HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-08-21Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
Special Meeting of the Housing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, August 21, 2017
4:00 PM - Council Chambers
6:00 PM - Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Present: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
Absent: None
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications that were received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet:
Study Session No. 1
PowerPoint communication submitted by Chief Financial Officer Lori Ann Farrell Harrison, entitled Fiscal
Year 2017118 Proposed Budget, "Taking Care of Business."
Email communication regarding the City Budget received from Richardson Gray.
Study Session No. 2
PowerPoint communication submitted by the Community Development Department entitled General Plan
(3 Minute Time Limit) —1 Speaker
The number jhh:mm:ssj following the speakers` comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at hftpJ/www.surfcity-hb.org/govemment/agendas.
Dave Sullivan was called to speak and stated his support for Study Session Item 1, specifically Costs for
Central Library Sunday Hours, and encouraged Councilmembers to set priorities so Sunday hours
become a reality as soon as possible. (00:01:43)
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1. FY 2017/18 Proposed Budget Presentation including Discussion of Costs for Central
Library Sunday Hours and Wayfinding, Downtown Parking Structure Wayfinding, and
Council Chamber" Upgrade
City Manager Wilson introduced Finance Budget Manager Carol Molina -Espinoza who presented a
PowerPoint communication entitled Fiscal Year 2017118 Proposed Budget, 'Taking Care of Business'
with slides entitled: Overview, Taking Care of Business, FY 2017118 Proposed Budget, FY 2017118
General Fund Highlights, FY 2017118 General Fund Overview, Public Safety, Public Safety - Police,
Public Safety - Fire, Quality of Life, Economic and Financial Sustainability, Fee Modifications, Ca1PERS
Discount Rate Change, Capital Improvement Program, Capital Improvement Program (All Funds),
Downtown Parking Structure Wayfinding Plan, Downtown Parking Structure Wayfinding Project, Council
Chamber Audio/Video Technology Upgrade, Project Overview, Audio/Video Technology Challenges, City
Council Chamber Audio/Video Technology Upgrade, Library Sunday Hours Options, History of Sunday _
Hours, Existing Operating Hours, Scenario #1- Add 4 Hours on Sunday, Scenario #2 - Shifting Hours,
Scenario #3 - Reduce Hours (5 Hour Overall Reduction), Options for Council Consideration, Library
Directional Signage and Wayfinding Project, Overview, Central Library, Directional Signage Phases,
Central Library, Children's Program, FY 2017118 Proposed Budget Calendar, and FY 2017118 Proposed
Councilmember Hardy and Chief Information Officer (CIO) Behzad Zamanian discussed which parts of
the projects are just cosmetic vs. what is required to stay up-to-date technologically. CIO Zamanian
clarified that the dollar amounts shown represent the highest possible cost and that vendors have not yet
been selected.
Councilmember Semeta enquired regarding Public Cable Television Authority (PCTA) reimbursement for
a portion of this project. CIO Zamanian described the Council Chamber audio system as very old which
creates both operational and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance issues, and stated PCTA
may cover up to $30,000 in costs.
Councilmember Peterson questioned pricing on portions of the project which seem very high to him. He
requested more options be presented on the project, and suggested that "wants" vs. "needs" should be
clarified. City Manager Wilson stated that staff would review the Councilmember comments and come
back with options which the Council could pick and choose from in order to save some money while
complying with ADA regulations.
Mayor Delgleize suggested that the PCTA Liaison inquire about reimbursement possibilities. She also
voiced her support for the project.
Director of Library Services, Stephanie Beverage, presented the Library's portion of the Budget
PowerPoint communication regarding Sunday hours and offered three possible scenarios for Council to
Mayor Delgleize and Director Beverage discussed the Library is usually always busy regardless if it is 9
a.m. or 9 p.m. Director Beverage stated it is a real challenge to provide adequate services with reduced
Mayor Pro Tern Posey expressed his opinion on the importance of libraries even in the internet age, and
discussed with Director Beverage the status of Mariner's Church and the financial effect of them vacating
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use of the facility. Director Beverage further stated that it would take a bit of time to ramp up to offering
Sunday hours, and negotiations are in process with another church for using the Central Library on
Councilmember Hardy stated she does not support reducing library hours any other day of the week to
provide for Sunday hours.
Councilmember Semeta asked if staggered operating hours could be considered and Director Beverage
stated that this could potentially be a disservice for various reasons.
Councilmember Peterson and Director Beverage discussed that currently all library branches are working
with reduced resources, so it would not be feasible to consider shifting resources from one to another in
order to add Sunday hours at Central Library with no other changes.
Councilmember O'Connell and Director Beverage discussed the Mariner's contract which is expected to
terminate at the end of September. Councilmember O'Connell expressed his willingness to hold off on
spending for Council Chamber upgrades and using the funds for offering Sunday hours at Central
Library, stating his preference for Option 1 or 2.
City Manager Wilson explained that there is another funding source for one-time Council Chamber
upgrades in the Equipment Replacement Budget which currently has about $100,000 set aside for
unforeseen equipment breakdowns.
Councilmember Brenden concurred with other Councilmember opinions to support Sunday hours, and
recognized that the Council Chamber project is a one-time expense whereas expanding Central Library
hours is an ongoing expense. He and Director Beverage discussed possible income from Sunday
theater performances. Director Beverage stated there are currently two performing organizations that
are in discussions with the City.
City Manager Wilson stated that the Council will have options to act upon at the Budget workshop.
Director Beverage presented PowerPoint slides on Central Library Wayfinding options, and stated that
these options are built on top of the other technology changes that have been implemented to provide an
efficient and fast customer experience.
Councilmember O'Connell and City Manager Wilson discussed the timeframe for Council action on the
issue of Central Library Sunday hours.
Councilmember Peterson and Chief Financial Officer Farrell discussed that the Sports Complex bonds
are about a couple of years away from being paid off. Councilmember Peterson and Director of
Community Services Janeen Laudenback discussed the lifespan of artificial turf (10 to 15 years), and
that one of the four sports complex fields has been replaced.
2. Staff provided a status update on the General Plan Update and reported on the outcome of
the August 15, 2017, Planning Commission public hearing
City Manager Wilson introduced Planning Manager Jennifer Villasenor who presented a PowerPoint
communication entitled General Plan Update with slides entitled: General Plan Approach, Draft General
Plan, and Planning Commission Action.
