HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #249 97 0 0 I 1 O MIN.AITCE ITO. 2 1U11 ORDI11'.`T`dCE �". ,,1.`:�IIirC; SEC`i'IGIT I r),lp Ga�1T7Ih�1� 3CE IiO. 68 �j7 Y n 1,T!(' AT"T n T 'r., �Q •`i l it Y T rY 0 _ILi=_ GI r r�:�{ KU�, I_�,�� I, �:E.i?CIi, mI`�_ILL luy G JI:eT_L:CE 3 REC:LI�_TIi?C7 `i +: CONSTRUCTION Oi'' -BUII?Jy-,�Tuv, Cfir�;il_Trl LE DIS'.'RICI' AIM 1' ;;z „ ,::T,; ,T�, 1, ROVIDI?G ��OR 1;!_J :.:[7 4_i1 I I0N G 4 FIRES .A-I?D THE ALL iIITTE-11T.A21,TCE 0 y' - _h iI 11 DEPr'RTT:M1,7Z' IN 'IT-T CITY OI+ 7;UI,TTI iMTT01LIT _!-aEiCli, CALIEOFI IA• 5 The Eo, rd of Trustee; of the City of IjunL4Lyjr-ton 7 Beach do ordain as follo�Ts 8 SEC`i'ION' I. That Section I of Ordinance ITo. 68 9 Q•f the City of Hunt-ing ton Beach, entitled, " An Ordinance 10 Regulating; the Construction of Duilding s , Creating fire Dist F_ict 11 and Provid.inE for the Prevention of Fires zind the rzlaintenance 12 13 of fire Department in the City of Huntington Beach, C�lifornia 14 be, and the s,,_r:,e is hereby amended so ,-.s to read and provide r s fo11owS ; 15, SDCITIOi' I. The follot°r inL: described portion cf the 16 j City of Hunting;t^n '�ewch, Californi shall be, c.nd is hereby , 17 18 declared to be Fire District; Fo. I of said City, toa:'it : Be- I ginning at- the Yortherly corner of the ul.ctic;_ cf OceL.n Avenue i 19 and Second Street and running; thence Torthea sterly c-.lonL-; the 20 I i i,TOrtI�"iesterly line of Second St-re e'L' �o its 'ntersec'.:ion ',!!ith 21 the soutiiTvester-ly line of the first- alley I`TorthcUsterly from 22 23 Oceer- y�.vcn �Iue ; thence orthwes.`.erly al eng the long rnenticned 24 alley line to its intersection_ vTith the Northwesterly line pro- I 25 duced of' the first alley Southeasterly fror1 `I'-.°lird_ Street; thenne 26 Northeasterly along the 12.st mentioned %1_11e7 line -produced to 27 its intersection .`iith the Sout1-,-,esterly lint: of Olive ,.venue ; t-es`erly ulon,_; the Southi,"Ieste;rly line. of 01 've 28 thence T�Tortll 1. .I. �. !� .A.1,� .f• 1, 29 61ve nue to its intersect ion_ .'1 �h t-.'.e oli�_�e<.S''� rly l lne o.L the 30 first alley yorth:�resterly from `bird Street ; thence Forthea.ster> 31 ly and j_Torthelly he last Mentioned a lley line produced 32 -to its intersection with the Southerly line of' Aco.cia Avenue ; Blodget & Blodget Attorneys-at-Law Huntington Beach, California i I I thence 77esterly -ind Yortl-T%res-t-erly along last ,-:-entioned 2 line -,oroduced to its intersection with the Southe,-.1,st-erly line li 3 of 6th Street* ; thence Southwesterly alonr- said last 2n e nt- i o n e d 4 line to its inter. _e_ct.ion with the Jortheast-erly line of Oranee LD 5 %venue ; thence Southeasterly �,Iong sz-.Ad last i,,,ientUioned line pro- 6 dluced "to JI-ts intersection wi-�Lh .the Southeasterly line of the 7 lfi5-st alley 1,,Torthn,*,ie S4- U.e--r--1Y from. I'dain S,)',i:eet ; -Iiiencc, Southwesterly 8 ?,- on,--,, the last r.,ien` ionc a. intersection -�d ;-�Iley Line to its intersection I,Tith 9 the South<,,, este*rly line of Olive Avenue ; thence FortivTost-erl-v 10 allonG the IEIout-.'L_4;esterly line of Olive Avenue to its intersection 11 with the Southeasterly line of the first o.11ey -_rTorthV,"e--_-tIerly 12 fro-in :Pifth Street ; -11-hence, Soutlh,-iestcrly ,,long the 1 ---%st mentioned 13 alley line, p-roduced to its intersection j5riti2 the Soutlylr!estuerly 14 line of the first alley Northeasterly frof�,i Ocean `venue; thence 15 N 'ortIvIesterly along the laat mentioned --Lley line to its inter- 16 section -twill'h the Southe- .,,terly li-,,-..e of Si,x.