HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1203 ORDINANCE NO. l203
The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does
ordain as follows :
Section 1. That Chapter 23 and all Articles and
Sections thereof of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code
are hereby repealed.
Section 2. That Chapter 23 entitled "Oil" is hereby
added to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code to read in
words and figures� as follows :
Section 3. That Article 231 is hereby added to the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code to read in words and fig-
ures as follows :
� 1
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2311. Title . This Division shall be known and may
be cited as "The City of Huntington Beach
Oil Code" . Code as referred to in this Division, unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall mean the
City of Huntington Beach Oil Code .
S . 2312. Purpose And Intent. It is hereby declared
to be the purpose of this article to estab-
lish reasonable and uniform limitations, safeguards and
controls for the present operations and future drilling
for and production of oil, gas and other hydrocarbon sub-
stances within the City in such areas as are determined by
the City Council to be exempt from the prohibition against
such activities in conformity with the provisions of Zon-
ing Ordinances of City of Huntington Beach Limitations,
safeguards and controls are deemed necessary in the public
interest . Uses are indicated by the Master Plan of the
City, City zoning regulations, the value and character of
improvements in or near districts where oil drilling or
production is hereinafter permitted and the desirability
of certain areas for residential, commercial or other
uses . It is recognized that many citizens with substan-
tial property investments do not own mineral rights and
would not profit directly from oil or gas development .
The City Council finds that uncontrolled drilling and pro-
duction would be detrimental to the general welfare of the
residents of the City and to the public health, safety,
and welfare . It is contemplated that areas within the
City may be explored for oil by directional drilling meth-
ods, with surface drilling and production operations lim-
ited to a minimum of controlled drilling sites, so located,
spaced and regulated as to cause the least possible detri-
ment to the community and the general welfare .
S . 2321. Department Of Oil Field Control, Establish-
ment Of: There is hereby created a Depart-
ment of Oil Field Control for the City of Huntington Beach
to carry out the purpose and intent of the Oil Code.
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2322 . Oil Field Superintendent, Creation Of: The
office of Oil Field Superintendent of the
City of Huntington Beach Department of Oil Field Control
is hereby created to be the head of and responsible for
the Department of Oil Field Control.
S . 2322 . 1 Oil Field Superintendent, Appointment And
Salary: The Oil Field Superintendent shall
be appointed by the City Council and hold office at their
pleasure, and shall receive such compensation for his ser-
vices as the Council shall direct .
S . 2322 . 2 Oil Field Superintendent, Duties : The Oil
Field Superintendent shall, subject to any
conflicting administration policy, assume full responsi-
bility for the operation of the Department of Oil Field
Control, and be responsible for the enforcement of Chapter
23, Oil Code of the Ordinance of the City of Huntington
Beach. He will be responsible for the management and over-
all co-ordination of all City agencies concerned with the
development and operation of the oil industry and oil
field within the City of Huntington Beach.
S . 2331. The following terms as used in this Code
shall, unless the context clearly indicates
otherwise, have the respective meanings herein set forth:
S . 2331.1 Abandonment shall mean the restoration of
the drill site as required by these regula-
tions .
S . 2331. 2 A.P.I. is the American Petroleum Institute .
S . 2331. 3 Approved. Approved by the Fire Department,
Bui.ldin Department and Engineering Depart-
ment. "Approved type ', or "approved design", is and in-
cludes improvements, equipment or facilities of a type or
design approved by the Fire Department, Building Depart-
ment and Engineering Department .
S . 2331.4 A.S.M.E. is the American Society of Mechan-
ical Engineers .
S . 2331. 5 Blow-Out shall mean the uncontrolled dis-
charge of gas, liquid or solids or a mixture
thereof from a well into the atmosphere .
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2331.6 Blow-Out Preventer shall mean a mechanical,
hydraulic or pneumatic or other device or a
combination of such devices secured to the top of a well
casing, including valves, fittings and control mechanisms
connected therewith designed and capable of preventing a
blow-out .
S. 2331.7 Building Code shall mean the ordinance of
the City of Huntington Beach known by that
title as it may be changed or reenacted from time to time .
S . 2331.8 Building Department shall mean and include
the Building Department, his assistants,
deputies and inspectors of the Building Department of the
City of Huntington Beach.
S. 2331.9 Building Permit shall mean the permit pro-
vided for by the Building Code .
S. 2331.10 Cellar shall mean an excavation. around or
above the top joint of the casing in a well.
S. 2331. 11 City Administrator shall mean the City Ad-
ministrator and his assistants .
S . 2331. 12 City Clerk shall mean the duly elected City
Clerk and assistants .
S . 2331. 13 Completion of Drilling a well is completed,
for the purpose of these regulations, thirty
(30) days after the drilling crew has been released, un-
less drilling or remedial operations are resumed before
the end of the thirty (30) days .
S. 2331.14 Controlled Drilling Site shall mean the sur-
face location upon which surface operations
incident to oil well drilling or deepening and the produc-
tion of oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substances from be-
neath the surface of real property located within the City
of Huntington Beach, whether such surface operations are
inside or outside the City of Huntington Beach, may be
permitted under the terms and conditions of this chapter
and as prescribed by the terms and conditions of any per-
mit issued by the City Council.
S . 2331. 15 Council shall mean the elected governing
body of the City of Huntington Beach.
