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Huntington Beach City Council
Special Meeting -- Strategic Planning Workshop
Thursday, January 26, 2017
8:00 AM — Talbert Room
Huntington Central Library
7111 Talbert Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
CALL TO ORDER — Meeting called to order by Mayor Delgleize at 8:35 AM
Pursuant to City Council Resolution Number 2001-54, Councilmember Peterson requested, and was
granted permission to be absent.
Present: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgeize, Hardy, Brenden
Absent: Peterson
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Mayor Delgleize
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced a supplemental
communication received by the City Clerk's Office following distribution of the Council agenda packet:
A PowerPoint submitted by Finance Director Lori Ann Farrell Harrison dated January 26, 2017 and
entitled Strategic Planning Retreat Budget Update.
Dave Humphreys, Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association, voiced concerns about the poor
internal conditions of the Police Department, and described repairs necessary to improve a variety of
Yasha Nikitin, Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association, echoed concerns voiced by Mr.
Humphreys, and discussed progress being made on upgrading the Police Department front lobby. He
also encouraged Council to support consideration of implementing a gun range facility for training
Shari Engel requested that Council consider restoration of the Shipley Nature Center as part of their
Strategic Plan goals, specifically, a permanent parking lot.
Juanna Mueller, Huntington Beach Tree Society, acknowledged inclusion of $800K in the City's 2017118
budget for specialized care in Central .Park, and discussed the need for tree replacement.and an
upgraded irrigation system.
Jean Nagy acknowledged inclusion of $800K in the City's 2017/18 budget for specialized care in Central
Park, and echoed concerns previously expressed about tree planting and poor irrigation. She also
encouraged Council to consider development of an "urban forest" on four existing encyclopedia lots on
Central Park property.
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Steve Engel acknowledged Council's inclusion of $800K in the 2017/18 budget for specialized care in
Central Park, and discussed the "boots on the ground" efforts by volunteers who currently work to care
for declining elements due to lack of resources devoted from the City departments of Public Works,
Police Department, Community Services.
Kathryn Levassior expressed support for a Zoning Text Amendment that would allow short term rentals
in Huntington Beach.
1. Strategic Planning Session facilitated by Marilyn Snider of Snider and Associates
A. Ms. Snider welcomed the public and participants, stated the purpose of the retreat, and
introduced Meeting Recorder Gail Tsuboi, Tsuboi Design.
B. Ms. Snider went over the roles of the Facilitator, Recorder, group and public, as well as an
overview of the strategic planning elements.
C. Ms. Snider asked for introductions by participating Council, City Manager and Department
D. Ms. Snider provided a review of the City of Huntington Beach's:
Mission/Purpose Statement
• The City of Huntington Beach provides sustainable quality services to maintain and
enhance our safe and vibrant community.
Core Values/Guiding Principles (not in priority order)
• Responsiveness
• Accountability
• Quality customer service
• Honesty and integrity
• Teamwork
Fiscal sustainability
Community involvement
Existing Three -Year Goals (2015-2018 — not in priority order)
• Improve quality of life
• Enhance and maintain infrastructure
• Strengthen economic and financial sustainability
• Enhance and maintain public safety
• Enhance and maintain City service delivery
E. S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Exercise
Brainstormed a listing of strengths and accomplishments of the City since the previous
Strategic Planning Session (1/28/2016):
• Launched the new eBook service called "The Cloud Library"
• Expanded Library Storytime to six days/week
• Received the CPRS award for digital marketing
• Added a City Prosecutor Position
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• Administered 254 FPPC conflict of interest filers and 20 active campaign committee
• Completed a Park and Recreation Master Plan
• Added a Subaru dealership
• Launched replacement of the Land Management System
• Hosted the inaugural Air Show
• Fire Dept. responded to 20,300 calls for emergency services, an 18% increase over
two years
• Designated a Recycling Marketing Development Zone
• Established a Central Park Task Force
• Completed major improvements at the Main Promenade Parking Structure
• Community Development Department assisted with building improvements for a new
business, bringing 75 new jobs to the city
• Funded the clean-up of Jack Green and McCraken Meadow areas of Central Park
• Negotiated successfully with 7 of 8 labor associations
• Finalized acquisition of our street lights from Southern California Edison
• Harbor Beach sand replenishment
• Facilitated the entitlement processing for the new AES power plant,
• Processed 6,369 passports with photos, resulting in approximately $220,000 in
General Fund dollars
• Joined the Concerned Coastal Cities Coalition
• Reviewed and approved over 10,000 building permits with a construction valuation of
over $270,000,000
• Responded to over 4,000 Code Enforcement complaints
• Successfully abated 12 medical marijuana dispensaries
• Continued to work on the General Plan Update
• Continued processing the Sunset Beach Specific Plan through the California Coastal
• Addressed 32 nuisance properties through the Public Nuisance Task Force (Police,
Fire, Building, Planning, Public Works and Code Enforcement)
• Received a grant from Orange County Transit Authority for $918,000 over seven years
for transit services (bus circulation in the City)
• Implemented over-the-counter plan checks for business development
• Certified the November 2016 election results
• Implemented a Body Camera Program in the Police Dept.
