HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-02 (5)Minutes Council/RDA Meeting City Council/Redevelopment Agency City of Huntington Beach Monday, June 2, 2008 4:00 PM - Room B-8 6:00 PM - Council Chambers Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 An audio recording of the 4:00 PM portion of this meeting and a video recording of the 6:00 PM portion of this meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is archived at www.surfcitv-hb.org/governmenVagendas/ Call to Order Mayor Cook called the regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:02 PM, in Room B-8. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call Present: Hansen, Hardy, Bohr, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Carchio Absent: None (Councilmembers Green and Hansen arrived at 4:05 PM and 4:12 PM, respectively.) Citizens Participation Advisory Board Roll Call Present: Andres, Baley, Barkley, Burns, R. Campbell, Cummings, Lara and Stowers Absent: D. Campbell, Couey, Dahman, Graham, Johnson, Ruiz and Spiratos (Board Members Baley and Stowers arrived at 4:06 PM and 4:11 PM, respectively.) The City Clerk Announced Late Communications Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Joan L. Flynn announced the following communications received by the City Clerk's Office pertaining to the Study Session portion of the meeting: Communication submitted by Stanley Smalewitz, Economic Development Director, dated May 19, 2008, and titled June 2, 2008 Joint Study Session with the City Council and Citizen Participation Advisory Board Relating to the 2008109 Action Plan. Communication submitted by Jim B. Engle, Director of Community Services, dated June 2, 2008, and titled Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Recommendation. June 2, 2008 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 2 of 14 (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Study Session Held — Joint Meeting of the Citizen Participation Advisory Board (CPAB) and City Council To Review Recommendations for the 2008109 Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) Provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Interim City Administrator Paul Emery called on Stanley Smalewitz, Economic Development Director who thanked Council and Citizen Participation Advisory Board (CPAB) members for being present, and briefly discussed CPAB's participation in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) process. He called on Carol Runzel, Senior Administrative Analyst, who introduced Richard Lara, CPAB Chair, who gave a brief overview of the committee's work and publicly thanked Rick Campbell, CPAB Vice -Chair, for chairing the recent CPAB meetings during Chair Lara's recent month -long absence. Member R. Campbell briefly discussed challenges faced while developing funding recommendations for Council's consideration. Analyst Runzel provided a PowerPoint report, which included the following information: Consolidated Plan including CDBG and HOME Program, the CPAB's process of two public hearings, CDBG applicant presentations and recommendations, recommendations for administration and non-public service projects, public service projects, the 2008109 allocation for HOME Program and Action Plan. Janeen Laundenback, City of Huntington Beach Superintendent of Recreation, Human, and Cultural Services, informed Council that due to a recent staff change in the Senior Outreach Program, Community Services will require only $42,154 out of the $49,320 requested from CDBG for this upcoming year. She stated that the difference of 7,166 could be allocated to another public service program seeking funding for FY 2008/09. Analyst Runzel advised Council that CPAB will take that into consideration at its next meeting. Councilmember Green asked for clarification of services provided by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Friends Outside/Lights on Program and American Family Housing. Analyst Runzel explained that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides services for long-term inmates who are released from Santa Ana Jail in the middle of the night and have no where to go. She stated that the American Family Housing allocation funds the utility and maintenance operating costs for the homeless shelter. Councilmember Green also inquired about financial impacts of the allocation for the Community Care Health Center (CCHC) due to their recent merger with a Los Angeles -based provider. Analyst Runzel indicated that staff had been notified by AltaMed Health Services Corporation of their recent merger with CCHC, but that services provided to our local community would remain the same. Councilmember Green stated her preference for the City to allocate funds to agencies that assure our dollars stay in Huntington Beach/County of Orange. Councilmember Coerper voiced agreement with Councilmember Green's concerns pertaining to CCHC, and asked staff to further investigate the merger and confirm with Council that the City's funds remain in Huntington Beach. He inquired about the proposed reduction in this year's budget for Community Services Programs, Inc., (CSP). Analyst Runzel explained that the reduced allocation for CSP was due to the overall reduction in the CDBG grant and the reduced amount for public services (15% cap). She also noted that with the release of funds announced tonight by Community Services, the CPAB will again look at those agencies who received cuts in funding. June 2, 2008 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 3 of 14 Councilmember Carchio asked staff for assurance that City funds allocated for CCHC