HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-01Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach '
Monday, July 1, 2013
4:00 PM - Study Session
6:00 PM — Regular Meeting
Civic Center Council Chambers,
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
An audio recording of the 4:00 PM portion of this meeting,
and a video recording of the 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is archived at
4:00 PM - ROOM B-8
Present: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman (arrived at 4:08 PM), Carchio,
Shaw (arrived at 4:15 PM), and Katapodis
Absent: None
Pursuant to City Charter Section 310 (a), City Clerk Joan L. Flynn requested, and was granted
permission, to be absent.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, Assistant City Clerk Robin Estanisiau announced
supplemental communications that were received following distribution of the City Council
agenda packet:
Study Sessi ,n pGFti„n of the regular meeting Manager Wilson announced that Mayor
Boardman would be attending the Study Session.
Notice of Absence received from City Clerk, Joan L. Flynn requesting permission to be absent
pursuant to City Charter Section 310 (a).
PowerPoint presentation for Study Session Item No. 1 submitted by Janeen Laudenback,
Interim Director of Community Services, dated July 1, 2013, entitled Huntington Beach Senior
Center in Central Park.
PowerPoint presentation for Study Session Item No. 1 submitted by Lori Ann Farrell, Director of
Finance, dated July 1, 2013, entitled Huntington Beach Senior Center - Discussion of Potential
Funding Resources.
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Minute Time Limit)
Ralph Bauer, former Mayor and member of the Huntington Beach Council on Aging (COA),
spoke in support of the proposed Senior Center in Huntington Central Park. He discussed a
potential appeal of recent Court findings, and encouraged the Council and others to recognize
and honor the ballot approval of the project by Huntington Beach registered voters.
J.D. Miles, COA member, discussed the COA's support of the project, and encouraged Council
to continue their support as well.
1. The Community Services Department presented a project overview on the Huntington
Beach Senior Center in Central Park. Information from the Finance Department was
also included on the funding of the project.
Interim Community Services Director Janeen Laudenback provided a PowerPoint entitled
Huntington Beach Senior Center in Central Park that included the following titled slides: Senior
Center Project Site, Background, Project Description, Current Status, Next Steps, Project
Schedule, and Local Funding Opportunities.
Director of Finance Lori Ann Farrell continued with a PowerPoint presentation entitled
Huntington Beach Senior Center— Discussion of Potential Funding Resources that included the
following titled slides: Additional Funding Options, Discussion of Potential Funding Sources,
Background, Potential Funding Sources, Existing 30 Yr Debt Service Schedule, Interim Funding
Options, Other Potential Funding Sources, External Funding Sources, Capital Funding
Campaign, and Questions.
Mayor Boardman and Interim Director Laudenback discussed the types of fees the project
would generate.
Councilmember Hardy and Director Farrell discussed appropriate use of funds received from
Hoag Hospital, and structuring of bonds.
Mayor Boardman and Councilmembers Shaw and Hardy expressed concerns about park in -lieu
fees, and discussed proportioning their use with Manager Wilson.
City Attorney Jennifer McGrath reminded Council of an appeal hearing scheduled for July 3rd.
Councilmembers Carchio and Sullivan voiced frustration about appeals filed on a decision made
by registered voters. Councilmember Carchio suggested that Council take any and all actions
necessary to move forward and proceed with the project.
2. Planning staff reviewed the goals and approved development projects within the
Beach and Edinger Corridors Specific Plan area.
Planning Manager Mary Beth Broeren discussed evolution of the Beach and Edinger Corridor
Specific flan, including the events that took place to bring development conceptions to life,
status of area projects, quality of architecture, and expected next steps.
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Councilmember Carchio recognized the quality of staff and developers who have and continue
to work hard for a quality development.
3. Pacific City Retail presentation provided by Lindsay Parton, DJM Capital Partners, Inc.
of the proposed plans to redesign the commercial portion of the Pacific City site.
Lindsay Parton, DJM Capital, distributed a booklet that included color sketches of the proposed
development, and provided a presentation that included titled slides: Our Vision, View from
Pacific Coast Highway, View from 2nd floor Interior Courtyard, and Urgency to Start. He
also informed Council of Apple's interest in the project.
Councilmember Shaw discussed his preferred architecture.
Mayor Pro Tem Harper and Mr. Parton discussed the nature of the market, financing, managing
construction costs, and DJM's ability to move forward now. Mr. Parton referred to use of three
separate developers, and using the current window of opportunity to reach DJM's goal
of opening in 2015.