• Connected all libraries to the CaIREN Network
• Fully implemented a Homeless Task Force
• Processed more than 15,000 applications for employment
• Finalized a plan for citywide wayfinding
• Improved service to the business community
• Partnered with CSU Long Beach on development of a conceptual plan for Irby Park
• Developed a City Infrastructure Development Plan
• Logged 54,000 volunteer hours for senior services
• Logged over 57,000 volunteer hours at the Library
• Received a clean audit opinion on the City's financial statements
• Developed an incentive -based business attraction and retention program
• Youth Board hosted the first Youth Employment Workshop
• Obtained a favorable outcome from the Federal Office of the Inspector General audit
for CDBG Program
• Successfully lobbied the Air Quality Management Dist. (AQMD) to keep 60% of AQMD
AES funds in Orange County
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• Adopted a balanced FY 2016-2017 budget
• Maintained our AAA credit rating
• Opened the new Senior Center in Central Park
• Upgraded the utility billing system
• Lowered crime by 9%
• Repaved 10.5 miles of arterial and residential streets
• Saved the fuel dock in Huntington Beach Harbor
• Conducted a Leadership Development Program for 15 City employees
• Implemented an expedited plan review process for 700 residential solar projects
• Received a finding'of completion from the Dept. of Finance for redevelopment
• Successfully negotiated a settlement in the Senior Center litigation
• Successfully negotiated a settlement in the Bolsa Chica Land Trust litigation; at zero
dollars spent by the City
• Began Bartlett Park development
• Started a volunteer program for Bartlett Park
• Completed renovation of the interior of the Main Street Library
• Created a Broadband Strategic Plan
• A massive group of volunteers is working in Central Park
• We have a new plan to rehabilitate Central Park
• Partnered with the UC Irvine for a National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Huntington
Beach will receive $1.9 million in funding for various energy projects
• Completed the 9-11 Memorial at City Hall
• Conducted over 11,400 fire inspections and over 2,400 fire and life safety plan checks
• Received the "Excellence in Financial Reporting Award" for the City's Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2015
• Received the "Distinguished Budget Presentation Award" for the City's Adopted
Budget for Fiscal Year 2015/16
• Obtained the "Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial
Reporting" for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2015
• Received the first ever CLEEN loan in the state from the California Infrastructure Bank
for the citywide streetlight retrofit project
• Marine Safety Division provided 3,736 rescues, 1,649 medical aids, 202,732
preventive actions
• Conducted Junior Lifeguard Program with 925 participants
• Maintained a 99% customer satisfaction rating for emergency medical services
• Purchased 4 additional encyclopedia lots
• Launched a new economic development web page with additional resources
• Received award/recognition from OCBC "Turning Red Tape into Red Carpet" for the
first web based FilmApp
• Finalized new Economic Development Implementation Plan
• Provided Business Advocacy Services for 24 businesses
• Increased film permits and general fund revenue by117% (FY-14/15 to FY 15/16)
2. Brainstorming of City's current Internal weaknesses/challenges:
• Low staffing levels citywide
• Huge infrastructure backlog
• Inefficient internal processes
• Limited staff resources to meet demand
• Insufficient funding for essential City services, facilities, equipment and parks
• Loss of institutional knowledge
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• We're a place for people to gather, (e.g., for protest)
• Lack of staff resources
• Inadequate security at all City facilities
• Lack of resources and expertise to effectively address homelessness
• Outdated General Plan and Zoning Code
• Excessive manual work-arounds due to outdated technology
• Residents have trouble finding things on the City website
• Businesses find it difficult to work with the City
• Challenge of connecting with residents
• Lack of retention of skilled workers
• Challenge for businesses to deal with the homeless
• Low staff morale
• Lack of an up-to-date land management permit system
• Lack of funding for technology projects
• Loss of experience due to retirements
• Public safety weaknesses
• Lack of succession planning
• Lack of funding for technology staff and upgrades
• Poor business development and attraction
• Unrealistic expectations of labor/employees
• Competing priorities
3. Brainstorming of external factors/trends (positive/opportunities and negative/threats) that
will/might have an impact on the City in the coming year:
Positive Impact
• Ending drought conditions
• Possible federal infrastructure funding
