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ordinance _1i4, 217
An Ordinance of't,e° rsf�iSuritington e€�ch-regulating
Traf ic;,and_'fraVel>;in the Air.
The Board of Truuteeli ttf th "sty cf.jiuntin tan i3eac2 do or-
. dain as follows:
Section 1. Travel and 'Traffio ;in the.air and in'Vie start-
ing of and landing from the samo -.in the city of
huntinaton,::each shall,be-and is >regulated as in this
ordinance provided
Section 2. For the::purpoe*, of .this,ordinance the =term "air-
plane" shall Bedeemet to meanllheay,ier-than
machines capabl f oarryirig by ' rhats�ever means
propelled; and the .tee "dirigible"- ahall be�'.deemed to ¢�
mean all`machines,.which;rvvhen inflated with-gas of any
kind, shall be' lighter than s.ir',artd. capable of guidance
and locomotion thrctigYi the=,kj r carrying passengers or
freight or,both; ;the's.term,.O land Iag place" shall be
`deemed to`mean-an-area regularly used as .a-landing place
for air:oraft snd:whiuh -the; publie is impliedly.or ex
pressly invited to,uae ;as an aviation field, >or from
which p_ublio passenger traf ie is carried on.in aircraft
"Stunt flying"-"shall;be deesned ,to be.exibition `flying and
any flying not_Aw the':regular `oiiurse�o£-travel.=from one.
landing place t;a another.
Section 3. Whenev€ ttt r o,�iiir'lo s are `approa o
chih!g' each ther
from opposite direet_ions a.t approximately,the, same alti-
tude each shall_kgep to -the .right in passing
Section 4. ., ithenever,ttwo;'cllxi gib les 'are' approaching,each other;'
from opposite`.ditedtions 'at ,approxirately tY:e skmo. alti-
tude each shall";,keep ;to.,tho'right in°pa.;sinj
Section 5. b.never, an-.airplane and .a ,dirigible are approach-..
ing each other:;'from*`oppos to `directions at approximately
the same altitude;`;each-'shall,keep to the rigY-,t in parsing
but :the dirigibles.°shall Ii€tve .tre right of way.
"" .Section 6, tthenever t�ra:airplanes ,ice approaching each other .`
from.oppositc directiono at ,approimately the same alti-
€ tude," one.with =the ve Ind�'and the:;other•,against the, wind, _
the airplane fining with the° rtnd"`shall have the right of "
Sectiony7. Yrhenever,two dirigibles are approaching each other:
from opposite':direot'ions a t approximately the ears level,
the one -with a-nd one;--against:.,the wind  the._ditIgible go-
ing with the wind'-shall,.haye<the right of tray.
Section S. Whenever aitd,=ai"rp an and a� dirigible are -approach=
ing each other from—opposite directions at approxirn�tely
r the same level '.thc ::dirigible shall always have the right
of way, 'regardless 6f:the' condition of the wind, and the
airplane shall, as far as poesibie seel a different altitude
in passing
5eetion:4,. _w}ienever two�airpianesare
taXiing or -the ground
in:'opposite directions, .the airplane going with the wind
shall hn.ve the, right of way,-.brit-both machines. shall keep
x to the right .as,.fax as space on the landing place -mill per-
Section 10. Airplanes and 'dirigibles landing or about to land
shall have the right of way over all other aircraft an(l
over all automobiles and 'other land vehicles, wl.eti",r the
spot at which ,the landing is about to bd made is at a
regular landing place for;aircraft or is on,a-public
highway or any other place
v Section 11. Ne land vehicles shall "be parked upon any air-
craft landing place at any t ime°<whatsoever.
Section 12. All aircraft immediately upon landing shall clear
away from the,landing .place as soon an poseeible to parking
i-' Section 13. Mien an airplane or dirigible paaoes anoti.xr air-
plane or dirigible from" the rear the aircraft so i:as:;ing
must turn to .the left and'.Ahall iizider,no Cirflumstancea
out. in "frot�ii `t f the-`eEfrcraft so:b"hssed.
- Section M An airplane taxiing on a landing place tiY.all in
no case cut in front of. dr;otnet Pirplarie also taxiing on
t: .;.- the landing place. -:
8eotiari 5+,, �l a`3rplane carrying passers ere eXceptii i rVAIS,
7 of ther ,States .Government must ,.wheneve
Urtited , r posh b ;ei1z
starting on a flight continue to fly viithin d6admbtib �
' volplaning`Aistanee from the landing place from which t e e
flight ,`starts until the airplane has attAined` an altitude"` �°
of at least One thousand feet (1000) above the laneingn4place,� j
provided=that;if there are other landing places within dead
,motor volplaning distance,,the airplane may cantinas flXtjsg jy`
f for?altitude above; said nearby landing `irlace•'until said
height of One; ih6usand(1000.) feet is attAined. �
8eatlon 18, 'No airplane si,all'do.stunt or: fans fl in.'