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Councilmember Peterson and Manager Villasenor discussed the two (2) elements beyond the State
required seven (7) as being Coastal Zone, and Public Services and Infrastructure. She further explained
that the Councilmembers have the update that was issued in May and the Planning Commission updates
will be provided soon. Manager Villasenor suggested that any Councilmember questions or changes
should be submitted before the action meeting.
A motion was made by O'Connell, second Hardy, to recess to Closed Session for Items 3 — 6.
With no objections, the motion carried.
Mayor Delgleize Announced: Pursuant to Government Code § 54957.6, the City Council takes this
opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated labor negotiator, City Manager Fred Wilson, who
will be participating in today's Closed Session discussions regarding labor negotiations with: Huntington
Beach Police Officers' Association (POA).
• r
Session te- P-enfer with the Glity AttOFney regarding the following lawsuit; S-nny Kang V-.
City of Huntington BeachANilliiam BFewnlee, Orange County SupeFliGF Court G-al-se No-
4. Pursuant to GGVeFnment Code § 54966.9(d)(1), the Glity Council recessed into Clos
Session to confer With the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit! Robert Hale 1F.
— 6:19 PM
Present:. O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
Absent: None
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Councilmember Hardy
INVOCATION - Deacon Tom Concitis of St. Mary's by the Sea Roman Catholic Parish and member of
the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
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In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance
any faith or belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious
belief or form of invocation.
City Attorney Gates announced that Closed Session Item Nos. 3-5 were not discussed, and will be
continued to the next regular meeting of September 5, 2017.
Mayor Delgleize called on Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas who presented an
update on the Human Exploitation and Trafficking (HEAT) Unit. Orange County District Attorney
Tony Rackauckas stated that Huntington Beach is a beautiful and safe place to live, but there are human
trafficking concerns not only globally but also locally. In 2013 a Human Trafficking Unit was established
for Orange County which treats the slaves as victims and goes after the slave owners. This effort has
resulted in the prosecution of approximately 250 people. District Attorney Rackauckas introduced Senior
Deputy District Attorney Brad Shawnlaven who provided some human trafficking statistics and ways that
the issue is being addressed. D. A. Shawnlaven also reviewed what is still needed to help more victims
reclaim their lives.
Mayor Delgleize presented commendations to Eco Dogs & Cats and Salome's Cleaning Services
for their participation in the Sustainable Business Certification Program.
Mayor Delgleize called on Huntington Beach Council on Aging President Ed Pinchiff who
promoted the upcoming Senior Saturday on September 9. Huntington Beach Council on Aging
(HBCOA) is a nonprofit that supports many of the programs and activities at the Senior Center. The
September 9th event at Pier Plaza will include vendors that provide services and/or products to enhance
the lives of senior residents.
Mayor Delgleize called on Community Development Building Division Manager Mark Carnahan,
who presented the Mayor's Award to the Building Division's Principal Plumbing, Mechanical
Inspector and Plan Checker Frank Biangone. Manager Carnahan described Frank as someone who
epitomizes everything required of a successful Inspector/Plan Checker. Frank consistently goes over the
top to be supportive, knowledgeable, helpful and courteous to everyone. Frank has also trained his
colleagues in plumbing and mechanical during his 18 years with the City of Huntington Beach.
Mayor Delgleize delivered a public message to reaffirm the City's policy on human dignity.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications that were received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet:
City Manager's Report Item #1
PowerPoint communication submitted by Police Chief Handy entitled Body Worn Camera Report.
Consent Calendar
Agenda Item #16 - Email communication regarding conversion of temporary parking lot to a permanent
parking lot in Huntington Central Park received from Steve Engel.
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Administrative Items
Agenda Item #22 - Communication received from Kellee Fritzal, Deputy Director of Business
Development, submitting a response from the Downtown Business Improvement District regarding the
IDA panel recommendations.
Agenda Item #22 - PowerPoint communication dated August 21, 2017, entitled IDA Advisory Panel.
Councilmember Items
Agenda Item #24 - Communications regarding the change in the composition of the Community Services
Commission received from: Julie Bixby, Judy Gustafson, Amory Hanson, Hilarie Kelly, and Lola Aodh.
Agenda Item #25 - Communications regarding the Breitling Air Show received from: State Senator Janet
Nguyen, Assemblymember Matthew Harper, Judy Gustafson, and the Downtown Business Improvement
District Board,
Agenda Item #26 - A presentation entitled Huntington Beach Short -Term Rental Alliance.
Agenda Item #26 - Communication from Peter Whittingham, Curt Pringle and Associates.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit)
The number [hh:mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www. surfcity hb. org/govemment/agendas.
Michelle Steele, Chairwoman, Orange County Supervisors, was called to speak and stated her support
of Councilmember Item No. 25 regarding City Support for the 2017 Breitling Huntington Beach Air Show,
and thanked Mayor Pro Tern Posey and Councilmember Brenden for making this a priority. (01:52:09)
Tim Whitacre, Marine Corps Veteran and resident of Orange County, was called to speak and stated
support of Councilmember Item No. 25 regarding City Support for the 2017 Breitling Huntington Beach
Air Show. (01:53:02)
Regina Larson was called to speak and shared her first-hand experience with neighborhood drug
trafficking issues. As a long-time resident she has observed an increasing problem including residence
and car break-ins and abandoned vehicles left on the streets. Mayor Delgleize asked Ms. Larson to
complete a blue card for follow-up. (01:55:45)
Joe Carchio was called to speak and voiced his opposition to Consent Calendar Item No. 14 regarding
the Police Department Parking Lot Expansion Project, and stated his belief there can be a more positive
solution without destroying open space. (01:59:07)
Kathryn Levassiur was called to speak and stated her support of Councilmember Item No. 26 regarding a
Short -Term Rentals Community Workshop. (02:01:04)
Amory Hanson, candidate for Huntington Beach City Council in 2018, was called to -speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Item No. 24 regarding Change to Composition of the Community Services
Commission. (02:02:26)
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Joe Pedick and his wife Kathleen presented a short video on the Labour of Love Music Festival, inviting
everyone to come and enjoy their 5th Annual Festival scheduled for Saturday, September 2, from 11:00
am to 5:00 pm at Bolsa Chica State Beach. (02:05:15)
John Briscoe, Public School Trustee but speaking as a private citizen, expressed his opposition to
Councilmember Item No. 24 regarding the Change in Composition of the Community Services
Commission. (02:08:23)
Daniel A. Page, Executive Director, Aerospace Education Foundation of Huntington Beach, was called to
speak and stated support of Councilmember Item No. 25 regarding City Support for the 2017 Breitling
Huntington Beach Air Show. (02:11:51)
Dr. Michael Simons, President of the Huntington Beach Union High School District Board of Trustees,
and former member of the Community Services Commission from 1992 to 2000, was called to speak and
expressed his opposition to Councilmember Item No. 24 regarding the Change in Composition of the
Community Services Commission. (02:12:57)
Pat Byers was called to speak and shared personal experiences in support of Councilmember Item No.
