HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-21Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, October 21, 2013
4:00 PM — Study Session, Room B-8
6:00 PM — Regular Meeting
Civic Center Council Chambers
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
An audio recording of the 4:00 PM portion of this meeting
and a video recording of the 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are archived at
4:00 PM - ROOM B-8
Present: Sullivan, Hardy (arrived at 4:10 pm), Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
Absent: None
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced supplemental
communication received by her office following distribution of the Council agenda packet:
PowerPoint communication for Study Session Item No. 2 submitted by the Director of Planning
and Building entitled General Plan Update Advisory Committee Composition.
Minute Time Limit) — None.
1. AES and City Staff reviewed the AES Power Plant rebuild, recently assessed South
Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) fees and potential revenues and
reviewed the proposed visual enhancement plan for the project
Aaron Klemm, Energy Project Manager, and Jane James, Senior Planner, presented a
PowerPoint entitled AES - AQMD Update, that included the following titled slides: Agenda, AES -
Re -licensing, Huntington Beach Project Area, Huntington Beach Energy Project, Visual
Resources, Visual Enhancement Plan, Existing Beach View, Existing & New - Scale Comparison,
New Plant with Landscape Enhancement, Existing View from Magnolia, Color Treatment Options,
Landscape Enhancement & Blue -Tan Color Option, Surf City USA Treatment Options, Landscape
& Surf City USA Option, Conception Architectural Treatment Options, Landscape & SurfCity USA
Option with Wire Mesh Screen, Design Review Board Comments, Architectural Mesh Example,
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and Next Steps
Steven O'Kane with AES presented slides entitled Proposed Modernization Project that depicted
visual enhancements.
Councilmember Sullivan and Manager Klemm discussed the process of submitting proposals to
Councilmember Carchio and Manager Klemm discussed lighting for the downtown parking
garage, street light upgrades, motion lights, dimmers, etc.
Councilmember Shaw, Manager Klemm and Manager Wilson discussed prioritizing the project
list, and expressed positive thoughts about the proposed aesthetic improvements.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper expressed positive thoughts about the aesthetic improvements.
Councilmembers Shaw and Katapodis expressed concerns about staff recommending use of an
outside architectural firm to explore additional design options.
Councilmember Hardy complimented AES on a proposed design.
Councilmember Sullivan stated support for spending funds on an outside architectural firm.
Mayor Boardman discussed endangered birds in the project area, and discussed noise mitigation
with representatives from AES.
2. General Plan Update - Discussion held regarding composition of the General Plan
Advisory Committee and Topic Specific Task Forces
Mary Beth Broeren, Planning Manager, provided a PowerPoint presentation entitled General Plan
Update Advisory Committee Composition that included the following titled slides: General Plan
Update Committees, GPAC, Staff Recommendation, Topic Specific Task Force, Additional, and
Next Steps.
Discussion ensued about appointments. Councilmember Sullivan asked if various commissions
would be selecting their own representatives, and Manager Broeren confirmed.
Mayor Boardman recommended professional biologists/biological resources (Wetlands and
Wildlife Care Center, etc.), and Councilmember Shaw recommended representation from the
Sanitation District.
Mayor Boardman announced: Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6. a, the Council takes this
opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated labor negotiator Fred Wilson City
Manager, who will be participating today in Closed Session discussions regarding labor
negotiations with MEA, MEO, MSMA, SCLEA, POA and HBFA.
A motion was made by Carchio, seconded by Sullivan to recess to Closed Session on Item Nos.
2-5. The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
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AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
3. Pursuant to Government Code § 54957.6, the City Council recessed to Closed Session
to meet with its designated labor negotiator: Fred Wilson, City Manager regarding labor
negotiations with MEA, MEO, MSMA, SCLEA, POA and HBFA.
4. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, the City Council recessed to Closed
Session to consider the following public employment matter: Candidate for position of
Police Chief.
5. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Donovan
Gallatin v. City of Huntington Beach, WCAB Case Nos. ADJ6853491 and ADJ7747973;
Claim Nos. COHB-09-0069 and COHB-12-0034.
