HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-03Minutes City Council/Public Financing Authority City of Huntington Beach Monday, June 3, 2013 4:00 PM -Study Session 6:00 PM — Regular Meeting Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California 92648 An audio recording of the 4:00 PM portion of this meeting, and a video recording of the 6:00 PM portion of this meeting, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is archived at www.surfcity-hb.orq/government/agendas/ 4:00 PM - ROOM B-8 CALL TO ORDER BY MAYOR PRO TEM HARPER — 4:01 PM ROLL CALL - Pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2001-54, Mayor Connie Boardman requested, and was granted permission to be absent from the June 3, 2013 meeting. Present: Sullivan, Hardy (arrived 4:09 PM), Harper, Carchio, Shaw, and Katapodis Absent: Boardman ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS (Received After Agenda Distribution) Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced supplemental communications received by her office for Study Session Item No. 1 following distribution of the Council agenda packet: A two-part PowerPoint communication submitted by Police Chief Ken Small, dated June 3, 2013, entitled, Recommendations Regarding Impact of Alcohol Sales and Consumption in Downtown Huntington Beach; and, Proposal to Install Video Cameras Downtown. Communication submitted by Richardson Gray dated May 31, 2013 regarding: Strategic Objective — Downtown Alcohol Recommendations, City Council Study Session — June 3, 2013. Communication submitted by James Torres dated June 2, 2013 regarding ideas to help combat alcohol -related problems in Downtown Huntington Beach. Communication submitted by Ron McLin, The Longboard Restaurant and Pub, undated regarding Downtown Alcohol Recommendations. PUBLIC COMMENTS PERTAINING TO STUDY SESSION / CLOSED SESSION ITEMS (3 Minute Time Limit) Mark Bixby provided support for Police Chief Small's recommendations concerning alcohol sales and service in the downtown, but recommended taking a broader approach to facilitate good, responsible behavior. He also provided support for video surveillance in the public right-of-way, Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 2 of 14 but requested a small media retention period to avoid problems related to privacy. (00:02:04) Richardson Gray, downtown resident, provided support for Police Chief Small's recommendations concerning alcohol sales and service and video surveillance in downtown Huntington Beach. He also described four additional recommendations he provided in a written communication to Council. (00:03:58) Mary Urashima provided support for Police Chief Small's recommendations concerning alcohol sales and service, and encouraged additional efforts to increase public safety. She described actions implemented in the City of Fullerton to combat alcohol -consumption issues, and informed Council of a young person's recent passing in a drinking -related accident. (00:04:46) Kim Kramer, downtown resident and Downtown Resident's Association board member, provided support for Police Chief Small's recommendations concerning alcohol sales and services. He also provided statistics related to public safety, criminal activity, and the number of alcohol licenses in the downtown. (00:08:27) STUDY SESSION 1. The Police Department presented recommendations concerning alcohol sales and service in Downtown Huntington Beach. The department also presented a proposal to install video cameras downtown. Police Chief Small provided the first of a two-part PowerPoint presentation entitled "Recommendations Regarding Impact of Alcohol Sales and Consumption in Downtown Huntington Beach," with the following titled slides: City Council Strategic Plan, Background, Establishments with Alcohol Sales, Establishments with Alcohol Sales and Entertainment, March 7, 2011 Resolution 2011-16, Recommendations, and Questions. Councilmember Shaw and Chief Small discussed grandfathering of entertainment licenses and how approved conditional use permits (CUPs) stay with the business unless the business owner files for a new CUP. Councilmember Carchio and Chief Small discussed the differences between an entertainment and ABC license. Councilmember Shaw and Chief Small discussed how problems downtown impact the rest of the City (reassignment of public safety resources, etc.). Councilmember Carchio discussed the possibility of changing the downtown business model, including the time alcohol stops being served. Councilmember Hardy voiced concerns about how too many restrictions may keep new businesses from coming into the downtown. Mayor Pro Tern Harper and City Manager Wilson talked about the distribution of information to downtown businesses on this item, and it was recommended that multiple stakeholders participate in future discussions before Council takes any action. Chief Small continued with the PowerPoint presentation entitled, "Proposal to Install Video Cameras Downtown," with the following titled slides: Why Video Cameras?, Use of Video Cameras in 2013, Possible Locations, Three Basic Types of Services, Proposal for Downtown, Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 3of14 and Questions Councilmember Carchio discussed the need for more Police officers downtown, and in his opinion, due to their limited numbers, surveillance cameras are the next best thing. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor Pro Tern Harper called for a motion to recess for items 2-5 on the Closed Session agenda. A motion was made by Shaw, second Katapodis to recess to Closed Session. