HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #227 ORDINANCE NO. . L-2,�
The Board of Trustees of the City of. HuntinSton Deach dd
ordain � s folla5s :
Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Plumbing
Inspector for the City of Huntington Beach, who shall hold his office
during the pleasure -of said Board.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the said Plumbing In-
spector to furnish to each and every person; firm, company or torpor-
Stion, contemplating the construct ion of any plumbing or house drain_
age within the limits of said City, a permit for such work, upon the
terms and Conditions , hereinaf�er set forth; it nhall also be his duty -
to inspect such work, in ,he manner hereinafter provided.
Sect ion 3. Any and every person, firm, company or corpor-
ation carrying on the business of plumbing, constructing or assuming '
control of tky .plumbing or house drainage affecting the sanitary con-
dition of �;ny house or building .situated Tithin the limits of the
City of Huntington "each, ohall first obtain a license therefor from
the City Clerk of so id City , and shall nay therefor the sumof One
J Dollar , (01. 00) Der month; payable annually in advance, and no such
person, firrm, . comDany or corporation shall engage in the business or �
work or -, 1Li-Yuing in Na.id City without procuring such license from �
,paid City Clerk.
Section 4. Every master plumber, before he is granted a �
license ;hall give :. bond to the City of Huntington Beach in the sum
of rive hundred Dollars Q500. 00) with two good and sufficient sure-
ties or some bonding company, approved by the Board of Trustees, for
the faithful discharge of his duties as waster Diumber, to secure any
person ordering work done by him against - damage, , by reason of faulty
Workmanship, 'which sureties shall qualify that they are worth said j
sum in Droperty over and ' a,bove all liabilities and exemptions ; which
said bond shall be approved by the Board of Trustees of said City and
shall be filed with the City Cleric theredf. At the expiration of his
yearly license every person carrying on business of plubing , within
Thirty (30) days , shall again register and file a, new bond as afore -
Section 5, Before commencing .:any work of plumbing or
house drainage, the Derson, firm, company or corporation doing the
namd s zll apply to the Plumbing Inspector for a permit to do said
work. -
Secthn 6. In cases where building permit is necessary,
the plu__Zbing permit will not be issued until after the building per- .
mit has been issued. For �id 'plunbing -:per;_it tAe i_Isyector shall
charge and collect at the following rate, to-wit :
1 to 4 ,:fixtures: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qi 00
4 to -6 " 1. 50 .
6 to 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00
Additional over 10 " . 10 each.
Section 7. All work done shall be subject to inspection
both in a rough and finished state , and as soon as said work is ready
for such inspection, the contractor or other person doing the same,
shall notify the Plumbing Inspector thereof, and -ithin forty-eight
hours ,after such notification, the Plumbing Inspector ,shall inspect
the same, and Then unij work is completed to his satisfaction, he
shall grant to said •contractor or other person a Certificate or
Acceptance ; notpl-ans shall be changed vrithout the 1.7ritten" ,.)er_~Iission
of said Inspector, and no other perriit :-hall be issued by himi to any
contractor or other person due from him as hereinafter in this section
-provided. All y;ork shall be left uncovered and convenient for exaa,-nin-
ation until the .same is ir_spected by the Plumbing Inspector arid he
must apply tine water test ; and all G 1e nece8 airy tools, labor and as-
sistance for .such tests shall be furnished by the contractor or other
person doing the ,,-o-rk or a.ssyslinS control thereof. , and such persons
shall remove or repair any defective material or worii 17hen so ordered
by the, Pltunbing Inspector. All soil-pipe , drain-pipe , tra.i� , water-
closet , urinal, sirzi, or other fixture set up, or f it-ting or fittings
laid, used or constrt,cted ot.he-rwise in accordance with the pro-
visions of this ordinance , or ,--hick, t1 t'lae opinion of -the Plumbing
Inspector s:aa.11 be or ';eco.,re of bad or defective quality, upon notice ,
either verbal or in writinc from him, shall be removed or repaired
in Lti10 r pnner dL:ected, and "1"t"'.12 vile -.fide fixed by the Plumbing in?
spector c^-1Ci in case of any difference of opinion in regard to the ef-
ficacy or efficiency of said work or material t 1,e,t i,aay arise between
the person doing 7a id -ork and the Plunbing Inspector, the decision
of the latter shall be final. No charge shall be made by the Plumb-
ing i_:s sector 'or the first inspection of rough work, or for the
f i`rst InsiDect ion of finished �F,,,ork; but should extra v.iaits for in-
spection become necessary 'Chen the Pl-wnbing insi,,ector shall charge
the sum of One Dollar ($1. 00) for every such extra visit.
Section 8. It shall be unlazrtrful for any firm, corporation,
or person, either as owner, agent or lessor to rent, lease occupy or
Yitace use of any house, 7uilding, tent or Other structure in the City
of Huntington Beach where pluanbillg work -las been constructed unless
the owner, ai-;ent or lessee -of said _louse or building have first
procured fron. t.Lie Plu-1i1birig insi)ector the final Certi-ficate of Accept -
ance hereinafter -,entioned.