Present: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
Absent: None
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Mayor Boardman
INVOCATION — The invocation was led by Father Christian Mondor, Sts. Simon and Jude
Catholic Church
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any
faith or belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form
of invocation.
Presentation - Mayor Boardman called on Interim Director of Community Services Janeen
Laudenback to present commendations to the Huntington Beach Concert Band,
Huntington Beach Symphony Orchestra and Huntington Harbor Philharmonic Committee
for their continued support of music to the cultural fabric of our community.
Mayor Boardman announced that Janeen Laudenback will soon be appointed Director of
Community Services, and asked her to present commendations to the Huntington Beach Concert
Band, Huntington Beach Symphony Orchestra and Huntington Harbor Philharmonic Committee
for their continued support of music to the cultural fabric of our community.
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Presentation - Mayor Boardman made a special presentation on behalf of the City
Mayor Boardman recognized Steve Bone for his dedication and many years of service to the
community and presented him with a commendation and a key to the City.
Mr. Bone expressed his appreciation to Mayor Boardman, Members of Council and the City for
their recognition.
Brett Barnes, Chair of the Huntington Beach Marketing and Visitors Bureau, expressed his
appreciation to Mr. Bone for his service.
Mayor's Award - Mayor Boardman called on Library Director Stephanie Beverage to
present the Mayor's Award to Senior Librarian Kevin Moran.
Library Director Stephanie Beverage presented the Mayor's Award to Senior Librarian Kevin
Moran for his service to the Library and the community.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced supplemental
communications that were received by her office following distribution of the Council agenda
She reported receiving one supplemental communication for Item No. 9, which she will announce
at the time of the public hearing.
Regarding Item No. 13, she reported receiving fourteen (14) communications regarding restricting
the use of Styrofoam in the City: Johanna Rose Hessing, Karina Celeste Santoyo, Aline
Edizian, Daniel Knight, Luke Krut, Ryan Murphy, Torie Litman, Marcus DeSilva, Kelci
Boynton, Tahlia Nie, Matthew Cole, Coral Rojas, Margaret Audi, and Jacob Tyler.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit)
(The number (hh:mm:ss) following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting
time in the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb./org/government/agendas/).
Mayor Boardman opened the Public Comments portion of the meeting.
Mike Van Voorhis, President of the Sunset Beach Community Association, reported on a recent
Chili Cook -off event and announced a Halloween Party on October 31, 2013 from 6:00 PM to
10:00 PM at the Sunset Beach Community Center hosted by Tony Nobles and invited the public
to attend. Additionally, he announced the 64th Annual Firehouse Ball on Friday, November 15,
2013 at Don the Beachcombers from 8:00 PM to midnight. (00:19:14)
Jed Donahue spoke in opposition to Items No. 9 and 13 and urged Council to let the market and
public decide in regards to the use of Styrofoam packaging. (00:22:25)
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Jennifer Paulin agreed with the previous speaker adding that people are tiring of government
regulations. She opposed the ban on plastic bags and encouraged Council to look at things from
a visitor's point of view. She commented on transmission of disease from reusable bags and felt
that businesses will lose business and encouraged Council to reconsider the matter. (00:25:38)
Tim Hendrix spoke in support of Item No. 13, regarding banning the use of Styrofoam. (00:28:45)
Robert Johnson spoke regarding the City's role in the affordable housing process and opined that
it benefits the rich. (00:31:06)
Assemblyman Allan Mansoor invited the public to a Community Coffee on Saturday, October 26,
2013 from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at 7101 Yorktown. (00:34:14)
Assemblyman Travis Allen spoke regarding the proposed ban on the use of Styrofoam noting that
it will limit consumer choice and increase business costs. He listed negative impacts of the ban
and stated that Styrofoam does not cause a litter problem but rather the problem is caused by
people improperly disposing of same. He stated that instead of banning the product, the City
should educate its residents to properly dispose of Styrofoam by placing it in blue disposal bins for
recycling. He urged Council to oppose the banning of Styrofoam in the City. (00:35:32)
Anushka Bhaskar, The Pegasus School, spoke in support of banning the use of Polystyrene in the