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, and Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman 2. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuits [and potential lawsuits]: Lydia Boynton, et al. v. City of Huntington Beach, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2012- 00570739. In this case, Plaintiff claims she tripped and fell in the City's Banning Branch Library parking lot on Banning Avenue. 3. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Jeffrey Scott Freeman v. City of Huntington Beach, WCAB Case No. ADJ2566375; Claim No. COHB-03-0151. 4. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuits [and potential lawsuits]: Richardson v. City of Huntington Beach, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2012- 00545144. In this case, minor Plaintiff was flying his kite with his father and fell into fire pit on Defendant's beach and sustained burn injuries. 5. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council shall recess into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuits [and potential lawsuits]: Puszert v. City of Huntington Beach, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2011-00467413 In this case, Plaintiff Carol Puszert claims she tripped and fell over a parking block at Murdy Recreation Center. 6:00 PM — COUNCIL CHAMBERS RECONVENE CITY COUNCIL/PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY MEETING CLOSED SESSION REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY - None ROLL CALL - Pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2001-54, Mayor Connie Boardman requested, and was granted permission to be absent from the June 3, 2013 meeting. Present: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, and Katapodis Absent: Boardman Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 4 of 14 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Councilmember Sullivan INVOCATION — Led by Larry Schnitzer of the Huntington Beach Interfaith Council Mayor Pro Tem Harper announced the recent passing of Kelly Morehouse, daughter of Bill and Karen Morehouse, and requested adjourning tonight's meeting in her memory. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS Announcement - As part of the City's Human Relations Task Force recognition of federal diversity months, Mayor Pro Tem Harper announced the month of June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender month. Presentation - Mayor Pro Tem Harper called on Children's Needs Task Force Chair Jim Hayden to present the 2013 Youth Character Award honorees. Mr. Hayden recognized Task Force members in attendance, and announced the retirement of Robert Dettloff. He addressed the importance of good role models and the criteria for selection of Youth Character Award honorees, noting consideration of 54 youths this year. He thanked Council Members who attended the recognition ceremony and called forward honorees providing background on them and presented them with Certificates of Recognition. Honorees present were Fredi Alvarez, Marco Barrales, Alma Barraza, Stephanie Cendro, Taylor Chocek, Quentin Cronk, Ken Gironda, Heather Harris, Lauren Harvey, Emily lzmirian, Yasmine Jaramillo, Mallika Nagarkatti, Bella Pirooz, Connor Reeves, Max Rivera, Ethen Sanchez, Chris Smith, and Douglas Young. Presentation - Team Power introductions and highlights of accomplishments were presented, along with members of the Chili Cook -Off Committee, culminating in a presentation of event proceeds to the Huntington Beach Relay for Life. City Clerk Joan Flynn commented positively on the Youth Character Awards and the amazing young people of the City. She expressed her hope that they will grow up and work for the City, as the City strives to employ only the best and she then recognized current employees who make a difference to the community. She provided introductions and highlights of accomplishments of Team Power and the Chili Cook -Off Committee and addressed recent blood drives, efforts by staff to improve the environment for City employees and the employee recognition program as well as successful measures of each. Ms. Flynn presented details of "Full Hearts and Helping Hands Pantry and Employees' Special Needs" and presented goals for next year. She introduced members of the Committees and addressed the recent Huntington Beach Relay for Life and the Committee Chairs presented proceeds of the Chili Cook -Off to the Huntington Beach Relay for Life. Relay for Life representative Donna Krizo expressed her appreciation for the efforts of the City and its contribution and provided information regarding services funded by contributions. She presented Certificates of Appreciation to the Council, Chili Cook -Off Committee and the Fire Department. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS (Received After Agenda Distribution) Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 5 of 14 Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced one supplemental communication received regarding Consent Item No. 6 submitted by Deputy City Manager Bob Hall identifying revisions to the subject agreement and which changed staffs recommended action. