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0RDIYA!T,(_'El 11"0.
Any 01m,111r 7CE REC.—IM STING D-,"\!CE 1 t`k_ ,LS, DY;CI-,.G
The Board of Trustees oI the City a Huntington
Beach do ore...a,in as -follows
SECTION 1. 'wri_a"t no license "to conduct , maintain or
cgarry on Hazy ;)ub=ic c Knee 11 or dancing ?� Vition_ in the City
of Huntington Beach shell be issued to any person, firm or cor-
poration e .cept nDon a -perlriit in'writing previously gr t e d by
the 3oard of Trustees of of id City anc filed i•t' the City C 1 erk
,uthorizing tl:e .i.ss-Li e of `much licenses to such ,person, fi im or
cor��ora.tion ;-Yid specifying the location of the dance hall ; Uiat
the said Board of Trustees shell have -Dov:er to revoke any such
per<_ it tirhen it 211 ll aooear to s..id road that the -public dance
fall or --)avili0n of the ;person, firm or .corporation t0 whom such
perm.it is viven is cond:acted 'in an ille'gal, disorderly or i_m—)roper
_.-annel"", ;�r ovided, at in case e, t)eri_1it granted 'to ,in per son, fi i
or core:)oration for a Public dance hall s%all be revoked by said �
Board, a nevv licee_!se s1l�,.11 not beissued to such person, ! irmL of
cor-�aoration until nevi -'the
relor all azave been granted by
said Board.
Th,.:.t for t',le :purposes of this ordinance, a public- dance
ha.11 is 'hereby defined to be a l-)lace mairitained for the purpose , of
dancing tlierc i}^, open to t, c public for s_;ucIl purpose, to vThich
.)ersons are achiitted , or in vrhich persons �.�re allowed -to dance , upon
the, i7cylLeilt of a fee or c1nc.rge, :.l.i2d for adrmission to v-hiCh, orfor
dancing in ''hiCh the person, -firm or cor xrat.ion Y.,laintaining or
conducting tl?e _scs_�e or I-oldir_g or carryin�; on a 0._a1lce or dahc hg
t1_e re:in, does riot ___.:te e, or cLu e to be i ade , s epo rat ely for each
date u-i:)on which a dance cr d. ncin[; is, conducted or carried on tl_ere-
in, a. special end bona fide selection or choice of the --L;)C'rsons t0
I '
be admitted to or to be per • fitted to c:z,.nce therein. Ho such selection
or choice o persons :,diluted to or permitted to d�:nce it any iiuch ;glace
shall be deemed 'to be sufficient unless o,erso'ns c).r.e r,.d iitted t•�er6to '
or are -pernitted to dance therein only upon a E�rcvioiis. l:'ritten
invitation, .given, sold or delivered, prior to the date o" such
dance or dncinE, se_orately in eA_' instance qnd specially to such _
persons, entitling the person who Mall be 6esignated by name in such
invitation and not nore than two other persons accompanied by such
person so design.Med, to admission to such place or to dance therein,
on ,a, date Yhich shall be specified in ouch invitation; and which said
invitation iJhal l, on the .date specified therein, be delivered to a
doorkeeper or ticket. taker at the entrance to . such place, before the
persons thereby entitled to admission thereto are permitted to enter
the some , and which said invitation shall not be thereafter again
used for the purpose of obtaining admission to such place by a y
other person, or on ,any other date.
Nothing herein contained shall apply to the admission to
a DQblic dance hall of musicians or other persons regularly z.rly employed
in or (?.bout the i_,3,intenance or conducting of sucA oubllc dance 1,_.11,
or in ,or Plout the holding or core? cting, of any dance or dancing
therein, or to the .=admission to any dance or ball of a:ii,:sidians or
.other persons employed in or about the holding or conaudt ing thereof.
SECTION 2. In the event that . any person, firm or corporation
holding a. permit to conduct a, public dance hall shall violate or
cause or permit to be violated any condition of such permit , or any
provision of this ordinance or of Pny ogler ordinance rei nt ing to or
regulating the maintenance, condZ?ctin, or carrying on of public dance
halls, or a=1;;!ll conduct such public dance hall , or othergise cause
or permit the came to be conducted, in an illeeal, disorderly or im-
proper manner, it shall be the duty of the Board of 'trustees to re-.
