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Ordinance #210
-- tj ORD1170CE NO. 210 hn Ordinance Providing for Licensing and r?egulatin� the Carryi..g on of Certain usineeses, Profession$, trades, Callings and Oucupationa tarried on within the City of 3untington Beach, and,Repealing Certain Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances In ;onflict herewith. The loard of Trustene of the City; of Huntington Bea.bhj: do ordain as follows: ' SECiIO�T 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employee, either .for-,,:; himself or for any other pereonm or, for anybody, corporate or otherwise, or as off Icer .of, any corporation, 'to com ence or carry on any business, trade, .oalling; profession or occupation in this Ordinance specified, 'Within the corporate limits of the City of Huntington Beach, Orange ,County, California, without first havini'procured`. a lioenso from said city so to do, and each a,;d every day or fractional part, of a day, that said business, trade, c;alline., profeasior► or occupation in this Ordinance specified is conducted or carried, on without such li.;ense, shall constitute a violation of this`': Ordinance, and ary person.who shall. for hi=r,s91f, or for any other pereon or persons, or for any'oody, "corporate, or other wise, oomu.ence or carry _on ,any business,- trade, calling, pro- fee-don or occupation aforesaid, withou+ first having procured such licmnee, shill for each violation of, this Ordinance, be deei,.ed guilty of %l misdemeanor, and,upon ;conviction by any court having jurisdiction thereof, shall be fined therefor in a SUM not exceeding J230.00 or oe Ltprisonnd for a terw not exceeding ninety days, or shall suffer both jueh fine and imprisonment, in the di®orition of the court, and the ►su.ount of euoh license shall be doomed a debt to tna City of Huntington Beach, and such person eh�All be liable to an action at law in the name of the City of Huntington Beach in any court of competent jurisdiction, for the aa.ount of the license for such busine Be, trade, Calling, profession or Occupation as he shall''.be engaged' in,. with ouets of suit. Provided, however, that from;;and.after the,raesage of this Ordinance, any honoranlq -discharged soI`dierr sailor or. marine of the .United States, who is:,unable„Eo vht�ain a ;; s : z livlihaod by manual labor, ,shall bane the;ridhttbatia �C, v peddle and vend any goods, wares or a.erchandise, .except spirituous, malt, vinous or other in toxiciting liquor, by and for..himself, only without`. the payment of any lic�n��": tax rf or f eye.whatsoever, and the Board of 'Trustees oY said City, �! shall issue' to each. soldier, sailor or :car no without coat, ± a license .therefor, upon presentation of:,hie certificate of I' honorabld discharge from the Army, Napy'or Marine Carps of ` tho United"Btatee, together with is state�uent in writing,.; under 'oath that he is unable to-obtain a: 11v1 ihood by manual labor, . and upon proof of his identity to the officer.{issuing ; the::at me,` provided, however, that nothing ,herein contained shall be construed to do away ;with the ,necessity of obtaining t4e,.licenes herein mentioned in any case whai6oeaer," and i Provided, further, that no license tax';or.faa eball" be oollsoted or any. penalty for the non-payment thereof; enforced agalbst any eotus arcial traveler whose.- ea is limited` to the goods, wares and merchandise sold a.nd` deal$ in in-the' State of California at wholesale. Section a. It shall be the duty, of the „City` Clerk of a said' Oity to prepare and issue a license underthis Ordinance for Abs person, firm or corporation liable to :Pay,,,a license hereunder, duly, signed by the said: City ,Clark, and to state in such license the amount thereof, the period of ,tint®;<'for :which ; j the same shall run, the name of the rpersoa, ,firm or oorpe�ratIon for. whom issued and the businese,trads, calling, profession or occupation for which the same is issued, and the location or place..of business where each business, trade, calling, profession or occupation is to be carried on, and for that purpose the ,ity Clerk may confer with persons in interest, and rtay require any,,,such person or persons to, file his or their affidavit as to the character of such business. In no case shall .any mistake by .the. said City Clerk in, stating the amount, or .terms of such license, or the tiu.a for which the soma is to` run, provent or prejudica:tho collection by the .;City of what shall be actually due vr3th all coats from any`.one .carrying on "a.buainees; trails, =oallircg profession or occupation without the lidenee provided for bq " this Ordinance. t„ „ - Said City Clerk'shal1'deliver such license to the City 'Marshal or the City License Collector of said City for z3 collection, taking;;his reoeivi therefor,: ;and ` he ,said City `e } Clerk shall report to the Soard 'df 'Crusteea, at its