City. She addressed negative environmental impacts of the material and noted that it has a very
low recycling rate. (00:38:20)
Patrick Aimone, The Pegasus School, spoke in support of banning the use of Polystyrene in the
City and commented on the benefits of doing so. He reported how chemicals in the material leach
into food and cause cancers and commented on how the ban will influence other cities to do the
same. He noted that many people are resistant to change but that change needs to happen and
urged Council to ban Polystyrene. (00:41:32)
Amanda Miskell, The Pegasus School, spoke in support of banning Polystyrene in the City noting
that it would be financially beneficial in that it would significantly decrease the costs of waste
management. She reported that environmental policies and practices will result in gains for
businesses. (00:44:47)
Jenna Dyer, The Pegasus School, expressed appreciation to Council for placing the matter on the
agenda and noted that the cost difference of banning Polystyrene would be insignificant and will
benefit the health of the community. She urged Council to consider the environment for this and
future generations. (00:48:04)
John Briscoe, Public School Trustee, commented on the City's Youth Programs and in his
opinion, the City's abandonment of youth in the City. He addressed removal of fields and the
allocation of parks and recreation services to allow youth sports teams to allocate fields across
the school districts. He noted that most parks in the City belong to the school district, as well as
playing fields. He encouraged residents to act to stop the City from abandoning its youth and
youth programs in the City. (00:51:19)
Councilmember Hardy questioned the make-up of the Community Services Board. Director of
Community Services Janeen Laudenbach reported that only the make-up of the Board has been
changed and that new agreements with the school district will be made. She added that the
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Board has six at -large members and that two Council representatives will be added to the Board.
Keri Askew Bailey, California Grocers Association, asked that Council reject the proposal to
modify the current plastic ban ordinance. She noted that the current ordinance provides the
maximum environmental gain with the minimum impact possible on businesses and consumers.
She added that changing the ordinance now would increase costs to businesses in compliance.
She encouraged Council to maintain the ordinance as written and adopted. (00:55:19)
Councilmember Sullivan questioned $.10 per bag and wondered if double -bagging would cost
$.20 and Ms. Bailey noted that existing ordinance requires $.10 per bag so that double -bagging
would double the price of the bags. (00:57:00)
Bill Hickman, Surfrider Foundation, spoke in opposition to Item No. 14 regarding changes to the
plastic bag ordinance, adding that it is a model ordinance and that Council should wait until the
ordinance plays out. In addition, he spoke in support of Item No. 13 regarding the proposed ban
on Styrofoam and listed facts regarding the negative environmental impacts of same. (00:59:08)
Stephanie Barger, Earth Resource Foundation, thanked the students and teachers of The
Pegasus School for their presentations and their efforts in support of the environment. She
thanked the City for its efforts and spoke in support of the proposed ban of Styrofoam. She spoke
in support of reducing and reusing and creating zero waste. She urged Council to maintain the
plastic bag ordinance as it is and listed cities that have successful, similar ordinances. (01:01:32)
Craig Cadwallader, Chair of the Surfrider Foundation, South Bay Chapter, strongly encouraged
Council to adopt a Polystyrene ban and spoke of the success of the ban in the City of Manhattan
Beach. He asked that Council also consider adding Styrofoam coolers to the ban as well as
straws, lids and utensils. (01:04:39)
Christina Chang, Surfrider Foundation, presented information regarding the hazards and negative
environmental impacts of Polystyrene and noted the existence of environmentally -friendly
alternatives. (01:10:05)
Councilmember Sullivan reported attending the October meeting of the Orange County Senior
Citizens' Advisory Committee.
Councilmember Carchio reported attending the ACCOC Board of Directors meeting.
As one of the Council liaisons to the Allied Arts Board, Mayor Boardman announced that the
Huntington Beach Arts Center is hosting, "Art for Lunch" on Thursday, October 24, 2013 from
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM and encouraged the public to attend.
City Manager Fred Wilson introduced new Assistant City Manager Ken Domer and discussed his
background. In addition, he congratulated Janeen Laudenback for her appointment as the new
Director of Community Services.