• More collaboration with other cities and organizations regarding homeless
• Low unemployment
• Proposed federal and state legislation regarding sober living homes
• State funding for City redevelopment loan repayments
• Anticipated Supreme Court decision on labor
• Vibrant non-profit community
• Outstanding volunteer base
• Good school system
• Improving broadband
• Second Air Show
• Tourism
• Low crime rate
• Variety of additional housing opportunities
• Addition of new hotel rooms
• Record occupancy at our hotels
• Improving vehicle sales
• Social media
• Corporate sponsorships
• Strong volunteer community
• Strong property tax base
• Generous donors to local non -profits
• Effective service organization network
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• SCE allowed us to buy 11,000 poles to provide better technology
• Beaches and parks
• Awesome sales tax revenues
• Fountain Valley and Westminster sales tax rates are increasing
• Strong real estate market
• Enhanced multi -agency collaboration, e.g., supporting City events
• Increased community participation
• Active participation in the CERT program
• Positive GDP growth
• Potential increased defense spending
Negative Impact
• Climate
• Cyber attacks
• Uncertain federal policies
• Unfunded state and federal mandates
• Homelessness
• Attempts to take away local control
• Earthquakes
• Fire
• Flood
• Trade war with China
• State budget deficit
• Decline in sales tax revenue
• Changing demographics
• State regulatory climate on business
• Democratic super -majority in the state legislature
• Unfunded liabilities
• Rapidly changes in technology
• Aging infrastructure
• Lack of mental illness treatment
• General discontent that leads to protests
• Social disruption
• Social stress
• Terrorism
• Legalization of marijuana
• Drug abuse
• Anticipated Supreme Court decision on labor
• Moving of 2,000 jobs by Boeing
• Rising unemployment
• Increasing interest rates
• Changing utility and energy usage
• Early release of prisoners
• CalPERS policy changes
• Prop 13 threat
• Demonization of public employees
• Divided and dysfunctional federal leaders
• Rising construction costs
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F. Chief Financial Officer Lori Ann Farrell Harrison provided a brief update regarding the City's
Budget outlook
Chief Financial Officer Lori Ann Farrell Harrison presented a PowerPoint dated January 26,
2017 entitled Strategic Planning Retreat Budget Update that included the following titled
slides: Overview, Strategic Planning Retreat, FY 2015/16 General Fund Expenditures
(Preliminary Unaudited), FY 2015/16 General Fund Revenue (Preliminary Unaudited), FY
2015/16 Year End General Fund Balance Options, General Fund Balance, FY 2016/17
General Fund Budget Overview, FY 2016/17 General Fund Highlights, FY 2016/17 Adopted
Budget Summary, FY 2016/17 Adopted Budget General Fund by Department, Police Officer
Staffing Recap, Historical Funded FTEs, CalPERS Overview, Funded FTEs vs YOY PERS
Costs, CalPERS Rates, CaIPERS Discount Rate Change, Why do they have a 7.5% Rate
Now?, Why is CalPERS Making the Change?, What Happens if they Don't Adjust?, Net
Pension Liabilities Overview, What are We Doing About It?, Economic Indicators, FY 2017/18
Budget Outlook, Opportunities, State of California, Governor Brown's FY 2017/18 Budget
Highlights, Recap, Next Steps, and Questions.
G. Reviewed the three-year goals:
After brief discussion, it was decided that the five existing three-year goals would remain. The
list of the current five stated three-year goals (2015-2018) consists of the following (not in
priority order):
1. Improve quality of life
2. Enhance and maintain infrastructure
3. Strengthen economic and financial sustainability
4. Enhance and maintain public safety
5. Enhance and maintain city service delivery
H. Identification of six-month strategic objectives for each of the three-year goals above
1. May 15, 2017 --
Community Services Dir.,
Develop a report on a "Shipley to Shore"
City Council Study
working with the Shipley-
Trail System from Shipley Nature Center to
to -Shore Stakeholder
Working Group
2. April 1, 2017
City Manager
Launch the Citizens' Academy.
3. June 1, 2017
Community Services Dir.,
Develop a conceptual plan for Irby Park an
in partnership with
present it to the Community Service
California State University
Commission and the City Council fo
Lonq Beach
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1. April 1, 2017
Asst. City Mgr. and the
Conduct a study session to review progress
Chief Information Officer
on the Broadband Initiative and on the use
of streetlights for wireless communication.
2. April 1, 2017
Community Services Dir.,
Identify and recommend projects within the
working with the Central
provided budget for the infrastructure
Park Committee
improvements to Central Park and present
to the City Council for action.