would remain in Huntington Beach. He asked for clarification of the $53,000 allocation for the Oakview Community Center's Children's Bureau. Superintendent Laudenback advised Council that the allocation is designated by the City's contract with the Children's Bureau to operate the Community Center, and discussed benefits gained by the City and community through this relationship. Mayor Pro Tern Bohr acknowledged that questions raised by Council regarding CCHC were understandable, but he identified CCHC's seven -digit operating budget for which, he believes, every dollar is needed. He stated confidence that their services provided to our citizens would remain the same, and believes that monitoring the programs, as suggested, would illustrate that. Councilmember Hardy questioned if Council chose not to fully fund Project Self Sufficiency, Oakview Family Literacy or Community Services Programs, would the programs most likely be funded by the general fund or redevelopment funds. Director Smalewitz responded that redevelopment funds could not be used to fund programs, but indicated that CPAB will again look at the funding allocations and present its final recommendations at the public hearing scheduled for August 4, 2008. She thanked CPAB members for their work and suggested they prioritize the allocations to be more equal/whole using the released funds identified tonight. Councilmember Green mentioned that a grant of $100,000 was given to CCHC with the provision that they not merge, and after the grant was received the merge took place. She suggested that staff and CPAB take a look at possibly reducing the amount allocated to CCHC, and use those dollars to fund the other two public service agencies that were not recommended for funding this year. Councilmember Carchio asked CPAB members why they recommended a $5,000 reduction for Project Self Sufficiency. CPAB members responded that although it was a tough decision, the funding recommendations, as submitted, represents the fairest distribution of funds. Mayor Cook thanked CPAB members for their hard work and commented that with the funds identified tonight for release by Community Services the remaining programs needed should financially balance. Motion to Recess to Closed Session — 4:27 PM A motion was made by Coerper, second Bohr to recess to Closed Session on the following items. The motion carried by consensus of all present, none absent. (City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8, the City Council recessed to Closed Session to give instructions concerning price and terms of payment to the City's Negotiator, Deputy City Administrator Bob Hall, regarding negotiations with the Huntington Beach City School District for the purchase or exchange of up to 10.12 acres of real property located at 20451 Craimer Lane in Huntington Beach and the purchase, sale or exchange of APN 114-150-94 in the City of Huntington Beach. (City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, the City Council recessed to Closed Session to discuss the following personnel matter: Recruitment of City Administrator. June 2, 2008 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 4 of 14 (City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, the City Council recessed to Closed Session to meet with its designated labor negotiators: Paul Emery, Interim City Administrator; Bob Hall, Deputy City Administrator; Michele Carr, Director of Human Resources; Dan Villella, Finance Director; Duane Olson, Fire Chief, regarding labor negotiations with FMA. Reconvened City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting — 6:01 PM City Attorney Jennifer McGrath Reported No Action Taken During Closed Session Which Required A Reporting Pursuant to Government Code §54957.1(a) (3) (B). City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call Present: Hansen, Hardy, Bohr, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Carchio Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance/Flag Salute - Led by Tiger Cub Scout Pack 435 Invocation - Provided by Councilmember Coerper The City Clerk Announced Late Communications City Clerk Joan Flynn announced the following late communications received by the City Clerk's Office following distribution of the agenda packet: Communication submitted by Laurie Payne, Community Relations Officer, dated June 2, 2008, notating the term of the Agreement should be two and one-half years and not five years. Communication submitted by Steve Stafford, dated June 1, 2008, regarding the use of ink tubes for graffiti. Communication submitted by Ken Small, Chief of Police, dated June 2, 2008, requesting agenda item G-2a be removed from the agenda until further notice. The Following Communications Were Distributed During the Meeting Communication submitted by Debbie Bent, undated and titled Vacation Rentals.com, including a list of bookings with Vacation Rentals for Grand Equestrian Villa in Huntington Beach for the month of May. Communication submitted by Gerald Chapman, undated and untitled, including a listing of bookings with Vacation Rentals in Huntington Beach for June, July and August. Communication submitted by Sparkling Angel Charities, undated and titled, The Kelly Weaver Memorial Fund, an informational packet and a letter of thanks to the City Council. Communications submitted by Stephanie Babkow, undated and titled Save Our Fields, including booklets prepared by Seaview Little League baseball players in support of maintaining LeBard School fields. June 2, 2008 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 5 of 14 Communication submitted by Steve Olim, dated April 23, and titled Sounding Off.