� pass.engers without the written'consent.of said asd,e-
at an'altitude ?of less than two thousand' (2000
«,eotion=-1?, Stunt flying in the City of,11untington Beach r '
shall be done .onl over the ocean or over Y property having;no
buildingd thereon. No, flying shall be, done<:'ovar any pdrt3bng�
each upo
of the laity .of:ituntinEton Tn `thich buildings ayes
situated at air altitude of less=than"One„thousand�l:b0b)
Section 18, aircraft in the City of ,Yunt ink t on:Beaeh 's}iall��
+ to as great:an extentas possible fly over 'vacant and unimd
prorted Pi'oporty�and bai d,,airnraft!shall not:;i'lyrrimtned�atel
or,direotly above masses of people. congreclated tog�etheir'p `
5eotiorr:"1g, „',No,airplane at dirigible shall land unan'1any
,�pubs io highway in the City of ,Huntington Beach or upon file
,t "beach of tha:?aoific Ocean:between the,prolongati ,K.* tw
oeriter ine of Third Street in',sand City and-: roloi a yin'
thstoeriter,fine of'Tenth. :ltreet in said CY}ty4 .�� � �
x�5eo1o2�1, Ali :airplanes in starting on tti flightpm� alit
itig bn the ocean beach must, whendver uossible, ?f fty� the
aoii`ib Ocean while at an altitude of less than Ori �lt u .an
Section ail. Y'The own er "and-operator;of airplanes daY`Z' n sss�
�r engers, except planes of the united Stat x ernsnent,
see;,`that4assengers-.are securely.strapped to the aifrlakne r
bef"ore starting .on a'flight, and.that'there:are rio we er
ifig rods or other controle for the handlin 41.
troYling Jot said airplane within reach of any Such :paeeeriger,�
58oiort 22, _ Na airplane "or dirigible shall 'fly over,lioo�fttin
s -thousand (1000). feot in any;directi'on.ir:tea any '�aiitid�abi� � t
upon the roof of which .,there is painted a cross, white in }
co1Cr,� the stem or long bar ot.which' shall be at WaWAto,R
twelity feet irilongth,and eighteen inches-in-width, MA,Ve011
the,hours _of: ten.and.twelve.. o'clock A. M., or botiveen�thefi
E ?' hoariit of iieven:and nine otclook p, id.. r �
6ection-2i No' airplane or dirigible shall fLy, beteveen a
hours of 'nine; o'clock A. It. and four ;o'clock i H ,' f y '
-` school .day, over"nor within One :thousand.:(10Q0) feet in t�q , � t
direct ion':from any school house,upon .tie roof of which tte4a
is painted.a white:letter.:"S"` at'`laaAt `SIX feat in hei ht,
suz'r ours ded ;by a whits circle at least ten fiec eter
and .plainly visible from above.. The:.width.Of the Marleing aft �sfi� p
said: design shall be at least ten inches,
Seetian .2A, No airplane or dirigible shall fly, Oyer.,:nor,within
One :thous and(1000) feat in any -directaoh' from any -Ogg it x
F `ullo the.;roof,;of:.which there is,:iharked-An a .position which
F is .pYalnly viaitile, from' above a red Dross, file lilies tSfK x
V ,shall be at least ten:inches "in vvidth.�and'ten feetrig�t
$ur�rdundcci by a'white circle twelve.. fcet in ,iliarAetftr, �t 3
liiiQs of w ich :ehall b14
e ten inches in ,width,, ' au
Seotiori 25. 1t shall be unlawful for any person, firm, ,l
oompariy or corporation owning or:`controlling any airPzne,
seapiane,-'hydroplane," balloon or other kind of: sircra#`t
that::is ;kcpt. or. housed`within the corc+orate limits the r !
City' of.
