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Huntington Beach City Council
Special Meeting — Strategic Planning Workshop
Friday, January 31, 2014
8:30 PM -.Rooms C & D
Huntington Central Library
7111 Talbert Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
Present: Katapodis, Hardy, Shaw, Harper, Boardman, Sullivan, Carchio
Absent: None
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, Assistant City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced
supplemental communications received by the City Clerk's Office following distribution of the
Council agenda packet:
Communication submitted by Joan L. Flynn, City Clerk, requesting Council permission to be
absent from the January 31, 2014 special City Council meeting, pursuant to City Council
Resolution No. 2001-54.
A PowerPoint communication submitted by Finance Director Lori Ann Farrell entitled Strategic
Planning Session Budget Update.
1. Strategic Planning Session by facilitator Marilyn Snider of Snider and Associates
A. Discussion on the Purpose of Strategic Planning Session and the Role of the those in
B. Welcome and introductions of Facilitator and Recorder, Mayor, Council, Elected Officials, City
Manager, Assistant City Manager and Department Heads
C. Review of the City of Huntington Beach's
• Mission/Purpose Statement: The City of Huntington Beach provides sustainable quality
services to maintain and enhance our safe and vibrant community.
• Core Values/Guiding Principles (not in priority order)
■ Responsiveness
■ Accountability
■ Quality customer service
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■ Honesty and Integrity
■ Teamwork
■ Fiscal sustainability
■ Community involvement
■ Openness
Three -Year Goals (2012-2015) (not in priority order)
■ Improve the City's infrastructure
■ Enhance economic development
■ Improve long-term financial sustainability
■ Develop, retain and attract quality staff
■ Enhance and maintain public safety
■ Enhance quality of life
D. S.W.O.T. Analysis
1. Brainstormed a listing of strengths and accomplishments of the City since the previous
Strategic Planning Session (8/2/2013):
• Addressing citizens' downtown concerns with a public task force
• Organizing compassionate activities for the Days of Compassion in September
• Circulated over 950,000 items in the library
• Sunset Beach City is within the city and continues to have its own identity
• Implemented electronic patient care reporting system
• Hired a new Assistant City Manager
• Hired a Community Relations Officer
• Refinanced $30 million in bonds to save businesses $1.5 million annually
• Maintained AA finance credit rating
• Sued the state for $3 million
• Implemented plan to eliminate retiree medical liability
• Started the process for Huntington Beach trail system
• Installed RFID at the Library to streamline checkout and inventory control
• Paved 22 miles of arterial streets
• Cleaning up Bartlett Park
• Implemented online campaigning reservations at the beach
• No more plastic bags at grocery stores
• Transitioned Marine Safety Division to Fire Department
• Lowered overall crime in 2013 — over 5%
• Logged 30,000 trips/rides for seniors
• Responded to over 16,000 fire department emergencies while maintaining 90%
customer satisfaction
• Adopted and implemented the 2013 California Building and Fire Codes
• Served 2500 passport customers
• Implemented fleet management and fuel management systems
• Increased cooperation with our Community Services Department to create public events
• Hired a new Police Chief
• Hired a new Director of Community Services
• Hired 14 new police officers starting 2/15/14
• Adopted a structurally balanced budget with no cuts or layoffs
• Adopted ordinance to regulate massage establishments
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• Maintained reserves ($24 million economic uncertainty reserve) despite financial
• Launched Zinio, an online magazine service for all residents
• Commitment to reduce unfunded liabilities
• Taught over 5,000 swim lessons
• Implemented downtown surveillance cameras
• Took over lifeguard services at Sunset Beach
• Updated the housing element and circulation element of the General Plan
• New Sprouts opened up
• Vans Skate Park opening in March
• Finally on track toward building a Senior Center
• Started to update our General Plan
• Saved the fire rings
• Launched our economic development strategic plan
• 405 toll lanes on hold for now
• Completed the residence at Bella Terra Projects (467 apartments)
• Hired 200 full and part time employees
• Issued over 8600 building permits for a total construction valuation of over $252 million
• Bought 4 encyclopedia lots
• Abated over 2600 code enforcement violations and performed over 7300 code
enforcement inspections
• Offering grants to people to change their lawn to California -friendly plants
• Implemented a construction and demolition debris reuse and recycling program
• Fixed parking lot on Slater
• Renewed all 3 BIDs
• Commitment to increase police personnel
• Adopted bicycle master plan
• Removed outdated laws from the city ordinance
• Renovated the entrance to the Central Library