Councilmember Hardy and Planning and Building Director Scott Hess discussed the project
timeline, and the likelihood of it coming before the Planning Commission in August.
Mayor Boardman read the following statement: Pursuant to Government Code Section
54957.6. a, the Council takes this opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated labor
negotiator Fred Wilson, City Manager who will be participating today in Closed Session
discussions regarding labor negotiations with POA, HBFA and MEA.
A motion was made by Carchio, second Katapodis, to recess to Closed Session on Item Nos. 4-
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, and Katapodis
NOES: None
4. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuits [and potential lawsuits]:
Lampley v. City of Huntington Beach, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2012-
00558630. In this case, Plaintiff El Veasta Lampley claims that on April 3, 2010 she fell and
injured herself on uneven pavement on Derbyshire Lane, south of Adams Avenue in the City of
Huntington Beach.
5. Pursuant to Government Code § 54957.6, the City Council recessed into Closed Session to
meet with its designated labor negotiators: Fred Wilson, City Manager; Bob Hall, Assistant City
Manager; Michele Warren, Director of Human Resources, Lori Ann Farrell, Director of Finance,
and Peter Brown, LCW regarding labor negotiations with POA, HBFA and MEA.
6. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Parks Legal Defense
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Fund v. The City of Huntington Beach, et al.; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2012-
00570541. In this second lawsuit challenging the Senior Center, a public interest advocacy
organization alleges that the City violated CEQA, City Charter Section 612 (Measure C), and the
City's General Plan in approving the Senior Center.
Present: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
Absent: None
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Councilmember Carchio
INVOCATION - The Invocation was provided by the Reverend Susannah Bair, Huntington
Beach Church of Religious Science and Huntington Beach Interfaith Council.
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any
faith or belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or
form of invocation.
At the request of Councilmember Carchio, a moment of silence was.observed in memory of the
nineteen Arizona Firefighters who recently lost their lives while on duty.
Presentation: Mayor Boardman called on Councilmember Dave Sullivan, the City's
representative to the Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency (SARFPA), to introduce
Executive Director Herbert Nakasone to present an update regarding Agency activities.
Councilmember Sullivan introduced the Chairwoman of the Santa Ana River Flood Protection
Agency and Former Mayor Cathy Green and Executive Director Herbert Nakasone for a
Chairwoman Green introduced Mr. Kevin Onuma of the Orange County Flood Control District.
Mr. Nakasone provided background information on SARFPA including the agency's primary
purpose and details of an on -going flood protection feasibility study.
Mr. Onuma, Flood Control Manager for the County of Orange, provided a brief background on
the study and funds required to bring existing facilities up to current standards. He addressed
the study area, main channels within the study area and reported that the core study will look at
existing conditions, develop improvement alternatives and do an economic analysis to look at
the benefits and costs of improvements within the water shed. He addressed the start of the
study and reported that because of the intermittent and inadequate funding received, it is now in
its tenth year. Mr. Onuma reported that it will take approximately $752,000 in Federal funding to
complete the study and that the Orange County Flood Control District will provide matching
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funds. He addressed benefits of the study and current flood insurance policies. He noted
savings from reductions in the flood plain areas to residents who currently pay for flood
Mr. Nakasone addressed actions than can be taken by SARFPA members to move the project
forward and advocate for Federal funding. He reported on projects currently under way by the
County that will reduce the flood plain and offered to respond to questions from Council.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper expressed his appreciation and commented on the importance of the
project to the City of Huntington Beach and others in the County of Orange.
In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Shaw regarding Congressman Dana
Rohrbacher's support of the matter, Mr. Nakasone reported that he is aware of the project and
noted the intention to meet with him in the near future.
Chairwoman Green reported that Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is enthusiastically in favor
of the study and the project in conjunction with Congressman Rohrbacher.
Councilmember Sullivan suggested that residents encourage their Congressmen to lend
support to the project.
Mayor Boardman expressed her appreciation on behalf of Council.
Presentation: Mayor Boardman called on Community Services Supervisors John
Valinsky and Chris Slama to recognize the.Huntington Beach Kiwanis for their continued
support of Community Services Department Programs.
Recreation Supervisor Chris Slama provided background of the Huntington Beach Kiwanis Club
and addressed their efforts in supporting the community including children, senior citizens and
military personnel. He expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Huntington Beach
Community Services Department.
Recreation Supervisor John Valinsky commented on the benefits and services provided by
donations of the Kiwanis Club to the Edison Community Center.
