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0RDIITAI10E 110.
An Ordinance of 'the City of Huntington Beach, a municipal
corporation of the Sixth Class , incorporated under the Lavrs� of
the State of California, ordering the submission :�o the qualified
voters of said City, the proposition of i.ncurrin- a, bonded debt
of said City for the pur•_.Lpose of the acquisition, construction end
completion by znd in sF.id City of riunicipal ii.zprovel,ients, providing
for the issuing of bonds therefor, the rate of interest thereon ,
and the levy of a tat-, for the pa..yr:lent of s,-Ad boncLs and the interest
-thereon; fixing the date on Which such election is 'to be held, the
manner of holding; such elec'cioa, t.le polling place of such election
and the o-,'ficers thereof, and providing th�.t in all p�,rticulars not
recited in '.:.his Ori_inance , ^ueh elect ion si?all be held as -provided
by 1LVv f-,o.r- holding municipal elections in the City of Huntington
Beach, California.
I'1HfMEAS, on the 19th day of Decenber, 1921 , at 2, re ular
meeting of the Le i slat ive Body of the C it�r o j' Huntiz ,to%7 ��es.cll,
Cc,1iforn19,, to-.+it : The Board of Trustees of the Gity, ?)y - vote
of i,iore t1ia,n two thirds of all the i:Iembers of the said Bo .rd of !
Trustees, there was _gassed c.,nd a. opted Resolution Fo. .ZO of said
Board of Trustees, irhich said Resolution is in i-ords and figures as .
follol,!s, to--wit:
BE IT t212SOLVED by the Board. of Trustees of the City of
Huntin-ton Beach, California,, a,s follows :
Section 1. That it is hereby determined by the Boyd of
Trustees of the said City of Hui ,i��_ton Be^.c_i, Calif' rr_ia,, that the
public interest and necessity demands the acquisition, construction
and completion in the city of Huntin; ton Be2,ch, California, or the
folloi'ring municipal improvementA and each of them to-wit :
(1). The acquisition, construction and completion of
building for .1unicipal uses, to merit : A building to be used as
and for a City Nall and Jail and other rr_uniaipal purposes incltLd-
ing all furniture and fixtures necessary -to and convenient for the
use thereof. !
(2). The acqui lit ion of f ire and equi.pYient
for 'he prevention of fires within the City of Huntington Beach.
(3). The 'acqui sition, construction -.I:d completion of
0. a r:_un ,is ipa,l haprbveme'At to -a i t: A %lr.harf ext endinS into the Pacific
Oce,-_n P..t .-t",e foot of TT`.in Street in. sEAC,. City of 11 ntlila,;ton i�eac?1.
(4) , a.
...�e �,cGuuisltioiZ, con.�Uructiorl ; .In.d col:.p1_etion of
a, pu lic asseriblSr and convention hall, includin" all furniture , and
f i.xtur es necessary :.iad convenient for tyh'e use tiler Cori.
Section 2. Th, t it is hereby t_etermined that the said I
fiunlCipal 1i:i_DroveI:;.eY?is are, �:nd eac_i of t1iei.i is necesF, ,ry c.Ild con-
venient to carry out t'1G objects , J-arp. ses a.nd -,)owers ofsaid City
of Hunt in"t cn Beach.
Section 3. Tht,t it is 'hereby deter12ine6 that t11e cost
ofso.ic. r:?vr_ici_�a1 iriprove�:en�t c.escribdd. as t�E a cauisit�.on, con-
Struct ion c,nd co_,ry)letion of a ')L1LLlding for n-Liniclw')c..l uses , t0 Tmit :
A b? ildin; to be used -.s o.lnd for a. City Ball nd Jail c:nd other
riwnicipal 7L'_rpo es ii'_cluC_in, z',ll -i'uriniture `-�nd fi''LirC-S necessary
to �- C_ conVe.nlent f o l -tIne use. 't''-er e 0f, is a:nd ':'ill be to 0 r rCc^.t
t0 'be -Da.id Out of the Or,".inary annLia.1 1--coi-ie ;-nd revenue of Said
City of I1uYnti.YnGtcn D,cac_n, and -th,-,t esti_-C,ted cost of s,-.ld i.r:Y-
a�rcve:i Ln is Sixty Thousand Dollars (�)60, 000. 00) cmd -c� at it is
and ',rill be r.ecessa"ry for the City of I'Unt�tngton Beach to incur a
bonded debt for the -ourpc,e of 'the acquisition, construction and
completion of sa,i'd •.iiznicip:,1 lr::.nrove" eint.
