HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-21Minutes City Council/Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting, Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Meeting, City of Huntington Beach Monday, December 21, 2015 4 00 PM - Council Chambers 6 00 PM - Council Chambers Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM portions of this meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at www surfcity-hb orq/government/agendas/ 4:00 PM - COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER — 4 02 PM ROLL CALL Councilmember Hardy arrived at 4 05 PM Present Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson Absent None ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS (Received After Agenda Distribution) City Clerk Joan L Flynn announced supplemental communications A PowerPoint presentation entitled "Preparing for El Nino 2015-2016" was submitted by Travis Hopkins, Public Works Director, for Study Session #1 PUBLIC COMMENTS PERTAINING TO STUDY SESSION / CLOSED SESSION ITEMS (3 Minute Time Limit) 1 Speaker The number (hh mm ss] following the speaker's comments indicates the approximate starting time in the archived video located at http //www surfcity-hb org/government/agendas Dan Kalmick, At -Large Member, OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee, spoke to share his concerns about the OCTA's removal of selected bus routes throughout the City of Huntington Beach which will mostly affect disabled and senior citizen residents He stated that Measure M2 Project B dollars could be used to offset some of the effects He further stated that Councilmembers should look at Route 64 Express which currently goes down Westminster and terminates at Westminster Mall He continued by suggesting that if this route started at the Goldenwest Transit Center it could also provide access to the Santa Ana Metro Link, providing a quicker route to the Metro He also stated there are Metro Link Project S monies available for a future Metro rail project for the City of Huntington Beach He closed by asking the City Council to listen diligently to the OCTA Study Session presentation (00 01 18) STUDY SESSION 1. Staff presented an overview of the preparation efforts for the predicted winter storms and high tides. Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 2 of 23 Public Works Director Travis Hopkins and Brevyn Mettler, Emergency Services Coordinator, presented a PowerPoint entitled Preparing for El Nino 201510216, that included the following titled slides Weather Outlook/Impacts, State of Pacific Ocean, El Nino Coordination, Past Flooding, Essential Services & Elevation Ranges, Marine Safety - Swift Water Rescue, Beach Operations, Drainage Channels and Pumping Stations, Storm Drain Facilities, Flood Control, Storm Drain Maintenance, Public Works Maintenance Operations, Sandbag Filling Stations For Residents, Unusual High Tides, Sunset Beach Tidal Flooding - 2012, Sunset Beach Preparations, Sunset Beach - PCH Sea Wall, Bayview Dnve - North of Broadway, Flooding at Trinidad Island, Saybrook - Just South of Edinger, Prior to A Storm (Residents Should, Harbor Residents Should), Dunng a Storm, Sandbags, and Questions Councilmember Posey asked about the function of a storm drain bladder Director Hopkins explained that a bladder is inserted in a storm drain un-inflated, then, when the high tides come in they are inflated to keep the water from traveling inland 2. OCTA Staff provided an overview of the proposed 2016 Bus Service Plan and the modifications to bus routes and service in Huntington Beach. Gary Hewett, Transit Manager, Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), shared a presentation entitled "OCBus 360 Initiative" to review the OCTA draft of Proposed 2016 Bus Service Plan He discussed historical bus ridership numbers, OCTA Goals, increasing boardings, updating bus color schemes, developing apps for phones and tablets — all to create more frequent and faster service Bus routes are determined by ridership activity and the peripheral areas that have the least activity may see reduced routes Statistically, seventy-five percent of riders will see no changes, seventeen percent will see more frequent service, four percent will have less frequent service, and one to four percent of riders may have to choose a different route, which could be up to half a mile from their current access location The objective is to match capacity with demand Mr Hewett continued by explaining a program of city funding opportunities with up to ninety percent of funds coming from OCTA OCTA has been providing opportunity for public comments on the proposed changes which will culminate in a public hearing on January 25, 2016, at the OCTA Board headquarters Specific impacts to the City of Huntington Beach include proposed changes to Routes 21, 29, 35, 64, and 72 Routes 76, 170, 172, 173 are proposed to be eliminated There are also proposed changes for several Express routes Councilmember Delgleize asked who should be contacted if a resident has concerns about route changes Mr Hewett responded that they could contact OCTA at 714 636 RIDE or they could go to www OCTA net/2016BusPlan and complete the on-line form In addition, City staff is available to receive comments and suggestions, including Bob Stachelski, Transportation Manager Councilmember Posey and Mr Hewett discussed possible reasons for the recent decline in bus ridership, which include the facts that some business employers have moved away from the area, that not many professionals are bus riders, and that the 12,000 Orange County Uber drivers certainly impact bus ridership Councilmember O'Connell asked for details on Route 21 which goes from Leisure World to Goldenwest Transportation Center and continues on to Costa Mesa and Irvine Mr Hewett stated the proposed change is to add a stop at South Coast Plaza area as well as shortening the route to end at the Irvine Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 3 of 23 station Councilmember O'Connell asked where the Express route to Los Angeles originates and Mr Hewett stated the Goldenwest Transportation Center, with several stops up to the 405/605 Freeways, and then directly on to downtown Los Angeles Councilmember Hardy and Mr Hewett discussed OCTA's efforts to notify current riders of the routes being eliminated OCTA finds that most of the comments being received about the changes are from people impacted by route reductions or eliminations Mayor Katapodis asked when OCTA plans to present the final plans after having reviewed public comments and suggestions Mr Hewett expects that report will be in February RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION — 4:51 PM - A motion was made by Sullivan, second Hardy to recess to Closed Session The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None Mayor Katapodis Announced Pursuant to Government Code § 54957 6, the City Council takes this opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated labor negotiator, City Manager Fred Wilson, who will be participating in today's Closed Session discussions regarding labor negotiations with Fire Management Association (FMA), Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association (HBFA), Huntington Beach Municipal