Mr. Slama expressed the gratitude of Recreation Supervisor Kirsten Martinez, who was unable
to attend the meeting this evening, to the Kiwanis Club for their efforts in the Annual Easter
Hunt. He addressed the Fishing Derby event and called on Kiwanis Foundation representatives
who were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for their efforts and generosity.
Presentation: Mayor Boardman called on Interim Community Services Director Janeen
Laudenback to receive a proclamation for "Parks Make Life Better!" Month and also
recognized our community partners from the County of Orange and the State of
Director Laudenback commented on "Parks Make Life Better!" month and acknowledged park
staff in attendance. She presented a video and invited staff to honor partners from the County
of Orange and the State of California. They acknowledged Brian Stetter from the California
State Department of Parks and Recreation and James Wooten from Orange County Parks and
Regional Trails and presented them with a proclamation in appreciation for their partnership with
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the City
Presentation: Mayor Boardman called on Southern California Edison Regional Manager
Jenelle Godges to present an update on SCE Summer Readiness Efforts.
Southern California Edison Regional Manager Jenelle Godges presented a short video
regarding options available, due to the closure of the San Onofre Power Plant. She provided a
presentation on the company's efforts with San Onofre and reported that Edison is working
diligently to prepare for the hot summer months and for future energy needs in the region. She
acknowledged conservation efforts by customers and noted information and programs available
on their website for residents and businesses and offered to respond to questions from Council.
Councilmember Katapodis inquired regarding anticipation of rolling blackouts.
Ms. Godges reported that the company expects to have sufficient loads for customers and
expressed concerns with coupling heat wave days and not allowing their equipment to cool
Councilmember Carchio requested a brief update on the AES power plant.
Ms. Godges reported she does not have the information available and encouraged the
contacting of AES.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper expressed his appreciation for the update.
Ms. Godges commented on the need to replace the power previously offered by the San Onofre
Power Plant.
Presentation: Mayor Boardman called on Anjo, Japan Sister City President Carmen
Erber and board members to introduce the exchange students from our Sister City.
Carmen Erber, President of the Sister City Association and board members introduced the
exchange students from the City's Sister City, Anjo, Japan. She reported receiving
documentation of the two city's thirty-year relationship and addressed the benefits of the
program. Ms. Erber introduced Board Member Mary Thompson for a presentation.
Ms. Thompson presented Huntington Beach host students and their respective counterparts
from Anjo, Japan who presented information regarding their families, interests and life in Anjo,
Anjo students shared a picture story for the benefit of the assembly.
Mayor Boardman presented the delegation with mementos of the City.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, Assistant City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced
supplemental communications received following distribution of the City Council agenda packet:
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Notice of Absence received from Joan L. Flynn, City Clerk, requesting permission to be absent
pursuant to City Charter Section 310 (a).
Communication for Consent Item No. 8 received from Richardson Gray, dated July 1, 2013,
entitled Adopt Resolution 2013-24, Downtown Alcohol Regulations.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit)
(The number (hh:mm:ss) following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting
time in the archived video located at hftp://www.surfcit\/-hb./org/government/agendas/).
Mayor Boardman opened the Public Comments portion of the meeting.
Richardson Gray commended Council and Police Chief Small for the new proposed alcohol
regulations for downtown, and encouraged Council to adopt them. He reported that the area
has almost eight times the number of bars recommended by the Alcohol Beverage Control
(ABC), referenced a prior request for a study related to alcohol sales and urged Council to
address the matter. He stated that the over concentration of bars in the area contributes to
increasing crime and drug problems throughout the City and in City schools. (01:14:30)
Philip John Johnson expressed concerns with the increasing use of indecent swimwear on the
City's beaches. He encouraged Council to look into the matter and work with the Police
Department in this regard. (01:17:05)
In reply to Councilmember Hardy's inquiry regarding inappropriate beach wear, City Attorney
Jennifer McGrath commented on previous consideration of the matter including the possibility of
requiring specific styles of bathing suits. Councilmember Hardy invited Mr. Johnson to fill out a
card for additional information as to what to do in cases of illegal activity.
Bridget Kaub suggested an amendment to the proposed changes to the Community Services
Commission (Item No. 15). She stated that it does not benefit the community to exclude the
Huntington Beach City School District, stressed the importance of corroboration with School
Board Members and suggested adding two appointees as well as including the six school
districts. (01:19:36)
Mark Bixby voiced support for the alcohol resolution on the Consent Calendar including each of
the proposed conditions but expressed concerns with language inconsistencies within the
resolution, vague deviations or amendments, potential infringements and alterations of land -use
policies in the Coastal Zone. Additionally, he felt that alcohol issues exist all year long and that
therefore, fines should be doubled all year long. (01:22:21)
There being no others wishing to address Council, Mayor Boardman closed the Public
Comments portion of the meeting.