Section 4. Th,„t it is hereby deter fined that the cost of
sa i(. 11unicipal i),lprov!e-.ent described as the ?ccL?1Siti0n O fire ap-
par,.tus a.nd equip"_?,Ent for tilE rs� Eintion of ;ire z: ltinin the City of
Huntinston Beach, is anC_ mill be too Sreat to be paid out of the
OrC_ln2ry an ua iincoii:e :-,,nd revenue Of Sc.ld City Of iiuYntiYi<;L, Beach,
and " t1 't ti:�.C' etitii.l�.'tEd. cost of said ii_lproveineYzt is e'en thousand
Dollars ($10, 000. 00) and that it is a_nd will be necessary for the
' City of Huntinjon Beach to incur a, bonded debt for the purpose of
the acC]uisition, con y:'-t -I,ction a,nc,. com.:)letion poi sa1Cl i!.ui'llclpal 1Y1-
Sect ion }. That it is hereby det erY_ined that the cost of
said municipal iU.1p"w ovE leln;`• described as t_l_e �:cquisition, constructions .
and co y)lEtlon of a. _::unici �a1 prove�ucl�t :cat"'it , { ha�r_° exItending
iY:to the Pacific Ocean at the soot. 01' I=ail, trcEt ins said City o
Huntin-t-on Dcz.c �., is ; n}_ ill be too -rea..t to be ),.i.d out of the o rdin-
ary E7xin �aj_ inc c ?.e ..nc' r E VEnU E of s :id City o f Hunt int on T :,_.cI1, <,nd
that the ' eStl1-ClIted co s't Of sc,-* C_ is r °i etl ,y Thous^Ind Dollars
($20, 000. 0.0) and t`:Lat it is and tirill' be neccss ry for the City of
Hunt- in,:-tonBelach tc incu ,. r, bonc_ed debt for thne --)urpose of the acqui-
sition, aons•tructi On ;.nd coiirJletiOYn of s".iC. ..1U.7 1ci;�=_.1_ I.riir�l'O�rE3ilent.'
Section 6.. Thc:t it is hereby determined that the cost of
Said municipal improve.:ient described as 'tile acquisition, construction
and co-.iolet i on of a. public assembly o.nd convention hall, including;
e4l -furniture and fixtures necess .ry and convenient for the use thereof ,
is and vYill be too Teat to be paid out of the ordinary annual income
and revenue of said City of Huntington Dea:,ch, and that the estimated
cost of saidirroroversent is Twenty Five Thousand Dollars (y$25, 000. 00)
and that it is andMill be necessary -for t:.e City of Huntington. Beach
to incur a bonded 'debt for -the purpose ofr the acquisition, construction
and coi,roletion of said municipal ii,.--)rovc,i,ient.
Section 7. That "Ui,.e City Clerk shall attest this resolution
M.nd shall certify to the p .s ;., e <_.nd ado ;tion thereof and the vote
thereon; and shall cause the saLle together with his sa:.id certificate
'to be entered in the Boob of Resolutions of• s^id City , and .,hall make
a Y:iinute Of the y) s age .-nd ado-otion 'L"'hcreof in the is inutes of the
Yi?ee'ting at wink' 'the sa::.: is "?a.ssed _nd ado.;,-bed.
PASSED AND ADO-PTED by the Board of Trustees of the City of
Huntington Beach, California, at regula:.r meeting of said Bo^rd held �
on the 12th day or Deee,..ber,, 1921.
Ti esident of ~ he �arct of Trustees
N:u;itiyr, ton Bach,
oi' the City of
Cal iIo n1ta
City_.Clerk ny._.._�x—of:L,ic io C l -rk of �
the Doard. of Trustees of `uhe C-i-V
of I_untirt�' on Be^,ch, California. - 2 -
State of California, )
County of Orange, ss.
City of—,-runt it on Beach.
