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The Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach do
ordain as follows:
section 1. That Se ct ion 3 of_Ordinance No. 150 e nt itle d
"An . Ordinance of the City of Hunt-ington Beach providing for the
assessment and collection of taxes", be amended so as to read as
"Section 3. The City Clerk and ex-officio Assessor must,i W
between the f irst Monday of March and the first day. of August of
I� each year, ascertain and make out a true list of all the. property
within the corporate limits of the City of Huntington Beach sub-
�ie ctt b taxation; and must assess such property to the persons by
whom it was owned or claimed, or in whose possession or control
f of Tarch
it was, at 12 o'clock meridian of the first 11onday/last pre ce ding,
but no r;iistake in the name of the owner or supposed owner, of the
property assessed shall render the assessment the re of invalid".
Sect ion 2. That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 150 e i t itle d
Q,An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach providing for the
assessment and collection of taxes", be amended so as to read as
"Section 6. The assessor shall, between the first 11onday
of March, and the first day of August of each year, mail, or de -
liver, a blank state ment• to each person, firm of corporation
claiming, owning or posse ss�ng any taxable property within the
City of Huntington Beach calling for a statement- from such per-
son, firm or corporation, under oath, which shall show separately:
( 1) All property belonging to, claimed by or in the pos-
session or under the control or management of such personsa
( 2) All property be longing t o, or claimed by, or in the i
possession or under -the control or management of any firm of which
such-,person is a member.
a c
(3) All Property belonging to, clairne d by or in the
possession or under the control or management of- any corporation
of which such person is president, secretary,' cashier or managing
age nt.
(4) An exact description of all lots and lands, im-
provements and personal property and all taxable state , county,
city or other municipal or public bonds and the taxable bonds of
any person, firm or corporation and deposits of money, gold dust
or bullion, or other. valuables, and the nacres of the persons with
whom such deposits are made , and the places in which they may be
found; all mgrtgages, deeds of trust, contracts and other obliga-
tions by which a debt is secured, and the property in the City
affe cte d the re by.
( 5) All solvent credits unsecured by deed of trust,
mortgage or other 1 ie n on real or personal property due ;o,r:' owing
to such person or any f irr„ of which he is a membe r, or due or owing
to any corporation of .which he is president, secretary, cashier or
managing agent, deducting from the sum total of such credits such
debts only unsecured by trust dee d,mortgage or other 1 ie n on real
or personal property as may be owing by such person, firm or cor-
No debt shall be/deducted unless 'the stateiw nt shows the
amount of such debt as stated under oath in aggregate ; provided,
in case of banks, the statement is not re quire d to show the debt
in detail., of to. whom it is owing; but the City Assessor shall have
the privilege of examining the books of said banks to verify said
state;e nt. whe ne ve r one member of a firm, cam' one of the grope r
officers of a corporation has made a statement showing the pro-
perty of the , firm or corporat ion,anothe r member of the firm or
another officer need not include such property in the statement
made by him; but his statement must show the name of the person
or officer who made the statemxnt_ in which such property is
include d. --
r �
Se ct ion 3. That -Section 7 of Ordinance No. 150 entitled
"An Ordinance of the City of Hunt ington Beach providing for the
assessment and collection of taxes" , be amended so as to -read as
"Section 7. The Board of Trustees of said City musty-fur-
nish the City Assessor with blank forms for the statements pro-
vided for in Section 6 hereof, affixing thereto an affidavit which
must be substantially)as follows;
j , do swear that the above .list
contains a full and correct statement of all property subject to
taxation which I or any firm- of which I am a member, 'or any cor-
poration, association or company of which I am pre side nt, cashie r�i
secretary or managing agent, owne d,claimed, posse sse d, controlled or
manage d, at twe lve of clock zee ridian, on the f irst Monday of March
last, and which is not already assessed this year, and that I have .
not in any manner what soe ve r transferred or disposed of any pro-
perty, or placed any property out of the City of Huntington Beach
or my possession, for the purpose of avoiding any assessment upon
the same , or making this statement; and that the debts therein
stated -as owing by me or by such firm, corporation, association or
company, are owing to bonaf ide residents of this state , or firms
or corporations doing business in this state. "
The affidavit to this statement on behalf of ti-e firm,
association or corporation must state the principal place of busi-
ness of such firm, association or corporation, and in other re -
spects must confirm substantially to the preceding form..
