HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 308A �;SOLD:TI d" 1iO. 308 '
A Resolution y the Bo.^rd of Trustees of the
City of Huntin�`;ton Ee^.ch, ordering the improvement
of a portion of Ocean Avenue, in the City of Hunt-
inE ton '3easch, and determining that bonds shall be
issued to re73resent the cost thereof, and declaring
the work of improvement to be of more than local or
ordinary public benefit , and that the expense of
said tiff?ork shall be assessed upon a district.
The Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Tha.t the 3"-)prd of Trustees of the City of
Huntington Beach deems it to be reouired '1by the public interest
arid. convenience and 'hereby or,_)ers tt2,-�t t:«e follosi�rin o; work be done ;
1st: That Ocean Avenue in said city from the 17orthwest erly/
line of First Street to the Southeasterly property line of Twenty-
third Street be graded to t e official grade tnerf,of eaid tie road-
way s=Dace thereof be --?Fved with a concrete base end asphaltic oil
wearin- surface, in accordance with Specifications Ylo. 16, on file
in the office of tile City Clerk of sai City, and. in accordance
with l')1,ns , profiles and cross-sections for sue=-id work, "o. 138 and
T'o. 110, on file in tie office of the City Engineer of said city.
2nd. Ti2< t corruated iron culverts be constructed across and
in the above descri jed nor tion of Ocean Avenue, in accordance STri.th
Specifications 7o. 16, a a at t :<e iDla.ces a,s shown on and in accord-
., "v .- ',T
1 ?� `-tTl' :..0. 138 and � 0.
a.nce t.�.t�_ s�,,1Ct Plans , rofiles and
3rd. IL?--.at thirty concrete catch basins be constructed_ in and
alorlc; the a o"e described '-)or tion of Ocean ,i3.Tferue, in accordance
with said S-,)ecJ_-'Ci-_,!n,tions '7o. 16, and in a.ccordance rich spid, plans,
r)rofiles and cross-sections .1114o. 138 and 1-To. Jig, and at the places
shov!n u--)on _glans.
4th. TI-.,at cement concrete curbs be built and constructed to
the official line and L:rP..(f-'_e in and along the South,,,,Iesterly side of
she abo-,;e described portion of Ocean Avenue, includin.", curb returns
at street intersections, except ,,,�here a concrete curb has already
been constructed and no,^, is to the officir,_l line ana' ��rad.e. All to
be in accordance i,7ith the Specif ications 1,17o. 16, and as shoir,,n upon
prof ilex and cross-sections INTo. 138 an(] I.To. 119.
5th. That cement concrete curbs be co.nst-_--ucted -in Ocean Ave-
nue fro-.-_,i t - h
ie Iortresterly pro,'Der-by line of First Street to the
Sout-he,,,;Sterly pronertl,T line, of Trenty-third St.,:4eet, so as to sur-
round a"Irl�L abut u-oo-n 7)a,rI:rp,_y s-op_,ces .,Inich extend feet or, each side
of the center line of said Ocean Avenue, lbet-v,een t',,-.e aforesaid lim-
its, except at those places included i,7!ithin the produced side lines
of intersecting streets. Each end of each of oarkway spaces
shall meet the nearest nrod:aced side line of t-l"I.-le intersecting, street
on a curve, the radius of which curve is 7-L feet, and the radial
point of which is 7,ithin the narkix,,ay space , is on the center line
of said Ocep,n "'venue and is 7' feet distant from the said, nearest
produced property line; all to be in accordance v,,ith said Specifica-
tions 'I'To. 16 and the s& id plans , profiles and cross-sections ITo.
138 and 119.
6th. Th�It reinforced concrete r-as 11E;htin,-; roosts, fitted tith
gas lamps , brc.clkets , recula.tors, all accessory fixtures thereto to-
gether «Tlth the construction and install me of.-t iron nipe conduits
_L U L
to deliver =;as to t1he -,00sts, and all accessory fixtures thereto be
constructed, erected and installed in and upon Ocean Avenue from
Twenty-third Street to First Street , in accordance ,�,ith said Speci-
fic,3.,tions 11"o. 16, and at the nlaces Prid in the manne-r shown on and
in accordance �r,,ith plans, profiles and cross-sections for said
worl�i, !"o. 133, �"j 115 and a70. 117.
Section 2. The -clans , .:profiles and cross-sections referred
to in this resolution are on file in the office of the City Engi-
neer of seid city. The specifications referred to in this resolu-
tion are on file in, t-he office of the City Clerk of sPid city. Said
r)lans , profiles , - -Bross-sections and specifications are hereby
referred to for the more particular description of said work and
made a -oart hereof.