Employees' Association (MEA), Management Employees' Organization (MEO), Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association (POA), Police Management Association (PMA), Marine Safety Management Association (MSMA), and/or Surf City Lifeguard Employees' Association (SCLEA) Mayor Katapodis Announced: Pursuant to Government Code §54956 8, the City Council takes this opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated property negotiator, Assistant City Manager Ken Domer, who will be participating in today's Closed Session discussions concerning price and terms of payment for the real property located at 21500 Pacific Coast Highway (the Hyatt Property) The negotiating parties are The real property owner, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach and the current lessee/purchaser, PCH Beach Resorts, LLC Mayor Katapodis Announced: Pursuant to Government Code §54956 8, the City Council takes this opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated property negotiator, Assistant City Manager Ken Domer, who will be participating in today's Closed Session discussions concerning price and terms of payment for the real property in located at 21100 Pacific Coast Highway (the Hilton Property) The negotiating parties are the real property owner, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach and the current lessee/purchaser, Mayer Financial LLP CLOSED SESSION 3. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: The Kennedy Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 4 of 23 Commission, et al. v. City of Huntington Beach, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2015-00801675, which concerns a challenge to the City Council action amending the Beach and Edinger Corridors Specific Plan. 4. Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2) the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding potential litigation. Number of cases, one (1). 5. Pursuant to Government Code § 54957 6, the City Council recessed into Closed Session to meet with its designated labor negotiators and Fred Wilson, City Manager regarding the following: Fire Management Association (FMA), Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association (HBFA), Huntington Beach Municipal Employees' Association (MEA), Management Employees' Organization (MEO), Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association (POA), Police Management Association (PMA), Marine Safety Management Association (MSMA), and/or Surf City Lifeguard Employees' Association (SCLEA). 6. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.8, the City Council recessed into Closed Session to give instructions to the City's Negotiator, Ken Domer, Assistant City Manager, concerning price and terms of payment for the purchase of real property in located at 21500 Pacific Coast Highway (APN 024-251-01) the "Hyatt Property". The negotiating parties are: The real property owner, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency of City of Huntington Beach and the current lessee/purchaser, PCH Beach Resorts, LLC. 7. Pursuant to Government Code §54956.8, the City Council recessed into Closed Session to give instructions to the City's Negotiator, Ken Domer, Assistant City Manager, concerning price and terms of payment for the real property in located at 21100 Pacific Coast Highway (APN 024-01 and 02) the Hilton Property. The negotiating parties are: the property owner, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency of City of Huntington Beach and the current lessee/purchaser, Mayer Financial LLP. 6:00 PM — COUNCIL CHAMBERS RECONVENE CITY COUNCIL/PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY MEETING — 6:00 PM CALLED TO ORDER THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL/PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND THE SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH HOUSING AUTHORITY, PARKING AUTHORITY, AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE FORMER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ROLL CALL Present Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson Absent None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — led by Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 5 of 23 INVOCATION - Led by Rev Bob Ewing, Executive Pastor at First Christian Church and Chaplain for the Huntington Beach Police Department In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or belief Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation CLOSED SESSION REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY — None AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS Mayor Katapodis introduced Police Chief Handy, Police Officers Association President Dave Humphries, and Tony Noble for a special presentation regarding HBPD's recent "Shop with a Cop" event This event was spearheaded by Police Chief Handy, and the Police Officers Association which paid for breakfast for 25 deserving students and 70 of their family members Twenty-five children were paired with 25 Huntington Beach uniformed officers and had $200 to spend for their families and themselves Half of the money spent came from the Noble Foundation and half from the Police Officers Association Sixty-eight volunteers (about half whom were officers in uniform) helped make this program a success, as well as the following local businesses which made contributions for the gift bag provided to each family Market Broiler, Target, Woody's Diner, Pick Up Stix, In-N-Out Burgers, Buon Guesto Italian Cuisine and Deli, ExperTec Automotive, and Petco This first Huntington Beach Shop with a Cop effort opened doors for other activities and the ability to get a couple of the families transitioned from being homeless into housing Tony Noble approached the City of Huntington Beach Police Department suggesting that they participate in this program Tony shared that the children involved in the program were selected by the local schools The children thought of their family members, not just themselves, when shopping for Christmas presents Shop with a Cop is a program that shows the children and community that police officers are here to help people Gina Clayton-Tarvin, President of the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees, introduced Ocean View School District Superintendent Dr Carol Hansen, who thanked everyone for making a difference for their students in need and presented Certificates of Appreciation Doctor Constance Polhemus, Principal of Peterson Elementary School, spoke on behalf of all principals in the Huntington Beach City School District to thank everyone for the long-term difference this event has made in the lives of the students Bridgett Cove, President, Huntington Beach City Schools, thanked the Huntington Beach police officers and Mr Noble for bringing the community together to make such a difference for students from various schools ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS (Received After Agenda Distribution) Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Joan Flynn announced supplemental communications that were received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 6 of 23 Consent Calendar Item #10 Agreement between the City and Southern California Gas Company (SCG) for Advanced Meter Facilities on