energy
Policy/Green Building Program Presented by Chandra Krout, AICP of CTG
Deputy City Administrator -City Services Bob Hall called on Planning Director Scott
Hess to introduce Chandra Krout, Planning Specialist with CTG Energetics, and
members of the Planning Commission present to discuss Green Building Opportunities
in the City of Huntington Beach.
Ms. Krout gave a PowerPoint report titled, Green Building Opportunities for the City of
Huntington Beach, and a broad overview of Green Building standards. Councilmember
Bohr asked for clarification of rankings that qualify for certification ratings and start-up
costs associated with implementing the Green program for residential and commercial
units. Ms. Krout described the program and methodology used to determine costs.
Councilmember Carchio asked how to initiate the educational process as an incentive
for developers to build new construction with Green building standards. Ms.
Krout described how to minimize incremental costs and to activate incentives for
Discussion ensued amongst Council and consultant regarding Southern California
Edison's (SCE) available assistance programs. Clarification was requested regarding
integration efforts necessary to initiate the City's energy efforts and for competing with
other cities for cost savings. Councilmembers discussed benefits/disadvantages of
hiring a consultant to coordinate these efforts.
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Study Session 1 b Held - Energy
Policy/Green Building Program - Planning Commission Report
Planning Director Hess introduced Planning Commissioner Elizabeth Shier -Burnett.
Commissioner Shier -Burnett gave a PowerPoint report, titled Surf City by the Blue and
We're Green Too! Planning Commissioners Devin Dwyer and Tom Livengood
discussed incentives for builders and homeowners to build "Green," and how to achieve
short-term goals.
In conclusion, Commissioner Livengood asked Council for its interest in (1) forming a
committee to study all facets and costs of implementing Green Building opportunities in
Huntington Beach, and (2) to provide a Building Resource Center. Mayor Coerper
polled Council and all Councilmembers expressed affirmative support of forming a
committee and getting the program started.
Recess to Closed Session — 5:16 p.m. — Approved
Motion by Green, second Hardy to recess to Closed Session on the following items. The
motion carried by consensus of all present, none absent.
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(City Council) Closed Session #1 — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, the
Council shall recess to Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the
following lawsuit: M.M.R. Family LLC, et al, v. City of Huntington Beach; Orange County
Superior Court Case No. 06CC07095. This suit challenges the validity of City Ordinance
No. 3698, which established minimum relocation benefits in case of a mobile home park
(City Council) Closed Session #2 — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, the
Council shall recess to Closed Session to meet with its designated labor negotiators,
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator; Bob Hall, Deputy City Administrator; Dan
Villella, Finance Director; and Renee Mayne, Chief Negotiator, regarding labor
negotiations with the following employee organizations: MEA, HBFA, and Non -
Reconvened City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting — 6:21 p.m.
The City Attorney Reported That There Were No Actions Taken in Closed Session
Which Required a Reporting Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1(a) (3)
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy.
Absent: None.
Pledge of Allegiance/Flag Salute — Led by Mayor Coerper
Invocation — Led by Tom Homan of Saints Simon and Jude Catholic Church
Mayor Coerper asked all members of the public and the viewers at home to view the
children's art work displayed behind the City Council dais and discussed the importance
of cultivating artistic expression and appreciation in our community's youth.
The City Clerk Announced Late Communications
Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Flynn announced the following
Late Communications regarding agenda items that have been received by the City
Clerk's office following distribution of the agenda packet.
Communication submitted by Jim Moore, Public Safety Systems Manager, undated,
titled Retirement Plans in Orange County Cities 2007, pertaining to Closed Session Item
Communication submitted by John Von Holle, Engineering Technician, undated, titled
Benefit for Early Retirement for Employees Past 50, pertaining to Closed Session Item
Communication submitted by Joan L. Flynn, City Clerk, amending Page 16 of the August
6, 2007 Minutes.
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 4 of 21
Communication submitted by Michele Carr, Director of Human Resources, to replace
Pages E-19.57 through E-19.64 in the Agenda packet to correct typographical errors.
Communication submitted by R. Allen Baylis, Director of the Naturist Action Committee,
dated August 20, 2007, regarding the proposed adoption of Ordinance No. 3773.
Communication submitted by Cindy Cross dated August 20, 2007, and titled Campaign
Finance Limits.
Communication submitted by John Earl and Duane Roberts dated August 20, 2007 and
titled Statement Opposing H-1 Item for the Record.
The Following Communications Were Submitted During the Meeting
Communication submitted by Sammy Keyes, dated May 15, 2007 untitled, a letter
addressed to President George W. Bush.
Communication submitted by Larry Gallup, dated August 20, 2007, untitled, pertaining to
Agenda item G-1 b (to adopt an ordinance to modify existing campaign contribution limits
from $300 to $500).
Communication submitted by Peter Green, dated August 20, 2007, titled, Bolsa Chica
Mosquito Update.
Compact Disc submitted by Connie Boardman, undated containing a PowerPoint
presentation titled, Shipley, pertaining to Shipley Nature Center.
Presentation - Lieutenant J.B. Hume
Mayor Coerper gave a brief overview of Lieutenant J.B. Hume's long and honorable career
and then called on Chief of Police Ken Small who recognized Police Lieutenant J.B. Hume
for his outstanding service to the City as he prepares to retire in September. Chief Small
asked Lieutenant Hume's family to come forward as he presented him with a retirement
badge in addition to a Proclamation.
Presentation - Heroic Police Officers
Mayor Coerper called on Chief of Police, Ken Small to honor three police officers who
provided heroic service in saving a woman who had jumped off the Pier. The officers
recognized were Police Officers Frankie Choyeski, Mike Thomas and Francisco
Jimenez. Chief Small described the incident and thanked Officers Choyeski, Thomas,
and Jimenez for saving the woman. Mayor Coerper thanked the officers for their heroic
service and for taking care of the citizens of Huntington Beach.