26 regarding a Short -Term Rentals Community Workshop. (02:14:55)
Cheryl Johnson was called to speak and stated concerns about the eroding lake bank in West Central
Park at Lake View Drive. She expressed her opinion that the erosion will just expand and become a
more costly repair if not included in the 2017/18 Budget. (02:17:51)
James Ward was called to speak and expressed his opposition to Public Hearing Item No. 21,
Introduction of Ordinance No. 4137 regarding approving Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) No. 17-001.
Shirley Dettloff, former Mayor and one of the authors of the City Council's 1996 Declaration of Policy
about Human Dignity, was called to speak and thanked Mayor Delgleize for her comments regarding
human dignity. The Human Relations Task Force, which included students representing all of the high
schools, was formed to work with the Police Department to become a City where intolerance is
unacceptable. (02:22:24)
Ralph Bauer, former Mayor one of the authors of the City Council's 1996 Declaration of Policy About
Human Dignity, was called to speak and shared that unfortunately outsiders can come to your town and
create a situation that becomes very unpleasant. He thanked the City Council for renewing the
commitment to human dignity, and stated that Huntington Beach,is the only city in Orange County with a
Human Relations Task Force. Mr. Bauer also voiced his support of Public Hearing Item No. 21,
Introduction of Ordinance No. 4137 approving Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) No. 17-001. (02:25:29)
Kelly Miller, CEO and President, Visit Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support of
Councilmember Item No. 25 regarding City Support for the 2017 Breitling Huntington Beach Air Show.
Mario Tabernig was called to speak and acknowledged his support for City Manager's Report No. 2,
regarding Long Beach Airport Noise. Mayor Delgleize asked him to complete a blue card for follow-up.
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Jessica Robinson was called to speak and shared concerns related to property values, health, safety and
welfare affected by telecommunications equipment being installed in residential neighborhoods, and
asked the City Council to revoke Verizon's Conditional Use Permit (CUP).
Councilmember Hardy thanked Speaker Robinson for speaking up, and in response to the Verizon CUP
issue announced that the current Senate Bill 649, if passed, would remove the City's ability to address
these types of issues. She asked that individuals interested in this topic write to their State officials to
express their concerns. (02:33:10)
Craig Robinson, Physician, was called to speak and shared concerns related to property values, health,
safety and welfare affected by telecommunications equipment being installed in residential
neighborhoods, and asked the City Council to revoke Verizon's Conditional Use Permit (CUP).
Brian Gallogly, President, Quantum Automation, was called to speak and shared concerns related to
property values, health, safety and welfare affected by telecommunications equipment being installed in
residential neighborhoods, and asked the City Council to revoke Verizon's Conditional Use Permit
(CUP). (02:39:46)
Jeff McKea was called to speak and shared concerns related to property values, health, safety and
welfare affected by telecommunications equipment being installed in residential neighborhoods, and
asked the City Council to revoke Verizon's Conditional Use Permit (CUP). (02:42:05)
Alexis Reeves was called to speak and shared concerns related to property values, health, safety and
welfare affected by telecommunications equipment being installed in residential neighborhoods, and
asked the City Council to revoke Verizon's Conditional Use Permit (CUP). (02:44:27)
Robert Corona was called to speak and shared concerns related to property values, health, safety and
welfare affected by telecommunications equipment being installed in residential neighborhoods, and
asked the City Council to revoke Verizon's Conditional Use Permit (CUP). (02:46:08)
Barbara Haynes, co -Founder, Huntington Beach Public Art Alliance was called to speak and provided an
update on the Dumpsters on Parade project for Saturday, October 7th. She explained that the Main
Street Art Show will run from 10 AM to 5 PM, with a Parade at 10 AM, Ceremony at 10:30 AM and Art
Show from 11 AM to 5 PM. She also thanked Police Chief Handy for his leadership in the community.
Shari Engel was called to speak and stated her support of Consent Calendar Item No. 16 regarding the
plan to convert the temporary lot at Huntington Park west into a permanent parking lot. (02:50:51)
Randy Edwards was called to speak and stated his support for the Huntington Beach Police Officers'
Association (HBPOA), and voiced concerns about the issue of increasing homelessness and crime within
the City. (02:51:20)
Jeff DeYoung, City of Huntington Beach resident and business owner, was called to speak and stated his
support for the HBPOA and voiced concerns about the issue of increasing homelessness and crime
within the City and lack of proper police officer resources. (02:53:13)
Miguel Prieto, HBPOA Member, was called to speak and stated his support for the Association.
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David Humphreys, President, HBPOA, was called to speak and stated some facts in support of the
position for the HBPOA's vote of no -confidence in Police Chief Handy. (02:56:59)
Yasha Nikitin, Vice President, HBPOA, was called to speak and stated his support for the Association.
Steve Engel, long-time resident and Central Park volunteer, was called to speak and stated his support
of Consent Calendar Item No. 16 regarding the plan to convert the temporary lot at Huntington Park west
into a permanent parking lot, and also asked for improvements at Irby Park. (03:03:10)
Bob Franck was called to speak and shared personal experiences in support of Councilmember Item No.
26 regarding a Short -Term Rentals Community Workshop. (03:04:38)
Dennis Hashin, Retired Member of the HBPOA, was called to speak and described the actual historical
numbers of working officers. He further stated that statistics show that violent crime is increasing.