Section 8;. It shall be unla1 ful fo-_ :,ny -person, either
as ovrner., .gent or lessor to rent , lease occupy or ria..e use of any house
or 'auildine hereinafter cons-c•racted in tl,.e City o Huntington Beach
when -1-unninE '.",ater is availabic -to sucl.l 1 uilc_ing or :Clouse Unless said
building or douse is piped vrith running water and eq.0 ipped -:,Tit1 a,
least one sink, and one water closet witlin each portion or apartment
of said building or L.oase v,hich is under the control of a separate per-
son or is occupied by a separate fi omily. Each sick and later closet
instilled in any douse .gall be provided -,ith sL__litary c_rainage as pro-
vided in t�lis crc i=lalce. Pravided,l�_o:,'ever, that this section hall not
apply E o "camp grounds" as defined by the Building Ordinance of said Ci•t ; .
Section 9. ,Viy I)l-Lir_bing -:Tor'K or house drairlage affecting the
sanitary condition of any house or building in 'the City of Hun-tington
Beach, ."hic.a _11ay be or become of bad or defective quality or condition,
or. ,:thich is not constructed accordin to the -provisions of -this ordinance
shall be removed or ' repoired i_:nmediately after notice so to do is given
by the Plunbi,ng Inspector. Said officer is hereby given the power to
coterrrn any such of rk, and such l-,ork shall be deemed condemned vrithin
the fi+eaning of this - ordinance upon notice , -iven by such officer in
. riting or' verbal to the owner or teraLInt or occupant of -t_le property
to rescove or repair such work as r�ia,y be necessary. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to use or occupy or in_zabit any house or building
in vrhich any such condemned plumbing el_ists until the sa_,re has been re-
i-r_oved or repaired according to the reciuire_,:ents of this ordinance and a
certificate of accepta.rice issued as provided in this ordinance. .
Section 10. Every house or building• for rhich any house drain
age or rlu r,birl€; a.ttachrlents -Ire constructed, shall be connected with the
city sewer, when such sewer is provided on the street or alley upon which
the property abuts, or .When such house or building is tiiithin two hundred
feet of said city sTer, wl).ether such sewer is situatted or? a street, al-
ley or on private property ; but in case such sewer is not situated on a
street or alley upon -r:Thich the property abuts <=-nd such hoc.se or building
be not within 200 feet of such sewer, such house or building shall be
connected with a cesspool not less than 3 feet by 4 feet in dimension
and down togood seepage g=•avel ; such cesspool shall be situated riot less f
than 5 feet fron'. .-nv property line , 7-,nd no less than 10 feet frorl 'any
dwelling douse or residence ; _ i.c_ed, '_-poi ever th t if "there is a, build-
-2-- 4 .
- --------------- ------- --
ing on -t he -rear of lot on the front of ." icil -t.1-le re is another
building, the same cesspool connect•ioris r,ay be made i'ir itn both
buildings. Curbing of cesspools not over three by four feet --may
be bu;-lt of one inch- r'edvrood material viith corner posi,s of three
by Lour inch re(tvTood; cesspools over th,,t size shall `rye of 2" red-
wood with studding at least every four feet , ,,rich studding and
corner posts 'shall be of three by four inch redwood or brick.
Wood tops shall be of 411 tlai.ckness and extend 6" beyond curbing.
'�ricl> cesspools sli�,i.i. xlave a stroi7g brie arch top. A11 tops of
cesspools sh�:�ll be not less than eighteen: inches below the sur-
face of the j,ro,L:nd. Stor-in gater ,hall not be connected frith set^rer
or cesspool.
Section 11. The drain from the soil-pipe to the public
sewer or cesspool shall be laid on an even grade and strai. ;ht with
a fall of not less tZ n one -quarter of an inch per lineal foot to
a 'ooint on the line ,rhere an elbo,.,r may be placed from whence the
said drain shall : escend to the ")F"on said serer il,t an of
90 de„roes. A11 drains situated outside of ^any house or other
building connected with the sewer or cessmool shall be of vitrified
salt-Elazed sewer pipe of t_Ze best quality and of not less than four
inches in internal dia.mcte,r; all joints therein s1i.all be, neatly --made
,ith Portland Ce :aent composed of one of said ceY,ient and two
parts of cleaii s nd, and said joints shall be carefully swabbed out ;
all ,,Tork must be left uncovered until the sane. Inas been properly
tested -nd inspected. All changes of course in drain pipe must be
:a de with one-eight1l bends or "Y" and one-ei ,-hth bend; no "TVs"
allowed' in drain Work. All sewer laterals ertendin.g to the public
sever shall be laid at a. depth of not less than four feet at the
p roperty 1 ine.
No sewer shall be opened except in the presence of the
Plumbing Inspector, and' care miust be taken that no cement pipe or
other material shall
r -�Pr n,�„y.«�,•,_� ae used in ___along connection �z.nd shall be of sluch
a, length that they do not extend over 4" into sewer "Y" or chi�!iney.
Trench from, main sewer -to proberty lire. to beflushdd when filled.
