HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-19Minutes
City Council/Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Monday July 19 2010
4 00 PM - Room B-8
6 00 PM - Council Chambers
Civic Center 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach California 92648
An audio recording of the 4 00 PM portion of this meeting
and a video recording of the 6 00 PM portion of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is archived at
www surfcoty-hb org/governmentlagendas/
4 30 PM - ROOM B-8
ROLL CALL - (Councilmember Gil Coerper requested permission to be absent pursuant to
Resolution No 2001-54)
Present Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
Absent Coerper
PowerPoint communication for Study Session Item No 1 submitted by the Public Works
Department dated July 19 2010 and entitled Central County Corridor Major Investment Study
Briefing Presentation
Communication for Closed Session Item No 2 submitted by Suzie Slope dated July 17 2010
regarding T-Mobile s project to install antennas at Harbour View Park and Bolsa View Park
Communication for Closed Session Item No 2 submitted by Leanna Nighswonger dated July
19 2010 regarding T-Mobile s project to install antennas at Harbour View Park and Bolsa View
Communication for Closed Session Item No 2 submitted by Rutan & Tucker LLP dated July
19 2010 re Omnipoint Communications Inc (T-Mobile) v City of Huntington Beach United
States District Court Case No CV-09-3777
Minute Time Limit)
Patrick Munoz Rutan and Tucker spoke to Council about Closed Session Item No 2 (T-
Mobde) He requested the City reconsider the application expressing his opinion that to deny is
consistent with the law and he requested that the Council look carefully at the issues raised
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July 19 2010
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He discussed Measure C regulations and how cell tower companies must have a lease with the
City He also voiced concerned with a recent court ruling on the preemption of Measure C
Mary Busche voiced concerns regarding Closed Session Item No 2 (T-Mobile) and discussed
her personal experience with a family member's emphysema She fears for her grandchildren
attending school near a cell tower and recommended that Council find an alternate location
such as a cemetery
Jeff Busche voiced concerns about Closed Session Item No 2 (T-Mobile) stating that he has
two children who attend Harbour View School He encouraged Council to consider alternate
locations explaining how residents are angry and support the legal opinions provided by Rutan
and Tucker
Lon Ann Burrett voiced concerns related to Closed Session Item No 2 (T-Mobile) stating she
has three children at Harbour View School and how she will do anything to keep the tower from
being constructed at that site She also discussed Vista Del Monte s study about cell towers
existing near schools that included evidence of cancer and how the Ocean View School District
adopted a Resolution to ban Cell Towers
Mary Beth Arnold read an email sent by Leanne Nighswonger via the SurfCity Pipeline
regarding Closed Session Item No 2 (T-Mobile) She reiterated that residents care and
discussed T-Mobile s actions in keeping the public uninformed and urged Council to oppose
construction of a cell tower at the identified locations
Vikki Morrison real estate agent spoke regarding Closed Session Item No 2 (T-Mobile) and
voiced concerns about putting a cell tower in a park near children
Courtney Holm-Bonaag spoke regarding Closed Session Item No 2 (T-Mobile) explaining
reasons why her family purchased a home on Trinidad Island and expressing her fears about
her children attending Harbour View School
Heather Lenore voiced concerns about Closed Session Item No 2 (T-Mobile) and the proposed
construction of a cell tower near Harbour View School She has two children who will attend the
school and has concerns about their being exposed 11 hours per day to radioactive waves
1 Representatives from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) provided an
overview on the Central County Corridor Major Investment Study currently underway This
project studies several multi -modal alternatives to improve mobility and ease traffic in Central
Orange County which includes a portion of Huntington Beach
City Engineer Tony Olmos introduced Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)
representative Joseph Alcock who presented a PowerPoint presentation entitled Central County
Corridor Major Investment Study Bnefing Presentation that included slides titled Central
County Study Area What is a Major Investment Study? Major Investment Study Process &
Status Screening and Evaluation Process from Initial Set of Alternatives to LPS Committed
Initiatives - Measure M2 Huntington Beach (Arterial Projects Freeway Projects Transit)
Proposed Improvements Recommended Locally Preferred Strategy for Central Orange County
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is Multimodal Preliminary List of Improvements for CCCMIS Area (Includes Committed
Initiatives - M2) and Next Steps