City -owned Street Lights Exhibit B to Attachment Agreement with Southern California Gas Item #13 Proposed removal of parkway eucalyptus tree at 1751 Main Street Communications submitted by Dennis Chapman, Marilyn Camps, Tammy Melott, and Naomi Wheeler Item #21 Agreement for the Purchase of Mariner's Point Fuel Dock located in Huntington Harbour Signature page submitted with Nahas Enterprises General Partner signature Item #22 Agreement for Sale of Mariner's Point Fuel Dock in Huntington Harbour to General Petroleum, dba Maxum Petroleum Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Mariner's Point Fuel Dock Item #23 Purchase and Sale Agreements for the Hilton/Parcel C Property, 21100 Pacific Coast Highway and Hyatt Property, 21500 Pacific Coast Highway Purchase and Sale Agreement and Escrow Instructions for the Waterfront Hotel, LLC and PCH Beach Resort, LLC Item #24 Memorandum of Understandings regarding Beach Use/Activities with PCH Beach Resorts, LLC (Hyatt) and The Waterfront Hotel, LLC (Hilton/Parcel C) Memorandum of Understanding regarding Beach Uses/Activities with PCH Beach Resorts, LLC and The Waterfront Hotel Administrative Items Item #25 City of Huntington Beach Coyote Management Plan PowerPoint presentation submitted by Robert Handy, Chief of Police, entitled Coyote Management Plan Communication from Rebecca Dmytryk, Kevin,(no last name given), Arminda Diaz, and Robert Larivee Item #27 Donation of a Lake Park historical information plaque Communication from Gloria Alvarez Ordinances for Introduction Item #28 Ordinance No 4079 amending Chapter 8 21 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) related to Refuse Management PowerPoint presentation submitted by Travis Hopkins, Director of Public Works, entitled "Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling" Councilmember Items Item #29 Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement regarding the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Ninety-one communications received, including notice from Bill Hollman of Christopher Development Group stating that they have elected to terminate the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement for the acquisition of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site and Reimbursement Agreement for the EIR Item #30 Direct the City Manager to have an independent Fire Department Staffing and Operation Study Communication submitted by Darrin Witt, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association, requesting this item be set aside and the funded Standards of Cover Study be used instead Councilmember Peterson announced he is withdrawing Item #29 due to the announcement that Christopher Development Group elected to terminate the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 7 of 23 PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit) — 34 Speakers The number [hh mm ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in the archived video located at http //www surfcity-hb org/governmenbagendas Bill Hollman, Vice President, Land Development, Christopher Development Group, spoke to share that with their many past projects within the City of Huntington Beach, Christopher Development looked forward to developing a park and new homes at the Rodgers Seniors' Center site It is with mixed feelings that he confirms the decision to terminate the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (01 15 53) Eric Bauer spoke to state his support of Agenda Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and asked that the City Council take measures to protect the Rodgers Seniors' Center and Park site as open land in perpetuity (01 17 49) Pat Maddams spoke to state her support of Agenda Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (01 19 26) Devin Dwyer spoke in opposition to Item #25, City of Huntington Beach Coyote Management Plan because it states a public safety issue is not created until a human is attacked He spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and commended Christopher Homes Development for recognizing the desires of the citizens of Huntington Beach (01 21 45) Clem Dominguez spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and shared his disappointment in the recent Low Income Housing meeting (01 23 45) Jerry Wheeler, President, CEO, Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, spoke to oppose Item #30, for an Independent Fire Department Staffing and Operation Study Huntington Beach currently has a great ISO rating, and as a result has lower insurance rates than some of the neighboring communities He also spoke to his support of the Huntington Harbour Mariner's Point Fuel Dock purchase and sale (01 26 09) Bridget Kaub spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and thanked Christopher Homes and the City Council for listening to the affected residents She also voiced her concerns about the number of short- term party rentals and half -way or treatment homes within the City (01 28 11) Lauren Kaub spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and expressed her relief that children in the neighborhood will still have the space to be able to learn to ride bikes, skateboard, roller skate, roller blade and play volleyball, like she was able to do when growing up in that neighborhood (01 30 44) Dennis Chapman spoke in opposition to Item #13, proposed removal of parkway eucalyptus tree at 1751 Main Street This is one of the oldest trees in the City, and in his opinion there has not been proper or adequate communication with the area residents about the issue, therefore he asks that the item be pulled for further discussion (01 33 00) Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 8 of 23 Barbara Robinson spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and thanked the City Council and Christopher Homes for listening to the residents (01 36 24) Gina Clayton Tarvin, President, Ocean View School District Board of Trustees, spoke to thank the Council for addressing resident concerns about the Rodgers Seniors' Center site She also expressed her appreciation to the City Council for dropping the appeal on the Wintersburg property decision to not allow industrial or commercial zoning in an area next to the OVSD preschool She shared her opinion that the Wintersburg property should become a park and open space for community residents She also provided an update on the issues affecting OVSD as a result of Rainbow Environmental operations (01 39 02) Carol Woodworth spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and voiced her concerns about the possibility of another developer now stepping into the picture (01 42 12) Joseph Mastropaulo spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and he echoed the opinion of the previous speaker that the land be permanently used as open park space and development not ever again be considered for that site (01 44 28) Ron Higby, Surf City Tea, spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement In his opinion the City Council's efforts to take parkland and turn it into development sets up a feeling of distrust and suspicion, and their focus should be on cutting spending (01 46 15) Michelle Marciniec spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and voiced her hope that this site