Two or -.more houses or , other buildinf;s cai-�not be jointly
i connected ':rith the se�prer in a.nr street or al-ley except orle be in the
rear of the otlaer. !Vhen tl�vo or more buildings or structures are con-
nected v.'ith -the hou.�e drain or sevrer, the drain pipesyster in each
and every building or structure shall c,on:f'o xrn to the rules �i,nd regu-
lr_�.t i ons y�rescribed by this ordinance.
Section 12. The established Everage vrei:—hts for cast iron
soil-pipe are as follovrs, viz. , per le:-Igtii of five feet ;
Standard. medium. :Extra Heavy-..
2 in. 17- lbs. 20 lbs. 272 lbs.
3 in. 221 lbs. 30 lbs. 4-7-z lbs.
4 in. 32 lbs. 45 lbs. 65 lbs.
5 in. 42 lbs. 60 lbs. 85 lbs.
6 in 52 lbs. 75 lbs. 100 lbs.
7 in 5 lbs. 100 lbs. �35 lbs.
8 in 5 lbs. 125 lbs. 170 lbs.
10 in 115 lbs. 17; lbs. 225 lbs.
12 in. 165 lbs. 225 lbs. 270 lbs.
15 in. 225 lbs. 400 lbs.
All soil-pipes from one Loot outside the walls of any
house or building shall be of cast-iron, of standard thickness, and
of the size herein,i'te�� sarovided for in t .is ordina.,i-ice to drain such
f ixture. The vent pies shall be extended up to and fol'!-ovr ing the.
angle of the roof line on under side o` same, and. ;hall not be brought
to the outer air until the highest point in roof has been reached.
A distagce of tv� enty-four ( 24) inches measured, from the top edge
of ridge to the lower side of vent pipe on the angle of the roof
thereof will be deemed to be sufficient , proved, however, in case
Of & flat roof ;such vent piping need not Oe extended to the highest
point of such roof, Oro ided no vent Dipe in such !!at roof, shall
terminate within ten (10) feet of any other building, and the termin-
al of all vent -,iDing on cuay building. or, structure shall not be with-
in Ten (10) feet of any window, air intake or other opening in any
such building or structure. Horizontal vent piping above the. fix-
ture level shall no.t exceed_ twenty (20) feet in length.
A roof will be considered flat whose pitch or inclination
is three (3 ) inches or lessper foot. tell roofs with a greater pitch-
than three (3) inches shall be deemed a pitch roof, and all 'vent
piping pdping shall be carried to the highest point as herein provided and
the vinimum height 'of any vent from the ground shall be fifteen (15)
Waste pipe in all cases shall be . of• leand, wraught iron,
brass or cast iron ond of the following sizes :: For each bath tub,
laundry tray or set of trays , or was basin not less than one and
one-?calf inches internal d.ia eter; for each water-closet not less
than four inches internal dial.neter; for each slop sink or slop
hopper where the outlet is t,l ,iQ inches or smaller, not less than
two inc' es in diameter an? if outlet is larger than two inches , the
waste . aipe shall not be smaller than three inc"_(;s internal diameter.
For each urinal , not less than two inches internal d > t er. Wrap
to fixture c d its extention to wall excepted. For every sink Used
for _;itchen -purposes or otheiwi.se, the ,_ininium {?i«.=deter of waste
for kitchen purposes or Otherwise , the .:.i?li?:luY1 dia:Ileter or waste
• 0lipin to sL.c'1 fixture shall be two inchC., in-tc.r::z:.l diameter. 1 rap
to f i ;.tore and extention to wall excepted. r
All horizontal soil or Taste ;;pipes chill �.�e of cApt iron, e
coated inside and out with tar, or of lewd-. All �,-raslo �i. c��P it�.er �
� o
t='1c;•11 horizontal J_ii-:�' be O:i:• � ">'.�z' _!h1ZE;C� iT,rOL�=r.c'ii, iron '.;lf} i.C% t�'i10�7n �?S
the "Durham_ " , ',_ � ,{ t Dur"a�.,.:il E��i SUe1�Y , anC.. ?"TYlef, t''1C' S�;id_ 'rDLtr.:lc� ,.��yst e;:l'�\is used file
pipe ,_-.ha ll be reazed to full size ,and screwed tight against the
shoulder of fitting; the joints ol- all soil-pipes except those put
in by the "Durham ay stem" shall be made of oakum And, pig lead, thor-
oughly caulK:ed. Connections between wrought or steel -pines and cast
iron fittings when the internal diAmeter of the fittings are larger
than the external diameter of t .e pipe to be connected :,hereto ,
( either in 17aste , or vent pipe connections ) shall be made by a
coupling increaser scrbwed on the wrought iron or steel pipe be-
fore being calked intoihe hub of the cast iron connection, so as
to prevent obstructions in waste or vent pine. The .:,a:C Q shall ap-
ply between iron pipe connections to .vitrified pipe.
