HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-01Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, February 1, 2016
4 00 PM - Council Chambers
6 00 PM - Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
City Clerk Joan L Flynn, requested, and was granted, permission to be absent pursuant to City Charter
Section 310 (a)
Present Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
Absent None
Roll Call of the Investment Advisory Board
Present Rob Sternberg, Jennifer Handy, Alan Ray, Ron Sterud, Scott Dowds, and Lydia Dupont
Absent John Piekarski
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, Assistant City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced
supplemental communication received by the City Clerk's Office following distribution of the Council
agenda packet for
Study Session No 2 A PowerPoint communication received from Police Chief Robert Handy, dated
February 1, 2016, entitled Police Gun Range
Time Limit) — None
1. Joint Study Session between the City Council of Huntington Beach and the Investment
Advisory Board (IAB). The Investment Advisory Board and City Treasurer made a
presentation of the FY14-15 annual report, as it relates to the City of Huntington Beach's
investment management. As well, William Blackwill, Managing Director at Stifel, Nicolaus
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& Co Inc. and approved broker for the City of Huntington Beach, provided a brief
financial market update.
City Treasurer Alisa Cutchen provided a PowerPoint dated February 1, 2016, entitled Joint Study
Session - Investment Advisory Board / Huntington Beach City Council that included the following titled
slides Investment Advisory Board, Investment Advisory Board Members, Investment Advisory Board
Meetings, Annual Report and Portfolio Summary at FY 9130115
William Blackwill, Managing Director at Stifel, Nicolau & Company, Inc, provided a brief financial
market update
Councilmember O'Connell and Mr Blackwell discussed the impacts of Quantitative Easing (QE)
2. The Police Department provided the Council with information on the current
location/arrangements for police firearms training and present long-term options for use
of another agency's facility or development of a Huntington Beach facility.
Police Chief Robert Handy provided a PowerPomt presentation dated February 1, 2016, entitled Police
Gun Range that included the following titled slides Police Firearms Training, HBPD Firearms Training,
Current Training Proximity, Huntington Beach Options, Westminster Training Facility, Westminster Gun
Range, Building E Option, Huntington Beach Corporate Yard Budding E, North Exterior, Interior Floor,
Estimates for Budding E, Advantage to City Facility, Return on Investment, and Questions
Councilmember O'Connell and Chief Handy discussed the time needed to recoup the costs of a new
facility, and increasing the availability of Police Department staff on the street because travel time to an
off -site facility would be eliminated This facility would include a state-of-the-art lead removal process
Councilmember Posey and Chief Handy discussed staffing requirements for a new facility and whether
other agencies have expressed interest in using the facility Chief Handy explained that reasonable
operating hours could be 8 a m to 10 p m , but the location would most likely prevent 24-hour operation
due to area zoning A typical training session averages about an hour for each trainee which usually is
part of a regular shift
City Manager Wilson and Councilmember Hardy discussed the cost for moving contents from Public
Works Corporate Yard Building E if utilized for the range Chief Handy explained that some of the
Police Department items in storage there probably need to be purged Chief Handy explained that
there will be more details related to funding and costs once staff understands whether or not this project
has Council's support
Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan and Councilmember Peterson each expressed their support for a new facility
and appreciation to Chief Handy
Councilmember Delgleize expressed her appreciation to Chief Handy for the presentation, and they
discussed funding and timing for this multi -year project
Mayor Katapodis stated support for utilizing Westminster if only for easing the commute, and expressed
that in his opinion a simulation room will be a "must have" part of a new facility
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A motion was made by Katapodis, second Delgleize to recess to Closed Session for Items 3 — 5
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
Mayor Katapodis Announced Pursuant to Government Code § 54957 6, the City Council takes this
opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated labor negotiator, City Manager Fred Wilson,
who will be participating in today's Closed Session discussions regarding labor negotiations with Fire
Management Association (FMA), Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association (HBFA), Huntington Beach
Municipal Employees' Association (MEA), Management Employees' Organization (MEO), Huntington
Beach Police Officers' Association (POA), Police Management Association (PMA), Marine Safety
Management Association (MSMA), and/or Surf City Lifeguard Employees' Association (SCLEA)
3. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: The Kennedy
Commission, et al. v. City of Huntington Beach, Orange County Superior Court Case No.
