HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-15Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, May 15, 2017
4:00 PM - Council Chambers
6:00 PM - Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6A0 PM portion of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Present: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson (arrived at 4:40 pm)
Absent: None
(Received After Agenda Distribution) — None
(3 Minute Time Limit) — None
City Manager Fred Wilson introduced the two Study Session items and stated that Agenda Item No. 2
would be presented first. Documentation of the items will appear in their original agendized order.
1. Commercial Organics Review — A representative from Rainbow Disposal presented
information on the City's proposed approach to meet the state mandated commercial
organic recycling program.
Mr. Jeff Snow, Rainbow Disposal, was called to speak and shared major legislative changes from the
state of California related to getting organics out of the landfills through a PowerPoint presentation
entitled California Legislative Actions with slides entitled Third Largest Country— Food Waste, AB 1826
Legislation Definition, AB 1826 Program Key Dates, AB 1826 Food Waste Diversion Approach, Food
Waste Diversion through Recovery, Republic Customer Centric Service (2 slides), Positive Community
Impact, Turning food waste into fuel, AB 1826 Legislation (2 slides), Commercial Sector Wide, AB 1826
Compliance Rate (Food Waste Generators), Rate Comparisons — Surrounding Cities, and Summary AB
1826 Compliance.
2. Refuse Rate Study — The Public Works Department presented a report on the proposed
commercial and residential refuse rate adjustments.
Senior Administrative Analyst Debra Jubinsky provided a PowerPoint presentation entitled Residential
and Commercial Trash Collection Rates, that included the following titled slides: Solid Waste Franchise,
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Solid Waste Franchise Formula, Commercial vs. Residential, Commercial Rates, Commercial Recyclable
Collection Mandatory Commercial Recycling (MCR), Commercial Organics Recycling Mandatory
Organics Recycling (MOR), Residential Rates, Notification to Affected Customers, Proposed Residential
Rate Change, Refuse Fund History, Refuse Fund Health, Residential Rate Change - Rainbow, and
In response to an inquiry presented by Mayor Delgleize, City Manager Wilson explained that a proposed
rate adjustment proposed to the City Council in 2011 was not implemented due to concerns or
misunderstandings about the components used for determining the rate.
A motion was made by O'Connell, second Posey to recess to Closed Session for Items 3 — 6. With no
objections, the motion carried.
Mayor Delgleize Announced: Pursuant to Government Code § 54957.6, the City Council takes this
opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated labor negotiator, City Manager Fred Wilson, who
will be participating in today's Closed Session discussions regarding labor negotiations with: Huntington
Beach Firefighters' Association (HBFA), Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association (POA), and/or
Surf City Lifeguard Employees' Association (SCLEA).
Mayor Delgleize Announced: Pursuant to Government Code §54956.8, the City Council takes this
opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated property negotiator, City Manager Fred Wilson,
who will be participating in today's Closed Session discussions regarding negotiations with Pete Shaver
concerning price and terms of payment for the disposition of real property located on a portion of
Chrysler Dr.; South of APN 142-173-01, 16555 Beach Blvd owned by Piland Properties LLC; and North
of APN 142-462-09, 16701 Beach Blvd. owned by Piland Properties LLC.
3. Pursuant to Government Code § 54957.6, the City Council recessed into Closed Session to
meet with its designated labor negotiators and Fred Wilson, City Manager regarding the
following: Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association (HBFA), Huntington Beach Police
Officers' Association (POA), and/or Surf City Lifeguard Employees' Association (SCLEA).
4. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.8, the City Council recessed to Closed Session to
give instructions to the City's Negotiator, Fred Wilson, City Manager, regarding
negotiations with Pete Shaver concerning price and terms of payment for the disposition
of real property located on a portion of Chrysler Dr.; South of APN 142-173-01, 16555
Beach Blvd owned by Piland Properties LLC; and North of APN 142-462-09,16701 Beach
Blvd. owned by Piland Properties LLC.
5. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: William
Thompson vs. City of Huntington Beach, WCAB Case No. ADJ8128289; Claim No. COHB-
6. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Kenneth Small
vs. City of Huntington Beach, WCAB Case Nos. ADJ8491572 & Unassigned; Claim Nos.
COHB-10-0124 & COHB-16-0203.
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Present: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
Absent: None
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Councilmember Peterson
INVOCATION — Led by Sherry Peterson, Stake Director of Public Affairs, Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints and member of the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation.
