HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #209 An Ordindnce of the amity of Huntington Bea6h, j'
California, ee tablishing a businese.and .residenc,e
district in said City; ;and prohibiting".the
establishment or maintenance "cif pertain '
businesses and industiraA inTeaid dietricta
The Board of Truste=is of 'the City..of>Huntington e
Beach, do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. That all of the City of=.Huntington_9eaoh�
within the folloriine,.(iescribed boundaries ie .estaolishad and
declared to be-a residence dietriot,
Beginning at the point of intereeation Gf the oente'r
line of. Twenty-third Street, pro3ected eith the'°Pacific Ocean°
° running thence Northeasterly alone said �senter line of �Tweat
third Streit to its intereection;. rith the center ;lit�e of
lesiay Avenue; thence routheastarlq and the ioe U6ter2y alone;;
the center line of Feeley Aven+ ,I to it,s into ad on,
�iith th 1
center line of Lake Street, _.thende Southerly alGngzthe a®nte
line of Lake Avenue to-itA - nterseetiort with theireantir.line
of First Street; thence Southrweeterly" lung' the 'center; ,line t
First Street, projected to" ite point ,cf interaeotion kith th
intersection with the ,Paaifio Cice ;n;§ thence Northwesterly
alone the line of the Peacifio Oa®en to: the,.point of`
beginning, . exoepting ther6fro� usinese Distriot No. i of
said City, yr
A11 of. that portion of the City of tiuntingtan _r3ea.:h
Within the:fa,lowing desaribad baundar3ea, to-sit:
Beginning at. the Northerly oorner. of the junctl.on or �;�.
Ocayn Avenue and Second Street and running Chbnoe orthaa9tatif,
along the �orthwestorly line of eoond"Street to its -inter #y4
section with thR South*aetariy line bf* the .f irat ;~alley North
wmAtorly from Ocean Avenue; thenoe North�eaterly alas the
lsst mentioned alley line to its intomwition with ,the 4ortIM
wastaxl.y line produced"of the First alley Southdaetarly fxti. 3
Third'�,;treet; thenoe Northeasterly along the l-let Mentioned
alley ,line produced to its intarsdotioxi sritts the 'Scutt s
weatarly line of Olive A"venue, th®noe �orth�weeterly clung the
8outhwesterlq lin® at ,0live AneahA to its interaeoticn
the Sou theastarly lino of the fib! C alley Ncrthwestarly frcn.
Third Street; thence Northeasterly along the last mentioned
alley line to its intersection with the 'Southwesterly :line `cf
Orange Avenue; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly'
line of Orange Avenue to its intersection with the:Southeasterly ,.
line of the first alley Northwesterly from Main Street; thence
Southwesterly along the last mentioned alley line to its
intersection with the Southwesterly line of Olive Avenue;
thence Northwesterly along the 2.uthresterly line cf Olive
Avenue to its intersection with the Southeasterly line of
the first alley Northwesterly froth Fifth Street; thence
South•eestarly along the last mentioned alley line iproduced
to its intersection with the Southeasterly line of the first
" alley Northeasterly from Ocean Avenue; thence Northwesterly
along-the last.mentioned alley line to its. intersection .with
the Southeasterly line of Sixth Street; thence Southwesterly
along the Southea=terly line of Sixth Street to its inter-
section with the Northeasterly boundary line of Ocean, Avenue;
thenoe Scutheaeterly alcng said Northeasterly line of O,.san'
Avenue to the point of be61nni..6 is horety •declared to be
Business District No. 1 of said City.
SxCTI()N 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, fir.,,
or corporation to em;t, establiuh, carry or, or maintain with-
in the residence or business district described in SECTION 1
hereof, any stone crusher, crushed stone yard or rur,ker, rock ,
sand or gravel loadin;;, di8tributin6 cr ricalvinS station,
rolling mall, foundry, carpet beating establi8h&60t, livery
stable, riding acmdeu,y, gas %orks, mattres» f«.:tury, soap
fa otory, fertilizing plant or factory, tallow rendering; plant
or ;factory, tannery, glue factory, bri.:k yard, brick kiln, oil
wall .or .dorrtok, or the husinegsof drilling or cperating for
ti e digoovAry, or production of oil, gas, hydrocarbone, or
other kindred bubstancee, ci,a,hIcal pliant or other istablieh-
ment for the m.anufe.cture of ohothicals or chemicel produ;its,
dog"`or, clat hospital, or any store or pla;,e in Hhi;.h dogs or
Qats lire brad,,"sold, exhibited, or kept for 'breii.'dir 6, sale
or exhibition, or any plant, works or factory %were power
other than .animal puaer is used to operate any such plaiito
y7� 1
works or factory; provided that one or rrior® electrid motors �_.,
of a total capacity of Oct to exceed five horse smay be ,Y ��
operated and maintained in. the said business .and residence -j°
districts, provided, however,; that nothing in this` Ssction .