- oke ouch per it in the :Manner hereinafter oroviOeO, any: 5 ch rev0cat -
ion shall be in addition to the other penalties provided for a, vio-
lation of any of the ;provisions of this ordinance. No such permit
shall be revoked until a ilea-ring AM have been had by the Board of
Trustees in the matter of the -revocation of such permit, notice of
which hearing shall be given in ' rit ing and served at least three :days
prior to the date of s.zch. hearing, upon the holder of such per,.ri t,
or his or its manager or agent, or person in charge of such public
dance hall. Said notice shall state the `around of complaint against
ty.1e holder of uch perr:.it , ,nd sho).11 also state -the time when and
place there Such Hearin ,!rill I:)e 1- ad. SoUd notice stall be served
by Celiverdl-I,,i,�,- the sar:le ')erQollally to the holder of such perlalit, or
to his or its ;aanager or ,;gent , or -person in cllarge of such public
dance hall , if either o f Hier.i cam- be found. If the _older of :,;;uch
permit, or such manager, . a.,.ger_t or person in cha_x—e of such public
dance1-Lall, cannot after due d it h ence be found in t1-le City of I-.iunt
ington Beach, 2-nc- peroonal service of such notice cannot be ,..!,'-?de
upon eitr_er of theya in the liXl—liner _ierein provided in said city,. "then
a copy of such notice shall be (_?ailed Postage fully prey i�,i d, addressed
to such holder of such permit at his place off'-business or residence, if
known, at least t'-:ree days prior to tr!e date of sucsz hearing, . �al1d if
not known, twel'! ::1iC11 CO ly Of suchi10G1C8 s1a11 be SO _.1ailed, addressed
to sucr1 person in the. City of Huntington Beaci�.
SECTION 3. I•t shall be unlawful for any person, _'i mj or
corporation to conduct , rr!a.i_! u ,in or carry on a. _)ub. is dance hall in
the City bf Huntington Beach without a, perl�?it '_ ere-'or first granted,
as -)rosi died in Section 1 of t-,nis ordinance.
SECTION 4. It S'E ll b, l..rllir e u a >
rf�_.1 fay` ny per
so :L 1rfll or
cor.00ra ion conducing, rya rota ining or ca,-rry ing on a -public dance
hall, or having charge or control -thereof, or 'or ally person erndioyed
in and about the wale , to hold, conduct or carry on
,, or to cause or
permit to be eh1ld, conducted or- carried on any dance or dancing in
@JV SUCK public dance hall in .t he City of Hunt ingten Beach i:;etween
the hours Of -welve o ' clock _r_idnig,'_t of 'ny day .nd six o ' clock
A. I-1 Of tine f'ollowinu dzy.
SECiION 5. It sl all be unlawfun i'or _i1y ;Jei'sOr?, i'iri_1 or
cort;Uration Conducting, I.2 n J n
ing O1' Carrying on C-, p:1b11C .dance i1a11,
or havinE, charge or control thc:,.`Qo f, or fa r any person el 1ployed in and
about the s Ie "to acquit , or to cause, or c�err,it to be admitted to such
public dance _nail, or to dance tnercin, any Minor -under "the age of
at any time e while a dance or daric in i s
years, r g iI_ progress
or being -del d, conducted or Carr led on 'therein, unless said I'!inor
is c,ccol1p .vied and under 1c'!.e care at all t:irae s 1.'= life i 1 said dance
hall, Of its parent or par
ent s o r^tardi.an.
SECTION 6. It s all be unlat�rful for ,ny _.ninor under the
ag e Of Sit-yiteen years to enter, or .to be or remain in . any publ is
dance B Y=all in te City of Huntington Beach at any time vhen a d,3nce
or dancing is in prorgress or being he!J, conducted or carried on
therein, or to dance t1lerein, unless said minor is accom-oanied and
under tll_e care at all tiles while its said dance hall , of its parent
or parents or guardian.
SEC TIOT\ 7. It shall be un'awful for axiy per ti•(-_,n, -i.irya or
corl:)or�.Aion aiaintainih,,g, Conducting or carrying on any public &,,nce
hall or having chaxge or control t'iereof, or for any )e r con eraployed
in and about the saiie, to allovv, or per?:pit any into--ic._.ted, boisterous
or disorderly "erE:en to enter, be or re..-ain in, . or to dt;-,nce in any such
public. dance Mall.