first regulaf. meeting in'which month the amount of 'ouch l3canaes so delivered to the Citq are hal or City l.icanes. Collector- during the previous ruonth. fUidCity airehal or City Lioene9 ; Collector shall proceed at once`oollect ,thn sa¢®, and shall on or before the first Mondayy oPy eaoh nonth, deliver;to tha 0,` a ...3± said City %Clerk a complete ' I acted' by hire f .r, the previousmonth: and also a�list ofINA all persono when he ba1,1 ova 4 not t6�6 license list and who should be oharged with the payment of a license; and I' he shall pay over, to the, said City, the , Z2 amount of all licenses collected b7i hits during the preceding month, and shall-lake the receipt oP the City fir�ju®urer for r. >: same, which he shall file with the City,> 01erk and shall repo the amount theraof, together with 'the amount of the dellnquanab to the said Board oU Trustees at'its first` rerul-ar meeting 'iri month. No license for any of the businesass, trades, calling, profes3ions or occupations 'earried oh by, :any such person delinquent for the paymont oP .any liceh,so: fee harounder, sh'' be issued to sual person, firm or oorporation, either direotl or indirectly, until the payment of all licensa fao$ due as 11 epeaifled in thia_.0rdinanae from such person, firm or corpora { tion, together with all coat. The Award of Trustees may requira the City Attorney off! said City to bring actions for;the roeovery of said license fe qs in this Ordinance provided. Nothing in this Seat-ion oantained, howevar, sh .11 pre vent a criminal prosecution ae provided; in Sootion 1 of this Ordinance, for any violation of=.ths =provisions of this ` Ordinance. t { �h $ECTIOq A separate: license must beM ootained..for each. branch establishment or separate place of business. n ,shieh the businshe, trade, profession, calling or: 'occupat on-ie carried on, >and each license shall authorize the "party obtaining it to caryy`on,: pursue or conduct only that trade, :busines calling, profession or occupation described.in such iicense,:.and only At the location or place of business which is.,indicated therein. All licenses shall be paid in advance in-1 ga Currency df. the United: dates, 'it the office of °.e City Marshal "or Ci-ty License Collector. The monthly licenses in this Ordinance provided 64ill be due and payable to .the City ,ow the first Caieradr4ay°oY r each ,mcnth;in advance, from :all persons who ?iP ve;for the = ' Y? previous month been licensed' to carry on'such 'busineO8, trade oaliing, profession or occupation; :and,from`al1' persons w'o . hiva not been licensed for the previous month':for;the iaa,e, business, trade, calling, profession or.-occupation, t#a li3anse Shull be due and payable, and must.be proouredi-1 yl`such pardon before commencing to ��oarry -on, ,pursue`or,CotiduCt ouch business trade, calling, profession or occupation 'and ,ehail Ostend only to the last day of the month for which such license ®ball have been obtainRdo� The annlal license in this Or4inanon provided,. shall be =a- flue and payable to the said Oity on the first day July of t4ch year, and the eemi-annual license herein provided for shatl be due and payable on the first day of January and the first day of July of, each year# ,and the first licenae for such year of half year, wiy be issued for tiie unexpired .port ion of the `ourrent year or half year, And the rate to be ch�argod fear samd--aha11 be proportioned a000rding to the unexpired portiun of..said term and provided further, that no proportionxnent. of any annual or eemi-AnnuAl license fee shall be Made for 1®es than half of g semi-annual or one-fourth of an annual liuenee - All licenses, unless otherOise expr6s'81y stated herein $ .� � .a shall be construed to be annual licensee and shall be pavabli on the first day 'of July of each year, Arid all such 11 ensei" shall expire with the last days by the foiloaing •7une. �> daily licenses in: this Ordinance p`rovIdad,. shall.be p Ray.abld-UK in advance to the Cit be valid only fo*I., the day for which suab'71ic6nae is issued. - t 4 Ito greater, or ,less g ounce of-'Irdoney shall be charged or receivg-i for any license so issued than is provided.,in the E Ordinance, and no license eh€ilI be sold or issued for .any k k period .of time other than is pro'v, ded for, in this,Ordinances s SECTION 4 - ,Every person, rfirm or.corporation, havit a license under the pro-,ision$ of this Ordinance, and carrytg t{ �� on a business trade, proyl fession or, occupation ate ; t particular place;of business, shall keep such license poste ,. and exhibited while the same ie` ir► f©roe,, in some ,conspiauou . place in said place of business. Every peddler of, goods, waTto or merchandise, or -any. ;perso�S¢driving or.nl having control of vehicle, wagon or automobile;lirs,er►sed under this Ordinance,:-i� t required to carry his lioense �r$th himyat al;l time while en4g gaged in the 'trade, dal ling, bus$nese, °'profession,or. oocup�t$ for shish said licenee 'is issued.