30-2015-00801675, which concerns a challenge to the City Council action amending the
Beach and Edinger Corridors Specific Plan.
4. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Michael Bartlett,
et al. v. City of Huntington Beach, et al.; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2015-
00778560. This is an action brought by two employees of the City alleging unlawful
5. Pursuant to Government Code § 54957.6, the City Council recessed into Closed Session
to meet with its designated labor negotiators and Fred Wilson, City Manager regarding
the following: Fire Management Association (FMA), Huntington Beach Firefighters'
Association (HBFA), Huntington Beach Municipal Employees' Association (MEA),
Management Employees' Organization (MEO), Huntington Beach Police Officers'
Association (POA), Police Management Association (PMA), Marine Safety Management
Association (MSMA), and/or Surf City Lifeguard Employees' Association (SCLEA).
CLOSED SESSION REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY — City Attorney Michael Gates reported that the
City Council gave authority and direction to the City Attorney to file an appeal in the Kennedy
Commission, et al, v City of Huntington Beach case, Orange County Superior Court No 30-2015-
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City Clerk Joan L Flynn requested, and was granted, permission to be absent pursuant to City Charter
Section 310 (a)
Present Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
Absent None
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Councilmember O'Connell
INVOCATION — Led by Mark Currie of the Baha'i Community and Vice President of the Greater
Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of
Mayor Katapodis announced February as National African American History Month This year's
theme, "Hallowed Grounds Sites of African -American Memories," was selected by The Association of
the Study of African -American Life and History in partnership with the Centennial Celebration of the
National Park Service In all, there are twenty-five sites that recognize African -Americans in history
The City Council joins the Huntington Beach Human Relations Task Force in recognition of and to
honor the achievements of African -Americans throughout history
Mayor Katapodis and Police Chief Robert Handy presented Officer William "Bill" Morris with a
commendation for his 48 years in law enforcement Mr Morris started his law enforcement career
as a Cadet in 1967 with the Whittier Police Department He served in Viet Nam as a Crew Chief, after
which he returned to the Whittier Police Department as an Officer He was employed by the City of
Huntington Beach Police Department in 1975 Mr Morris has been Chief Investigator, SWAT Team
Training Officer, and Police Pilot for the helicopter during his career with the City of Huntington Beach
He retired as a Police Officer in 1999, and returned to the City as a part-time Dispatcher for the last 17
years, with a record of never refusing to work a week -end or holiday shift when asked Mr Morris is the
epitome of what every Huntington Beach Police Department employee is about
Mayor Katapodis presented a commendation to local resident, athlete, teacher, author, mother,
mentor and speaker Jami Marseilles, a double amputee from Huntington Beach who will run in
this weekend's Surf City Marathon, as well as the Boston Marathon in April Mrs Marseilles
stated that she has been a resident of Huntington Beach since 1993, however this is the first time she
will be a participant in the Surf City Marathon She shared that she is the only double amputee woman
in the world to finish a full marathon
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, Assistant City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced
supplemental communication received by the City Clerk's Office following distribution of the Council
agenda packet for
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Administrative Item No 12
Email communications were received from Kathy Johnson and Clem Dominguez
Councilmember Item No 15
Email communications were received from Kathy Johnson and Chris MacDonald
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit) — 5 speakers
The number [hh mm ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http //www surfcity-hb org/government/agendas
Allen Baylis, speaking on behalf of the Naturists' Action Committee, shared their concerns about the
City's recent prohibition of nude swimming in the City's pool (01 04 06)
Norman Lawson respectfully asked that Council consider reducing the number, and amount of time
allowed, for presentations at City Council meetings (01 07 34)
Robert Johnson shared his concerns regarding qualifications for people wanting to apply for affordable
housing programs (01 10 12)
Maureen Anzivino, an employee of Huntington Beach High School, shared information on two
upcoming events March 20th Huntington Beach High School Foundation Casino Night at the Shore
Break Hotel, and the third annual Huntington Beach Cherry Blossom Festival to support the Sister City
Student Exchange Program with Anjo, Japan (01 13 57)
John Briscoe shared his opinions regarding the process for Agenda Item #9 from the 01/19/2016 City
Council meeting (Refuse Management by aligning with the new State of California mandatory