- Find a Neutral Motto to Show Patriotism. Special Announcement — Gay and Lesbian Pride Month Mayor Cook announced that June is Gay and Lesbian Pride Month as designated by the Federal Heritage Months Celebration organization. Observing Gay and Lesbian Pride Month is one step to understanding our differences and creating a truly inclusive society where gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and all Americans are afforded equal rights. Presentation — Sparkling Angels Mayor Cook called on Duane Olson, Fire Chief, who acknowledged the "Sparkling Angel Charities" and introduced co-chairmen and founders Henry and Monica Weaver. Chief Olson described the local charities that provide a program to high schools with the help of the Fire Department to give electrocardiogram (EKG) tests to school -aged athletes/children. He called on Tom and Toni Duchene, Sparking Angel Charities Board Members, Ron Thompson, Fire Association representative, the engine crew and Eric Engberg, Fire Division Chief. Board Member Duchene thanked the Council for its support and explained that the Sparkling Angels Charities — Monica Weaver Fund was created when the Weaver's lost their 21-year old daughter to Long QT Syndrome (LQTS). He provided statistics of the local screenings performed and thanked volunteers devoted to this cause. Mayor Cook expressed her hope to expand the program and thanked Chief Olson and staff. On behalf of the Fire Association, Ron Thompson presented a donation check to the Sparkling Angel Charities. Presentation — Youth Character Award Hall of Fame Mayor Cook was joined by Ian Collins, Chair of Children's Needs Task Force who introduced the 2008 Youth Character Award Honorees displayed on Bella Terra's Wall of Fame, which included: Araceli Arizmendi, Jeremy Blaustein, Tyler Elliott, Yvonne Flores, George Gleason, Nick Gomez, Arroya Karian, Taylor Lockard, Brett McCurry, Johnny Olive, Sommer Sable and Danya Wojtaszek. Chair Collins gave a brief description of each recipient's outstanding character. Presentation — Surf City Nights Award Mayor Cook was joined by Stanley Smalewitz, Economic Development Director who announced the California Association of Local Economic Development (CALED) Award received by the City for the Surf City Nights event held downtown on Tuesday nights. Director Smalewitz discussed CALED's criteria for scoring project submittals, and recognized that Surf City Nights was awarded the most prestigious award in the public/private category. He thanked former Mayor Dave Sullivan for his original suggestion and support to commence Surf City Nights, and read a quote from CALED's award of this model program. He thanked downtown Business Improvement District (BID) board members, merchants and City staff present who have contributed to the success of Surf City Nights. Public Comments (The numbers following speakers' comments reflect the approximate point in time in the archived video the speaker appears at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/government/agendas) June 2, 2008 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 6 of 14 Gerald Chapman voiced concern of the perceived lack of enforcement of the City's law pertaining to vacation rental properties. He informed Council that City law prohibits vacation rental properties of less than 30 days, and he brought with him a listing from one Internet website that advertised 46 weekly vacation rental properties in Huntington Beach. He questioned why code enforcement does not proactively monitor these properties. It is his opinion that these vacation rentals are competing with the local hotels that pay business license fees and transient occupancy tax (TOT). He urged Council to investigate this issue before it becomes an even greater problem. (33:42) Mayor Cook asked Dr. Chapman if he would like to leave the list of rentals that he acquired from the Internet with the Council. Councilmember Carchio asked Attorney McGrath if this issue is handled by the Police Department or Code Enforcement. Attorney McGrath indicated that these matters are typically handled by Code Enforcement and described the difficulty in proving these cases, and the significant involvement required by the neighbors. Councilmember Carchio questioned the City's responsibility to inform the public of ramifications and prohibition of vacation rentals less than 30 days. Administrator Emery discussed that Code Enforcement has been complaint driven, working with adjacent neighbors when a problem is identified. He identified that challenges of available resources in Code Enforcement are an issue, and that he has asked Scott Hess, Planning Director, to identify the resources necessary to proactively address these concerns as part of the budgetary process, to either realign priorities or add workload to that division of the Planning Department. Beverly Braden, representing City staff, announced the upcoming Huntington Beach Relay for Life in support of the American Cancer Society on June 21 and 22 at Ocean View High School. She indicated that HB United is the team formed by the employees, and she invited interested citizens to go online and join the team or gain more information at www.relayforlifehb.com. (41:10) Mark Bixby addressed the issue of campaign finance reform and stated support of keeping the status quo contribution limits at $300, and urged Council to move forward with adopting all other non -monetary changes made to the ordinance. (43:38) Julie Bixby voiced her opinion that campaign contribution limits has held the rest of the campaign finance ordinance