• Replaced the City's financial system
• Constructive dialog with Employees' association
• Removed over 3 million pounds of trash from the beach
• Upgraded Police Department dispatch work stations
• Updated the Senior Center design, cost estimates and financing plans
• Completed over 10,000 Fire Department inspections for 2013
• Tracked 53,000 volunteer hours for senior services
• Implemented iLegislate software
• Annexing Bolsa Chica
• Continuing "Be a Buddy, not a Bully" program
• Kicked off "100 Years of Surfing in Huntington Beach" celebration
• Maintained investment portfolio with no losses
• Insured operation liquidity availability
• Responded to nearly 5000 water rescues
• Responded to nearly 100,000 preventative actions on the beach
• Conducted a full-scale EOC earthquake exercise
• Created a Council Committee for Bartlett Park
• Completed review process to upgrade ISO (Insurance Service Office) rating
• Conducted 2 low-cost morale building activities for staff
• Started the Pilot Study of Automated Vehicle Location Dispatching of Fire Department
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• Implemented plan to eliminate unfunded liability for Retiree Supplemental Plan in 10
• Received comprehensive annual finance award
• Processes over 1000 permits for events at Pier Plaza, the beach and the City's Club
• Moratorium on liquor stores downtown
• Renovated the old children's wing at the Main Street branch
• Implemented Online Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Inspections through
the City's website
• Approved Pedigo Apartments (510 units) and Oceana Project (78 affordable housing
2. Brainstorming of City's current Internal weaknesses/challenges:
• Inequality of compensation of Council members
• Inadequate funding for industry specific training
• City is anti -freedom (plastic bag ban, paper bag ban, Styrofoam ban)
• Low staff morale
• Burdensome internal processes
• Worry about over -reaction to some problems with unintended consequences
• Adjusting to the needs of small businesses
• Political focus on dividing issues instead of uniting issues
• Lack of staffing
• Unresolved contract negotiations
• Lack of understanding or knowledge of city processes
• Lack of priority funding for infrastructure
• Lack of resources to update technology services
• Overburdened workforce
• Unwillingness to move forward; resistance to innovative processes
• Increased level of expectations without available resources
• Employees' sense of entitlement
• Lack of automated processes
• Conflicting City Council priorities
• Increased political agendas due to upcoming election
• Over -reliance on task forces and committees on issues the City Council can take on
3. Brainstorming of external factors/trends (positive/opportunities and negative/threats) that
will/might have an impact on the City in the coming year:
• Improved stock market results overall
• Increased TOT, sales tax and property tax revenue
• Balanced state budget
• Increased private construction
• Greater support from the state library to help libraries in the state
• California Coastal Commission
• Nice weather is increasing visitors
• Summer all year long
• Increased opportunities for promotion through social media
• Continued public involvement
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• Increased cooperation Chamber, Business Improvement District (BIDs) and Visit
Huntington Beach (VHB)
• Public renewed energy in our City's information
• Revised focus of the US Open of Surfing
• Continued strong volunteerism
• Possible state approved plastic bag ban
• Support for Public Library broadband through the Cenic Network to expand internet
• No one has reason to sue the City
• Scheduled sunset of massage regulation ban, allowing for more local control
• Increased discussion about the importance of the quality of life
• Increased tourism from China
• Technology opportunities
• Continued development on our Beach Edinger Corridor
• Improved communication with some school districts
• Continued paperless trend
• "100 Years of Surfing in Huntington Beach" celebration
• Creative collaborations to overcome financial challenges
• Development of Pacific City
• Affordable Healthcare Act
• Potential positive political changes
• Continued opportunities for public participation
• Increased cooperation with groups like Surf Rider to fight plastic pollution
• Lowered unemployment
• Improved national economy
• Potential for ballot measures to clarify public direction and resolve contentious issues
• Cap and trade funds for opens space acquisition
• Tsunami
• Earthquake
• Loss of net neutrality (charging for access to websites)
• Climate change
• Cable TV
• Continued fireworks despite fireworks ban
• Increasing PERS restrictions on retiree employment
• Increase in construction costs
• Increases in PERS rates
• State Department of Finance
• State of California
• State legislation
• Aging population
• Homelessness
• Air Quality Management District
• California Coastal Commission
• Natural disasters
• Local or national terrorist attack
• High-speed rail
• State legislation against charter cities