Juana Mueller was called to speak and stated her support of Consent Calendar Item No. 16 regarding
the plan to convert the temporary lot at Huntington Park west into a permanent parking lot. (03:10:09)
Jean Nagy was called to speak and stated her support of Consent Calendar Item No. 16 regarding the
plan to convert the temporary lot at Huntington Park west into a permanent parking lot. (03:10:31)
Betty Reinertson was called to speak and stated her support of Consent Calendar Item No. 16 regarding
the plan to convert the temporary lot at Huntington Park west into a permanent parking lot. (03:12:11)
Adrienne Low was called to speak and stated her support of Chief Handy and City Manager's Report No.
1 regarding Body Worn Cameras. (03:12:38)
Shayna Lathus, HB Huddle Member, was called to speak and stated her support of Chief Handy, his
successful efforts in the Oak View Community, and City Manager's Report No. 1 regarding Body Worn
Cameras. (03:14:07)
Roy Miller, Commissioner, Community Services Commission, was tailed to speak and expressed his
opposition to Councilmember Item No. 24 regarding the Change in Composition of the Community
Services Commission. (03:15:05)
Pete Brunner, President, Rotary Club of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support for
Chief Handy and his community outreach. (03:17:39)
Cat Hendron, Huntington Beach Tree Society Volunteer, was called to speak and stated her support of
Consent Calendar Item No. 16 regarding the plan to convert the temporary lot at Huntington Park west
into a permanent parking lot. She also stated her opinion that there should be fewer bars in the
Downtown area, and that she supports legalized marijuana. .(03:18:55)
Mark Currie, President, Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council (GHBIC), was called to speak and
read GHBIC's statement of support regarding homelessness. Mr. Currie also stated GHBIC's interest in
continuing to work with the City in resolving homeless issues. (03:20:31)
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Victor Valladares, Oak View ComUNIDAD was called to speak and stated his support for Chief Handy,
specifically for the increased trust in police that the Chief's actions have generated within the Oak View
community. Mr. Valladares further stated that in his opinion, hiring more officers is not the only solution
to reducing crime, and he encouraged the City Council to remain fiscally conservative. (03:22:54)
Niko Portante was called to speak and stated his opposition to Public Hearing Item No. 21, Introduction
of Ordinance No. 4137 approving Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) No. 17-001. (03:26:04)
Bridget Kaub, Vice Chair, Community Services Commission, was called to speak and stated her support
of Consent Calendar Item No. 16 regarding the plan to convert the temporary lot at Huntington Park west
into a permanent parking lot. She also expressed her opposition to Councilmember Item No. 24
regarding the Change in Composition of the Community Services Commission. (03:28:26)
Connie Betz was called to speak and stated her support for City Manager's Report No. 2, regarding Long
Beach Airport Noise. (03:31:41)
Bobbi Ashurst was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Item No. 25 regarding City
Support for the 2017 Breitling Huntington Beach Air Show. Ms. Ashurst also stated her support for
legalized marijuana. (03:34:01)
Mike Elliott was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Item No. 26 regarding a Short -
Term Rentals Community Workshop. (03:37:16)
Rob Searcy, Verizon Wireless Consultant, was called to speak and stated that Verizon is listening to the
concerns shared by residents, and is considering what they hope will be an acceptable alternative. He
further explained that the home specifically affected by this project did not have its current configuration
when Verizon's project started several years ago. Mayor Delgleize thanked Mr. Searcy and Verizon for
quickly responding to the situation, and Mr. Searcy stated that Verizon wants to remain a good corporate
community citizen. (03:37:57)
Bob Bolen was called to speak and stated his opposition to Administrative Item No. 22 regarding the
International Downtown Association Panel Recommendations of June 2017. (03:40:28)
Councilmember Hardy reported meeting with the Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association
(HBPOA), and attending the Coastal Cities Issues Group meeting.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey reported attending Vector Control Board of Trustees and Finance Committee
Councilmember Brenden reported attending a Public Cable Television Authority (PCTA) Board meeting,
the Downtown BID Board meeting, and two meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee on Homelessness.
Mayor Delgleize reported attending an Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) Board meeting, and two
meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee on Homelessness.
Councilmember Semeta reported attending the PCTA Board meeting.
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Councilmember O'Connell reported speaking with members of the Huntington Beach Police Officers'
Association (HBPOA).
1, Police Department Update on Body Worn Cameras
City Manager Wilson introduced Police Chief Handy who presented a PowerPoint communication
entitled Body Worn Camera Report with slides entitled: Body Worn Camera Program, Body Worn
Camera, Police Officer BWC Survey, Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, Question 5,
Question 6, Short Answer Question, Positive Responses, Negative Responses, Technical Solutions,
Body Worn Camera Data, Arrests, Reports, Use of Force, Other Departments, O. C. District Attorney's
Office, Next Steps, and Questions?
Mayor Pro Tern Posey discussed with Chief Handy the recommendation to use body cameras during any
enforcement contact.
2. Update on community meeting regarding Long Beach airport noise issues
City Manager Wilson informed Council and the public that Congressman Rohrabacher's Office plans to
host a community meeting on Long Beach Airport Noise. Individuals interested in more details can either
email City.Council@surfcity-hb.org or phone 714-536-5202.
3. City Attorney Gates reported that City of Huntington Beach v. James Ishihara, et al. (MMD
at 8162 Talbert), Case No. 30-2017-00933769, was filed on 7/25/17.
Councilmember Hardy pulled Consent Calendar Item No. 14 for further discussion.
Councilmember O'Connell pulled Consent Calendar Item Nos. 7, 8, and 19 for further discussion.
Councilmember Peterson pulled Consent Calendar Item No. 7 for further discussion.
4. Approved Appointments and Reappointments to the Children's Needs Task Force (CNTF)
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve the appointment of student representatives
Tiffanie Lin and Dominique Sardinas to a first one-year term of September 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018;
and, approve the appointment of adult representative Cynthia Varnell to a first four-year term of
September 1, 2017, to August 31, 2021; and, accept the resignation of Tiffany Johnson and approve the
appointment of adult representative Joslin de Diego to fill the partial term of September 1, 2017, to
August 31, 2019; and, approve the reappointment of adult representative Linda Cornejo to a second
four-year term of September 1, 2017, to August 31, 2021; and, approve the reappointment of adult
representative Dona Cardona to a first four-year term of September 1, 2017, to August 31, 2021.