hostage, identifying positive changes made to the ordinance that streamline the process. She stated that the unresolved issue of campaign contribution limits is holding up implementation of the ordinance for this year's election and urged Council to support the ordinance as presented this evening. (44:12) Steve Stafford discussed perceived unethical practices by his Crystal Island Community Homeowner's Association and urged Council to further investigate the status of his allegations. (45:48) Tim Geddes, resident of Southeast Huntington Beach, expressed hope that negotiations with the Huntington Beach City School District is proceeding smoothly for the acquisition of the LeBard School site. He addressed the issue of campaign contribution limits and urged each June 2, 2008 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 7 of 14 Councilmember to be responsive and state their preferences for contribution limits and how their positions are supported. (47:12) Debbie Bent, resident on Shetland Circle, informed Council that the home next door to her is advertised as a vacation rental property. She explained that she shares a common driveway with the home which provides the means to observe daily activities. She quoted the advertised weekly rental rates of $10,000/week for up to 16-20 persons, and provided an illustrative packet to Council. She described the home as a "party home" that is advertised on several Internet websites, and told Council that she has talked with the property owner about her concerns, but he has denied her allegations/findings. She explained that the neighborhood has become a chaotic mess with an abundance of people, cars, traffic, parking issues, loud music, late night spa parties, and overflowed trash bins with alcoholic beverage containers. She advised Council of the conversations she's had with several of the rental tenants, and spoke of one incident during which her home's window was broken. She urged Council to investigate this matter. (48:52) Stephanie Babkow, Seaview Little League and Save Our Diamonds, advised Council that there are many community members seeking Council support to acquire the LeBard School fields to maintain Seaview Little League fields. She distributed booklets to Council made by many of the Seaview Little League baseball players, illustrating what Seaview Little League means to them. She thanked Council for their continuous efforts to negotiate in good faith with the City School District to save LeBard fields. (52:19) Mayor Cook thanked speaker Babkow and assured her that the City is doing everything in its power to be successful in acquiring the site. Riley Mailman, thanked Council for their supportive efforts to build a new skateboard park in Huntington Beach. He also announced that the Huntington Beach Skate Park Association currently anticipates hosting a barbeque at Lake Park on June 21st, including raffle drawings of donated prizes. He stated that the goal is to show the community how many skateboarders there are in the City, and how much they care about the community. (53:41) Norm VWestwell voiced support of political action committee (PAC) rights to raise unlimited funds to support candidates, and stated his opinion that grassroot candidates enjoy that same right. He stated that philosophically he supports no limits on campaign contributions and urged Council to support raising contribution limits to $750 or greater. (54:59) Allen Baylis, resident of Huntington Beach, discussed several issues: He advised Council that he was unable to find a code or ordinance that prohibits vacation rental properties, but identified the code section for "nuisance" (noise or disorderly behavior) which authorizes the City Administrator to abate a nuisance situation under abatement procedures; he asked Council to discontinue any further moral legislation (i.e., "In God We Trust,") and instead embrace the community's diversity; and he recommended that Council not pass more laws for citizen conformity and maintain a responsible City government that respects the rights of the people. (57:39) Steve Olim, resident of Huntington Beach, informed Council that he reviewed the online videotape of the Council meeting of April 7, at which time discussion ensued regarding the display of the motto, "In God We Trust." He noted that ten persons spoke against displaying the motto, and two persons spoke in support, and questioned why four Councilmembers would vote June 2, 2008 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 8 of 14 to support display of the motto. He stated his belief that democracy is ruled by the majority as long as the rights of the minority are not "trampled on." He indicated that there is no need to offend anyone since there are many neutral mottos or patriotic slogans for Council's consideration. He believes this issue needs to be resolved in favor of everyone in this City by instituting a slogan that is offensive to no one. He distributed an article that he recently wrote for the Huntington Beach Independent, discussed subsequent support he has received, and urged Council to reconsider this issue. (1:00:30) Don McGee voiced his opinion of perceived deceit when the applause on the local telecast is cut off mid -stream after speakers have addressed the Council; the perceived costly and difficult - to -read entry node signs to our City; and his frustration with government capitalism. (1:03:48) (City Council) AB 1234 Disclosure Reporting A report was submitted by Mayor Pro Tern, Bohr, which is available in the City Clerk's Office. City Administrator's Report - None City Attorney's Report