Mayor Delgleize called on Victoria Alberty who presented the Adoptable Pet of the Month. Further
details on Jelly Belly, a 4 1/2 month old puppy, can be found at Top Dog Barkery, Pacific City, or at
Mayor Delgleize proclaimed National Public Works Week May 21 through 27 and presented a
proclamation to Public Works Director Travis Hopkins.
Mayor Delgleize presented commendations to the Huntington Beach High School art students for
their participation in the Municipal Pier Utility Box Competition and for their contribution to
Public Art in Huntington Beach. Students recognized included Madison Germano, Olivia Brim,
Nichelle Scura, Kayla Bourdeau Rubio, Jillian Gotz, Hannah Silva, Sophia Omar, Sydney Graves,
Kayluin Laghaei, and Malia Merrill, led by teachers Garrett Stryker, Matthew Harward and Sara Brim.
Mayor Delgleize called on members of the Assistance League of Huntington Beach (ALHB) to
present the organization's National School Bell award to City videographer Matt Liffreing. Matt
was acknowledged for videos documenting the ALHB programs, fundraising, and community events.
These videos are key to telling the ALHB story and role in the community through broadcasts on
Huntington Beach's local television station, Surf City Highlights.
Mayor Delgleize called on the Chair of the Huntington Beach Human Relations Task Force, Linda
MacDonell, who presented the first annual Community Diversity Leadership Student Award to
Linda Tang, Linda was acknowledged as President of the Huntington Beach High School Bridges
Program that focuses on a safe and inclusive environment for all students. She has also participated in
What If Week, No Name Calling Week, Red Ribbon Week, .8'" Grade Parent Night, Social Justice Week
evening event, Huntington Beach Day of Dialogue as well as Master of Ceremonies for the Walk In My
Shoes Conference. She is an Academy of Performing Arts Council participant, was Stage Manager for
Jekyll and Hyde, was an Orange County Human Relations Representative for LBGT Issues, a Student
Representative for Homeless Awareness, and is a Girl Scout.
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Mayor Delgleize called on Chief Information Officer Behzad Zamanian to present the Mayor's
Award to Info Systems Analyst IV, Tung Kao. CIO Zamanian described Tung's 20 years of service
with the City, and how he is responsible for managing the development, maintenance and user support
for emergency IT operations in the Police Department. In addition, Tung manages Information Services
after hours support for public safety systems, and also represents the department with other agencies,
including the Department of Justice and the Orange County Sheriff's Department. Director Zamanian
concluded by describing Tung as a unique asset to the City, and presented him with the Mayor's Award.
Mayor Delgleize proclaimed National Beach Safety Week May 22 through 29 and presented a
proclamation to Fire Chief David Segura.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications that were received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet:
For City Manager's Report Item No. 1, two (2) communications — a PowerPoint communication
submitted by Travis Hopkins, Director of Public Works, entitled City of Huntington Beach Public Works
Department - Programs and How to Connect With Us; and, a PowerPoint communication submitted by
Jim Slobojan, Fiscal Services Manager in the Finance Department, entitled Utility Billing System Update.
For Councilmember Items No. 7, two (2) communications — communication submitted by Steve Daniel,
President, Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District (HBDBID); and an email
communication submitted by Matt Peterson, Managing Partners, Legends, Surf City.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit) — 21 Speakers
The number jhh:mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/government/agendas.
Don MacAllister was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of
Honor, Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. (01:17:53)
Kirk Nason was called to speak and requested that Council provide an update on the Poseidon
Desalination Project, and then discussed other points of interest that may affect the proposed project in
Huntington Beach. Mayor Delgleize asked Mr. Nason to fill out a blue card for follow-up. (01:18:49)
Don Ramsey was called to speak and notified Council of an event that will occur on Saturday, May 20 on
the north side of the pier in support of Agenda Item No. 5 - Surfing Circle of Honor, Celebrating Surfing in
the Summer Games. (01:21:46)
Dan Kalmick was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 7, Downtown Maintenance
and Repairs. (01:23:40)
Amory Hanson was called to speak, made historical reference to a speech made by Daniel Webster in
1850, and spoke in support of Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of Honor, Celebrating Surfing in the
Summer Games, and Agenda Item No. 7, Downtown Maintenance and Repairs. (01:24:38)
Bud Llamas was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of Honor,
Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. (01:26:28)
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Ralph Bauer was called to speak and discussed possibilities to support homelessness in Orange County.