I, CHAS. R. NUTT, the duly elected, qualified and acting
City- Clerk: of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk
of the Board of Trustees of said City, do hereby certify that the
whole number of members of the said Board of Trustees of the City
of Huntington Beach is five ( 5) ,1 that the foregoing Resolut i.on
was passed end . adopted by vote of more than twothirds of all the
members of. the said Board of Trustees of said City of Huntington..
Beach- at a regular meeting of said Board, held on the 12th day of
December, 1921, by the following vote:
HIES, Trustees : Obar ,r, Onson, Andrews, Drew and manning.
Noes, . Trustees : None.
Absent, Trustees : None.
City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of
the Board of Trustees of the City of
Huntington Beach, California.
AND VIsEREAS, it was determined by said Board of Trustees
by a vote of more than two -thirds (2/3) of all its members that the
cost - of said municipal improvements are and each of them is and
will abe too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income of
said City of Huntington Beach and -that the estimated cost of said
improvement. described as: The acquisition, construction and complet-
ion of a building for municipal uses, to-:Alit : A budlding to be
used as and for a City Hall and Jail and other municipal purposes
including all furniture and fixtures necessary to and convenient
for the use thereof is Sixty Thousand .Dollars ( 60, 000. 00).
And that the estimated cost of said improvement described
as : The acquisition of fire apparatus and equipment for the prevent-
ion of fires vrithin the City of Huntington Beach is Ten thousand
Dollars ( 10, 000. 00).
And that the estimated co st of said improvement described
as : The acquisition, construction and completion of a municipal
improvement, to-Wit : A wharf extending into the Pacific. Ocean at
the fo.ot of Main Street in said City of Huntington Beach is Twenty
thousand .Dollars ( 20, 000. 00).
And that the 'estimated cost of said improvement described
as : The acquisition, construction End completion of a public assembly
and convention hall, . including. all, furniture and fixtures necessary
and convenient for the use thereof is Twenty five thousand Dollars
($25, 000. 00) ; and that it is and will be necessary for the City of
Huntington Beach to incur a bonded debt for the purpose of the ac-
quisition, construction and. completion of said municipal improvements
and each of them.
POW THE 'F 2nRQ at this , a subsequent meeting of the
said Board of Trustees o.' said City, to the meet%ng at which said
Resolution yo. 370 of said Board of Trustees •,r zs sussed and adopted,
abd at which it. Was so determined that said i:_unicipal ImDrdve .ents
were and each of them was necessary Lid convenient and the t the pub-
lic interest und necessity demanded the acquisition, construction and
completion thereof , and that the cost of them and etch of them was too
great to be paid cut of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said
City :
The Board of '.Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach do
ordain �s follows :
Section I. That a special election be held in the City of .
Huntington Beach, California, for the object and purpose of submitting
to thequalified voters a.nd electors of . said id City of Huntington Beach,
the proposition of incurring a. bonded debt by said City for the objects
and purposes set forth in said Resolution to. 3?0 of the Board or
Trustees of said City and hcereinEfter set _Forth.
Section II. That the object and purpose for which said
bonded debt is proposed to be incurred is the acquisition, construction
and completion of municipal improvements, to writ : lThe acquisition,
construction and completion of a. building for municipal uses, toiuit ;
A building to be used as and for a City Fall rnd Jail and other municipzl
purposes including all furniture and fixtures necessary to and conven-
ient for the use thereof. 2. The `:cqu sit i on, of sire apparatus and
equipment for the prevention of fire wi.tnin the City of Huntington
Beach. 3. The acquisition, construction and completion of a municipal
ir:,provemOlt;.o "Wit : A wharf extending into the Pacific Ocean at the
foot of L in Street in snXd City of Huntington Beach. 4. The acqui-
sition, construction and com ale too of a public Assembly and convention
hall, including all furniture and fdZures necessary and convenient for
the use Thereof.
Section III. That the words "City Hall" as. and wherever
used in this. Ordinance small mean nd be construed to ;_jean the public
ir.i-provement mentioned in sub-paragraph 1 of Section 11 of this Ordin=
ance ; that the words "Fire Apparatus" as and wherever used in this Or-
dinance . shall mean and be construed to mean the public improvement. men-
tioned in sub-para raph 2 of Section II of this Ordinance; that the
words"publivassembly and convention Hall" as and wherever used in this
Ordinance s.k Ol mean and be construed to mgan the public improvement
mentioned in sub-paragraph 4 of Section 110f this Ordinance ; that the
wolds "municipal wharf" as and ,rf,.erevex used in this Ordinance shall
mean and be construed to mean the public impTovenent mentioned in sub-
yara raph 3 of Section II of this Ordinance.