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit) (The number (hh:mm:ss) following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb./orq/qovernment/agendas/). Mayor Pro Tem Harper opened the Public Comments portion of the meeting. Don MacAllister commented on Item No. 12 and acknowledged the efforts of Councilmember Carchio regarding Sister City Manly, New South Wales, Australia. He expressed support for the induction of Manly, New South Wales, Australia as a Sister City. (00:53:10) Amory Hanson spoke in support of lowering the voting age to fourteen and indicated he would like to meet with Council to address the issue. (00:55:12) Catly Mai, small business owner, voiced concerns about receiving a notice of fees. (00:56:34) Tim Geddes referenced a mailer he received entitled, "An Ocean of Opportunity for Huntington Beach noting it is part of a propaganda campaign from Poseidon, designed to convince local residents that the proposed desalination plant will be a major boom to the community. He stated that he, along with several residents who received the mailer, returned an enclosed postcard stating their opposition to the project. He noted that the mailer is misleading and contains many half truths and disputed claims and does not state the negative impacts and costs that the project will have on the City. He opined that the mailer, the project and the company are shams and is merely an "Ocean of Opportunity" for Poseidon Resources. (00:57:25) There being no others wishing to address Council, Mayor Pro Tem Harper closed the Public Comments portion of the meeting. COUNCIL COMMITTEE - APPOINTMENTS - LIAISON REPORTS AND ALL AB 1234 DISCLOSURE REPORTING Councilmember Sullivan reported chairing the Executive Committee and General Committee of the Orange County Senior Citizens' Advisory Council. Councilmember Carchio reported attending the Memorial Day Ceremony at the pier and commented positively on the event. He reported the passing of George Scott of Fountain Valley and provided a brief report of his background, qualities and experience in government. He announced upcoming memorial celebrations in honor of Mr. Scott. Mayor Pro Tem Harper reported attending the ACCOC Infrastructure Summit and commented positively on the event. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Fred Wilson reported that the June 7th AQMD meeting regarding fire rings has Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 6 of 14 been postponed until July 12, 2013, tentatively. He added that a proposal has been submitted for a potential compromise which may allow the fire rings to remain. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approved and adopted minutes A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to approve and adopt the minutes of the City Council/Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting of May 20, 2013, as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman 2. Approved City Position on Certain Legislation Mayor Pro Tern Harper pulled this item for separate consideration and discussion. He requested clarification regarding the Mayor taking a position on behalf of Council prior to the item being agendized. City Attorney Jennifer McGrath reported it is perfectly appropriate for the Mayor to take a position and requesting ratification by Council Members. Councilmember Hardy addressed a process regarding the IRC and its Chair generating an emergency letter and noted that the IRC is currently without a Chair. She felt that the policy and process need further consideration. City Manager Wilson suggested agendizing the matter regarding the IRC to obtain additional clarification. Councilmember Sullivan felt that it is appropriate only when it involves staff recommendations on time -sensitive financial matters affecting the City. Councilmember Hardy stated the original AQMD letter which was a time -sensitive issue was sent prior to Council ratification. Mayor Pro Tern Harper expressed concern with the Mayor taking action on behalf of Council prior to Council taking action, noted the need to discuss the item further and indicated that he will vote "no" on this matter. A motion was made by Councilmember Hardy, second by Councilmember Shaw to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of Support for AB 416 (Gordon) - Local Emission Reduction Program; authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of Support for SB 64 - Proposition 39 Implementation; ratify the submittal of the Mayor's Letter (dated May 1, 2013) of Opposition unless Amended for AB 1147 (Gomez) — Massage Therapy; ratify the submittal of the Mayor's Letter (dated May 23, 2013) of Opposition for AB 5 (Ammiano) - Homelessness; authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of Opposition for AB 1333 (Hernandez) — Local Government Contracts; authorize the Mayor to sign Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 7 of 14 a letter of Support for AB 564 (Mullin) — Community Redevelopment/Successor Agencies; authorize the Mayor to sign a Letter of Opposition for AB 325 (Alejo)- Land use and planning cause of actions/time limitations; and, approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the 2013 Federal Agenda Project Priorities. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: Harper ABSENT: Boardman 3. Approved the West Orange County Water Board proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2013/14, with the City of Huntington Beach share in the amount of $91,924 Mayor Pro Tern Harper pulled this item for separate consideration and discussion. He indicated interest in hearing arguments against the matter. Councilmember Shaw reported that the Board operates with a narrow focus and felt that the task could be performed in-house thereby, saving a lot of money for the City. Mayor Pro Tern Harper felt this would be an appropriate matter to refer to the IRC A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Harper, second by Councilmember Katapodis to approve the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 WOCWB proposed budget in the amount of $165,000, with the City of Huntington Beach share in the amount of $91,924, as amended to refer to the IRC a request to examine Huntington Beach's relationship with the WOCWB. