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A Resolution of the 7oe,,rd of Trustees of
the City of Fluntin�'ton 13each, ordering the im-
provement of a -portion of main Street, in the
City of Huntington Beach, and determining that
bonds shall be issued to represent the cost
thereof , and decl*r.rinZ the viork of improvement
to be o1: more than local or ordinal,y public
benefit, and tI-. t the expense of said
shall be assessed uroon a district.
The Boerd of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach do
ordain as follovYs:
Section 1. That the Board of Trustees of the City of
.Euntin ,ton 'Beach deems it to be required by the public interest
and convenience and here. y orc ers that the follwiing work be
done, 'to-wit:
That reinforced concrete gas lighting posts fitted with gas
lamps, brackets, rep,-ulators, all accessory fixtures thereto, to-
gether with t _e construction and iris t.-lletion of iron pipe con-
duits to deliver F2;as to tr e posts, and all accessory fixtures there-
to be constructed, erected and installed in, under and upon 1:',ain
Street , and in, under- arr . u-r_lon the nark- way spaces in the center of
?;:airy Street, from the cep ,er line of Summit Avenue, ( formerly
Clay Street) , the T?or•th City boundary line, to the Soutir esterly
line of Ocean avenue in the City- of Huntington Deach in accordance
v!ith Specifications No. 17, and at the pl«.ces end in the 4ma.nner
shov,n on and in accordance -i th nla.ns and cross-sections for s,7id
tif�ork i�lo. 140, .?o. 115 and i'o. 117.
Section 2. The plans and cross-sections referred to in this
resolution are on file in the office of tine City Engineer o� said
City. The specifications referred to in this resolution are on
file in the office of the City Clerl'-, of said City. Said plans,
cross-sect-ions --ind s-)ecificatllions are hereby referred to for the
i-.iore narticu �7-l _r -f o 1P,.or!� and -,,.-ade -part hereof.
Section 3. t`.-e ssaio'� contem-o'le-ted �v,orh of improvement
in tl--.e o?inion of the saikl Boe_rc of 'trustees is of more than local
or ordi2-vvry -Du�-Ililc benefit sF!ic- Boa-1--d of m-, ustees hereby de-
clares th..511- the district in '611e ! id City of turtin ton ?each to
're ,henefitUed by sa -J,i work of L-11-p-r-ove.raent and', to be assessed I-o pay
the cost e—en
se ti-ereof is hereby described as f olloirTs:
All that �oortion of the City of Huliti :`)n Betch included
7,,ithin t1-le, -follol,,IinrZ, elxte-rior boundary lines , to-v,.,it:
:3e� in-.riins, at a i)oin`1-1 on t"'le gout.1-I'Vesterly line of Ocean Avenue
which 'Point is in tIze -oroduced Southeasterly line of the first al-
ley I'Iorthi,,,esterly fro-M. T.'ain Street, ant_-I runningr thence Northeast-
erly alo-i-i- tlle Southeasterly line of the first alley Norths,resterly
fro,,-, I.Tain Street 1,91nd alonP, said alley line produced to its inter-
section 17rith the Southeasterly line of Fifth Street, thence in a
strai, ,ht -IL.-ne to the -point of intersection of the Southwesterly
line of i._'agnolia Avenue �,7_Jth the 77orth,resterly line of Fifth Street
thence r'orth e s-terly in a strai`_"ht "Line to t1lie point of-l' intersec-
tion ith the 17ortlea--er'ly line of `,'aEmolia Avenue �T'ith t-.'.-,,e
erly line Of- the first alley 7:iestrerly from 'ain Street, thence
rtherly along the 'Easterly line of the first alley "'es terly
fro-m- :.lain Street to the noint of intersect-ion of said last Tqen-
tioned alley line �,,-ith t"I-Ie Southeaster-ly line of Sixth Street,
thence Yortheasterly in a straight 4-Line to a. -point on the North-
moterly line of Sixth Street, �,,.Thich point is fifty ( 50) feet
South�,,esterly fro.,,,,i tuhte Southwesterly line Of Acacia Avenue mea,s-
ured alonL_: the !Torthi.,iesterly line ol' Sixth Street, thence ITorth—
v,esterly in a straight line , ,,rhich line is fifty (50) feet South—
westerly froi-ii ane.' rarallei to the Southwesterly line of Acacia
Avenue, to a point on the SoLltheasterly line of the first, edley
TTorthrresterly from Sixth Street, thence \Tortheasterly along said
last mentioned alley line to a point on the Sout'.-LTeste:,:,ly "Line of
Acacia Avenue, thence Northeasterly in a. straiF�Iht line to the rDoint
of intersection of the 7orthe,-stlerly line of Acacia Avenue �.rith the
Easterly line of the first alley Westerly from 1.7-ain Street, thence
L'ortherly - 'esterly from along the Easterly erly line of the first alley
U ?point o f -i of said last mientioned
1..ain Street to the oint intersection
alley line v,!-Lth the Solitheasterly line of Seventh Street, thence
i I.