Cardona will be completing a partial term which fulfilled a previous vacancy through August 2017.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
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NOES: None
5. Approved four reappointments to the Library Board of Trustees with terms to expire in
June 2017; and additional terms effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020, as
recommended by City Council Liaisons O'Connell and Peterson
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve the reappointment of Dionne Cox, Betty
Croteau, Don Lewis and Ben Miles with terms to expire in June 2017; and additional terms effective July
1, 2017, through June 30, 2020.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
6. Approved the recommendation from the Community Services Commission (CSC) to name
the Beach Public Services Center (BPSC) in honor of Delbert "Bud" Higgins
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve the Community Services Commission
recommendation to name the Beach Public Services Center as "The Delbert "Bud" Higgins Beach Public
Services Center."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
7. Approved Annual Report and Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Huntington Beach Auto Dealers
Business Improvement District Budget and Adopted Resolution No. 2017-31 declaring the
City's Intention to levy an annual assessment for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 within the
Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Business Improvement District; and scheduled a Public
Hearing for September 18, 2017
Councilmember O'Connell pulled this item to state that he owns property in the area, recused himself,
and left the dais.
Councilmember Peterson pulled this item to state that as previously requested of the Downtown
Business Improvement District (DBID), the Annual Report should include detailed financials showing
income and expenses.
A motion was made by Peterson, second Posey to adopt City Council Resolution 2017-31, "A Resolution
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Declaring the City's Intention to Levy an Annual
Assessment Within the Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Association Business Improvement District for
Fiscal Year 2017-2018," including Exhibit A - Auto Dealers BID Annual Report, and Exhibit B - Auto
Dealers BID Member List; -and, direct the City Clerk to schedule a public hearing to be held on
September 18, 2017, and send copies of the Resolution of Intention and assessment formula to each
business to be assessed and publish the same in a newspaper of general circulation, as amended to
request that the Auto Dealers Association Business Improvement District provide a financial
report for inclusion in the September 18, 2017, public hearing agenda report.
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The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
RECUSED: O'Connell
8. Approved Annual Report and Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Huntington Beach Downtown
Business Improvement District Budget and Adopted Resolution No. 2017-29 declaring the
City's intention to levy an annual assessment for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 within the
Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District, and scheduled a public
hearing for September 18, 2017
Councilmember O'Connell pulled this item to state that he has a business interest in Legends and
therefore recused himself, and left the dais.
A motion was made by Hardy, second Posey to adopt Resolution No. 2017-29, "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach Declaring the City's Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment for
Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Within the Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District,"
including Exhibit A - Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District 2016-2017 Annual
Report, Exhibit B - Assessment Schedule, Boundary Map and List of Businesses to be Assessed, and
Exhibit C - Types of Improvements and Activities to be funded by the levy of assessments on businesses
within the Business Improvement Area; and, direct the City Clerk to schedule a public hearing to be held
on September 18, 2017, and send copies of the Resolution of Intention, including the BID Boundary Map
and assessment formula to each business to be assessed, and publish same in a newspaper of general
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
RECUSED: O'Connell
9. Released Guarantee & Warranty Bond for Tract 17238 and Tract 17239 (Faiirwind and
Truewind Subdivisions)
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to release Guarantee & Warranty Bond No.
PB03010401486-M (Attachment 2) and instruct the City Clerk to notify TRI Pointe Homes, Inc. (the
subdivider of Fairwind Subdivision Tract 17238) and the City Treasurer to notify Philadelphia Indemnity
Insurance Company, of this action; and, release Guarantee & Warranty Bond No. PB03010401245-M
(Attachment 3) and instruct the City Clerk to notify TRI Pointe Homes, Inc. (the subdivider of Truewind
Subdivision Tract 17239) and the City Treasurer to notify Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company, of
this action.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
10. Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract with Beador Construction
Company, Inc. in the amount of $833,700.00 for the Magnolia Street Bridge Preventive
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Maintenance, CC-1448; and, approved an appropriation of funds to the Bridge Preventive
Maintenance Program grant fund account
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by Beador Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $833,700.00; and, appropriate
$1,021,960 in grant funds to BPMP grant account 97085001.82800; and, authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
11. Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract with Beador Construction
Company, Inc. in the amount of $866,300.00 for the Brookhurst Street Bridge Preventive
Maintenance, CC-1449; and, approved an appropriation of funds to the Bridge Preventive
Maintenance Program grant fund account
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by Beador Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $866,300.00; and, appropriate
$80,000 from the Gas Tax (207) undesignated fund balance to account 20790010.82800; and,
appropriate $1,188,719 in grant funds to BPMP grant account 97085001.82800; and, authorize the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
12. Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract with MMC, Inc. iin the
amount of $4,001,361 for the Edgewater Sewer Lift Station Project, CC-1615
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to accept lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by MMC, Inc. in the amount of $4,001,361; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute
a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
13. Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract with All American Asphalt in
the amount of $2,285,562.00 for the Heil Avenue Rehabilitation and Main Street
Rehabilitation Project, CC-1540; and, approved an appropriation in the amount of $754,100
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to appropriate $754,100 from the Measure M (213)
undesignated fund balance to account no. 21390026.82300; and, accept the lowest responsive and
responsible base bid submitted by All American Asphalt in the amount of $2,285,562.00; and, authorize
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following vote:
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AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
14. Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract with Palp, Inc. DBA Excel
Paving Company in the amount of $104,357.00 for the Police Department Parking Lot
Expansion Project, CC-1556; and, approved an appropriation in the amount of $110,000
and authorize up to 15% in construction change orders
Councilmember Hardy pulled this item to voice her opposition because the project will take away from
open space, and she believes there must be a better solution to the parking need.
A motion was made by Hardy to oppose the recommended action to appropriate $110,000 from
undesignated Capital Improvement Reserve General Fund to General Fund account 10040314.82400;
and, accept lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Palp, Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company
in the amount of $104,357; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in
a form approved by the City Attorney; and, authorize the Director of Public Works to approve up to fifteen
percent (15%) in construction change orders.