Section IV. That the estirt.r_,ted cost of said public improve -
ments are as follows , to git : said City Hall , Sixty thousand Dollars
(f 60, 000. 00) ; 2. Said Fire Appara.tus,, Teo housa nd Dollars ($10, 000. 00) ;
3. Said Municipal Thnrf, Twenty thou sand .Dollars ($20, 000. 00) ; 4.
Said Public Assembly and Convention Hall, Twenty five thousand Dollars
($25, 000. 00).
0ection V. That the amount of the principal of the indebted-
ness- to be incurred by said City for the acquisition, construction and
completion therein of said public it. Drovenents are as follows, to -"qit :
1. Said City Hall , Sixty thousand Dollars ( $60, 000. 00) ; 2. Said Fire
Apparatus , Ten thousand_ Dollars 010., 000, 00 ) ; 3. Said 'hunicipa,l ";F_arf
TPent,y thousand Dollars (120, 000. 00 ) ; 4. 0aid Public Assembly and
t Convention Hall , Twenty five thousand Dollars" ($25, 000. 00) .
- Section VI. That the taximum-rate of interest to be paid
on such indebtedness is Six per cent (6%) jeer annum and .said interest
shall be paid semi-annually.
6 Y
Section VII. That the estimated cost of said -!aroxiosed
jr:I po ro ve-Dents and, each and all of them and the indebtedness which
it is proposed to incur therefor, together %:'ith all existing indebt -
edness of said City does n'ot exceed Fifteen per cent (15%) of the �
assessed value of' all the real and personal _property of said City of
Hunt i.ngt on Beach.
Section ' VIII. That the cost of the acquisition, construction
and completion by the sa_.id City of Huntington Beach of said riunicipal
im-orovei,,ents is �7nd will 'ire too great to be paid out of the ordinary
annual income and revenue of se.id City; that such cost , in addition
to other expenditures of sEJLd City .,ill exceed the income z,.nc.. revenue
-,rovided for in ,any one year; th. t the r.:.cquisition, construction Ind
completion by said .City of Huntington Beach of said ?_;.unicipal improve - .
rents and -each of ;:hem, is necessary cnd convenient to carry out the
objects c•.nd purposes of the riunicipzlity of the City of Huntii?, ton BeacY�
and that the cost of the acquisition, construction and completion of
said, izanicipal improvements and each of 16heiii, requires an e-I:pendituree
L�rea..ter than the arrount :..11ovied for such improvement by the annual
tax levy.
Section IX. That an election is Iiereby called <<nd ordered
t0 .�e held at and within C.he City t Beach, California,
on the K day of 1922, which day is hereby fi ed
as the date on w-hich such el ect' on brill be held; that the said election
shall be a special election .,nd sha_li be held from all other
elections , -nd --t said special election there shall be submitted to the
qualified voters of said City of Huntington BF:ach, the proposition of
s,=_tics CitA,r incurring a bonded debt and of issuing bonds or said City for
the purpose Lnd object .of -the acquisition, construction and com�,Lz)letion
by said City of municipal improve_..ents , to -,,fit :
1. A City Hall, Sixty t-housand Dollars •( ,60, 000. 00)"
2. Fire Apparatus, Ten thousand Dollars ($10, 000. 00) :
3. A Ifun is ipal t71iarf, P rerlty thousand Dollars ($20 , 000. 00) :
4. Public Asse 1bly and Convention Hall, Twenty five thousand;
Dollars ($25, 000. 00) .`
Section X. That the 1lanner of holding such special election
on said day and the voting for or aCeainbst incurring such bonded debt,
shall be as follows : The ;,proposition of incurring aub:anded debt of
said City, :..Yid issuing ben,�_s of the said City t._erefor for the acqui-
sition, construction and coi;1_'_letion by L..id City of sc,id r�u}iici��a.1 im-
provice_ients :..nd eaciw of them, ,ha:ll be submitted t.o the qualified voters
of the said City of Huntington Beach b5/printed ballot and. the ballots
s si -r t.'n a•: 1 s Ordin-
ance shall be --:re;:)al.red, ;printed, 1-urniChe_d [,nd (.,istributed as provided
by latir for preparing, furnishing and distributing; ballots
r.t if inicip�-.l elections in t'se Cit,, of -Huntington Beach.
