HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-04 (5)Minutes
City Council/Redevelopment Agency
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, May 4, 2009
4:00 PM - Room B-8
6:00 PM - Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
An audio recording of the 4:00 PM portion of this meeting
and a video recording of the 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is archived at
Mayor Bohr called the study session portion of the meeting to order at 4:01 PM.
Present: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
Absent: Green
Mayor Pro Tern Cathy Green has requested permission to be absent pursuant to Resolution No.
2001-54, and noting no objection from the Council, the Mayor Pro Tern was excused from the
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced receipt of the
following communications submitted to her office following distribution of the Council agenda
PowerPoint Presentation dated May 4 - Fiscal Year Mid -Year Finance Report (Study Session
Item No. 1)
Communication submitted by the Director of Finance dated May 1, 2009 entitled Finance Board
Budget Suggestions that included Finance Board cost savings ideas. (Study Session Item No.
PowerPoint communication dated May 4, 2009 submitted by the Director of Economic
Development entitled Downtown Parking Rate Study. (Study Session Item No. 2)
Minute Time Limit) - None.
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(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Study Session #1 - A presentation was provided by the
Finance Department on the Fiscal Year 2008/09 Mid Year Budget Review and the
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
City Clerk Joan Flynn announced late communication on Study Session Item No. 1.
City Administrator Fred Wilson described a difficult budget year with impacts on revenues. He
further discussed a budget management strategy with no major cuts in services, and no layoffs
anticipated. He introduced newly appointed Director of Finance Bob Wingenroth. Director
Wingenroth described his professional background and recognized his staff present, and
Department Heads for welcoming him into the organization. He thanked Josh Brooks, Michael
Solorza and Jennifer Lampman for their work on the budget. Ms. Lampman provided a
PowerPoint that addressed the following topics: External Economic Factors, FY 2008/2009
General Fund - Revenues vs. Expenditures ($8,000,000 dollar deficit from adopted, vs. mid-
year actuals); General Fund Revenue (FY 08/09 Projection); General Fund Expenditures (FY
08/09 Projection); FY 08/09 Budget Management; Projected FY 08/09 Fund Balance; Next
Steps; FY 09/10 Budget Assumptions; Future Concerns, CIP; Economic Stimulus Funds; CAFR
Government -Wide Financial Analysis; General Fund Balance Historical Perspective; Reserves
and Reserve Policy; and overall conclusion.
In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Hansen, Ms. Lampman discussed how the
various employee associations are paying for the enhanced retirement benefits, and that staff
will present a report on City costs for enhanced retirement. Ms. Lampman also presented a
review of the upcoming Capital Improvement Program and federal stimulus plan projects.
In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Hansen, staff noted that the reserve policy is set
at seven (7) percent for economic uncertainties, explained the capital and maintenance reserve
and undesignated reserve. She noted the City has implemented cost cutting strategies, that
staff is currently working on the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget for Council's review, and
continuing to build on the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommendations
on reserve policy.
Councilmember Hardy noted her opinion that the "second tier" reserves should be utilized to
"survive" rather than for small expenditures. She expressed her concerns that the "second tier"
reserve should not be completely flexible for Council's exclusive use, while at the same time
restricting the Department's budget allocations.
In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Coerper, Ms. Lampman explained how to raise
the 7% in crisis reserves to 15%. City Administrator Fred Wilson explained that flexibility in the
"tier two policy" should be narrowed and focused since there is some discretion on the use of
the funds. Councilmember Coerper stressed the importance of funding public safety and
supporting employees.
Councilmember Dwyer requested that staff provide additional information on market rate for
outside contracts and the addition of "sunset clauses."
City Administrator Fred Wilson noted that he has met with the employee associations regarding
the status of the City's financial picture and that all must work together to solve current
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economic problems. Mr. Wilson also stated that staff has worked with vendors on reducing
costs. Councilmember Carchio suggested temporary suspension with the Orange County
League of Cities membership as a cost cutting strategy of up to $30,000. He also noted the
potential of the "Surf City Savings" Program which may add sales tax revenue to the City.