• Increase in statewide fire risk
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• Floods
• New requirements for the regional water quality permits
• New prevailing wage law for charter cities and everybody
• Drought
• Change from print to electronic media
• Affordable Healthcare Act implementation
• Continued anxiety about the economy
• Increased interest rates on home loans and their impact on families
• Increased fees
• Decreased state beds for prisoners
E. Review and revision, if necessary, of the current three-year goals (discussion only — final
reported under Item G)
****A 15-minute mid -morning break was held****
F. City Budget Update by Lori Ann Farrell, Director of Finance
Finance Director Lori Ann Farrell presented a PowerPoint entitled Strategic Planning Session
Budget Update that included the following titled slides: Summary, FY 12/13 Year -End
Performance (Preliminary Unaudited), FY 2012/13 GF Expenditures (Preliminary Unaudited),
FY 2012/13 GF Revenue (Preliminary Unaudited), FY 2012/13 GF Year -End Fund Balance
Potential Uses, Senior Center Financing, Senior Center Financing Options, Potential Bond
Issuance, CalPERS & Unfunded Liabilities Update, Unfunded Liabilities $392.4 Million, 7-Year
CalPERS — All Funds Estimated Employer Contribution Increase, "One Equals Five" Plan
CalPERS, Workers' Compensation Highlights, Workers' Compensation Background, Workers'
Compensation Charges by Department, Claims Activity and Liabilities (in thousands), Workers'
Compensation Recommendations, FY 2012/13 GF Fund Balance Recommendations, General
Fund Balance (in thousands), Challenges and Opportunities, Governor Brown's FY 2014/15
Proposed Budget $106.8 Billion, FY 2013/14 General Fund Overview, Challenges on the
Horizon, Departmental Staffing Shortages, Recap, and Questions.
G. Identification of twelve-month strategic objectives for each of the three-year goals:
****Lunch was held at 12:20 PM — the meeting reconvened at 12:45 PM****
1. March 1, 2014
Information Services Director
Select a consultant to prepare a five year
Technology Master Plan
1. At the April, July
Community Services Director
Update the Council Committee on the plan
and Oct 2014 City
approval process for the development of
Council Ad Hoc
Bartlett Park.
Committee on
Bartlett park
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3. April 1, 2014
Public Works Director
Develop and present to the City Manager for
review a work plan for a city facilities' needs
assessment to address maintenance needs
4. June 1, 2014
Public Works Director
Present recommended updates to the City
Council about the City's Water Conservation
and Water Supply Shortage Program,
including the Water Conservation Incentive
5. August 1, 2014
Information Services Director
Complete replacement of remaining outdated
PCs and laptops.
6. August 1, 2014
Information Services Director and
Present to the City Manager a 5-year
Master Plan consultant
Technology Master Plan
7. December 31,
Public Works Director and
Hold a study session to discuss funding and
Community Services Director,
coordination with other agencies for a Class
with input from the Community
One trail from Central Park to the Beach,
Services Commission
including safety standards and regulations.
8. December 31,
Public Works Director
Hold a City Council study session to discuss
funding for "Bicycle Boulevards."
1.April 1, 2014
ACM and Deputy Director of
Present to the City Council for direction, a
Business Development with
sales tax program to retain and attract sales
input from the Economic
tax -generating businesses.
Development Committee
2. June 30, 2014
ACM and Deputy Director of
Launch economic development initiatives as
Business Development
identified in the Economic Development
Strategic Plan regarding downtown and the
NW industrial corridor.
3. August 1, 2014
ACM and Deputy Director of
Launch a new Economic Development
Business Development
website with enhanced business
information, property information, marketing
initiatives and cooperative ventures with
external partners (e.g., VHB, COC and
4. September 1,
Planning and Building Director
Complete processing of the zoning
entitlements and issue building permits for
the construction of the Edinger Hotel.
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5. October 1, 2014
ACM and Deputy Director of
Implement a comprehensive marketing
Business Development, working
program to promote Huntington Beach as
with external partners (e.g.,
an economic destination.
VHB, COC and BIDs)
6. December 1,
Planning and Building Director
Evaluate the effectiveness of specific plans
and the ACM
(e.g., Beach — Edinger Corridors Specific
Plan and the Downtown Specific Plan) and
recommend possible changes to the
Planning Commission and City Council for
1. At least twice a
HR Director
Update the City Council on progress of the
negotiations with employee groups.
2. March 31, 2014
Finance Director and City
Implement, contingent upon available funds,
the "One Equals Five Plan" to expedite the
payment of the City's unfunded CalPERS
liability so that each $1 million deposited
saves the taxpayer $5 million over 25 years.