Every vertical stack or soil or waste pipe shall be pro-
vided with a brass trap screw ferrule at the foot or lower terminal
-thereof and with a clean--out or a tr p . :;cr(;w ferrule at the end of
each 'horizontal pile line and each latteraa branch,� ,. except that such
clean-cuts or trap screw ferrules may be omitted in concealed work.
All such clean-outs or trap screw ferrules installed in or under
coient floors in any 'basement or cellar, or the Hirst floor of any
buildings shall be brought up where it is accessible at the finished
,'very clean-out or trap scretK, ferrule- reQuired by this
ordinance shall be in2talled in such manner as to :e reWil_y
accessible. Any such cleanout or trap screw ferrule shall have a
clearance of ei hteen ( 18) incases from any pier, foundation, wall ,
D rtiticn, girder , or ,:.ny other structu al P=t of the building
which would tend to Obstruct the accessibility of the ti;;;.me, Trap
i screw ferrules shall be of the skme diameter as waste or lateral
run. Every change or direction of any soil or ?`Taste Dipe shall be
made with a full "Y" branch and 1/8 bend: No "T" or sanitary "T''
oraY ch shall be used except in a stack.
perpendicular r•�e Yl d.��.c�?.l a•r �a.cli.
The drain pine from any .refrigerator, t nk, safe,
waste f r0 ii ?basin, b,uil, Sind., water closet Or Oti"lez` f ixil?re, Or
from any place lrhere provisions are stored siia ll not be directly
connected '.ri in any Soil Or vlaste pipe or b:rith a drain or SC:':df-r,
bz,?t .:ray be connected "rith aiz OVE'I: c]Y1C1- l`J�� GE't supplied sink. 17ater-
closet apartlyients sl all open into the open air or slaa.11 be uentilat -
ed by means of a ':rindoti?, a,ir-Shaft Or duct.
All plui-�ibing instFiled in old ,uildin ;s to con_`•orr_i as
nearly o,S possible ?'rith this Ordi. a•nce.
Sect iori-l3. Every ?eater-closet , slink, slop hopper, b ,th
tub, _=.old every tray or set of wash trays or other vessels connected
with any drain pipes shall 'Je separately and effectively' -trapped.
All traps sh-all be placed as near tiie 1;ixture as possible and in no
case farther than ti'r0 feet f'rol! said fi :turd, and Set 'true to its
Size of traps ; `Pater closets not less than four inches.
Slop hoppers not less than two inches. !.Va.sh-basins riot
less than one inch and a half. Bath-tubs , wash trays, oinks, urinals ,
otin(:r f ix,t?lres not less than one caad. one-half inches. ',There trap
on Oath tub is between :Floor -,ad ceiling, it ':r.iast not drop lo�'rer tii��•n
:ri'thin one irichc:of the lathing.°
All sinks in laundries or in i.itciit=ns of hotels or bo^.rd-
ing houses acconmodating more thann twenty persons s'_rlall be provided
with suitable aaid apr)roved grease-traxo, of a capacity of not less
tilcil _'ive gallons, net. All la,ree grease-trans sh,,.till be situated
outside the stalls of the house or other building to vr'.lich "they are
attaciled °. ':ere a, free circulation of air cF.n be obtained.
'.very carriage trash or area drain, sh,-_�11 be trapped by a
sand trap of not less than 12xl2xl2 inches , constructed of brick and
cement or vitrified stone pipe with ce_.�c.nt bottom. `Lhe water seal of
.this trap shall be constructed by inverting its i'raste line. A itrater
sea OI less v_icl -prohibited .-n •� •tii r. c
1 fCL?1' 1i1C�.iC,S 1S JlO.E11 )It(.d �t..0 C 11n11:_l:!.1 �.i1Ze 0�.
1raste wipe shall be three inches. Such trap need not be vented. Any '
f a:=tune in a.. building ( water closets excepted) ,' where it is il.ip_ac-
ticable on accc:)unt of --my structural features to cori-I`orlrl to all pro-
visions of t -pis ordinance , 1:,.ay be trapped 1krith drixm trap without re-
veintin-i _uc : trap.
Section 14. Every aiiildi ?rj -k ^j'-
,' ',� n�, in cif a .ter closet is
installed a-ad the 'caste pipe from such fixture is connected to the
sewer or cesspool , the iriini•rum di•n,a.iieter of " the vent pipe frorl such
fixture _10 installed, other than a water closet, acid there is not
a four inch vent pipe through thie roof of' . suc'a building , the i;,iili-
raum size vent ,pipe i•rori suchfixture ti::'x"ough the roof shall be the
same diah_aeter as the waste piping installed fo such fixture.
All Vent pipes all.: f ittlit}- be ,a�,i,,t�:ter�Ca On, asYJhalturii
y1; dipped or alvz ized . nought. iron. 11. vent -an _ e:�'tensions above
the hiC-hest fi.Ltui�es i cast iron, lr,ay be standard pipe.