The motion failed due to lack of a second.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey and Police Chief Handy discussed that the Police facility was built in the 1970s
and never had enough secured parking. Chief Handy stated that the need for secure officer parking is
acknowledged by the Police Officers' Association (POA), and especially in times when officers are
purposely being targeted, it is important to provide secure officer parking.
Mayor Delgleize and Police Chief Handy discussed details of the landscaping changes which include
taking down one large tree and planting five (5) as replacements.
A motion was made by Posey, second Peterson to appropriate $110,000 from undesignated Capital
Improvement Reserve General Fund to General Fund account 10040314.82400; and, accept lowest
responsive and responsible bid submitted by Palp, Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company in the amount of
$104,357; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved
by the City Attorney; and, authorize the Director of Public Works to approve up to fifteen percent (15%) in
construction change orders.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: Hardy
15. Approved and authorized execution of Amendment No.1 with Albert Grover & Associates
for On -Call Civil Engineering Services in the amount of $100,000 for a total contract
amount not to exceed $350,000 and extending the contract term 1 year
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute "Amendment No. 1 to Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Albert Grover &
Associates, Inc. for On -Call Civil Engineering Services." This amendment shall increase the maximum
not -to -exceed amount by $100,000 to a total of $350,000 and extend the term of the contract by one
year with a revised expiration date of July 6, 2019.
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The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
16. Approved the plan to convert the temporary lot at Huntington Central Park west, located
northeast of Golden West Street and Talbert Avenue (adjacent to Shipley Nature Center),
into a permanent parking lot
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve the plan to convert the temporary lot to a
permanent parking lot in Huntington Central Park west, located northeast of Golden West Street and
Talbert Avenue, as presented in Alternative 1 on page 2 of the July 12, 2017 CSC Minutes (Attachment
#3); and, approve an update to the Master Plan of Recreational Uses for Central Park as presented.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
17. Approved an update to the Murdy Park Master Plan to include a multi -use youth sports
field and other park improvements as presented
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve the concept plan for a multi -purpose youth
sports field and improvements at Murdy Park; and, approve an update to the Murdy Park Master Plan to
include the multi -use sports field and improvements.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
18. Approved and authorized execution of a HOME Recipient Agreement between the City and
Interval House; and, approved an appropriation of $37,000
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a one-year "HOME Recipient Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Interval
House" for Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program; and, approve an appropriation in the
amount of $37,000 from the Affordable Housing In -Lieu Fee (217); and, authorize the City Manager to
sign all necessary documents to effectuate the Agreement and any future minor amendments to contract
and/or US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) documents, with review by the City
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
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19. Approved and authorized execution of City and Housing Authority Subordination
Agreements with Jamboree Housing Corporation (JHC-Oakview LLC) and St. Joseph
Health System for 17362 Koledo (Jamboree Il)
Councilmember O'Connell stated that he has a property very close to Koledo Street and therefore
recused himself, and left the dais.
A motion was made by Hardy, second Posey to approve and authorize execution and recordation of
"Subordination Agreement" (City) by the Mayor, City Manager and City Clerk; and, approve and
authorize execution and recordation of "Subordination Agreement" (Authority Loan) by the Authority
Chairperson, Executive Officer and Clerk of the Housing Authority.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
RECUSED: O'Connell
20. Adopted Ordinance No. 4136 amending Chapter 230 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and
Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO) relating to Wireless Communication Facilities (Small Cell
Sites), Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) No. 17-003
Approved for introduction August 7, 2017, Vote: 7-0
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to adopt Ordinance No. 4136, "An Ordinance of the City
of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 230 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance
Relating to Wireless Communication Facilities Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) No. 17-003."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
21. Approved for introduction Ordinance No. 4137 approving Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA)
No. 17-001 amending Chapter 204 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision
Ordinance (HBZSO) to amend Section 204.18 Prohibited Uses, add Section 204.20
Prohibited Uses --Commercial Non -Medical Marijuana Businesses and Deliveries, and add
Section 204.22 Non -Medical Marijuana Cultivation
City Manager Wilson introduced Associate Planner of Community Development Tess Nguyen who
presented a PowerPoint communication entitled: Non -Medical Marijuana, Zoning Text Amendment No.
17-001 with slides entitled: Background (2), Request (2), PC Recommendation, Analysis, and
Mayor Pro Tern Posey and City Manager Wilson discussed whether it is possible to project potential
sales tax from sale of marijuana, and Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated that sales of $20M in recreational
marijuana would net the City approximately $200,000 in sales tax, or the equivalent of one police officer.
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Mayor Delgleize opened the Public Hearing.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communication that was received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet:
Email communications regarding Zoning Text Amendment No. 17-001 were received from Coburn,
Shepherd, Dutton, and World.
Speakers — 6
Patti Gordon was called to speak and stated her opposition to the item. She referenced statistics
published on the City's website on this issue, which in her opinion are not accurate, and compared them
to statistics in the State of Colorado where marijuana use has been made legal. Mayor Delgleize
suggested that Ms. Gordon may want to complete a blue card for follow-up. (04:23:33)
Amory Hanson, Candidate for Huntington Beach City Council in 2018, was called to speak and stated his
support of the item. (04:26:55)
Henry Carey was called to speak and shared that from a personal experience, he opposes the item. He
presented local voter statistics from Proposition 64, and stated that in his opinion the City should be
going after the true drugs that are tearing the City apart, not cannabis which is benefitting many people.
Eric Lucas, a parent of children in several local schools, was called to speak and shared that from
personal experience, he opposes the item. Mr. Lucas stated his opinion that if marijuana was regulated,
and not left in the hands of criminals, it could provide revenue for the City. (04:32:39)
Bobbi Ashurst was called to speak and shared that from personal experience, she opposes the item, and
presented some voter statistics which show that nearly 60% of Huntington Beach residents voted in
support of Proposition 64, and in her opinion it is the responsibility of City Councilmembers to properly
zone for marijuana. (04:35:09)
Brandt Stebbins was called to speak and shared that from personal experience, he opposes the item,
explaining that his interest is only in making medical marijuana available due to its health benefits. He
also requested that the City Council listen to their constituents. (04:38:24)
There being no more public speakers, Mayor Delgleize closed the Public Hearing. (04:42:45)
Councilmember Hardy stated that she is supportive of discussions on an ordinance to allow controlled
medical marijuana sales; however, that is not the topic being presented for Public Hearing Item No. 21.