on Notice of Complaint Filed City Attorney Jennifer McGrath announced that pursuant to Council direction, the City Attorney's Office filed a Complaint in the action of the City of Huntington Beach v. MasTec North America Inc., Verizon California, Inc., Geolink, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2008- 00070570. Consent Calendar - Items Removed for Separate Discussion (City Council) Adopt Resolution No. 2008-26 Establishing Parking Permit District "K" Consisting of Shields Drive Between Edwards Street and Trudy Lane, Effective Between the Hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Daily, Including Holidays (City Council) Accept the Recommendation of the Centennial Celebration Committee to Select Festival Artists as the Builder for the City's Float for the 2009 Tournament of Roses Parade, and Authorize the City Administrator to Develop a Purchase Order, Not to Exceed $200,000, in Accordance With the Scope of Work (City Council) Approve and Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Merchandise and License Agreement With Tina J. Viray and Nelson Wescott dba The Surf City Store, for the Handling of the Centennial Celebration Merchandise (Redevelopment Agency) Approve and Authorize the Chairman and Agency Clerk to Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Contract between the City of Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency and RRM Design Group, Inc., in the Amount of $97,030 Increasing the Total Contract Fee to $568,434 for Planning and Urban Design Services Associated With the Update of the Downtown Specific Plan June 2, 2008 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 9 of 14 Consent Calendar — Items Approved A motion was made by Coerper, second Bohr to approve the following Consent Calendar items by affirmative vote (except the approval of minutes which was approved 6-0-1 as noted). The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Hansen, Hardy, Bohr, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Carchio NOES: None (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Approved Minutes — Approved and adopted the minutes of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency regular meeting of May 19, 2008 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Submitted by the City Clerk. Approved 6-0-1 (Bohr abstain) (City Council) Received and Filed the City Clerk's Quarterly Report Listing of Professional Service Contracts Filed in the City Clerk's Office Between January 1, 2008 and March 31, 2008 — Received and filed the list of Professional Service contracts approved by department heads pursuant to Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 3.03 and submitted to the Office of the City Clerk during the period of January 1, 2008 and March 31, 2008. Submitted by the City Clerk. Funding Source: No funds are required. (City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2008-25 Increasing the Number of Centennial Committee Volunteers Assisting in Coordinating the City's 100th Year of Incorporation on February 17, 2009 to Thirty (30) Members — Adopted Resolution No. 2008-25, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing a Centennial Committee." Submitted by the Interim City Administrator. Funding Source: Not applicable. (City Council) Approved the Proposed Budget Submitted by the West Orange County Water Board (WOCWB) in the Amount of $110,600 for Fiscal Year 2008/2009 — Approved the Fiscal Year 2008/2009 proposed West Orange County Water Board Budget in the amount of $110,600. Submitted by the Director of Public Works. Funding Source: No funding needed. (City Council) Appropriated Funds and Authorized Expenditure of Unanticipated Revenue from the Time Warner Audit Settlement in the Amount of $66,120 for the Upgrade of the Council Chamber Sound System and Channel 3 Character Generation Equipment — Appropriated $66,120 in unanticipated revenue from the Time Warner Audit Settlement to business unit 10030301 and authorized expenditure of these funds for replacement equipment. Submitted by the Communications Committee members: Mayor Debbie Cook, Mayor Pro Tem Keith Bohr, and Councilmember Gil Coerper. Funding Source: Funds are available from the Time Warner Audit Settlement. (City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2008-26 Establishing Parking Permit District "K" Consisting of Shields Drive Between Edwards Street and Trudy Lane, Effective Between the Hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Daily, Including Holidays — Submitted by the Director of Public Works. Funding Source: The provisions of Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 10.42 require that the residents choosing to participate in the residential parking permit district pay a proportionate share of the cost to establish and administer the district. Typical costs include, but are not limited to, installation of signs, curb markings, staff time to issue permits, and administrative costs to create the district. June 2, 2008 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 10 of 14 Councilmember Carchio pulled this item from the Consent Calendar and questioned the need for the proposed parking district formation, commenting that it appears that homeowners on Shields Drive have ample garage and street parking. Administrator Emery discussed the overflow parking that occurs by tenants in an apartment complex off an arterial street that utilizes Shields Drive for overnight parking. Councilmember Carchio questioned whether the City would enhance the problem by implementing this policy. Administrator Emery explained the City's petition