= All persons, firms or oorporation haviag ,a licaues, shall produce or:exhibit-the .same when applying' for a` renew thereof and whenever request.ed';~to:do eo by arty:officer authorl under the provisions. of this Ordinance` to issue, inspect, orb collect licenses. SECTIOy 5. The City, Marshal or-City-Ilcense ollec,t and deputy thereof, shall have and exercise the power of First: To make arrests .for the violation of any of the provisions, of this:Ordinance. y, Second: To anwv, ,free of ohdrgs, at any time, easy '. plans of business for whioh % license;.!®, requirea and provided and to demand the exhibition of -�uc�h !losses for the current �i term, fro►n any person, firm .or ,corporAtion .engaged or e��ployed in the transaction *f such business. If ouch person, fora or corporation shall then find therefail 'tn. exhibit such licenss6 such person, fire; or corporation shall be 1Saola to t.- ,pen32t Provided in Seat ion. l :of thi 61,.Drdinanoa. 1 J t __ ,Y✓ 'It is hereby made the duty of the City MaiihA1. License .Oollector,, end any deputy thereof,:. to cause, co�itplaiits 3; x :to .be filed against all persons, firms or corporations violet x Wi ing any of the provi siong of this Ordinan SECTION G. 'Whenever one-half :or, more of the recoipte for; N t any exhibition, concert, lecture or entertainment is r . will be appropriated to any church, echool,'. or t' any publ"icy civic,' religious or benevolent purpose, within the City of `Huntington Beach, there shall ba,;-no license charged to . I `person or persons about to conduct earns. SECTION 7. The conviction and punishment of anyfi person t F for- transacting any business, trade, callin'g,'prcfeseloh or a 3 occupation, without a license, shall not e.xouee or exempt tiuch 1j person from the payment of any-such li 6 en_sa due aidt" the "time Of, such conviction for any, violatiohTbf` the pro visions of this Ordinance. , SECTION B. NO LICtN5E GRAHTED UN MCA— ANY"'OF'•-_TKO ,PRO VISIONS OF THIS ORDINANLE SHALL BE ASSIGWLE,OR TRANSFERABLE. 3 AND NO PERSON t940 SURRMMS A LICENSE SHALL BE`ENTITLI"s ,.10 A11Y REFUND ON A"*: Ftx 01111T THFOF. SECTION 9. NO PERSON SHALL BE REqUIRED ;TO PROCURE A LICA:NSE .TO 9F.LL THE PRODUCTS OF, A FART WHEN' SUCH PE�ODUCTB° :ARfi RAISED 3Y HIMSELF. SECTION 10. Mhon the viord "Person",. :or, the "Word "persons" is used in this Ordinance referring to those liable to paq a license or tax, the same are, .and each is, intended and shall be oonatrued to moan. and inol_ide every Berson , firm; "yco partnership, association or corporation ocrnddoting or carrying on the businssg, trade, profession, 000upation or calling for which such license must be prooured SECTION 11. The rates of licenees for the businet3eee; • trades, callings, professions and occupations hereinafter named, shall be and the sane are hereby fixed and established for and within the City of Huntington Beach according' to =the <' following schedule, and the same shall, be paid by all persona, firms or corporations engaged in- suoh businesses, trades, c ;stall- ings, professions or occupations. as hereinafter, speified, - i6 - to-wi t: SECTION 12. For every person,: firta or corporation engaged in the businesa of conducting managing'or earryitfg on any hotel, boarding house, tent city, dodging:house or oi' '4 letting of furnished rooms, the sum of e12.00 per annum, ! provided that the terms hotel, boarding house, ..tent aity or; lodging house as used herein shall be understood to mean 3 - building having five• rooms.or more, or Live °tents or,:csbins used for v lod in -,# g ,, purposes, (excepting;bnttt, rooms' Olosat which are rented to the public. Every such person, firm* or corporation shall be re ' quired to furnish to the City Uarshal or License Lbllector a list of the number of rooms in such buildir �, unifier` liis con ' trol or manage,nent. SECTTO'a 13. For every person, ;firm or corporation engaged in or carrying on the businesa of selling, ;ifferitg e to sell, exchanging, mortgaging, or leasingxedl estate, as an agent, or com.r.ission or for compensatldhs W e'ther auoh person carries on such'`bueinese Yor himself, Of ass a r91, U# of, or agent, or solicitor for any tixm engaged :in such business, the sure of $12600. per.annuia:7 _ A SECTION 14. For every person; .fit;,n 'or corporation - carrying an the business of selling ice at retai'1, the sues 4.t of $12.00 per annum. SECTION id. For every toot peddler oY good a, wards or merchandise, not otherwise.-specifically provided for hersinAfter, the sum of $3.00 per days 81' T101 le. For ever + y. peddler of goods, *area or merchandise not otherwise specifically A y provided for, using . a wheeled vehicle of any ,kind and- not having .n :-,regular eetablishsd route in said City of Huntingtnn, .the sure of i $d.00 per day for each vehicle. For the purposes of this Ordinance said regularly established tt.,oute shall':be 'a 41 regular and definite route t011oreed et leitet two times in each and every ,vAek, and if not so followed, 'shall be deemed not to be a regularly established route. 