Mayor Boardman announced an upcoming opening reception of a summer exhibition, "Custom
Culture II" at the Arts Center on July 13, 2013 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Additionally, she
reported that the Golden West College Theater Arts Department is presenting Rogers and
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Hammerstein's, "A Grand Night for Singing", July 13, 2013 at 2:00 PM and 7:30 PM including a
sing -a -long. As liaison for the Preserve Wintersburg Task Force, Mayor Boardman reported
hosting two Members of the National Park Service for a tour of the site. She reported that the
Task Force is having a fundraiser on Monday, July 29, 2013, at Mama's on 39tn
Councilmember Katapodis reported attending the "Wags and Wine" event on June 23, 2013,
where he acted as a judge for the dog competition. He commented positively on the event and
reported attending the Fourth of July Executive Board sponsor appreciation party held at the
Hilton Hotel on June 28, 2013.
City Manager Fred Wilson deferred to Huntington Beach Police Chief Ken Small and Fire Chief
Patrick McIntosh for a presentation of fireworks "Do's and Don'ts".
Chief Small reported that residents can legally stake out their spot for the Fourth of July parade
beginning at 7:00 AM on July 3, 2013. He reported that fireworks went on sale today through
the Fourth of July and noted that State -approved fireworks cannot be legally discharged until
July 4, 2013 between noon and 10:00 PM. Discharging fireworks outside of the designated
times is a violation of the Municipal Code which will result in a citation with a $500 fine. He
added that discharging illegal fireworks will result in a $500 fine as well. He reported that the
City's website has additional information regarding the use of fireworks in the City and
encouraged residents to visit the website.
Huntington Beach Fire Chief Patrick McIntosh noted increases in the amount of illegal fireworks
activity and asked for the community's help in keeping them off the streets. He noted no
fireworks are allowed on the beach side of PCH and noted other areas where they are not
allowed. He reported that fireworks stands will be passing out flyers listing the rules and areas
where they are allowed and not allowed.
Mayor Boardman encouraged residents to make sure pets are tagged or micro -chipped in case
they get loose during the holiday.
Councilmember Carchio pulled Items No. 3, 5, 7 and 8 for separate discussion and
1. Approved and adopted minutes of June 17, 2013
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to
approve and adopt the minutes of the City Council/Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting
of June 17, 2013, as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
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2. Approved four reappointments to the Library Board of Trustees with terms to expire
in June 2017
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to
approve reappointment of Betty Croteau for a second four year term effective July 1, 2013,
through June 30, 2017; and, approve reappointment of Dionne Cox, Don Lewis and Ben Miles
for a third four year term effective July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2017.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
3. Approved Youth Board appointments and reappointments with terms to expire in
June 2014
Councilmember Carchio pulled this item for separate discussion and consideration. He
expressed his appreciation to all of the outgoing members of the Youth and Government Board
for their support of the "Be a Buddy, Not a Bully" program and making it such a :success.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Sullivan as
recommended by City Council liaisons Joe Shaw and Jill Hardy, approve the reappointment of
the following students to a one-year term on the Huntington Beach Youth Board with terms to
expire June 2014: Austin Smith, Edison High School Representative; Emily Lee, Edison High
School At -Large Representative; Samantha Sharkoff, Huntington Beach High School
Representative; Lily Falzon, Ocean View High School Representative and Elliot Lee, Ocean
View High School At -Large Representative; and as recommended by Council liaisons Joe Shaw
and Jill Hardy, approve the appointment of the following students to a one-year term on the
Huntington Beach Youth Board with terms to expire June 2014: Madison Feldman, Edison High
School At -large Representative: Aurora Johnson, Huntington Beach High School At -large
Representative; Dylan Kato, Marina High School Representative and Melissa Applebee, Marina
High School At -Large Representative.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
4. Authorized appropriation of funds for the Bella Terra Pedestrian Crossing Project
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to
authorize appropriation of $100,OOO.to Infrastructure Fund expenditure account
31490001.82800 for the Bella Terra Pedestrian Crossing Project; and, authorize the Finance
Director to appropriate additional funds in the future, as needed, up to a total of funds received
from the developer(s), to fund the Bella Terra Pedestrian Crossing Project.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman; Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
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5. Approved and authorized execution of a professional services contract with DLR
Group for the completion of plans and specifications for a new Senior Center in
Huntington Central Park
Councilmember Carchio pulled this item for separate discussion and consideration. He stated
that the time has come to do something about the Senior Center and move forward with the
A motion was made by Councilmember. Carchio, second by Councilmember Sullivan to approve
and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute "Professional Services Contract Between the
City of Huntington Beach and DLR Group for Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Senior
Center Building" in Huntington Central Park; approve utilizing funding in the amount of $234,000
under HUD, EDI for plans and specifications related to the senior project; accept the EDI Grant
*B09SPCA00130 award of $142,500 from HUD for preparation for a new Senior Center;
authorize the appropriation of $142,500 from Grant #B09SPCA00130 for drawdown
reimbursement in Fund 994 HUD EDI #130 as follows: $28,500 in Account 99445102.69365
(Professional Services) and $114,000 in Account 94945102.82800 (Other Improvements); and,
authorize the appropriation of $91,565 from Grant #B06SPCAS0090 for drawdown
reimbursement in Fund 994 HUD EDI #90 Account 99445101.69365 (Professional Services).