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2331. 16 Derrick is any framework, tower, or mast to-
gether with all parts and appurtenances to
such structure, including any foundations, pump house,
pipe racks and each and every part thereof, which is or
are required, or used, or useful for the drilling for and
the production of oil, gas or other hydrocarbons from the
earth except tanks used for storage purposes .
S . 2331.17 Desertion shall mean the cessation of opera-
tions at a drill site without compliance
with the provisions of the Code relating to suspended op-
erations or abandonment .
S . 2331. 18 Diligence as used in these regulations,
shall mean that the drilling derrick is in
its operating position over the well, properly anchored
and supported and that an operating crew is on duty at the
drill site at all reasonable times .
S . 2331.19 Directional Drilling shall mean whipstocking,
or slant drilling from a controlled drilling
site .
S . 2331.20 Division Of Oil And Gas shall mean the Div-
ision of Oil and Gas of the Department of
Natural Resources of the State of California or any other
state agency that may in the future be charged with its
responsibilities .
S. 2331.21 Drilling means digging a hole in earth form-
ation with a power driven bit for the purpose
of exploring for or developing of oil or gas . Drilling
includes those operations that are concerned with the com-
pletion of a well. "Drilling does not include ' shot hole ' " .
S . 2331. 22 Drilling Island shall mean a designated area
from which more than one well is clustered.
S. 2331. 23 Drill Site shall mean the premises used dur-
ing the drilling and subsequent life of a
well or wells, which is necessary for the safe operations
S . 2331.24 Engineering Department means the Director of
Public Works, his assistants, engineers or
inspectors .
S . 2331.25 Fire Department means the Chief Engineer of
the Fire Department of the City of Hunting-
ton Beach, his assistants, deputies or the assigned Chief
of the Fire Prevention Bureau and his assigned inspectors .
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2331.26 Gas shall mean the gaseous components or
vapors occurring in or derived from petrol-
eum or natural gas .
S . 2331.27 Idle Well or Failure To Produce . An "idle
well or failure to produce hydrocarbon
substances shall be defined as such failure to produce or
idleness which will permit the lessor, under the terms of
the oil and gas lease applicable to the premises on which
any well exists, to cause forfeiture of such lease .
S . 2331.28 Maintenance shall mean and include the re-
pair and replacement of parts of a structure
where same does not alter or lessen the strength of stab-
ility of the structures .
S . 2331. 29 Natural Gasoline Plant Or Absorption Plant
is a plant for the processing of natural gas
from the production wells and processed into its various
components .
S . 2331.30 Oil includes petroleum, and PETROLEUM in-
cludes oil.
S . 2331.31 Operator shall mean person, whether proprie-
tor, lessee or independent contractor, act-
ually in charge and in control of the drilling, mainten-
ance, operation or pumping of a well or lease.
S . 2331.32 Outer Boundary Line . Where several contig-
uous parcels of land in one of different
ownerships are operated as a single oil or gas lease or
operating unit, the term "outer boundary line" means the
exterior limits of the land included in the lease or unit .
In determining the contiguity of any such parcels of land,
no street, road or alley lying within the lease or unit
shall be deemed to interrupt such contiguity.
S . 2331.33 Owner is a person who owns a legal or equit-
able title in and to the surfaces of the
drill site .
S . 2331.34 Person includes any individual, firm, assoc-
iation, corporation, joint venture, or any
other group or combination acting as a unit.
S . 2331.35 Redrilling shall mean the deepening of an
existing oil well or otherwise drilling be-
yond the extremities or sides of the existing well casing.
The provisions of :this Code relating to drilling shall be
equally applicable to redrilling.
Ord.. N0. 1203
S. 2331.36 Seismic Petroleum Prospecting. Prospecting
This oil means dril ing oles into the ground,
placing an explosive charge therein, and detonating such
charge, thereby exciting an energy or sound wave through the
earth, the results of which are recorded and read by seis-
mograph equipment solaced at various locations on the surface
of the earth.
S. 2331.37 Shot Hole. The hole drilled in seismic pet-
roleum prospecting.
S. 2331.38 Source of Ignition means any flame, arc,
spark, or heated object or surface capable of
Igniting, flammable liquids, gases or vapors.
S. 2331• 39 Structure is that which is built or construct-
ed; a tank, edifice or a building of any kind,
not including appurtenances used in oil production or walls
of any sort.
S. 2331.4.0 Sump Hole is an unlined earthen pit adjacent
to an oil well for the discharge of oil field
S. 2331.41 Superintendent shall mean the Oil Field Super-
intendent and his assistants.
S. 2331.4.2 Suspended Operations is the temporary suspen-
sion of drilling or redrilling operations
pending a resumption of operations or abandonment.
S. 2331.4.3 Tank is a container, covered or uncovered,used
in conjunction with a drilling or production
of an oil well , for holding or storing liquids at or near
atmospheric pressure.
S. 2331.4.4 Well or Oil Well. Hole drilled into the earth
for the purpose of exploring for or extracting
from the earth oil, gas , or other hydrocarbon substances , or
a well or hole in the earth by means of and through which
oil , gas and other hydrocarbon substances are extracted, pro-
duced or capable of being produced from the earth, or a well
or hole for the purpose of secondary recovery or waste dis-
posal thereof. "Well does not include "shot hole" .
S. 2331.45 Well Servicing is remedial or maintenance work
perFormea within any existing well which does
not involve drilling or redrilling.
