HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 550 • t G REEaOLUTION NO. 550 A SOLT"T101,1 0+ TI-1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TIE!,, CITY n I "TTJ.`TI*7GTOa? EACr SUB- MEITTING TO THE R GI T :SRrLD QUALIFIED '"L ECT(01 ) OF TH:E CITY OF HUNTIT�GTOtT BEACH THE PI OPO`=ITIOTd OF ADOPT IT`G AN M DI"3AT?''7 ATJ1E1TDII'G O IDINANCE ro. 209 OF SAID CITY. Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of FuntinEton Be,-.ch: Purs gant to an Act of the Leg,tslature of the State of ifcr pia., entitled: "An Act to provide for direct leCisletion by cities a.nd towns inch.,ding initin-tive and referendum, " approved Jan,,.,-?ry 2, 1912, and pursuant to the provisions of an Act cf the Legislature of the State of Cali - orr.ia, entitled: "An Act to provide for and reF;ulate mi.inici.pe.1 elections in cities of the fifth and sixth class", approved .-`ay 27, 1.919, as a.ilaended by statutes of 1923, that at the municipal election 'tn the Cil-, of T lantinL> ton Beach, Orange County, California., to be held on the 12th day of A?Jril, 1926, there be submitted to the people the proposition of the adoption of an ordinance emending or- dinance Tdo. 209 of sa.i_d City, entitled: "An Ordinance of I City of H1ant ington Beach establishing; e 71usi_ne ss P.nd residential district in said City anal p-ohibitine; the es- tablishment or maintenance of certain biisi_ress and Indus- trig:s it s.a.id districts: �� as by Ordinance No. 211 and "To. 260 of said City, which said ar;„,end,1.tory Ordin,,)nce • shall be in words "and fiP°ores arl follo-C , to .!,1_.t: Ai`T)E IJO.OHDI', N RTn'vCE OF T- A _ CITY OFI 'TI", =T`'I1 C TKEAH, AI, 0�ENDING ACTION 1 OF �DI,",W?CE r,o. 209 OF SAID CITY "EIdTITU- f: AT 011- DI "A" CE OF TTj71' CTTY OF ?'ITI'TI 771TOr" BTACH ESTAB ,ISt I.1N?G A 9USI"`1-1 SS A"'T- R"SIT7EI'r!'IAL DI :T"�ICT 17 gAID CITY A1oTD 771_O?,=ITII'`G TH" :�T BLISHI EPtT OR ' AI��TL ,?A"CE OF B " IPIESS A-D I�.r:�f:ST`='It S IN SAID DIST'P I ITS 11 "The oeoole of the City of Huntington Beech, o ord.ain a.r follolrs: "Section 1. That "Section 1 of Ordinc.nce No. 209 _, �:r e= ed "A; rrdin y� n of th. City of Tjan- c � o.l. ��.ed t� v� [?. f F? 1 Linn ton Bee ch., (,st,.blishing a business a.nd residential District in s1- id Citir <=.nd )rchi?,i"n ; the est^bl Bent or aintr ?" nce of certain business F'nd induf tries in sE.i.d b ., and the < :.,roe is rereby «mended so 8.s to rF.e,d as follows: "Section 1. That E-11 of the City of THuntington Beec'-_, 7.1.71thin the follovrinC described bound.pries is este.blishied v nci decl, red to be a. r=f�'dance district, to-tx:it: Be ,inning a.t the: noi.nt of intersection of tine cen- ter line of seventeenth street, extended southvTesterl y, v,rith the Pecific Oce.=n, running- thence northersterly alonf� the center ling; of seventeenth street to its intersection :Frith the center ~.ne of i'�:lra Ave, running thence southep,sterly and e,. sterly vlon,n- the center line of Palm Avenue "Co its intersection �xrith the center line of L�-.Kle Aven,.ie ; thence south.erlVr the centr�r line of L :ke Avenue to its intersection with the center line of Hirst street , thence sorat':v:-esterly along the center Line of First street, extended 2outh.==7este--1y, to the P ci_fic Ocean; thence nionir the co<.- ':t line of raid PE cific Ocep.n to the noi_nt of beginning, excentinf_r, therefrom, Business District 'To. 1 of said City; nro- vided, ho---ever thGt all ,)ro-)ert,r - ithin trx.-(/n,?.ndred fifty (250) feet of <9.nv publtc school build'n� in said City s'na,ll for the purpose of this ordinp nce, be deemed to be ,R7'L.th1.n 3,.,id residential ("Aistrict. All that -)ortion of the ", _ty of T untinf ton nea.ch „ritrin thie follo- ing described bounds:,ries is ests.blish- ed, a.nd decl_ 5red? to be Business District Fo. 1 of said -2- • • City, '-Peo-Innine-, at the northerly corner of the junction of Ocean Atrenue n.nd Secon(?. street and running thence northeasterly -.Ion , the north-resterly line of -7,econd street to its Intersection 1--li-th the southwesterly line of the first alley northea3terly from Ocean Avenue; t',,ence n,)rth,,,reqterlv alonf th,4 1-,.,qt mentioned alley line to its into ct-ion ­Ith th.e northvresterly 'line oroduced of the First zallev soilthef-sterly from Third Street; thence no--.ne&sterly alonC the last mentioned alley produced to Its intersection �,­.th the south- T"oste-rly line of -'live -,,vellue; thence nortllwesterly along the sou�hr.Tr, rl.v , U st e line of Olive avenue to its intersection with the soijthi_�asterly Itne of t1r..e fl-st F Iley north--e-sterly from Third street; thence north- , U ec sterly along the 1 rt mentioned P-21ey line to its intersection ­ith tare soi,.th,,aeste­lly line of Orange everue; +.