4��' TION 8. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation conducting, mainta r ii2g or carrying on a T>L?blic dance
hall, or Pwaving charge or cont __,ol thereof , or for • :::ny person employ-
ed in and :_bout the sarle, -to bLold or conduct , or to cause or permit to
be held or conducted, any dance or dancing in c,.ny public dance hall
after sunset of any day, unless such public dance hall be lighted
or illuminated either by gas or electric light, or other means , in such.
a.Yllnner nd ",a s.:c'-1. el,tent as is usual or c sCol,,Lary for 12gl:ltii OII$ 11_-
luminatin1i halls or rooms o Like dimensions in the. night time for
public assemblies, before any person is admitted thereto and before
any dance or dancing is cola _enced td...erein; T)rovlded, ' However, that
. the intensity of s?:ch. 1 i' ht i ng Or illu_Anat ion ahall a.t t irac be
less than one ` 1e s '
candle i'aoc a,t a, plae three feet above typ lloor -of 'such
dance hall at .ill parts of such _all; such l igh.t ing or illtij.l inert ion
shall be ii ainta.ined thereafter throughout the entire t l.nie while such
dance or daiicin& is in �)rogress , vrithout d171inution and without inter-
rupt:ian, L':Yl"til such dam'-T"1Ce or :;:�^nCiY1`; is concluCted and until such hall
is cleared and closed..
It shall be unlawful f'oz° any person to shut or "turn off the
lights or lighting, or to reduce the intensity tr_ereof belo,, the mini-
}-.,.,tun,n in this section prescribed in ,)ny T)ublic deice hall at any time
after sunset of my day .hile a dance or dailcin" is in pro`ress or
being conducted therein, or during atny recess err other intersilission
in such dance or Banc ins.
-4- ;
Section 9. No person, as principal, ;gent or otherwise,
car2ying on, maintnining- or conducting, or assisting in carrying on
maintaining or conducting, a public dance hall or a. public dance in
the City of Huntington B. Bch shall per:.:k nzy person or her sons to
dance --rites their cheels or heads touchinG or te Derni i any Derson to
indulge in boisterous conduct or use Drofanity, or (therwise conduct
himself or herself in a vulgar or indecent manner in such -public dance
hall or in any of the hhllrays lead.inS Hereto ; or to permit any iac.le
person to dance ` 1th his rigght hand uDon any portion of his fe__:ale
Oartner except her b::. h between her shoulder line and waist line, or
with his left nand in any position except extended frol the body and
holding the right hand of Ms dancing par'ter; or to permit any female
person to dance with her left hand upon any portion of her "ale danc in
partner except his right, arm or right shoulder, or with her right hand
in any position except extended from the body and geld by the left hand
of her ddncing partner ; or. to permit any person or parsons to dance any
passion dance , lead or su ;gestive dance, indecent dance, vulgar dance,
sensual dance , or any dance involving tale jerking or shaking of the body ;
or hermit any known probtitute or any known male or female procurer, or
known vagrant , or other known or dissolute Derson or any person known to
have plead guilty or to h;we been conV'ic'ted within the .period of " one
year of being a vagrant or a Wwd or dissolute per son,. or any intoxicated
person, to be present in any public dance hall or at any public dance.
Section 10. Into person shall, in,Ky public dance ..tall or at
any public dance, dance withAs or her cheek, or with his or her head
touching the cheek of the 'lead or his or her dancing partner; or Mo
dance any passion dance, laud or suggestive dance, indecent dance , sell
seal dance , or any dance involving the jerking or shaking of the body ;
or to indulga in boisterous conduct , or use of profanity or otherwise
condubt himself or herself f in a vulgar or indecent manner in such public
d.F:at'_ce .Clad or in any of the hallways leading thereto , or in any ante-
4 1
room or other public room adjunctive to and used as a pert
or in connection with such dance hall for the use orQcor:mo-
elation of guests or patrons.
Section 111 No .?ale Derson shall in any public dance
all or at any public dance, dance with his righ .. 'sand upon any
portion of his female donci.ng _;partner except her back between
her shoulder line and waist line , or .w ith his left hand in any
position except extended from the body and holdigg the right
hand of his dancing partner ; and no female person shall, in
. any public dance hall_, or at� any public dance , dance with her
left 'nand upon any portion of her ::.tale dancing partner except
his .right arm or right shoulder or with her right hand in any
position except extended from the body and held by tho left hand
of her dane ing partner. ,
Section 12. No prostitute, male or female procurer, ,
vagrant or other lewd or Jissolute person or any person who
has pleaded guilty to or been convicted within one year, or be- -
ing a vagrant , . shall bn present in any public dance hall or at -
any public dance.