Mayor Pro Tem Harper noted that he fully supports the item and the project. He referenced
efforts by a group to appeal the matter and urged them to drop the appeal.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
6. Approved and authorized the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
agreement allowing the City to continue to utilize the County of Orange Mass
Notification System (Alert OC) informing the public of emergency information
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to
approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the "Memorandum of Understanding
Between The County of Orange and Participants For Use of Countywide Mass Notification
System" for the period of July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2017, authorizing the City to utilize the
County's Mass Notification System.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
7. Approved and authorized execution of an amendment to the lease agreement with
American Golf Corporation and the City for operation of Meadowlark Golf Course and
to allow for demolition of the former grounds keeper residence on the premises
Councilmember Carchio pulled this item for separate discussion and consideration. He
wondered regarding past challenges with collecting rent at Meadowlark Golf Course and asked
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whether they are up to date. Staff affirmed that they are up to date.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Mayor Pro Tern Harper to approve
and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute "Addendum to Lease Agreement" with
American Golf Corporation to eliminate the monthly rent for the former groundskeeper residence
and to allow for demolition of the house; and, approve re -directing an amount equivalent to the
rent payments to complete certain capital improvements at the course as presented.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
8. Adopted Resolution No. 2013-24 as amended modifying the City's regulations as they
pertain to drinking establishments with alcoholic beverage sales and live
entertainment located within the Downtown Specific Plan area Conditions of Approval
for Alcohol Sales
Councilmember Carchio pulled this item for separate discussion and consideration. He noted
that among Council's primary goals is the enhancement and improvement of public safety and
maintaining a favorable business atmosphere in the downtown area. He referenced the high
number of alcohol -related traffic accidents in the City which ranked it number one in the State of
California, and felt that implementing the recommended policies would help to ensure that
identified goals are reached. Councilmember Carchio reported working with Chief Small and
some of the downtown business owners in'developing the proposed policies.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis moved
to adopt Resolution No. 2013-24, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach Establishing Conditions of Approval for Eating and Drinking Establishments With
Alcoholic Beverage Sales and Live Entertainment" modifying the City's regulations as they
pertain to drinking establishments with alcoholic beverage sales and live entertainment located
within the Downtown Specific Plan area, District 1(Exhibits A and B), amended to delete the
term, "deviation" from Paragraph 3 of the Resolution.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper felt that the resolution would block any venue, like the Golden Bear,
from being able to reopen in the City. He indicated that the constraints presented would not
conform to how venues that have live music do business and that he will vote against the
Councilmember Shaw noted that there are no plans for such venues in the downtown area as
well as the lack of space to do so. He stated that similar businesses would be allowed in other
areas of the City and spoke in support of the matter.
Mayor Boardman pointed out that this only pertains to establishments in District 1.
Planning and Building Director Scott Hess presented the boundaries of District 1.
Mayor Boardman addressed concerns regarding approval of deviations and amendments by
Council and usurping the power of staff. She addressed the approval process, agreed that the
term, "deviation" needs further clarification and suggested its removal.
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Councilmember Carchio and Councilmember Katapodis agreed to the suggested amendment.
Mayor Boardman commented on prohibition of additional off -sale of alcohol and City Attorney
Jennifer McGrath reported that the issue will be brought before Council as a separate resolution
in the near future.