Discussion ensued between Council staff and consultants regarding
• Smart street treatments (synchronization eminent domain existing right-of-way)
• Advanced traffic management systems
• Signal timing
• Tum-lane options
• Use of M-2 funds
• Flyovers
A motion was made by Carchio second Green to recess to Closed Session The motion carried
by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
2 Pursuant to Government Code § 54956 9 the City Council recessed into Closed Session to
confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit Omnipoint Communications Inc
(T-Mobile) v City of Huntington Beach United States District Court Case No CV09-3777 RGK
which involves T-Mobile s project to install antennas at Harbour View Park and Bolsa View Park
CLOSED SESSION REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY - City Attorney McGrath announced that
the City Council will hold a special meeting in the Council Chambers on Tuesday July 20 2010
at 7 00 PM to consider placing a measure on the November 2 2010 ballot concerning
the location of cell sites on City park property
ROLL CALL - (Councilmember Gil Coerper requested permission to be absent pursuant to
Resolution No 2001-54)
Present Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
Absent Coerper
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Councilmember Carchio
INVOCATION - Tom Hohman representing Sts Simon and Jude and the Huntington Beach
Interfaith Council
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July 19 2010
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Presentation - Mayor Cathy Green invited Rusty Carter Chairman of the 2010 National
Jamboree Campaign for the Orange County Boy Scout Council to introduce the troops attending
the National Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort AP Hill in Virginia
Presentation - Mayor Cathy Green invited the Fourth of July Board of Directors along with the
Director and Assistant Director to come forward and be recognized for their efforts to make this
year s celebration a great event
Mayor s Award - Mayor Green called on Planning and Budding Director Scott Hess to present
the Mayors Award to Senior Permit Technician Phillip Chuor
Pursuant to the Brown Open Meetings Act City Clerk Joan Flynn announced late
communications that were received by her office following distribution of the City Council
Agenda packet
PowerPoint presentation submitted on Administrative Item No 12 by the Planning Department
dated July 19 2010 and entitled In -Lieu Parking Fee Analysis
Communication for Administrative Item No 12 submitted by Scott Hess Director of Planning
and Budding and Stanley Smalewitz Director of Economic Development dated July 19 2010
entitled Downtown Parking In -Lieu Fee Program - Item No 12 on the July 19 City Council
Communications submitted by Beverly Wallace Karen Bodge Randy Liedahl Deborah Bent
Lisa Brooks Diane Amendola Cindy Cross and the California Federation of Dog Clubs for
Councdmember Item No 18 regarding proposed ordinance to allow service dogs to be
permitted as a fourth dog
Communication submitted by Terry Crowther dated July 19 2010 requesting a revocation
hearing for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No 08-052
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit)
(The numbers following the speakers comments reflect the approximate pant in the archived
audio file located at http //huntingtonbeach granicus com/ViewPublisher php?view_id=2)
Scott Dodson spoke in opposition to the annexation of Sunset Beach by the City alerting
Council that the Sunset Beach Community Association has raised funds necessary for a
comprehensive feasibility study pursuant to the guidelines established by the Local Agency
Formation Commission (LAFCO) (00 15 00)
Mark Shaffner 37-year resident voiced concerns about receiving a parking ticket for his
son s vehicle parking in front of his residence after the street sweeper had passed it (00 16 08)
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Councilmember Dwyer and Police Captain Chuck Thomas requested that the speaker to fill out
a blue follow-up card
Terry Crowther voiced concerns about the Brethren Christian conditional use permit and
distributed a letter to Council requesting a revocation hearing (00 19 20)
Gisela Campagne 33-year resident spoke in support of Agenda Item No 18 (amending HBMC
Section 7 12 150 - allow service dogs to exceed the three dog limit) (00 20 24)
Katie De Luca spoke in support of Agenda Item No 18 (amending HBMC Section 7 12 150 -
allow service dogs to exceed the three dog limit) She also recommended that Council consider
special permitting for rehabilitation of rescue dogs (00 22 17)
Cynthia Vigil member of animal rescue organization "Leg Up spoke in support of Agenda Item
No 18 (amending HBMC Section 7 12 150 - allow service dogs to exceed the three dog limit)
(00 25 12)
Tim Geddes spoke about the November 2 2010 General Municipal Election specifically Council
candidates and the Huntington Beach Downtown Residents Association s website at
HBDRA com that posts candidate information He also spoke in support of Agenda item No 12