will always remain as a park (01 49 56) Maureen voiced her opinion that police and fire services should be a priority for the protection of residents and visitors (01 51 48) Stephanie Green spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and thanked City Council members for listening to the residents She also spoke in support of Item #30, directing the City Manager to have an Independent Fire Department Staffing and Operational Study (01 53 45) Bernie Fish spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and requested that the City Council continue to look out for the best interests of the downtown area residents (01 55 24) Maria Ruhmel asked her neighbor to speak on her behalf as she is too upset about the coyotes jumping over her wall to speak about it In their opinion, having a coyote on your patio and having lost neighborhood pets to coyotes have created a public safety issue that requires a plan that protects the citizens from the coyotes (01 56 01) Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 9 of 23 Brenda Calvillo spoke in support of Item #25, City of Huntington Beach Coyote Management Plan, and to share her opinion that the issue will not be solved by trapping the coyotes, rather, educating the public on how to respond to coyote sightings and how to determine and remove what is attracting them to specific locations should be the focus (01 57 44) John Briscoe voiced his opinion on the need for park space for kids in downtown Huntington Beach and at the Wintersburg site (02 01 27) Eva Weisz spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and thanked City Councilmembers for their service (02 04 36) Victor Valledares, Oak View ComUNIDAD, expressed his support for the Oak View Community holiday events which provide a great opportunity for other area residents to learn more about the traditions of the Oak View residents, and thanked Councilmember Peterson for attending He also voiced his opinion that the National Treasure that sits on Wintersburg must be preserved and that development should not be allowed on this land He further stated his support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and the fact that it appears that for now the space will be preserved as a park, and asked that the City Council ensure the space will always remain a park (02 06 44) Kelly Sellas spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (02 08 55) Bruce Wareh spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and thanked Councilmembers Peterson and Hardy for their devotion to not selling Rodgers Park (02 10 44) Breanna Wareh spoke, and sang a song, in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (02 14 16) Natalie Wong spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and to voice her opinion that this site should always remain a park for the children She also expressed her concerns about the coyote issues in the City (02 15 29) Allen Baylis spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and voiced his opinion that there should be no further discussions on the issue because the City Council should ensure the site will always remain a park He also expressed his opinion that the Huntington Beach Police Department is too aggressive in citing taxis and other transportation drivers for impeding traffic when either delivering or picking up riders in the downtown area — riders that may be too inebriated to be driving themselves A possible solution could be setting aside a proper stopping area for this service so that street traffic is not affected (02 17 27) Robert Johnson voiced his concerns about the City's affordable housing program (02 20 50) Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 10 of 23 Chuck Johnson spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and thanked Councilmembers Peterson and Hardy, as well as Christopher Homes for recognizing the voices of the residents In his opinion the next and final step is to begin the process to develop a park on that site (02 24 04) Catherine Johnson spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and creation of a park at that site (02 26 00) Steve West spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, and shared his opinion that once open space is gone, it is gone forever (02 26 59) Summer West spoke in support of Item #29, Notice to Christopher Homes for termination of the Rodgers Seniors' Center site Exclusive Negotiating Agreement and asked that no park space ever be sold as the children need places to play (02 28 37) Joan Flynn spoke to share her concerns, as a resident who has lost a pet to coyotes in the past, about the City of Huntington Beach Coyote Management Plan, and the emotional and financial toll this issue is taking on residents She asked the Council to look at plan specifics and ask whether they have been effective or not It is her opinion that education is a very important aspect of a coyote management plan (02 29 09) COUNCIL COMMITTEE — APPOINTMENTS - LIAISON REPORTS AND ALL AB 1234 DISCLOSURE REPORTING Councilmember Peterson reported attending a general session of the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Mayor Katapodis reported attending a regular meeting of the Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) and a Transit Committee meeting Councilmember O'Connell reported attending an Association of California Cities — Orange County (ACC-OC) meeting and a Commission for the Homeless meeting Councilmember Delgleize reported attending the Citizens' Advisory Committee for OCTA Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan reported attending several Orange County Senior Citizens' Advisory Committee meetings 1. Approved City Council Boards and Commissions' Liaison Appointments City Council, Public Financing Authority, Housing Authority, Parking Authority, and Successor Agency motion was made by Posey, second Hardy to approve the Boards and Commissions Appointments List as presented by Mayor Katapodis (The City Clerk certified that FPPC Form 806 "Agency Report of Public Official Appointments" which is used to report additional compensation that officials receive when appointing themselves to positions on committees, boards or commissions of a public agency, special district and joint powers agency or authority was posted to the City's website according to law Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 11 of 23 prior to this vote ) The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None OUT OF ROOM O'Connell CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Fred Wilson reminded the public that City facilities will have reduced schedules, and trash pick-up schedules will be adjusted, for the next couple of weeks for the holidays Details can be found on the City's website CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 2. City Attorney Report to Mayor and City Council For the benefit of the public, there is nothing to report from Closed Session In addition and separate from that, on November 17, 2015, the City filed a suit entitled City of Huntington Beach vs D D Pham, LLC, et al, O C Superior Court Case No 30-2015-00820725 to close three medical marijuana dispensaries in a strip mall located at the SE corner of Beach Boulevard and Garfield The three defendants are Greenway Healing Center, 19142 