3. June 1, 2017
Police Chief and Public
Develop a Facilities Needs Assessment for
Works Dir.
the Police Dept.
4. June 1, 2017
Public Works Dir.
Present to the City Council for consideration
a Financial Plan to address the
infrastructure needs as identified in the
Water Master Plan.
�. ,
1. March 15, 2017
Asst. City Manager and
Present to the City Council for consideration
the Dep. Dir. Economic
an Economic Development Implementation
Plan for Business Retention, Attraction and
Ex ansion.
2. July 1, 2017
Dep. Dir. Economic
Identify and attract at least three new
Development, working
businesses to increase sales tax revenue.
with the Chief Financial
3. July 1, 2017 --
Human Resources Dir.
Develop funding plans to enhance the
As part of the FY
and Finance Dir.
funded status of the city's Workers' Comp,
2017-2018 budget
Retiree Medical, and Retiree Supplemental
4. July 15, 2017
Asst. City Manager —
Create a Business Incubator
lead, Dep. Dir. Economic
Implementation Plan that results in
Development, and
five new businesses by January 1, 2018.
Councilmembers Billy
O'Connell, Patrick
Brenden and Lyn Semeta,
in coordination with
regional business
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5. July 15, 2017 Community Development Complete the draft comprehensive General
Dir. Plan Update and draft Environmental
Impact Report for distribution and public
1. May 1, 2017
Police Chief
Complete a Gun Range Feasibility Study
and present the findings and a
recommendation to the City Council for
2. May 15, 2017
Fire Chief, working with a
Complete and submit to the City Manager
and City Council for review a Fire
Standards of Cover and Staffing Report.
3. June 1, 2017
Police Chief and Public
Complete a Police Facility Needs
Works Dir.
Assessment and present the findings to the
City Manager.
4. July 15, 2017
Fire Chief
Complete and present the findings of a
Peak Load Staffing for Emergency
Transport Services Feasibility Study and
make a recommendation to the City
Manager for consideration.
1. April 1, 2017
City Clerk and Chief
Recommend to the City Manager for action a
Information Officer, with
Public Records Act (PRA) Management
input from the City
Process and identification of staff to
appropriately respond to PRA requests in a
structured format
2. June 1, 2017
Chief Information Officer
Recommend to the City Manager at least
two options to implement a smart tool or
mobile app that enhances online
accessibility for current and new services.
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3. June 1, 2017
Chief Information Officer
Present to the City Manager for action a
recommendation to automate processing of
citywide forms currently processed manually.
4. June 1, 2017
City Clerk — lead, Public
Recommend to the City Manager for action
Information Officer and
at least two options for providing visitor
Chief Information Officer
assistance at the Huntington Beach Civic
Center in either a virtual format and/or in
Councilmember O'Connell was honored to introduce Dana Bowman, HALO for Freedom Warrior
Foundation, who presented a gift to Mayor Delgleize. Accompanying Mr. Bowman was Medal of
Honor Recipient Leroy Putry.
Next steps/follow up process:
Thurs., January 26
City Clerk
Distribute the retreat record to invitees.
Within 48 hours
All recipients
Read the retreat record.
By Feb. 10, 2017
Department Heads
Share and discuss the Strategic Plan with
By Feb. 14, 2017
Public Information Officer
Place the City's Strengths and
Accomplishments on the City website.
February 14, 2017
Executive Team
Review the "Weaknesses/Challenges" and
(City Manager— lead)
"External Threats" lists for possible action
At the Feb. 21,
City Council
Present the updated Strategic Plan to the
2017 City Council
(Mayor -- lead)
Executive Team
Monitor progress on the goals and objectives
City Council
and revise objectives (add, amend and/or
City Manager
delete), as needed.
(Mayor — lead
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City Clerk
Prepare and distribute the updated Strategic
Plan Monitoring Matrix to City Council and
employees, and post on the City's website.
July 27, 2017
City Council
Strategic Planning Retreat to thoroughly
City Manager
assess progress on the Goals and Strategic
Executive Team
Objectives; develop proposed 6-month
8:00/8:30 am
objectives to present to the City Council.
3:00 pm
Summary/closing remarks:
Mayor Delgleize thanked Marilyn Snider, Facilitator with Snider and Associates, Gail Tsuboi,
Recorder, members of the City Council, City staff and the public for participating in this strategic
planning workshop.
2. COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS (Not Agendized) —None.
The meeting was adjourned to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City
Council/Public Financing Authority of Monday, February 6, 2017, at 4:00 PM in Room B-8, Civic
Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach
City Clerk