Section 3. That the said contemplated ir,!ork of improvement,
i-I-i the opinion of said Bo;,rd of Trustees, is of more than local
or ordinary public benefit, and said Boerd of trustees hereby de-
clares t1nE,,t the district in t"Ie said City of '.Huntinc,ton Beach to
be benefited by said cork of im-p-rovement anc! to be assessed to pay
the costs and ex-oenses tl,ereof is hereby described as folloi�-rs:
included portion o-l" the City of HuIntin:-)'to beachbeach �,Trithin
All that , C. n
the follo7,,-ing described exterior boundary line, to-wit:
7 elljnnin,u- Dt the intersection of the Southeasterly Pro-oerty
Street with t--�e 17 r--heas'�-erly nro-oerty line
line of Twent- ti,ird St L 10
of Ocean Avenue, running thence I.-Tortheasterly along the Southeast-
erly line of Twenty-third Street, a distance of one hundred, sixty-
three (163) feet; thence Southeasterly on a line --parallel with the
Northeasterly line of Ocean Avenue to I.-he INTor't-Ionvesterly line of
Eleventh Street; thence in a straight line to a point on the South-
7 3-
1 -0
easterly line of Eleventh Street, which noint- is one hundred seventy-
one and five ten-1L-,.`-.,,s (171.5) feet 11'orthe,-steely from the Yortheaster-
ly line of Ocean Avenue. , iirie P.,sure along the Southeasterly line of
Eleventh Street; thence Southeasterly in a straight line to a. point
on the 17orthluesterly _'11-ne of Tenth Street one hundred seventy-one
east th erly fro e 1",TortheastUerly
an'd five tenths (171.5) feet "orth
line of Ocean Avenue , measured along,, the Yortl-17Testerly line of
Tenth Sheet;; thence in a strai.,--_..,ht line to a point on ("he South-
easterly line of Tenth Street , which ,point is one hundred seventy-
three and five tenths (173.5) feet Yortheasterly from the Northeast-
erly line of Ocean Avenue, measured e2onF the Southeasterly line of
Tenth Street; thence in a straight line to a point on the lortlhwest-
erly line of 1111inth Street, which Doint is one hundred eiE,,-hty and
five tenths (180. 5) feet 1,,..orthe«st-erly fro,.i the ]_7ort11e,7,.sterly line
of Ocean Avenue , 1,11easured the ITorthxresterly line of 1.inth
Street , thence in a straiEllit line to a noint on ti-le Southeasterly
line of YinthL Street, vhi-3.1L.1 point is one hundred eighty-tT*!o and
five tenths (182. 5) feet T."Ort-heasterly fro-ni the -Northeasterly line
of Ocean Avenue , measured alon,,-_j,- the Southeasterly line of Ninth
Street; thence on a. straight line parallel tl,-,e Illjorthea,sterly
line of Ocean Avenue to the 17orthi�Testerly line of First Street;
thence Sout1w,,esterly aloe;-- the Northwesterly line of First Street
and the Yortl-r7esterly line of First Street --produced to a point
,!hick is three hundred ( 300) feet Southwesterly froi-P. the IT
erly line of Ocean Avenue , rneasured lol,� the produced _TT,.�orthTester-
ly line of First Street; t1hience "'Jorthwesterly in a straight line to
a point in the produced 1,',T
orthwesterly line of Fifth Street, which
is three hundred to rty-.-LPive ( 345) feet Southi7.!est-eily frora the
I:Tortheasterly line of Ocean Avenue , measured along the }produced
North,vesterly line of Fifth Street; thence Northwesterly in a
straiht line to a. point in tree produced I.orth«-esterly line of
Sixth Street, which is three hundred forty-five ( 345) feet South-
westerly fro i the Vortheasterly line of OceF.,n Avenue , measured
along the produced ITorthtiT.lester•ly line of Sixth Street; thence
;To-t'Iavresterly in a strait ht line to a. Doint in t'?e produced ?orth-
i7esterly line of ITinth Street, rhich is two hundred thirty-five
( 235) feet Southwesterly fro:,, the I17ortheasterly line of Ocean Ave-
nue, measured along-; the produced I orthilresterly line of Ninth Street;
thence lorthwesterly in a straight line to a point in the produced
..orthwesterly line of Thirteenth Street, which is two hundred ten
( 210) feet So�.thwesterlyr from the ITortheasterly line of Ocean Ave-
nue, .:iea.sured a.lon the p-roduced XorthzR,,estdrly line of Thirteenth
Street ; thence Yorth=resterly in a straight line to a point in the
produced I ort'.westerly line of ITineteenth Street, -!hi^h is ttxro hun-
dred fifty-two ( 252) feet Southwesterly fro,_,, the ITortheasterly line
of Ocean Avenue, measured along the produced ITortrivesterly line
of '4_neteenth Street; thence ITorth-,resterly in a stra i =;ht line to a
point in the produced Southeasterly line of Tv"enth-third Street ,
which is two hundred eighty-five ( 285) feet Southwesterly from
the I?ortheasterly line of Ocean Avenue, measured a,1on=; the South-
easterly line produced of 7venty-third Street; thence Northeaster-
ly alor_r, "-'he produced Southeasterly line of TlF,,enty-third Street to
the point of beginning;, excepting therefrom any ;�ottion of any
public street or alley, which may be included within the above
described district.