3. March 31, 2014
Finance Director, HR Director
Develop a plan and recommend to the City
and City Manager
Council for action how to fund the long-term
workers' compensation liabilities.
4. October 1, 2014
ACM, Information Services
Develop a Financing Plan for the 800 MHz
Director - lead and Finance
Interoperability Project and present to the
City Council for action.
1. March 31, 2015
Council Member Connie
Discuss and consider taking action re:
Boardman - lead and the City
inequality in Council benefits and pay.
2. June 1, 2014
ACM with input from the
Recommend to the City Manager for action
Department heads
funding in the 2014-2015 budget for
essential positions previously lost.
3. July 1, 2014
HR Director, working with a Staff
Host one Employee Service Award activity,
Awards Committee
involving staff and the City Council.
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4. July 15, 2014
City Clerk, working with
Conduct one low- or no -cost morale -building
Employee Team Power
activity for staff.
5. September 1,
HR Director and City Clerk
Plan a team building activity/event to include
department heads and management
employees to be held after the close of
1. April 1, 2014
Fire Chief, working with the HR
Fill the vacancy for Marine Safety Chief and
if vacant, at least launch recruitment for
Lieutenant and/or Marine Safety Officer.
2. May 1, 2014
City Attorney and Council
Draft and present to the City Council for
Member Katapodis
action an ordinance holding property owners
responsible for the use of illegal fireworks
on their property.
3. May 1, 2014
Police Chief and Public Works
Present to the City Council a plan to fund
security improvements and ADA updates to
the lobby of the police station.
4. June 15, 2014
City Manager
Determine the feasibility of adding up to 10
new police officer positions in the 2014-
2015 budget and make a recommendation
to the City Council for action.
5. December 1,
Fire Chief
Evaluate the feasibility of developing a
"Standards of Cover" document and submit
recommendations to the City Manager.
6. December 1,
Fire Chief
Implement GPS dispatching for all Fire
Department apparatus and present to the
City Manager a preliminary report on
impacts to response times.
7. December 31,
Police Chief and Public Works
Develop and present to the City Council for
consideration, a feasibility study for
constructing a police firearms range.
1. May 1, 2014
ACM and the Community
Review and recommend to the City
Relations Officer, working with
Manager updates to the programming of
the Public Cable Television
Authority (PCTA)
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2. June 1, 2014
Library Director
Recommend to the City Council for action, a
plan to increase library open hours for the
central library and the branches.
3. June 30, 2014
City Manager - lead, Finance
Recommend to the City Council for action a
Director and Community
Financing Plan for the development of the
Services Director
Senior Center.
4. October 15, 2014
Planning and Building Director -
Complete community outreach as part of
lead and Community Services
updating the City's General Plan.
Director and Library Director
Community Services Director
Complete the Park Master Plan. Include
January 31, 2015
and the City Manager
review of improvements to Bartlett Park,
acquisition of LeBard Park and identification
of outside funding to acquire Bolsa Chica
sites for new parks ace.
H. Next steps/follow up process:
City Manager
Distribute the retreat record to attendees;
February 3, 2014
place the city's Strengths, Goals and
Objectives on the city website.
Within 48 hours
All recipients
Read the retreat record.
February 11, 2014
Management Team
Review the "Weaknesses/Challenges" and
(City Manager— lead)
"External Threats" lists for possible action
By February 14, 2014
Department Heads
Share and discuss the Strategic Plan with
At the March 3, 2014
City Council
Present the updated Strategic Plan to the
City Council meeting
(Mayor — lead)
City Council
Monitor progress on the goals and objectives
City Manager
and revise objectives (add, amend and/or
(Mayor — lead)
delete), as needed.
City Manager
Prepare and distribute the updated Strategic
Plan Monitoring Matrix and post on the city's
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January 30, 2015 Mayor Strategic Planning Retreat to:
8:00/8:30 am — 4:00 City Council - more thoroughly assess progress on the
pm City Manager Goals and
Management Team Strategic Objectives
- develop a Vision Statement
- identify 12-month Strategic Objectives
Summary/closing remarks:
Mayor Harper, thanked Marilyn Snider, Facilitator with Snider and Associates, Kara Tsuboi,
Recorder, members of the City Council and City staff for participating in this important
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing
Authority is Monday, February 3, 2014, at 4:00 PM in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street,
Huntington Beach, California.
Cit ' Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach
1City -R
.!{ A mayor