Northeastea--ly in a strait line to a point on the "orthresterly
line of Seventh Street, rni h -ooint is fifty ( 50) feet Southwester-
ly from the So,,,it_. westerly line of Palm Avenue inee-,sured alon�D° the
'I I
� orthwesterly 'Line of Seventh Street , thence ..'T
orthwesterly in a
sturai,,ht line, 'which line is fifty ( 50) feet So,.ithwe�terly -from
an _ i)erallel to 'Che Sout ,17esterly line of Pp lm Avenue, to a, point
on the Southeasterly line of the first alley ITorthl,,iesterly from
Seventh Street, thence 17ortheasterly alonE; said last mentioned al-
ley line to a -point on the Southv.,esterly line of Palm Avenue,
thence Yortht,Iesterly in a strait i--it line to the point of intersection
of the I.ort]'-Leasterly line o-L' Pelm Avenue with the 'o rt-h e as t e rl y
line of t',le first alley Southrest-erly frori Lain Street , thence
1%ortIT,-esterl.'r alone,, the sl-id last mentioned alley line to its point
of intersection 'rith. the Southeasterly line of the first alley
So-'_�.t_heasterly from. 'Drest Avenue, thence '17esterly in a straight line
to the Southwesterly corner of Lot No. 49 of Bloc-',,, 706 of the
e c- ley P-,rl, "', ract in t-ne CitUY
of Hu_,ritin,-,'.',ton Beach, as Fho7.7,n on the
map or se.id) tract , reco-_rc.ed or, Pa---e 16, Boolk 4, ',.--iscellp,neous ''aps
Records Oran,_�I,e County, 0,,.:llfornia, thence I'Vort-Ii-l-ea,--terly along
the ',.7'este1_-ly line of so,ij. Lot 17o. 491 to a )Dint on the South erly
line of Crest A-.Tenue, tI.ence '.'ort'Inwesterly i-11 -q line to
t-I'Le point of Intersection, of the ITorthe.-ILY line of Crest Avenue
7-,4 '1-'- the �'or'tlnea _ ter-ly line of the first alley Sout,'Tv�e'sterly from Lull _L
ortI-i1,,,,es'erly Lalon- the 1,,),Et -mentione lley d a::`lain Street , t- en-e _'� LI t�
1-1.ne to its �,)oint of intersection --ith the Southeasterly line of
in strDi ,ht line to the- .--Fourteenth Street , thence -orth7resterly
So-uti-ieaster' y corner o*' Lot 'To. 45 of Block 915 of the "Wesley
Hei.--` ts Tract L,i 'i-le City of Hu-,-.,ti,,,' ton Be,.ch, as shown on the ma
of said tr-ct , recorded on Pn,ge 225 of Book 4, :_iiscellaneous I.IaT)s,
'Flecor,.-i-s of Ora-nI,--'-'-e Co11i,-ity, C,,lif,)rnie., thence 'Llorthwest-erly along the
Southv,.,esterly line of sai Lot- ',,To. 45 to a point- on the Southeaste2-
iv line of the first alley _".orthvTeste_rly froi.' Fourteenth Street,
thence -.7ortheasterly alon- said last ,mentioned alley "Line to a point
on the Souti'.."'Testerly line of Wesley Avenue, thence 'L70rt-herly :Ln a
- 0 J-11 " I - (I U (I
strai.,,ht line to t1ie ;' o�' �t ol' in_terce-tI ,._).,i of, the �Torl-heas-'-erly
line of 7esley Avenue 1,--ith the 77esterly -line of" firs- alley
�iesterly from Sqt-reet , thence 7ort',erly elon said last men-
tio.ned alley to a point on tlh-_ Southeasterly line of Seventeenth
Street , thel'Ice Northerly in a slurei !_'-.AG line to t',-le Southeasterly
corner of Lot "'To. 29 Of D" ocIr, 1804 of Tract ','o. 51 in the city of
H-ul-Iti-1-1;'-_,ton Belch, sIo-7 t �D " s,-id tract, recorded On n, on Li
Paze 49 of 13oo-I 'To. 9 Records of Ora-lave County,
C�--,',_ifornia, thence '_7ortn_x,,-esterly a.lonr-,,' the Southresterly line of
-4 •
s-LI-Ad Lot 17o. 29 to a poin-11-, on the So,ztheasterly line of the first
alley 1"ort'l-_'I-ecterly frog: Seventeenth Street , thence TITortheasl4-
allo-,-.g said lost ientioned ----'Lley line to a -point- on the Southerly
of ITtjCp' C-1
line S t r e.-- t ) then C e I T o r th,�,e s'U e r 1 y i n a straight line to
