HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-17Minutes City Council/Redevelopment Agency Centennial Ceremonial Regular Meeting City of Huntington Beach Tuesday, February 17, 2009 4:00 PM — City Hall Green 6:00 PM — Pier Plaza Huntington Beach, California 92648 4:00 PM - CENTENNIAL CEREMONIAL EVENT - TIME CAPSULE WITH CITY FAMILY ON THE CITY HALL GREEN. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Keith Bohr called the centennial ceremonial event/regular meeting to order at 4:03 PM. He welcomed attendees to the afternoon celebration of the 100-year birthday of the City of Huntington Beach. ROLL CALL Mayor Keith Bohr called roll by introduction of City Councilmembers. Present: Carchio, Dwyer, Green, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, Hansen Absent: None REMARKS ABOUT CENTENNIAL AND CITY'S INCORPORATION Mayor Keith Bohr stated the theme of the Huntington Beach centennial celebration is "Educate, Celebrate, and Commemorate." He gave a brief overview of City history and statistics. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE City Clerk Joan L. Flynn gave a presentation which included historical photos, and early City ordinances that have become outdated and humorous_ She presented Mayor Keith Bohr with a commemorative plaque and gavel for his use during this centennial year. DEDICATION OF TIME CAPSULE AND INTRODUCTION OF DEPARTMENT HEADS WITH TIME CAPSULE ITEMS City Administrator Fred Wilson called on each department head to present his or her department's item to be placed in the time capsule. ANNOUNCEMENT BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER OF THE INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENT OF JANIS L. MANTINI TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Councilmember Dwyer announced his appointment of Janis L. Mantini to the Planning Commission. Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes February 17, 2009 Page: 2 of 6 CLOSING Mayor Keith Bohr thanked all City employees for their hard work. RECESS FOR TRAVEL TO PIER PLAZA 6:00 PM — CENTENNIAL CEREMONIAL EVENT AT PIER PLAZA. WELCOME Mayor Keith Bohr welcomed attendees to the City's 100th birthday party. He gave a brief overview of City history and statistics. Mayor Bohr stated one hundred years ago, our City was officially incorporated in the state of California. He also stated there was a pier here, which was 1,000 feet long and made of long timber structure. At the time the population was 915, there were 542 registered voters, and the City was 3.57 square miles. Mayor Bohr said the first mayor was Ed Manning, a local plumber, who served along with Councilmen Matthew Helme, C. H. Howard, David O'Stewart and Charles Warner. INVOCATION Mayor Bohr introduced Father Christian Mondor and noted he is 80 years old and still surfing. Father Mondor delivered the invocation. GIRL SCOUT FLAG CEREMONY AND PRESENTATION OF COLORS The Huntington Beach Girl Scout Association Flag Unit presented the colors and flag ceremony, and Patricia Cosulich sang the National Anthem. ROLL CALL Present: Carchio, Dwyer, Green, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, Hansen INTRODUCTION OF ELECTED DIGNITARIES AND FORMER MAYORS Mayor Keith Bohr introduced City elected officials including City Clerk Joan L. Flynn, City Attorney Jennifer McGrath, City Treasurer Shari Freidenrich and County Supervisor John Moorlach. He also introduced representatives of those state and federal officials unable to attend: Fadi Essmaeel for Congressman Dana Rohrbacher, Kevin Gilhooley for Senator Tom Harmon, and Eric Weigland for Assemblyman Jim Silva. Mayor Bohr read a letter from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger congratulating the City of Huntington Beach on its 100th birthday. Part of our City's history, stated Mayor Bohr, has included holding a special pageant to name Miss Huntington Beach and her court. He introduced this year's Miss Huntington Beach Kate Brewster and her court — First Runner -Up Chantelle Ruehman, and Princesses Emily Walker, Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes February 17, 2009 Page 3 of 6 Kelsey Shulte and Samantha Bullat. Mayor Bohr congratulated our Centennial Queen and her court. Mayor Bohr introduced many dedicated former mayors who have led the City: Al Coen, Norma Gibbs, Ron Shenkman, Don MacAllister, Robert Mandic, John Erskine, Wes Bannister, Peter Green, Jim Silva, Linda Moulton -Patterson, Victor Leipzig, Dave Sullivan, Ralph Bauer, Shirley Dettloff, Dave Garofalo, Debbie Cook, Connie Boardman, Cathy Green, Jill Hardy, and Gil Coerper. HISTORIC FACTLETS Mayor Bohr introduced Councilmembers, each