Each -Da.11ot shell be -printed in ;u,I-stantially the foilo,.'iing
No. Mark crosses M on Ballot only with rubber
stamp never with pen or .)encil.
Instructions to Voters.
To vote on any que .tion or ).ropositiion, stai:i-p a cross. W in the
vo t in,.,); 'square after -the —ord "YES" or <=.titer the Word "NW,� . All r,a rk
except 'the cross (x) are forbidden. All distin, uishing ina-rks or eras-
I ,
ure s are forbidden and make tl-e Ballot void.
I-J you wrongly tear or c_e_iace this :allot, return it
to the Ins?ector of election�nd o'at,:.in..._--nr., ,her
(City Hall)
Shall the City of Huntington -,11r,ch, C�a1.i}`oriia., Yes
incur sv bonded debt in the suw_ of $60, 000. 00 as or "the
object and .pury)ose of the c.cquisi't ioh, construction
and corr?letion of a building for u2es , to-
r it : a building to be used E.s .and for a City Hall No
and jail, and other"municip�Ll purppores '1zicludi ng all
.. '�I jp�ts,6rth&,4o fixtures necessary.-too-and -convenient for
(Fire Ap-_).aratus)
Shall the City Gf Iluntin�"ton Beach, Cali:i'ornia, YES
incur a 'bonded debt in the sum of $10, 000. 00 for the
object -r=d pur_)ose of the acquisition of fire appar-
atus and equip"lent for the -prevention of fires 1,,lithin NO
the City of Huntington Beach.
(Municipal Wharf)
Shall the City of Huntington Beach, Califol-nip.., YES
incur a bonded debt in the sun of $20 , 000. 00 for -the
object 1-nd purpose of the acquisicioil, construction and F
c0K:'ii')I.e't1 on 0f a r,iunic ipaa. i?y?pi�overa6,rft �o -v'Tit A w a:if
el-t encli � intG "tlie a? .cif is Oc�:_a, _:t the foot of %;lain INTO
Street in paid City of Huntington Beach.
(Public Assembly and Convention Hall)
Shall the City o :' Huntington Beach, California,
incur a benc:ed debt in. "c.ie ui]-i of � 2 , 000. 00 for tine YES
object and purpose of the acquisition, construction
and completion of a public' as se:ril.ba.y and conve vit ion
incl_Yidin« all furniturea and fi�i ures i:iece s :ary and con-ems=
venient for the use ;hereof. NO
Section XI. That f'or the holding of said election said
City of `Runtington Beach is hereby designated as one Municipal
Special Election Precinct , which said Precinct i�fihall be known as
11Hunti_1,7ton '7e,,ch Special Electio_z Precinct Fo. 1" and shall era-
brace the sa.ae territory as, and small have the sa.z-ie. exterior bound-
aries as 'the said City of Huntington Beach. That said Precinct
ea.i'oraces i2Gt exceedi_"i., ;:six of the Precincts last estaba_ished and de-
signaded by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Or,'n„e, State
of California for t "_e holding of general St rte elect ions.
That "the lolli_zg ?lace cf said Hun:,in;_-"ton reach Special
Election _Precinct No. 1 shell be the City Hall of said City of
Huntington :°each, at Yo. 220 H i1 U_ Street in said City of iIt:nti_z_ "ton
Beach, California.
That the f of_ovring naried _,)er sor_s, each of who_:I is actually
a resident of and 2, registered and qualified elector of one 6 the
Precincts of lrvhich Huntington Beach Election Precinct No. 1
is composed are hereby ap.;,pointed as a Board o:F' Election to ho-Ld, con-
duct and i:iake returns of said Special ElectiG_z; said Bol.rd of Election
to consist of one Inspector, 'o juC_,;es ar:,d three Clerks,, each of
',iiiich }Der sons s lall receive as co-q?ei?satlion 'or 111s services G"s ;.'.n
election off icer t-_e su_a of 00 1c17ful _:.oney of -she United States.