Councilmember Coerper expressed his opinion relative to the importance of remaining involved
in the Orange County League of Cities. This opinion was also supported by Councilmember
Hardy, who stated that Councilmember appointments to the League would reduce Huntington
Beach's representation on various subcommittees.
Councilmember Carchio stated his continuing support for public safety and requested their
funding not be reduced.
Mayor Bohr suggested that Division Directors follow up and work with vendors on the request to
discount their contracts.
Councilmember Hansen requested a "straw poll" in regard to the Council's position on switching
to market rate from prevailing wage. He noted that there may be a $300,000 to $400,000 cost
savings if the switch were made. Discussion ensued regarding how to ensure the quality of
service from vendors if they are not represented by unions. No straw poll was taken as City
Administrator Wilson responded that this matter will return on a future agenda for discussion by
the entire Council.
(City Council) Study Session #2 - Presentation of Parking Rate Report: The City's consultant
presented the study that analyzed the various City parking programs and associated rates to
determine if the rates charged are consistent with the use/intent of the City's parking facilities.
This study is part of the overall review of the Downtown Parking Master Plan.
City Clerk Joan Flynn announced late communication on Study Session Item No. 2.
Stanley Smalewitz introduced Bill Dvorak from Kimley-Horn and Associates, the City's
Downtown consultant. Mr. Dvorak provided a PowerPoint that addressed the scope of
the Downtown Parking Study. The presentation included comparative information from
various beach cities, existing downtown rates issues, a "beach" pass, daily parking rates and
employee parking at Main Promenade, the. Downtown valet, on -street parking, residential
parking, equipment costs, and revenue potential.
Mayor Bohr inquired as to the method for determining revenue potential.
Councilmember Carchio expressed support to include the Main Promenade in the Beach
Parking Pass Program and noted that the cost to seniors and for business validation may be
exorbitant. He also suggested a campaign to encourage residents to purchase beach passes
Councilmember Dwyer noted that he parks in residential areas first to avoid paying fees and
expressed concerns about the strategy of raising fees to alleviate the parking problems.
Discussion ensued on how the City compares to other neighboring cities.
Mr. Smalewitz discussed the overall parking fee strategies as a solution for parking demand. He
also noted the potential for abuse of the merchant parking validation stickers.
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Councilmember Hardy voiced concerns related to people who visit downtown for a quick errand
and cannot find parking in the Main Promenade structure. She commented on the expense of
the pass and requested consideration of moving the dates on the summer pass to the last 6
months of the year. This would support merchants who need after -summer customers. She
also inquired as to the placement of the stickers on vehicles.
Councilmember Hansen supported staff's recommendations, as well as the notion of the "split
Mayor Bohr suggested that the City revisit "valet" throughout the Downtown area, renegotiate
the Duke's parking contract, and increase the minimum age requirement for the senior pass
to 65 years of age.
A motion was made by Coerper, second Hardy to approve recess to Closed Session. The
motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, the City Council recessed into Closed Session
to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Michael Kelly v. City of
Huntington Beach; WCAB Case Nos. ADJ4048630, ADJ4266215, ADJ3758696, ADJ3856630,
and ADJ4711237; Claim No. COHB-06-0077.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, the City Council recessed into Closed Session
to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following potential lawsuit: Whether the City
Attorney should be directed to file a lawsuit against the County to collect overpaid administrative
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8, the City Council recessed to Closed Session to
give instructions concerning price and terms of payment to the City's Negotiator, Deputy City
Administrator Bob Hall, regarding negotiations with Bijan Sassounian for the disposition of the
frontage road adjacent to Beach Boulevard south of Atlanta Avenue.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(3)(A), the City Council recessed to Closed
Session to confer with its attorney regarding potential litigation. Facts and circumstances that
might result in litigation against the local agency but which the local agency believes are not yet
known to a potential plaintiff or plaintiffs, which facts and circumstances need not be disclosed.