�Ience northlvesterly -7I.lon,,._ the southiresterly Line (if Orpn,--,e avenue to its intersection with the ,te-l:r line of the -First alley no-thir7p.sterly frorn WAn stret.t; thence south-Testerly along the last ,L' -s intersection vith the south- r,entioned_ ,-,Iley line to it U 11 11 6sterly line of Olive ravenue; thence no-th«!esterly a- long the scuthvasterly line of Olive avenue to Its in- tersection "Che southeasterly line of t-"e first alley rio--,'hrertPrIy from Fifth street; thence south- resterly along T the last mentioned alley line produced , 4 to its intersection --rlth the southwesterly '111ne of the fi-st f7illey no-th-Psterly from Ocean u.-krenue; thence nor th-e st erly along the la,^t mentioned alley line to Its intersect-i -Ion ­ t'- the" e southep.,sterly line of Sixth hurgsterly along the soiitheas-er-i street; thence sout Y line of `sixth "t-eet, to Its intersection 1-kith the no-the,:m;terly T)olindsry line of Ocean Avenue;- thence southes,sterl,,r said northeasterly line of 0.cean Avenue to the point of beginninfril "Section 2. The adoption of this Ordinance sha.11 not, nor shall it be construed to, limit, estop, pro- hibit nor interfere u71th the rower of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Bench, under the police power for the preservation of the public peace, health, sc-.71'ety and -,,..-elfare to enact any a.,mendment here- to, or any ordinance deemed necessary or convenient by said Board" "Secetion 3. The MY Clerk shall certify to the adoption of thle Ordinance and shall cause the same to be piiblish.ed by ono Insertion. in the Huntin,--rton Reach News, a weekly newspaper, printed and published and circuln,ted in 1.1ty ,,.nc."; this t,7ke effect ten (10) ys z.fter cznvass of t�,,,Je election ,c,,t this Ord-l!,,,,-,-nce is subm.-Itted, if C-. T,,Ia,,JoritY of the c+11,,qlified electors vot_lnt>-, on said proposed Ord- shR11 vote in favor t'n-'ereof. " "Passed and ,.do-oted by the of the City of Huntini,,-ton 79,,each at regular election held on the 12th day of April, 19126. 11 "OUR 111DE., President of the Board of ", rus;teps of the City of HuntinE,ton Beach, 1 if o rn Ia. Be it fir-ther resolved thf�t th.e nronistti-on of the Fdontion of the fore,­oinc Ordinance s ^11 be -ol-,-,ced i.mon the ballot in the -jPnl1_ovrIn1.,,-, r,ords and fl-ures: PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall the Cr,,A.I.n.Ence, )-,,ovidini,- for the el ror drxis e sict of the City of Huntini-_,ton 9e,'tch, of the YES U ­ r.,cific Ocean __)roi_-,er'y 'bounded by 'tie P on the solith,iest- , PI-Ilm Avenue on the ',Tortheast, street oil the n eve �:;I-r��et on the C r: U n d NO by a.T-,endln,, Qr(11nc-7n. ce No.20-) be dooted Opposite --,,ich -proposition to be voted on and to 1 the thereof, the im-d 11 s YI-_1311 -nd "'T,oll shall be on !:,e�)ar`ite 'Lines 1,r.,Ith votLm - squares. I-10 an elector sh,--,Il c-,vr,nm a. cross (X) In the vcting equare after t"Ie r)rinted ,,,-,cord 11'.1TESll his vote sha.Il be counted in favor of the adoption of t -,e Ordinance: End. if he shall stamp -, cross (X) In the votinC square after tl),�,e -,--ord ZINC)" , 'his vote shall be counted a,­ the' P.inst the' m on of sqe. LD The City Clerk Is hereby directed to cause the pro- -4- noosed Ordinance <,.nd nroposition to be ,-)rimed and a- copy thereof enclosed in an envelcne ,,:,,ith a sptnple baa.11ot to eo.ch voter at le^st ten (ln) days prior to the election. The City C11--r�1- shell L-,ive notice as required by .;..pw of the submission of the foregoint. pr000sition to the people .t the general election. Pa.ssed and ad-_ A led by the Board of Trustees of the City of T.iuntini:ton Bel,ch -,t their red-;ular d,joiirned Taeeting held on the 15th dt>y of larch, 1926. L. R. RIDTINCUR President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, CtaIifornla. ATT'Ll L-� "1. R. `RIGHT City Ciark and I <r-of^icio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of 6ne City of Huntin rt^n 3each) Calif. -5-