Kathy Carrick was called to speak, and after recognizing that conditions of downtown Huntington Beach
need attention, she asked Council to recognize other areas in the City that require maintenance and
mitigation of hazardous conditions. (01:31:26)
Jericho Poppler was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of
Honor, Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. (01:35:18)
Diana Dehm was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of Honor,
Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. (01:37:18)
John Salanoa was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of
Honor, Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. (01:40:44)
Rockin Fig was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of Honor,
Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. (01:43:48)
Duke Aipa was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of Honor,
Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. (01:46:31)
Celeste Hamil, Allied Arts Board, was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5 -
Surfing Circle of Honor, Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. She also encouraged attendance to
several upcoming exhibitions at the Huntington Beach Art Center, and the Huntington Beach Symphony
Orchestra Family Summer Concert at Goldenwest College. Ms. Hamil congratulated Councilmember
Semeta for winning the Open Show Art League event on May 7th in Mixed Media. (01:48:00)
Jay Hudson was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 5, Surfing Circle of Honor,
Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games. He also expressed concerns about homelessness in
Huntington Beach and the County of Orange. He discussed temporary housing proposed by O. C.
Supervisor Shawn Nelson on County -owned land in Huntington Beach at Gothard and Talbert, adjacent
to Talbert Park. Mr. Hudson asked if the Council or City Attorney Gates can stop consideration of
temporary housing for the homeless within the City. Mayor Delgleize asked Mr. Hudson to fill out a blue
follow-up card. (01:50:33)
Marty Wexler, President, Board of Directors for Seaside Village, was called to speak and thanked
Councilmember Brenden and Bob Stachelski, Public Works Transportation Manager, for a recent town
hall meeting regarding the widening of Atlanta Avenue. (01:53:20)
Bob Bolen was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 7, Downtown Maintenance
and Repairs. He also expressed his opinion that it takes a coalition of the Downtown Business
Improvement District, the City of Huntington Beach, and the downtown business owners all working
together to adequately maintain the area. (01:55:58)
Kori Strobl, HB Yoga Collective, was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 7,
Downtown Maintenance and Repairs. Ms. Strobl stated that HB Yoga Collective is already picking up
trash on a regular basis, and supported Mr. Bolen's comment about a coalition working together to
adequately maintain the area. (01:59:18)
Ann Palmer was called to speak and asked that Council allow more opportunity for local residents to
provide input on important projects such as low income housing, homeless facilities, desalination plants,
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etc., before decisions are made. She provided a presentation slide showing a list of Orange County
cities, and stated her opinion that Huntington Beach is tired of the State and County planning projects.
Mayor Delgleize asked Ms. Palmer to fill out a blue follow-up card. (02:01:28)
Susie Smith was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 7, Downtown Maintenance
and Repairs. (02:04:44)
Kim Kramer was called to speak and expressed support for Agenda Item No. 7, Downtown Maintenance
and Repairs. (02:06:10)
Councilmember Brenden reported attending a League of California Cities Pension Reform Workshop, a
Downtown Business Improvement District (DBID) Board meeting, and the Association of California Cities
- Orange County (ACC-OC) 6th Annual Golden Hub of Innovation Awards where Chris Cole, Community
Services Recreation Supervisor, was recognized as Staff Leader of the Year in Orange County. He also
reported meeting with members of the Police Officers' Association.
Councilmember O'Connell reported attending a Commission to End Homelessness meeting, a League of
California Cities Pension Reform Workshop, the Annual O. C. Tourism Conference, the Orange County
Forum 2017 Annual Orange County Community Indicators Report, and the ACC-OC 6th Annual Golden
Hub of Innovation Awards.
Mayor Delgleize reported attending the American Red Cross Orange County Heroes Luncheon, League
of California Cities Pension Reform Workshop, and the Orange County Forum 2017 Annual Orange
County Community Indicators Report.
1. Presentation by the Public Works Department on how residents can receive Public Works
services and information on construction; Utility Billing System Update presented by the
Finance Department; and, announcement of Main Street closure downtown for street
City Manager Fred Wilson introduced Travis Hopkins, Director of Public Works, who made a PowerPoint
presentation entitled City of Huntington Beach Public Works Department Programs and How to Connect
With Us, with slides entitled Popular Public Works Services and Information for Residents all found on
our Web Page, How to Report an Issue (2 pages), Construction Projects, Interactive Map, Maintenance
Operations, Street Light Information, and Huntington Beach Public Works Open House.
