HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 799 RESOLUTION NO. 799 ( Section 6. That any person<desiring'Lion Hall, shall pay to the City Engineer
to use said Recreation Hail shall first ap at the time of making application a fee
RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ;ply to the City Enginer for a permit of twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars for each
OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON therefor, upon application form to be day, or any-part thereof, that said person
BEACH, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING,furnished by the City Engineer, might wish to use said Recreation Hall.
AND FIXING THE FEES FOR THE I Section 7. That no charge shall be Section 10. That any person'not sat
USE OF THE RECREATION HALL,made for the use of said Recreation Hall isfied'with the decision of the City En-
IN LAKE PARK IN SAID CITY OF ,for ,any religious, fraternal; c}}'vic, ponti-; gineer in rejecting any application made
HUNTINGTON BEACH, AND RE-1 uc`cal, social, patriotic` or edaeional assa-- to him hereunder may appeal to the City
PEALING RESOLUTIONS IN CON- ciation or society of the City of Hunting-`Council from such decision, and the de-
FLICT HEREWITH. f ton Beach, where admission is free to the cision of the 'City Council'shall be final
L public and/or'where there are no meals, and conclusive.
The City Council of the City of Hunt- lunches or refreshments served and/or Section 11. That the 'City Engineer'
ington Beach, California, do resolve as the use of the kitchen is not included in shall at all times keep_the Recreation
follows: said permit, it being the in'taent of this Hall securely locked'when not in use
Section 1. That the Recreation Hall resolution to secure to the people of the and shall from time to time inspect the
in Lake Park in the City of Huntington City of Huntington Beach their free and premises and the personal property
Beach is a public building, erected by unobstructed use of the Recreation Hall thereof, and shall require the janitor to
and at the cost of the people cf said in Lake Park for all lawful purposes and report to him`promptly any and all dam-
City, and the said Recreation Hall shall for their benefit. (ages and loss occasioned by the use of
at all times be, subject to the necessary Section 8. That any person enumera- said building and personal property, and
regulations hereinafter'specified, open to ted in Section 7 hereof, regardless of saw. �shall promptly notify the'person respon-
the convenient use of the people of the where located, when the object of said sible for such damage or loss to make
City of Huntington Beach. i,meeting is not financial g-in, as herein- proper restitution or settlement therefor
Section 2. That the CityCouncil of after defined, to whom permission shall with the City Engineer.
said City shall have and retain the con- be granted by the City Engineer or the PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City
Recreation Hall, and shall City Council to use said Recreation Hall, Council of the City. of Huntington;Beach,
tail of said
from line time prescribe its uses, and who shall charge and/or collect any ad- California, at a regularly adjourned
rules and regulations governing the same, mission fee, or admit'persons only on in- meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of
Section 3. That the word "person" vitation or card, or where a collection or May, 1938.
when used in: this Resolu+.ion shall in offering is taken, or who may serve M. M. McCALLEN,
elude firm, copartnership, association, so- meals; lunches or refreshments or per- Mayor."
ciety, or guild, incorporated or unincor-I nit the same to be served or use the Attest:
i kitchen located in said Recreation Hall, C. R. PURR,
Section 4, That the City Engineer of!shall pay to the City Engineer, at the!. City Clerk.
ty g� time of making application, a fee of Two STATE OF CALIFORNIA
the City of Huntington Beach shall be ($2.00) Dollars for each day, or any part-County of Orange S ss.
the custodian of the keys to and personal thereof; that. the said person shall desire, City of Huntington''Beach t
property of said Recreational Hall, and to use said Recreation Hail. I, C. R. FURR, the duly elected, quali
shall receive all applications and fees' The words "financial gain" as used in fled and acting City Clerk of the City of
and issue all permits for the use of said this Resolution shall mean and 'shall be,Huntington Beach and ex-officio Clerk of
Recreation Hall and may, in his dis- construed to mean that said applicant, the City Council of said City of Hunting-
cretion and in the interests of the people expects to derive profit from the use ton Beach, ;do hereby certify that the
of the City of Huntington Beach, subject of said Recreation'Hall, whether or not whole number of members of the City
to the final decision of the City Council, said profit is;to be obtained by a charge;Council of the City of Huntington Beach
reject any application for the use of said for admission or by taking up a collec- is five; that the foregoing Resolution was
building, 1 tion, and whether or not said profits or'!'passed and adopted by the affirmative
Section 5. That said Recreation Hall`receip's are to be used for charitable, vote of more than a majority of all the
may be used by the people of the City philanthropic, -civic, political'or any other members of said City Council at-`a regu
of Huntington Beach for any purpose for purpose; it being the intention of the lar meeting of the City,Council held on
which persons`may lawfully:assemble to-j City Council that if said Recreation Hall; the 2nd day of May, 1938 by the follow-
gether;' provided, however, that in no l be used to raise any money, either di- ing votes:
wise shall said building be used for the rectly or indirectly, for any purpose, the AYES: COUNCILMEN: M o r e h o u s e,
regular meeting place of any person or lexpenses incident thereto shall be paid Chamness, Henrickson, McCallen.
association except by special permission by the applicant. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None,
of the City Council of the City of Hunt- Section 9. Any person, other than j ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Talbert.
ington Beach, and provided further that I those mentioned in Sections 7 and 8 C. R. PURR,
said building shall not be used, and no hereof to whom permission may be here City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
Permit shall be issued for any function I mafter given by the said City Engineer the City Council of the, City of
which includes dancing on Sunday. I or the City Council to use said Recrea- Huntington Beach, California.
