HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-20Minutes
City Council/Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, June 20,2011
4:00 PM — Room B-8
6:00 PM — Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California
An audio recording of the 4:00 PM portion of this meeting
and a video recording of the 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are archived at
4:00 PM — ROOM B-8
Present: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
Absent: None.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced there was no receipt of
communications received by her office following distribution of the Council agenda packet.
limit) — None.
1. A presentation was made by the Public Works Department on the City's Pavement Management
City Manager Fred Wilson invited Public Works Director Travis Hopkins to introduce Todd Broussard,
Principal Engineer, who provided the staff report and Tony Olmos, City Engineer who participated in the
Engineer Broussard presented a PowerPoint report entitled, "Pavement Management Overview 2010-
2017" that included the following titled slides: Backgrounds, Factors that Effect Pavement Life, Need a
Tool to Manage Pavement Information and Answer Questions, Pavement Management Program,
2010/2011 Update of the HB PMP, Pavement Condition Index (PCI), PCI levels, Huntington Beach Street
Network, Current Street Network Pavement Condition Summary, Current Street Conditions, Citywide
Street Network PCI Map, PCI Comparisons to Surrounding Cities, Asphalt Pavement Life Cycle, Next
Steps, Unit Cost Estimates (per square foot), Funding Analysis for PMP, Seven Year. Arterial Program,
Twelve Year Local Program, Findings and Recommendations, and Questions.
Questions were posed by Council on the factors involved which increased the costs for arterials over
residential roads, and the exclusion of alleys in the projections for costs. There was discussion on the
difference between repair and maintenance and a system -wide approach at qualifying streets for overlays
and slurry, and how that effects long-term costs. Staff looked at $3,000,000 and $4,300,000 annual
budget scenarios and what that accomplishes in terms of the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). Staff
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noted a $6,000,000 annual budget need to keep a consistent PCI of "75" for Huntington Beach streets.
Staff discussed aggressively pursuing local grant funding from the Orange County Transportation
Authority (OCTA), as well as State and Federal funding.
Councilmember Dwyer expressed a need to increase the funding from $3,000,000 to $4,300,000+ so that
impacted streets do not continue to deteriorate. Councilmember Boardman discussed with Director
Hopkins the use of the pot hole funding account. Councilmember Hansen inquired what the optimal street
rotation was. Director Hopkins discussed catching streets earlier and only having to do the preventative
maintenance once the City reached a PCI of 75. Discussion ensued among.Council regarding what a city-
wide assessment for street, curb and gutter, etc. would look like. Mayor Carchio asked Director Hopkins
about the length of time from identification of pot holes and the repair. Director Hopkins noted a two-day
Manager Wilson discussed bringing this item back at the next strategic planning session on July 29th for
additional discussion.
By consensus, the City Council recessed to Closed Session
2. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.6, the City Council recessed to Closed Session to meet
with its designated labor negotiators: Fred Wilson, City Manager; Paul Emery, Deputy City Manager; Bob
Hall, Deputy City Manager; Michelle Carr, Director of Human Resources; and Lori Ann Farrell, Director of
Finance. Regarding regarding labor negotiations with all labor groups.
3. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8, the City Council recessed to Closed Session to give
instructions concerning price and terms of payment to the City's Negotiators, City Manager Fred Wilson
and Deputy City Manager Bob Hall, regarding negotiations with the City of Westminster and the AI-Noor
Charitable Foundation for the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of APN 142-311-34, which is owned by
the City of Huntington Beach and is generally located near the intersection of McFadden Avenue and
Gothard Street in the City of Westminster.
MEETING — 6:11 PM.
Present: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
Absent: None.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by former Councilmember Gil Coerper.
INVOCATION: The invocation was given by Rabbi Einstein, Greater Interfaith Council.
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation.
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Presentation - Youth Sports Grants Awardees:
Presentation — The Fun Times Dances program and volunteers.
Presentation - April 23, 2011 Battle Shark Challenge Volunteer recognition.
Mayor's Award - Mayor's Award Presentation to Energy Project Manager Aaron Klemm.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced communications received
by her office following distribution of the Council agenda packet:
One email communication from Eileen Murphy, received Monday, June 20, 2011, related to Agenda Item
No. 13.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit)
(The number (hh:mm:ss) following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb./org/government/agendas/).
Barbara Haynes, Historic Resources Board, spoke in support of retaining the name of "Triangle Park"
(Agenda Item No. 13). (00:39:13)
Leslie Gilson, Huntington Beach Tree Society, spoke regarding proposed upgrades for the Norma B.