commercial organics recycling statute), and the high density development project being proposed for
the middle of Central Park at the corner of Slater and Goldenwest (01 16 31)
Councilmember Delgleize reported attending the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) meeting in
Diamond Bar and the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) Water Policy Forum
Councilmember Peterson reported attending the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) General
Councilmember O'Connell reported attending a Port of Long Beach event, the Water Policy Forum and
dinner, and the Commission to End Homelessness meeting as a representative for the Housing and
Community Services Division of Orange County
Councilmember Posey reported attending the AQMD meeting in Diamond Bar
Mayor Katapodis reported attending the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) General
Board meeting as Vice Chair of the Finance Committee He also shared a short video in which he
encourages City residents to get involved in the CoolCalifomia project at CAChallenge org to help
Huntington Beach be the Coolest City in California
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City Manager Fred Wilson shared a brief report regarding the Strategic Planning Retreat held on
January 28 at the Central Library, and he introduced City Treasurer Alisa Cutchen to give a
presentation regarding Treasurer's Department Operations and Highlights for Fiscal Year 2014-2015
1. Presentation by City Treasurer Cutchen regarding Department Operations and Highlights
for Fiscal Year 2014-2015
City Treasurer Cutchen made a PowerPoint presentation entitled, City of Huntington Beach City
Treasurer's Report for Quarter Ending December 31, 2015, which contained the following titled slides
Economic and Market Overview, Oct 2015 — Dec 2015, Portfolio Overview 12131115, Portfolio
Earnings, Conclusion, and Questions
2. Received and filed the City Treasurer's December 2015 Quarterly Investment Summary
A motion was made by Sullivan, second O'Connell to receive and file the Quarterly Investment Report
for December 2015, pursuant to Section 17 0 of the Investment Policy of the City of Huntington Beach
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
Councilmember O'Connell pulled Consent Calendar Item #7
Councilmember Peterson pulled Consent Calendar Items #4, #5 and #6
All Items appear in their original order in these minutes
3. Approved and adopted minutes
A motion was made by Hardy, second Delgleize to review and adopt the City Council regular meeting
and the Successor Agency special meeting minutes dated January 19, 2016, as written and on file in
the office of the City Clerk
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
4. Approved Sole Source Justification in the amount of $160,000 with Helicomm Avionics
for ongoing avionics upgrades of the Police helicopters
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Councilmember Peterson pulled this item to ask Police Chief Handy to explain, for the benefit of the
public, how and why Sole Source was requested for this item
Chief Handy explained that in summary, Sole Source is used when there is an advantage in technical
expertise, type of work being performed, or cost savings Finance Director Lon Ann Farrell confirmed
that lower dollar amount Sole Source items ($50,000 and under) are processed internally within City
Departments, and higher dollar items ($50,001+) come before the Council for approval
A motion was made by Peterson, second Posey to approve Sole Source Justification with Helicomm
Avionics for ongoing avionics upgrades of the Police helicopters
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
5. Approved the Sole Source Justification with Helimart, Inc. for ongoing purchase of parts
for the Police helicopters
Councilmember Peterson pulled this item to ask Police Chief Handy to explain, for the benefit of the
public, how and why Sole Source was requested for this item
Chief Handy explained that cost and availability of parts may be a reason for sole sourcing In
summary, Sole Source is used when there is an advantage in technical expertise, type of work being
performed, or cost savings
A motion was made by Peterson, second Posey to approve Sole Source Justification for using
Helimart, Inc for ongoing purchase of parts for the Police helicopters
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
6. Approved the Sole Source Justification in the amount of $130,000 with Dooley
Enterprises for the ongoing purchase of ammunition for the Huntington Beach Police
Councilmember Peterson pulled this item to ask Police Chief Handy to explain, for the benefit of the
public, how and why Sole Source was requested for this item
Chief Handy explained that there is a testing process for safety and performance (in the case of
ammunition) in the law enforcement profession and when the final selection is made, there is only one
source for Southern California
A motion was made by Peterson, second Posey to approve the Sole Source Justification with Dooley
Enterprises for the ongoing purchase of training and duty ammunition for HBPD personnel
The motion carried by the following vote
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AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
