HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 672 j Y o. 672 _ mT. n rZ+v of JIT7 `TI"''n I,r"' KL�,CH The Cit ,r 'Co areil of the City of Hunting ton Beach, Cal iforni.n do resolve as follows: "� Y'4 , "I- City '(Dunci ^f the City of 'I'--CL b.T U..e V Huntinutcn Reach, that ResolAion No. FCS, ,x<.f;sed by seid City Council on 1u.-y 16, 1`372, 2utlorizing, the me.,I.ing of an oil and g s le,-se to Pacif is Explore,ti^n Company, Ltd. , in form +,nd substance :.s s"_o n in Exhibs.t "All a,tta.c�ed to s&id resolution, -- is hereby .renea:l.er? P Yid revalred, and the oil and ga,s lease a.nd contrast executed and entered into b-r and on of s,-id City, Sri,sur nt to said resolution, is hey^eby term!..nr-.ted and cancelled; and nr IT FURTHER RESOLTM by the City Council of said City of HiintLnipton Reach th,:t said "ity Council of said City of Hunuin£-;ton Beech hereby authorizes =in.d directs the ma.king and entering into by and on beh,,if of said City of ,^.n(l oil and L:a.s ?_ezrse to and with Prcific Exploration Comnan 7, Ltd. , . a. cor)oration or1a;nized and exi=,ting under the laws of t..he State of California., and the execution, signature �,.nd eccno �,- Hun" rr;' _ _ . "1 she .r,rcr cif said City, and the <<^..ttesta- tion of the sime by the "ity Ole--k, -_ t,-!.Ach sEAd oil and 1 u shr.l'_ bey r. cat;-tv J�,, �r 2 , ?.^32 and s�.a1I cover, -ent -,,nnd descrf_-)"_ deml ­-­ far thE- devel -h er hydrocr,-rbon subst,-,,nces, th-e U I s 11,nd ot ,)e'ro,' ol f U o'Llowt-)g descrIbed tiae Ir-In ­,ub-orged '1oc--ted Arrithin s City of H,),ntin�ton Beach, to-grit:: BeEAnnin,;, et a -,!pint on the _Ling: of o mean tide c'of tl-.e pf-cific ocean =Mere a prolomi3.otion cf the r;ent-ar line of Seventeentli-1, Street of the City of Huntinton Be^,ch Intersects sa id !!ro of mean h,U-1-11 tide; thence North ul. steriy spAd line of er 17 Ooundf4ry 'Line meen high tide to the 11:�IorV,_77e,.�U o Ci ty the Cty of Huntington Beach; thence Solith- f re -lerl a-L., onAd Nort.�iviesterl.7 boundary line �7 ­ -IonU 4 _P ' ---,westerly 17)� Cit-17, to the 1)oint ­:Itere s nAdl 1'Jort., bound,-:,ry line of srAd City Intersects 'with t1le So,ut'l-weeziterly boundary line of saidl City; thenice 8ou.tNe,, cter*17 &.1ong spid Sou.thl-7este-1,T boundary line of staid City to n, point where the prOlongpti;-n into the Pacific Ocern of said center line of Seventeentl^.., Street of said City intersects said So L s 1+1 er-1 'T line of said City;y; V�e n c e -1 y along iv!ia prolongatim of said N U 4-er I or*,heas I _L., center line of 1`e vent e eTn th Street to the 11ne of In' �h tid.evb1c'1-. is t!,it.e mint of 1)eginning, �L, - . 11 - i.0 - , U - w Prea is !.,.-jc-�-ted rithiin the cound«ries of the City o-O H,��,tir,­ton Beach; C . , i.; z,U t s- i (q. of -1 . -d ­,--s tied ,0 d C ity is herel - lat-U�:-cned, r ­rl,ed exhibit "All err th i s re f e,� n c a m5 C e, :)art -.nd is herelbiix rve y CO?lrci_' ; -IT7ZI B:-,�301,7 'D V­­1 end enter- in. , 7_1 U,',C,' U inL: Into nev- hereby �.,'th(,,.-_Ized, o,-,td. Ltd. , c,11iit.L,ll be deer tDd to I-,,?.ve consented to --e �:.nd terr-Amaticnof -nd ,­,reeTrie' t -r-7 t' e "Ity of 11-.niti-1-ton Beach has c P.u. e d its ctor-i�­ ,-ted np,­e n C. s entl to b hereunto af-Pi-,,,ed by its ")y the City Clerk under authority • s ted in t'"_Fr-, ITT tulle Crn)ncil pt , ­,,oecip.l meeting; held on the 28th day of Julv, 1932. F. u. Conrad 1viror of the Cit T of Huntington Bench. A7JST: l FT?I�R City Cleo STATE OF CAL IF OX""IA } } ^ } CITY l_:S�' HU T,''GT T y A2H I, C. R. Furr, City Clerk e,nd ex-officie Clerl- of the City Clcuncil of the City of Hunting;ton Beech, do here- by certify th?t the f-)reL;01ME. resol'xtion read to the City Co of c ,id City -t a specia.l reed:: ; held on the t T �f JU.' ' i) sp.itl . City Council 4 dp, ' p: s,.� >c�. ,ni �,� ted - t''re fof o«'inL vote: q C I1 rich Huston Kin=^ Conra,d �,o:xnc,i.�_r.�:�en Councilmen St--yens Councilr�en, ''one OR FTTRR Cit.J Cler'� end ex--of"icio clerk o, the City Co?.ncil.