Huntington,Bea6h, to operatc the same in'f]fights ;or
suffer. it: to bo-oporated and flown by others, either for
pleagure ,or exhibition puxpoa:s, or for the purpose af. ccrry °
ing..?passengar.e for hire, sinless an operator's license has
firdt bean' vrocured,a s ,required by trAs ordinance. ;,
cetio�f"Z8. Farm person desiring Huch: a 1, dense =sh$11 make
fan cppli-elation :in *r'iting;to. the,,Uity lbarshall, setting w
i'ar4th:.14t. The rage of the. applicant; ,2nd. 7.Y'1 fine ct aim _'
�oraft proposed to be used; ,3rd. 1lie :name of 'its manufacturer,
4the'-the 'year fir. aahich St runs made; hth. Tlie.aggre ate °amoant
ref the t'has bean: actually used in: lying; 6th he type of
engine; and 7th. The experience of'appliaant i lter tin
,�� Yyy„�audlii�atroraft, � x� E �-,�
-784�Fi is
vSection 27. Each a;�3lirot ion sxlzu2l ba �i�ned .by tine.applicant
and be ends}rsc ed by two persons;hs.YnC knowletije of the a�:ppli
c: ti s ability to operate tk�o .particular kind"of air draft,:."
for which a licetWe iv cou�2ht. Said endorsers ehail either
{ hold s.-ch licenses ti:ems;elves `or licenssea`as p"hats in. tl.e.
I federation Aeronautique Internationale or le siuly. &coredited
by come satisfactory govcrnt:�oiital authority a3: aircraft
"I ction :'a. Ti,c applicant must in all oas�aa bs at lcaet ei ht-: -
oen years of age, and must have had a mirjimuM exper cnae of at
least ten hours actual flying and operation �iri' the: ii� s ae '.
kind of aircraft for Which the 1'iotnse� is sou6rht. tic-pro .z;
visions of the foregoing sect iona, shall not';apply to 'b'orizz-'.
fide students ofaviation while ,they are receiving inzrtruost1,on'
ection 29. 2`ine applicant.
for such.,a 11cense" shall appear in '
person before the.City arphal` and ,submits"ta-s r,ch it ether
and additional exam inat ion ash to hi'g.uqua,l ifi'cationtx:;arid -e
perienee as the City Larshal ma,y,deem:advisable "hefore,
Granting 'the application, the '%ity :arsshal bhall" anti fy`
himmelf that the engine, prini,u, :stays, -guy ��virets-and:.other arts# ,�,.
of the aircraft which appl ii ant pr,oposes, to use are,:in €a"g sod
and safe concii.tion arid,--if. detrnod"roeaeoaary, he sF>aa1 cause"
the same:to be thoroiti;fily, e'xiumiricd-: or" a purpo'se.'.
Scotian 30. very`perbon, to Whom u-nlicerii e is,gra.n'ted t o"oper-
ate aircraft in the ;it of"f untin�tor' 13euch "a here'itr "priivfdec2, "
si;all pay a license fee_.therefor n`the sum of`Vvienty-five
Dollars ( 25.00) for. twelve (12) :calendar montYic, payable .
annually in advance
`section 31. It shall be unlawful for" any"peraon, ,firm,` compo.
or corporation to drive.or cause to ii c driven,`'or opera,tod, any
kind of aircraft the_air or upon` the,g roundl :iri a -rec S:ccs"
1 manner or in such a way as to endanger. t he lives..ei<'per,s�oris"yin
the vicinity thereof, or to operate the -aame over any park, _
plat,round staditsrn,,field or.-oUe place�;�nherc, creiwd€x tat ;.pec�in-le
are con.; e;ated; or to„perform tiny=loop,.:Gr "a.crobatia 'bat': o-r
skill, agility or daring over,any portion, pity occu}sied
pY lntzildint;ss. - , ,
Section 32, Vint " �f ty "Bars}sal is hore�iy author zed and empowered
to €rus pe;id "any license w;ranto here zi,der for-reckless',' dare serous
or i:nccm,)etent operation thereof,, br:'for violation of any of the
provisions of Li-is cxdinance. Any person vhost IIaensc has
be-ni so wt2s;,,ct;ded, msay apical'to the' cit' council at the ncy.t
>°etular meeting thereafter,-whereupon;.the city council rtiay order
such susensnion modifiedor .eonfirmod',or entirely, iovczke the
licensee of s,,ch operator.
cti on 33. Any person, f irrti: or aarporat.16n rho shall' .Vloliate
=4n of LIE: Y.aravis3iona of tinia3 'ordiissnce si,all`i e.d"e riccl gui�.ty
-of- a r:sndemeanor-and upon convictio'n.•thcretrf` stiall. �'e -pun,Ij ed
by fine of not exceeding, Three hundrod l3tillsar,0 ( 3k)6.00) or
by imprisonrient for a germ not exceeding dins>ty 9C) diys;"or
by both wach fine s.nd i+nprizqonment.