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1. Approved and adopted minutes dated October 7, 2013 and October 14, 2013; and,
approved correction to minutes dated June 18, 2012
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Hardy to approve
and adopt the City Council/Public Financing Authority Regular and Successor Agency Special
Meeting of October 7, 2013, and City Council/Public Financing Authority Special Meeting of
October 14, 2013 as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk; and, approve correction to
pages 10 and 11 of City Council minutes dated June 18, 2012.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
2. Received and filed the City of Huntington Beach Strategic Plan Update
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Hardy to receive and
file the Six -Month Strategic Objectives.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
3. Approved and authorized execution of a Quitclaim Agreement to transfer ownership
of an Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Sewer Manhole and Lateral, located
on Magnolia Street, between Hamilton Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), to
the City
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Hardy to approve
and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the "Quitclaim Sewer Transfer Agreement
Between Orange County Sanitation District and the City of Huntington Beach."
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
4. Approved the escheatment of $26,908.84 Of Unclaimed Funds to the General Fund
Per Government Code Section 50050-50057
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Hardy to review and
approve the transfer of $26,908.84 of unclaimed funds from the City's Unclaimed Funds Liability
Account to the City's Miscellaneous Revenue Account #10000100.48550.10025201 in compliance
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with Government Code Sections 50050-50057.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
5. Adopted Resolution No. 2013-55 urging the Governing Board of the South Coast Air
Quality Management District (SCAQMD) to use funding from Rule 1304.1, Electrical
Generating Facility Fee for use of offset exemptions on local SCAQMD projects and
directing the City Manager to develop a set of proposed Clean Air Infrastructure
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Hardy to approve
Resolution No. 2013-55, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Urging
the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District to Use Funding From
Rule 1304.1, Electrical Generating Facility Fee, For Use of Offset Exemptions, on Local Air
Quality Projects and Directing the City Manager to Develop a Set of Proposed Clean Air
Infrastructure Projects."
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
6. Adopted Resolution No. 2013-56 approving Amendments to the City's Classification
Plan (Payroll Specialist and Building Manager positions)
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Hardy to adopt
Resolution No. 2013-56, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
Amending the City's Classification Plan by Adding the Job Classifications of Payroll Specialist and
Building Manager and Establishing the Compensation;" Payroll Specialist at Range 554 and
Building Manager at Range 644.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
7. Approved and authorized execution of a five-year License Agreement with Southern
California Edison for public parkland located in Edison Community Park
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Hardy to approve the
"License Agreement" with Southern California Edison for the use of 8.16 acres of property
commonly known as Edison Community Park; and, authorize the Mayor to execute any and all
documents necessary to conclude this transaction.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
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NOES: None
8. Approved and authorized execution of an agreement with Southern California
Edison, granting an easement on City owned lots occupied by the Warner Avenue
Fire Station and the adjacent parking lot due to construction of the Warner Avenue
Gravity Sewer and Lift Station C project, CC-1370
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Councilmember Hardy to approve
and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a "Grant of Easement" agreement with
Southern California Edison, due to construction of the Warner Avenue Gravity Sewer and Lift
Station C located on the City owned lots APN 178-651-30 and APN 178-651-06.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
9. Approved Zoning Text Amendment No. 13-001 to prohibit the sale of alcohol for off -
site consumption for any use in District 1 of the Downtown Specific Plan by
approving for introduction Ordinance No. 4005 (Staff Recommendation)
Associate Planner Jennifer Villasenor presented the report including a description of the proposed
amendment, background and applicability of the amendment to new establishments. She noted
that existing businesses with off -site sales would be grandfathered in and allowed to continue in
effect. She addressed prior Council direction and consideration and actions by the Planning
Commission, crime statistics, analysis and recommendations.
Ms. Villasenor confirmed that a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) can be transferred from one
business to the next in the same location and as long as the CUP does not expire within the time
between when the old business moves and the new business takes over. She added that the
new business would be restricted if and when they came forward for a new CUP.
Planning and Building Director Scott Hess explained that CUPs run with the land so that as long
as the new business begins operating within six (6) months to a year, it can run the new business
with the existing CUP and the conditions of approval cannot be changed.