Beach Boulevard, High Tide Collective, 19142 Beach Boulevard, and Class of 420, 19092 Beach Boulevard CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Delgleize pulled Items #21 and #22 , Agreements for the Purchase/Sale of Mariner's Point Fuel Dock located in Huntington Harbour Councilmember Posey recommended pulling forward Administrative Item #25 , the City of Huntington Beach Coyote Management Plan, so it can be discussed and voted upon immediately after the Consent Calendar items (before Councilmember O'Connell must leave the meeting) A motion was made by Hardy, second Sullivan to move Administrative Item No 25 forward on the Agenda The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None These minutes leave all items in their original agenda order 3. Approved and adopted minutes A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to review and adopt the City Council regular meeting minutes dated December 7, 2015, as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk The motion carried by the following vote Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 12 of 23 AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 4. Received and filed the Maddy Act Local Appointments List - 2016 (terms on City boards, commissions, and committees which expire in 2016). This list informs the public of openings and vacancies based on 2016 expiration of current members' terms A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to receive and file the Maddy Act Local Appointments List - 2016 showing vacancies which will occur on City boards, commissions and committees in the year 2016, and direct the City Clerk to post the list at official posting locations (Civic Center, Huntington Central Library, Main Street Library) Copies of the Maddy Act Local Appointments List - 2016 will also be posted at all branch libraries, and on the City's website The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 5. Approved reappointments to the Human Relations Task Force (HRTF) as recommended by City Council liaisons, Mayor Katapodis and Councilmember Hardy A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve the reappointments of Angie Dahman, Linda MacDonell, Minzah Malik, and Lindsley Lowell Monfort for terms to expire December 31, 2019, as recommended by City Council liaisons Mayor Katapodis and Councilmember Hardy The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 6. Approved appointments to the Historic Resources Board (HRB) as recommended by City Council liaisons Councilmembers Hardy and O'Connell A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve the appointments of Susan Nguyen to a first term expiring June 30, 2019 and Amy Mason to a first term expiring June 30, 2017 The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 7. Received and filed the City of Huntington Beach Strategic Plan Update A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to receive and file the Six -Month Strategic Objectives The motion carried by the following vote Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 13 of 23 AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 8. Approved and authorized execution of Amendment No. 3 to Agreement with Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. (BCA) for bridge design services in the amount of $342,875, for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,367,425 and extending the contract term 3 years A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute "Amendment No 3 to Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc for Bridge Design Services " The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 9. Approved and authorized execution of a Professional Services Contract with Bartel Associates, LLC, in the amount of $126,200 to perform actuary consulting services A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the "Professional Service Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and Bartel Associates, LLC, for Actuary Consulting Services," as amended by Supplemental Communication The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 10. Approved and authorized execution of an Attachment Agreement between the City and Southern California Gas Company (SCG) for Advanced Meter Facilities on City -owned Street Lights, as amended by Supplemental Communication. A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the "Attachment Agreement by and between the City of Huntington Beach, California and Southern California Gas Company" as amended by Exhibit B, Supplemental Communication The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 11. Approved and authorized execution of Amendment No. 1 to Professional Service Contract with Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. in the amount of $75,000 to provide Economic Analysis Services A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute "Amendment No 1 to Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Keyser Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 14 of 23 Marston Associates Inc for Economic Analysis Services" to provide additional compensation up to $75,000 for a contract total amount not to exceed $345,000 The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 12. Rejected all bids received on November 17, 2015 for the Heil Fire Station Project CC- 1535, and authorize a re -bid of the project A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to reject all bids received on November 17, 2015, for the Heil Fire Station Tenant Improvement Project, CC-1535 and authorize re -bid The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 13. Approved proposed removal of parkway eucalyptus tree at 1751 Main Street A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve the removal of parkway eucalyptus tree at 1751 Main Street The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 14. Adopted Resolution No. 2015-84 amending the Fiscal Year 2015/16 Budget to Carry Over Unspent Appropriations from Fiscal Year 2014/15 for the Continuation of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Projects A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to adopt Resolution No 2015-84, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Fiscal Year 2015/16 Budget to Carryover Unspent Appropriations From Fiscal Year 2014/15," which incorporates and references the continuation of funding Exhibit A lists individual capital improvement projects and their respective Funds totaling $22,637,965 The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 15. Adopted Resolution No. 2015-85 authorizing the execution and delivery of a California Lending for Energy and Environmental Needs Center Loan in an amount not to exceed $7,692,425 for the acquisition and retrofit of the City's streetlight system from Southern California Edison (SCE) Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 15 of 23 A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to adopt Resolution No 2015-85, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a California Lending for Energy and Environmental Needs Center Loan in an amount not to exceed $7,692,425 " The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 16. Adopted Resolution No. 2015-86 approving a promotional program providing two hours of free parking at The Strand and Main