Mayor's Award
Mayor Coerper called on Director of Community Services Jim Engle to recognize
Administrative Assistant Cheryl Robinson. Director Engle gave an overview of Ms.
Robinson's accomplishments during her 33-year tenure with the City and invited her
family to come forward to share in the award celebration. Mayor Coerper presented the
Mayor's Award for Exemplary Service and thanked Administrative Assistant Robinson
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 5 of 21
for her many years of dedicated service. Ms. Robinson thanked Director Engle for his
support and she introduced members of her family.
Public Comments
(The numbers following speakers' comments reflect the approximate point of time in the
archived video the speaker appears at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/Government/Agendas/)
Connie Boardman, Board Member of Friends of Shipley Nature Center, gave a
PowerPoint report illustrating "before and after" photos of the Center. The Center closed
in 2002 due to City budgetary cuts and subsequently a Board was formed to re -open the
Center. She thanked Council for its one-time contribution of $10,000 for renovation of
the Center and sought Council's approval of an ongoing annual allocation of $10,000 to
maintain beautification improvements. (38:25)
Joe Shaw spoke in opposition to the proposed removal of newspaper racks downtown
and relocation of them to one location on the Pier. He stated his opinion that one
location would be far too restrictive for disseminating news. In closing, he voiced his
opposition to raising campaign contribution limits. (41:52)
Peter Green, liaison to Orange County Vector Control, and District Manager Gerard
Goedhart gave an update on the Salt Marsh Mosquito outbreak in the Bolsa Chica
Wetlands. Mr. Goedhart referred to the restoration of salt water at Bolsa Chica and his
meeting with State officials to discuss proactive trenching there. Councilmember Green
thanked Mr. Goedhart for his quick responses to her emails and for his assessment of
the areas. (43:43)
Larry Gallup asked Council to consider feedback contributed by the Campaign Reform
Committee before adopting proposed Ordinance No. 3775 pertaining to raised campaign
contribution limits. (56:04)
Mark Bixby stated his gratitude for the work being done on behalf of the Vector Control
issues. He spoke in opposition to proposed Ordinance No. 3775 pertaining to raised
campaign contribution limits. He would like to increase protection against Conflicts of
Interest similar to those adopted by cities of Costa Mesa and Pasadena. (59:25)
Tim Geddes voiced his support of the Campaign Reform Committee gathering
information that could better protect the integrity of the City's elections by
developing better disclosure processes, strengthening Conflicts of Interest provisions,
and timely investigations of any alleged campaign contribution violations. (1:01:12)
Lynda Hernandez voiced her support of a proposed Resolution to impeach President
George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. She stated her concerns for the
costs being spent on the war in Iraq. She mentioned the rally that took place prior to the
Council meeting outside of City Hall. She urged the Council to place an Impeachment
Resolution on the Agenda. (1:04:19)
R. Allen Baylis, Esq., Director of Naturist Action Committee, referred to two letters
he sent Council related to its recent introduction of Ordinance 3773, the ban on public
nudity. The first letter pertained to sex offender registration requirements and
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 6 of 21
implications, and the second letter referred to the number of persons in the community in
opposition to the Ordinance. (1:07:46)
Sharon Tipton spoke in support of a proposed Resolution to impeach President
George W. Bush and Vice -President Dick Cheney. She referred to cost impacts,
freedom of civil rights and moral implications associated with the war. (1:10:42)
Paul Ballas spoke in favor of Agenda Item E-13 to establish a Parking Permit District "I"
at Cutty Sark Drive between Brookhurst frontage road and Matsonia Lane, between the
hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. daily. (1:13:57)
Tom Lash spoke in support of a Resolution to impeach President George W. Bush and
Vice -President Dick Cheney. He urged Council to place the Resolution on a future
agenda for discussion. He stated his concerns of excessive money spent on the war
that could be used to benefit our City. (1:14:30)
Vern Nelson spoke in support of a Resolution to impeach President George W. Bush
and Vice -President Dick Cheney. He referred to enlarged photographs of local
officers killed in the war and shared stories of those wounded and killed. (1:17:47)
Councilmember Hansen stated for the record his opposition to a proposed Resolution to
impeach President Bush and Vice -President Cheney. He stated the City has adopted
the 3-1 Battalion of Marines who have risked their lives, been wounded and received
Purple Hearts. He stated that he believes it is shameful to refer to their heroism as a
debacle as stated previously by a speaker.
Winona Hudak, applicant for the Huntington Beach Youth Board, discussed the recent
interview process conducted and her unavailability to interview on the designated time
and date scheduled. She stated her disappointment that an alternative date and time
were not an option. Mayor Coerper invited her to fill out a blue interest card. Council
liaison to the Youth Board, Councilmember Hardy apologized to Ms. Hudak and
explained that she and Councilmember Bohr dedicated two, one-half day sessions
for interviews and that 25 applications were reviewed for three vacancies. (1:21:35)
Councilmember Green inquired as to the timeframe involved during the interview
process. Council liaison, Councilmember Bohr, reiterated that interviews were
conducted on two separate days and he described the overwhelming response received
from Huntington Beach High School students.
Michael Music spoke in support of a Resolution to impeach President George W. Bush
and Vice -President Dick Cheney. He voiced respect for veterans who sign on
to fight the war in Iraq. (1:26:28)
Karen Taylor Riggs spoke in support of a Resolution to impeach President George
W. Bush and Vice -President Dick Cheney. She stated her fear of a war in Iran and her
support of, what she considered, a local issue. (1:28:23)
David Martin spoke in favor of placing a Resolution to impeach the President and Vice -
President on the next City Council agenda. He described costs and the loss of lives
associated with the ongoing war in Iraq and urged Council to take formal action.
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 7 of 21
Steve Stafford spoke in support of Ordinance No. 3775 pertaining to raised campaign
contribution limits. He stated his opposition to Agenda Item E-20, (subdivision
agreement for the Pacific City project) as placed on the Consent Calendar instead of
agendized as an Administrative Item. (1:34:05)
(City Council) AB 1234 Disclosure Reporting
Mayor Pro Tern Cook submitted a report via the City Clerk's Office pursuant to AB 1234.