Number of Potential Cases: Unknown at this time. Subject: Potential Litigation re: Site License
Agreement with Omnipoint Communications, Inc. (A T-Mobile USA, Inc, Subsidiary) for Wireless
Telecommunication Facility at Harbour View Park.
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Mayor Bohr reconvened the regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment agency at 6:11
Mayor Pro Tern Cathy Green had requested permission to be absent pursuant to Resolution No.
2001-54. Noting no objections by members of the City Council, Councilmember Green was
granted permission to be absent from tonight's meeting.
Present: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
Absent: Green
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Daisy Scout Troop 634 presented the colors and led the Flag
INVOCATION - Led by Mark Curry, Huntington Beach Interfaith Council.
Mayor Bohr made a special announcement regarding the 4th of July Parade. He noted
the Parade Committee wanted to address several concerns about the parade length and is also
working to raise revenue to cover associated costs of the Celebration, especially in the current
"down" economy. The "Y" Indian Guides/Princesses and Scouts will be allowed to walk in the
regular parade or have a float as part of a pilot program with a small entry fee.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan L. Flynn announced late
communications received by her office following distribution of the agenda packet.
Communication submitted for Consent Calendar Item 13 by Stanley Smalewitz, Director of
Economic Development, dated May 1, 2009, and entitled Redevelopment Agency Budget
Communication submitted for Item 17 by Mark Bixby, dated May 4, 2009, regarding the
adoption of Ordinance No. 3830.
Communication submitted for Item 18 by Peggy Tracy, dated May 4, 2009, regarding wireless
communication facilities.
Communication submitted for Item 18 by Ed and Terry Caden, dated May 4, 2009, regarding
wireless communication facilities.
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Communication submitted by Mary Reardon undated and entitled Blighted Strip Mall Beach
Promenade Property Boundary.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The Mayor announced and recognized the month of May as
Asian/Pacific American month as well as Older Americans month. Asian/Pacific American
month was first proclaimed in 1990 by President G.H.W. Bush. The month of May was chosen
in recognition of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States on May 7, 1843 as well as
the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. In 1963, President John F.
Kennedy first designated May as Senior Citizens' month. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter
changed its name to what we now call Older Americans month. Every President since JFK has
issued a formal proclamation asking the nation to pay tribute in some way to older persons in
our communities.
ANNOUNCEMENT AND PRESENTATION: Mayor Bohr invited Shirley Dettloff, former
Mayor, from the Centennial Celebration Committee, and J.D. Schaffer, General Manager of the
Hilton Hotel, to announce May as "Tourism Month." The sponsors were announced and top
winners of the "Be a Tourist in your Hometown" contest were drawn and announced.
PRESENTATION: Mayor Bohr called on Environmental Board Chair Dave Guido who
introduced the "Green Scorecard" award program to the community. He also announced the
two (2) current winners of the Green Home award as Sue Fisher and Kirk Mason
who successfully completed the program.
PRESENTATION: Mayor Bohr invited members of the Edison High School Band to be
recognized for their invitation to perform at Carnegie Hall. A short video presentation of the
band members was featured.
PRESENTATION: Mayor Bohr invited City Clerk Joan Flynn to come forward and receive a
proclamation for Municipal Clerks Week. Ms. Flynn introduced members of the City Clerk's
Office who were present.
PRESENTATION: Mayor Bohr invited Linda Lewis, Second Harvest Bank Ambassador, to come
forward and receive a proclamation in honor of the "Stamp out Hunger" food drive.
PRESENTATION: Mayor Bohr invited Detention Administrator Dale Miller and the staff
members from the Jail Unit, to receive a proclamation for Police Correctional Officers Week. Mr.
Miller described the functions of the Jail Unit and their various accomplishments.