process used throughout the City to form permit parking districts, indicating that this neighborhood had requested the parking district formation. Councilmember Carchio asked if the stated installation fee of $800 was a one-time charge and Administrator Emery confirmed. Councilmember Hardy expressed empathy of homeowners' concerns regarding guests who are not invested in the neighborhood who entertain late night visitors and cause disruption. Mayor Cook asked Administrator Emery if the residents agreed to this, and he replied that the petition represented 83% of the residents and reminded Council that there currently is restricted parking between 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM. A motion was made by Green, second Coerper to adopt Resolution No. 2008-26, 'A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing Parking Permit District X" Within the City of Huntington Beach." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Hansen, Hardy, Bohr, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Carchio NOES: None (City Council) Accepted the Recommendation of the Centennial Celebration Committee to Select Festival Artists as the Builder for the City's Float for the 2009 Tournament of Roses Parade, and Authorized the City Administrator to Develop a Purchase Order, Not to Exceed $200,000, in Accordance With the Scope of Work - Submitted by the Interim City Administrator. Funding Source: On March 3, 2008, the City Council approved the expenditure of up to $200,000 to be used to build the float for the 2009 Rose Parade. The Centennial Celebration Committee is developing a sponsorship package and soliciting donations to pay for the Centennial events and Rose Parade Float. Councilmember Carchio pulled this item from the Consent Calendar to inquire if the Tournament of Roses would allow the City to advertise and market their logo. Laurie Payne, Community Relations Officer, discussed allowable uses of the logo subject to restrictive approval by the Tournament of Roses, excluding any items for which the City could derive profit. A motion was made by Carchio, second Coerper to 1) Accept the recommendation of the Centennial Celebration Committee to select Festival Artists for the Rose Parade Float; and 2) Authorize the City Administrator to develop a purchase order, not to exceed $200,000, with the float builder in accordance with the attached scope of work. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Hansen, Hardy, Bohr, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Carchio NOES: None June 2, 2008 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 11 of 14 (City Council) Approved and Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Merchandise and License Agreement (as amended by late communication) With Tina J. Viray and Nelson Wescott dba The Surf City Store, for the Handling of the Centennial Celebration Merchandise — Submitted by the Interim City Administrator. Funding Source: Funding to cover the upfront cost for purchasing this merchandise is available in the Centennial Celebration Account #10030103. Councilmember Carchio pulled this item from the Consent Calendar to request clarification of how proposed merchandise items would be handled and distributed for sale in conjunction with the Surf City Store. He discussed proposed Options A and B under Compensation in the License Agreement, stating his initial support of Option B. Officer Payne indicated why both options are being proposed and called on Tina Viray, owner of Surf City Store, to further describe the methodology of obtaining products in the proposed two manners. Owner Viray discussed her store's opportunities and monetary risks in working with the Centennial Committee in this endeavor. Councilmember Carchio thanked owner Viray for her willingness to take on the responsibilities which she described. Mayor Cook thanked owner Viray for her involvement and ongoing community support. A motion was made by Carchio, second Bohr to approve the proposed License Agreement, as amended by late communication to indicate a 2.5-year term as opposed to a five-year term as presented, between the City of Huntington Beach and Viray and Wescott, dba The Surf City Store for the use of the Centennial Celebration trademark and the handling of the Centennial Celebration merchandise based on the terms and conditions presented herein, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents related to this transaction. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Hansen, Hardy, Bohr, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Carchio NOES: None (Redevelopment Agency) Approved and Authorized the Chairman and Agency Clerk to Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Contract between the City of Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency and RRM Design Group, Inc., in the Amount of $97,030 Increasing the Total Contract Fee to $568,434 for Planning and Urban Design Services Associated With the Update of the Downtown Specific Plan — Submitted by the Deputy Executive Director. Funding Source: Funds in the amount of $97,030 are currently budgeted in the Redevelopment Operating Budget, account number 30580101.69365. Councilmember Carchio pulled this item from the Consent Calendar and questioned the necessity of the proposed contract. Stanley Smalewitz, Economic Development Director, explained that the proposal is part of the Council's Strategic Plan Goal of enhancing the community as a tourist destination. He added that during the Downtown Specific Plan process, staff identified specific tasks that had not been developed to take the