HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-07-05Minutes
City Council/Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
4:00 PM — Room B-8
6:00 PM — Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
An audio recording of the 4:00 PM portion of this meeting
and a video recording of the 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are archived at
4:00 PM — ROOM B-8
Present: Shaw (arrived 4:06 PM), Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer and Boardman
Absent: None
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced there was one
(1) communication received by her office following distribution of the Council agenda packet:
A PowerPoint communication entitled "Discussion of Redevelopment Budget Trailer Bills. "
minute time limit) — None.
1. Presentation regarding the status of Redevelopment legislation and the potential impacts to
the City of Huntington Beach including the options/actions that will be required if legislation is
signed by the Governor, or has already been signed, and a review of the actions the Agency
has already taken to protect the Agency's assets.
City Manager Fred Wilson introduced Murray Kane, Redevelopment Agency Special Counsel
with Kane, Kane, Ballmer and Berkman, who presented a PowerPoint entitled Discussion of
Redevelopment Budget Trailer Bills - ABX 26 and ABX 27 (Signed by Governor 6-29-11), that
included the following titled slides: Discussion Topics, Outline of Legislation, Assembly Bill ABX
26, Assembly Bill ABX 27 - Pay to Play, Assembly Bills ABX 26 and ABX 27, Impacts if City is
Forced to Eliminate Redevelopment, Impacts if "Opt In", Proposed 2011/12 Agency Budget,
Proposed 2012/13 Agency Budget, and Recommendations for Consideration.
Mr. Kane provided information related to the impacts and options to the City in light of the
State's elimination of redevelopment agencies.
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Finance Director Lori Ann Farrell provided draft Fiscal Year 2011-2012 budget scenario to
address how the City would fund the "pay to play" State financial obligations should the City
elect to keep the Redevelopment Agency intact. Items presented included: various revenues,
financial obligations (bonded indebtedness, contractual obligations, pass -through payments,
and State "pay to play" estimate), and options for bridging the gap between revenues and
expenditures, including refinancing existing bonds, inter -fund loans, and use of reserve funds.
Staff responded to Council inquiries related to the bond payments, the number of staff positions
which could be preserved if the one-time gap payment was made, the effects on the City's credit
rating if certain contractual obligations were not met, and inter -fund borrowing options (Water
Councilmember Dwyer, Manager Wilson and Mr. Kane discussed the potential $1.5 million
deficit identified in 2013, and how a positive fund balance could be distributed among various
projects. Mr. Kane presented a list of actions which the Council may need to consider in future
meetings including: 1) joining litigation and application for "Stay" in partnership with the
California Redevelopment Association (CRA) and the League of California Cities, 2) consider
the "opt -in" Ordinance which would preserve the City's rights pursuant to litigation on this
matter, 3) Resolution required to be exempt from setting aside the Fiscal Year 2011/2012
affordable housing obligations, 4) agreement between the City and the Agency for the Agency
to finance the City's payment on the "opt -in."
Councilmember Shaw expressed support for an "opt in" Ordinance and staff responded to his
inquiry related to the amount which would be owed for litigation by each member of the CRA.
In response to an inquiry from Mayor Pro Tern Hansen, Mr. Kane explained if the City did not
"opt -in," the City would be entitled to receive money to pay existing obligations, however, the
Agency would not be able to encumber any future obligations. Mr. Kane also explained that a
"successor Agency," possibly, the City Council, would make findings regarding any existing
obligations and payments that would be required. In addition, the City would not receive $85
million dollars owed to the City by the Redevelopment Agency.
Mayor Pro Tern Hansen expressed support for a resolution to collaborate regarding litigation on
this matter. In response to his inquiry regarding collaboration with other cities to withhold
payments to the State, Mr. Kane stated that the "successor agency" or the "oversight
committee" will make the decisions.
Mayor Pro Tern Hansen stated that he did not support the State's measures in balancing their
budget utilizing local City funds.