Mayor Bohr announced the Police Memorial "Fallen Officers" candlelight vigil that will take place
on May 7th in Sacramento, followed by a memorial on May 8th. He also stated a federal
memorial will be held on May 15th.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit)
(The numbers following speakers' comments reflect the approximate point in time in the archived video
the speaker appears at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/government agendas)
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Dave Carlberg, President of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica, noted that this was American Wetlands
Month, and presented each member of the Council with a Bolsa Chica history book. (00:35:59)
Tom Mays, representing the YMCA's Indian Guides and Princesses Program, requested
clarification regarding the elimination of the Fourth of July "pre -parade," the inclusion of the
youth groups in the parade, and that a small fee program will be established for this year.
Barry and Megan Colburn thanked the Council for their decisions regarding the Fourth of July
Parade and allowing members of the YMCA Indian Guides/Princesses to participate. Megan
Colburn announced that her favorite part of the parade is the face painting. (00:38:34)
Mike D'Alessandro and Princesses "Dancing Rose Bud" and "Beautiful Mountain" thanked the
Council for allowing the youth groups to continue marching in the parade and continue the
traditions established by the Indian Guides and Princesses. The Princesses described their
favorite parts of participating in the parade. (00:39:49)
Hermine and Tyler Rule thanked the Council for their wise decisions related to the Fourth of July
Parade. Ms. Rule also presented Tyler's timeline of important events in his life, and noted that
walking in the parade was a significant element in his life. (00:41:41)
Kevin and Kendel Smith noted his family's participation in the Huntington Beach 5k and in the
Fourth of July Parade, and reminisced on his daughter Joy's elation at the face painting events.
Mike, Mason, and Tea Lucero, representing the Indian Guides and Princesses, spoke about his
family's participation in the Fourth of July Parade and made inquiries regarding the age of
participants, the continuation of the face painting, and allowing the Indian Guides and
Princesses to lead the parade. (00:46:35)
Councilmember Hansen noted that the goals of the Parade Board's solution were to ensure that
the participants keep the parade moving along, and to allow without restrictions the various
groups to walk in the parade.
Jim Kerins and Ava, Catherine, Edward and Sienna Kerins, spoke about the tradition of the
Indian Guides and Princesses in participating in the Fourth of July Parade. The children spoke
about their participation and enjoyment in walking in the Huntington Beach Fourth of July
Parade. (00:52:43)
Izzy King spoke about her participation as an Indian Princess in the Fourth of July Parade.
Margaret Tracy spoke regarding the cell phone tower in Bolsa and Harbour View Parks and
expressed her concerns regarding appropriate public notification of any upcoming construction.
Eric Schuman, representing the YMCA Indian Guides, thanked the Council for their decision to
allow the Guides to continue participating in the parade. (01:00:54)
Bob Smentkowski and Princess Ice Cream Bear addressed concerns regarding the new
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guidelines for parade participation. He requested clarification of the face painting and age
limitations. Princess Ice Cream Bear acknowledged that her favorite part of the parade was the
face painting. (01:02:02)
Staff noted that the age guidelines for participation have been lifted this year as a "pilot"
Mark Rule and Dancing Caterpillar, Dancing Butterfly and Paige, expressed their continuing
support of allowing youth groups to participate in the Fourth of July Parade. The children noted
their favorite parts of the parade. (01:05:04)
Councilmember Hansen summarized the concerns expressed by various members of the
public, and noted the Parade Board's solutions related to the length of the parade as well as the
number of organizations that want to participate.
William O'Connell, Executive Director of Collette's Children Home, expressed concerns
regarding the City's Request for Proposal (RFP) process, and voiced specific disappointment
regarding the lack of public notification provided for the Emerald Cove project, stating he would
have like his organization to have a fair opportunity to participate in the project. (01:14:48)
Hanne Palmer, expressed concerns regarding the "Cape Ann_" development as it pertains to
inclusionary housing. (00:17:33)
Kris Richau expressed her concerns about the proposed cell phone tower at Bolsa View Park.
Lindsay Powley and Spencer Powley, representing the Indian Guides and Princesses, thanked
the Council for allowing them to participate in the Fourth of July Parade. (01:21:27)
Connie Ngo, resident and Cape Ann Homeowner, expressed her concerns regarding the Cape
Ann development and the inclusionary housing program. (01:22:08)
Robert Johnson, resident, expressed concerns regarding the Cape Ann project as it pertains to
inclusionary housing. (01:24:42)
The City Administrator introduced and welcomed Bob Wingenroth, Director of Finance, to the
City. Mr. Wingenroth made a few comments of introduction.