Promenade parking garages during the Valentine's Day and Presidents' Day weekend A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to adopt Resolution No 2015-86, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing a Promotional Program of Two Hours Free Parking February 12, 2016, through February 15, 2016, at the Main Promenade Parking Garage and The Strand Parking Garage " The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 17. Approved Fiscal Year 2014/15 Year -End Adjustment for the Workers' Compensation Internal Service Fund A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve the appropriation of $1,031,553 in the Fiscal Year 2014/15 Revised Budget in the General Fund and transfer to the Self Insurance Workers' Compensation Internal Service Fund (Fund 551) The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 18 Approved Fiscal Year 2014/15 Preliminary Unaudited General Fund Balance Designation to a Section 115 Trust to Reduce Unfunded Liabilities A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to authorize the City Manager to execute into any and all documents necessary for the creation of a Section 115 Trust Fund and set aside a $1 0 million deposit and appropriation for the initial funding of the Trust to help pay down the City's unfunded liabilities The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 16 of 23 19. Approved and authorized execution of the Third Amendment to the Agreement to Jointly Deliver the 2010-2012 Orange County Energy Leader Partnership Program with Southern California Edison (SCE) A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the "Third Amendment" to the Agreement to Jointly Deliver the 2010-2012 Orange County Energy Leader Partnership Program with Southern California Edison, and, authorize the City Manager to execute any subsequent documents approved as to form by the City Attorney to advance, manage, or complete Energy Leader Partnership activities The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 20. Approved and authorized execution of an Agreement for Acquisition and Escrow Instructions with the Gothard Business Park Owners' Association (GBPOA) for the purchase of a Permanent Storm Drain Easement and a Temporary Construction Easement located at 7234 and 7252 Heil Avenue A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve the "Agreement for Acquisition and Escrow Instructions" between the City of Huntington Beach and GBPOA, and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement and other related documents, and, authorize the City Manager to execute any other related escrow documents The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 21. Approved and authorized execution of an Agreement for Purchase of Mariner's Point Fuel Dock in Huntington Harbour Councilmember Delgleize had pulled this item to recognize City Manager Fred Wilson, City Attorney Michael Gates, Deputy Director of Economic Development Kellee Fritzal and Realtor Scott Campbell for their successful efforts in resolving this issue Councilmember Peterson thanked Councilmember Delgleize and City Attorney Gates for their efforts, and acknowledged the assistance of Supervisor Michelle Steele and Councilmember Posey and himself in setting up a temporary solution if the original plan failed There was a lot of behind -the - scenes efforts by many individuals, even when on the surface it appeared that nothing was being done A motion was made by Peterson, second Delgleize to approve the "Agreements for Purchase and Sale of Property and Escrow Instructions" and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Agreement, and, authorize the City Manager to sign all required documents to effectuate the purchase of the fuel docks, as amended by signature page submitted with Nahas Enterprises General Partner signature as Supplemental Communication Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 17 of 23 The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None ABSENT O'Connell Charles McDaniel, President, Maxum Petroleum, spoke to provide a brief description of Maxum Petroleum which is a division of their parent company, Pilot Thomas Logistics Having been in the maritime business since 1946, they come with the experience to meet the expectations for this project There is a conservative timeframe of three to four months for completion of a functioning fuel dock The facilities appear to be pretty dilapidated and will first get "cosmetic" attention followed by underground tank replacement in one to three years 22. Approved and authorized execution of Agreement for Sale of Mariner's Point Fuel Dock in Huntington Harbour to General Petroleum, dba Maxum Petroleum; and, declare property as surplus A motion was made by Peterson, second Delgleize to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an "Agreement for Sale of Property and Escrow Instructions" and all other related documents with General Petroleum, dba Maxum Petroleum, and, declare Property as Surplus, and, authorize the City Manager to execute all required escrow documents to effectuate the sale of the fuel docks, as amended by the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Mariner's Point Fuel Dock as Supplemental Communication The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None ABSENT O'Connell 23. Approved and authorized execution of Purchase and Sale Agreements for the Hilton/Parcel C Property, 21100 Pacific Coast Highway (APN 024-252-01 and 02) and Hyatt Property, 21500 Pacific Coast Highway (APN 024-251-01), as amended by Supplemental Communication. A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve the "Purchase and Sale Agreement and Escrow Instructions by and between Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, a public agency, and The Waterfront Hotel, LLC, a California limited liability company," and, approve the "Purchase and Sale Agreement and Escrow Instructions by and between Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, a public agency, and PCH Beach Resort, LLC, a California limited liability company," and, authorize the Chair, Executive Director, and Clerk to sign all necessary documents to effectuate the agreements, as amended by the Purchase and Sale Agreement and Escrow Instructions for the Waterfront Hotel, LLC and PCH Beach Resort, LLC as Supplemental Communication The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 18 of 23 NOES None 24. Approved and authorized execution of two Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Beach Use/Activities with PCH Beach Resorts, LLC (Hyatt) and The Waterfront Hotel LLC (Hilton/Parcel C), as amended by Supplemental Communication A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the "Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Beach Uses/Activities" with The Waterfront LLC for the Hilton/Parcel C, and, approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the "Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Beach Uses/Activities" with PCH Beach Resorts LLC for the Hyatt, as amended by the Memorandum of Understanding regarding Beach Uses/Activities with PCH Beach Resorts, LLC and The Waterfront Hotel, Supplemental Communication The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 25. Approved the City of Huntington Beach Coyote