HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 554 RL'SOLU'TION PTO. 554 The Board of Trustees of the City of �iuntington sea..ch do resolve a.s folloifrs; ,TEB DS are gro«rinC upon and along certain streets and sidewalks vrithin the corporate limits of the City of i-untin[;ton Reach, r;hich �wreeds T)ear :seeds of or do,.nrny nr-.ture , and t,,hich. o"Ostruct the froe and. conventent use of said streets and sl ce�rr3l'cs, and which -hen dry con- stitute a fire men, ee, E'9-0L"77Dt That a,?.ch tTreed.s constitute a. pl,iblic n?zi: ance end. fj_rA men.rce �7nd a. r on,,ce to n-.a'�J_i.c health and safety ^nd to public and nriva.te property, upon and ^.long the following- str st and .venues in s4:, d cit e, to-zrit : First, Second, Third, Foi.irth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eir-hth., PIinth, Tenth, Eleventh, 171-elfth, Thirteenth, Forteenth., Fifteenth., Bivteenth., Seventeenth Streets, and -zpor and: along 7ighteenth, 3?ineteerth, 71wentieth, T--enty-first, T,Yent-v-second, a,n_d. Tnienty-third Streets ?yet Preen Ocean Avenue and Palm Avenue* And w)on. .and alone Ocean .Avenue bet-reen First Street and T�r-enty-third Street, And upon and a.lonL `„alrut, Olive , Orange , 1. agr_olia., Acacia., a.nc1 La,lm Avenues; and Loma, and. Crest Ave- nues lyin' F:a_sterly from !<eventeenth Street; And upon and along Alabama, Huntington, Cr:lifornia, and Dele-xa.re Avenues And upon and clone Atli-.nta, Baltimore, Chicago, Detro3_t , Elmira, Frankfort, Geneva , tia.rtfo-0,,, Ind_ianar-olis, Jolliet, Knov-ville , Lincoln, -,ermohis, rf�shville , Oswego, and !Fain Streets. Rnd '`'rLV D, ETT�T '` :R, tra;.t the Sur.}erintend.ent of Stre-,:is be , Pnd he is hereby directed to ive notice of the pa ssa��e ^f this R., solution a,rid notice tr) destroy said vreeds, as follo`.s; by posting; P notl ce substantially in the form 'n.ere- imlfter set forth, alonE the line of the streets or portions of street nar­E-d herein, ­Th.ere the snAd „needs are growink--_ Pt intervals of not le< then fifty (50) f-eet , which said notices sh.r!ll be so posted for ten days prior to the time stated rh=�re,in as the tirr;e n.t which f,,: il.ure to abate sti.ch niAs,nn.ce InTill `Ave the niithoritie5 of the City of '?untin�,,-ton peach the riF rat to ^,ate the sEme , and RES0L777D, thp.t s,,..id notice ohall by in subste.n- tially the f,77_lo,,!!nL form; "OTICE TO DE'TROX SUDS The Boa-0. of Trustee,,.,, of the City of T_unt 1mZtcn Bec..ch, ha,vim on the 5 th. any of July, 1926, declared by Recolutinn ','To. that all Breeds growing on ('eert no) na.r.•!e of street) Street, in Said City, are a public nuisance, and having com- manded the r-.ba ter-ent of the seine, "Totice is hereby -1ven to all olxners of nroperty frrrtr i n.­, ,3.(�on the street a,hove rimed, in front of t*hicn property s<.i nuisa-.nce exists, to -1a.te the srA -!thin ten (10) d_2,ys from the date of this notice by removel of such weeds. Upon f,-Alure to abate the gpme .-.s rerein required such i�,eeds v it l bo- removed b.,T th.e munucipal authorities of Said city, ,.nd the cost of such. removal 1,Ati_11 be r!^re t. -2- • ch-, "Ere b -he 11 � , g,?'_nqt the o�r,,rner of the land , �,zttin�r t st-eet on t-he aide of the otre*:t , nn side said lxreE`ds --ere In fpvor of the City of 7,,,,ntinp7tnn Fepch, s,nIJ City Ta,y collect the cost of removin. ,-, sryirl -eed-s from t h e c,,,rn e r of a 1,d 1 P,n d by a n Faction 'or o U4- in the re c rd e r court of 9P.1d city. Dated this day of Jilly, 19?6 (insert date ) ( signature) SIT'- OF STREETS 014' T'HE F ijT 11 CITY LJ11TT'_rJ­,GTO1T BEAC'H and 7?-1301,1777D) FURTHER, th,,_�,t the city cler3� certify to this Resolution <:nd file the Dated this 6th. day of July, 191?6. President of the Board. of 7rusteps of the City of TTun-in -,ton Reach.. 'zT ITi-t J_ T— n"Tlq qTA Cl,1�737TY 0117 OR,A.T,7 07, CM ITY OF L7�7,T77 T_ GTT SS : I, Chas. R. Furr, City Clerk of the City of Hun- t -ep.ch and ex-officio clerl.,, of tl,,-- Boa T Board of rustees In� 7) do hereby -_f,;rt!fy that the fore&mlnt- resol,�.tion r,asr ad to the Br)--=-cl of Trustees of t",ci City of 7-1,11jnt-i.n<--ton F-,er-,c111 , t rep-­,zlar ­,eetint.., of Sr In the Councti Chambers in t-fte City t1�,,11 on the Fth, da,,y of ji)lir 10'7 5, � nd ad- opt ad by t«e Trott Ayes : Trustees i u4' T� '.�;ITCHTELL, -A --IS. 303TELP, -3- "Toes: ;ruste °S l�`� T�, A.bsent : Trustees I'DIFIT OUR R. FUR City Clerk ana ex-officio clerk of the Boy:.-d of mruste�-P of the City of Hu.ntin ton Bep ch. -4- •