Councilmember Jill Hardy submitted a report via the City Clerk's Office pursuant to AB
Councilmember Hansen announced for the record that he previously submitted an
electronic report pursuant to AB 1234 via Council's Administrative Assistant.
City Attorney Jennifer McGrath announced her attendance at the California League of
Cities City Attorney Luncheon last week.
City Treasurer Shari L. Freidenrich submitted a report pursuant to AB1234.
Mayor Gil Coerper announced his attendance at the California League of Cities last
Administrative Item
A motion was made by Cook, second Green to bring forward Agenda Item F-1 titled
Approve Plans and Specifications for the Edinger Avenue Parkway Improvements,
Phase 1, CC-1275, Accept Project Bid Submitted by Damon Construction Company in
the Amount of $171,323.50 and Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a
Construction Contract, for consideration prior to the Consent Calendar items. The
motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
(City Council) Approved Plans and Specifications for the Edinger Avenue Parkway
Improvements, Phase I, CC-1275, Accepted Project Bid Submitted by Damon
Construction Company in the Amount of $171,323.50 and Authorized the Mayor and City
Clerk to Execute a Construction Contract Communication from the Acting Director of
Public Works transmitting the following Statement of Issue: On July 31, 2007, bids were
opened for the Edinger Avenue Parkway Improvements, Phase 1, CC-1275. Staff
requests that City Council award the contract to Damon Construction Company, the
lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Funding Source: Funds in the amount of
$150,000 are budgeted from the Capital Improvement Reserve Fund. A local match of
$40,661.75 is being provided by the Sea Isle Garden Club. The engineer's cost
estimate for this project is $180,000.
(Councilmember Bohr announced for the record that he would recuse himself on this
item, stating that his wife owns property within the 500-foot radius of the Edinger Avenue
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 8 of 21
Mayor Coerper called on Acting Director of Public Works -Engineering Travis Hopkins to
introduce members of the Sea Isle Garden Club Caren Mount and Dorothy Ralphs who
would be presenting a check to the City of Huntington Beach for the Edinger Avenue
Parkway Improvement Project. Acting Director Hopkins thanked Ms. Mount and Ms.
Ralphs for raising the funds presented to the City.
Councilmember Green announced that during a meeting held on August 20, 2007 of the
Original Highways and Planning Committee of OCTA, the Committee took action to send
to the Board a "call for projects" by September 28, 2007. The applications received will
then be processed and it is anticipated that by the end of the year, the Board will vote to
apply matching grant funding on project applications. She cautioned the Sea Isle
Garden Club that if the City contributes its authorized funds toward the project now,
matching funds would not be an option.
Mayor Pro Tem Cook asked for affirmation from Councilmember Green that the delayed
wait would prohibit the ability to receive matched funds. Councilmember Green
responded affirmatively and stated that she has informed Ms. Ralphs of the current
situation; however the majority of residents in the Huntington Harbour want to proceed at
this time with the improvement project.
Mayor Pro Tem Cook asked for clarification from staff as to the Council -authorized funds
and matched funds pledged by the Garden Club. Acting Director Hopkins clarified the
City's total amount of funds authorized to the project.
Ms. Ralphs requested to approach the podium again and asked Council of the likelihood
of the City contributing funds to the project upon completion if the Club continued to
raise money. Councilmembers described no guarantees for matched funds. Acting
Director Hopkins responded listing the amount of current City funds budgeted so far for
the project. Councilmember Hansen inquired as to the scoring methodology used for
OCTA grant fund opportunities to rank applications. Acting Director Hopkins clarified the
competitive process and possible ranking options.
Councilmember Carchio thanked the Garden Club members for a superb job done in
raising funds for the project.
Mayor Coerper voiced his support of the recommended action and thanked Council -
member Green for bringing this item forward.
A motion was made by Green, second Hansen to 1) Approve the plans and speci-
fications for the Edinger Avenue Parkway Improvements, Phase I, CC-1275; and 2)
Accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Damon Construction
Company, in the amount of $171,323.50; and 3) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney. The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 9 of 21
Consent Calendar - Items Removed For Separate Discussion
(City Council) Approve Reappointment of Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB) Citizen -
At -Large Representatives for Second Term and Approve Appointment of MHAB Park
Resident Representative for a Full Term
Consent Calendar - Items Approved
A motion was made by Cook, second Green to approve all items on the Consent
Calendar by affirmative roll call vote. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Approved and Adopted Minutes - Approved
and adopted as amended by Late Communication, the minutes of the City
Council/Redevelopment Agency regular meeting of August 6, 2007 as written and on file
in the Office of the City Clerk. Submitted by the City Clerk.
(City Council) Reviewed and Accepted the City Attorney's Quarterly Report of
Activity for April 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007 - Reviewed and accepted the City
Attorney's Second Quarterly Report for April 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007. Submitted
by the City Attorney. Funding Source: Not applicable.
(City Council) Received and Filed the City Clerk's Quarterly Report Listing of
Professional Service Contracts Filed in the City Clerk's Office Between April 1,
2007 and June 30, 2007 - Received and Filed the List of Professional Service Contracts
Approved by Department Heads Pursuant to Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter
3.03 and Submitted to the Office of the City Clerk during the period of April 1, 2007 and
June 30, 2007. Submitted by the City Clerk. Funding Source: Not applicable.
(City Council) Approved a Professional Services Contract with Carl Warren &
Company in the Amount of $289,750 to Provide Liability Claims Processing
Pursuant to the California Tort Claims Act - Approved the Professional Services
Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and Carl Warren & Company for Liability
Claim Investigation and Processing. Submitted by the Human Resources Director.
Funding Source: This contract in an amount not to exceed $289,750.00 will be paid
from appropriations made in Business Unit 10030502.69365 Liability Insurance fund in
the 2006/07 budget.