- Downtown Parking In -Lieu Fee Implementation Program (00 23 50)
Karen Chepeka President Save Our Strays spoke in support of Agenda Item No 18
(amending HBMC Section 7 12 150 - allow service dogs to exceed the three dog limit)
(00 28 06)
Michael Munoz Operation Honor for Honor thanked Mayor Green for attending and City staff
members Cathy Fikes Glona Storovich and Lorene Ernst for their assistance in coordinating
the first annual 'Honor For Honor' event on Friday July 2nd Mr Munoz presented Honor For
Honor" awards to Mayor Green and Fire Chief Patrick McIntosh (00 28 50)
Councilmember Bohr submitted a written AB 1234 report that is on file in the City Clerk s Office
City Administrator Fred Wilson updated Council on the City s Solar Power project and asked
Police Captain Chuck Thomas to provide an update on Police activities during the 4th of July
holiday Captain Thomas reported the number of arrests and injuries
1 Reviewed and accepted the City Treasurer s May 2010 Investment Summary Report
A motion was made by Dwyer second Carchio to review and accept the Monthly Investment
Report Following review of the report by motion of Council accept the Monthly Investment
Report for May 2010 pursuant to Section 17 0 of the Investment Policy of the City of Huntington
Beach The motion carried by the following roll call vote
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AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
2 City of Huntington Beach Strategic Objectives Update
A motion was made by Bohr second Carchio to receive and file the updated status of the Six -
Month Strategic Objectives The motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
3 Approved and authorized execution of a five year License Agreement with Southern
California Edison (SCE) for a Traffic Signal on Center Drive at One Pacific Plaza
A motion was made by Bohr second Carchio to approve the ' License Agreement' between the
City and Southern California Edison for the traffic signal on Center Drive at One Pacific Plaza
and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement The motion carried by the following roll call
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
4 Approved and authorized execution of a five year License Agreement with Southern
California Edison (SCE) for public parkland located in Arevalos Park
A motion was made by Bohr second Carchio to approve the License Agreement with
Southern California Edison for Arevalos Park and authorize the Mayor to execute the
Agreement The motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
5 Approved and authorized execution of a five year License Agreement with Southern
California Edison (SCE) for public parkland located in Edison Community Park (Northwest
Corner of Hamilton Avenue and Magnolia Street)
A motion was made by Bohr second Carchio to approve the License Agreement" with
Southern California Edison for Edison Community Park and authorize the Mayor to execute the
Agreement The motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
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July 19 2010
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6 Approved and authorized execution of a five year License Agreement with Southern
California Edison (SCE) for public parkland located in Edison Park (Northeast Corner of
Hamilton Avenue and Magnolia Street)
A motion was made by Bohr second Coerper to approve the "License Agreement with
Southern California Edison for Edison Park and authorize the Mayor to execute the
Agreement The motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
7 Adopted Resolution No 2010-52 confirming reports of cost for the 2010 Weed Abatement on
private property within the City and certified all charges listed to the Orange County 2010/11
Property Tax Roll
A motion was made by Bohr second Carchio to adopt Resolution No 2010-52 'A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Confirming Reports of Cost for Weed
Abatement on Private Property within the City - 2010 Season " and direct that all charges listed
thereon be certified to the Orange County 2010/11 Property Tax Roll The motion carried by the
following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
8 Approved appointments of Mr Samuel Heritage and Ms Kathleen O Connor -Phelps to the
Design Review Board (DRB) with terms to expire December 31 2013 as recommended by City
Council liaisons Councilmembers Keith Bohr Joe Carchio and Don Hansen
A motion was made by Bohr second Carchio to approved the appointments of Mr Samuel
Heritage and Ms Kathleen O Connor -Phelps to the Design Review Board for a term to expire
December 31 2013 as a Historic Resources Board Representative and At -Large Member
respectively The motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
9 Accepted the resignation of Sheila Gee and approved the appointment of Tiffany Dekle to the
Human Relations Task Force with a term to expire December 31 2011 as recommended by
City Council liaisons Mayor Cathy Green and Councilmember Gil Coerper
A motion was made by Bohr second Carchio to accept the resignation of Sheila Gee and