The motion as amended carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: Harper
9. Adopted Resolution No. 2013-25 confirming conformance of the City's Circulation
Element with the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) and
Mitigation Fee Program to be eligible for participation in the Combined Transportation
Funding Program (CTFP)
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to adopt
Resolution No. 2013-25, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
Concerning the Status of the Circulation Element and Mitigation Fee Program for the City of
Huntington Beach."
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
10. Adopted Resolution No. 2013-28 adopting the Personnel Commission Bylaws; and,
approved recommendations by Council Liaisons Joe Carchio and Jim Katapodis to
re -appoint Katherine Elford and Philip Inglee for a second term, and to appoint Dianne
Thompson to the Personnel Commission
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Katapodis to adopt
Resolution No. 2013-28, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
Adopting Personnel Commission Bylaws;" and, approve the re -appointments of Katherine Elford
and Philip Inglee, and the appointment of Dianne Thompson with terms effective July 1, 2013,
through June 30, 2015, as recommended by the Council Liaisons to the Personnel Commission.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
11. Adopted Resolution No. 2013-27 accepting modifications to Local Coastal Program
Amendment (LCPA) No. 2-11; and, approved for introduction Ordinance No. 3981
adopting revisions to the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance
(HBZSO) as approved by the California Coastal Commission
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City Manager Wilson introduced the item and deferred to staff for a report.
Principal Planner Jennifer Villasenor presented details of the report addressing background,
description of the matter, previous approval of various amendments, approval by the Coastal
Commission with modifications and actions required at this time. She provided a summary of
the modifications relative to prohibited signs, analyses and findings and recommendations.
Mayor Boardman opened the public hearing.
Interested parties were invited to address Council on this item. There was no response and
Mayor Boardman closed the Public Hearing.
A motion was made by Councilmember Sullivan, second by Councilmember Katapodis to adopt
Resolution No. 2013-27, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
Which Acknowledges Receipt of the Coastal Commission Action and Accepts and Agrees to
Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-11 As Modified;" and, after the City Clerk reads by
title approve for introduction Ordinance No. 3981, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach Amending Section 233.10 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision
Ordinance Thereof to Conform to LCP Amendment No. 2-11 Made By the California Coastal
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
12. Approved Development Agreement No. 13-001 and approved for introduction
Ordinance No. 3982 adopting Development Agreement with Elan Huntington Beach,
City Manager Wilson introduced the item and deferred to staff for a report. .
Principal Planner Rosemary Medel presented details of the report including background, the
Development Agreement, description of the project, analysis, findings and recommendations.
Mayor Boardman opened the public hearing.
Interested parties were invited to address Council on this item. There was no response and
Mayor Boardman closed the Public Hearing.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper wondered regarding approval of the development and the required
action at this time.
Planning and Building Director Hess addressed the purpose of the Development Agreement
specifying that 10% of the units will be affordable housing.
Councilmember Hardy clarified that the Agreement is simply confirmation that the developer is
conforming to affordable housing requirements..
A motion was made by Councilmember Katapodis, second by Councilmember Carchio to
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approve Development Agreement No. 13-001 with findings for approval which includes
"Affordable Housing Agreement Restrictions -Rental (Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and
Restrictions for Property);" and, after the City Clerk reads by title approve for introduction
Ordinance No. 3982, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Adopting a Development
Agreement By and Between the City of Huntington Beach and Elan Huntington Beach LLC
(Developer) (Development Agreement No. 13-001)."
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
13. Adopted Resolution No. 2013-26 approving the issuance of the California Municipal
Finance Authority Revenue Bonds (AMG Huntington Beach, LLC/Notthoff
Engineering), Series 2013, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $5,000,000
for the purpose of financing the acquisition and installation of manufacturing
equipment and certain other matters relating thereto
City Manager Wilson introduced the item and deferred to staff for a report. He noted that the
City is acting as a conduit on the matter and has no related risk, obligation or liability.
Deputy Economic Development Director Kellee Fritzal presented details of the report including
background, issuance of a bond for the firm to acquire and install manufacturing equipment,
previous use of the bond and recommendations.
Mayor Boardman opened the public hearing.