Ord.No. 1203
S . 2341. Permits . Prior to the drilling or redrill-
ing of operations in connection with the ex-
ploration for or the production of petroleum or for the
purpose of secondary recovery, the operator shall obtain a
drilling permit from the Department Of Oil Field Control.
S . 2341. 1 Annual Renewal Oil Well Permit . A permit
will be required annually on each oil well
whether producing or not .
S . 2342. Permit Utilization. No permit issued here-
inunder shall be valid unless utilization of
the privileges granted thereby be commenced within one
year from and after the date of issuance of the permit and
diligently and progressively prosecuted thereafter.
S . 2343 . Other Permits . The permits provided in the
ordinancgPl n addition to and are not in lieu
of any permit which may be required by the other depart-
ments of the city and the Department of Oil Field Control
shall not issue any permit under this ordinance until all
other permits required by other departments, if any, have
been issued and the fee has been paid.
S . 2344. Drilling And Redrilling Permit Procedure .
The applicant shall file an application in
writing for a permit on a form furnished for that purpose
by the Department of Oil Field Control. The application
shall be accompanied by:
(a) A complete legal description of the property.
(b) A fully informative plot plan showing the location of
the well, the location of which has been staked on
the ground, appurtenant structures and their relation
to any existing hospital, sanitarium, church, rest
home, airport, school and dwelling, within the radius
required by this Code.
(c) Engineering specifications of structures, drilling,
derricks, drilling masts, tanks, and high pressure
systems regulated by this Code . Applicant need not
file plans and engineering specifications of standard
derricks, masts and tanks when such plans and speci-
fications are already on file in the office of Oil
Field Control.
Ord. No. 1203
(d) A corporate surety bond in conformity with provisions
of Article 235 .
(e) A statement as to the means by which liquid spills
will be removed from diked area or catchment basins .
(f) A drilling permit may be amended insofar as it re-
lates to the drill site area and a drill site may be
modified as to size and shape by filing with the De-
partment of Oil Field Control of a modified plot plan
if the modified drill site conforms to the applicable
provisions of this Code and of Chapter 9, Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code, but not otherwise .
S . 2345 . Conditions Of Issuance Of Permits . In addi-
tion to the conditions of the above section,
prior to issuing the permit for the drilling or redrilling
of an oil well, the Department of Oil Field Control shall
require of the operator:
(a) The payment of the drilling and redrilling fee.
(b) Evidence of a city business license, where required.
(c) A city building permit or a statement from the Depart-
ment that no such permit is necessary.
(d) A permit for the disposal of industrial waste and/or
waste water or a statement from the Sanitation De-
partment that no such permit is necessary.
(e) A statement from the City Planning Department that
such use and the location of any structures to be
constructed or place on leasehold are not in viola-
tion of the City Zoning Ordinance .
(f) A permit from the City Fire Department, where re-
quired by the Huntington Beach Fire Code or a state-
ment that .the operator is not in violation of the
Fire Ordinance of the City.
(g) A permit to encroach upon public property where it is
necessary to do so in the redrilling, servicing or
maintaining of any well, existing prior to the
adoption of this Code .
(h) A bond in accordance to the ordinances covering bonds .
(i) A certificate of insurance in accordance to the spec-
ification as set forth in section 2359 of this Code .
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2346 . Appeal. If the operator is denied a permit
by any of the governing agencies, he may
appeal said denial in accordance with section 2384 of
this Chapter.
S . 2347 . Fees . The following fee schedule will be
paid by the operator:
(a) A fee for permit to drill or redrill of $100.00
(b) An annual oil well renewal and inspection fee of
$25.00 for every well, whether producing or not .
S . 2348. Permit Fees Not Refundable . The permit fees
payable under this ordinance shall not be
refundable in whole or in part.
S. 2349. Penalty For Delinquency. If any fee herein
required to be paid to the Department of Oil
Field Control is not paid at the time and in the manner
herein provided, the same shall, thirty (30) days there-
after, automatically be and become delinquent, and a pen-
alty in an amount equal to ten percent of such fee shall
be added thereto for such delinquency, which penalty shall
be and become a part of such fee and shall be enforced and
collected as a part of such fee .
S . 2351. Existing Wells . On or before July 1, 1967 a
bond in the form required by this section
shall be filed for each well drilled prior to said effec-
tive date of this ordinance which has not been abandoned
to said effective date in accordance with Chapter 24 of
the City of Huntington Beach Ordinance Code .
S . 2352 . New Wells . A bond in the form required by
this section shall be filed concurrently
with the issuance of the granting of a drilling or re-
drilling permit .
S . 2353 . Bond Forms . Bonds shall be on a form app-
roved by the City Attorney and shall be on a
form similar to that in general use in the oil and gas
Ord. No. 1205
S . 2354. Single Bonds . Corporate surety bonds in the
penal sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000) .
The bonds shall be executed by the operator as Principal
and by the authorized surety company as Surety and condi-
tioned that the Principal named in the bond shall faith-
fully comply with all the provisions of this ordinance in
drilling or redrilling and maintaining all production fac-
ilities and abandonment as required by this ordinance un-
til properly abandoned in conformity with the provisions
hereof. The bond shall secure the City of Huntington
Beach against all costs, charges and expenses incurred by
it for reason of the failure of the Principal to fully
comply with the provisions of this ordinance. The bond
shall include the correct name or number of the well and
such other information as may be necessary to readily
identify the oil well. Any operator may furnish negoti-
able securities or cash in lieu of a corporate surety bond.