I '
Inspector C • /;
Judge Q ze) >9t&A44r_u-a
�•e,• 5
Clerk �q,W c•
r.,z. _:
Th,..t if any of said me,_.bers of said Board of fleet ion are
not qualified to act or fail to ar-Dear at the of ening of the polls
on -611c, 1_iorningr of the day set for such election, the electors of
such S- ecial Precinct ;resent at the dine, shall appoint in her or
his place, oneeivho is qualified who grill tcuke the required oath of
office as provided by t,:le general election Lays of the State of
C al if o rn ia.
Section XII. The Polls at the Pollin place hereinbefore
designated for said election, shall be o-ocned at six o ' clock in the
morning of the day of the election and. shall be kept con,i-,inuously
open until seven o ' clock in t_.e rs,f'ternoon of the sacie day., when -the
polls shall be closed, and tin,t fact shLa 11 be proclaimed aloud at
such place of election and after s. c_.,. 'droclaanation no ballots shall
be received; provided, ho�,r-ever, that if' at the hour o-L closing; there
are any other, voters in -the -,Dolling; ;lace, or in line at the door,
,iho are qual if ied to vote a,n d vrno have -lot been bl e. 'to do so since
appearing at said polling ?lace, the dolls s=:zall be kept open a
sufficient time to aLnable the 'to vote ; but no one , Av'r-lo shall ar-
rive at the polling ;dace after seven o ' clock in the ;,fternoon,
shall be entitled to vote, although the polls rlay be omen ::hen he
Section 1iIII. In all particulars not recited in this
Ordinance, said s-oecial election shall be held and conducted as
,-)roviided by Law for holding !Municipal Elections in the City of
Huntington Leach.
Section XIV. Any qualified voter may at said s.Dee ial el--
ection, vote in favor of any pro position suaxnitted,. by St2rilping
a cross (X.) on his or her ballot in the votin square at the right
of the word "Y1;S" follokling the Proposition voted aeon. and �,ny quali-
fied, voter a:i:ly VOt against Mly proposition 9ub1:11.tt''d by s-i a _ipint
a cro s (X) on his or her ballot in the voting square at the right
of the ~'turd "NO" f0ll01_7i1-1L the proposition' vo*c p ed .uon.
Sec 1tion XV. If any voter at said special election shall
have stamped a cross (X) on ].is or -ter bc.11ot in the I,"oting Square
at the right of the word "YES" following s,ny ;oropo sit ion voted upon,
his or her ballot sia.all be counted in .Favor of incurrinL, the bonded
debt iilentioned in said )ropo si t, i on; and il" any voter at said special
election, .hall have stwnped a cross (X) on his or her ballot in the
vot in ; square at the right of the Fiord "NO" following any j:)roposit ion
voted upon, ,iis or her ballot shall be counted a,,;tiinst incurring the
bonded debt _cent Toned in said _Dro�:,o s i t ionl
Section XVI. Tzie City Clerk is hereby directed to procure
all supplies th,�t cny be necessa,sy to --groper.ly and loWfully conduct i
said special election.
That "when the polls are closed; -the returns of said election
shall forth.. ith bemade to the oar 0f 'Trustees of said City and sign-
ed by the officers of elect ion ,_;nd shall be by them deposited with the
City Clerk, to,et'her �,.,ith the ballots cast at ,_said election and,
t'ie Board of Trustees of said City shall ,:eet a ad c.anvass said
returns in the council cha_�.ber at- 'the City Hall of said 'City,
being '. re�u�l ar r� 1 � _)lace of add 3oard of Trust h e� Trustees oil the
_ de, of 1922 azt -the 'hour of seven thirty
o ' cloc'L P. -� f r ..� _ --, , v czl c Yva;..,,, it -;hall be
1• o� d d j, r.,rc if .0 on su
found that 2,t least t , o tlai s of t Ie C�ualif ied voters of the said
City of Hunting Beach, voting; at sa_d s �ecial elections, voted in
favor of any of said nro_�ositions, thenbonds of the City of HuntiYl;on
Beach, California, shall be issued by ,paid City in the amounts men-
tioned in thy: Dr;:posit- ionsfor which at least tlnfo-thirds of the gLjali-
fi ed vo t e r s of slai d Ci ty of 1unt in -con :3eac'i vOtill, ,-.t s.. i d Special
Election voted f;;vora4bly , which said bonds s'l .17_ be issued for -the
purpose of the acquisition, construction -.nd/or completion of the
rranici.pal im roves ents favorably voted u_Don ; said bones shall not be
sold for less t-zan t'nr: par v 1ue :.__d the proceeds -From thc: sale of
such bonds shall be placed in the t-reasury of -'the City of Huntington .
each to the credit; of Special Fiunas ,^nd sn,:,11 be ap-plied exclusively
to the purposes and objects a,lentioned in t-'li s Ordinance a_nd for lf,111 .ch
the s n, e 1.was favorably voted.