approve the appointment of Tiffany Dekle to the Human Relations Task Force with a term to
expire December 31 2011 as recommended by City Council liaisons Councilmember Gil
Coerper and Mayor Cathy Green The motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
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ABSENT Coerper
10 Adopted Resolution No 2010-51 to make application for Grant Funds from the State of
California managed through the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
Used Oil Grant Program for the establishment of a Used Oil Collection Center and authorized
the Fire Chief to execute all ancillary documents on behalf of the City
A motion was made by Bohr second Carchio to adopt Resolution 2010-51 'A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to Make Application for Grant Funds for the
Establishment of a Used Oil Recycling Program " and authorize the Fire Chief to execute all
ancillary documents on behalf of the City without further approval of the City Council The
motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
11 Approved a three year Professional Services Contract with Keyser Marston Associates Inc
in the amount of $500 000 for Economic Analysis Services
Councilmember Carchio pulled the item to question approving a three-year contract Stanley
Smalewitz Director of Economic Development explained the Request for Proposal (RFP)
process Councilmember Dwyer questioned how approving an open-ended contract for
services affects the Council process of approving projects that exceed $100 000 in cost
Councilmember Hansen expressed support for current policy
In response to Mayor Green City Attorney McGrath explained City Charter Section 614 the
authority to execute contracts and the bid process
A motion was made by Carchio second Bohr to approve the Professional Services Contract
between the City of Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency and Keyser Marston Associates
Inc in the amount of $500 000 for Economic Analysis Services over a three-year period and
authorize the Chairman and Agency Clerk to execute the Contract The motion carried by the
following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
12 Adopted Resolution No 2010-49 amending the Downtown Parking in -Lieu Fee and
updating the Downtown Parking In -Lieu Fee Implementation Program - Continued from July 6
City Administrator Wilson introduced Economic Development Project Manager Luis Gomez to
provide a PowerPoint presentation entitled Downtown Parking In -Lieu Fee Program - Item No
12 on the July 19 City Council Agenda that included title slides Background Proposed In -Lieu
Fee Program Area Cost Analysis Proposed Changes and Current/Future Uses
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July 19 2010
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Discussion between Council and staff centered on the following topics
• Full cost of development including design construction and land cost
• Live/work in -lieu fee analysis
• City Hall Shuttle Program update
• Subsidizing parking in the downtown
• Calculating interest
• Raising in -lieu fee to $35 000 to recover actual costs
• Incentives for parking on -site
• How in -lieu fees facilitate delivery of programs (bike valet shuttle etc )
• Advertising programs
• Residents needs downtown
• Year-round parking statistics
• Programs that offset parking during high volume occupancy in structures
A motion was made by Dwyer second Green to adopt Resolution No 2010-49 A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Adopting an In -Lieu Fee and Implementation
Plan for District 1 of the Downtown Specific Plan, as amended by Late Communication
amending Sections One and Two of Resolution No 2010-49, and Dwyer's amendment to
rase the In -Lieu fee to $35,000 The motion failed by the following roll call vote
AYES Hardy Green and Dwyer
NOES Carchio Bohr and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
A motion was made by Bohr second Hansen to adopt Resolution No 2010-49 'A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Adopting an In -Lieu Fee and implementation
Plan for District 1 of the Downtown Specific Plan' as amended by Late Communication
amending Sections One and Two of Resolution No 2010-49
Councilmember Bohr addressed incentifying development and his opinion that a new structure
will never be built downtown
Councilmember Dwyer questioned continuing the item
Councilmember Hansen discussed the statistics by City provided in the staff report for in -lieu
Councilmember Carchio recognized business participation downtown
The motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
NOES Green
ABSENT Coerper
13 Approved a City Council Position on Legislation a Regulating or Budget Issue Pending
Before a Federal State or Regional Government as Recommended by the City Council
Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC)
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Mayor Pro Tern explained her opposition to AB 1955 (De La Torre)
A motion was made by Hardy second Hansen to approve opposition to AB 1955 (De La Torre) -