t'ie point of intersection of t,ne T-Tort"--,erly line of Utica. Street
t-. t'.--,e Easterly line of the firs-- alley 7"esterly fro,. YeAn Street,
thence 1,14ortherly alonL,; said East mentioned a" e-,,r line to a noint on
the Sout'.':Ierly line of Union Avenue, tll-.ence I'TortIrlerly alon' ,�- a line ,
which line is one hundred ei,,'I'hty-t !o and one-tentn (182. 1) feet
U,es'e-,ly from: and -oarallel to the ",lesterl- line of -1-lain Street, to
a point on the center line of Summit avenue , ( for: erly Slay Itreet) ,
the I'Torth Gity Boundary line, thence Easterly three hundred fifty
350) feet �lon_' the ce"'.,.-I.-er line; of s is Summit Avenue , the North
City boundary line to P point , thence Southi7esterly in P. strai-,ht
line to the _""'ort'.'Iensterl'%7- corner of Lot No. 22 of Block 2002 of
o-' Huntin'ton Beach,
Tr c, lu ."I'jo. 12 in the CC'itzl as sho7.,n on the man
of said tra-t recorded on Pa.., e 13 of Book 9 of '.'iscellaneous '.,Iapsj
Records of OrG,n e Co,,,-'Lnty, Calif ornia, thence Sout-.,,-.erly along the
7.,'esterl1Y- line of the first alley 7,,,sterly frolI 1"'ain Street to 0,
U-1-vesterlir -1i'le 0- thence
ooint on t'..Le ' or4 j � — Seventeenth Street,
Southresterly in a str,+,i'_Iat line to the -ooint of intersection of
Southeasterly line of Seventeenth Street vriti- the ii
t e 8 wat T"Tort' erly
line of Utica Street, thence Southeasterly in a stre,.i,ht- line to
the point of intersection of the Southerly line o-f Utica, Street
i;,i+.h the I�ies*L-Ierly line of the first alley Easterly from 1.1-ain
Street , thence Southerly alon,'�.�" said last mentioned alley line to
a -ooint on the I!orth.erly line of Loma Avenue, thence Southerly
a strait',ht line to the _point of intersection of the Southerly
line of Loma Avenue r~ith the %7esterly line of the first alley
Ea.s l ,T from :^iII Street , tf_ei ce Southerly -lonC=; the 1,-st men-
tioned F^Iley line to ooint on t ve IT rtherly like of Thirteenth
Street, thence Southeasterly in str,5ic ht line to the --)oint of
intersect-l_on of t:L..e Southerly line of Thirteenth Street T*ith the
Sout'_rij'este: ly line of the first alley 17ortClea:.sterly fro t
Street, thence Southeasterly aloini s^lc.. 1,ast :iie itloned alley line
to oint on t',Le ''ort_easterly line of °T!.relfth Street , thence
Southeasterly in a s',ra.,ight line to the ")oint of intersection of t
the Southerly line of Eleventh Street zitLr t `ie Soul 1,.. esterly line
of :-ie t,irst alley 7�?orthea-.sterly from 1eAn Street, thence South-
e=steel v along last mentioned alley line to a -point on the
?<ortherly line o'�:` Crest Avenue, thence Southeasterly in a, strei_ht
line to t:le ,)oint of intersection of the Sout �erly line of Crest
Avenue ;:Pith the South, esterl-v line of` the first alley I''ortheaster-
ly fro.'-. ;1ein Street , thence Souta�earterl rT aloi� the ss,i last r��en-
tio.ned alley lire to a point 0I7. the oat ,erly line of Pal:,I avenue,
t?_ence So.ztw easterly in a line to the point of intersec-
tion of the Sout_'-.erly lire of Palr,.i Avenue -pith the ";esterly line of
trove First -11ey Easterly frorl 1.1ain Street, thence Sout' erly alone,
the 77esterly lime of the first alley Easterly froiii main Street and
alo ' s iCi -a.st ri ei,tioned <lley line i�roduced to its Yooint of inter-
section �:Pith the Sout�i,<resterly line of Ocean Avenue, thence 1?orth-
esterly a.lori the SoutInv
resterly lire of Ocean Avenue to the point
of oe4;ini.in , exceptlnr tLLerefro- any portion of any public street
oi:= alley ThicL I:Ia�.y be included wit' the above described district.