7. Adopted Resolution 2016-07 authorizing the purchase of three tax defaulted properties
generally located north of Ellis Avenue between Edwards Street and Goldenwest Street
(APN's 110-185-06 and 110-185-15) and south of Edinger Avenue between Bolsa Chica
Street and Graham Street (APN 146-081-04); and, authorized appropriation of funds in the
amount of $33,200
Councilmember O'Connell pulled Item #7 to recuse himself from action on the item because he owns
property in the area He recused himself and left the Chambers during discussion and vote
A motion was made by Hardy, second Delgleize to authorize the appropriation of up to $14,500 from
the Park Acquisition and Development Fund balance (Fund 209) into Account 20945101 81000, and,
authorize the appropriation of up to $18,700 from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund
balance (Fund 352) into Account 35280301 81000, and, adopt Resolution No 2016-07, "A Resolution
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach objecting to the public sale of certain tax -defaulted
property located within the City of Huntington Beach, offering to purchase said property, finding that
said property will be used for public purpose, and finding that the purchase of the property is exempt
from the California Environmental Quality Act "
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
8. Authorized appropriation of funds and award and authorized execution of a construction
contract in the amount of $327,200 with EBS General Engineering for the FY 15/16 Curb
Access Ramp Installation Project, CC-1529
A motion was made by Hardy, second Delgleize to accept lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by EBS General Engineering in the amount of $327,200, and, authorize the appropriation of
$164,190 from the Measure M Fund undesignated fund balance to account 21385201 82800, and,
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
9. Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract, in the amount of
$870,252.75, to Angelus Waterproofing & Restoration, Inc. for the Main Promenade
Parking Structure Improvements Project, CC-1534; and, authorized 15% contingency for
change orders
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A motion was made by Hardy, second Delgleize to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by Angelus Waterproofing & Restoration, Inc , in the amount of $870,252 75, and, authorize
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney,
and, authorize the Director of Public Works to expend up to 15% contingency to cover unanticipated
change orders
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
10. Approved the purchase of a replacement fire engine and authorized the City Manager to
enter into all documents necessary to lease finance the purchase of the fire engine
A motion was made by Hardy, second Delgleize to approve the purchase of a replacement fire engine
and authorize the City Clerk and the City Manager, or his/her designee, to enter into any and all
documents necessary to execute the lease financing of the fire engine
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
11. Adopted Ordinance No. 4077 amending Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC)
Section 5.90 - Fireworks; and, adopted Resolution No. 2016-01 to better define the
categories of High Schools, Youth Sports, and Civic Organizations. Approved for
introduction January 19, 2016, Vote: 7-0
A motion was made by Hardy, second Delgleize to adopt Ordinance No 4077, "An Ordinance of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Sections 5 90 070 and 5 90 080 of the
Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Fireworks "
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
12. Continued for 30 days consideration of direction regarding Atlanta Avenue Street
Widening and whether to: A) proceed with Resolution of Necessity (Eminent Domain) for
a Permanent Street Easement; or, B) abandon the project and reimburse all federal, state,
and transportation funds expended for the project
Councilmember Posey stated that in his opinion the widening of Atlanta should be continued for thirty
(30) days because the project will require eminent domain, and the 30 days should be used for several
Councilmembers and Staff to meet with the property owner to assure all negotiation possibilities have
been exhausted
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An amended motion was made by Posey, second Peterson to continue for 30 days, to a date uncertain,
for Staff and three Councdmembers to meet with owner regarding Atlanta Avenue Street Widening and
whether to proceed with Resolution of Necessity (Eminent Domain) for a Permanent Street Easement,
or, abandon the project and reimburse all federal, state, and transportation funds expended for the
The motion as amended carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
A motion was made by Katapodis, second Hardy to appoint Councilmembers Posey, O'Connell and
Delgleize to meet with Staff and the property owner
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
13. Approved for introduction Ordinance No. 4081 and authorized execution of a Pipeline
Franchise Agreement with Texaco Downstream Properties, Inc. for the operation and
maintenance of an existing pipeline system for the transportation of oil, gas, and other
hydrocarbon substances.