All traps aaid fi7:tures shall be se-para�,tely Laid of ect -
ively vented, with axi air pipe of diameter not less than ti_at of
such trap ; except in case of a trap larger `.-Inan two inches in di-
axieter in which the air pipe shs11 not be less than two inches in
d:iar,eter. Provided, that F., single pe may be used to vent two
traps through the sane fitting, 1,iher. s?aci'1 fitting has effective
means to prevent the drainage from one trap entering the other trap
and is iaa.de in one )i.ece of i'awt,al 1.r ithout; -loose or attached parts ,• i
and all vent -pipes vlrithin a radius of twelve feet may converge into
one pibe le ,, -.ze of hick S'_ria.11 be governed l)jr t-he -provisions of
this section. ivTo vent shall teriainate within ten feet of any window
air-shaft or openinV of- any house , acid the Sadie shall be fatiler re -
* he 1Jjr tale l is-pector if he deeds it necessary, Or all vents may
be Connected into the resin }tack not less than six. feet above the
highest fixture in the system.
U 14
All vents shall be of the s@me size as the traps , .-pro-
vided, Uh, if :t_;ore 1,il oile ' ixtl1're sl a1l be vented, the .size of such
pipes shall be as :�o1_1c,rs : - For more one ;-and not exceeding i ore
than "t.!o ;.'ixtures, o f I-X,d yOne-half inches in internal dig, eter; for
?:'lore than two and not e<<_ceeding si-x f'l::it-ures , lov., 7 IC "ie.s in inter-
t' a] 1':metE'r; ft>� T'lo-,'e u»n 51=. ._.,ld not exceedinF�r ei ;ht :'ixtures
three inck,es in internal diazmeter; for :_lore Lli.a(i eight. a-ad not ex-
ceeding t?eli%.e f 1:r :,UrC-S , . lour 1nG li?S ii: it"Iternal C)7.citiC tC'r.
All vent pipe 1'roii ?'!acier--closets shall riot be less than
'two inches in internal dia--et er, and Mlle re more � 'la n one closet
is vented tl'lrough the s2. _ie �1i e, the internal dia ieter of 'tile sal2ie
shall be as follow s
-"Or _.,lore t 1Gi! oi`le chid 1?ot e ceedl.il6 -Four C -c;se.ts , vio
inches ; for ::iore ta—:.2-1 f^ur fanC' not erCeedin� eight closets, tl"To
One-'"'alf li c`,.es ; for i.iore 1`).an eight -nd not e.x-ce_edinLD, :%'our-
teen closets, three iris aes ; more that, fourteen ,-rid not exceeding
U:7e.nty, four iriches.
Ayiy vent e teridin in horizontal di rectioil sh---ll have
a fall of :not less. than one--cqu:1rter of cm inch to the. oott
All vents sha .. 1 rise 7aerperidicularly to .a poin-t six
inches .above tlae fix",�tre to prevent back 't"i�t(;r f r0ii2 e11"�erii therelil.
In order to Urevent 1"•Taste water fr0:u enterii1g vent :L,)ipeS
n ,
every bre ch o r branch f itt i l� for a vent p ipe �o r spec ial air-pipe
shall form c;,i1 angle of not less than 45 degrees "'ith that _portion
Of t_).e 1rtTaSte pipe lllt.l which1t is COi1ilCCte'Q , 1?rlil in the direction
fro a which the w a.ste water flows in such ':caste ?1i-oe, :_;nd that if
such -caste pi oe is not vert:i_Cal , be placed on "tile u:oper ride t:,lereof.
Section. 15. ;very connection bct+,,een lead piping slap-11
be Iade by a wiped joint. .Every con-section betlreen soil -pipe and
lead o '_etwee_'i wrou&il iron pi.-a)e and lead sha11 be __lade. 55rith brass
ferrules or brass solder nipples ;,ad its joininr, :_ 1 i1 be wiped.
Bolted or cop:��erbit , cup or flush solder joint are n.rohi+:sited in
all cases.
Section 16. 1-To' v:rater-closets shall be ;-)ut i`ito i1}r douse
or '_)u .lding except tho ;c flushed by ;a tank cone;_ziriiilg ,",ot less than
four gallons of '"rater. Plunser Closets or frost C:as, ,lou62; not
be used, yJovided, however, that flush '1eter-Va Sy t""" may be
used. Philadelphia hoppers or 8,i).y of nler direct, closets are
i.)rollibited 'in all cases.
Section 1?. f" . are ,Before an, 1 i.�tures �. �e )l-)ced in con- ec ion
with the nlu_nibing of any house or other bu ilding or any p:_ rt of the
dry, ina�e syste:_1 therein is Covered C r Concealed _'ros;'. view, the out -
let of the Soil-pipe anC''_ all openings into it bel0lr the top thereof' ,
small be sealed; "tile pipe shell then be f i.11ed "k:rith water to the
highest point ir. "the myste,:,. Defective pi;-,es and Pitt in,,_;s of all
ki.rids shall be removed and rep!, ced by ,sound r_aterial; cel:lent irrork
of °T atsoever descr:.pt 'Ion is prohibited a_nd ever;, part of said ,:York
shall confoi.- {'rill, tie provisions herein made and. hall be subject
to t,he approval of tine Dlu_1bing i ispector.
