HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 300A RESOLUTION NO. 300 if Resolution Ordering fork. RESOLVED: That the nuulic interest and convenience re- quire the ti£rork herein described,and described in Resolution of Intention 1- o. 299 , adorted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach on the 24th day of July, 1916, and that the said Board of Trustees hereby orders Laid work to be done, as follows, to-wit: . That Sevonteenth' Street from a linetwenty-two t22) feet Soutlomsterly from mid parallelto the Northeasterly line of Ooean Avenue to the Westerly line of Wn Street be graded, crownod# eves.# f;� # ) ,, oiled# Improved and constructed to Vw off i . grade thereof, in aimeordanoo with Speolfieatlon$ Md. 13 provided and adapted Ordinances nwibere4 126 ;and 164 of -mid it 'o now can file in the office of the its Clark of ee .d City* and in -pe4ordanee with < ne fie n etio for said work and v nt nu6bered 1M and 113 on file in the officecif' the City &kzineer of a,-Id City Cityo to which spoo1floations# plans# -Files ande et a reference Is hereby made for P more particular description of isaid work. b. That oorrugated Iron eaverts z t o be constructed oe and in the ' e 4eacribed portionsf • teen'th Street In aftordance with. 3peolf loations 110. a as adopted and provided in Ordinances numbered 12b and 164 of aid. City, and at the places m- as sbovn, on and In acoOrdance 'Withthe 0&14 plaftt# profiles and eross-seations for said work herein beforereferred to d on file In the of ios of the City Z in-ssr of said City towhish reference is !4 , aade for a more partiouUrdescription of said work and the location of said culverts - d cateb-basina. o. That c*norete gas light posts fitted with gas 1,sopaj brack- ets, r-e-M-tlators, pipes and allaccessory fixturos there struoted and erected d W-ton Seventeenth Street from a line twenty-two 0 feet Southwesterly from and parallel to tlhie North. tiasterly line of Ocean Avenue to the r-asterly line of Delaware Av*- nue in aoo n ith 3pr"Ifications Mo. 14 as adopted and provided by OrdinanceNo. 173 of arid City r now on file in the offies of the City Clerk of said i' and at the plaoses, and as on and In acoordanoo rith the plons anex profiles for said work and Improvement numbered 1 , 115 and 117 on file in the, office of the CityEng-ineer of oatlGity# to vhIch spe4ificationst plans and profiles io hereby :s for a moreti a sc ptio of said work and the 1 a�ion of sn;i.d light posts. d. Theat Iron pips oonftlta be laU and constructed In, on,, Und�r and aloe; the dWve deseribed, portion of #*Yenteenth Beet In accordextew with Specifications No. 14 as adopted p vided by Ordinance No. IT3 of said City now on file In the office of the City Clark of said City", and as abown on and Ins000rdanoo witb plans and profiles Xmbere 136,, 115 and 117 for said work now on f ii In the off ice of the pity Znglneer of s id City* to vhIch apeatfi. OatIOUBs Plans and ,Profiles referenceis hereby made for # III ticular description of said work and the location of said, conduit and eanductor. i 2. That all of- the herein prvposed n't shall be dons i In of so Act of the Legisla- tureof the Sty to of California entitled# *AnAct tovie for work in azA Upon Streets, A o, , Alleys,, Plae4*0 andi S and Upon property and rights of var owned by Municipalities for establishing the ggrades of any Street*, Avenues* A# .l leys, Courts Mow and 31do..v&1k## and pro- idjAc� for -a Issumoo and payment of Street Improvement Dftft to represent, 0ertaU mente for the t thereof and providing nothad for the paysent of euth B *# approvoa April '7W4 19110 d the several &ate asendatory thereof and suppleamtaryt to also In o rite a l`i do * profiles, plans and Gives-seotions berein referred Seetion 3. Thet In the opinion € f the ss14of Trustees e said proposed and contemplated o Improvements said Board of Tinsteve does herebyto ; said proposed contemplated work and Immmments are of more than local or ordlnoj7 public benefit and will affoot and benefit the lande district hereinafterdesoribedo which distrust is hereby do. olared to be the district affected and benefitedby said vork Improvesents,, and that the entire **at and expense of said Improvei- miouts shallbee said lands district vh1ah district 1s within the City of Huntington Bea $, County of Orange,, State of California, that the exterior daries of the said lands and district affected and benefited by. said work exclusive of the stripy and portionsland sought to be improved and exclusive of Amy lrind -- ithin the srV1 boundaries rhith to e part of the public streets* courts or ways in saAd City, are particularly dosoribed as follows. to-wits DeglmizW at that point of intereseotlon o stony line of Ocean Avenue with the produeed Northwesterlyline of the, first alley Northwesterly from SixteenthStreet. and runningthe Nortbwesterlr along. the SmAthmesterlr lins of Ocean v o Its Intersection with %he produeed Southeasterly lism of the f1rat alley Morttmesterly f m -Seventeenth Street,, Vhenoe lbrtheasterlyalong the last herein described alloyline produced tto its Intersection with use 3oathwesterly line of Zdgewaire Doulovard# thencelbrtbo- westerly