S . 2355 . Blanket Bonds .
(a) Any operator may, in lieu of filing a single bond for
each well as required by the foregoing section, file
a bond in the amount of $5,000 if the oil operator
has ten (10) or less wells, $10,000 if he has 25 or
less wells, and $25,000 if he has more than 25 wells .
(b) Individual operators may collectively pool their
wells for the purpose of obtaining a blanket bond.
If they do so, they may put up a bond under the con-
ditions of paragraph (a) above .
S . 2356 . Default In Performance Of Conditions - Notice
To Be Given. Whenever the Department of Oil
Field Control finds that a default has occurred in the
performance of any requirement or condition of these regu-
lations, written notice thereof shall be given to the
Principal and to the Surety on the bond. Such notice
shall specify the work to be done, the estimated cost
thereof and the period of time deemed by the Department of
Oil Field Control to be reasonably necessary for the com-
pletion of such work. After receipt of such notice, the
Surety shall within the time therein specified either
cause or require the work to be performed, or failing
therein, shall pay over to the Department of Oil Field
Control the estimated cost of doing the work as set forth
in the notice, plus an additional sum equal to twenty-five
(25) per cent of said estimated cost. Upon receipt of
such monies, the Department of Oil Field Control shall
proceed by such mode as he deems convenient to cause the
required work to be performed and completed, but no lia-
bility shall be incurred therein other than for the ex-
penditure of said sum in hand. In the event that the well
has not been properly abandoned under the regulations of
the Division of Oil and Gas, such additional money may be
demanded from the Surety as is necessary to restore the
drill site in conformity with the regulations of this
ordinance .
Ord. No. 1205
S . 2357. Exoneration. Any bond issued in compliance
with these regulations shall be terminated
and cancelled and the Surety be relieved of all obliga-
tions thereunder when the well has been properly abandoned
in conformity with all regulations of this ordinance and
in conformity with all regulations of the Division of Oil
and Gas and notice to that effect has been received by the
Department of Oil Field Control, or upon receipt of a sat-
isfactory substitute bond.
S . 2358. Substitution. A substitute bond may be
filed in lieu of any bond on file hereunder
and the Department of Oil Field Control shall accept and
file the same if it is qualified and in proper form and
substance and the bond for which it is substituted shall
be exonerated but only if the Department of Public Works,
Building Department and Fire Department finds that all of
the conditions of the last mentioned bond have been sat-
isfied and that no default exists as to the performance
upon which the bond is conditioned.
S . 2359. Insurance Requirements . Wherever insurance
is required in this Code the following
values will be required: $50,000 property damage and
$100,000 and $300,000 personal liability.
S. 2361. Site Preparation. Each drill site prior to
the commencement of drilling shall be pre-
pared in accordance with plot plan as submitted by the op-
erator, and approved by the Department of Oil Field Con-
S . 2361. 1 Encroachment
(a) New Wells . All operations concerned with drilling,
production, redrilling, or servicing of wells drilled
after the effective date of this ordinance shall be
conducted within the property lines of the leasehold.
(b) Wells Existing As Of The Effective Date Of This Ord-
inance . No operator or person while redrilling, ser-
vicing, or maintaining a well drilled prior to the
effective date of this ordinance shall encroach with
equipment over public property lines, sidewalks,
parkway, alleys or streets until a permit therefor
has been granted by the Department Of Oil Field
9W 91.,No. 1203
Control. Reasonable requirements for the safety of
Persons and property shall be required by the Depart-
ment of Oil Field Control before issuing such permit
and such permit shall not be issued unless temporary
sidewalk enclosures sufficient to protect pedestrians
are maintained by the operator. In addition thereto
no permit will be issued until the person requesting
the permit shows a certificate of insurance according
to the requirements of Article 235,Section 2359 of
this Code. Said temporary sidewalk enclosures shall
be so maintained until the operating equipment has
been removed from the leasehold premises. The oper-
ator will be liable for any damages to public property.
S. 2361. 2 All new wells, tanks and/structures, as of the
effective date of this ordinance, will be set back 25 feet
(25' ) from the street right-of-way and all future street
right-of-ways as depicted on the City' s Master Plan of Streets
and Highways.
Any new well may be drilled, after the effective
date of this ordinance, contiguous to any ",stj,.ui3ture a.
built for human occupancy according to the following condit-
ions :
(a ) If the pumping unit is operated by an electrical
engine within twenty-five feet (25' ) -
(b) If the pumping unit Is operated by a gasoline
engine within fifty feet (50' ) -
(c) if the well is to be drilled near a school build-
ing, hospital or church within one hundred fifty
feet (150' ) -
(d) The above distances will be measured from the
center of the well core to the nearest wall of
said structure.
S. 2362 Derricks.
(a ) All derricks and masts erected for drilling or redrill-
Ing shall meet the specification of the American Petro-
leum Institute Standards 4A, 14th Edition and rD, 3yrs.
Edition, or the equivalent thereof.
(b) Any de'rrick or pulling mast operating within 150 feet of
any structure or public right-of-way shall be securely
guyed or braced at all times the mast is in use, or if a
self-braced derrick or mast, shall meet A.P.I. standards
or be the equivalent thereof. In addition thereto the
operator shall be required to show a certificate of in-
surance in accordance with the specifications in Article
235,Section 2359 of this Code, and naming City as an ad-
ditional insured.