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Katapodis NOES: Carchio, Shaw ABSENT: Boardman 4. Approved and authorized execution of a Lease Agreement between the City and Huntington Shorecliff, L.P. for storage of recreational vehicles A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the "Lease Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Huntington Shorecliff, L.P. for Use of City Property Near the Southwest Corner of Beach Boulevard and Frankfort Avenue (APN 024-250-01);" and, authorize the City Manager to take any actions necessary to effectuate the Agreement. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman 5. Approved and authorized execution of a Third Amended Joint Powers Agreement with Metro Cities Fire Authority providing dispatch services for Huntington Beach Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 8 of 14 as part of a regionalized fire dispatch delivery system A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to approve and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the "Metro Cities Fire Authority Third Amended Joint Powers Agreement." The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman Approved and authorized execution of Assignment and Assumption Agreement between DiM Acquisition Group, LLG, PC Group Retail, LLC, affiliate of DJM Capital, Olson Real Estate Group, Inc., and the City for Pacific City Hotel Parcel A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to approve the Assignment and Assumption Agreement between DJM n.-quis:tion Group, ► ► PC Group Retail LLC, an affiliate of DJM Capital, and Olson Real Estate Group, Inc. and the City of Huntington Beach; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign amended Agreement. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman 7. Adopted Resolution No. 2013-17 reducing salary and benefits for non -represented employees (Director of Community Services), and approved revised job specifications for the Director of Community Services Councilmember Katapodis pulled this item for separate discussion and consideration. He addressed the matter of salary and felt that a low salary of $10,359 to $13,843 would be more appropriate than a higher salary and requested modifying the matter as such. Manager Wilson addressed consideration of salaried positions and felt that the salary recommendation worked in terms of the structure of other departments. He felt there Is a value in keeping the salary range as recommended. Councilmember Katapodis reported reviewing comparable salaries in other cities. Mr. Wilson felt that the City must pay a decent wage in order to get quality employees. Brief discussion followed regarding the possibility of continuing this item. --- ------------- - -- 1- -- .-,-. ,.....� .y.v,vTv Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 9of14 *The ME)tiGR caFF'ed with the f9l'GWiRg vote: AYE nb ABSENT-, aR *At the conclusion of the meeting, there was a motion to reconsider this item on June 17, 2013. 8. Adopted Ordinance No. 3979 amending Chapter 14.56 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) relating to the control and regulation of Fats, Oils, and Grease. Approved for introduction May 20, 2013 (Vote: 7-0) A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to adopt Ordinance No. 3979, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 14.56 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to the Control and Regulation of Fats, Oils, and Grease." The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman PUBLIC HEARING 9. Denied Site Plan Review No. 11-004 and Variance No. 12-004 (Casa Rincon) located at 18431 Beach Blvd. Principal Planner Rosemary Medel presented details of the report addressing location, description of the project, details of the variance request, site plan, previous actions related to the request, site plan review application analysis, compatibility and grade differential, connectivity, traffic, architectural design and building materials and recommendations. She explained the rationale for denying as stated in the report and recommendations. Mayor Pro Tern Harper opened the Public Hearing Morrie Golchek, property owner representing the applicant, felt that the project is simple and that it is an example of a great vision of what is good for the City. He reported that they are not requesting any variances and will implement all of staff recommendations regarding the project. He addressed the wall and stated that they will reduce the height. Regarding the architecture, he reported that they will adhere to the City's requirements and will design the project as required. He addressed the entry, maintaining the open area and the ingress/egress. Mr. Golchek reported on his efforts and hardships in trying to accommodate the City's requirements. (01:25:25) Catly Mai spoke in support of the project. (01:32:07) There being no others wishing to address Council, Mayor Pro Tern Harper closed the Public Hearing. Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 10 of 14 Councilmember Hardy wondered regarding restricting the professions of residential renters. Planner Medel reported that it would be based on income and meeting Federal and State guidelines if tax credits are desired. Planner Medel addressed the original submission of the project and previous opportunities to continue to work with staff to change the project but were never taken. She stated that the lack of change to the project indicates that the review is complete. She added that streamlining would involve acting at this time and encouraging the applicant to submit a new application with implementation of the proposed changes. Councilmember Hardy felt that Council should not attempt to fix the problems between staff and the applicant and indicated that she will not support any project that requests decreases in open public space. A motion was made by Councilmember Hardy, second by Councilmember Katapodis to deny Site Plan Review No. 11-004 and Variance No. 12-004 with findings for denial. Councilmember Carchio wondered regarding issues with public safety and related access. Staff noted ways that the applicant could design the site to comply with fire emergency access, and added that the plan as presented is inconsistent with the vision anticipated in the Beach/Edinger Corridor Specific Plan. Councilmember Carchio wondered why changes by the developer are being suggested at this time when they were not suggested during previous opportunities. Mr. Golchek indicated that he is the property owner and has nothing to do with the development of the project and addressed the length of the escrow. He added that he got involved recently and has been working with the developer to comply with City requirements. He suggested a continuance of thirty days to allow for presentation of changes. Staff stated that more than thirty days would be necessary. Mayor Pro Tern Harper suggested continuing the item to a date uncertain and Councilmember Carchio agreed. Councilmember Katapodis wondered if Mr. Golchek is authorized to request proposed changes and Mr. Golchek indicated that he has been authorized by the developer. Councilmember Hardy inquired regarding staff preferences and additional costs related to continuing the matter. Staff reported that it would be preferable for Council to make a decision on the project at this time, noted that similar commentaries were made at a previous Planning Commission meeting and that no changes were received subsequently. He noted the applicant could revise the project and submit an application as soon as the next day with appropriate fees. Councilmember Hardy noted all of the opportunities provided to the applicant to modify the plans without them doing so, and indicated she would not support a motion for continuance. Councilmember Shaw indicated agreement with Councilmember Hardy. He stressed that the plan does comply with the design guidelines of the Beach/Edinger Corridor Specific Plan and felt that as presented, it does not provide an asset to the City. Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 11 of 14 Councilmember Sullivan expressed agreement with Council Members Hardy and Shaw and indicated he will support staffs recommendations. Councilmember Carchio expressed concern that if the project is not developed, the City will not have another much -needed affordable housing project. A substitute motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Mayor Pro Tem Harper to continue the matter to a date uncertain. Councilmember Katapodis felt that staff and the Planning Commission have worked hard on this matter without action by the developer to revise the plans. Staff noted the need to make a decision within a specified period of time. The substitute motion failed with the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Harper, Carchio Sullivan, Hardy, Shaw, Katapodis Boardman The original motion made by Councilmember Hardy, second by Councilmember Katapodis to deny Site Plan Review No. 11-004 and Variance No. 12-004 with findings for denial carried with the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Sullivan, Hardy, Shaw, Katapodis Harper, Carchio Boardman 10. Adopted City Council Resolutions Nos. 2013-18, 2013-19, 2013-20 and 2013-21 Authorizing the Issuance of Four (4) Huntington Beach 2013 Special Tax Refunding Bonds for and on Behalf of the City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 1990-1 (Goldenwest/Ellis Area), City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2000-1 (Grand Coast Resort), City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2002-1 (McDonnell Centre Business Park), and City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2003-1 (Huntington Center) Manager Wilson introduced the matter and deferred to staff for a report. Finance Director Lori Ann Farrell presented details of the report and addressed background including existing Community Facilities Districts (CFD) within the City, the purpose of issuing the bonds, repayment and refunding. She presented an overview of the CFDs, bonds outstanding totals and present value savings from refunding. She addressed relative interest rates, next steps and recommendations. A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Sullivan to adopt Resolution No. 2013-18, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Acting Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 12 of 14 as the Legislative Body of the City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 1990-1 Authorizing the Issuance of its 2013 Special Tax Refunding Bonds in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $1,200,000 and Approving Certain Documents and Taking Certain Other Actions in Connection Therewith," including Exhibits: Bond Indenture, Escrow Agreement, Preliminary Official Statement, Bond Purchase Agreement; adopt Resolution No. 2013-19, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Acting as the Legislative Body of the City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2000-1 (Grand Coast Resort) Authorizing the Issuance of its 2013 Special Tax Refunding Bonds in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $14,000,000 and Approving Certain