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Iy�•r1b RE aOU71ON NO s 0 A FMSOLI7TIOlq OF TIM CITY CO IL OF THE CITY OF MWXNGTON SUCH CALF• 2 NIA DECLARING ITS i nuffoi Ttl 3ELL 1,400 000 OF BONDS DESIGNATED AS 1#01TY N HMI 'ION BE&CH WJ? - CIFAL PAU AND FIAYGROUND BOXV3s, 1038 0" WIMP* it v" provided by Ordinuw* NO. 41P of this City of Huntington Beach* passed and adopted on the lfth day of May,, 1938, that bonds of said city should be issuod in the sun of D100#000 for the acquisitionp construction# and completion by said eity of a certain mmicipal Ir4provement# to wit# the aogu,isitimi# oonstruc« tion# and c osVletfon of a public, park and pleMomyl. w1thin said city& too;other with such equAip=nt and appur- tenanGes as =y be necessary or convenient to t m use thereof; and i m*,3, it is doomed advisable that said city sell and dispose of said bonds in the principal amount of ;100*000 f NOW* MULIWORB* TIM C11X COMICIL OF THE CITY Te ;T-1 1� 01Y Bic cU.* cA=LIF-01(1¢3A0 IVOES =3 Lis AS M. LLOWSs Section I* lit It is the into ion of tha City Council of Ube City of 1-U t ngton Boaah to issue and sell City of :runtlnCton Beach '.Itun .oipal Park and P layeround Ronde* 1338,E in the principal amount of 400*0000 at public, dale, on Jugs 6, 196£s, at the how of 8;to Waloak, F• l•s, and that bUx shall bs called for# with instruction* for 6:�u bidder� F the ra o '�l of Interest# rust exceediM per c um, payable telly for the first year 17 thereafter, at Which it proposes to purohase Braid bonds. Section 2, TYaat the City Clerk of the City of I1untington Beach be and he is bereby directed to ad- vertise for t1s sale of :„1000000 of My of "funtington Deaah 11unialpal park and PlayMourad Bonds# 1,333, by oaus- IM a notice inviting saaW proposals to be publish*d twice in the Huntlggton .ash No ws# a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, VabUshad# arA olrous. lated in *aid City of lAntington Beach# prior to the date for receiving bins: That said notice W-All be substantially in the following forms "DaTICE MITING SEALED PROPOSAZ,S, FOR Tim PURCIIASE OF U00 000 OF isms OF Tm CITE' OF HMxr Ion #CITY OF HMITXR5;811 BEACH M I- CIFAL FXTUK AVD PLAYOROMD DONDS O 2930*1 Sealed proposals will be "0*1ved by the undersigned City Clark of the City of 11unting. tan Deache Ca=ornia# at the ofiias of said City Clark, In th* City Hall of the City of Huntington Beach# C alifoyrnla, until the hour of WOO o'clock, ;P. 14*& on the 6th day of June, 19W# for the, purchase of the following bonds a 2,► 00#0 priwipal amount of bonds of the city of Mwtlngton Begah, Call- forn3.a, desigmted t City of MmUng.ton Beach Mwdalpal Park and Playground Bonds v 1930•# Said bonds shall be IW in num- bar# of the denomination of 1#000 each, dated Jww 15# 10368, and maturing In nua o r'iftl order, C10*000 pr1wipal amount e ' t'ran June 15# 19390 to ZuDe 15# IMP iMIUsivs s Said bonds shall tear CQe..m-V °" intereet at a rate wt ex oodIng~ per aef ) per onn mt# pa.7ablo anm%- a137 for the first your and semiarmually thft4aftft*# which "I1 after be fixed by the City Commil of said alty, a bidders a" "questod to state the Interest rate an which the 'bid Is =do* Each bid must be on the basis of a sinelo lnte" st rats upn all said bonds# mid no bit on the basis of a split Interest rate wf ll be considered* Said '.soar are issued pursuant to an Act entitled $An Act autbwIsIM the IncurriM of Snd+ebtednoss by cities# towns emd m miaipal aorporatio s for Mvdea3pal lvwovewnts Mid r*culating the acquisitionp oonstruotion or oomple tion thereof of ihich became a law psbru.. ark' 280 1901„ axe acts amendatory t rsof axed suppiementa:7 thft erto, amd in piwa nas of the 3. taws and Constitution of the :state of Call-P fornia " the Charter of they City of Hutttiq;- ton Beaah o Said oity will Parrish to the sueoessful bidderr# without cost to it,, the opinion of ear's« oe elveny# t uller & Mee# Los Angeles# C elilUnda* approving the validity of said bonds* :Aah proposal must be awamponisd by a certified aliook drown upon sow reoponeible bank In the ','tat* of Callfacrniav and payable to the City T'roasureer of the City of F.unting ton ftaoho I= the sum of tbr*e per eent (3%) of tho prinolpal amount of the bands bid upon, as a guarantee that the biddear will VWeb&M and pay for said breads in aooardame with his Proposal in the event that simh bid is ao- coptod Wo bid will be oonsid+ered for a q pwtlon less than the whole of said, bonds* City Couwll of the City of '-hmtington Beaob room serves the right to re j*ot any and all b$41s e a850340d valuation of the tw ablee property of said city for the 7ear 1€ 37-1938 upon wr-Leh 80A bonds are a lien is the ®sit of �.�, The total azwuut Of of r t►anded. Sndelbtedn+eas ' lAch is a lien on sold pc'opearty is the aura of �4,19440500* T1* ostl-, 4• noted pop nation of Bald oft f` Is 4#000* BY 0ADFq Or- SAID CITY GOUINClz 4$` THE C• R i MM# City ','lark of the City of H ington Beadh# WifoxlAssw Section 3* T1* City Clerk shoal oortify to the passtalp and adoption of tbis revolution by the vote of a. z a jo rity of the members of the City Gouncil of the City of` Hurtimton Beach* PASSED ANT, AMP ML by the City Coorvi1 of the City of Huntl ton 3eaohp Califs laa b7 a% of a majority of Its menbera at a dc ea►et of sold City Coumil held an the lath day of fir, 193S* N.M.NcCallen 07 frx -.-TT7o -�eaela�, Ca3.i'ft�nia. ATTLTST s C.R.Furr Y 6111FC or this Zatyy O lfuntirA&4n Beadho California. �M V - MATE OF =voiNNIA COLIC OF BIRAIME SS• CITY OF R ►MITINOTOV SI:"AM I* C* R o FUWR# the duly e2sated# gualifieds and eating City Clerk of the City of Z=tlngWn Boaoh and eao►oflIcio Clerk of the City COUM11 of said City of Huntington Beach& do bereby certify tb&t the rdols number of roars of V* City Coursail of the City of P rttiMton Beach is fivel that the foregoing rasol},*. tion was passed &rA adopted by the affUvrative vote, of a majority of the rates of said City Commil at ned a Begin nr. ad 1mrr.P*$tiM of the City Co it bald on the 19th day of 24ay# 1933 j by tbe following votes t A"X I COUMIUMn Mor_ehouae• Chamness Hearickson, xNexx McCallen NOES t Counailrmn 2KItyxl None ��t Ct7kLtip$.Iti�e12 Talbert C.R. Furr° (SEAL) 9 ' � Beach# Cal.ifarniae � 6•