Councilmember Hardy also stated that in her opinion Huntington Beach should not be one of the first
cities to allow marijuana as that doesn't really support the image of Huntington Beach as a family friendly
Councilmember Brenden and City Attorney Gates discussed that non -medical marijuana sales are
already prohibited, and this Ordinance strengthens the fact that commercial and retail sales are
prohibited. Attorney Gates affirmed that in the future any Councilmember could modify this ordinance so
long as it complies with Proposition 64.
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Councilmember Peterson voiced his support of the comments made by Councilmember Hardy, and
stated that if any dispensaries are allowed in the future there will be a zoning change process.
Mayor Delgleize stated her support of the comments made by Councilmember Hardy and added that she
believes that medical marijuana will be an option sometime in the future but in her opinion the City of
Huntington Beach does need to take some time and learn from the cities who choose to be first.
Councilmember Semeta thanked those of the public who shared this evening from their personal medical
experience, and stated she believes that medical marijuana will be a topic under consideration in the
A motion was made by O'Connell, second Hardy to find the proposed project exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 4501, Class 20, which
supplements the California Environmental Quality Act; and, approve Zoning Text Amendment No. 17-001
with findings for approval (Attachment No. 1) and, after the City Clerk reads by title, approve for
introduction, Ordinance No. 4137 "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Title 20 of
the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance by Amending Section 204.18 and Adding Section 204.20 and
Section 204.22 to the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to Prohibit
Commercial/Recreational Sales and Deliveries of Non -Medical Marijuana as well as Adopt Regulations
Regarding Non -Medical Marijuana Cultivation."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, Brenden, and Peterson
NOES: None
22. Reviewed and discussed the International Downtown Association (IDA) Panel
Recommendations June 2017 regarding the Downtown Business Improvement District
(DTBID) — DTBID to provide update in 6 months
Councilmember O'Connell stated that since he has a business interest in Legends, Downtown, he will
recuse himself for Items 22 and 23, and left the dais.
City Manager Wilson introduced Kathleen Rawson, Chief Executive Officer of Downtown Santa Monica,
Inc. and Board Member and Treasurer, International Downtown Association, who presented a
PowerPoint communication entitled: IDA Advisory Panel with slides entitled: Agenda, What we Heard,
Situational, Areas for Improvement, Turn Around Strategy. Immediate Recommendations 0-60 Days,
Turn Around Strategy., Short-term Recommendations 30-120 Days, New Activities in Parallel Task Force
Recommendations 30-270 Days, Qualifications of an Interim CEO, and Commit to Something.
Mayor Delgleize invited DTBID Member Bob Bolen to the podium for comments.
Mr. Bolen voiced concerns about the IDA only being asked to review the BID, not a Property Owner BID.
He stated opposition to the item because he believes it will include a Property Owner BID without being
property presented and discussed with the property owners. He concluded his comments by stating as a
minor property owner, he is opposed to another government bureaucracy, or tax, on his building.
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Councilmember Hardy recommended that the Recommended Action language include the term consider
before the term implement.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated his agreement with Councilmember Hardy.
Councilmember Peterson stated that in his opinion, as a DTBID Council Liaison, there are some good
suggestions in the report that need to be reviewed by the Downtown BID Board, and they should be
tasked with reviewing this information and reporting back to Council.
Councilmember Semeta confirmed that she supports Councilmember Peterson's comments. She also
discussed with Ms. Rawson the considerations for a Property Owner BID which can allow for more
amenities and services than the City can provide, and is a process that is discussed peer -to -peer by the
property owners (which may include the City) but not dictated by the City.
Councilmembers Hardy and Peterson discussed that the Recommended Action should include a follow-
up deadline.
When asked, Suzie Smith, Downtown Business Improvement District Board Member, stated that since
five (5) new Board Members will be elected in October, it would be preferable to have six months for the
new Board to review and digest this report before returning to Council.
A motion was made by Peterson, second Hardy to establish a Downtown BID Review
Report ReGemmendations; and, suppeFt the appointment of an interim CEO with speGifiG dewnte
management experienGe to help implement the rnnnmmnni-L-.+i.,n as amended, direct the Downtown
BID to return to Council in 6 months with an update on 1DA Panel Report Recommendations.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, and Peterson
NOES: None
RECUSED: O'Connell
ABSENT: Brenden
23. Downtown Maintenance and Public Improvements Report — Status Update Postponed for
90 Days
City Manager Wilson introduced this item as a continuance to return to Council in 90 days after some
concerns have been addressed.
A motion was made by Hardy, second Posey to have staff return to Council in 90 days with a status
update of maintenance enhancements, unbudgeted needs, and various identified projects.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, and Peterson
NOES: None
RECUSED: O'Connell
ABSENT: Brenden
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24. Approved item Submitted by Mayor Pro Tem Posey and Councilmember Peterson —
Change Composition of the Community Services Commission
Councilmember Peterson introduced this item by stating that the intent is to streamline this Commission
in line with the other Commissions, and having the School District Liaisons serve on sub -committees and
involved in the Commission's recommendations. Council approval would not be needed for the District
Liaison appointments.
Mayor Pro Tem Posey spoke in support of Councilmember Peterson's comments.
Councilmember Hardy stated her opinion that this Commission is different from other Commissions in
that there is a lot of shared property with the School Districts, and she believes that the School Districts
should be involved in the process of making changes to the Commission.
Councilmembers Semeta and Hardy discussed the quarterly meeting opportunity between school district
representatives and the City, which is in addition to Community Services Commission meetings.
Councilmember Semeta and Community Services Director Janeen Laudenback discussed that when
issues come up related to parks that are on school property, the School District Liaisons can be the
experts with important history.
Mayor Delgleize and Director Laudenback discussed some of the history of the interactions between the
School Districts and the City regarding maintenance, up -keep and equitable use for parks, tot lots and
playing fields.
Councilmember O'Connell stated his opposition to this item as he believes the schools need to have
voting input.
Mayor Pro Tem Posey and Director Laudenback discussed that currently there are three School Districts
that own parks, and six School District Representatives can vote and take direction of the parks. Mayor
Pro Tem Posey confirmed that no City Councilmembers are voting members of any school boards and
stated his support for this item if only to streamline the Commission. He also stated that sport teams use
the Sports Complex which is paid for by the taxpayers, not the schools.