Management Plan and authorize Implementation of Plan Recommendations Police Chief Robert Handy presented a PowerPoint entitled Coyote Management Plan, which included the following titled slides First Steps, The Coyote, Coyote Management Plan Goal and Strategy, and Enforcement Councilmember Posey and Chief Handy discussed the Goverment code against the relocation of coyotes, which stipulates that when they are trapped they need to be euthanized Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steele's office is developing a multi -city approach to ensure that the coyote issues are not just moved back and forth between cities Chief Handy stated that the hope is that there can be regional level of cooperation Councilmember Posey further stated that it has been reported that the number of coyote attacks on pets has doubled this year compared to last year Chief Handy clarified that the numbers have changed because the reporting changed More community outreach and setting up a specific telephone number to report incidents have increased the number of reports Councilmember Delgleize and Chief Handy discussed reporting and measuring results over time, and whether or not residents will get involved with a wild -life watch program Chief Handy stated that coyote education will become part of the Neighborhood Watch presentations Huntington Beach currently contracts with Orange County for animal control issues, but the local police department will become more educated and responsive to the coyote issue Councilmember Delglieze asked that there be a specific timeframe (three or six months) for a report back to City Council on the coyote issue noting the effectiveness of the program Councilmember Peterson and Chief Handy discussed what will trigger a level orange per the presented Coyote Plan (there is an attack on an animal in the presence of a human, not just a sighting in a back Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 19 of 23 yard) or level red response As this data is analyzed and reviewed the Coyote Management Plan may need to be adjusted in the future Councilmember Peterson and Community Relations Officer Toledo discussed website links on the City's homepage for more specific information and a reporting form which residents can use Councilmember O'Connell and Chief Handy discussed precautionary steps and educating homeowners on what can be done for repeated sightings at any location Councilmember O'Connell requested allowing more latitude in determining orange and red responses Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan voiced concerns, and supports a more aggressive approach He believes it is unacceptable to have to wait until an animal or human is attacked before a coyote is trapped, and the program needs to be more aggressive in protecting the residents, especially children and seniors Councilmember Peterson concurred with a more proactive approach based on data collected, as well as continued communication with County officials Councilmember Posey asked Chief Handy how the problem coyotes are identified and discussed collection of coyote DNA is usually only when there has been a human attack Mayor Katapodis requested keeping detailed statistics and reporting back to Council for review Chief Handy clarified his understanding that the Council would like to see the word "attended" removed from the Orange Level response, i e , wording changed from "attended domestic animal loss" to "domestic animal loss" and have a report on the statistics in six months A motion was made by Posey, second O'Connell to approve the City of Huntington Beach Coyote Management Plan, and, authorize the Huntington Beach Police Department to implement the recommendations set forth in the Plan as amended to strike the word "attended" in the orange response level and require reporting back to the City Council by the Police Chief in six months The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None 26. Increased appropriations in the Police Department to fund four Police Officer positions Chief Handy provided a brief outline of how the item has progressed, including looking at sources of funding, to re -fund positions that had been de -funded in the recession In 2009 there were 237 positions, which dropped to a low of 193 positions in the recession The beginning of the current budget cycle added four positions for a total of 218 The current item is to allow four more positions — three coming from additional revenues the City expects to realize, and one position from affordable housing monies to add a homeless liaison officer Chief Handy publically acknowledged the work and effort of City Manager Wilson, as well as Finance, Budget and Community Services staff members to make it possible to add four Police Department positions this year Councilmember Peterson, Chief Handy and staff discussed dollar amounts from vaned sources for these four positions Councilmember Peterson voiced support for approving one position funded by Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 20 of 23 affordable housing only, but recommends more study on the use of expected future revenues for the other three positions Councilmember Posey agreed with Councilmember Peterson A motion was made by Posey, second Peterson to increase appropriations in the Police Department for one Police Officer paid by affordable housing funds The motion failed because a substitute motion was approved Mayor Pro Tem Sullivan stated support for approving the original staff recommendation Councilmembers Delgleize and Hardy discussed with Director Farrell the funds available to fill staffs recommendation for the other three sworn officers Director Farrell confirmed that staff supports the use of increased revenue as being adequate to fund three officer positions Mayor Katapodis voiced confidence in staffs recommendation to fund four officer positions A substitute motion was made by Hardy, second Katapodis to Increase appropriations in the Police Department by $685,000 to provide funding in FY 2015/16 for four Police Officer positions The motion carried by the following vote AYES Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, and Delgleize NOES Posey, and Peterson ABSENT O'Connell 27. Approved the concept and accepted the donation of a Lake Park historical information plaque and the proposed wording. Director of Community Services Janeen Laudenback provided a PowerPoint presentation that included the following titled slides "Huntington Beach Preserve Our Past" Language, and Histoncal Resources Board Edits She stated the Staff's recommended the approval of the Community Service Commission's language, and while the Historical Resources Board edits are fairly minor, the Community Services Commission's language keeps the plaque text more accurate to all document sources that were reviewed Councilmember Hardy shared that she has talked with the people who wrote both versions, and supports the wording as approved by the Community Services Commission A motion was made by Hardy, second Posey to approve the concept and accept the donation of an historical information plaque in Lake Park from the "Huntington Beach Preserve Our Past" (HBPOP) volunteer citizen group, and, approve the proposed wording for the plaque as recommended by