1. (City Council) Reviewed and accepted Shari L. Freidenrich, City Treasurer's Investment
Summary Report of City Investment Portfolio, Bond Proceeds, Deferred Compensation, and
Retiree Medical Trust Activity for March 2009.
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A motion was made by Coerper, second Hansen to review and accept the Monthly Investment
Report. Following review of the report by motion of Council, accepted the Monthly Investment
Report for March 2009, pursuant to Section 17.0 of the Investment Policy of the City of
Huntington Beach. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, and Hansen
NOES: None
1. (City Council) Announced the increase in campaign contribution limits from a single source to
$520, effective January 1, 2009.
A motion was made by Coerper, second Carchio to receive and file the Campaign Contribution
Limit Recalculation report, which became effective January 1, 2009. The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, and Hansen
NOES: None
(The numbers following speakers' comments reflect the approximate point in time in the
archived video the speaker appears at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/government agendas)
3. (City Council) Public Hearing held to adopt Resolution No. 2009-23 for revision to the City's
FireMed fee schedule for ambulance transportation and emergency medical services effective
June 01, 2009.
The Fire Chief made a brief presentation. He noted that the fee changes were recently
approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The increases will improve the City's
current program, and will offset current budget reductions and medical supplies and equipment
Mayor Bohr opened the public hearing.
Noting that there were no public comments on this matter, Mayor Bohr closed the public
A motion was made by Coerper, second Carchio to adopt Resolution No. 2009-23, "A
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Setting Advanced Life Support,
Basic Life Support, Emergency Ambulance Transportation, Medications and Specialized Supply
Fees to be Charged by the Fire Department of the City of Huntington Beach." The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
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NOES: None
4. (City Council) Public hearing held to consider an appeal by Mayor Keith Bohr of the Planning
Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 08-013, and Variance No. 08-007 for
the Beach Boulevard/Atlanta Avenue Promenade Commercial Center.
Staff made a brief presentation regarding the proposed additions to the commercial shopping
center project.
Mayor Bohr clarified that his appeal of this item was to provide an opportunity for staff and the
applicant to ensure the Beach Boulevard issues were addressed.
Mayor Bohr opened the public hearing.
Mary Reardon, Surfside Homeowners Association, announced the Association's pleasure that
this project will likely be approved and noted support for the potential egress on Beach
Boulevard. (01:45:22)
Bill Holman, representing the applicant, requested the Council's support for the project which
includes expansion and remodel of the storefront, updating of the architectural elements, and
the redesign and restriping of the parking lot. (01:48:08)
Elizabeth Shier Burnett, Huntington Beach Planning Commissioner, provided a brief synopsis of
the actions made by the Planning Commission on this matter. She covered the remaining
Conditional Use Permit conditions and code requirements for the project. (01:53:40)
Noting there were no further speakers, Mayor Bohr closed the public hearing.
Mayor Bohr expressed approval for the project and requested that Public Works review the
deceleration lane.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Coerper to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 08-013
and Variance No. 08-007 with findings and conditions of approval (Planning Commission
Recommended Action). The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
5. (City Council) Administrative Public Hearing held pursuant to Resolution No. 2009-06
adopted February 2, 2009 to hear protests and objections regarding weed, rubbish, and refuse
abatement of certain public and undeveloped private properties at owners' expense.
The Mayor opened the public hearing.
Noting there were no speakers, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
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A motion was made by Hardy, second Hansen to authorize the Superintendent of Streets
(Director of Public Works) to proceed with the abatement of said nuisance. The motion carried
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
CONSENT CALENDAR (Items #6 through #15)
The Consent Calendar was conducted out of its original agenda order.
Councilmember Dwyer requested to pull Consent Items 11 and 14 for discussion.