Section 18. Every Cps ',,ater heater hereinaf ter installed
for use, for thepur-pcDse. of heating water in any enclosed 'wilding
in the City of Huntington Beach, California, shall be ;:provided with
a vent pipe not less tl_ai1 ; inches in diax.,-ieter :_(.d ,lot less Ulu n "the
smoke or fuz_-.ie outlet frog. said. heater and exte"-:dirig through and un-
ditiiinishiilg in size and eu least 12 inches above tFne roof of the
building ""there the same is installed and shall have a storm-proof
cap on the top of said pipe. "there s-dl be double f,wly,-nized
pipe c_x.tending frori point of entering roo-m to outside of roof , cov-
ered ,.rith asbestos -llenever i4,ithin 'cr,ree inclles of '=Aood ".:Tith a.
Clear air spoace '!'het"Teen , of not less '- an inch, 1,rovided, however,
'that any gas water heater fixture rlay be vented into any brick; stone
or composition `;himney or flue, which shail have a capacity of an out-
let in excess of the outlet ;:;rovided for on he C s water heater.
In every bath room or closet ?There any such heater is install-
ed, there :shall be :provided an air inlet and air out-let 'independent of
door or v indo:'rs. The air inlet shall be loc. ted in or near the floor and
the air outlet htrough the ceiling or in the 'gall contiguous thereto. The
minimum area, of such air inletsand air outlets shall be thirty-six (36)
square i hes.
That from and after the date this ordinance iJecowes effective
it shall be unlawful foV any person, firm or corporation to erect or in-
stall, or cause or permit to be erected or installed, any gas water heat -
er in any bed-room or bath-ro6m of any building or other structure, erect-
ed, constructed - or maintained nta ined in the City of rrunt i.n,ton Beach.
Section 19. It shall be unlawful for any Derson, firm or cor-
poration to commence or to do or cause to be done , or to construct or
cause to be constructed, or to use or cause to be used, except for ser-
vice pipes, meter and meter connections, any Sas pipe or gas fitting or to
};sake any alterations or changes or additions \to cny ,gas _tripe or any gas
fitting in any building or structure or any portion thereof in the City
of huntinSton Beach, without first obtaining a permit from the Plumbing
Inspector, so to do.
Any person, firm or corporation desiring a permit for any of the
purposes, enumerated in this section, or a permit for the inspection of
testing of any gas ripe already installed in any building or other struct-
ure in said City, shall make application in writing to the Plumbing Inspect-
or , giving; such informs tien as said Board say -require on blanks to be furnish- 1
edfo-r t�. nt Durpose, and if it a.�pears therefrom that the work to be perform-
ed thereunder is to- be done according to the regulations contained in this
ordinance governing the construction, inspection and testing of such work, a
permit shall be issued upon payment of the fees as fixed by section 6 hereof.
Section 20. Ail gas f i.ttin, work done .under permit stall be sub-
ject to the inspection and teats hereinafter prescribed, znd notice shall
be given to the Plumbing .InsDector by the person, firm or corporation
doing such ':ion^k or causing the qqme to be done, immediately after said 7ork
is ready for inspection. Such notice Z u.st be in writing; and no inspection
shall be Dade by the Plumbing inspector until such notice has been filed
in his office with said permit number attached.
I The inspections of gas fitting work dole under permit small be
tVao , viz : A first inspection and a final inspection; except on unconceal-
ed ':ork, such as store _run or fuil run of, pipe, then same shall be __lade
at one inspection, first and final. `:['he first Jospeetion -hall be
after all the piping authorized to be installed under the permit shall have
been installed, and before any of such piDinE has been covered or conceal-
ed or any Q31u-res have been a.ttabhed thereto. The final inspection chall
be made after the pipeing authorized to be installed under the peri!).it is
in place and-has been covered or concealed. This inspection shall include
the ap?1 ication of an air pressure .t:est, by which the . pipes shall be subject -
ed to a. pressure of ten pounds to the square inch. Up to -the time of 4die
first inspection all work east he uncovered --aid convenient for examination.
All inspections shall be ?_jade by the Plu?lbing inspector within forty-eight
hours after receipt of the notice hereinbefore mentioned. All the necessary
tools , labor ',:nd assistance for the requisite tests in such inspection
shall be furnished by the person, firm or corporation having control of the
work to be inspected.
Section 21. When upon exn.,ina.t ion by the Plumbing Inspector it
apDears that ' ally gas -fitting work is def ect ivi, either in construction or
material , the same shall be altered or YeDaired to conform to the regu-
lations set forth in, this ordinance.
When any gas piping or gas fitting for the installation or al"er-
ation of which a permit has been issued thall be found on
inspection to conform to -the rules and regulations provided by this;
Ordinance, the "' � pE` _ shall issue a Certificate of
inspection certifying that such piping or fittings have been in-
opected and found to comply with the terms' of this ordinance, but
no ouch Certificate shall be granted until such piping pr fittings
respectively, are found to conform to said rules and regulations.