Gibbs Park Renovation project and displayed a PowerPoint Presentation. She requested the Council and
residents to support the project with donations. (00:42:00)
Chris Jepsen, City Historic Resources Board, spoke in support of retaining the name of "Triangle Park"
(Agenda Item No. 13). (00:44:50)
Tim Geddes, resident, spoke in support of the Community Services Commission recommendation to
name "Triangle Park" (Agenda Item No. 13). (00:46:35)
Mary Boddy, resident, spoke in support of retaining the name of `Triangle Park" (Agenda Item No. 13)-''
Jean Nagy, expressed concerns regarding the City's water maintenance of its tree inventory. (00:50:25)
Merle Moshen, requested that the City Council provide additional review of Agenda Item No. 16.
Karen Chepeka, President of "Save our Strays", requested that the Council submit a letter to the Orange
County Board of Supervisor in support of waiving the kennel fee requirements for the adoption services at
retail pet -related commercial establishments. (00:57:32)
Walter Fernandez, Animal Assistance League of Orange County, provided a list of recommendations to
safeguard pets during upcoming summer events and Fourth of July celebrations. (00:58:45)
Devyn Bisson, resident, spoke about Vi Cowdon, a Huntington Beach resident and Congressional Medal
of Honor Winner for her service as a Woman Air Service Pilot. (01:02:58)
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Councilmember Dwyer reported announced the upcoming "Dog-a-Thon" to support the Downtown Arts
Councilmember Bohr announced the upcoming "Pups and Pinot" fundraiser event. He submitted a
written report that will be made available in the City Clerk's Office.
Mayor Carchio reported his attendance at the recent ACCOC meeting and the League of Cities Policy
Committee meetings in Sacramento.
1. Approved and adopted minutes.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to approve and adopt the minutes of the City
Council/Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting of June 6, 2011, as written
and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
2. Received and filed the City Treasurer's April 2011 Investment Summary Report.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to receive and file the Monthly Investment Report for April
2011, pursuant to Section 17.0 of the Investment Policy of the City of Huntington Beach.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
3. City of Huntington Beach Strategic Plan Update
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to receive and file the updated status of the Six -Month
Strategic Objectives. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
4. Approved plans and specifications and awarded construction contract in the amount of $924,235,96
to Sepulveda Construction Inc., for the Ranger Lift Station #16, Sewer Lift Station Replacement Project
on Adams Avenue between Ranger Lane and Piccadilly Lane CC-1369.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to A) approve the project plans, and specifications for he
Ranger Lift Station #16, Sewer Lift Station Replacement Project on Adams Avenue between Ranger Lane
and Piccadilly Lane CC-1369; and, B) accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by
Sepulveda Construction Inc., in the amount of $924,235.96 and, C) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney. The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
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5. Approved project plans and specifications and awarded construction contract in the amount of
$2,588,265.75 to The R.J. Noble Company for the Edwards Street Rehabilitation from Talbert Avenue to
Warner Avenue and Delaware Street Rehabilitation from Yorktown Avenue to Main Street, CC-1384.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to A) approve the plans and specifications for the Edwards
Street and Delaware Street Rehabilitation, CC-1384; and, B) accept the lowest responsive and
responsible base bid submitted by The R.J. Noble Company in the amount of $2,588,265.75; and, C)
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City
Attorney. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
6. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-38 approving the Cathodic Protection Project of Orange County's
Talbert (D01) and Huntington (D02) Channels.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to Adopt Resolution No. 2011-38, "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving Plans and Specifications for the .Construction of
Improvements of Cathodic Protection for the Huntington Beach and Talbert Channels" which approves
cathodic protection for Huntington Beach Channel from D01/D02 confluence to Adams Avenue and
Talbert Channel from Brookhurst Street to Yorktown Avenue by the County of Orange, OC Public Works
Department and funded by the Orange County Flood Control District. The motion carried by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio; Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
7. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-39 authorizing termination of Level One of the Water Management
Program and a return to normal operations.
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Mayor Carchio.
A motion was made by Carchio, second Hansen, to adopt Resolution No. 2011-39, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Terminating Level One of the Water Management Program
and Return to, Normal Operations." The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
8. Approved plan to outsource reprographic services and combine mail room management under a
single vendor and authorized the City Manager to execute a five-year agreement with IKON Office
Solutions Inc., a Ricoh Company, to manage citywide reprographic and mail management services.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a
five-year "Master Service Agreement' between the City of Huntington Beach and IKON Office Solutions,
Inc., A Ricoh Company, for citywide reprographic and mail management services. The motion carried by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
9. Approved a Site License Agreement with Beach Promenade, LLC for use of a portion of public right-
of-way on Atlanta Avenue.