A motion was made by Posey, second Peterson to direct the City Attorney to amend Chapter 2.64 of the
municipal code, changing section 040 to clearly state that each of the six (6) School Districts may
recommend one (1) liaison, non -voting member to the Community Services Commission for City Council
appointment, thereby changing the composition of the Community Services Commission from a total of
thirteen (13) members to a total of seven (7) members, with six (6) liaison, non -voting members, and
return to the full City Council for approval.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, and Peterson
NOES: O'Connell, and Hardy
ABSENT: Brenden
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25. Approved item Submitted by Mayor Pro Tem Posey and Councilmember Brenden --
Develop a Plan to Provide Additional City Support for the "2017 Breitling Huntington
Beach Air Show"
Councilmember O'Connell announced that due to a financial interest in a business that has conducted
business with the Air Show, he would recuse himself and then left the dais.
Mayor Pro Tem introduced Mr. Kevin Elliott, Owner, Code Four of Huntington Beach, to present a
PowerPoint communication entitled Takes Flight, Breitling Huntington Beach Airshow, with slides
entitled: 2016 Very First Year, 2016 Surpassed All Expectations, The Impact to our Community Has
Been Positive, Direct Economic Impact 2016, 2017 More Than One Million Visitors are Expected to
Attend, Improvement Highlights, Notes Regarding Public --Private Precedent, The Airshow Needs You,
The Community.!, 2017 Budget Projection Key Points, The Airshow is in Jeopardy, We Believe with
Increased Community Support the Breitling Airshow, and Thank You
Councilmember Semeta and Mr. Elliott discussed the economic data in further detail from last year's
show, including potential state and county contributions.
Mayor Pro Tem Posey stated that this item is an effort to ask the City Manager to evaluate ways that
public safety costs can be back -billed and to look for opportunities for increased income. He also stated
that Visit Huntington Beach has increased their financial support for this year's event.
Councilmember Peterson and City Manager Wilson discussed that this effort is to work with state and
county officials to have them waive some of their costs in an effort to prevent a deficit to the City.
Councilmember Peterson reminded everyone that the revenues generated by the City from the 4th of
July event are to cover City costs, not to benefit the 4th of July Board, and this event should be managed
the same way.
Councilmember Semeta and Mr. Elliott discussed potential sponsors and realistic expectations. It was
also confirmed that several sponsors from last year have substantially increased their support for this
Councilmember Hardy and Director Laudenback discussed potential parking options. Councilmember
Hardy stated that the City actually receives about one percent of the anticipated or projected event
revenues, and that she supports Councilmember Peterson's comments related to the 4th of July event.
Councilmember Hardy expressed her support for this item only to get more accurate details.
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to direct the City Manager to develop a plan outlining
options for the City of Huntington Beach to provide additional financial support for the "2017 Breitling
Huntington Beach Air Show." Include the above -listed options and return to City Council at the
September 18, 2017, City Council Meeting.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, Hardy, and Peterson
NOES: None
RECUSED: O'Connell
ABSENT: Brenden
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26. Approved item Submitted by Councilmember Brenden — Short Term Rentals Community
Mayor Delgleize introduced the item on Councilmember Brenden's behalf because he had -to leave the
meeting early to meet another obligation.
Councilmember Hardy, Mayor Pro Tern Posey and Councilmember O'Connell expressed the need to
ensure that both sides of the issue are represented at the proposed meeting so that pros and cons can
be explored and discussed.
A motion was made by Posey, second O'Connell to recommend that city staff organize a community
workshop so that property owners, residents, business owners, and hotel operators can hear the pros
and cons of short term rentals. This workshop could be held at the Senior Center in Central Park on
Saturday, September 16, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. In attendance at this panel workshop should be
representatives from Air BnB, local surrounding cities where STVRs are currently permitted and
prohibited, community development leaders, attorneys to address legal issues, short-term rental
operators, and others to hear both sides of the positive and negatives of short-term rentals.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: O'Connell,;.Seineta, Poaey, Delgleize, Hardy, and Peterson
NOES: k ' None
ABSENT: Brenden
Mayor Pro Tern Posey reported attending the Huntington Beach Police Department Promotional
Swearing -in Ceremony for three Lieutenants, one Captain, three Sergeants, and a Communications
Manager; the HB Police Officers` Foundation Constable Classic Charity Golf Tournament; and the
Building Industry Association of Orange County (BIAOC) 2017 Government Affairs Commission (GAC)
Seminar --Are We Built Out? He also reported that Vector Control has been trapping mosquitoes in
Huntington Beach and all have tested negative for West Nile Virus,
Councilmember Hardy reported attending the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Fundraiser, and
announced that Miss Huntington Beach Scholarship Pageant is now recruiting contestants. She also
attended the 100 Year Celebration of Boy Scout Troop 1.
Councilmember Peterson reported attending the 100 Year Celebration of Boy Scout Troop 1.
Councilmember Semeta reported that as part of the Business Incubator Ad Hoc Committee, she and
Councilmember Brenden made a visit to the OC Maker facility on Product Lane, where innovators,
artists, and others can utilize 3-D printer and other technologies to make prototypes. She also attended
an inspiring Women -to -Women event for women business owners and entrepreneurs.
Mayor Delgleize reported attending the City of Santa Ana State of the City Breakfast, the Huntington
Beach Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for Pinot's Palette, the 54th Annual Huck Finn Fishing
Derby at the Huntington Beach Pier, the 100 Year Celebration of Boy Scout Troop 1, and the Huntington
Beach Junior Lifeguard Graduation Ceremony for almost 900 individuals. Mayor Delgleize congratulated
and thanked Marine Safety Chief Mike Baumgartner and Jr. Lifeguard Program Coordinator Mike Eich for
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this successful program. Mayor Delgleize also reported attending the Bloomberg Mayors Challenge
Accelerator Workshop.
ADJOURNMENT —11:25 PM to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City
Council/Public Financing Authority on Tuesday, September 05, 2017, at 4:00 PM in the Civic Center
Council Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
lja4ftl"' q44V4j4U)
City Clerk -Secretary
4�7� L+<t
City Clerk+and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach
and Secretary of the Public Financing Authority
of the City of Huntington Beach, California
1 a.