-Lh Street ; t-_111 e i i c 17 z3oUtIvIestlerly z:_'Ion..-- the Sout*he��sterly line of Si.­.th Street Uo 18 its in%'Iersect- ion -,.-Tit"In 'the ITortIaeas'l-erly boundary line of Ocean 19 ,%venue ; thence Southe;,.sterly alon, said ITortheastd.rly line of 20 Ocel-n Avenue 'to the -point of beginning. 21 SECTIOIN- II. The City, Cler,--,- sh^.11 certify to the 22 -passa,��e --,n:,-' adoption of this ordinance and shcli cause it to be 23 pub" ished by one 1_1 U insertion J :- 'he Huntinr-ton Becch I YT eii'T s, a U 24 weekly n&,rrspaper of -eneral circulation, published �_md printed 6 1 25 in said Pity of Hunt.'MCtcm Beach California. 11)eclaratu ion is 26 hereby inade that this Ordino�nce is necess­�i-y for the i�,l(iediate 27 ­f .ty , . preserv,,.tion of the public peace , he : Uh xid s,-.!' -_ - e LI and -the 28 frets constituting, such urgency are t.-I-iat the n&u territory 29 e­_fiI0r,-ced within -fire district INTo. I is becori-zain's so -thickly 30 built u>) t�ith fr_.Mle Avooden structures Ics to become a f ire men- 31 ace and this Ordinance is passed 'to ,?revent said_ fire menace 32 from b e c o min inE; g r e at e r This Ord in-ance shall t-,.IJ-Ie effect �:­_nd Blodget & Blodget Attorneys-at-Law Huntington Beach, be in force from, ,-.nd its publication. California -2- 1 'i,, ic,,rd of `i'rustees0f tale 2 Ci'-y of ?runtin[ 'on :'3each, California, and sit;'ned by the Prec- 3 ic1_eii;, of I3aid : oaid this ,.tA day of September, 1922. I 4 5 ��i� a'ident;'ot' Lac o .,rd o{' Trustees he City o_ Huntington Beach, Californi.,. 6 7 City C1erik . nd Ex-off icio Clerk 8 of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington 3each, Calif. , 9 STATE Or CALIFORNIA 1 ) 10 :C.-OTYM OF OR IME, j ;a• ) SS. 11 C ITY i'.dli 0rN17T.I11C Ir0Iq BEACH. ) I, W. _z. Tri.t,ht , City Clerk and 1?'x-o fficio Clerk of 12 the :3oare oi' Trustees of the F�ity cf aunt_-i�gton 7 ach, Ca r _ 13 al 14 do, hereby certify th..t the i'o-reIt,o ing Ordin!--nce vv r�,s introduced 4n 15 rec,d to the said Board of Trustees at its regular riceti.ng held 16 on the rth day of Seftember, 1922, and was again read to said 17 Board of Trustees it &hs adjourned meeting or s id �3oa:cd of 18 Trustees held on the llth day of Septei-fnbe_, 1922 which was 19. thereupon duly p,,,ssed -XId adopted by s= i d BoL�rd of 'trustees by 20 t_,e -olio-.°wing; vote ; AYES, Trustees,� � � '�y�""'� i _ _ 21 -� -- -------' -44 22 1'1Ot''S, n — --- --_ i 23 ABSENT, 24 25 - City Cleric end Ex-officio C1ereL oi' she 26 Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington 3ecch, CLIi f'orniu•,. 27 28 29 30 31 32 Blodget & Blodget Attorneys-at-Law Huntington Beach, California