City Manager Fred Wilson introduced Jim Slobojan, Fiscal Services Manager in the Finance Department,
who gave a PowerPoint presentation entitled Utility Billing System Update, with slides entitled New Billing
System, Changes, Due Diligence, Implementation Challenges, Notifications to Customers, and
City Manager Fred Wilson announced the closure of Main Street downtown for street resurfacing
beginning late evening following Surf City Nights on Tuesday, May 16, and reopening on Thursday, May
18. There will be free parking in the Main Promenade Parking Structure.
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2. Approved and adopted minutes
A motion was made by Peterson, second O'Connell to review and adopt the City Council/Public
Financing Authority regular meeting minutes dated April 17, 2017, and the City Council/Public Financing
Authority regular meeting minutes dated May 1, 2017, as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
3. Received and filed City of Huntington Beach Strategic Plan Updates
A motion was made by Peterson, second O'Connell to receive and file the Six -Month Strategic
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
4. Adopted Resolution 2017-15 declaring the end of the Level 1 water shortage and returning
to permanent water conservation requirements
A motion was made by Peterson, second O'Connell to adopt Resolution 2017-15, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Declaring the End of the Level 1 Water Shortage."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden and Peterson
NOES: None
Councilmember O'Connell recused himself from Items 5 and 7 because of his financial interest in
Legends, a downtown business, and left the dais.
5. Item submitted by Mayor Delgleize approved as amended — Request to contribute to the
Surfing Circle of Honor, Celebrating Surfing in the Summer Games
Mayor Delgleize introduced this item by providing some details on the efforts of Diana Dehm and other
local surfers to invest in Surf City legends, an opportunity to become Surf City Village for the Summer
Games, as well as an attempt to break the Guinness Book for World Records for the "World's Largest
Paddle Out".
Mayor Pro Tern Posey expressed that for him there is a fine line between government and private
enterprise; however, the contribution requested is a very finite part of the budget. He provided support
for the item, citing that the Largest Paddle Out will be a kick-off event for the 4th of July celebration, and
other summer events that will attract many tourists.
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Councilmember Brenden and Mayor Delgleize discussed the previous contribution to the Big Board
event. Councilmember Brenden asked Diana Dehm to define a "Grom" for the benefit of the public. Ms.
Dehm explained that a Grom is any surfer whose age is between Kindergarten and Eighth Grade. Ms.
Dehm further stated there will be 10 to 66 year -old surfers involved in the Largest Paddle Out.
Councilmember Brenden expressed his support for this item just based on the fact that it involves surfing
legends as well as beginners, and for the media exposure that Surf City will receive.
Councilmember Semeta shared that the community support for this item is contagious and she is in full
support of attempting not only the Largest Paddle Out, but also to have the Summer Games Surf City in
Huntington Beach.
Councilmember Hardy expressed her struggle between government and private enterprise, but also
realizes that the City will have to show strong support and investment in surfing to enhance the quest to
become Surf City for the Summer Games, and therefore she also supports this item.
A motion was made by Delgleize, second Brenden to if Council support is received, have the City
Manager and City Attorney draft an agreement to contribute $10,000 to the Huntington Beach
International Surfing Museum for its "Surfing Circle of Honor - Celebrating Surfing In the Summer
Games" in an attempt to break the Guinness Book for World Records for "World's Largest Paddle Out"
and to demonstrate Huntington Beach support as the Surfing Village of the Summer Games.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
RECUSED: O'Connell
6. Item submitted by Councilmembers Semeta and Peterson approved as amended --
Review of Republic Services Contract for Waste Management Services
Councilmember Semeta stated that the same vendor has been used for about the last fifty (50) years
and it has been about ten (10) years since the contract has been reviewed. Republic has indicated
support for updating the contract. The laws are changing regarding how refuse is handled; the automatic
renewal feature should be reviewed, as well as looking at whether the City is receiving adequate
compensation for the wear and tear on the streets.
Councilmember Peterson stated his belief that regular contract competition could be beneficial to the
City's residents, and even if there is a long-term contract negotiated, it should not renew automatically.