destination component forward. He shared examples of other tourist destinations for which the proposed contractor has served as the tourist agency, and identified the City's goal of expanding tourism opportunities year-round. Councilmember Carchio questioned if these suggestions could be provided by the merchants, the Conference and Visitors Bureau staff, and the Business Improvement District (BID). Director Smalewitz explained that the services solicited encompass more than the downtown and Main Street and the level of marketing and economic expertise required. June 2, 2008 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 12 of 14 A motion was made by Coerper, second Bohr to approve the Amendment No. 1 to Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach and RRM Design Group, Inc., for planning and urban design services, and authorize the Chairman and Agency Clerk to execute the agreement. The amendment would increase the total contract amount by $97,030 for a total of $568,434. There would still, however, be a remaining contingency of $47,140. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Hansen, Hardy, Bohr, Cook, Coerper, Green, and Carchio NOES: None (City Council) Introduced Ordinance No. 3803 Amending Chapter 2.07 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) Relating to Campaign Contribution Reform Mayor Cook asked Councilmembers to each identify their preference for campaign contribution limits in an attempt to gain consensus. Councilmember Hansen stated that he would agree to a minimal limit of $500, acknowledging his personal preference of no limits. Councilmember Hardy stated support of campaign contribution limits remaining status quo ($300). Mayor Pro Tem Bohr stated support of campaign contribution limits remaining status quo ($300), but would support limits of $500 as a reasonable compromise. Councilmember Coerper stated support of limits of $500 (up to $700), and would be open to suggestions for improvement. Councilmember Green stated support of State law at no limits; she would compromise at limits set at $500, with the possibility of a built-in escalation based on consumer price index (CPI), including food and gasoline. Councilmember Carchio stated support of contribution limits of $500. Mayor Cook stated support of campaign contribution limits remaining status quo ($300). Discussion ensued amongst Council and Attorney McGrath and compromised language for an agreeable motion was determined. A motion was made by Carchio, second Hansen to after the City Clerk reads by title, introduce Ordinance No. 3803, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 2.07 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Campaign Reform, " as amended to include a campaign contribution limit of $500, thereafter said contribution limitations shall increase by the October consumer price index (CPI), of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Anaheim areas, rounded to the nearest $10, effective at the beginning of each new election cycle. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Hansen, Bohr, Coerper, Green, and Carchio NOES: Hardy, and Cook June 2, 2008 — CouncillAgency Minutes — Page 13 of 14 (City Council) NO ACTION TAKEN — THIS ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE AGENDA BY LATE COMMUNICATION UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. No Consideration of Approval for Introduction of Ordinance No. 3805 Adding Chapter 9.56 to the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) Relating to the Possession, Sale, and Storage of Pressurized or Aerosol Paint Containers; or, Approval for Introduction of Ordinance No. 3806 Adding Chapter 9.57 to the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) Relating to the Possession, Sale, and Storage of Marking Pens and Etching Tools Council Comments — (Not Agendized) Councilmember Hardy reported attending the dedication of the Marina High School Gym in memory of former teacher Larry Doyle, who passed away in 1998. She described it as a wonderful presentation with his family and former colleagues present, and stated how proud she is to live in a City that remembers the people who have made positive contributions to their community. Councilmember Coerper welcomed home soldier Sergeant Kevin Erskine from Iraq. Counciimember Green reported that Sergeant Kevin Erskine's unit came home without any fatalities or casualties; she congratulated the newest promotion in the Police Department, Sergeant Jane Schultz; and reported attending the Huntington Beach Girl Scout Association's Silver Award ceremony. Councilmember Carchio reported attending the Memorial Day Ceremony at Pier Plaza and also thanked Chief Olson for taking him and Mayor Pro Tern Bohr to the Orange County Fire Authority. Mayor Pro Tem Bohr congratulated Eagle Scouts of Honor awarded to Todd Locken, Brett Lockhart, Cory Walk, Michael Swainston, Nicholas Locken, Blaine Wells and Nicholas Neser. He reported statistics that out of all scouts, 2% become Eagle Scouts of Honor, and recognized the large portion of that percentage who come from Huntington Beach. He identified great projects accomplished and terrific leadership skills developed in the Eagle Scout program. City Council/Agency Adjournment Mayor Cook adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 7:51 PM. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Monday, June 16, 2008, at 4:00 PM, in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. June 2, 2008 — Council/Agency Minutes — Page 14 of 14 ATTEST: � 0�_ J+90() City -Clerk -Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor -Chair