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ORDINANCE NO 7.� building in said City shall for the tersection with the northeasterly.
—O— purpose of this ordinance, be deem- boundary line of Ocean Avenue;
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ed to be within said residential dis- thence southeasterly along said
OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, trict. northeasterly line of Ocean Avenue
AMENDING SECTION 1 OF OR- "All that portion of the City of to the point of beginning."
DINANCE NO. 209 OF SAID Huntington Beach within the fob Section 2. The adoption of this
CITY ENTITLED: "AN ORDI- lowing described boundaries is es= Ordinance shall not, nor shall it be
NANCE OF THE CITY OF tablished and declared to be Busi- . construed to, limit, estop, prohibit
HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTAB- ness District No. 1'of said City, to, nor interfere with the power of the
LISHING A BUSINESS AND wit: Board of Trustees of the City of
RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT IN "Beginning at the northerly cor- Huntington Beach, under the po-
SAID CITY AND PROHIBITING ner of the junction of Ocean Ave- lice power for the preservation of
THE ESTABLISHMENT OR nue and Second Street and running the public peace, health, safety and
MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN thence northeasterly along the welfare to enact any amendment
BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIES northwesterly line of Second Street hereto, or any,,,ordinance deemed
IN SAID DISTRICTS." to its intersection with the south- necessary or convenient by said
—p— westerly line of the first alley Board.
The people of the City of Hunt- northeasterly from Ocean, Avenue; Section 3. The City Clerk shall
ington Beach do ordain as follows: thence northwesterly along the last certify to the adoption of this Ordi-
Section 1. That Section 1 of Or- mentioned alley line to its intersec- nance and shall cause the same to
dinance No. 209 as amended, enti- tion with the northwesterly line be published by one insertion in
tled, "An Ordinance of the City of produced of the first alley south- the Huntington Beach News, a
Huntington Beach, establishing a easterly from Third Street; thence waekly newspaper;,-printed and pub-
business and residential district in northeasterly along the last men- lished and circulated in said City,
said City and prohibiting the estab- tioned alley produced to its inter- and this Ordinance shall take ef-
lishment or maintenance of certain section with the southwesterly line fect ten (10) days after canvass of
business and industries in said dis- of Olive Avenue; thence northwest- the election at which this Ordi-
tricts," be and the same is hereby erly along the southwesterly line of nance is submitted, if a majority of
amended so as to read as follows: Olive Avenue to its intersection the qualified electors voting on said
"Section 1. That all of the City with the southeasterly line of the proposed Ordinance shall vote in
of Huntington Beach, within the first alley northwesterly from favor thereof.
following described boundaries, is Third Street; thence northeasterly Passed and adopted by the peo-
established and declared to be a along the last mentioned alley line ple of the City of Huntington Beach
residence district, to-wit: to its intersection with the south- at a regular election held on the
"Beginning at the point of inter- westerly line of Orange Avenue;, 12th day of April, 1926. _
section of the centerline of Seven- (hence northwesterly along the — - —
teenth street, extended southwest- southwesterly line of Orange Ave-
erly, with the Pacific Ocean, run- nuoeto its intersection with the
ning thence northeasterly along southeasterly line of the first alley
the center line of Seventeenth northwesterly from Main Street; J,'
street to its intersection with the thence southwesterly along the Preside$t of the Board of
center line of Palm Avenue, run- last mentioned alley line to its in- I
ning thence southeasterly and east- tersection with the southwesterly ' Trastees ,Of the City of
erly along the center line of Palm line of Olive Avenue; thence north- Huntington Beaoh Calif•
Avenue to its intersection With the westerly along the southwesterly
center line of Lake Avenue; thence line of Olive Avenue to its inter-
southerly along the center line of section with the southeasterly line
Lake Avenue to its intersection of the first alley northwesterly from ATTEST
with the centerline of First Street; Fifth Street; thence southwesterly
thence southwesterly along the along the last mentioned alley line
center line of First Street, extend- produced to its intersection with
ed southwesterly, to the Pacific the southwesterly line of the first �......�. .�...
Ocean; thence along the coast line alley northwesterly from Ocean Ci Clerk 8c $-OffiCio
of said Pacific Ocean to the point Avenue; thence northwesterly 1 �J
of beginning; excepting therefrom along the last mentioned alley line ; •clerk of the Board of ,-72ru
Business District No. 1 of said to its intersection with the south-
City; provided, however, that all easterly line of Sixth Street; thence Trusties of .the City of .
1 property within two hundred fifty southwesterly along the southeast- Huntington Beach,Calif•
(250) feet of any public school erly line of Sixth Street to its in-
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