the Community Services Commission (CSC) The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 21 of 23 ABSENT O'Connell ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 28. Approved for Introduction Ordinance No. 4079 amending Chapter 8.21 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) related to Refuse Management by aligning with the new State of California mandatory commercial organics recycling statute Public Works Senior Admin Analyst Deborah Jubinsky provided a PowerPoint entitled, Department of Public Works Mandatory Commercial Organ►cs Recychng that included the following titled slides Background, Ordnance Rev►s►on, and Recommendat►on A motion was made by Delgleize, second Posey, after the City Clerk reads by title, to approve for Introduction Ordinance No 4079, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 8 21 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Refuse Management " The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES None ABSENT O'Connell COUNCILMEMBER ITEMS WITHDRAWN BY COUNCILMEMBER PETERSON. Submitted by CouncilmembeF Peterson C e n+�te 30. Submitted by Councilmember Peterson — Direct the City Manager to have an independent Fire Department Staffing and Operation Study Councilmember Peterson stated that in order to have a more productive, cost-effective Fire Department, it is in the best interests of the City to have an independent Fire Department Staffing and Operation Study on the procedures and staffing levels He further stated that this should be added to the study that is already being done, as the other study does not include looking at procedures and staffing levels In his opinion, a much more in-depth study is needed to look at correct staffing levels, and available equipment Councilmember Posey and City Manager Wilson discussed various components and topics to be covered in this type of survey City Manager Wilson clarified that the full study will likely take longer than 90 days, and therefore the 90-day report expected will not be a complete report In response to an inquiry by Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan, Acting Fire Chief Engberg confirmed that the already approved Standards of Coverage Study does cover current risk assessment and presents potential objectives Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan voiced his opinion that the Standards of Coverage Report results should be obtained before proceeding with an independent Fire Department Staffing and Operation Study, and therefore he will not be supporting the original motion Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 22 of 23 Councilmember Hardy voiced her agreement with Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan However, if this study is approved, in her opinion it should include looking at the result of the Class I staffing level reductions, ranking by commercial and residential insurance companies, and the total employees responding not just the employees on the Fire engine (also looking as paramedic and EMT positions) Councilmember Delgleize and City Manager Wilson discussed that the cost for adding this proposed study could only be approximated $50,000 was approved for the Standards of Coverage Report, and since the Report has not actually started, there could be economies of cost and time by adding to it now Councilmember Peterson stated that in his opinion the information gathered from the Standards of Coverage Report will be required to complete his added items, and he believes doing both together will be the most fiscally efficient way to proceed A motion was made by Peterson, second Delgleize to Direct the City Manager to have an independent evaluator report and give suggestions on the Huntington Beach Fire Department's staffing levels and procedures Specifically, present the effects of current minimum staffing levels on service and if minimum staffing levels were reduced Present the primary calls for service and whether or not we are addressing them in the best and most cost-effective manner Return the report to the City Council for review within 90 days of this meeting, as amended to incorporate Standards of Coverage Report into this report, and examine and report how staffing levels affect Class I status, insurance rates for businesses and residents, and the FireMed Program The motion carried by the following vote AYES Posey, Katapodis, Delgleize, and Peterson NOES Sullivan, and Hardy ABSENT O'Connell COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS (Not Agendized) Councilmember Posey reported attending the City Hall tree trimming and reception and the Harbour Light Cruise - "Burning Daylight", and the Ribbon Cutting and Reception at Beach Promenade Center Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan wished everyone Happy Holidays Councilmember Hardy congratulated the Sassounian Family on the Ribbon Cutting and Reception for Beach Promenade Center and described the bronze figures at the corner of Beach Boulevard and Atlanta as replicas of the four Sassounian children playing at the beach years ago She also wished everyone a Merry Christmas Councilmember Peterson reported attending the Virgin Guadalupe celebration in the Oak View - community which jumpstarted the Holiday Spirit with the warmth of the residents, the parade and the lights He also attended the Troop 88 Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Dane Peterson, Eric Andrews, Chase Howe and Eddie Tauanuu He also wished everyone a safe Christmas and New Year Council/PFA Regular Minutes Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Minutes December 21, 2015 Page 23 of 23 Councilmember Delgleize expressed appreciation for her colleagues for this past year and wished everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year Mayor Katapodis shared that his first official duty as Mayor was participating in the City Hall Tree Trimming and Reception, he also visited the Handy Crafter's Holiday Sale at City Hall and made a purchase, attended the MEA Holiday Lunch at Lake Park, participated in the CoolCA Challenge Video Production, attended the Beach Promenade Center Ribbon Cutting and Reception, the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Joseph Bui, Rick Huynh, Christopher Nguyen, and Bryan Vu, as well as the Workplace Violence Training provided by the Huntington Beach Police Department at City Hall Mayor Katapodis announced that the City Council/Public Financing Authority regular meeting of January 4, 2016, has been canceled ADJOURNMENT OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL/PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND THE SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH HOUSING AUTHORITY, PARKING AUTHORITY, AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE FORMER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH — 9 12 PM The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority is Tuesday, January 19, 2016, at 4 00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: v/ City Chfk and ex-officio Jerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Secretary of the Public Financing Authority, Housing Authority, Parking Authority, and Successor Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California v/ City Clerk- ecretary o hair