Interested parties were invited to address Council on this item. There was no response and
Mayor Boardman closed the Public Hearing.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Harper, second by Councilmember Carchio to adopt
City Council Resolution No. 2013- 26, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach Approving the Issuance of the California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds
(AMG Huntington Beach, LLC), Series 2013, In An Aggregate Principal Amount Not To Exceed
$5,000,000 For the Purpose of Financing the Acquisition and Installation of Manufacturing
Equipment and Certain Other Matters Relating Thereto" for the benefit of AMG Huntington
Beach, LLC, doing business as Notthoff Engineering, a limited liability company organized and
existing under the laws of the State of Delaware (the "Borrower"), to provide for the financing of
the Project, such adoption is solely for the purposes of satisfying the requirements of TEFRA,
the Code and the California Government Code Section 6500 (and following).
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
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14. Submitted by Councilmember Carchio — Directed City Attorney to return with a
resolution increasing fines for alcohol related Municipal Code violations on major
holidays and. during the Huntington Beach U.S. Open Event
Councilmember Carchio reported speaking with the Police Chief, the City Attorney and the City
Manager regarding the matter and noted the problem needs to be addressed. He requested
Council approval of the item.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Shaw to direct the
City Attorney to draft a resolution doubling the fines for alcohol -related violations of the
Municipal Code on New Year's Eve, St. Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Fourth of July, and
Halloween. Also, doubling the fines for alcohol -related violations of the Municipal Code on the
beach during the specific event approved dates of the US Open of Surfing.
Mayor Pro Tem Harper requested clarification of the matter noting that most of the holidays are
not Federal holidays and wondered if legal definitions of those holidays would need to be added
to the Municipal Code.
City Attorney McGrath indicated that she can include the dates for those holidays within the
The motion carried with the following roll call vote
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: Harper
15. Submitted by Councilmember Shaw — Directed City Attorney to return with an
ordinance changing the composition of the Community Services Commission from a
total of eleven (11) members to a total of twelve (12) members
Councilmember Shaw reported on the current composition of the Community Services
Commission including related appointments and proposed to have seven Community Services
Commissioners appointed by Council and have school representatives be non -voting members.
He felt that the makeup of the Commission needs to reflect the goals and priorities of the current
Council, the Mayor and residents of the City. He addressed potential conflicts of interest as
schools look to develop school sites.
Mayor Pro Tem Harper felt that a more comprehensive discussion is necessary and that the
matter merits additional discussion. He expressed concerns with signals that may be sent
regarding how policy makers view their roles with the City and suggested deferring the item for
further consideration.
Councilmember Carchio commented on his participation in the Commission and noted that it
works very well. He indicated that he would hate to see the Commission turned into something
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio to leave the Commission as it currently exists,
but make school district,representatives, non -voting. The motion failed for lack of a second.
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Councilmember Hardy indicated that although specific school districts may not own park
properties, there is a park connected with every school. She stated that she would like to see
the memberships of the Huntington Beach and Union High School Districts maintained for a
total of five (5) School Districts to be represented. She spoke positively about keeping seven
(7), individually appointed, at -large members.
In response to Councilmember Sullivan's inquiry, City Attorney McGrath reported there are no
other Commissions or Boards where the majority of the members are chosen by other entities
than Council. She addressed appointment of at -large members by Council. Councilmember
Sullivan commended Councilmember Shaw for bringing the item forward.
Councilmember Katapodis expressed support for Councilmember Hardy's recommendation.
A motion was made by Councilmember Hardy, second by Councilmember Katapodis, that the
Community Services Commission be composed of seven (7) at -large members (one [1]
appointed by each Councilmember), and five (5) school district representatives (one [1] each
from the Ocean View, Fountain Valley, Westminster, Huntington Beach Union High and
Huntington Beach School Districts).
In response to an inquiry by Mayor Pro Tem Harper regarding conflicts of interest by school
district representatives voting on issues affecting school districts, City Attorney McGrath
reported that legally, it would not rise to the level of a conflict of interest but that it would be a
question of appearances. Mayor Pro Tem Harper asserted that there would not be a legal
conflict of interest since there would be no personal gain. He felt that it would be an insult to
school district representatives to strip them of their votes.
Councilmember Shaw commented positively on Councilmember Hardy's motion and expressed
his support.
Councilmember Carchio noted that Council makes appointments to the Commission and
reported there has been a vacancy in the Commission for several years. He felt that there have
been deficiencies and spoke against excluding the school districts from voting.
Mayor Boardman noted that issue is not included in the motion.
Councilmember Carchio expressed his support.
In response to Councilmember Sullivan's inquiry, City Attorney McGrath reported that the timing
for transition has not been determined but that she will consult with the City Manager regarding
the matter addressing vacancies.