It oball be unlawful for any peroon, firm or corporation to use
any gas through. or by means of any piping or fitting in any build-
ing, or to furnish or supply gas to be used through or by means; of
such pipes or fi ,f n s unti the game shall have been inspected and
&-y titNp
approved by the - ?- _____ ____._ and the Certificate herein_
before provided shall have been issued therefor.
The following rules and regulations ,'Hall be deemed to be
the standard for the construction and installation of gas piping
and gas fitting work.
The minimum diameter of gas piping installed in any build
ing, the numbef5of lineal feet and the naxi;rlurn number of burners
allowed, shall be in conformity with the follotsring table;-
Size of Pipe. Length Allowed. Number of 2x
3/8 inch ( vertical only)2-, 15 feet. 2
2 inch 40 feet 8
3/4- inch 80 feet 25
1. inch 100 .feet 45
14 inch 150 feet 80
1-�- knch 250 feet 250
2 inch 400 feet 500
21 inch 600 feet 900
In estimating the number of burners allowed for gas
i iping, each outlet through the ceiling of stores, parlorsi,dining..
roor,�w, Off ices, ptablic halls and rooms used for similar purpose,,
where it is intended th.at these outlets are to ,,supply gasp .for
i illuminating purposes only, shall be deemed to be )t?iree (3)burner�,.
For each outlet in the ceilings; of bed rooms;, bath-
roomo, toilet-rooms, public :halls, pantries, porches, or bracket
lights, whdre it is intended that these outlets are to oupply gar
for illuminating purposes only, allow one (1) burner.
To determine the number of burners .for heating purposes
all_lw three ( 3) burners; for each gar grate , gar log or gas heating
stove or appliance, cobabination boiler and water beater or non-
automatic gas; water heater outlet ; ten ( 10) burners for each
outlet for a cook stove or so called hot-plate.
To determine the number of burners .for automatic or
automatic thermal gas water heater, allow
8 burners; for each 2" outlet.
25 burners for each 4" "
45 burners for each 1" "
80 burners for each 1-pi "
250 burnero for each lL" "
500 burners for each 2" " .
The diameter of the supply. pipe to every such automatic
or automatic thermal gas water heater, shall not be reduced in size
frora th-e meter to the inlet for the heater.
No such heater shall be connected to any gas pipe outlet
saraller in diameter than the diameter of the inlet pipe on the
C 4
All horizontal -pipe shall be at least one-half (t} inch
in diameter, except that in ex:)osed orL, three-eighths (32 inch
ho rizontal pipe for w siszgie light hisy be run ,es: cl i stance not ez
ceeding tvrenty (20) feet.
In concealed work, V11he-re practical all center outlets or
drops shall be bent in prefere.ice to drop pipes, with straps
soldered thereto. No center light or drop shall be of a smaller
dia.:leter than ogle-hal.;, 4) inch. Bracket, fire-place and stove
outlets shall be belt and have an offset or be provided tiri.th brack-
et elbows to ?Drevent removal.
Gas grate and fine plo.ce outlets Must be at least tao
( 2) inches clear of the i'inish and bottor!. of Fire basket. ].?o pipe
s..lavll.er t1i-,m three-quarter W ilzch shall be run for cool.�ing,sstoves,
hot dates end insta.ntauaeous heaters. Drop pipes f'or center and
bracket outletsshall not project through the finish of' ceiling,
wall or partition lines , more than one (1 ) inch.
All gas pipes shall be ,,Tell secured to the building and
shall grade or incline toward t-he _,peter, a,nd .�r'derever necessary,
shall be provided ,jith drib pipes so as to prevent any traps or
depression where condensation would retrain. Wherever drip �; s
are used, the end of such drip pipe must be exposed and so arranged
to be easy of access. Ga.s 101p111E> shall not be i'illed �sit11 :rater
for { c detectioil of 1eaa:s, nor shall Gas-fittersI cement, sealing
wax or any similar co,:aposition be used for the stopping of leaks.
No union joints shall be used.
All gas piping l.iust be tested under air ;pressure of
at least five ( 5) pounds to the square inch. Gas fi!>tures shall
not be hung or attached to the gas piping until this test has been
The end of every rise -must be located at a point designat-
ed by the P-I mbing Inspector, but in no event shall be tertiinated
under any stai:n�Tay of �aZy building.
:Every -as heater hereafter installed, 1rhich i s used or
intended to be used .for 11e�ttin" of .,,,rater, shall be connected to its
a,s supply 1w;ith iron piI t;I shall be connected to a vent pipe
leading to and. t�lrouZh the roof of the building and conform to the
other regulations elsewhere -provided by this Ordin ance.