S_oction 34. he City Clerk' shall :cerLiiy to c i,a; n,�ia of
this urdi nac,ce and'si rill cau.e the tiarjc ,t o 1e:.published -gay, c tie
Insertion in the huntin at.on zEra"rh l ev�ss .e. are�•kl.y.newsptaper of
general ci culcat.ion-, printed, publirihQ cl sheet r.i co at ed in t7sE
:ity Of !mini ir%,t on Eeach, California This w din'i nce is
nn;ccs.,ary fo, Lase iirmediute presc.,vat ion �a tie ubil io _s rce
:and safety, t..c reason for its urgency,i=. %s follrac. Airpl.anes
and ci=.-i�l ..E�s ter., -mein,, orerutez? alzt,v,- na-Ec} City at :; danger-
ouslY lo:, c,3. :vtltion and over e€,rtain iortians of ti.c, ;ity, u-C.,n
which peol.le concrei;atc in Urea,t nuariucrt�, thc>cfore, L iris
ordinarnce shall takes effect :at",cl bo ;in full force-"iivredia;#lely -
after its ia', a e and publication..
Paswed and adopt<:d -i:y the -Board-of Trusteess, of�:`the �_:ity Of
"witi n.' n --,each, -this ,'Gth,cloy of.:-3ui�c,_192I .
i-4 hdi B anrrirtg;
Attest �. E�rcttldeitt of Eoard "o-f 2x i,..-
.��'�\� '• Lases" j# the cityzty cif
: iiurit.ln�,tUn
. . . . ' hec.eh a:alifo,=n:fu.
City Clerk and l:x-officio,Clerk- of .
the board of Trustees oft-roc City
o� I:.urttin;,^ton ":tacl'n,�'
510 #
.'4. Ww 'A5
rA`a '',y�',ei'.a:NC4
tie trc�f Milforni, f �w `
City ,afuntiniTY '"� ch ,
4 a -.- i ' -
s Ca erk Of the
and cif : ru ` �:,�`of t2:e ;amity of�'���,���;t � �;". plc `hereby
e '
certl ' that : `f gai rig
.Od c o• .. � ntxduci Arid
i�ead at a �ttec � v of. the Boa-
`a -opted �t
11 EI'L` +t of. JUTS 6! { , y s1. Ott e
Ayes." rx, Cl eat, q drew, �tanni ng
iJ �i
Ctai,l, UlerC fa ., o ,rk of
d r. OaT s Ces CJ.1 4.s C .:-L
of 3iUntntn }fc2o
,v '
It �. Ordinance 11 218
Ar► br:di narzce of the City of � untin ton Bo�.ch, ,` ndin Grciitxa r:ce
Ito®` :.21a of paid City, 'kntitled, "An'=. trnar;c , rcvi .x �
for Lieensi alld Re ulat;tn ; t,1xc �:arry x� , gin. of Cep tldn
u` ir�ees , o oegione, Trades, ,Calling, Occupations ,
.Carried on Within .the City `of �s4�nt T3 tqn � tscZ ,
46.Oeal`ing Certain Ordinances and Carta i` �tidinance6 in
Conflict c:Y ewith•
The oarci of Tr es of tr.e �;it of i uni . Y)Glon �iF � ch, cio ord 4in
as :f of l or,
. - Sects inn 1. Section 09 of Ordi110"*nco 210 of the ; E�i ty 0�
J1uritin;;twi sicrich, cntit led "ran ordinance prov cli w -Co-
liccneing and ref ulating the rarryiTt� �no� certain � :x� ire=. . a►
ptofcsuionn,:. trades, callings s�r�+� cc tt s.tios�s cax°,° c�ci cmwitrrin tic City dt iurttinGton - each, .an ;~c �a3xn c �r aI'll
ordirsarscca and, yaax�ts of ord ixiar�;.E�o ,n r�nf a ct A.t _ r',` 11 r
is hera'�y manded: ea as to x•ccd aa.,fo1.1 • a uct on . �
Poi every person irTn or corporr�t can conaucti r►�;, � w� tttAz� �.
®r oarx�yxn on the. uanea of adcrtiiar�tSy y:� a� .� s, ` '. .
baai`de :ten t}er_ square : ar .,per
rd in tc t aal tine 'o s 1 , 1 t, ae ui 1.