Ord.No. 1203
S. 2362.1 Inspection.
(a) If. a well is to be drilled or redrilled within 150
feet of any structure or street right-of-way, after
the operating equipment is securely in place and prior
to commencement of drilling, the operator will notify
the Department of Oil Field Control. If an Inspection
is anticipated to be made during the night, weekend or
holiday the operator will notify the Department of Oil
Field Control during a working day of the approximate
time the operator would be ready for the inspection,
and shall not commence drilling until the Department of
Oil Field Control has made an inspection and given
approval to commence. The Superintendent shall not give
his approval until all the applicable provisions of the
City of Huntington Beach Ordinances have been met; If
they are met, he shall give his approval. The Superin-
tendent shall make his inspection within a reasonable
time after receiving notice from the Operator.
Ord. No. 1203
(b) Upon the completion of drilling operations the opera-
for will notify the Department of Oil Field Control,
and the Department will make a final inspection of
said drill site .
(c) The Department of Oil Field Control shall make an
annual inspection of each well and keep a record of
the wells inspected and their findings .
S . 2363. Removal Of Equipment.
(a) All drilling equipment shall be removed from the lease-
hold premises within 60 days following the completion
of the drilling, redrilling or abandonment of any
well unless such derrick and appurtenant equipment is
to be used within a reasonable time for the drilling
of another well on the same site.
(b) All well servicing or portable pulling masts shall be
removed from the lease or property and returned to
the service yard within seven (7) days after com-
pletion of well servicing operation.
(c) All idle or unnecessary equipment will be removed
from the drill site and if the equipment has not been
used, on the site for a period of six (6) months or
more it will be prima facie evidence that said equip-
ment is not necessary for the production of oil. The
burden of proof will then lie on the operator to
prove said equipment is necessary for his operations .
S . 2363 . 1 Sumps Or Sump Holes . Rotary mud, drill
cuttings, oil field waste, oil or liquid hy-
drocarbons and all other oil field wastes derived or re-
sulting from, or connected with the drilling or redrilling
of any well shall be discharged into a sump hole or steel
tank, Such drill cuttings, rotary mud, and drilling waste
materials shall be removed from the drill site upon com-
pletion of drilling operations . Tanks used as and for
sump purposes shall be removed from the drill site and
sump .holes shall .be drained and back filled within thirty
(30) days from and after completion of drilling.
S . 2364. Private Roads And Drill Sites . Prior to the
commencement of any drilling operations, all
private roads used for access to the drill site and the
drill site itself shall be surfaces by clean, crushed rock,
gravel or decomposed granite, or oiled, and maintained to
prevent dust and mud. In particular cases these require-
ments governing surfacing of private roads may be altered
at the discretion of the Superintendent of Oil Field Con-
trol after consideration of all the circumstances includ-
ing but not limited to distances from public streets and
Ord. No. 1203
highways, distances from adjoining and near-by property
owners whose surface rights are not leased by the operator
and the purpose for which the property of such owners are
or may be used, topographical features, nature of the soil
and exposure to wind.
S . 2365. aeration Time and Soundproofing Requirements .
The drilling and redrilling of any well
shall not be conducted in such a manner as to cause ex-
cessive noise, odor and vibration and shall be conducted
pursuant to one of the following alternates:
(a) Where drilling and redrilling operations are conducted
beyond a distance of 200 feet from occupied residen-
tial areas, no soundproofing will be required unless
necessary to minimize excessive disturbance to such
areas .
(b) Where such drilling is conducted in areas in which
disturbance to residential areas could reasonably be
anticipated, the operator of such drilling operation
shall either:
1. Enclose the derrick and all drilling machinery
used in connection with the drilling of any well,
with fire resistant soundproofing material, which-
shall be maintained in a serviceable condition
and provided further that no operations outside
of said enclosure, except for well logging..shall be
conducted; or
2. Enclose all drilling machinery used in connection
with the drilling of any well with fire resistant
soundproofing material and the portable drilling
mast shall be so enclosed, at least on three
sides, to a height of twenty (20) feet, and pro-
vided further, that no drilling operations or any
work in connection with such drilling operation
shall be conducted between the hours of 9:00 P.M.
of one day and 6:00 A.M. of the following day,
except only that circulation of fluids and well
logging may be continued during such time,
The Superintendent may allow operations in
connection wit-idrilling or redrilling if in his
opinion that portion of the operation does not
create excessive noise such as cementing, gravel
packing, etc . ; and also in case of emergency,
provided that notice of such emergency shall be
given to the Department of Oil Field Control, but
only for as long as the emergency exists .
Ord. No. 1203
3. The Superintendent of the Department of Oil Field
Control may, waive requirements of soundproofing required un-
der paragraph 1-if in his opinion the soundproofing isnot
required from a height of thirty feet (30' ) up. The Super-
intendent may also waive soundproofing requirements under
paragraph 2. if in his opinion it is unnecessary, or there
have been existing wells and no reasonable complaints have
been lodged, or if more than one complaint is lodged and
the operator is able to satisfy the complaining party.
S. 2365.1. Well Servicing Operation Time. It shall
be unlawful to do any work in connection
with pulling a well between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 6:00
A.M. within two hundred (200) feet of any residential build-
ing within the City, excepting where circulation in the well
is necessary to be maintained, or the well would be endanger-
ed if the pulling work were not done immediately.