Section 23. If the Plurnbing inspector shall find any
part of any uas pipe or L,as fittings in or about any building in
the City of Huntington Beach, to be in a, condition da.n{serous to
life or pro-=>erty, he shall notify the owner, tenant or occupant
of the building in which such _;as pipe or ;-as f itt in`;s are locat-
ed to E ve the defects repaired i7rll�n.ediately, and to refrain i'r.o;ml
using has by �iea.ns of said defective pipe or fittings until the
sable -lave been repaired and rendered safe,. The Plumbing Inspector
shall hove the right and power to cause the supply of gas to be
shut off until the necessary repairs have been Made. The Plumb-
ing Inspector shall ;ive 1°rrittelz notice to the person, fiml or
corporation supplying, gas to any such defective pipes or fittirk;s ,
to cease the supply until the necessary repairs have been made
and it shall be unlamrful for ably person, firm or corporation to fur-
nish gas for use ir, or by _rt-,,ansD of any defective gas pine or f ltt inE
<,fter receiving such notice until the necessary repairs have been
1,lade. Before jnal,:ing. any connection to supply gas to any building
that has- not already been supplied `3ith gas prior to the taking of
effect of this Ordinance, the person, fir_ra or corporation about to
furnish gas thereto , shall ascertain whether a Certificate of In-
spection has been issued for the gas f itt il-1; or gas pipirlt; to be
supplied, and i'or that �_�ur•pose Fray de.--.-Land 'the production and exibi-
tion of such Certificate by the o' r_� er, tenant or .occup f t ant of'
building in Arhich such `- .s piping or gas :L'itting is located before
sup_dying gas therefor.
Section 24. Any. person, -Iirm, con1)any or cor?:)or«.tion.
that shall neglect or refuse -to comply with the --or ovisions of this
Ordinnce or any part thereof --hall be .guilty of iiiisdemeanor
and upon conviction_ thereof shall be f ined not less than Five
Dollars ($5. 00) nor more t.-Iln.n Oize 11undred Dollars ( $100. 00) ;
and unless said fine be paid. shall be imprisoned in t:e City pail
at the rate of one day for .every T1!T6 Dollars (:„2. 00) of said fine
until the s_>wsle be i'ully satisfied and discha_r"ed. And every day
during; which any work or -plu'i"Ibiing or drainage is conitnued in• vio-
lation of the -,provisions of this Ordin�ce, or any '-, t thereof,
shall be considered as Constitl.lting a 116w of:i:'ense be punls.',�-
a.ble as in this section 1)rovided.
Re-oeated violation of the ?_provisions of -'his Ordinance
or any -part thereof by any person, firm, coriipany or corporation
doing -plug bin or dra.inoge business in said citys•!, 11 ccntitute
sufficient "rounds for a refusal of the Board, of' "'rustees thereof
to permit such offender to continue such business ti�erei.n.
Section 25. All Ordinnces and -Darts of Ordinances in�-
consistani; witi`1 t-he provisions of this Ordinai"ln inso_'ar as the
o1ie are inconsistant herewith are -to tit^,t ca;tent Leregy- re:,Jealed.
ante. Section W This Ordinance shall be known as the "Plumbing Ord.ii�t
Sect ion 27 If a:.ny sect ion, subsection, s: entente , clause
or i�hrase of this 06dinance is for ,-ny reason l_eld to >;)e unconstitut -
ional, such decisi bn shall not affect tine -r::i.lidity of the rei.lainii�g
portion of this Ordinance. `.I'he -3oa,rd of Trustees .of' said City here-
by deClc.3'eS t-hat it ?''Ould iJ.c',Ve ;)aSSe(X 'G_nis* Ordiilcsi7Ce Ci}id each Section,
subsection, clause , Sentence Or -,phrase, thereof irrespective of tine
fact th,>'t ar one or more of -the sections, c_L?bsections , sentences,
clauses or ;,=_rases be declared unointitutio71a1.
Section 28.. The City Clerk sl;.",11 certify to 'the passage
of t�'liS O"lCi1i"lance r1Cu C:aL1Se tl'�.e S . aie tO be T1.1'a 1iS11.ed by one insertion
in the ijuizt4ngton Beach News, a: �;eekly news )aper, pu'o- ished _?nd
circulated in said City of tuntington Beach .end. 'Thirty (30) days
thereafter it s''gal1 talLe effect Bald be in i'orce.
PASSED Ai?D ADOPTED by the Board of 'Trustees of the Citj of
Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, this y 1_a�f of
Pr eient of -the Board o'
Trustees of t1-1e City of %1unt-
ington Beach, Cali- orn
City Clerk .:rnci Ex-of'f- -1 Clerk of
the Board of `i'rusteos of the City
Of HL?Iztington Beach, Calii'ornia.
State of California, j
GOtkfjty of Orange, ) SS.
City of Huntington Beach. )
City Clerk and Ex-oli icio Cleric of
the -Board of Trustees^of the- City of Hunting1con Beaci-A CLo 'hereby
certify th,--.t the fore :oing Ordina.?ce ?o.!fi?i �� as introduced
and read -i,o the -- oard of `Trustees of the said City at its re; ul.-,r
meeting, held oii L-,h.e day of _, ,1921, and
was �3,,gain _read 'to said Board of Trustees. at its regul,�,r meeting
of -i"Il _d�,� of , 1921, �,nd was at
said meeting, _.passed and r,do`pted by -tile �f olloirr ing vote :
City U1er7c ,:aid Ex-o ff i c i o Cleric of
the Board of Truster s of the City
of Huntington Beach, Clalifornia.
1 1
• l