Section 13. Every person seeking admission to a-
public dance hall or to My public dance I:. l shall, upon the
request of the manager, proprietor or door keeper, or managing
agent of the ;proprietor of such public dance hall or public
dance , register his or her true name, age and address in his
or her can handa-rit ing.
• I
• I
SECTION 191 The provisions of this ordinance nce shall w o�
a5ply to any dance or ball given, held l� cv or concur yc by any bona fide --
club, society, or a ssocist ion Organized Or incorporated for benevolent ,
charitable, dramatic Or literary p L-_rposes , 1 a vine an established h_ m—
ber.ship of persons regularly elected or admitted thereto , _and which
shall hold meetings , other than such balls O r dances, at regularly
stated intervals, when tie DroceE ds ^rising frOl' sUc l Jt .ll or dance
shall be intended to be and be used for the Promotion- of the purposes
Of such club, society of association, Or t0 any private dance or ball,
held or conducted for social put:•-;Oses only :lid not for ��ro 'it , i,o which
persons are admitted Or at which persons are allowed to dance without
the ay rent Of of ee, o r charget'le re
. i, e.:cept ouch as nay be required
for the D rpose of defraying the actual '`"�" n c_�_,�ense,� of ho16_ing or conduct-
ing ouch dance Or ball; p 'oviled, however, t_?., t tie PrOvi_si.ons Of his
ordinance shall apply to any dance or ba=__, of-per than a donee or ball
Of -the character hereinbefore 7.n this section referred to , when it vit -
ntions or :ets t ' for admission t
.zc� ssi. n ,,;?c,-_ j"x;.ce or !a11 are sold or offer-
ed for sale publicly, or t'o the public Eenerallya,
SECTION 1+5. Any person firm or cor o,
ration who .,hall vio -
late any of the provisions of this or- i-ci nce 0hall be deemed guilty of
a misde neanor, and upon conviction `"__ereof shall be Punishable by a fine
not ezceodi g one hundred collars (,; 10;:. 00) , Or Oy iiagrisonnekt for a,
Period not exceeding Fifty ( 50) days, Or both ucs.i i'il r
C �x_td ii.c',ri son-
ment ; r ;11d u"oon such conviction, any Permit which ivy have been grant ed
t0 such Derson, firm Or coreoration, to conduct , 11'1t�1i? Or C rryr On
any public dance hall , shall ,
e rendered void ipSO facto , L_irr'_ :ha.11 b@
revoked by the Board of 'Trustees, as hereinbefore provided*
SECTION A. The City a all certify to the Passage
of this Opdinence and casue the same to be published by one insertion
in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly neus.paper, Published and circulat-
ed in said City Of Huntington Beach and Thirty (30) days t= err after It
shall take effect and be in force; "
PASSED ATOOPiED by the 3oard of Trustees
r 0f t1:1C City Of HL'?nti_llt On
v `4 - _. � .mac___- •
acts Or.1`Ln,•e County, Cc 1ii'c" rii , thisI da" Of
Pre N� �}, of the '3o c_rd uS' 'I':cuatees
of t'ze City" o f Hunt im t n Beach,
A VE'fit
Ci ty CI o rk ,'gild !;1. I i icio C1erlr of
the Do.-Ird o" _ rustees of "the City
of Huitj '� �I ton Beach, Cali�'oTnia.
County of O..c'. f-L;;e, ) ss.
City of Huntington Beech.
I, Ci AS. R. ITUTT, City Clerk and Ex-officio Cleric of
the 3oa d of I lustees of the City of . Hunt•Jni)ton Beach, do hereby
certify that the foi.rgoin_ ordinance No. ��.(� _ was introduced
and reed t0 t''.'le ^:�oard o ' Trustees of the sai11 Y1ty at its regular
meetinE,;, e1nid on 11-he 9- 1 d`y o 1921
and was a,_ain re-d to sa,i cL f Fill ste t � � s regular r�,a.eet -
ing o f the d -y of _ I921, and was
eetin ; )assed a.nd ado ttcd �y cIle "foI ov7ing vote ;
Ciuy Tern 2n. o 2y'icio C,1erI
of the ':..,,:rd' of Trustees of the
C of-i rluFitin ton Beachi-