KID FIXINO THU", M-3 FOR ' tic ust or
in G()1WMC' TUMIT&
The City Council of 1he C tY Of JhMt1r9t0ft DOWN
Section U. That tho Recreation 11611 In LOM rAft
in the City orf BmtIngton beachis bull4trcs erected
tW anti at tbe cost at° t1be people cif, ASIA d t7o and the suld
F`levr� atl . a. all times be,v subject to Vw neGOSSM
regulationai heroinixftor specified# open, oonventent 1006
f th v people of t1io City of Ituntington
Section *04 That the City C*Wwil, of 08U City
have an4 retain the control of wd ' oorestion HAI# &ad sll
k from time to time proscribe Its uses, ana rulto &M r Put4o"
verni e, the
eolutlort atiall inalfi c f IM# oo h1 Olio%%#
let; or t,%Ald incorporated or o t
Section 4a That the City ZWUisev of tba City of
Hunti. :t+on Bash as be t - custodianfthe har
r pored ;)ropftty of said Recreation Hall. and shall receive ,
4Lpplicatlons and Face* and Isaw all ;Y�raits for the, mW
of Sc ' t'lon Hall and $ S his �1 i S %
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1nte reestis of the people of Ito City of ftntitVton 84104# 0U
to 1*4hc 'Sr 3_ Se can t # w-Y C o il# r*J t U n
for t#* uve or ss44 buildingt
Uon bo That said Recroaction Hr.11 `
thO people of the City of ftuntirWton Dewh for any purposo fbr
that In 114 Wise shall sold: ll(A 4; usod for the
!'"!aet' ; place of ary ervion or- o le o except br spool"
M16clon of orb City Counoll of' the City of Alluntington'
and provided fmther that odd, buildIve, shall not be used, mnM
no per-it" shall be Isaued for wV I tmetion which Inoludos
4ection $a That my pers,.i 3 desiftng, to use
Asorce'.1o.r.- 4«rn ishall firat + -" to v� ,�%��„ty [;rgInefi '
Pomit V i rcfc , upon application+ tom to furl, ` G by
atot"'Or 7# t SW c v�rde SIA11 bo made for the
U86 of Gate. 1,14or� �-,t on `: . ror mV religiouno « t
CIVIC# Political, ;social# p triotto or oduentional aeso'01A e ;
or sooletj of the CIV, or t L 1 ti ,von beet Where admisaw is
fro* to t4a Puma nor idibre there n6 mea s# 1wahes or
refrosImenta served and/or the use of Vm kitchen to not Included
In add i&*.,'Mitv VO, b0f ro U".e 1 r�timt o� t.l 'n8� o ,utlon try" 9
to 12,10 people of tww_ Cit of .Hunt.. , h be ch. r
Obatrr;40tcd Uss cat' the 11.04aI* &t Ion 110.1 to Lake Park for all lwata
purposes awe for their bonefit
:sego t ion e . TIAt anv personovmnt tee n :kmtlon V
heroof# regartiless cif mhom> l at ,Ao v1m the otj,ect or said
meetIr le not tlium1W, rving UO 1*410
permission e + ' . be grantod bZr thew City ZnrIneeear,or the C 14 ty
Counoil to use saI4rt-oti n Nall# who U ohmVe and/mr
or card, or ,� a colleaa ton or off eeing to takl"4 or lift vMW
serve als , lumhae or his or Pomit Um to bo
C # L ,N.,. 1► :`;... d �,�t '- t 'L �. .: it
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and" personal p'rupo r iwd uhall promptIv otif '' the P a
reeponalble for ski dames or lose !�a nalte proper restitution
or settlen. cnt t o mfor with rho Citif -Engl neoro
41C City COM ii of tba CIS'
r s,
0 40V
County of Oratwo
City of litintitigton Beach
I# C.'`Ro FURR# t1v duly ole #, I. azd
t 4
CityClerk or tho City, of lhztltxton Beach and Oxw
OffI010 olark of the City Counoll of &JA City of
F beach# do bereby oer%U7 that the thole 'er of m
the CIt 7 Council of_°moo CItv of HuntitUtm Beach to five. fie►
the foregoing Resolution me pwwod arA adopted by tho affl"bo
atolve vote of more than 4 miority of all the mmabom of mW
City Council at a reeularU-r . Q� i g of the 3
Council he"d on the .�.ndAw of mav $
by the fol'.1ovirC votcal
I ito Glorkof
the the city Counall of the City Of