Councilmember Bohr expressed support for the "pay to play" concept, noted he is open to the
options for the "one-time" payments, and that he does not support the layoff of existing
employees in order to bridge the gap.
Councilmember Dwyer noted that he was in favor of meeting the contractual obligations to
which the City and Agency have already agreed.
Councilmember Boardman expressed support for "opting -in," and noted the negative impact of
losing $85 million in revenue. Ms. Boardman requested additional information regarding
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"triggers" and stated that she was not in support of losing Agency staff positions. Further, she
was in favor of potentially using reserve funds for the one-time payments.
In response inquiries from Mayor Pro Tem Hansen and Councilmember Boardman, City
Manager Wilson noted that the City Council and staff will discuss the 2011-2012 budget
implications at the upcoming Strategic Planning Retreat and Budget Hearings.
City Attorney McGrath explained that an "opt -in" Ordinance would need to come forward no later
than August 1 to preserve the City's and Agency's options in dealing with the elimination of the
Redevelopment Agency. Staff also mentioned that the October 1 st "start date" works in favor
with the City's timeline for adopting the budget.
Mayor Carchio inquired as to information that would be forthcoming regarding Proposition 22.
Mr. Kane responded that Proposition 22 would be a part of any future litigation on this matter.
Mayor Carchio noted that the City would have to "opt -in" to preserve its rights.
By consensus, the City Council recessed to Closed Session.
2. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.6, the City Council recessed to Closed
Session to meet with its designated labor negotiators: Fred Wilson, City Manager; Paul Emery,
Deputy City Manager; Bob Hall, Deputy City Manager; Michelle Carr, Director of Human
Resources; and Lori Ann Farrell, Director of Finance regarding labor negotiations with all labor
3. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding nine potential lawsuits.
MEETING — 6:06 PM.
Present: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
Absent: None.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by former Councilmember Don McAllister.
INVOCATION: The invocation was given by Father Christian Mondor, Saints Simon and Jude
Catholic Church.
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In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any
faith or belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or
form of invocation.
Presentation - Mayor Carchio and Mayor Pro Tern Hansen awarded Father Christian Mondor,
Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Church, with a key to the City for his years of spiritual guidance
and civic participation in Huntington Beach.
Presentation - Mayor Carchio called on Mary Thompson of the Sister City Association to
introduce the four students and chaperone from Anjo, Japan and their Huntington Beach
Presentation - Mayor Carchio called on Dave Simcox and members of the Friends of the Junior
Guards to make a special presentation to the City. The group presented to the City the storage
facility that was built by the parents and Friends of the Junior Lifeguards to store the equipment
for the program. The cost of the storage facility was $150,000.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan L. Flynn announced receipt of
supplemental communications received by her office following distribution of the Council agenda
Communication received from AI-Noor Charitable Foundation for Consent Item No. 10 dated
July 5, 2011 containing an amendment to the offer for the parcel of land located in Westminster
on the north side of McFadden.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit)
(The number (hh:mm:ss) following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting
time in the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb./org/government/agendas/).
Stephanie Deagle announced the success of the recent Huntington Beach "Relay for Life" and
displayed a PowerPoint Presentation with pictures from the event. (00:30:42)
Father Christian Mondor, Saints Simon and Jude Catholic Church, invited all members of the
public to the upcoming "Blessing of the Waves" on October 2, 2011. (00:33:06)
Michelle Uhause thanked the Council for their continued support of the "Blessing of the Waves"
event. (00:34:40)
Robert Dettloff, 47-year resident, spoke in support of the expedited construction of the Senior
Center in Central Park. (00:35:04)
Suzanne Krol Boller, Artist and Co -Chair of the Allied Arts Board, invited all residents to the
upcoming July 8th exhibition "String Theory." (00:37:25)
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Anna Friesen submitted a written communication, dated July 5, 2011, titled "The proposal to
eliminate the Art Program Curator at our Huntington Beach Art Center", and expressed her
opposition to the elimination of the Art Program Curator position. (00:38:35)
Mary Dessert, resident and Artist, submitted a written communication dated July 5, 2011,
untitled, regarding possible elimination of the Huntington Beach Art Center Curator position.