z 1'ul a`c xi 4: n;;,
Pat' soil firm or.. corporaL on t-0 oonotruct, . or ect, acr ,
ox':cause .'t0, Inc; .construct d 0re6tk 02 laced .::`t i=i iT iFi;
City of Hu tiri tot :3c'ach after'.. ho� d�t�''ox" � !�in�; �A�F:�i;
County of"orange,�•
"City .of isuntingAtfi'' � ich ►��,, ", '
6�r' 3t v,
I� Ch�ss� �. Butt City CAand f� y�
Y � b;.. erk of the
Bozrd-of Tru `t 'of the .J'It ofe, x= ", i��' _ rk t rsC t gbh, dcs he9ce kay
csertit'y tYisil;+ t,?se�_f�gi°cccoing Ord�d,asic�=+o. e: Introdt,cr'i1 and
read at sa` �sr'�%P1E@yof the Boartc}".t '" i'.uste o4,,'Ukid: City; held
on the , ...�sai f Jund, lq� and ,vat:, b li s4ii adopted at
an eve dr u#ar meetin ,ffi }. oa`ri�� Truetecs, Mold
on t 4c .. of .June, �2 by. oliEtivaiig vote:
arr, bkr'scrl l �dreW s; Dr,ew,. liannisxg
' one,
t` A tip one. 4 '
..? / City Clark and lac-offici o Clerks of
yeti£ f• � �`y�S' the Board of Trustees of t},e a ty
of HuntinCto77 licach.
Q ordinance xlo. ,218
An Crrdinsssio. pf the City of Huntington iestch, hrs7endinhr Grdinst�7ce- .
Ito. i210 of said City, 'entitled, "An ordinance. Provi iissg..
-for:Lioensai'�'+.� and Regulating the Carrying on. of Certain
x Bur iness,>frofc�esions Trades, Callings'and:occupationo
;Cstrried .on Within the City;of huntinc;ton 7>ea;h, stnd _!
repealing' Certain Ordinances sand Parts of Ut(IIrsanoed in
Confliot ;ticrewith. e a
The Baszrd -of Trustees of the :City of h ntisat;ton Bi�,nch, do `ordziri
Section 10 section 69 of ordinance #210 of t}re City of ,
Huntington Deaeh, entitled "An ordinance providing fp,
n licensing and reLulating the carrying on. of:.cetta,in busineo a,
professions, tradess,,cttllins;r; s.sia occupations'carsied
: ::within the City of Luntington :leach, and rcpealing,�:ceriairi.
ordinances and. parts of ordinari::eas in conflict }exev it}7,"
µ`la hereby: amended so as to read as follows: Section C-9
For, every person;. firm.or corporation conducting, :zanaging'
or harrying on the business of advertloing tiJ :roans of, bill
boardsr, :ten (10} cents per square bard ;per year,ar for f11' such
bill boards in actual is7:e;.". It shall be unlawful fdr arrj,,.
portion, firm o.: corporation to construct, .-rect, �2ace,
or: cause to be constructed, erected or ;.1aci(Fuithin the
City of huntington Bcsach after he• iiatt o tAyinc 'effrot
of thin ordinance, of trig 1;111,bottsd, sign, rfl7se4, or
.::advertisement of stray kind or nature, or, to pottt attaenr
pastel ' tack or Tauten any..advor.tiscirv:nt, sign, poster, -
plaeard or other advertir•in� ir,atter upon r,rly trevDi fencei
:post,.buildlne.ur satrucl.urt now crcoted in raid City of
iiuittirsgton Beach, without first Ia7lvislt; oi,twiraed.a }3err,�it
,;,Trom.the Board of jrusteesa of the Qi ty of 1,untit14. s:n Bduc}
so. to do .:.: Applications for such porrlits sk:all b<< c.stctc in
Writing setting forth 'tix si .e, location an«t ciatructf:r. of
the prop000d gill boards car po:sterr; or ndvcrti 73 aF� n tttr
�'Sssr said• heard of lrussL[ea €:ay re-fuse or ;tra.sat Bald permit
e,.L}tiay misty .desire arsci: cleciuion ishull t:e <"iasril trsri
`'.binding in the :mtstt.er.
i3e t102 -2' :The City 'ylexk ssi,ull ccrtiry to ti c`ira..+•lgo pi ti.id
'ordinanota and shall, cauryc Me. vane :o Y,c7 ,+u';bi+"}.e d.: in
Htuttirlgtoh-}Beach News, lit wockly paper iprirttvd, t,urllisl.ed
,And`airdulat'ed Kn said City of },untie' to
is stc}r, t+rci it;irty
.daye thi+rota,fters it, sst,stll take of feet and be in form.
I'a7id8d° slurd"'i}dopted by' the board of Tr,,steos of t}�e wi?y Of'—
kuntington Ucach, tLis 20th day of «tine, 19°=1,
Ld. 11anning
Yreaittc�-t t,f t, c =:cued t 'COS
Attes'L' :ity of F"..ntitfs;tt.n :trh,,
City::01ea'g .and l.x-affiaio Clerk
of the I!aard of Trusteca of the �ity�
of 1}tuttington Bauch, (;ulifornist.