(City Council) Approved a Professional Services Contract in an Amount Not to
Exceed $150,000 with SunGard Availability Services, LP to Develop a Disaster
Recovery and Business Continuity Plan for the City of Huntington Beach -
Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Professional Services Contract
Between the City of Huntington Beach and SunGard Availability Services, LP for a
Business Impact Analysis, A Strategy Analysis and a Technology Availability Plan for the
City's business data. Submitted by the Director of Information Services. Funding
Source: Funding is from current year budget (FY 2006/07); $75,000 General Funds
from City Administrator (10030502.72525); $25,000 Sewer Services Funds from Public
Works (51185201.86100); $25,000 Water Funds from Public Works (50685201.86100);
$25,000 CUPA Funds from Fire (50165501.63230).
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 10 of 21
(City Council) Approved Final Tract Map No. 16998 of Tentative Tract Map No.
16998 (Koury Mixed Use Building) Located at 214 5th Street (East Side of 5th
Street Between Olive Avenue and Walnut Avenue) - Approved Final Tract Map No.
16998 pursuant to findings and requirements. Submitted by the Director of Planning.
Funding Source: Not applicable.
(Prior to the Consent Calendar vote, Councilmembers Bohr and Carchio stated that they
would be abstaining on this Agenda Item).
Approved 5-0-2 (Bohr, Carchio abstain)
(City Council) Approved a Professional Services Contract with RBF Consulting in
the Amount of $224,331 for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for
the Closed Gun Range Site in Huntington Central Park - Approved the Professional
Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and RBF Consulting for the
Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report in the amount of Two Hundred Twenty
Four Thousand Three Hundred Thirty One Dollars ($224,331.00), and authorized the
Mayor and City Clerk to sign. Submitted by the Director of Community Services and
Director of Planning. Funding Source: Community Services Professional Services
Account, 20945102.69365. $181,675 available FY06/07; $42,656 will be available
FY07/08. Funds are a result of successful litigation and are receipted from agencies that
have used and subsequently paid the City for gun range use.
(City Council) Approved and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a
Contract in the Amount of $583,011 Between the City of Huntington Beach and the
County of Orange for the Provision of Animal Care Services, and Authorized the
Chief of Police to Expend Funds -1) Approved and authorized the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute Agreement for Provisions of Animal Care Services Between the County
of Orange and City of Huntington Beach Fiscal Year 2007-2008; and 2) Authorized the
Chief of Police to expend up to $583,011 for animal care services. Submitted by the
Chief of Police. Funding Source: The total contract amount of $583,011 is budgeted in
the 2007-08 Police Department General Fund Budget. No additional appropriations are
(City Council) Approved Plans and Specifications for the 2006/07Downtown Water
Main Replacement Project, CC-1283, Accepted Project Bid Submitted by Williams
Pipeline Contractor, Inc., in the Amount of $3,108,618.95, Authorized the Mayor
and City Clerk to Execute a Construction Contract, Authorized the Director of
Public Works to Approve Construction Change Orders, and Appropriated Water
Master Plan Undesignated Funds -1) Approved the plans and specifications for
2006/07 Downtown Water Main Replacement Project, CC-1283; and 2) Accepted the
lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Williams Pipeline Contractor Inc., in
the amount of $3,108,618.95; and 3) Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a
construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney; and 4) Authorized the
Director of Public Works to approve up to fifteen percent (15%) in construction change
orders; and 5) Appropriated $3.2 million from the Water Master Plan undesignated fund
balance to the project account. Submitted by the Acting Director of Public
Works/Engineering. Funding Source: Funds in the amount of $800,000 are budgeted
in the Water Master Plan, Water Master Plan Improvements Account 50791017. 82100.
An additional $3.2 million will be allocated from the Water Master Plan unappropriated
fund balance into the project account. The engineer's estimate for this project was $3.9
(Prior to the Consent Calendar vote, Councilmember Carchio announced for the record
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 11 of 21
that he would be abstaining on this Agenda Item).
Approved 6-0-1 (Carchio abstain)
(City Council) Approved Plans and Specifications for the City Entry Node Signs
Project, CC-1316, Accepted Project Bid Submitted by Hondo Company, Inc., in the
Amount of $297,794.00, and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a
Construction Contract -1) Approved the plans and specifications for City Entry Node
Signs Project, CC-1316; and 2) Accepted the lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by Hondo Company, Inc., in the amount of $297,794.00; and 3) Authorized
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the
City Attorney. Submitted by the Director of Economic Development and Acting Director
of Public Works/Engineering. Funding Source: Funds are available from the General
Fund Capital Improvement Reserve, Economic Development, Account
10040308.82200. The engineer's estimate for this project is $330,000.
(City Council) Approved Amendment to the Professional Services Contract with
Cash & Associates, Inc., for On -Call Architectural Services, to Reflect Their
Acquisition by URS Corporation and Update the Agreement's Indemnification
Section - Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the
"Assignment of Obligations and Amendment to Agreement between the City of
Huntington Beach, Cash and Associates, Inc. and URS Corporation, Doing Business as
URS Corporation Americas, A Nevada Corporation." Submitted by the Acting Director of
Public Works/Engineering. Funding Source: No funding is required for this action.
(City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2007-53 Establishing Parking Permit
District "I" Consisting of Cutty Sark Drive Between Brookhurst Street Frontage
Road and Matsonia Lane, Effective Between the Hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Daily, including Holidays - Adopted Resolution No. 2007-63, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing Parking Permit District "l"
Within the City of Huntington Beach" on Cutty Sark Drive between Brookhurst Street and
Matsonia Lane within the City of Huntington Beach. Submitted by the Acting Director of
Public Works/Engineering. Funding Source: The provisions of Huntington Beach
Municipal Code Chapter 10.42 require that the residents choosing to participate in the
residential parking permit district pay a proportionate share of the cost to establish or
amend the district. Typical costs include, but are not limited to, installation of signs, curb
markings, staff time to issue permits, and administrative costs to create or amend the
(City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2007-52 Amending Parking Permit District
"D" to Include the Residential Fronting Portion of 522 Adams Avenue, Effective
Monday Through Friday, From the Hours of 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Except Legal
Holidays - Adopted Resolution No. 2007-52, "A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach Amending Parking Permit District "D" Within the City of
Huntington Beach." Submitted by the Acting Director of Public Works/Engineering.