In a straight lie to the point of Interaeotion of the Northeasterlyline of Edgewam Boulevard with a line vhioh I's one hundred and seventy—four 7412 tee Nortbwesterly from md pa ep:l to the Northwesterlyof Seventeentht t , thence Northeasterly along the last herein. d"oribede el with the Northwesterly line of Seventeenth Star to Its Intersection with 'the Westerly lane of VAinet$ thence Northeasterly In 6 line to a pointon the Smsterly l € f t o which point i aa out � fifty, (1 feed Northvesterly from and par4lol 'to the NorthwesterlylinO of Seventeenth Areet, 'thence Northeasterlya the, lest herein described line one hUndred a. ( feet Northwesterlyf . and Parallel to the Xorthvmeterly line of SeventeenthStreet Its Intersection i the center line of Clay Street (the North City Boundary lize),, thenee Easterly along the center line of Clay Street (the North City to its Intersection irith a line which is one htmd"d and fi"W (150) feet SouthowMarly from and parallel with the Soatbeasterly line of Seventeenth StOOMItt n $*Utbo- westerly al*W the last herein described line (parallel with Southeasterly line of SeventeenthStreet) to Its intersection with the Usterly line of Vain t et* thwwe Souttmesterly to a point on the Westerly line of Vain -Street : point is on a line Me hundred/seventy6-tiveFeet Southeasterly frft and parallel to the Southeasterly line of Seventeenth Street# n ..y alow, t1he last he described dine (Varallal withthe $outheasterly line of 3eventoenth Street) to Its intorsectlen e Northeasterly line of Mgmmrds thence Southvestorly to a point on the Southwesterly line of point is on the produced Northwesterly 'lineof the first alley Nortbwestorly from Sixteenth r e i, thenoo Southwesterlyono the lost herein described alley line produeod, to the point of baginniW. Section4 t said Board stew hereby furt'her doterw mines that serial bonds shall be Issued to representassosaments of $25.00# or over, for the oast and expense of said v provemento; t said serial bonds shall extend over a porW of Ulm years. from the ftd day (if January wAMeeding their- and an even annual p o f of the principal o 1 be psyable,, by can* on the 2nd .day of January every year after their fie, until the whole is paid$,, and the Interest i be Pa3mble 8 a by coupon, on the 2M day of January of each year at the rate of seven per cent per wwAm on all e paid until the whole of said principal and interest pa". • Section B. All of the herein pronosed -cork and improvements and all nroceedincns taken in, re-art�;- ther-el"o shall be in pursuance of and in acCordence ,t--�e aforesaid Act of the Legislature of 1. Cm -1 the State of alifornia, desii-.,,nf.ted as "The Improvement Act of 19- 1111 , a-oproved grit 7th, 1911 , and the several acts a�mendp.tory thereof. Thpt the City C.;.1-erk and 'Ex-Officio Clerk of' s,--id Board of Trustees, be , and 1-.e is hereby, directed to post notices, rith Specifications, conspicuously for five days on or near the council charifber door of said '31oard Trustees invitin-, sealed proposals or bids for doin , t1-,Le -,,?ork ordered, end to ,-.)u'blish notice inviting such proposals, and referring to the specifications -;posted, or on file, turice in the Huntington 'DepcIrl 1'el,-s, a weekly news-op--,)er -.oub- Ijt7r Of, TTUj- li.shed and circulated in said Ltj-n�- ton Beach, cn,-, here- by desiE;n,:ted for thc-t -:)ur,00se, anIC.. tl-i�t t-e tL]e fixed for the o-,,:)enin--- of such bids shall be not less t".Ll-..n ten days from tie tir,-,e of the first publication or -)ostin of sE,,.id notices. Thc,t said notice shp,ll recuire c certified check, nayable to s&iU`7 'City, or a bo-nd as -)resc-- ibed by law and for an amount not less than ter, per cent of the of the nro,)os,,:,I-1, to accom.npny each bid; thet tI-e 4th day of Sete Aber, 1916, is here- by desi, ,ated an6. fixed as t-ile day on which u-,) to the hour of id -o-o, osals or bids shallbe receiv- eL�,ht o clock P. I— , the s,- ed, and, the notices shall so specify th,,t the said, bids or pro-po- S'als, for the doing of said work shall specify shoiTrinc,- and segre- the gatin.", F.r.,iounts for the several portions of/said -work, and in ac- -6- i cordance v,itf the said mars and specifications therefor. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, California. AT`'EST: CHAS. H. I' TT City Clerk and E---Officio clerk of the Board of Trustees of the City of HuntinL_ton " ea-h, California. State of galtfornia, ) County of Or n� e, ss. City of Huntington 73ea:ch. ) I, Chas. R. Putt , City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of.' the City of Huntington Beach, California., do herby certify that tse foregoing Hesolu.tion Ordering 71ork , 11?o. 300 vvas introduced and read at a. regular meeting of the Board. of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, held on the 14th day of August, 1016, and was passed and adopted at said meeting of said Board of Trustees by the following stated Vote: AYES TRUSTEES:Becker, Chapin, Tarbox, Helme I30ES THI. STEE`]S: none 3 EIY,'J7 I5 P(1EZ7S. Huston 4 "HAS. R. vY�TT City Clerk and Ex-Offieio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, California.