Public Officers Incompatible Offices and authorize a letter opposing State Budget Item 0250
which would add a $3 00 surcharge to all parking violations and authorize a letter in support of
a Petition of Writ of Mandamus in Yorba Linda Water District V Superior Court in and for the
County of Orange California Court of Appeal Case No G043854 (Lindhold/Itani v Yorba Linda
Water District, Superior Court Case No 30-2009-00320239-CU-EI-CXC ) Let the record show
Councilmember Dwyer as voting to abstain on AB 1955 The motion carried by the
following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
14 Adopted Ordinance No 3881 amending Chapter 233 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and
Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO) relating to the number of political signs and placement of
temporary signs Approved for introduction July 6 2010
A motion was made by Bohr second Hardy to after the City Clerk reads by title adopt
Ordinance No 3881 'An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 233 of
the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Relating to Signs' The motion carried
by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
15 Adopted Ordinance No 3884 amending District Map 33 (Sectional Map 28-5-11) of the
Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO) to rezone property generally
located southeast of the intersection of Los Patos Avenue and Bolsa Chica Street from
Residential Agricultural - Coastal Zone Overlay (RA -CZ) to Residential Low Density - Coastal
Zone Overlay (RL-CZ) - Zoning Map Amendment No 08-007 Approved for introduction July 6
A motion was made by Hansen second Bohr to after the City Clerk reads by title adopt
Ordinance No 3884 An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending District Map 33
(Sectional Map 28-5-11) of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to Rezone
the Real Property Generally Located Southeast of the Intersection of Los Patos Avenue and
Bolsa Chica Street from Residential Agricultural - Coastal Zone Overlay (RA -CZ) to Residential
Low Density - Coastal Zone Overlay (RL CZ) (Zoning Map Amendment No 08-007) " The
motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Green Bohr and Hansen
NOES Hardy
ABSENT Coerper
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16 Adopted Ordinance No 3885 amending the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision
Ordinance (HBZSO) by amending Section 210 06 Property Development Standards and
210 12 Planned Unit Development Supplemental Standards and Provisions - Zoning Text
Amendment No 09-008 Approved for introduction July 6 2010
A motion was made by Hansen second Carchio to after the City Clerk reads by title adopt
Ordinance No 3885 'An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Huntington
Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance by Amending Section 210 06 Property Development
Standards and 210 12 Planned Unit Development Supplemental Standards and Provisions
(Zoning Text Amendment No 09-008) " The motion carried by the following roll call vote
Carchio Green Bohr and Hansen
17 Submitted by Mayor Cathy Green - Approved appointment of a voting delegate and
alternate to the League of California Cities Annual Conference and Business Meeting in San
Diego on September 15-17 2010
A motion was made by Hardy second Hansen to appoint Councilmember Joe Carchio to serve
as the voting delegate and Mayor Cathy Green and Councilmember Don Hansen as the
alternate voting delegate representing the City of Huntington Beach at the 2010 League of
California Cities Annual -Conference and Annual Business Meeting scheduled for September
15-17 The motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES - Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
NOES - None
ABSENT Coerper
18 Submitted by Mayer Pro Tern Jill Hardy and Councilmember Keith Bohr -
Approved recommendation that the City Attorney draft an ordinance allowing service dogs to be
permitted as a fourth dog and exempt from the three dog limit
Mayor Pro Tern Hardy explained service dog duties and discussed her request that the City
Attorney bring back an ordinance that provides an exemption to the three -dog rule for a family
who requires a service dog
A motion was made by Hardy second Hansen to direct the City Attorney to prepare ordinance
allowing service dogs to be permitted as a fourth dog and exempt from the three dog limit The
motion carried by the following roll call vote
AYES Carchio Hardy Green Bohr Dwyer and Hansen
ABSENT Coerper
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Mayor Green stated that the meeting would be adjourned in memory of Mark Porter
Comments provided by Councdmembers Carchio Dwyer and Green
Adjournment at 7 59 PM to a special meeting on Tuesday, July 20 at 7 00 PM, City Council
Chambers and then to the regular meeting of Monday, August 2, 2010 at 4 00 PM in Room
B-8 Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach California
Cit�Wlerk and ex-officio CldOk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Huntington Beach California
City Clerk -CI May a=r