Mayor Pro Tem Posey asked for clarification, as this item is listed as a review of the Republic Services
Contract, but the call for action is to work with the City Attorney to begin negotiations. Councilmember
Semeta confirmed that this Item is a call to form an ad hoc committee which both she and
Councilmember Peterson are interested in serving on, and to begin negotiations. Mayor Pro Tern Posey
stated that the Charter precludes the City Council from being the negotiating arm in contracts, and in his
opinion the Council is -free to investigate, review and participate in the process without an Agenda Item.
For these reasons, he spoke in opposition of the item as presented.
Councilmember Peterson explained that while final negotiations will be with the City Manager, the item
has been brought forward because staff resources will be required for the process. He also expressed
support to begin work now to review the contract details and determine the issues that need to be
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addressed in preparation for providing details to Council so that recommendations can be defined and
approved through normal contract procedures.
Mayor Delgleize expressed appreciation to CounciImembers Semeta and Peterson for bringing this item
forward. She also expressed concern about utilizing the proper process and recommended forming an
ad hoc committee with three CounciImembers.
Councilmember Semeta and City Attorney Gates discussed that an ad hoc committee is very informal
and there is nothing in this item that should keep it from moving forward. Discussion ensued on timeline
review, actual negotiations taking place in a closed session, and final determination being made in an
open session.
CounciImembers Semeta and Peterson expressed being open to a modified motion.
Councilmember Brenden expressed his support for reviewing the Republic Services Contract, especially
in light of the fact that Fountain Valley has recently negotiated a fixed -term contract with Republic. He
supports using an ad hoc committee as part of the process that includes a Study Session report.
Councilmember Peterson re -iterated that this item as presented was never intended to side-step any part
of the negotiation process or exclude anyone, rather, it was intended to get Council approval for the staff
time that will be required to review past reports and gather information to report back to the Council.
Mayor Delgleize, Mayor Pro Tern Posey, CounciImembers Hardy and O'Connell all expressed support
for the item If the term "negotiation" is changed to "review".
A motion was made by Semeta, second Peterson to form an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of
CounciImembers Peterson, Semeta and Posey to review the City's contract with Republic
Services for Waste Management, and work with the City Manager and City Attorney's offices to
compile a report for presentation to the City Council within 60 days.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
7. Item submitted by Councilmember Brenden and Mayor Pro Tom Posey approved as
amended — Downtown Maintenance and Repairs
Councilmember Brenden introduced this item, explaining that Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway
(PCH) are considered the "front door" to the City, and stressed the importance of the area representing
the City's esthetic standards. After presenting photographs that depict problem areas, he discussed how
downtown visitors create wear and tear at an accelerated pace and stated support for a collaborative
approach between the City and area property and business owners to ensure continued and proper
maintenance and repair.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated he has completed many walking tours of the area with both Kim Kramer
and Bob Bolen which made him truly aware of conditions. The downtown area is the gateway to the City
for many people, and this is Phase 1 for improving conditions throughout the City.
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Councilmember Peterson asked why the Downtown Business Improvement District and Visit Huntington
Beach are not asked to get involved in the process of identifying areas of concern, or to commit financial
resources to the effort. He also stated that most City parks exhibit the same conditions as shown in the
pictures, and in his opinion, these conditions are not unique to the downtown.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated that if this process had started maybe six months ago, Councilmember
Peterson's suggested process would be more appropriate. However, in his opinion, because the
summer season of events and increased tourism is nearly here, the City needs to step up and take a
position of leadership now, especially after the resurfacing of Main Street and curb painting. He
concurred that parks also need attention, but pointed out that they have their own funding. He stated
that clean, safe and sanitary experiences in the downtown area this summer for visitors attending events
such as the Great Paddle Out, July 4th festivities and U. S. Open will help ensure that they return again
and again and stay as long as possible.
Councilmember Hardy expressed concern about the lack of costs associated with this item, and
suggested that Code Enforcement and Public Works staff be directed to provide action items with the
cost. In her opinion, there is an urgent need that should be addressed now.
City Manager Fred Wilson explained tasks already included in the current maintenance agreement
between the City and BID that is scheduled to expire in October of 2017. He added that there has been
ongoing discussion about bathrooms, and about involving Code Enforcement.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey his opinion that if the City can step in and take care of some of the very obvious
"low hanging" conditions, that this would encourage property and business owners and the BID to follow
suit. He also didn't see a need to involve Code Enforcement at this stage.