-5- r c
Section 4. That seri,�,,l boids
shall be is-sued to renresent
assessments of Trenty five Dol'-lL ars , or over, for the cost
of sa,i . r.,ork of improveiient; said serial, bonds shfP.11 extend over a
-,oeriod of nine years from :�n after tale 2nd day of January next
succeeds-11'Em" their date, and. ��ia even annual nro-oorbion of the nrin-
ci-,),-.1 snL_ thereof[' shall be --payable , by coupon, on the second day
of January every year ,--.flv-er their date until the rhole is 7)aid;
and the interest shall be DaVa ble semi-am ua' l b y, y coupon, on
the second days of JF,nuary and July, respectively, of each year, at
the rate of seven (7) per cent per anmLm on all sums unpaid, until
the 1rhole of said -Princi-,)al and interest is paid.
The bonds herein nrovided for shall be issued, and the .pro
ceedin,- s herein -,-)rovided for shall be had under and in accordance
v,ith an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, desig-
nated as the 'IT rovement 'ct of 1911, " approved April 7th 1911
-nd of all acts su)-,--ileentf2: y -1-ere to and F.miendatory thereof
Section e. The C"ity En;- ineer sl?fr=ll m-eke -,, diag-ram of the
)ronerty affected or benefited by the proposed work of im-orovement,
as he--einbefore described, ,,1,nd to be assessed to pay the cost and
ex-oenses t1nereo-r% diagram shall shm.,.-, each senarate lot, piece
or 1-Darce-I of land, the are in square feet of each of q.,-id. lots,
pieces or --)orcels of l .nc And the relative location o!C th.e same to
-,,or,,, n-1 onosel.r-, to be done 11 within the liLiits of t,l--e assess-
, -, ,,
maent district.
Section e. The City Clerk shall -oublish notice of said work
or im-orove��.ent invitin", sealed -o-1-onosals or bids for doing said
work, and referrinc, to the specifications nosted or on file twice
in the Huntington: Beach 1,'ews , a; weekly nei,,,,spa.per published and
circulated in t1le City Of Deach, and he sh,7,,ll also
post said notice 171th specificYtions conspicuously for five days
on or near the chamber door of t :Le Board of Trustees a.n shall
rec,uire in notice a, certified crieck o - bond, either, as pre-
scribed by lc','', ".id for an a.motant not les than ten ,,er cent Of
the ar; =re ; :;.te of the proposal. Tuesday, t �)e 16th day of January,
1917, at the hour of 8 o ' clock F. 7111. is hereby fixed as the time
for the openinE of bids.
The City Clerk shall certify* to the passage of this resolu-
The fore--oinE; resolution is signed., approved a.nc attested
1 this y + r,,i
by me this 4tii �� o� J�.,,_�aa.ry, 1917.
President of the Bo,,.-.id of Trustees of
the City of Huntington Beach, C^.lifornia.
City Clerk end Ex-0ff icio Clerk
of the Boarr'l of Trustees of the City of
Hunting;ton "each, California.
State of California., )
County ol" Oranr,e , ) SS.
City of untin,�ton Beach. )
I , Charles B.. 'Tutt , Cit�r Clerk, in ani-1- for tie Cit"r Of Hunt-
ington Bej-ch, C lifornia, hereby certify thet the above a.nc. fore-
01n is a true and correct copy of Resolution i'o. 308, adopted
by the card of Trustees o-P the Cit - of Huntington 'Beach at a
reggliar adjourned session, helve on January 4, 1917, and tide same
1ria, na sp ed by the f 0110„.ins, VOte:
i? Z, T�'1US :S]S;
A.3 SE?`,T TR 3TE S:
:'+fitness my hand air official se,-1 of the Cite- of Hunt-
ington Beech, this 4th dFy of Janupl y, 1917.
City Clerk