Funding Source: The provisions of Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 10.42
require that the residents choosing to participate in the residential parking permit district
pay a proportionate share of the cost to establish or amend the district. Typical costs
include, but are not limited to, installation of signs, curb markings, staff time to issue
permits, and administrative costs to create or amend the district.
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 12 of 21
(City Council) Approved Plans and Specifications for the Garfield Avenue and
Delaware Street Widening Project, CC-1250, Accept Project Bid Submitted by R. J.
Noble Company in the Amount of $805,926.50, and Authorized the Mayor and City
Clerk to Execute a Construction Contract - 1) Approved the plans and specifications
for the Garfield Avenue and Delaware Street Widening, CC-1250; and 2) Accepted the
lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by R. J. Noble Company, in the amount
of $805,926.50; and 3) Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction
contract in a form approved by the City Attorney. Submitted by Acting Director of Public
Works/Engineering. Funding Source: Funds in the amount of $1.2 million are
available from the Traffic Impact Fee, Street Widening Account Number
20690001.82300. Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Growth
Management Area (GMA) funds in the amount of $590,000 were awarded for
construction of the project. The engineer's cost estimate was $1,340,000.
(City Council) Approved Appointments of Carey Huss, Stephanie Morley, Brian Le,
Sarah Hernandez, Dylan Heyden, and Grace Le to the Youth Board With a Term to
Expire in June 2008; Reappointed Rebecca Clop, Kevin Edwards, and Katherine
Do to the Youth Board With a Term to Expire in June 2008 - After careful
consideration, we would like to recommend that the City Council 1) Approved
appointments of Carey Huss, Stephanie Morley, Brian Le, Sarah Hernandez, Dylan
Heyden, and Grace Le to the Youth Board with their term to expire in June 2008; and 2)
Reappointed Rebecca Clop, Kevin Edwards, and Katherine Do to the Youth Board with
their term to expire in June 2008. Submitted by City Councilmembers Jill Hardy and
Keith Bohr, City Council Liaisons to the Youth Board.
(Prior to the Consent Calendar vote, Councilmember Green announced for the record
that she would vote "No" on this Agenda Item).
Approved 6-1 (Green no)
(City Council) Approved Plans and Specifications for the Downtown Street and
Alley Improvements Project, CC-1308, Accepted Project Bid Submitted by All
American Asphalt in the Amount of $1,539,212.07 and Authorized the Mayor and
City Clerk to Execute a Construction Contract - 1) Approved the plans and
specifications for the Downtown Street & Alley Improvements Project, CC-1308; and 2)
Accepted the lowest responsive and responsible bid, including the additive alternate
project bid, submitted by All American Asphalt in the amount of $1,539,212.07; and 3)
Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form
approved by the City Attorney. Submitted by Acting Director of Public Works -
Engineering. Funding Source: Funds in the amount of $2.5 million are available in the
Redevelopment Agency Fund, Street Improvements, Account No. 30590006.82300.
(Prior to the Consent Calendar vote, Councilmember Carchio announced for the record
that he would be abstaining from this Agenda Item).
Approved 6-0-1 (Carchio abstain)
(City Council) Approved Release of Guarantee and Warranty Bond Provided by
Oceancrest Partners, L.P. for Tract No. 14135 (Ocean Colony Development, West
Side of Seapoint Street, North of Pacific Coast Highway), for Public Improvements
of the Domestic Water System and Appurtenances -1) Released Guarantee and
Warranty Bond No. SU5012148, the security furnished for guarantee and warranty of
improvements for Tract No. 14135 (Ocean Colony); and 2) Instructed the City Clerk to
notify the developer, Oceancrest Partners, L.P. of this action, and the City Treasurer to
notify the Surety, The Arch Insurance Company, of this action. Submitted by the Acting
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 13 of 21
Director of Public Works/Engineering. Funding Source: No funds are required for this
(City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2007-54 as amended by Late
Communication to replace Pages E-19.57 through E-19.64 in the Agenda Packet to
correct typographical errors, Amending the City's Classification Plan to
Incorporate Changes Considered by the Personnel Commission at its Regularly
Scheduled Meeting on July 18, 2007 -1) Adopted Resolution No. 2007-54, "A
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the City
Classification Plan by Revising the Job Specification Setting Compensation and
Changing the Job Title for the Position of Legal Secretary; Establishing New Job
Specifications and Setting Compensation for the Positions of GIS Analyst Il,
Parking/Traffic Control Supervisor and Senior Supervisor, Human Services; Setting
Compensation for Forensic Systems Specialist and Senior Helicopter Maintenance
Technician; and Revising the Job Specifications for the Positions of Building Inspector 1,
lI and Ill, Deputy City Clerk, Senior Deputy City Clerk, Fire Safety Program Specialist,
GIS Analyst, Information Systems Analyst lAl/111/IV/SR, Senior Criminalist, Construction
Inspector I & 11, and Senior Inspector Water Construction and setting compensation for -
Forensic Systems Specialist and Senior Helicopter Maintenance Technician." Submitted
by the Director of Human Resources. Funding Source: Funding for the amendments
is included in the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 budget and funding will be included in the
budget for Fiscal Year 2007/08.