Section 4. That serial bondssmall be issued to represent
-assessments of twenty-five ( 025.00) dollars , or over, for the cost
of sEid work of improvement; said seri!�.l bonds shall extend over
a period of nine years fro'-I and after the 2nd day of January next
succeeding their date, and an even annual proportion of the prin-
--iT)al swa t.-,Lle--r�eof shall be -)P,,y&,f3le, by cou-n-on, on the second day
of January every year after their date until tIlle whole is oaid;
and t e interest she,--t -1, be' -,, -Pya ale semi-annually, by coupon, on the
second days of January and July, respectively, of each year, at the
rate of seven ( 7) i)er cent ,per annulm. on all. sums unpaid, until the
,rhole of said -)rinci-o,-�.l anc-1. interest is -oaid.
The bonds herein -orovided for shall be issued, ant! the pro-
ceedinE.,,s herein -nrovid,,d for shell be Ine-c-i under Fuld in accordance
wit-I'l an Act of the Legislature of the Stab of California, desig-
natedof 1911, 11 a-o-o-oved April7th, 1911,
as the I'ImDrovei.�ient Act
and all acts suoDlementary thereto a,-nd amendatory thereof.
Section 5. 17otice is hereby given that on .1,'ondayt-
, Irle 16th
day of April, 1917 , at the hour of 8:00 P.11. , in the Council Cham-
bers of the 3oard of Trustees of the Cil of Hunti ton Beach, at
t--_e City Hall, located.. o- Fifth Street, beti,,!een 7';alnut P.nr3 Olive
Avenues of said City, any and all i?ersons having- objections to the
said 7-)roposed work of -irii-orovement may ap-)ear before the said Board
of Trustees zlz show c,,use why seAd) proposed LIi-Provement shoul-A not
be carried oi)-to in acI-,orII-nce with this resolution.
Section 6. The City Meng ineer shall Lnake �. diaE,,-,,ram of the
?ro-oerty affected or benefited by the pro-posed Y orzk of improvement,
as hereinbefore described, and to be assessed to pay the cost and
expenses thereof. Such Diagram shall shovr each se-parate lot, -piece
or arcel of land 4-he 7�-ea in Sclua.re feet of each of said lots
p t
nieces or parcels of 1 n.r. n__ the rele 15i ve loco',ion of the same
to t 0 '?0r _> T)royposec to . e 0, e, £alb �'.rit.illl� t _e limits Of tie
a= sess1:.ent district.
Section 7. The C: ty Cler': s i :11 publish. notice of said
vior',� of i Iri:°ove;.ent in itin`' sealed nro-)osa.l ., or bids- for doing
sUiti,_ ., o,-' , and referrirl-; to Lhe s--)ecifica,tions osted or on file
trice -1ti ti F auritiz 4 to. het-c h ''e~r s, a --ekly nev!sna..-)er aublis'r�ed
z,. -
.nandcirculr teci in +uale C•mal Tty o�"' utz}l .;oi-,, f:?e!-cb., ^r1c4 rie shall also
host s ais3. notice s aecif i.cr,tions conspicuously for five d---ys
on or near t''Ie cha ber door of t ie 3oe.rd Df Trustees and shall re-
quire in s,:;i c'-. -notice certifies: check or bored, eitIaer, as -,are-
scribed by 1a., pin(I fox E:n r.Mount not less t'ion ten -aer cent a the
of the '�)ro osa.l. and .y the 7th day of S 1-917 at
une 'your of S:OC P._ is I-lereb,y fixea as the tir.,e for t _e opening
of bi-�.s.
The City CiErk_ s 10,11 certify to t'ye )assar' e of this resolu-
"he for resolution is signed, a ,roved and attested
by me this lath d,=y of Av)ril, 1917.
President of the 3oord of Trustees
of the City of Huntington Beach, California.
• r'lY _..• P"IIYI
City Clerk and E 0 f f i c i o C1_er1:
of the 3o ;_s of Trustees of the City of
Huntin: ton Beach, California..
State of Ca.lifo_nia, )
County of GranL-e, } ss.
City of Hw-,ti_ r ton Be, .ch. }
I, Chas. R. '°'utt, City C1er'�, in acid for the City of Hunting-
ton Bleach, California , hereby certify t ia.t t?--.e above and fore}--oink:
is a. true end correct cony of Resolution %lo.
adopted of the Board
of Trustees of the City of I-IM'Itin'()-��ton Beach at a re�-,,:u'-ILar adjourned
e,session Selo on th 16th d of AT)ril, 19-1.7, and the seme -ops-
sed by "u-1-le folly,in% vote:
AY E S TR'USTEZS: Decl�er,
I --I - -Hustor. Chapin, Helme
2o2 3 TRUSTEES: none
I,, itnes c ray hand an,C tl,e official se,?l of the City of
Huntill/ton Beach this 16th day of A-o r i 1 1917.
City mil Ex-Cfficio Clerk of the
3o2.-d of Trustees (",f the City of
Huntington 3erch, California.