S. 2365.2. Operation and Soundproofing of Oil Field
Recovery Heaters. In the operation of an
oilfield recovery heater the following conditions shall be
(a ) Where an oilfield recovery heater is operated
within an occupied residential area the heater
shall be shielded with a fire-resistant, sound-
proofing material so that the sound level at
the nearest residence can be maintained at the
average 24-hour ambient level existing when
such heater is not in operation; however, the
fire-resistant soundproofing shielding would
not be required if the residential ambient
sound level mentioned above can be maintained
by other means.
(b) If an oil-fired oilfield recovery heater is
used the Department of Oil Field Control may
require additional restriction, as deemed nec-
essary to prevent excessive vibration, pulsa-
tion or noise.
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2 6r . 3 Cleanup After Service Operations. Immediate-
ly upon completion of servicing operations
of an oil well, the owner, operator or manager of the ser-
vicing company shall notify the City Engineer and such
owner, operator or manager, or his employees, shall immed-
iately remove all oily rags, waste material and debris
placed upon such lease or property by the servicing com-
pany in its operations thereon and shall further repair
any and all damages done to sidewalks, alleys, parkways
and streets, and shall remove all oil and debris which may
have collected thereon by reason of the operations of such
pulling unit.
S . 2366 . Signs . A sign having a surface area of not
less than two (2) square feet and no more
than six (6) square feet bearing the current name and num-
ber of the well and the name and/or the insignia of the
operator and in addition the sign shall include at least
two names and telephone numbers of pumpers or operators of
said well who may be contacted during any twenty-four (24)
hour period for emergency reasons, the above sign shall be
displayed in a prominent place, visible at all times and
maintained in good condition, near or on the pumping unit
or fence from the time drilling of the well is started
until the well has been abandoned.
In the event there are more than two (2) producing wells
on one leasehold, it shall be sufficient if all entrances
to said leasehold are posted with a sign not less than
. eighteen (18) inches by twenty-four (24) inches bearing
the above required information and the name or designation
of the lease, together with an openly visible sign on each
producing well designating the particular number thereof.
S. 2367. Service Yards . Every owner, operator, Oil
Company, Sales Company, Service Company,
Processor, Trucker, Supplier or other allied agency shall
maintain a service yard or area in a properly zoned or
approved area for the purpose of storage, handling, ser-
vicing, repairing or manufacture of all drilling and pro-
duction equipment, supplies or services . All idle equip-
ment shall be stored at this service yard. Such service
yards shall be fenced according with requirements of the
City Ordinance or be attended ,by an adult for twenty-four
(24) hours a day.
S . 2368. Abandonment Procedure . It shall be the re-
sponsibility of the Superintendent to deter-
mine that the drill site and. all facilities pertinent
thereto have been restored to their original condition as
nearly as practicable in conformity with the regulations
of this Code including the following requirements :
Ord. No. 1203
(a) Well Requirements . It shall be the responsibility of
the operator to comply with the abandonment provision
of this Code and he shall furnish the Superintendent
the approval of the Division of Oil and Gas, Depart-
ment of Natural Resources, confirming compliance with
all abandonment proceedings under the State laws .
It shall be the responsibility of the operator to
comply with the abandonment provision of this Code
and he shall furnish the Superintendent with:(a) copy
of the approval of Division of Oil and Gas, Depart-
ment of Natural Resources, confirming compliance with
all abandonment proceedings under the State law, and
(b) a notice of intention to abandon under the pro-
visions of this Section and stating the date such
work will be commenc-ied. Abandonment may then be com-
mended on or subsequent to the date so stated.
(b) Surface Requirements . Abandonment shall be approved
by the Superintendent after restoration cf -the drill
site and the subsurface thereof has been accomplished
in conformity with the following requirements :
1. The derrick and all appurtenant equipment thereto
shall be removed from the drill site.
2. All tanks, towers and other surface installations
shall be removed from the drill site.
3 . All concrete, pipe, wood and other foreign mater-
ials shall be removed from the drill site .to a
depth of six (6) feet below grade, unlesspart of
a multi well cellar then being used in connection
with any other well for which a permit has been
4. The oil well casing shall be cut off at bottom of
cellar, and if no cellar (5 ' ) below the drill
site grade at the cellar, but in no case below
sea level. Nothing shall be placed in the hole
above the point of cut-off until the cut-off has
been inspected by the Superintendent and by him
found to be in compliance with all applicable
provisions of law.
5. All holes and depressions shall be filled and
packed with native earth. All oil, waste oil,
refuse or waste material shall be removed from
the drill site .
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2369. Notices . Every operator of any well shall
designate an agent or agents who is a resi-
dent of the State of California, upon whom all orders and
notices provided in this Code may be served in person, or
by registered or certified mail. Every operator so desig-
nating such agent shall within ten (10) days notify the
Department of Oil Field Control, in writing, of any change
in such agent or such mailing address unless operations
within the City are discontinued. Service by registered,
or certified mail, or in person on the agent so designated
shall constitute service for all purposes of this Code .