Ralph Bauer, resident, spoke regarding Agenda Item No. 11 and noted his support for the
construction of a new Senior Center in Central Park. (00:43:18)
Mark Hussein, representing the Al-Noor Foundation, spoke regarding Agenda Item No. 10, and
requested that the Council take a second look at the bid that was submitted and accept the AI-
Noor Foundation bid. (00:45:18)
Annette Parsons, Huntington Beach Community Garden, displayed a PowerPoint Presentation
with slides featuring pictures of the garden, addressed various community concerns regarding
the Garden, and invited the Council to tour the facility and assist with finding a second site. Ms.
Parsons noted that she would forward copies of the updated by-laws to the City Council.
Tim Geddes, spoke regarding Agenda Item No. 11 (Senior Center EIR), the impact of Quimby
Act funds and the potential for discrepancies of the type of project that will be constructed if
proper funding is not addressed. (00:52:15)
Kenley H. Hunt, submitted a written communication and spoke regarding a graffiti problem
behind the Charter Center near Ash, Oak and Mandrell Streets in Huntington Beach, the exact
address provided as 7791 Mandrell. (00:55:14)
Council and staff discussion ensued regarding graffiti and various code enforcement issues
related to the speaker's concerns.
Kent Hayden, spoke in support of the Huntington Beach Community Garden. (01:01:20)
Sally Adams submitted a seven page Petition to keep Darlene DeAngelo as Curator @
Huntington Beach Art Center. (01:04:12)
Pam Chapman, spoke in support of the Huntington Beach Community Garden. (01:06:41)
Don MacAllister, resident, spoke in support of Agenda Item No. 11 (Senior Center EIR) and
invited all to the August 4, 2011 induction on the "Surfing Walk of Fame." (01:09:40)
Joanne Rasmussen, spoke in support of the Huntington Beach Community Garden. (01:10:56)
Bob Smith, member of the Huntington Beach Community Garden, expressed support for its
continuance in the community. (01:13:38)
Gerald Chapman, resident, expressed concern regarding an adjacent neighbor's alleged use of
illegal fireworks on the Fourth of July and the lack of enforcement by the Police Department.
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Valerie Spingola, resident, expressed support for the Huntington Beach Community Garden.
Kathleen Dover, resident, expressed support for the Huntington Beach Community Garden
Carolen Merkley, expressed support for the Huntington Beach Community Garden. (01:30:54)
Patty Swaaley, expressed support for the Huntington Beach Community Garden and noted that
the Community Garden participants utilize the same gardening and home improvements tools
and equipment as the adjacent neighbors. (01:34:13)
Brendan Flory, spoke in support of the Huntington Beach Community Garden and his
experience there. (01:36:43)
Judy Ann Morris, spoke in support of an enhanced Senior Center at Goldenwest and also in
support of the Huntington Beach Community Garden. (01:37:40)
Lou Murray, Environmental Correspondent for the Huntington Beach Independent, spoke
regarding her personal involvement with and support for the Huntington Beach Community
Garden. She also proposed an alternative type of fencing for the Garden. (01:41:04)
Theresa Chaque, member of the Huntington Beach Community Garden, expressed support for
continuing operations. She detailed her involvement with youth at the Garden and the need for
the public to be exposed to non -genetically modified food. (01:44:16)
Mary Jo Baretich, spoke regarding Agenda Item No. 11 (Senior Center EIR), expressed concern
that environmental documents were not appropriate for the project, and that they should be
reviewed and revised in the best interest of the seniors. (01:48:00)
Candace Bartsch, spoke in support of a Senior Center in Central Park and the type of Center
that the seniors in Huntington Beach deserve. She also detailed the perceived dilapidated state
of the current Senior Center located in the downtown. (01:50:52)
Carol Blankfield, resident, spoke regarding the difficulty of obtaining a plot at the Newport Beach
Community Garden, and also spoke in support of the Huntington Beach Community Garden.