In respond to Mayor Boardman's inquiry regarding the possibility of capping on -site alcohol sales
in District 1, City Attorney Jennifer McGrath reported that it cannot be discussed as this time as
proper notices has not been given.
Mayor Boardman opened the public hearing and called for public testimony.
City Clerk Flynn noted a supplemental communication received for this item from Richardson
Gray dated October 15, 2013 supporting adoption of Zoning Text Amendment No. 13-001.
Mark Bixby, Planning Commissioner, stated that by prohibiting change you end up locking in the
status quo and noted the need to maintain flexibility for improved uses and the need to negate
problem uses. He addressed the benefits of implementing the Zoning Text Amendment and
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hoped that the Downtown Taskforce would look at what other cities are doing to regulate alcohol
and recommend a set of best practices to consider. (01:25:06)
Discussion followed regarding the differences between the two recommendations and Mr. Bixby
reported that the Planning Commission would like to review all uses of alcohol in the permitting
Mike Heh noted that Downtown Huntington Beach has one of the highest concentrations of ABC
licenses in the State of California and noted the high incidences of crime and alcohol -related
vehicle accidents in the area. He urged Council to approve the Zoning Text Amendment.
Richardson Gray referenced his supplemental communication and encouraged Council to
approve the Zoning Text Amendment and indicated his preference for a moratorium on all new
bars in the Downtown area. He commented on the high number of alcohol -related businesses in
the area as well as high crime rates and explained his preference for staffs recommendations
versus the Planning Commission's recommendations. (01:31:09)
With no one else present to speak, Mayor Boardman closed the public hearing.
Councilmember Hardy asked regarding the possibility of banning additional off -site sales and
having all CUPs for on -site sales go before the Planning Commission.
City Attorney McGrath stated that a hybrid of the two recommendations can be moved but that
staff has not analyzed that particular option.
Councilmember Hardy commented on the need to stop off -site sales of alcohol and proposed a
hybrid of the two recommended options.
A motion was made by Councilmember Hardy, second by Councilmember Shaw to approve
Zoning Text Amendment No. 13-001 to require a Conditional Use Permit from the Planning
Commission for all establishments requesting alcohol sales for on -site consumption in District 1 of
the Downtown Specific Plan with findings for approval, prohibit the sale of alcohol for off -site
consumption for any use in District 1 of the Downtown Specific Plan with findings for approval,
and approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4004, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach Amending Specific Plan No. 5 - Downtown Specific Plan (Zoning Text
Amendment No. 13-001)". (Vote to follow discussion).
Councilmember Shaw commented on an existing business in the Downtown area. In response to
his inquiry regarding the differences and processes between the two recommended options and
the motion made by Councilmember Hardy, City Attorney McGrath explained that it is a
combination of the two, one with respect to off -site and the other with respect to on -site alcohol
sales and consumption.
Associate Planner Jennifer Villasenor graphically illustrated the amended motion per
Councilmember Hardy.
Councilmember Shaw stated with the current motion, the City would be keeping a strong
statement that it does not want more off -site alcohol sales Downtown while strengthening the
CUP process for on -site restaurants.
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In response to Mayor Pro Tern Harper's inquiry, Ms. Villasenor affirmed that the action would
increase the power of the Planning Commission. She added that a CUP can be applied for in
other areas of the City for off -site sales. She stated there would be no impacts from a land -use
Mayor Pro Tern Harper stated that the proposed amendment has the potential for untended
consequences and that he will not support the motion.
Councilmember Carchio confirmed that Council had given direction to staff to establish a
Downtown Taskforce, and wondered why the Planning Commission's recommendation was not
considered by them. It was noted that the Downtown Taskforce considered the Planning
Commission's recommendation, and that there was consensus for a recommendation to Council.