(City Council) Approved Final Tract Map No. 16338 (Pacific City) as amended by
Late Communication submitted by City Attorney Jennifer McGrath to replace Page
E-20.68 in the Agenda Packet to correct a Typographical error, to Subdivide a 27.8
Acre Parcel Located Between Pacific Coast Highway, Atlanta Avenue, First and
Huntington Streets and Accepted Offer of Dedication and Improvements;
Approved and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Subdivision
Agreement Between the City and Makallon Atlanta Huntington Beach, LLC;
Approved and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Special Utility
Easement Agreement Between the City and Makallon Atlanta Huntington Beach,
LLC; Approved and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the License
and Maintenance Agreement Between the City and Makallon Atlanta Huntington
Beach, LLC; Approved and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the
Agreement Regarding Village Green Park Between the City and Makallon Atlanta
Huntington Beach, LLC; and, Approved and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk
to Execute the Agreement Regarding City Requirements Between the City and
Makallon Atlanta Huntington Beach, LLC -1) Approved Final Tract Map No. 16338
and accept the offer of dedication and improvements, pursuant to findings and
requirements; and, 2) Approved the Subdivision Agreement between the City and
Makallon Atlanta Huntington Beach, LLC, and authorize execution by the Mayor and City
Clerk; and, 3) Approved the Special Utility Easement Agreement between the City of
Huntington Beach Makallon Atlanta Huntington Beach, LLC, and authorized execution
by the Mayor and City Clerk; and, 4) Approved the License and Maintenance Agreement
between the City of Huntington Beach and Makallon Atlanta Huntington Beach, LLC, and
authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk; and, 5) Approved the Agreement
Regarding Village Green Park between the City of Huntington Beach and Makallon
Atlanta Huntington Beach, LLC, and authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk;
and, 6) Approved the Agreement Regarding City Requirements between the City of
Huntington Beach and Makallon Atlanta Huntington Beach, LLC, and authorized
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 14 of 21
execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. Submitted by the Director of Planning and
Acting Director of Public Works/Engineering. Funding Source: Not applicable.
(City Council) Appointed Jerry Person as City Historian and Joel Watkins as City
Archivist for a 4-Year Term, Commencing August 20, 2007 Through August 20,
2011 to Conduct and Support Research, Storage and Reproduction of Historical
Records; Authorized the City Clerk to Administer Funds -1) Appointed Jerry Person
as City Historian for a 4-year term, commencing August 20, 2007 to August 20, 2011;
and 2) Appointed Joel Watkins as City Archivist for a 4-year term, commencing August
20, 2007 to August 20, 2011; and 3) Directed the City Attorney to draft a resolution to
formally establish the Council -appointed position of City Historian and City Archivist and
establish protocol for the replacement/appointment of future historians and archivists,
and authorize the City Clerk to administer funds annually to support the research efforts
of the City Historian and City Archivist to store and reproduce historical records.
Submitted by City Councilmembers Jill Hardy and Joe Carchio, Liaisons to the Historic
Board, and City Clerk Joan L. Flynn. Funding Source: Personnel expenses are not
required since the position is a non -paid, voluntary position. Operating funds of $5,000
were budgeted in the City Clerk's FY 2007-08 Budget, identified as Account No.
10010101.69300. The funds were identified to help defray the initial costs for proper
storage and/or optical imaging of historical photographs and documents.
Consent Calendar Item Removed for Discussion
(City Council) Approved Reappointment of Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB)
Citizen At -Large Representatives Barbara Boskovich and Mark Porter for Second
Terms Ending August 5, 2011; and, Approved Appointment of MHAB Park
Resident Representative John Sisker for a Full Term Ending August 5, 2011 as
Recommended by City Council Liaisons Debbie Cook and Joe Carchio -1)
Approved the reappointment of Barbara Boskovich as a Citizen At -Large Representative
to the Mobile Home Advisory Board for a second term ending August 5, 2011; and 2)
Approved the reappointment of Mark Porter as a Citizen At -Large Representative to the
Mobile Home Advisory Board for a second term ending August 5, 2011; and 3) Approved
the appointment of John Sisker as a Mobile Home Park Resident Representative to the
Mobile Home Advisory Board for a full term ending August 5, 2011 (Sisker has been
filling a vacancy caused by the resignation of former member Pauline Robison since
May 7, 2007). Submitted by Mayor Pro Tern Debbie Cook and City Councilmember Joe
Carchio, Liaisons to the Mobile Home Advisory Board, and the Director of Economic
Development. Funding Source: Not applicable.
The City Council considered a communication from Mayor Pro Tem Debbie Cook and
City Councilmember Joe Carchio, Liaisons to the Mobile Home Advisory Board and the
Director of Economic Development transmitting the following Statement of Issue:
The City Council is asked to approve the reappointment of two members to the Mobile
Home Advisory Board (MHAB) and the appointment of one member for terms ending
August 8, 2011. Funding Source: Not Applicable.
Councilmember Green pulled this item for discussion and stated her concern that the
Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB) meetings over recent years have had difficulty
achieving its quorum attendance requirements. She requested quorum specifications
and received clarification from Attorney McGrath. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 15 of 21
Board Member participation and potential modifications. Deputy Director of Economic
Development Kellee Fritzal described the Mobile Home Advisory Board composition.
Mayor Pro Tern Cook described the number of important issues being considered by
members of the mobile home communities at this time and stated her support of this
A motion was made by Cook, second Hardy to 1) Approve the reappointment of Barbara
Boskovich as a Citizen At -Large Representative to the Mobile Home Advisory Board for
a second term ending August 5, 2011; and 2) Approve the reappointment of Mark Porter
as a Citizen At -Large Representative to the Mobile Home Advisory Board for a second
term ending August 5, 2011; and 3) Approve the appointment of John Sisker as a Mobile
Home Park Resident Representative to the Mobile Home Advisory Board for a full term
ending August 5, 2011 (Sisker has been filling a vacancy caused by the resignation of
former member Pauline Robison since May 7, 2007). Funding Source: Not applicable.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
Ordinances for Adoption
(City Council) Adopted Ordinance No. 3773 Amending Huntington Beach
Municipal Code Chapter 9.20 Relating to Public Nudity Approved for Introduction
on August 6, 2007
A motion was made by Hansen, second Cook to after the City Clerk reads by title, Adopt
Ordinance No. 3773, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter
9.20 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Public Nudity", by roll call vote.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
(City Council) Continued Ordinance No. 3775 Amending Chapter 2.07 of the
Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) to Modify Existing Campaign
Contribution Limitations from $300 Per Person for Each Election Cycle to $500 Per
Person for Each Election Cycle, Commencing with the 2008 Election Cycle
(Approved for Introduction on August 6, 2007)
Mayor Pro Tem Cook asked Councilmember Hansen to elaborate on the public
comments made by Mr. Gallup regarding proposed Ordinance No. 3775.