A motion was made by Sullivan, second Hardy to, after the Assistant City Clerk reads by title, approve
for introduction, Ordinance No 4081, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Granting to
Texaco Downstream Properties, Inc, A Delaware Corporation, a Franchise to Lay, Construct, Maintain,
Operate, Renew, Repair, Alter, Remove or Abandon in Place One or More Existing Pipes and Pipelines
for the Collection, Transportation or Distribution of Hydrocarbon Substances in the City of Huntington,"
and, approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the "Franchise Agreement between
the City of Huntington Beach and Texaco Downstream Properties, Inc "
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
14. Submitted by Mayor Katapodis and Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan — Reduced fee for annual
parking pass for veterans
Councilmember Posey asked if there was any idea what this would cost the City in lost revenue Mayor
Katapodis said this issue had been discussed with City staff, and the consensus was that a reduction of
$25 in parking pass fees for veterans would have a negligible effect on the budget Director of
Community Services Janeen Laudenback explained that the reduced fee may increase the number of
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parking pass purchasers Director Laudenback and Councilmember Hardy discussed that many
veterans are seniors and already get a reduced rate
A motion was made by O'Connell, second Posey to direct the City Manager to develop a policy that
provides a reduced -rate of $125 per year for an Annual Beach Parking Pass for veterans
The motion carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, and Peterson
15. Submitted by Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan and Councilmember Peterson — Re -designate the
Rodgers Seniors' Center as a Veterans' Memorial Hall
Councilmember Peterson explained that he sees this property and building as an asset which is rented
by local non -profits, Boy Scouts and veterans He envisions the property continuing to be rented out
and also provide local veterans with a "home " It could also provide unique funding opportunities in the
future because many veteran groups make donations to Veteran Memorial Halls Councilmember
Peterson would not want this property to become fenced and possibly neglected There is another
small building on the property that the Police Department could continue to use This is one more way
that the City can honor local active and retired veterans
Councilmember Posey stated that everyone wants to honor the veterans, but in his opinion Council
needs to balance that with what is the highest and best use for the property Since this is a call for a
study he supports this item to determine the cost of deferred maintenance, potential income stream, if it
will be limited to veterans only use, and for how long Is there the possibility of using a room at the new
Senior Center dedicated to veterans?
Councilmember O'Connell voiced his support of Councilmember Posey's comments and completing a
study on the issue In his opinion, this facility should be available for the whole community
Councilmember Delgleize voiced her support for a study to address the questions already raised, and
agrees that the facility should be available for the whole community
Councilmember Hardy stated she supports a study especially since all of the space at the new Senior
Center has already been dedicated for specific uses In her opinion, the City is short on meeting space
and this could make a good shared space with rental fees helping to fund the necessary repairs and
maintenance while also honoring the area veterans
Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan shared that he and Councilmember Peterson have met with the Executive
Board of the American Legion, and this effort is to acknowledge and honor local veterans, while in
reality providing a community hall
Councilmember Peterson reiterated that the motion being proposed is to develop a plan to keep this
facility in the City's inventory and designated as a Veterans' Memorial Hall
Councilmember Hardy stated that originally this facility honored Michael Rodgers and she would like to
see that honor continued In her opinion, maybe keeping the plaque in the building with a bit of added
history would suffice, but requested that Mr Rodgers continue to be honored
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Councilmember Posey and Councilmember Peterson discussed if this plan has a limit for costs to
implement, or if there is an open checkbook regardless of the cost, and whether alcohol service would
be permitted Director Farrell stated that currently rental agreements can include an alcohol permit
City Manager Wilson stated that the projected deferred maintenance costs would be part of a study
Councilmember Delgleize expressed her desire to ask Community Services to do a review of the
property In her opinion, the assumption currently being made is that if this motion is approved then it