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A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute and record the "Site License Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Beach
Promenade, LLC for use of a Portion of Public Right -of -Way on Atlanta Avenue." The motion carried by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
10. Approved and authorized execution of Amendment to Master Site Lease Agreement and Schedule
No. 2 for Bushard Fire Station with T-Mobile West Corporation.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to A) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to approve and
execute both the "Amendment No: 1 to Master Communications Site Lease Agreement Between the City
of Huntington Beach and T-Mobile West Corporation;" and, "Amendment No. 1 to Schedule No. 2 of
Leased Property" with T-Mobile West Corporation for Bushard Fire Station; and, B) authorize the City
Manager or his designee to execute any other related documents or approvals regarding the
Amendments. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
11. Approved and authorized execution of a License and Operation Agreement between the City and
PPS Parking, Inc. for Parking Valet Services at the Main Promenade Parking Structure scheduled to
begin June 24, 2011.
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Councilmember Bohr
A motion was made by Bohr, second Boardman, to A) approve the "License and Operation Agreement
Between the City of Huntington Beach and PPS Parking, Inc. for Parking Valet Services" at the Main
Promenade Parking Structure during the 2011 summer season; and, B) authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the "License and Operation Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and PPS
Parking, Inc. for Parking Valet Services" and all other related documents to finalize the License and
Operation Agreement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
12. Approved and authorized execution of a Cooperative Agreement with the Orange County
Transportation Authority (OCTA) for the Senior Mobility Program; and, authorized appropriation of grant
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to A) approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute the "Cooperative Agreement No. C-1-2475 Between the Orange County Transportation Authority
and the City of Huntington Beach for Senior Mobility Program"; and, B) authorize the appropriation of
OCTA Senior Mobility grant funds on an annual basis through the term of Agreement No. C-1-2475. The
motion carried by the following roll call vote:
13. Approved naming recommendation for 1.11-acre parkland surrounding the Main Street Library.
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Councilmember Harper and Mayor Carchio.
Discussion ensued among Council and staff regarding the naming of the park and potential amenities at
the park.
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A substitute and amended motion made by Mayor Carchio, seconded by Bohr to name the park "Triangle
Park" and to include returning this matter to the Community Services Commission to potentially include
park amenities such as playground equipment, benches, and tables at the proposed subject site. Motion
failed to the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bohr, Carchio
NOES: Boardman, Hansen, Harper, Dwyer, Shaw
A motion was made by Hansen, second Boardman, to approve the original recommended action to name
the park surrounding the Main Street Library "Triangle Park," as recommended by the Community
Services Commission. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, and Shaw
NOES: Harper
14. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-42 increasing the employee -paid portion of the CalPERS contribution
for Non -Associated employees.
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Councilmember Hansen. Councilmembers
commented about the positive collaborative and concession efforts made by employee associations and
executive management to acknowledge the difficult economic climate.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Boardman, to adopt Resolution No. 2011-42, "A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Increasing the Employee Paid Portion of CalPERS
Contribution." The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio,. Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
15. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-41 establishing an annual appropriation limit of $1,181,036,690 for the
Fiscal Year 2011-2012.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Bohr, to adopt Resolution Number 2011-41, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing the Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 2011-
2012" of $1,181,036,690. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
16. Conducted a Public Hearing and adopted 2010 Urban Water Management Plan adopting Resolution
No, 2011-40, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adopting the Urban Water
Management Plan pursuant to AB797 and SB1011."
A staff report was made by Brian Ragland, Water Superintendent. A PowerPoint Presentation was
displayed with slides entitled: Urban Water Management Plans, UWMP Plan Addresses, 20 x 2020
Components, City Water Use Target, and 2015 & 2020 Per Capita Water Use Projections.
Mr. Ragland noted that two written comments were received related to this project
Mayor Carchio opened the Public Hearing.
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City Clerk Flynn announced there was no public testimony and no late communications for Agenda Item
No. 16 during the public hearing, however she did note that Ms. Mosheri did speak on this item during the
regular public comments period.
Mayor Carchio closed the Public Hearing.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen, to adopt Resolution 2011-40, "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Huntington. Beach Adopting the Urban Water Management Plan Pursuant to AB797
and S61011."
AYES: Boardman, Dwyer, Bohr, Carchio, Hansen, Harper, and Shaw
NOES: None.
Comments were provided by Councilmembers Dwyer, Boardman, Bohr, Harper, and Mayor Carchio.
At 8:12 PM, Mayor Carchio adjourned the meeting to Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 4:00 PM in Room B-8,
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City k, ex-officio Clerk of th ity Council
of the City of Huntington Beach, Clerk of the
Redevelopment Agency, and Secretary to the
Public Financing Authority of the City of
Huntington Beach, California
(�� 14gK)
Cit lerk, Clerk, Agency CleVK, Secretary