Councilmember Semeta stated she is in support of the comments made by fellow Council members, and
suggests that the list of action items and costs include the responsible party.
Mayor Pro Tern stated that the intention is to have Public Works do an inspection, create a list in
descending order of importance with cost, and who is responsible, so that the downtown will shine again.
Councilmember Brenden supports providing a maintenance list with costs and responsibility. He also
voiced his opinion that the BID is not comprised of "public works" professionals, and he has concerns
about expanding the BID's responsibilities to include "public works" functions. He further stated that the
spirit of this effort is for the City to show leadership and encourage collaboration in maintaining the
downtown area.
Councilmember Peterson stated that in order to support this item he needs to see costs before
commencement of work. Councilmember Brenden stated that once the list is compiled, the work will
commence because those responsible will clearly see the issues that need to be addressed. He further
explained that this item is not to approve additional funding, but to ensure those responsible are fully
aware of the existing issues.
Councilmember Hardy stated that she believes Public Works is aware of the issues, but they might need
assistance in determining priorities. She also suggested that Part B, after the first sentence, of the
Recommended Action is not necessary.
A motion was made by Brenden, second Posey to direct the City Manager to work with City Departments
and the Downtown BID to compile a list of repair and maintenance issues related to public areas within
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30 days. The list oflaction items in descending order of importance and dollar amount shall
include graffiti and sticker removal, steam -cleaning of sidewalks and gutters, general repairs,
maintenance, and any other sub -standard conditions, and assignment of action. City Manager to provide
a report to City Council at the June 19 City Council meeting with a status report covering each issue
identified.' The area to be included is bounded by VS Street, 61h Street, PCH, and Pecan Avenue. Also
included would be the Municipal Pier, Pierside Pavilion, and the Beach Boardwalk (i.e., service road).
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None '
RECUSED: O'Connell
Mayor Pro Tenn Posey recommends checking out the big face lift at 5th and PCH, specifically the new
menu and remodel "OrSimmzy's .Pub,
Councilmember O'Connell reported attending the Every 15 Minutes event that shows high school
student's the tragic results of driving under the influence, the Golden West College Groundbreaking
Ceremony for the new Math -Science Building and STEM Center, the Therapeutic Riding Center of
Huntington Beach - 9th Annual Derby Day Fundraiser, and the Taste of Huntington Beach and Kiwanis
Golf Tournament.
Councilmember Hardy thanked Councilmembers O'Connell and Brenden, and Mayor Delgleize for
attending the Weight Room Ribbon Cutting at Marina High School. She also announced a STEAM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) Fair at Ocean View High School, June 3rd that is
primarily aimed at K-12 students but is open to the community.
Councilmember Brenden reported attending a Vector Control meeting, the Seaside Village HOA meeting,
visited Matt Johnson at Common Ground which offers great after school recreational activities for Oak
View children, the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council 2017 Prayer Breakfast, the Golden West
College Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new Math -Science Building and STEM Center,. the Recup
and Theriault House Tour at the Recuperative Care Site in Midway City, a tour of the Seal Beach Naval
Weapons Station, the Scholarship and Awards Ceremony at Golden West College, the Orange County
Visitor Association's 9th Annual OC Tourism Conference, toured the construction activity at the Rainbow
Disposal site, the Marina High School Weight Room Ribbon Cutting, and the Block Party at the Beach.
He also announced the Memorial Day service at the Pier, and requested that this meeting be adjourned
in honor and remembrance of all fallen soldiers.
Councilmember Semeta congratulated Chris Cole, Specific Events Supervisor, for receiving the
Association of California Cities - Orange County (ACC-OC) "City Staffer of the Year" award, and reported
attending the 5th and PCH Ribbon Cutting.
Mayor Delgleize thanked -the Boeing Company for their Rocket Launch Day, and congratulated
Councilmember Semeta for her recent art award.
ADJOURNMENT — at 8:58 PM in honor and remembrance of fallen soldiers, to the next regularly
scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority on Monday, June 5,
2017, at 4:00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City Clerk -Secretary
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za4ou '&hwdJttzd
City Cler and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach
and Secretary of the Public Financing Authority
of the City of Huntington Beach, California
Mayor -Chair,..