contained shall oe construed to permit or Fs12ow any person,
firm or corporation to operate or maintain in the said = f
residence district in conjunction with any such electric
motor ariy business, industry, �corkst plat or gf$ tary,_:i�hio "`
business, industry, works, plt�nt is by the,.provisione of tht`
Section prohibited in the gaid residence and :business districij
� �r�
BEG1It1" 3. All 'ordin'anc ¢ liatxith this x�
ordinance, be and the esre .ie here bq tepealed, provida the;
any such repeal sha12 not affect -or prevent ttiA prosecution
f ;
and puni.ebment of any person,; fir4 or ddrparation ;fir ay �tC
done or permitted in violation yf any ordinance w2iich maay be''„�
repealed by this ordinance, and shall trot aff�a$ ny pro
seoution or action which ltay. be pardin� 1rt court .fo they
vial tion of ctiny• ordine�rices repealAN
ed by this ordinance.
::FCTIO�a 4. That artq Verso, tix.
t dorf,cration
violating; any..of the previsions of thi�`ordiran�se_ehrt2l be
- T V
desaAd guilty of a aaisdeme:anor, and upon Whviction thereof,
shall. be punishable by fins, of :nOt r�ore then - 5t30.OJ, or b =
imprisonment in the pity jail fair � period trot oat sore tbr�n}
siz months, or YYV `:both ffiuch `in�r tt�`i, i 6 driti�
E=ch such person, :-firs. or .carpokatitir sh:s11 be (ieert. ;
guilty of a separatq offernse for .every day duringany porno n;
Of which a,�. ��iclation of zany provision=of ;.this €lydir•.-InQ` is
4 oor.�rr.itted, continued or permitted by sub person, fors:-or dry#
aorpor +tion, and sbull be punishable therefor as provic�ad by I}
this ordin .nos.
BELJPIOt= S. This tlity <Olerk sh 111 oerti�y to the passas
of this Ordinur,;.e .and cause the e:�n,o t+i ba.publiehed once din
the i;untington Beach Iowa, a�Meekly i�ew�pager prig ted, .puce i
lished and olrculat&a in the :ity of. Huntin, n 3e,,;hj Gthis
ordinance is nescessary for the pr�sery tion ;af the
pudic '
r peace of said City' far the reason that ttY,ers ;is,°danger of
oil derricks and other tin al"ghtly 6trudtfad being erected in'' ,'i
x .
said districts and therefore, this ordinance shall; take
effect ixtitediately fmi. and aftar publication.
President of the':Bpa of ;:Truetees
of the Ci ty.-of Huntington 'Beach,
ATTEST: 011a 0' :110 r.
City Clerk and Ex-Cfficio Clark of
the Board of Truetems of the City
of Hunt'neton Beach, California.
State of California, )
County of Orange, ) ea
City of Huntington Beach. )
r w
1, Chas. R. $utt, City Clerk and :Fx-Offi`cio Cleric
of the Board of Truateas of the City of riuntington Beath,
California, do hereby certify that the fure�iioing Ordinance
was introduced and read at a re&ular aieating of the said
Board of Trustetfa held uu the #9.day of OctouGr, 1W20, una
was read at a regular meeting of said Hoard of ,.Trustees field
on the0,54ay of October, 1920, and thoreupan aide duly pa-esed
and Uopted by the following vote:
Ayes, Trustene J�. .
Absent, " . p . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ..
City Clerk and Ex-offiuio Clark of el
the Board of Trusteis of the
City of Huntington Dea,h,
f iIf the Nam, reaf j i
} hi��'L�'
4 V f• ..lA f t .!