3ECPION 19. For'.every peddler og goo08, dares or ,. merchandise not otherwise specific 2►lly provided for, using ., a eheeled vehicle and having n regular astablished;route in is said City as defined in said Section of 15 this t7rdinande, the i sum of 112.00 per annum. F SECTION 18. For every peddler of fruita,, vcgetatles, yC,.=S' dfiSR fit. - or poultry, not grown, produced or raised by himeelt, or at candies confootions ice , cream h , �',.a+wales, peanuts, -popcorn, r or food articles of any description and.not hdving'a regularly established route in said City of rtiuntington . sack as flefinad` in. said Section 18 of this ordinance the sure' of SrCTIoq 19. For every: peddler, of fru4ts, � gat t lee or poultry, not grown, produced or raise3 by :himseli, it of candies, confections, ice cream,, tamales, peanuts,;popasra, food or articles of any description, and havfn �r Yslrly V established routa in said City of Huntington f ca h as det In said Election 16 of this Ordinance the sum;s�f 12. 1 par annum, StCTION 20. For every paddler, of fish', having ,s :regular2 y n astiblishad or fixed plaza of ousiness or market*.-the tutu of 32.00 per annum, and for every peddler of fish,..not having'Ai regularly established route in said City or fixed `place"of ! business or market thareih, the sure of; L6600'per,m Ay- SNCTZOa 31. For every. person,-tire. i< gorpor.4 on_, , selling, or contracting to sell articles of Apparsl dry gouda, fFtn+ih goods, notions, jewelry, cutlery, harness, pi oe;orga s�, s,aobinary of all kinds, se,aing machinea, hardware,' tinoare, mill or milling , not hravin Products g rsgtZlt►riy ;c`sti32�iehed` or fixed place of huoineas in said City, whether by s"ple or otherwise, the sum of 125000 per quarter. The Oity dark 6 s,iid City may require of "the person,, firm or oorporation, 'elling or contra4tiag to salt they foods, waras or merchandise herainbafore in this Section snumeratad, E in addition to tba fact's required to be set forth 'in the affidavit referred to in Section 2 ofthis OrdinAtve, Lea► following faots: Tne name of tie psi-eon, t$rw`or corporatl�jrt engaged in selling or contra 4tir t to_tell aal 40444, pares or m 8 Wz merchandiae, and if a corporation, association o.r oo-pat di ship, the name : of its officers, manager or reepeot - a par as the case ifiay be, together with the address or. location (S ` the principal place of business. x For every person, firm or corporation reguiar.ly eng g in selling or contracting to sell the goods, wares ox , mercbandise enumerated"in 'thie e' tian sand having $ regulaf t s established or fixed place of business,* the ewn" of1,2.00�a,�,k per annum. SECTION 22. For eve , t every pgrsOn firan or corporation engaged in carrying on the,-business,'-,call G`A or:.00cupation���b�a peddling medicine and using mueto or 'other': devioe to °aurae rf the or^wd, the sum of $150.00 per annuro, s f SECTION 23. For every"person,', firm' or corporation engaged in or carrying on ."the buaineas ' calling or occup�►ti�a of peddling medicine, A75.00 per antrum: ; SECTION 24. For every person;~ f irrr. or corporation{ Vr, u.)nducting or carrying on the business cf selling ice creaikilI confectionery, soda or other sokt drinks, coffee or saxid' MU �. v and having a regularly esta=oli6hed or fixed place of tbusine the suns of 412. � TO per annum. , MOTION 25. For every, firm or corporation conduot.it ranaging or carry ing on the business'.of selling::or diatri ui any car'conatod �+atar, KAtar or, :drinks, and not having ak regularly established or, fixed 'pidee of bdsinese, the sun�.'o ° .- 8.00 per day. SECTION- 26. Isor.'every person .firm or, corporation o r .,o ducting, managing oroarryingon thebueinesa of selling or ,� distributing ice cream, and not having a regularly establish el or fixed place of business, the sum of 06.00 per day. S%2T101 27. F'or every.person, firm or corporation..., p �i conducting, managing or c,irxyI on the business of buying; selling or dealing in second-hand ar"titled, olothiaig, house "; hold furniture or merchandise .of any iAind 'nr nature wnatncevl and not having a regularly established or fixed place of bush; the sum of 9.00 per day. F�f SECTZOY. 28. For every person+' firrW or torportio» co ducting, managing or! carrying on the business of buying, sell; } or dealing in second-hand articles of clothing, house field furniture or merchandise of any, kind wharsoever, txnd having I a regularly established or fixed ;pl�ce of business, the guru of $12.00 per annum. eothing in this So ction shall be deemed to oonflict ` with or.-repeal any portion, of Ordinancs' 0&. 