Mayor Bohr requested to pull Consent Item 8 for discussion.
6. (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Approved and adopted minutes.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Carchio to approve and adopt the minutes of the City
Council/Redevelopment Agency regular meeting of April 6, 2009, as written and on file in the
Office of the City Clerk. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
7. (City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2009-22 approving the application for Grant Funds for
the California River Parkways Grant Program under the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and
Supply, Flood Control, River and. Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84) to be
used to construct amenities, including an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible
ramp, from Lebard Park to the Santa Ana River pathway.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Carchio to adopt Resolution No. 2009-22, "A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the Application for Grant Funds for
the California River Parkways Grant Program under the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and
Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84)." The
motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
8. (City Council) Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No.
1 to the agreement with Schiff Associates for as -needed corrosion and maintenance services
(for design, construction, annual assessment, and maintenance of metallic components in the
water system) in the amount of $500,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $750,000.
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Mayor Bohr emphasized to staff his concerns regarding monitoring hourly service contracts with
vendors. The City Administrator noted that staff has been directed to continue to closely monitor
service and costs associated with vendor contracts.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Coerper to approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute "Amendment No. 1 to Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and
Schiff Associates for As -Needed Corrosion and Maintenance Services." The motion carried by
the following roll call vote:
Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Carchio, staff noted that this contract exceeded
the first year cost estimate due to service the City requested in several "on call' project areas.
9. (City Council) Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a service
agreement in the amount of $12,771 between the City of Huntington Beach and MD Helicopters,
Inc. to provide the Huntington Beach Police Department Air Support Unit with helicopter pilot
flight training.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Carchio to approve "Service Agreement Between the City
of Huntington Beach and MD Helicopters, Inc.," and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute
the agreement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
10. (City Council) Approved project plans and specifications and awarded construction contract
in the amount of $2,960,947.85 to Elite Bobcat Services, Inc. for the reconstruction of various
residential streets, MSC-455; approve a construction contingency of 20% or $592,190; and,
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Carchio to approve the plans and specifications; and,
accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Elite Bobcat Services, Inc. in the
amount of $2,960,947.85 for MSC 455; and, approve a construction contingency of 20% or
$592,190; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form
approved by the City Attorney. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
11. (City Council) Approved agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Wittman
Enterprises, LLC in an amount not -to -exceed $920,000 for billing of fees for emergency
paramedic and ambulance services through May 31, 2012.
In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Dwyer, the Fire Chief reported that the five
percent increase is a standard factor used in the number of calls and call volume, and that staff
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looked at other service providers and did not go through the Request for Proposals process in
this case. The City Attorney noted that the City had an opportunity to "piggy back" on another
jurisdiction's public bidding process and noted this process was approved by the Purchasing
In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Carchio, the Fire Chief reported that there was
an increase in the contract; however there will be corresponding revenue offset function as well.
A motion was made by Dwyer, second Carchio to approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the "Professional Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and
Wittman Enterprises, LLC for Billing Services for Emergency Paramedic and Ambulance
Service." The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
12. (City Council) Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Proposition
42 City Aid Program (CAP) Funding Agreement with the County of Orange to receive grant
funding in the amount of $471,440 to be used for the purposes of routine roadway maintenance,
non -capacity enhancing minor roadway widening, and storm drain improvements related to
storm damage.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Carchio to approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the "Proposition 42 City Aid Program Funding Agreement." The motion carried
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio,. Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
13. (Redevelopment Agency) Implemented the Redevelopment Agency's (RDA) mid -year
budget appropriation adjustments due to changes in legislative directives, contractual
obligations and spending priorities that impact the RDA budget.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Carchio to increase appropriations in the respective
Redevelopment Agency (RDA) funds for specified expenditures. The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
14. (City Council) Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the
Cooperative Agreement between the County of Orange and the City of Huntington Beach to
issue bonds to finance the sale and acquisition of the Emerald Cove Senior Apartments, located
at 18191 Park Tree Circle.