She spoke about stricter standards under which the Garden users must adhere to. (01:54:16)
Susan Flory, spoke in support of the Huntington Beach Community Garden and her family's
positive experience through their involvement in the Garden. (01:57:28)
Janelle Froisland, Southern California Edison, noted her advocacy for the Garden, and that
Edison has no plans to remove the land for that use. She also responded to several Council
inquiries related to requests from the residents and the Council. (02:01:01)
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City Manager Wilson reported that Goldenwest Street remains closed due to the oil leakage and
all further updates will be forwarded to the Council.
1. Approved and adopted minutes
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to approve and adopt the minutes of the City
Council/Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting of June 20, 2011,
as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. The motion carried by the following roll call
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
2. Approved and authorized execution of an Agreement with the Municipal Water District of
Orange County (MWDOC) for participation in the Weather Based Irrigation Timer (Smart Timer)
Rebate Program
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the "Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and the Municipal
Water District of Orange County for Participation in the Weather Based Irrigation Timer (Smart
Timer) Rebate Program for Single -Family Residential and Commercial Properties." The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
3. Approved and authorized execution of a Service Agreement between the City and Sterling
OC Enterprises, LLC for Technical Theater and Events Support
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the "Service Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Sterling
OC Enterprises, LLC for Technical Theater and Events Support." The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
4. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-43 ordering the Summary Vacation of a Water Line Easement
at 19131 Beach Boulevard
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to adopt Resolution No. 2011-43, "A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Ordering the Summary Vacation of the Water
Line Easement on Property Located at 19131 Beach Boulevard;" and, instruct the City Clerk to
record the said Resolution and attached exhibits with the Orange County Recorder. The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
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NOES: None
5. Approved and authorized execution of a Professional Services Contract between the City and
Carl Warren & Company to provide liability claims processing.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to approve and authorize execution of a
"Professional Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and Carl Warren &
Company for Liability Claim Investigation and Processing." The motion carried by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
6. Rejected all bids for Water Main Extension Projects, CC-1371, CC-1378, and CC-1408 and
authorized staff to re -advertise.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to reject all bids from June 13, 2011, for Water
Main Extension Projects, CC-1371, CC-1378, and CC-1408; and, authorize staff to re -advertise
the Water Main Extension Projects, CC-1371, CC-1378, and CC-1408. The motion carried by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
7. Continued to August 1, 2011 appointments to the Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB)
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Councilmember Harper.
Barbara Boskovitch, President of the Mobile Home Advisory Board, responded to inquiries from
the Council. She spoke about services provided by the Board and the various issues related to
the owning, renting, and operating mobile home units.
A motion was made by Carchio, second Hansen to continue the item to the next regular meeting
after first deferring it to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee (I RC) for review. The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, and Dwyer
NOES: Shaw and Boardman
8. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-44 authorizing the City to levy the annual Retirement Property
Tax for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 to pay for pre-1978 Public Employee Retirement Benefits
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Mayor Pro Tern Hansen.
A motion was made by Hansen, second Harper to set the rate to $0.00 and completely eliminate
the annual retirement property tax altogether. The motion failed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harper, and Hansen
NOES: Shaw, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
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Council deliberation ensued on this matter.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Boardman to adopt Resolution No. 2011-44, "A Resolution
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Levying a Retirement Property Tax for Fiscal
Year 2011/12 to Pay for Pre-1978 Employee Retirement Benefits" in the amount of $0.01500
per $100 of Assessed Valuation. The tax rate of $0.01500 would continue the existing tax rate
adopted for Fiscal Year 2010/11. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Carchio, Bohr, and Boardman
NOES: Harper, Hansen, and Dwyer
9. Approve Youth Board Appointments/Reappointments
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Councilmember Dwyer.