The said Blank statement sha l/ontain a notice-.-that the
same must be f ille d out and re turn d to the C ity As se ssor on or
befoxe the third Monday in July.
Section 4.. That Section 22 of Ordinance No. 150 entitled
"An Ordinance of tie City of Huntington Beach providing for the
assessment and collection of taxes", be amended so as to read as
f o l l ow s; _--
"Section 22. On or be fore. the third Monday in Se ptembe r
of each year the City Clerk shall de 1 ive r to the City Marshall,
as ex-officio Tax Collector the Assessment books, and take his
re ce ipt f or the amount of taxe s due the re on. "
Section 5. That Section 23 of Ordinance No. 150 entitled
"An Ordinance of the City ofHuntington Beach providing for the
assessment and collection of taxesy " be amended so as to read as
"Section 23. On or before the third Monday in October,
the tax collector shall publish a notice specifying in substance :
(a) That the taxes on all personal property secured by
real property and one -half of the taxes on all real property will
be due and payable on the third Monday in October and will be de -
1 inque nt on the first Monday in De cembe r next thereafter at five
o' clock P.M. and that unless paid prior thereto, fifteen per cent
will be added to the amount thereof, and if said first instal.lmennt
be not paid before the last Monday in April next thereafter at
five otolock P.M. an additional five per cent. will be addled there -
to. That the remaining one -half of the taxes on all real pro-
perty will be payable on and after the second Monday in January
next and will be delinquent on the last Monday in April thereafter
at five o' clock P.M. and unless paid prior thereto, five per
will be added to the amount thereof.
(b) That all taxe s may be paid at the t ime the first
installment' is due and payable.
(c) That said taxes will be due and payable to the tax
collector or his deputy at his office in the City of Huntington
Beach as designated in said notice and that the tax collector
will keep ce rtain hours at such office ; such notice must be Pub-
1 ishe d f or two weeks in the news Pape r authorize d t o do- the c ity
adve rt is ing.
Section 6. That Section 27 of Ordinance No. 1.50 entitled
"An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach providing for the
assessment .and collection of taxes", be amended so as to read as
f ollows;
"Section 27. On the first Monday in De cembe r of each
year at five O' clock P.M. all tam s then not paid, except the
last installment of real property taxes,, *
ares, * become de 1 inque nt .and
thereafter the tax collector must collect for the use of the
City an additional fifteen per cent thereon;. provided, that if
they -be not paid before the last Monday in April next thereafter
at five o'clock P.M, he shall collect an additional five per cent
the re on. On the last Monday in April of each year at. f ive o'
clock P.M. all the unpaid portion of the remaining one -half of the
taxes on all real Property become de 1 inque nt 4nd thereafter the
tax collector must collect for the use of the City an additional
five per cent thereon, provided that the entire taxes on any real
property may be paid at the time the f irst installment, as above
provide d, is due and payable , and provide d furthe r that. all taxe s
on all personal property unsecured by real property shall be due
and payable immediately after the assessment of said personal pro-
perty is made , and provided furtl-B r that the tax collector shall
collect fifty cents additional on each parcel of property separately
assessed, upon which there are unpaid taxes after tl-e last Monday
in April of e ach ye ar at f ive o' cl ock P.M. "
Section 7, That Section 28 of Ordinance. No. 150 entitled
"An Ordinance of .the City of Huntington Beach providing for the
assessment and -collection of taxes", be amended so as to read as
"Section 28. On the third Monday in De cembe r of each year
the tax collector must attend at the office' of the City Clerk with
the assessment book having all items of taxes collected marked
"Paid". The City Clerk shall thereupon compute and enter against
all the items of taxes due and unpaid, the penalty for de 1 inque ncy,
foot up the total amount of pe nalt ie s, then due , and raust,within
O ,
ten days thereafter deliver to said tax collector the assessment
book and charge him with the amount of said penalties. "
Section 8. That a new section be added to said Ordinance
No. 150, entitled -"An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach
providing for the assessment and collection of taxes", which said._
section stall be numbered section 282 and shall read as follows:
"'Section 28a. On the fourth Monday in May of each year
the tax collector must de 1 ive r to the City Clerk. a complete de -
1 inque nt list of all persons and property then owing taxes and at
the same time must deliver to the City Clerk, the assessment book,
having all items of taxes and penalties collected marked "Paid".