1f�0�a��saint City r i' or anyOrdinance regulating the business of sacotil�hawd yr dunk dealers,, but any such Ordinance aril this :section "vf-"this Ordinance a shall each be so construed so as. to:give effect to every provision thereof and each shall be d-iawed to be-ind p-sndent of the other. rSY �i E CTI417 .29. Tor every person, ;firm or tion e4gaaefi4p in or carrying on the. business or. solicitin""g for -eny paintings, r photographs,;piatures,portraits or:ordere€for r80 ' hing or .,.4 _j - 5 ;1? changing the. ease, or: orders for advertisirs , or -order =for j the. sale of goods, ware® or r�erchandiee for'��rhih'a livAnse` Is not herein otherwise speeifical-ly provided for; h+ ti NOT` 1 in conjunction with the, carryir. on of sny :retulax'1y dtfili�hed et,jrA or other .fixed,'pl ice of businoao, the: out $t '600 per an ium. For every person,_firtw�or ,norperittion ensaged in or o8rrying on the businessi of -soliciting for ant► _paintingd, photogr,�pha, pictures, portraits,_.6r orders for tetO40hing or oha,rt,ing tha sass, or orders for advertiein,i, or, order Or.the sale of goods, wered or u+erohan4iso for i%hialr,.a lidensa :is not In thi>> Ordinance Otherwise specifioially provi�3ad for, ,when V1 eon,Junction with tha carrying on of any regularly established store of other fined plaos of business, the'sum of_419.00 pAr annu!u. a ,t ClCTYOq 30.. For every pormon, firm or corporation r ongAged in, "oonduoting or carrying on; the business of lu ;ber, yard, the Burn of 112:00 par udnus. PtCrION 31. For ovary pardon, -firm 'or corporation en ra ®;i in, conducting, manrs ,ing or carrying on ;the t�usInoi -ot a►" shooting-gallacy or skating rink, the sum of *yti. In advance. 14 - ` SECTION 32. Fbr every person, fir►u ar corporation conductingor carrying on any., theatre; concert hall, .moviigr picture show, or other place or amuseiuent, 'entsr-tainuent of'� exhibition, the surr: of �,"'13.00 per annum. t 8E',T10."1. 33. For every person,'; fir►n'or oorporaLian conducting, managing ,or carrying on ,a b©ding alley, ther�lt } of f 4:00 per annum for each Ailey whether. the same i e in ties r or not. F ,e flSCTION 34. Far every parson;who- carries on,:-.PractiC or profea�ies to practice -the business 'of >art or astrology,."', istry, phrenology, life reading, fortune-telling, oartom, i y / clairvoyance, glair audienoa, orystal gazing, hypnAti,en., rag 1- ship, prophecy, augury, divination, sa.gio°.or necrodi,iney, rand who demands or`reosives,.a fee for the.praotice,' exercise or exhibition of hia art therein,', an exhibition t at any place where an admission feo is oharge9, ;.the surfs of , 020.01,; per day. SECTION 38. F'or every ?person," firm or corporation : ! carrying on or.managing tl?e busines 9,,of a,public garage, the sum of 1?.00 p or"annum.: .` For every, person, firm :ar corporation engaged in they business of selling autamob11aa, motc5r .trucks, ,mot or-cy,:les1 or oth"ir motor vmbtalea, or, accessories thereto, the Our- 'of per annum. BROTION 36. For;sassy person; f 9rm, or corpor ition., spor A tins any autoa.obilw-used for-'carrying p ia8err-�3ra far hire, 112.00 per atrium, provided ,thia'licenae shall authorlit' the'use of tvo:vehinles 'for otiid purpoee for each additional vehicle so "operated, the sum of #3.00 per arinum. rMT109 37. For every-parson, fir.L or corporation engaged in conducting, naxnaging ar carrying on the buainees of a restaurant, oafateri°t, luneh`,;ountsr or the ousiasou of selling or serving moale°.ar. .lunches to be eaten on the premises, 112.00 . per anrrump provided that nothln ; in Lais Section shall apply to boardirag houses whose servi,:a aoeo trot extend to the public in general. .4104 38.. For every poreon, fitj.or ovrporution 11 SECTION 38. For every person, fir,,. or corpordtion 3 having a regularly or fixed place of business, "conducting a q' photograph gallery, or engaging; in the business,,of making4 expoeures.:tor photograpiis, 'the types,:or other Or,vieea f sale, or upon order, to be delivered by :;ail, or othdreise sold, 15 the; sumo%,,J15.00 per annum. 9gCmY0N 39 For every person, .firm or corporation bot or fixed having a regularly established/place of business conducting 1- a,photopraph .&all(-ry, or engaged in the business of making exposures; for ;photographs, tin typea or...other vie�se for s€ le �! 1' or,upon order,: to. be delivered by mail or 'otherwise sold, the � sum of IS 00.: per annum, payable In. advanca ; SFCTION. 