S . 2369. 1 Transfer ,Of Operator. The operator shall
notify the Department of Oil Field Control
in writing on the final transfer of any oil well for any
purpose for an inspection of such well and a release from
all Departments shall be given when and if such well does
conform to all regulations in this Code . Within ten (10)
days after such transfer by reason of sale, assignment,
transfer, conveyance or exchange, a notice shall be given
and shall contain the following:
(a) The name and address of the person to whom such prop-
erty and well was sold, assigned, transferred, con-
veyed or exchanged.
(b) The name and location of the well.
(c) The date of sale, assignment, transfer, conveyance or
exchange .
(d) The date when possession was relinquished by the for-
mer operator. A description of the properties and
equipment transferred.
S . 2369.1.1
Every person who acquires any well, property or equipment,
whether by purchase, transfer, assignment, conveyance, ex-
change or otherwise shall within ten (10) days after ac-
quiring such well, property, or equipment notify the De-
partment of Oil Field Control, in writing, of his owner-
ship. The notice shall contain the following:
(a) The name and address of the person from whom such
well and property was acgLired.
(b) The name and location of the well.
(c) The date of acquisition.
(d) The date possession was acquired.
(e) A description of the properties and equipment trans-
Ord. No. 1203
(f) The person designated for service of notice and
address .
S . 2369. 2 Suspension Of Drilling And Redrilling Opera-
tions . The operator of any well shall notify
the Department of Oil Field Control, in writing, of any
temporary suspension of operations, pending a resumption
of operations or abandonment.
S . 2370 . Access To The Well Head. At all times there
shall be connected, a minimum of 210 pipe
with suitable gate valve in good working conditinn, to
the casing for the purpose of bleeding off casing pressure
and for hook-up to inject water, mud or cement to kill the
well during an emergency.
S . 2371. Blow Out Prevention. In all cases protec-
tinn shall be provided to prevent the blow-
out of an oil well during drilling, redrilling and aban-
doning of any oil well and shall conform to the require-
ments of the State of California, Petroleum Safety Orders -
Drilling and Production Section 6691 of the Administrative
Code of California. At all times this equipment must be
installed properly on the well head and in operating con-
At all times that such well is not being serviced the well
head or tubing head shall be securely bolted, gasketed and
maintained to prevent blowout or leakage .
S . 2372. Cellars . Such cellars shall be safety cov-
ered, reasonably free from water, oil drill-
ing fluids, rubbish, debris, or other substances which
might constitute a hazard, except during drilling and ser-
vicing operations .
S . 2373 . Fences . All leaseholds or drill sites shall
be fenced according to one of the following
requirements or attended 24 hours a day by an adult :
(a) Individual Drill Sites . All individual drill sites,
with oil well production equipment having external,
moving parts hazardous to life or limb or a sump hole
shall be enclosed by a chain link fence or similar
type of a height not less than six (6) feet .
Ord. No. 1205
(b) Controlled Drill Site .And Drilling Island. A con-
trolled drill site or drilling island may be enclosed
by a fence on the boundary lines of said controlled
drill site with a chain link, block wall, or similar
type fences, of a height of not less than six (6)
feet . If the fence is of a block wall type, or simi-
lar permanent nature, the gate opening into the con-
trolled drill site will be a minimum of 20 feet in
(c) Leasehold. A leasehold may be fenced on the peri-
meter boundaries of said leasehold with a chain link
fence, or a type of similar nature .
S. 2374. Gates . All gates will be locked when the
site is unattended, or if a leasehold fence
not attended by a person who is within a reasonable sight
distance from the open gate .
S. 2375 . Muffling Exhaust . The engines used in con-
nection with the drilling of any oil well or
in any production equipment of any oil well shall be
equipped with an exhaust muffler to prevent excessive or
unusual noise . Means shall be provided on all engines
used during drilling operations to prevent the escape of
flames, sparks, ignited carbon and soot .
S. 2376. No Smoking Signs . NO SMOKING signs shall be
posted and maintained in all locations sub-
ject to no smoking regulations . All such signs shall have
letters, four (4) inches in height, with not less than 2
inch stroke and shall be posted and maintained at readily
visible locations approved or designated by the Fire
Marshal. Such signs shall be red letters on white back-
S . 2377. Pulling Masts . All pulling masts shall be
in conformity with American Petroleum Insti-
tute Standards for portable derricks or its equivalent;
shall be properly guyed or braced at all times the mast is
in use, if the mast is not a self-braced type . The mast
and machinery shall be , equipped with all safety require-
ments of the Division of Industrial Safety of the State of
S . 2378. Pulling Line Stripper. All pulling or bail-
ing wire lines shall be adequately stripped
and other precautions taken to prevent fluid from being
carried on the line over the block to prevent spraying ad-
joining houses, buildings, streets, sidewalks or property.
21 -
Ord. No. 1205
S . 2379. New Materials, Process Or Operations . The
Mayor or Member of the City Council, the
Fire Marshal, Superintendent of Department of Oil Field
Control, Director of Building, a representative of the
Western Oil and Gas Association and a representative of
the Huntington Beach Independent Oil Producers Association
shall act as a committee to determine and specify, after
giving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, any
new materials, processes or operations, which shall re-
quire permits or minimum standards of safety, in addition
to those enumerated in said Code . Then the Superintendent
of Oil Field Control shall post such list in a conspicuous
place in his office and distribute copies thereof to in-
terested persons . This committee shall meet annually or
upon request of any committee member for the purpose of
discussing new processes or revisions or up-dating of this
Code .
The Superintendent of Oil Field Control shall act as sec-
retary of this committee .