Mayor Boardman reported that Council had provided direction to staff to approve staff
recommendations and that the Downtown Taskforce concurred adding that capping on -site sales
should also be considered. Although the latter cannot be discussed at this time, she expressed
interest in bringing that issue to Council for consideration. She addressed the high incidents of
crime in the area compared to others in the City and expressed interest in capping all kinds of
sales of alcohol Downtown. She noted the need for diverse businesses in Downtown rather than
alcohol -related businesses. Mayor Boardman indicated she will not support the motion currently
on the floor because she wants to establish hard caps for the sale and consumption of alcohol.
Discussion followed regarding the process and timeline for consideration of the matter by the
Coastal Commission. Ms. Villasenor stated that it would be processed as a minor amendment
and could be in effect within three (3) to six (6) months. She noted the possibility of streamlining
the process.
Councilmember Hardy encouraged Council to vote for her motion noting that it is the most that
can be done at this time.
Councilmember Hardy's original motion failed by the following roll call vote
AYES: Hardy, Shaw
NOES: Sullivan, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Katapodis
A motion was made by Councilmember Sullivan, second by Councilmember Carchio to move
staff's recommendation approving Zoning Text Amendment No. 13-001 to prohibit the sale of
alcohol for off -site consumption for any use in District 1 of the Downtown Specific Plan with
findings for approval and approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4005, "An Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Specific Plan No. 5 - Downtown Specific Plan
(Zoning Text Amendment No. 13-001)."
After the City Clerk read the Ordinance by title, the motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: Harper
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10. Approved the Worthy Community Park conceptual Master Plan
Interim Director of Community Services Janeen Laudenback presented a report addressing
background, prior Council actions, consideration by and recommendations from the Community
Safety Committee, location, property boundaries, the conceptual Master Plan, proposed
amenities, funding and timeline for construction, phasing of the project and recommendations.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper commented positively on the plan and noted the importance of the area
for the City.
Councilmember Sullivan asked whether both of the existing softball fields will be maintained under
the plan and Ms. Laudenback reported that there is currently one softball field in use and that the
second field is under the school district's jurisdiction and will be where the multi -use practice fields
will be located. The high school continues to partner with the City for use of the City's softball
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Harper, second by Councilmember Hardy to approve the
Worthy Community Park Master Plan as presented.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
11. Introduced the 2013 Huntington Beach Building and Safety Codes and related
Ordinances Nos. 3993 through 4003; and, set Public Hearing date for adoption on
November 18, 2013
Building Inspection Manager Mark Carnahan presented details of the report addressing the
proposed ordinance recommendations, background, timeline and updates to all Huntington Beach
Municipal Codes to reflect the current referenced codes and presented recommendations as
stated within the report.
A motion was made by Councilmember Sullivan, second by Councilmember Shaw to after the
Ordinance titles are read, approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 3993, "An Ordinance of the City
of Huntington Beach amending Chapter 17.04 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code titled the
Huntington Beach Building Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 3994, "An Ordinance of
the City of Huntington Beach amending Chapter 17.06 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code
titled Green Building Standards Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 3995, "An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 17.07 of the Huntington Beach
Municipal Code titled Residential Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 3996, "An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter
17.08 titled Housing Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 3997, "An Ordinance of the
City of Huntington Beach amending Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 17.10 Huntington
Beach Nuisance Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 3998, "An Ordinance of the City
of Huntington Beach amending Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 17.24 titled Sun
Decks —Windscreens Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 3999, "An Ordinance of the
City of Huntington Beach Amending Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 17.40 titled
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Mechanical Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 4000, "An Ordinance of the City of
Huntington Beach amending Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 17.44 titled Plumbing
Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 4001, "An Ordinance of The City of Huntington
Beach Amending Chapter 17.46 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code titled Uniform
Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 4002, "An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter
17.48 titled Electrical Code." Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 4003, "An Ordinance of the
City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 17.60 titled Solar Energy Code." Direct that a
Public Hearing be set for adoption of Ordinance Nos. 3993 through 4003 on November 18, 2013.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
12. Approved for introduction Ordinance No. 3992 and authorized execution of
Amendment No. 1 to the Franchise Agreement between the City and OXY USA, Inc.
allowing the addition of an existing six-inch diameter oil pipeline to the franchise
City Manager Wilson noted that the aforementioned is a minor amendment.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio, second by Mayor Pro Tern Harper to after the
City Clerk reads by title approve for introduction Ordinance 3992, "An Ordinance of the City of
Huntington Beach Amending the OXY USA Inc. Franchise to Construct, Operate, and Maintain a
Pipeline System for the Transportation of Oil"; and, approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute "Amendment No. 1 to the Franchise Agreement between the City of Huntington
Beach and OXY USA, Inc."