Councilmember Hardy suggested appointing members to fill vacancies by Council seniority.
Staff suggested meeting with the City Attorney to develop the proper terms since some of the
appointees are serving four (4) year terms and they might not coincide with Council terms for
City Attorney McGrath asked for an opportunity to meet with staff to explore the terms and
return to Council with a proposed solution. She added that school district representatives serve
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one (1) year terms and Council appointees serve four (4) year terms
Councilmember Carchio suggested the possibility of having the three (3) Council liaisons
making appointments as well as the Mayor and reducing terms from four (4) years to two (2)
Councilmember Hardy stated that she is more inclined to have appointments made by Council
seniority and let that appointing Councilmember decide the term.
City Attorney McGrath stated that she will work on the language relative to establishing terms.
Councilmember Katapodis suggested directing staff to address the ideas presented and return
to Council for action at a future meeting.
Counciimember Sullivan commented negatively on phasing the matter, felt that several of the
current members would probably be reappointed and suggested moving forward with the matter
as moved.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: Harper
Mayor Pro Tern Harper commented on implementation of the plastic bag ordinance, referenced
an EIR and wondered if an EIR would be required to repeal the ban once it is in effect.
City Attorney McGrath stated that more -likely -than -not, it would be required because the
reversal of impacts would need to be considered but stated that she would prefer to defer to
staff for the response.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper suggested that staff bring the matter back to the next meeting in the
form of a memorandum.
Mayor Boardman suggested that staff issue a short email to Council regarding the issue.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper commented on the Steel Russo Auto Auction and wondered why they
did not operate in the City.
City Manager Wilson reported that they had appealed to the Coastal Commission and that the
application is still pending and has not yet been scheduled.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper commented on regulatory roadblocks for businesses seeking to do
business in the City. He addressed an upcoming hearing by the Air Quality Management
District in Diamond Bar on July 12, 2013, regarding bonfire rings and urged residents to attend
and participate in the meeting and have their voices heard. He commented on the upcoming
Fourth of July holiday noting that State -approved fireworks are still allowed, referenced the
result of "no action" by Council including banning all fireworks and urged residents to make their
opinions known to Council.
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Councilmember Carchio urged residents to only use approved "safe and sane" fireworks,
support local charities and not use illegal fireworks. He announced a fire ring rally taking place
on July 7, 2013, at Pacific Coast Highway and Beach Boulevard, hosted by Assemblyman
Travis Allen, between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Additionally, he reported attending the Project
Self-sufficiency dinner, "Wags and Wine" and the Fourth of July Executive Board luncheon and
commented positively on the events. He reported filling in for the Mayor at the California
Municipal Revenue and Taxation Association and wished everyone a Happy Fourth of July.
Councilmember Sullivan reported attending the Fourth of July Executive Board luncheon and
commented positively on the efforts of the Board and volunteers.
Councilmember Katapodis reported being the keynote speaker at the graduation of the Robert
Mayer Leadership Academy and attending the El Viento graduation from Ocean View High
School. Additionally, he attended a George Freeth dedication event, a ribbon -cutting for Chase
Bank, the Fourth of July Executive Board luncheon and the Amigos de Bolsa Chica brunch and
commented positively on the events. Additionally, Councilmember Katapodis commented on
the Huntington Beach Police Department U.S, Police and Fire Games and listed medal winners.
Councilmember Shaw commented on his efforts in advocating for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual
Transgender (LGBT) community and expressed his appreciation of the residents of Huntington
Beach for their support. He noted that LGBT families share the same values as most families in
the City and commented positively on the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing gay
marriage in California and outlawing a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). He
indicated his pride of the City and activists in Orange County for their support for all LGBT
Mayor Boardman stated that she was very happy with the recent Supreme Court decision. She
thanked the tutors and students at the Reading Literacy program of the Library and
acknowledged their work and efforts in changing people's lives. She attended the Fourth of July
Executive Board luncheon and thanked all of the sponsors of the Fourth of July event.
Additionally, she attended the Amigos de Bolsa Chica brunch as well as the Project Self-
sufficiency recognition program and commented positively on the events and thanked those
involved in supporting families.
There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Boardman adjourned the
meeting at 8:48 PM.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing
Authority is Monday, July 15, 2013, at 4:00 PM in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street,
Huntington Beach, California.
Cler d ex-officio Clerk oft City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and
Secretary of the Huntington Beach Public
Finance Authority
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July 1, 2013
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All Em
CVy Clerk, Secretary Mayor -Chair