40. For ..every person, firm or corportiom engaged in, the business of running a tank, wagon or 0.1. � Aragon or_--vehicle for hauling, peddling or deliverin prude soil, pertoleun, distillate, kerosene gagbline refined oil ...f AS4YP i }-.. or. ,any products of an oil well, the ,sum of �iS.00.per annum, i .ahioh license shall include the use of two ouch tank eagons ° or other vehicles so run; provided for each.adilitional such wagon or vehicle eo run an:additional, liceneatof 00 per annum. SECi'ION 41. For every peracrn, firm or, oorpor Lion oonduoting,; managing or carry ing on a filling station or ;oth®�" station where gasoline, distillate or kindred 'producte are sold td': the .public, the suin of 12.00 per. antrum. gCTygat 42. For every pnreon, firm or,corporation g; conducting, MAnaging or carrying on the business of dyeing, and having a regularly established cleaning and pressing clothes, route or fixed place of business, the`sum of12.00 per 'ennum:. % For every parson, firm or corporation donduoting,` asan,r,gin Or carrying on the business of,dyeing, cleaning , and il preening clothes, and not having re6ularly established `` route or fixed pi.jas of businnss, the surd 0f25.00 per. quarter. SECTION 43. For every person, firm or cor�ibration : conducting, managing or carrying on the business of bottling non•iatoxio iting beverages of,.any ;kind; the Rum o% 1�.00 Per, annumo .. 13 SFCT20v 44. For every "ortist', agent or, canvas eery having a ragularly set:bliehed 'ar fixed plaoe .of bueiaess selling, peddlin-,, or adv or set of hooka magazines or otbor literature, ,'or=canvaeeing for any' nev► paper, the a= oP12.00 per clnnU�n. � : SE ION 45. For every artist, agent or canvasesr,` not having a regularly eetabliehed sir fixed piaoe b burin g' selling, peddling or advertising any book;or a"at of books; magazines or oth r li ter ature,;`or can4a"asIng-4for any, na�te ; t : paper, the sup of 51.�0 Far day. SECTION 45. For 'every p6reon, firar or, corporatiozi / conducting, managing or carrying on or exhibiting a circu`a ; L the sure of $25.00 per day. 5F:CTION. 47. For evbrlt=ra � 1t, �'i�f& or oorisors►tionA� u t"S ;� .. com-lucting, managing or carry i g on ;a marry—go-round, ,cirtsl using, roller coaster or a 'aitrier aoi r .othar eireilar:'d $1.^o per slay. �� � �a Mai SECTION 48. ' For everyreraoa, firru or :corporation " ' operating, conducting or 'parrying on tt cbusihaQd of elsh bit ing, showing or letting :thtl use of anyxm3oroaoope, phono or any kinetoecops, biograph, 'projaotoacope or other instrument or machine ofikeh area t'or; ;"lung teeter, nuscl0 tester, galvanic battarq:, rrai tt g tonine,,ball, knife or ria throwing and all doviLea similar iw aracter, not..otherviii herein named, the sum of t1.00 per 'day,' or 12.00 per annual `ECTI4q 49. For every ;parson, firm or corporation con-Ilacting, iu tnaging nor carrying,:.on th+� buaine�re of merchw� tailoring, having a regularly;estkblishal.or. fixed place off_ business thm Baum of 112 .00,per annurtb For every :parson, fir.i.or aorporation soliaiting frog house to house Poor suits a�9de,of g unplee ani not h.,vir►g a regularly established.or fixed place ..fbuaineso, the sum Of M.00 per quarter. SECT tOq 504 for ovary":p6 O'A `firs or ac�rpor it on condu;;tind, managing or carry`ins;'on th,a ouaintie'.s �;rintir the sum of J12.00 per'-an.,ium# <: f Section 51. Tor"every peY eon, fir4. or vor,.,ordtlo,n 13 Conducting, managing or Carry ing on a barber shop;;or a3r.� dressing or beauty shop, the sum of 12.00 per annufn SECTION 52. For every person, firm:or corporatit�n 5 conducting, managing or Carrying on a news agency; the sum i Hof &12.00 per annum. Section 53. For every person, fire: or corporation j i conducting, managing or carrying on the business of 81 «etches- �, pg maker,or. jeweler, the sum of 412.00 per, anntran. j SECTION 54. For every person, firm,or oorporatioa conducting, managing or carrying on the business of 1' plastering, concrete, or building contrao tor, .;the suds of 112.00 per antrum. ,, SECTION 55. For every parson, ,tirm or corporxtiv4 Conducting, managing or oarryin!; on a meat:i,izkot �he�'eutn of,512.00 per anr,ue:. i?9 S! CTIOv 56. For ®very person, fir,& ;or corporation engaged in, conducting or cerryini; on the business of -ee213i g stationery, periodio.Als or d.usioal inutru&ents, the eui of ;3 #13.00 per day. colotion V. for every. person, fim :or ,00rp6ration engaged in"or carrying on the business of iinawith, ebiset , Es metal corking, auto body or raatetor eons, pluabircg or Erie fitting, the sua, of f 18.0C per annul.. BfiCTION 58. For 'very p;trsor., firm or .corporation conducting, manxaging or c.rrry ing, on the `�usin�te of electric wiring, installation of oleotric, g-an fixtures or other fixtures for lighting purposee, the rim of "12:00 per Annump psyak le in advance. SECTION 58a. Ito license shill oe issuedfor any.;;i�ueiness, calling or . profession mentioned in Section 57 and 58 .of this. Ordinance unless the applicant, at the time of «.akin. appli:;ation for such li,--anse, shall file in the office°of: thu City Clerk of said City an undertaking or bond in the :.euu.:.Uf, 000.00 with two good and sufficient sureties thereon,;-which bond shall be conditioned to be i n .force for the time ,.d4.rin't which such license shall be in force, and furtt,er oonditior.ed to .seoure and hold hnrurleas any and all persons for ohora work i or lacor may be done;'by iic� tpp- cant h le vcorkind or operating under suc gainst darsiage or..injury Oocasf; by faulty or detective Vorlr14arr hip. The Foard of >Trustees of said: Ci ty sna11; rat their first iLeeting ',im,s.sd a; VY T, llowina ;the filing" of said band.