The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Harper, Boardman, Carchio, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: None
13. Submitted by Mayor Boardman - Directed the City Attorney to develop ordinance
restricting the use of Styrofoam packaging by food vendors in the City
Mayor Boardman provided a presentation addressing prior Council actions to restrict Styrofoam in
City facilities, existing conditions, and adoption of similar ordinances by surrounding cities, details
of the proposed ordinance and recommendations that Council permit direction to staff to develop
an ordinance similar to that adopted by the City of San Bruno. She noted that the issue is not
only related to pollution, but also to public health. She reported on available alternatives and
stated that on average, they are approximately $.01 more per item than Styrofoam.
Councilmember Hardy commented on the Newport Beach ordinance.
Mayor Boardman reported that there are also plastic alternatives that are not Polystyrene.
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Councilmember Hardy commented on the chemicals that leak into food when food is heated in
Polystyrene containers.
Mayor Pro Tem Harper commented on the progression of regulations and wondered what will be
next. He noted that the enthusiasm in support of this ban is less than there was for the banning of
plastic bags and commented on challenges with enforcement. He expressed concerns regarding
limiting consumer choice and spoke in support of allowing the market to make the determination.
He indicated that Council should be looking for ways to enhance the freedoms and choices for the
people of the City rather than establishing new laws to restrict them.
Councilmember Carchio commented on services by Rainbow Disposal including recycling of
Styrofoam. He spoke in support of continuing public education efforts for consumers to recycle
and did not feel there is a problem with Styrofoam but rather with littering. He addressed
increased costs of alternative packaging and suggested that further studies are needed.
Councilmember Katapodis expressed concerns with negative impacts to small businesses and to
Mayor Boardman noted that she picked a sample ordinance (City of San Bruno) that is wide -
reaching. She added that if Council Members are concerned with enforcement relative to lids,
straws and utensils, a less -restrictive ordinance could be developed to address use of Styrofoam
Councilmember Shaw commented on the containers used in the City of Newport Beach and
stated he has not seen any business closing because of the costs of containers. He noted that
any good business owner will find the cheapest way to package their product, and stated there
are plenty of low-cost alternatives to Styrofoam. He commented positively on students'
presentations and noted the need to protect the environment now and for future generations. He
added that. Huntington Beach should be leading in the zero -waste arena.
Mayor Pro Tem Harper asked regarding the existence of studies regarding decreases in litter
because of similar bans and referenced correspondence from the California Restaurant
Association asking why they are being singled -out. He felt that the issue is unfair, inappropriate
and disregards the ability of free people to make their own choices.
Councilmember Carchio reiterated concerns regarding increased costs of Styrofoam alternatives
and noted that the costs will be passed on to consumers. He commented on the increases in
Styrofoam recycling and stressed the need to educate the public rather than form additional
restrictions. He expressed concerns regarding enforcement as well.
Councilmember Sullivan commented on the requirement for an EIR when the plastic bag
ordinance was developed and asked whether one would be required for the subject ordinance.
City Attorney McGrath noted that an EIR is not needed and commented on an existing exemption
Councilmember Sullivan indicated he does not have sufficient information to make a decision but
felt that an opportunity to study the matter further would be beneficial and therefore, stated he
would support the motion.
Councilmember Shaw noted that the consumer will be the major enforcer of the ordinance.
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Mayor Boardman acknowledged the work of Rainbow Disposal and noted that Styrofoam is used
for a lot of packaging. The proposed ordinance deals with food containers noting that they are
difficult to recycle because they first must be cleaned. She pointed out differences in costs
between Styrofoam and alternatives noting that they are out there, at a minimal cost.