Councilmember Hansen elaborated on his original intent for the proposed
Ordinance and he described accomplishments he believes would be achieved by
adopting Ordinance No. 3775, increasing campaign contribution limits. He stated his
support to provide a forum for the public to participate and his desire to serve on the
Campaign Reform Committee.
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 16 of 21
Councilmember Hardy stated her support of the subcommittee formation and to search
for more information to be presented back to Council. Councilmembers Green, Hansen
and Hardy expressed interest in serving on the Campaign Reform Committee.
A motion was made by Green, second Cook to "continue and consider part of
the recommended changes made by the Campaign Reform Committee (approved on
August 6, 2007, to study Chapter 2.07 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code)."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: Bohr, and Carchio
(City Council) Adopted Ordinance No. 3776 Amending Chapter 2.100 of the
Huntington Beach Municipal Code Pertaining to Operating Policy for Boards and
Commissions (Approved for Introduction on August 6, 2007)
A motion was made by Cook, second Hardy to after the City Clerk reads by title, Adopt
Ordinance No. 3776, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter
2.100 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Pertaining to Operating Policy for Boards
and Commissions," by roll call vote. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
Ordinances for Introduction
(City Council) Approved for Introduction Ordinance No. 3777 Amending Chapter
17.10 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Graffiti
Communication submitted by the City Attorney transmitting the following
Statement of Issue: At the July 16, 2007 Council meeting, City Council directed staff to
prepare an ordinance amending Section 17.10.080 to broaden the scope of collection of
a reward by citizens who witness and report the application of graffiti.
A motion was made by Green, second Bohr to after the City Clerk read by title, Approve
for Introduction Ordinance No. 3777 "Amending Chapter 17.10 of the Huntington Beach
Municipal Code Relating to Graffiti" The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Items
(City Council) Submitted By Mayor Coerper Regarding Outdoor Sales Temporary
Use Permits and Newspaper/Flier Racks on Main Street
Communication from Mayor Coerper transmitting the following
Statement of Issue: At its May 8, 2007 meeting, the Planning Commission approved a
minute action to City Council requesting the review of the zoning regulations pertaining
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 17 of 21
to Temporary Use Permits (TUP) for downtown sidewalk sales. The minute action was
proposed to address concerns raised in a previous meeting over an outdoor sales TUP
issued to Huntington Surf & Sport at 200 Main Street.
In considering the minute action, Commissioners expressed concern over aesthetics of
the outdoor sales tables, conflicts with pedestrians, number of days allowed per year,
length of TUP (as many as five years), and lack of consistency among TUPs issued on
Main Street. Some commissioners felt the "flea market" appearance of the sales tables
is unsightly and contradicts more upscale plans for Main Street.
Newspaper and flier racks are located throughout the downtown that obstruct pedestrian
movement, create places for people to gather in front of businesses, and are generally
unsightly. Relocating these racks to a single area near the Huntington Beach pier would
greatly improve the appearance of the downtown and remove an impediment to
pedestrian flow.
Recommended Action: Motion to 1) Direct staff to evaluate the zoning regulations for
all Temporary Use Permits in the downtown area with respect to improving the visual
appearance of outdoor sales, placing a cap on the number of days for sidewalk sales,
establishing a maximum term for a TUP, reducing processing fees if a TUP is not
approved for the maximum allowable term, and maintaining uniform expiration dates for
sidewalk sales TUPs in the downtown area; 2) Direct staff to prepare an ordinance to
amend the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and Downtown Specific Plan based upon
the evaluation conducted in (1.); 3) This amendment shall not apply to TUPs granted for
the Huntington Beach Nights that are every Tuesday evening on Main Street; 4)
Relocate all newspaper and flier racks to a single specific location at the Pier. There
shall be no other racks located in the downtown; and 5) Request persons handing out
literature to do so at the pier or near the new newspaper rack location_
Councilmember Carchio announced for the record that he would be abstaining on this
item due to conflict for him. He recused himself from the dais.
Councilmember Green asked if there would be constitutional problems with this request.
Attorney McGrath responded affirmatively that Item #5 of the Recommended Action
(Request persons handing out literature to do so at the pier or near the newspaper rack
location) has significant constitutional concerns and Item #4 of the Recommended
Action (Relocate all newspaper and flier racks to a single specific location at the pier.
There shall be no other racks located in the downtown) needs further research
conducted and clarification. Planning Director Scott Hess addressed Planning
implications of existing zoning provisions, concerns for permits for outdoor events, and
aesthetics of some of the outdoor sales. In May, the Planning Commission directed staff
by minute action to ask Council to consider directing staff to research, create uniformity
and address these issues.
Mayor Pro Tern Cook suggested forming a working group comprised of some members
of the Downtown Economic Development Committee, a Planning Commissioner, a
member of the Design Review Board, and pertinent staff members to review this issue
and bring back a recommendation to the Council.
Extended discussion ensued amongst Councilmembers that included specific concerns
over the listed items within the Recommended Action, including rack obstruction,
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 18 of 21
pedestrian flow of traffic, and compromises needed. Consensus of Council was to form
a working group for further study.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to direct staff to work with the Mayor to
form a working group to include all of the stakeholders involved in making this decision.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Carchio
(City Council) Submitted By Mayor Coerper - Mandatory Funding for Veteran's
Healthcare Services Resolution
Communication from Mayor Coerper transmitting the following
Statement of Issue: Mr. Rusty Rustan, Voice for Veterans Services, spoke at the
July 16, 2007, and August 6, 2007, City Council Meetings regarding veterans'
healthcare. He is now requesting that the City Council adopt a resolution showing
support for "Mandatory Funding for Veterans' Healthcare Services."