= determine tie suf1-i iency qt the a retiee:'tneroon,'.and if they shall be.,dstermine Eby saYd Board to.,be insuti'Soiert e=id license shall'/thea�et~y 'revoed 'id money Maid therefgr r shall be rifunded. `A nevr .application and bond tray be filed . by applicant. 3� • SECTIOtA 59 -�Fqr Feverytifpgrson, firm ,ar corporation ,; operating any :cart, dray„ vtagon, nutombbi;le, or vehicle Y t for transportation of�feigr gotsde for hir® of for hauling lumber, graverarid or otter 1i�Ce sxateriele, the 9utti of 1 .00 per annun�;'prov$ded that said license stial�l authotize the use Og <tat�g; won vehicles for a�sid .purpose. For each ad ditional;LLvet�ile eo operated 3.00.per annum," UCTIOR 80� �'or over, person, firm or ;corporation x; conducting, reasrag$n br parry'nron.the_buainess:of selling, upon the public etroete§or �zpor� "y public plads." f1ai'e,. banners,, oanee, horns, truepeta, musical or noise-making. Instruments of +any :kind, tha eur� oS l.bv per, day, payaole In advance. S CTIOti 8l. For avert+ person, firma or -corporation conducting or carrying oz! the"bueirees of •wood,. coal or, feed-yard, the suns ;of fl'Zod 'per annuct. OnTIoq ea. For every .person, -,firm or corporation conducting or carrying or the `business of dealing',in hay, '04- grain or 'pou]try food4 and Having a to estaelishpd pl:sae of buitfn e, the eta cif ` IM6 per.-annua.,, s SffiCTION .83 for every 'peg bon, firm or, aorpnx .tIon oonduotl% or car rying.on .the `busirsees of stealing iss tiny, grain or poultry jvad6, ;tr►d'. at 'huvinbr. a regular osta'Iliehed or fixed place of busiriees, the du�1, of 14.- Per a.ii;sU�E. . - SECPIO�E 64. For.,every person, firru or torpor:.0on maintaining, :conducting dt q&x.11 ry.ing on aw,auotion u:ale of goods, ;wares;, or rt►erchandieo; `.the suu, of ,u.i1 J pLr u•,y. l5 .. SECTION 65. For every parson, firm or corporation having 'a regularly established or fined place of busines'o, conducting, ''Vanaging or carrying on a bakery, or Gelling bread or she. . `products of a bakery at retail and NOT, ac�liciting for $r diva:-, posing of Dread or the products "of a bakery, ;at rp,tail froei"a ' wagon or other vehicle, the sun: of j1a.00 per annusr. S&CTION 86. F'or every perean, firm ,or oorpor tion conducting, managing or carrying on the buaifceesof"d team> tAaufidry, the sum of $12.00 per annum, 4 For the purpose of thi A Ordiniin t 1:A ter its "6o_ttduotirtg, managing or carrying on the business'`of a steam Laundry", used :i in this Section, is hereby defined tonolie besides. the business of conducting or managing a eLaaec laundry ial :the usual, popular and generally accepted•rceanihe thereo , any."place where clothes are siished or ironed or`_13uftderPsd for ocrpeneation and *bore poQer is used to oparite machinery in connection^With the mashing or ironing or laundering of such a tt,es.and also the busineas of soliciting, collecting-and?dsliv ring,,or re: eiv- ing laundry fora"eteam laundry" as herein:,defined for- uoikpenea-` tion, whether on a oolLi6iesion basis or otaereisei« QRCTION 87. For every person, fira; inr corporation .coh duoting, "asanaglug or carrying on a tosel ser�aicer ' usiabss, tha suit of 612,00 per annutu. u- For thn purpose of this Ordinance the terASs atcsel service; budinaW as used in this Section is herecy defined ,to 6e .a business of doaling in, selling, or washing'or irpt:ing or sxohaneing of tonels for compAaeAtion, eithor`directly, or "Aatly. 8?�CT20a 68, am every person,, firm :or co,,porAtian can- dtitoting, �uanagina or carrying on tr4a ouminess of sali:itiny, selling , or otherv�ise didpotjing of fertilizer, 'the sum of 13.00 per annum. SECTION 69. For every person firf:. or uorporution conducting,. managing or oarryireg on the busineso' of .advertil4in by means of bill boards, five Conte per,square foot per year for all such bill boards in;aotual use. 1 6 d or corporatien SECTION 70. For every ,person, fira: who shall own, Open', establish, manage or have char ea of any temporary loaatton or place .af 'ousineHs of any Sind, ::for the sale of any insolvent", bankrupt, fire, deihaea or other sia.ilar goods, wares or puerehdndise, and every itinerant or' transient mar.chant .having a temporary place of business, ;5Ut, nct Lavin, any continuous or;psruiar;ent place of businese, , selling or offering for :sale ny insolver.;,, bankrupt, fire; damaged or other similar goods, Naree or merchandise, the. sum of t,10.00 per:dsLy. SFCTIOn 71. F'or ;"every`percon, firm or corporation> ! conducting,. managing or "carrying on any business of solicit- ing, delivering and_selling ;any merchandise from any