A motion was made by Dwyer, second Harper to approve the reappointment of Andrea
deJesus, Edison High School Representative, Dallas Heyden, Huntington Beach High School
Representative, Jennifer Lucas, Marina High School Representative, Chelsea Ostovarpour,
Oceanview High School Representative, Megan Arriola , At -large Representative, and Quentin
Cronk, At -large Representative to a one-year term on the Huntington Beach Youth Board with
terms to expire June 2012; and, approve the appointment of Samantha Sharkoff, At -large
Representative, Lindsey Thomas, At -large Representative, and Gregory Welker, At -large
Representative to a one-year term on the Huntington Beach Youth Board with terms to expire
June 2012. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
10. Rejected initial response to bid for sale of APN 142-311-34 located on the north side of
McFadden, east of Gothard, known as the Westminster Parcel; Adopt Resolution No. 2011-46
declaring the disposition of certain surplus property; and, approved an Agreement and Escrow
Instructions to sell the parcel to the Westminster Redevelopment Agency
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Mayor Pro Tern Hansen.
Council deliberation ensued on this matter.
A motion was made by Bohr, second Boardman to reject initial response to Bid for the sale of
property located at APN 142-311-34; and, approve Resolution No. 2011-46, "A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Declaring the Disposition of Certain Surplus
Property;" and, approve Westminster Bid and "Agreement for Sale of Surplus Real Property and
Escrow Instructions By and Between the City of Huntington Beach and Westminster
Redevelopment Agency," generally in the form attached; and, authorize the Mayor, City
Manager, and City Clerk to sign all necessary documents to effectuate this Agreement, as
amended to include a 5% deposit that goes "hard" after thirty (30) days with a forty-five (45) day
close. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: Carchio
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11. Approved setting aside the City Council's certification of the Senior Center Environmental
Impact Report ("EIR") No. 07-002 and issuance of the Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") No. 07-
039 regarding the Senior Center in Central Park
This item was pulled for separate consideration by Councilmember Boardman.
A motion was made by Boardman, second Harper to set aside the City Council's certification of
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 07-002 so that a subsequent EIR may be prepared and
set aside the issuance of CUP No. 07-039 regarding the Senior Center in Central Park so that a
General Plan Amendment may be processed. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
12. Approved and authorized execution of a Professional Services Contract with CSG
Consultants, Inc. to provide Professional Plan Review Services
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute a two (2) year "Professional Services Contract Between the City of Huntington
Beach and CSG Consultants, Inc., for Plan Review Services," not to exceed three hundred
thousand dollars ($300,000). The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
13. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-45 confirming reports of the cost for 2011 Weed Abatement
on private property within the City; and, certify all charges listed on the Orange County 2011/12
Property Tax Roll
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to adopt Resolution No.2011-45, "A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Confirming Reports of Cost for Weed
Abatement on Private Property Within the City - 2011 Season;" and, direct that all charges listed
thereon be certified to the Orange County 2011/12 Property Tax Roll. The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
14. Approved the cancellation of the regular meeting of July 18, 2011 due to lack of agenda
A motion was made by Bohr, second Hansen to approve the cancellation of the regular City
Council/Redevelopment Agency/Public Finance Authority meeting of July 18, 2011 and direct
the City Clerk to post the Notice of Cancellation as prescribed by law. The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Shaw, Harper, Hansen, Carchio, Bohr, Dwyer, and Boardman
NOES: None
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Comments were provided by Mayor Pro Tern Hansen and Councilmembers Shaw, Harper,
Bohr, Dwyer, Boardman, and Mayor Carchio.
At 9:33 PM, Mayor Carchio noted that due to previous Council action, the July 18, 2011 City
Council/Redevelopment Agency/Public Finance Authority meeting has been canceled. Mayor
Carchio adjourned the meeting to a special meeting on Friday, July 29, 2011, 8:30 a.m.,
Huntington Beach Central Library, Rooms C and D, at 77111 Talbert Avenue, Huntington
Beach, California.
City C rk, ex-officio Clerk of t e City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency, and
Secretary to the Public Financing Authority
of the City of Huntington Beach, California