Unanimous support for our veterans was expressed by Councilmembers.
Mayor Coerper stated his support of healthcare services to be provided, including
mental health and dental coverage for veteran healthcare benefits with honorable
A motion was made by Coerper, second Cook to authorize the City Attorney to prepare a
resolution in support of mandating that the Federal government fully fund veteran's
healthcare services, that the United States House of Representatives and the United
States Senate move to ensure that these healthcare obligations to our veterans be
recognized, and that legislation be introduced and passed for signing by the President of
the United States of America to guarantee full mandatory funding of veteran's healthcare
services. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio, Cook, Coerper, Green, Hansen, and Hardy
NOES: None
(City Council) Submitted By Councilmember Carchio Regarding Permit Fee Waiver
for the Remodeling of Older Homes
Communication from Councilmember Carchio transmitting the following
Statement of Issue: After staff presented the Fee Waiver Study Session on July 2, 2007,
1 could see that a program would gain more support if we focused on older homes. This
would help assure that the program would target homes that would benefit from
improvement. Further, it is my belief that this would be positive for our city by encouraging
further investment in our community. After working with staff, I chose to concentrate on
homes that were originally built prior to 1987. 1 came to this conclusion for two reasons:
first, all the homes would be at least 20 years old; and second, all homes built since 1987
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 19 of 21
are in the city's permit data base and staff could administer the program without doing
substantial research. Next, I thought it is more appropriate to target the smaller homes so
we are not subsidizing mansions. In order to accomplish this, I am proposing that we limit
additions to no more than 50% of the square footage of the existing residence and the
total square footage after the addition may not exceed 2,500 square feet.
To summarize, the following would be the minimum standards that Building and safety
staff would use to determine what projects qualify for the permit fee waiver program:
All residential remodeling permits that include a building permit for homes built prior to
All residential addition permits for homes built prior to 1987 that further meet the following
criteria: (1) Addition cannot be larger than 50% of the existing square footage, (2) Total
square footage of the home after the addition cannot exceed 2,500 square feet.
Using the minimum standards, staff developed the following estimates of the fees that
would be waived. Staff analyzed the addition and remodel activity starting with December,
2006, for a three-month period. The numbers have been modified to reflect staff's
projection of typical permit activity and the anticipated increase in activity due to such a
program. This information is summarized as follows:
City Permit Fees for Additions - $81,152; and City Permit Fees for Remodels - $38,459;
Total $119,611.
Recommended Action: Motion to direct staff to prepare a resolution that waives permit
fees for a period of three months that would include building plan review, planning plan
review, building inspection, fire plan review and processing, for residential additions and
remodels that meet the above critieria. Further, the program needs to be advertised so
the community has the opportunity to take advantage of the program. In general, it is the
intent to have the program occur during the slower winter months so that existing staff will
be able to adequately provide service for the anticipated increase in permit activity.
Councilmember Carchio described residential remodeling permits that include a building
permit for homes built prior to 1987, including related criteria and costs for proposed
requirements for the permit fee waiver program. He advised the public that the Council
held a Study Session before the Council meeting and heard a presentation on How to
Build Green in Huntington Beach. He stated his concerns for younger families in our
community to be able to take advantage of the Permit Fee Waiver Program for the
Remodeling of Older Homes.
Mayor Pro Tem Cook spoke in opposition to the program at this time and stated her
desire to further study this issue in conjunction with the city's efforts to incorporate the
Green Building standards.
Councilmember Hardy spoke in opposition to the program stating she believes only a
small, select group could benefit from the subsidy, with little or no return to the City. She
referred to the Green Building point system discussed earlier and the possibility of
offering a percentage rebate for "Green" points achieved.
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 20 of 21
Councilmember Green stated that she has talked with staff members of other cities who
have implemented similar programs in their cities, and reported the programs are doing
well. She would like to encourage families to keep up their homes and eliminate
potential blight.
Councilmember Bohr thanked Councilmember Carchio for bringing the program
forward; however, he stated his opposition to the program at this time since his goal
would be to get the best return for the City's investment. In his opinion, this program
would not meet that criteria.
A motion was made by Carchio, second Green to direct staff to prepare a resolution that
waives permit fees for a period of three months that would include building plan review,
planning plan review, building inspection, fire plan review and processing, for residential
additions and remodels that meet the above criteria. Further, the program needs to be
advertised so the community has the opportunity to take advantage of the program. In
general, it is the intent to have the program occur during the slower winter months so
that existing staff will be able to adequately provide service for the anticipated increase
in permit activity. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Coerper, Green, and Hansen
NOES: Bohr, Cook, and Hardy
Council Comments - (Not Agendized)
Councilmember Carchio announced his attendance at Economic Development Project
Manager Jim Lamb's retirement party last week and Junior All American Football
Opening Day.
Mayor Coerper announced his attendance at the Eagle Scouts of Honor for Andrew
Thomas and Stephen Edward Quinn on August 12, 2007; the Constable Classic Charity
Golf Tournament on August 13, 2007; the Grand Opening of Comerica Bank on August
15, 2007; and the Junior Lifeguard Graduation on August 16, 2007 at Edison High
School; and he visited TYR Sports, a large manufacturer of swimwear in Huntington
Beach, on August 16, 2007.
August 20, 2007 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 21 of 21
Adjournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency
Mayor Coerper adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment
Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 9:56 p.m., to Tuesday, September 4, 2007, at
4:00 p.m., in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
9f & * J 0�_ JJI ")
City Cler and ex-officio Clerk of t e City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Huntington Beach, California
City Clerk -Clerk V Mayor -Chair