In the list so delivered of delinquent taxes, there must be set
down in numerical or alphabetical order,, all #patte rs and things
contained in the assessment book and relating to delinquent per-
sons or property. "
Section . That Section 30 of Ordinance No. 150 entitled
"An Ordinance of the City , of Huntington Beach providing for the
assessment and collection of taxes, " be amended so as to read as
"Section 30. After the settlement prescribed in the pre -
ceding section, the Clerk must charge the tax collector again with
the amount of taxes due on the de 1 inque nt tax list, with the
penalty or penalties, including fifty cents additional on each par-
cel of property 'separately assessed added thereto and within five
days thereafter deliver the list to the said tax collector. "
Section 10. That section 31 of Ordinance No.150 entitled
"An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach providing for the
assessment and collection of taxes", be amended so as to read. as
"section 31. On or before .the eighth day in June of
each year the tax collector must publish the delinquent list,which
must contain the names of the persons and a de scription of the
Property de 1 inque nt and the total amount of the ,axe s, assessments,
Penalties and costs due opposite each name and description, with
the tare s due on personal property added to the taxes due on real
e state , whe re the real estate is liable the ref or, or where the
several taxes are due from the same persons. He must append to
and publish with the delinquent list a notice that, unless the
taxes delinquent, together with the assessments, costs and penal-
ties are paid, the real property, upon which such taxes are alien,
will be sold•
Such publication must be made once a week for three suc-
cessive weeks in the newspaper authorized to do the city adverti-
sing, or in a supplement thereto, and such notice must designate
the day and hour W7 n the property will, by operation of law, be
sold to the city; provided that the time of sale must not be less
than twenty-one nor more than twenty eight days from the first
publication, and the place of sale must be in the tax collector' s
office in the City. of Huntington Beach, "
Section 11, The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
of this Ordinance and cause the sari to be printed and published
once in the Huntington Beach News, a newspaper printed and pub-
lished in the City of Huntington Beach, and thirty days the re afte r
it shall take effect and be in full or e .
S ig ne d ��-c-2� /.
SZAL). . president of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Hurit ingt on Beach,
�, �, Calif orniao
Mity C le rj abd a x-off is i XClerk of the Board 1
of T rustee lz of the City of Huntington Beach,
C al iforni.ae
I, W. R. Wright, City Clerk and Ex-Off icio Clerk of the
Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, do hereby cer-
tify that the foregoing Ordinance was pre se me d and read to the
Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach at. a regular
meeting of said Board on the �o.��5/day of �, 1925, and that
said Ordinance was passed and adopted at- the regular meting of
said Board held on the�t day of , 19251, by the f ol-
lowing stated vote : D /
Aye s T ru s tee s �/���v� �'Lf a s ..w• `N ��,e�,�
NOES Trustees
ABSENT Trustees " t rx,'
(SEAL) ,
City C le rk and x-Off is io C le rk
of the Board of Trustees of
the City of Huntington Be ach,