Councilmember Dwyer asked staff to respond to concerns provided during public comments
that the project did not initiate through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Staff explained
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that the unsolicited bid request pursuant to this matter came from a vendor with significant
senior housing experience and noted that public notification is always given in projects that go
out to bid. Staff also reported that the non-profit organization of the public speaker who
referenced this matter tonight, did not have the senior housing experience typically required for
a project of this scope.
Staff noted this is a first -step in the Emerald Cove Senior Apartments project to meet a time line
for State tax credit applications.
In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Carchio, staff noted that periodically there will be
an unsolicited bid which could trigger negotiations. However, staff conducts projects, as well as
bids, in a transparent manner to ensure that contractors have a fair opportunity to participate in
City development programs.
A motion was made by Dwyer, second Coerper to approve "Cooperative Agreement Between
the County of Orange and the City of Huntington Beach," and authorize the Mayor to execute
the agreement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
15. (City Council) Approved to receive and file a Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated
Plan 2008 Action Plan for the Prevention of Homelessness and Rapid Re -Housing Program, as
a condition to receive the $566,611 federal stimulus funding under Title XII of the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Carchio to approve to receive and file the "Substantial
Amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan for the Homelessness Prevention and
Rapid Re -Housing Program (HPRP)." The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, Hardy, and Hansen
NOES: None
16. (City Council) Adopted Ordinance No. 3829 amending Chapter 230 of the Huntington Beach
Zoning and Subdivision code by amending Section 230.26 relating to affordable housing.
Approved for Introduction April 20, 2009.
A motion was made by Coerper, second Carchio to after City Clerk reads by title, adopt
Ordinance No. 3829, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 230 of
the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Code by Amending Section 230.26 Relating to
Affordable Housing." The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Bohr, Coerper, and Hansen
NOES: Hardy
Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes
May 4, 2009
Page 15 of 16
17. (City Council) Adopted Ordinance No. 3830 amending Chapter 2.07 of the Huntington
Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) relating to term -limited campaign committees and donations
received after,the;end,,of the election cycle for term -limited Council members. Approved for
Introduction A aril 20,.2Q0G;:,
Mayor Bohr�expressed cancerns'this Ordinance would make elected City officials potentially
more susceptible tii i olitica�, 0116ence through campaign contributions.
Councilmember D+, yer clan fied'a statement in the press that suggested he felt the proposed
Ordinance= would.provid6)no benefits to his campaign by acknowledging its presumed benefits
should he.ci:iodse,to, seek.a; second term.
A motion was made by Dwyer, second Carchio to after City Clerk reads by title, adopt
Ordinance No. 3830, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 2.07 of
the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Election Cycles." The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Carchio, Dwyer, Coerper, and Hansen
NOES: Bohr, and Hardy
18. (City Council) Submitted by Councilmember Joe Carchio - Amend Huntington Beach Zoning
and Subdivision Ordinance Section 230.96 relating to Wireless Communication Facilities.
Councilmember Carchio and Mayor Bohr requested this item return to the Council with options
related to cell phone towers in parks. There was no further action on this item.
Councilmember Hansen enjoyed his time at the Edison High School Car Show.
Councilmember Coerper represented the City at the "Heroes Mission" at Los Alamitos and
attended the Huntington Beach Police Awards Ceremony.
Councilmember Carchio reported the introduction of the "Surf City Savings" program.
Councilmember Dwyer thanked his daughter Sophia Dwyer, who assisted in leading tonight's
Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Bohr announced his attendance at the Orange Blossom Ball, the Grand Opening of
Mazda, which just remodeled their facilities, the volunteer luncheon for seniors, and the Town
Hall meeting on April 30th.
Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes
May 4, 2009
Page 16 of 16
ADJOURNMENT - Council/Agency adjourned at 8:42 PM to the next regularly scheduled
meeting on Monday, May 18, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington
Beach, California.
City Jerk and -ex-offi ;JC I of ffie City
Council of-ihe City of Heuntiri�tbn-Beach
and Clerk of theAgency
of the City of Huntington; Be:: h, California
City Clerk-Cler Mayor -Chair