Documents and Taking Certain Other Actions in Connection Therewith," including Exhibits: Bond Indenture, Escrow Agreement, Preliminary Official Statement, Bond Purchase Agreement; adopt Resolution No. 2013-20, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Acting as the Legislative Body of the City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2002-1 (McDonnell Centre Business Park) Authorizing the Issuance of its Improvement Area A 2013 Special Tax Refunding Bonds in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $5,500,000 and Approving Certain Documents and Taking Certain Other Actions in Connection Therewith," including Exhibits: Bond Indenture, Escrow Agreement, Preliminary Official Statement, Bond Purchase Agreement; adopt Resolution No. 2013-21, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Acting as the Legislative Body of the City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2003-1 (Huntington Center) Authorizing the Issuance of its 2013 Special Tax Refunding Bonds in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $22,000,000 and Approving Certain Documents and Taking Certain Other Actions in Connection Therewith," including Exhibits: Bond Indenture, Escrow Agreement, Preliminary Official Statement, Bond Purchase Agreement; authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to take all administrative actions necessary to perform the bond refunding; and, authorize the Mayor, City Manager, City Clerk and Finance Director to execute all related documents. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 11. Approved for Introduction Ordinance No. 3980 repealing Chapter 9.60 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) relating to Hypnotism Mayor Pro Tern Harper noted that this item was presented and discussed at a previous meeting and noted that the ordinance serves no purpose at this time. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Harper, second by Councilmember Hardy to after the City Clerk reads by title, approve for Introduction Ordinance No. 3980, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Repealing Chapter 9.60 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Hypnotism." The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: None Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 13 of 14 :ABSENT: Boardman COUNCILMEMBER ITEMS 12. Request submitted by Councilmember Carchio regarding: Sister City Manly, New South Wales, Australia Councilmember Carchio presented brief background on the item noting previous adoption by Council of an informal relationship. He addressed the importance of Manly relative to similarities with Huntington Beach in terms of its surf culture, economics and business community. Mayor Pro Tem Harper acknowledged Councilmember Carchio's leadership in this regard. A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Mayor Pro Tem Harper to accept the Surfing Walk of Fame as the governing board of Sister City Manly, New South Wales, Australia. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw_ , Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS (Not Agendized) Councilmember Katapodis noted the need to reconsider Consent Item No. 7 per the advice of City Attorney McGrath who stated that staff requests continuing the matter to determine the appropriate compensation range. A motion was made by Councilmember Katapodis, second by Councilmember Shaw, to reconsider adoption of Resolution No. 2013-17 reducing salary and benefits for non -represented employees (Director of Community Services), and approved revised job specifications for the Director of Community Services. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis None Boardman A motion was made by Councilmember Katapodis, second by Councilmember Shaw continue Consent Item No. 7 to June 17, 2013. The motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis NOES: None ABSENT: Boardman Councilmember Katapodis reported visiting Calgary, Canada where he read in a local newspaper an article regarding the City of Huntington Beach and saving the fire rings. Council/ PFA Regular Minutes June 3, 2013 Page 14 of 14 Councilmember Shaw reported attending the Memorial Day Ceremony and commented positively on the event. Councilmember Carchio reported attending the Memorial Day Ceremony and commented positively on the event. He reported attending a celebration for the Huntington Beach High School Boys' Volleyball CIF Championship Win party and addressed the accomplishments of the team. Councilmember Hardy expressed congratulations to the Marina High School Baseball team which made it to the CIF finals played at Dodger Stadium. Councilmember Sullivan commented on the Memorial Day Ceremony and noted the participation of the Huntington Beach Band. Mayor Pro Tem Harper commented positively on the Memorial Day Ceremony and reported attending and officiating for the installation of new officers for the Huntington Beach Coordinating Council and wished them well. In addition, he announced the rejection of SB504 by the Legislation in Sacramento regarding a ban on plastic bags. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before Council and the Public Financing Authority, Mayor Pro Tem Harper adjourned the meeting at 8:17 PM in memory of Kelly Morehouse and George B. Scott. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority is Monday, June 17, 2013, at 4:00 PM in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. Cler and ex-officio Clerk of Ve City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and Secretary of the Huntington Beach Public Finance Authority ATTEST: ) , JV� Ci Clerk, Clerk, Secretany