vehicle on the public streets of said; City, not othorriee herein pro for, the sum of 412.00 per annum; provided that said license tax shall author i$® the:'use of- tvic such vehicles; for each additional vehicle, 'the "suw of $3.00 per annun.. Nothing, in�;this Seationoontained shall be construed to require the obtaining by a:,person, firs, or corpori.tion a; a license to operate One ri.btor,vehicle in conbectior, pith any business or occupation.othnrwiae licensed hereunder; provided that every such person, fire: or corpor,ition shall Vity a license fee of $3.00 par aiiru,i. for every venl::le ir. excses of one so used n,:tbe conduct of such business or occupation. SF.CTIOI 72. Except aH hsrein otatar,,ide a.,prPs3ly dti in relation to the operation of motor vehicles, no person shall be requirei. to pay $ license upor. more than one kin! tugineeg mentioned in tbi a Ordinance; prove iid, hot.aver, tn; such license ttrx .aha,ll bs paid oil that fora; or kind cf Lush by said person, firm or. corporsrtion oallii,.g for the largest license tax herein providtid. SECTION 73. ror every parser., fir,,. or ;orpor,,tion conducting, managing or 0'arryiri6 on ariy it.arc iar.tile 10uair.aa of einy kind whatsoever$, not ,hnreinbefore a.,tatioi,"(l0 or cc..- duoting or carrying on arr? bueinees in xn,l store or f.laQe share goods, warHs. or melrvharidiss of any ai„a, nature ,�r —'17 ,` ii a y t t 3 l desariptaon, not hereinbefore mentioned, are `sold, :the sk. y C12.00 per annumo , z GfiCTI01P 74." Vathins in this Ordint�noe ehdlli�ibet{tri- y strued as imposing a li;:anes or tax or "o the rwise regulet;ing dt' reetriotine. foreign or interstate co,,,,aorc;e, nd acrry business or.portion -thereof which is embraaed in the term "Interstate T ?� Commerce" or in the ter,c ^Foreign Cos"orce" is 'not Jiidei , 4 . subject to the lciRnse imposed by ,this OrditAnce. e SFCTIOn-7a. All licenses issued under this Ordinan oe,Vq- si or any, Section thereof, are granted and a'." Aid by parties re.ieiving licenses with the express understttuiing that .the Board of Trustees of said City:a�sy revoke thee_ �3 1 s { } egtue at any.;tirue, by amending this, Ordinance ;or a»}r portion thereof, or"'if satiefied that any d6ridi`sioft7iW tha lioense r b �3 . or teras of. this Ordinance have been vlolate3, ar that fhb license was obtained by fraudulent representation or trot ' the holder of'`any wuoh license is :an unfit pereah� a be trusted -qith tts privileges granted by such" iScenee, prtsvided , h0ever',. that no .lioer,se sha11 be rev iced without first Siting the holder there of an opportunity to r�t+pe�ir beforeG �S the Board of Trusteaa In his Orin oehalf by hatific�tIon:'in exiting to the holder of suoh li onss, gieis and fixitt the L time and place of such hearing. Irian the ravoa�tioii cx .the ' ._ license, no part of the money in the harms of the t1Sty shall he returned and all such 117ensR Ease sh sll be forfeited to the pity. t'bnn the licansm of any person in arevoked, in. nu oaee shall anathAr license `:e granted to the saa.e pairaori within six months of t1;e atite o, du.;',, revo,aAtion,. AP,0 101 76. :`hit Ordinanoo "o. "126"`of axiii` City, together eith all other OrdlaAnjae a-,,l parts ,f 4r11riAnoes . In: conflict harewith, be and the eau.e ire'heraq pepeal'i� provi,ied, ho-sever, that bald repoul shall not afreot, prevent be .a , r/bzbr to the collection of any license foam due thereunder r or the prosecution or puniabaent of any. person Oho w> iy LIV,8 r violated any ()f said repeala1\1 ordinances, but for the purpose of such collections, proseoution.an.3 puniahrr"sent' tits said ain in.full ,-Ordinances shall re,u torus and efCeat, at,d irovic9e�S, 19 f further, tht; ;si.y ;license heretofore 1eg'ylly isaued shallTbe:; valid for the term-for whioh` i°t -vras,issued.- SECTION77. The City . lerk.`sha21 certify to the adoption of _this Ordinance +Wd �ha2:1 cause ,the ea,k 1 to .be puolished once in the on Run' net Beach .Nnus,` a -;weekly . ne„spaper. printed 'And oirculated,in said City-of TluntingtoA'. 9ea:h, and hereby design4ted tot t ALt purpose`. , Thirty daye' attarthe Pita sage.of„Jzis Ordinance the satce shall take effedt rr:d be in forese The t ore goi lh Ordihthbe Was adoptect W a.re;-ular,; meeting;of the Roar of 'rrustdea of, the, City, of Huntingtori� Beach.- held �n tae` let dhq yof?�ioveniber, 192:�, by the off Irft vote of at least. three Trust as to-wit: Ayea Trustees, "aneon bbarr, Drew, Wwming K doss Rona, M Absent Andiiwa Preertart of_ the' r8oafof Truatee of: the .,City of `riuntiG�ituri Beach, Cal ifOrrila. AMIT,. 4. dN Citq Clerk and' Tx Off`i to ;dlerk of the _ Aodrd,Ot Tree ;the City of iun t1gton .�Oaah°r ►lifor�r=fa. 1' f,Fd.y ;.{.(-7lt the�Ar'r':,'tFy.t�t+ri t'i" tSTR{t f47,�"J*}'•,a��+o� r; rs"rl .`%+,d Mot rrti+. �r•i? iMd,,H•hpej tvrteklq rr r arr in r l,rir+r� afr�l fr,ehlll�. trs Pr.s k..,r • {/(t "f t' y4 ti i 4