has to be a Veterans' Hall She further stated that she is in favor of a study of the property, but not in
favor of necessarily naming it a Veterans' Hall at this time
Councilmember Hardy stated that in her opinion the benefit of working with another organization like
the veterans is to help cover maintenance costs The Newland House is a good example of how the
Historical Society has stepped up to help with the maintenance and grounds and create a nicer facility
than possibly what the City could do on its own Tearing down the building, converting the property to a
park, or even just leaving the building there are all costly other options Sharing maintenance with
another organization is going to be the most cost effective way to proceed in her opinion
Councilmember Posey asked if this should go on a ballot for the citizens to determine what should be
done with the facility
City Attorney Gates advised Council that typically Councilmember Items are a request for City Staff to
bring something back to Council for action in the future Therefore, this motion really should be to
include that the Veterans' Memorial Hall designation come back with the other findings for the action
vote in the future There also needs to be time for public discussion before the action
An amended motion was made by Peterson, second Sullivan to direct the City Manager to have the
Community Services Department present a plan for the use of the Rogers Seniors' Center building as a
Veterans' Memorial Hall within 60 days
The motion as amended carried by the following vote
AYES Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, and Peterson
NOES Delgleize
Councilmember Hardy thanked her fellow Councilmembers for the vote on the last item She reported
attending the Premiere of the Guinness World Record -breaking Big Board Documentary which shares
the background story of the Big Board and not just the events of the day the record was made She
also attended the ribbon cutting for Smockingbird's Children and Baby Boutique, a business owned by
the family of a former student In addition, she attended the cornerstone removal and time capsule
opening at LeBard School which was a formal and fascinating event
Councilmember Peterson stated he should have reported at the last meeting that he had attended a
Planning Commission meeting, and wanted to thank Former Chair Kalmick for his service and
congratulate Chair Pincheff and Vice Chair Semeta
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Councilmember Posey reported also attending the Premiere of the Guinness World Record -breaking
Big Board Documentary He was the winning bidder for being Bob Bolen's "intern" for a day shaping
boards — a great experience He also attended the Grand Opening for the Oceana Apartments
affordable housing units, and the LeBard School cornerstone removal and time capsule opening which
was a fascinating event
Mayor Pro Tern Sullivan reported attending a Vector Control meeting, the West Orange County Water
Board meeting, the Premiere of the Guinness World Record -breaking Big Board Documentary, an
Orange County Senior Citizens' Advisory Committee Main, Executive, and Health and Nutrition
Councilmember Delgleize gave a shout -out to the City's Finance Director Lori Ann Farrell for her State
of the Port report for the Port Commission meeting which she attended She also acknowledged Visit
Huntington Beach and the Shore Break Hotel for the superb job they did with the Premiere of the
Guinness World Record -breaking Big Board Documentary She also attended the Grand Opening of
the Oceana Apartments affordable housing units
Mayor Katapodis reported that he spent time in Washington, DC, where he was able to visit the home
of the Ambassador from Amsterdam with Mayors from cities being considered for a Rockefeller
Foundation grant There were seminars and break-out group meetings with approximately 2,000 other
mayors while in DC, as well as meeting with President Obama He returned from the DC trip to meet
with Assistant to the City Manager Toni Graham and Director of Public Works Travis Hopkins to gather
more details to submit with the City's application as Huntington Beach had made it to the Top 50 list,
but only the Top 30 — 35 cities will get a Rockefeller Foundation grant There is a potential to receive up
to three million dollars sometime in April Mayor Katapodis also attended the Beachside Nursing Home
Center grand opening Beachside is the only five-star nursing home in Orange County
ADJOURNMENT — At 7 30 PM to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City
Council/Public Financing Authority meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, at 4 00 PM in the Civic
Center Council Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California
City C&tk and ex -office lerk'%f the City
Council of the City of Huntington' -Beach
and Secretary of the Public Financing,Authonty
of the City of Huntington Beach, California
City Clerk- ecretary ay - hair