Councilmember Katapodis agreed with Councilmember Sullivan and expressed preference for
limiting the ordinance to Styrofoam containers.
A motion was made by Mayor Boardman, second by Councilmember Katapodis to direct the City
Attorney to develop two (2) ordinances restricting the use of Styrofoam packaging by food
vendors in the City of Huntington Beach using 1) the City of San Bruno ordinance as a model;
and, 2) a city with an ordinance that is less broad.
The motion carried with the following roll call vote
AYES: Sullivan, Hardy, Boardman, Shaw, Katapodis
NOES: Harper, Carchio
14. Submitted by Councilmember Carchio — Item failed to direct the City Attorney to
draft an ordinance to reduce the paper bag cost from ten (10) cents to five (5) cents
on May 1, 2014, and from five (5) cents to free on November 1, 2014
Councilmember Carchio reported receiving many requests regarding the matter and reported that
a charge to consumers for paper bags is not acceptable and explained his recommendation as
stated in the report.
Councilmember Hardy referenced comments from the California Grocers Association noting that
they support the charge as it will help businesses facilitate the transition from using plastic bags to
reusable bags.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper expressed concerns with price-fixing and while he supports removal of the
mandated price, asking for the price to change would be against his belief that this is the
government setting a price for a product.
Councilmember Katapodis wondered if a supplemental EIR would be needed and Mr. Hess
reported contacting the consultant who indicated that reducing or eliminating the cost has not
been studied and therefore, would need to be explored through an amendment to the EIR.
Councilmember Sullivan stated this is a public health issue since reusable bags are incubators for
bacteria. He referenced studies in support of his statement and stated his preference for using
paper bags noting that the way to do so is if people do not have to pay for them.
Councilmember Shaw noted that the studies referenced by Councilmember Sullivan were funded
by the American Chemical Counsel and stated that Consumer Reports states there is very little
contamination from reusable bags and that the simplest solution is to wash them.
Mayor Pro Tern Harper wondered if the proposed is a mandated price, fee or a tax.
City Attorney McGrath noted that it is a fee to change behavior. The fee is retained completely by
the grocery store.
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Mayor Pro Tern Harper stated he would support the motion if it were to eliminate the fee entirely.
Councilmember Sullivan commented on the validity of the studies.
Councilmember Carchio reported meeting with grocery industry representatives regarding the
costs of paper bags and felt that consumers should be given something back since plastic bags
have been taken away from them.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carchio to direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance to
eliminate the paper bag price of ten (10) cents by November 1, 2014.
The motion failed for lack of a second.
Brief discussion followed regarding the need for an EIR for the plastic ban ordinance and the need
for an amendment to the EIR if changes are made to the ordinance.
A motion was made by Councilmember Sullivan, second by Mayor Pro Tem Harper to abolish
the ten (10) cent paper bag fee as of November 1, 2013, or as soon as possible.
The motion failed with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Harper, Carchio
NOES: Hardy, Boardman, Shaw, Katapodis
Mayor Pro Tern Harper announced an upcoming forum regarding the Affordable Care Act in
relation to small businesses on October 30, 2013 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
Councilmember Katapodis reported attending a ribbon cutting event for Real Time Software and
congratulated Lee Dorman, Senior Volunteer of the Year on the OC Counsel on Aging.
Mayor Boardman announced a Farmers' Market in Sunset Beach and Surf City Nights events.
She reported recently presenting the Gus Ayer Environmental Award to Debbie Cook.
Councilmember Shaw noted he presented the first award to Gus Ayer's family and commented
positively on his efforts.
Mayor Boardman announced that the City received an $89,000 Planning grant on behalf of the
Regional Southern California Counsel Association of Governments for the neighborhood electric
vehicle project and thanked staff. She thanked Natalie Coach for her corsage.
There being no other business to come before Council, Mayor Boardman adjourned the meeting
at 9:05 PM.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing
Authority is Monday, November 04, 2013, Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington
Beach, California.
ity Clerk, Secretary
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October 21, 2013
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Cle&Jand ex-officio Clerk o e City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and
Secretary of the Huntington Beach Public
Finance Authority