S . 2381. Responsibility. It shall be the duty of the
Superintendent of Oil Field Control to en-
force the provisions of this Code . If at any time the
Superintendent finds any operator is violating any of the
provisions of this Code, the operator will be notified in
writing of the specific violation, and may be given a
reasonable time to comply. If in the opinion of the en-
forcing agency a condition exists, which creates an immed-
iate or imminent peril or danger, he may order the opera-
tor to comply immediately, and if this is not complied
with then he may order the immediate cessation of opera-
tions .
S . 2382. Permission To Enter The Premises . The. Coun-
eil or any officer or employee of the City,
or other agent designated for that purpose, shall have the
right and privilege at any time to enter upon any premises
upon or from which any operations are being conducted for
which any permit has been issued or is required hereunder,
for the purpose of making any of the inspections in this
chapter, or in any other ordinance of the City, provided
to be made, or for any other lawful purpose .
Ord. No. 1203
S . 2383 . _Appeal From Superintendent ' s Requirements .
In the event that any operator, drilling,
redrilling, well servicing, company, maintenance person,
company, firm, or corporation feels that an undue hard-
ship exists by reason of any decision of the Superintend-
ent, or any requirement by him for the issuance of any
permit, such person, company, firm or corporation may
within 20 days, file written application to the City Coun-
cil of the City of Huntington Beach in accordance with the
procedure in the following section.
S . 2384. Appeals . The City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach shall have and exercise the
power to hear and determine appeals where it is alleged
there is error or abuse of discretion in any order, re-
quirement, decision or determination made by the Depart-
ment of Oil Field Control in the administration or en-
forcement of any of the provisions of this Code.
An appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed in trip-
licate in the office of the Oil Field Control. An appeal
from any order, requirement, decision or determination by
the appellant must be set forth specifically wherein it is
claimed there was an error or abuse of discretion by his
action or where the decision is not supported by the evi-
dence in the matter.
Any appeal not filed within twenty (20) days from and
after the date of the order, requirement, decision or de-
termination complained of shall be dismissed by the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach. Within five (5)
days from and after filing of the appeal, the Department
of Oil Field Control shall transmit to the City Council
all papers involved in the proceedings and two (2) copies
of the appeal. In addition he shall make and transmit to
the Council such supplementary report as he may deem nec-
essary to present clearly the facts and circumstances of
the case . A copy will be mailed to the appellant two (2)
days prior to the hearing.
Upon receipt of the record, the Council shall set the mat-
ter for hearing and give notice by mail of the time, place
and purpose thereof to appellant, and any other party at
interest who has requested in writing to be so notified and
no other notice need be given.
Upon the date for the hearing, the Council shall hear the
appeal, unless for cause the Council shall on that date
continue the matter. No notice of continuance need be
given if the order therefor be announced at the time for
which the hearing was set.
Ord. No. 1203
Upon the hearing of such appeal, the Council may affirm,change
or modify the ruling, decision or determination appealed from
or in lieu thereof may make such other or additional deter-
mination as is shall deem proper in the premises , subject to
the same limitations as are placed upon the appellant by this
Code and by any other provisions of law.
L- 238 Penalties. Any person violating any of the pro-
visions of the Huntington Beach Oil Code shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500- 00 or
imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of, not more
than one year or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each
person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense, if the
operator makes no reasonable attempt to correct the violation.
S. 2386. Application of Code. This code does not affect
the use of property existing on the effective
date of this ordinance. Such uae:,depending on the zoning ordi- .
nance will be non-conforming but the use cannot be expanded.
All other provisions of this code excepting that pertaining to
the use will be applicable to these properties or operations .
S. 2387. Severability. If any section, subsection, sen-
tence, clause or phrase of this Chapter is, for
any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such de-
cision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion
of this Chapter. The City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach hereby declares that it would have passed this Chapter,
and each article, section, subsection, sentence, clause or
phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more
of the articles , sections , subsections , sentences, clauses
or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
and adoption of this ordinance and shall cause the same to
be published by one insertion in the Huntington Beach News ,
a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circulated in
the City of Huntington Beach, California , and thirty (30)
days after the adoption thereof, the same shall take effect
and be in force.
Ord. No. 1203
PASSED- AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach, California , this 16th day of May ,
P �
City CrArk
Deputy City Clerk
City At orney,
Ord. No . 1203
I , PAUL C . JONES , the duly elected, qualified, and
acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and ex-
officio Clerk of the City Council of the said City, do hereby
certify that the whole number of members of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; that the foregoing
ordinance was read to said City Council at a regular meeting
thereof held on the 2nd day of May , 19 66 , and
was again read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof
held on the 16th day of May , 19 66 , and was
passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a
majority of all the members of said City Council .
AYES : Councilmen:
Coen, Bartlett , Gisler , Kaufman, Shipley, Green, Stewart
NOES : Councilmen:
ABSENT : Councilmen:
of of Hun? ington Beach
and ex-off,cio Clerk of the City
C001`21;, Co hereby certify that City Clerk and -officio Clerk
this ordinance has been published of the City Council of the City
in- '; rru,:,�i stun Beach News on of Huntington Beach, California
---- 1--2--------- 19-44�—
In acc•.: :c, ;lce With the City Charter - - `
of said -:,,Y. BY
Deputy IT ity T Jerk
_ C:iy Clerk
0�-'Puty Clerk