Section XVII. That for the i, rpo se of pa ring the principal
and interest of said. bonds, t_�:ie )o!�.rd of" Trustees of said. City shall ,
at :,-,he time of fixing t1le r neral tax levy , and in 'she I_11,anYner for
such geYleral *tax levy provided, levy -nd collect annually each year
until such bonds are paid, or until tihere be a sum in the treasury
of said City set apart for that pair-pose to meet all stmgs coming due
for principal and interest on said bonds, .a tax sufficient to pay the
annual interest or;/,aid bonds and also such -part of -tine principal
thereof as shall become due before the -time i"or fixing the next general
tax Levy ;. provided, however, tz,-, t if the yaturity of the indebtedness
created by the issuance of said bonds be r.-iade -Co be ;in ,lore -Chan one
year after the d^te of the issuance o�. said :ponds , sac' tax shall be
levied mad collected at the ti.ile and in -"-he .l .ni?er .aforesai.d, annual-
ly each year, sufficient -to pay the interest on suds indebtedness as
it- falls due and also to constitute a siYllking fund for t,"ne payment of
'the principal thereof on or be-i-"ore :-_aturity. That such taxes shall be
in addition 'co a!--". other tE..xes levied for ___unici_,al p-ar-ooses and shall
be collectelfz at the tiv_'ne and_ in tie sate as other municix,a_l
taxes are collected. •nd. shall be used for no othelburpose than the
payment of' said bonds and. accruing interest.
Sect ion XVIII, The City Clerk s--lall certify to the passage
a_.hd adoption _o:f this or._iizance ,y ?ore h '.i1 'tti'70-birds vote a° all
the members of the Board of Trustees of said City of Huntington Beach.
Section'..,XIX. There being no ne:Tspa �er published in said
City of Huntington Beach, at least six darts a week, t:ierefore , this
Ordinance shall be published once a �ieek for three weeks by one
insertion each weer, for three successive laeelLs in the Huntington
Beach X:ews , a �,,,reekly ne,srsp.per of ever ..l circulation, printed and
published in said City of Huntington :Beach, California.
Section ;LX. No other notice of said election than the
publication ordered ,in Section = of '•.his Ordinance Sl-lall bee deemed
necessary and said publication of this Ordinance an,lll be sufficient
for all purposes.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of TrustQ' es of .che. City of
• 1
6 9
Hun' i lgt n Beach, Orange Coin �ty , Calio-on da., this day of
_ .- -.. . _ _ . 192
Pr c esz t of the Board cl Trustees
of the City of _ lating''on Beach,
Cit3r Cleric and El_-of.fzci 'lerk�of the
Boars: of Trustees of the 'ity of Hunt-'
ington Beach, California.
County of Orange, ) ss.
City of Huntington Beach. )
I, CHAS. R. NUTT, City Clerk and Ex-off icio Clerk of the Board
of Trust-ees of the City of Huntington Beach, do hereby certify that
tl:�e °oreUoi.ng ordinance I?o. was :introduced and read to the
Boo,,rd of Trustees of 1 . e said City t its reFgu-la, meeting , :Yield on
the dav of _� _, 192�% and was a�;a.in read to sm
Board of�Trustees at us reg�?l.�r e e t i n g of the ( day of
1922, an A, avz,i 'a pa.t s :aeeting j�assed and ado_�ted oy i;I�e loll �r ng
vote ; -
AYES, TRUSTEES, O'�arr Or.soil ^ Drcly and_llanninF
NO:L""S, " I�ione
City Clerk and Ex-o-I'l icio Cler{ of
the Board of 'Trustees _ City
of Huntingto C- cn, California,.
o _