of whom shared a historical fact and stated why the Huntington Beach Centennial is personally important. INTRODUCTION OF CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE AND CENTENNIAL CO-CHAIRS Steve Bone shared the Mission Statement of the Centennial Committee: to educate, celebrate, and commemorate. He stated that the Committee has planned a year that will honor the City's past and prepare it for the next 100 years by celebrating its unique past and extraordinary future. Mr. Bone also provided the monthly centennial activities. Ron Shenkman announced and thanked the members of the Centennial Committee. Art Aviles Brett Barnes Ralph Bauer Corky Bennish Connie Boardman Garry Brown Margie Bunten Barbara Delgleize Shirley Dettloff Duane Dishno Bill Ellis John Erskine Bob Ewing Mike Grumet Steve Holden Don MacAllister Janis Mantini Donna Mulgrew Jerry Person Peggy Price Joyce Riddell Pat Rogers Diane Ryan Mary Lou Shattuck Pat Stier Dave Sullivan Dean Torrence Joel Watkins City Council Liaisons Mayor Keith Bohr Mayor Pro-Tem Cathy Green Counciimember Gil Coerper Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes February 17, 2009 Page 4 of 0 PRESENTATION BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE On behalf of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, Joyce Riddell presented items to be placed in the time capsule. INTRODUCE EBB AND FLOW BOOK On behalf of the Historical Resources Board, Diane Ryan presented a photo of the 1909 City Council to Mayor Bohr and announced that the "Ebb and Flow" history book is now available. Mayor Bohr thanked the Board and Joe Santiago for the writing, editing and design of the book. INTRODUCTION OF RESIDENTS WHO HAVE LIVED IN HUNTINGTON BEACH BETWEEN 80 AND 100 YEARS Diane Ryan, Historical Resources Board Chair, announced the names of approximately 35 Huntington Beach residents who have resided in the City for 80 to 100 years: Cliff Clemens Virginia (Eberet) Lauer Jane (Weinheimer) Wells Betty & Juan Dillion Roger Hosmer John Rohrig Ray Vidal Jeanette .& Jack Clapp Arline (Huff) Howard Jack Weide Ellen (Diekoff) Trabant Roy Graser Rosemary & Sam Robinson Bill & Marge Kettler Tim Alvarez Russ Paxson Billie Kennedy Lucille Brewster Delbert Coker Nadine Hanson Shirley Worthy Annabelle McNeil Francis (Pate) Rathburn Bill Harbison Gene Whitfield Harlo LeBard Anna Capocciama Ferogene (Combs) Goode Don Goode Richard White Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes February 17, 2009 Page 5 of 6 ANNOUNCMENT OF HISTORIC VIDEO Mayor Keith Bohr announced that a historical video was available at the historic exhibit featured at the Art Center. PRESENTATION OF POSTAL CANCELLATION United States Postmaster Richard Samaniego announced that commemorative centennial postal cancellations would be available at two Huntington Beach Post Office locations for the next 30 days. He presented a commemorative plaque to Mayor Bohr. Santa Ana District Marketing Manager for the USPS, Florinda Bailey, also attended. SONG The Surf City Singers from the Huntington Beach Union High School District Academy of Performing Arts (APA) presented "A Taste of Broadway." SIGNING OF OFFICIAL PROCLAMATION Mayor Keith Bohr called upon the City Counciimembers to sign the centennial proclamation. DEDICATION OF TIME CAPSULE AND PLACEMENT OF ITEMS Mayor Bohr dedicated the time capsule and called upon attendees to participate. He stated the time capsule will be very important to the future of our City and will be placed at City Hall, buried near the existing Veterans' memorial. Mayor Bohr said the intention is to have the capsule buried between the three pelican poles and have pavers designed to designate the area as a tribute to our centennial celebration. The capsule. will be opened in 50 years at the City's sesquicentennial. CLOSING — THE FUTURE OF HUNTINGTON BEACH — SURF CITY PIPELINE Mayor Keith Bohr announced the new online 24/7 customer service program, Surf City Pipeline, on the City's website. Mayor Bohr also announced Surf City Nights' "100 Years, 100 Families" program and invited the public to enjoy the year -long centennial celebration. Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes February 17, 2009 Page 6-of 6 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM to the next regular meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Redevelopment Agency on Monday, March 2, 2009 at 4:00 PM in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: City C rk and ex-officio Cle of the City Council of the City. bf Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington'Beach, California City Clerk-Cle Mayor -Chair