HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 5435 RESOLUTION NO. 5435 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OF INTENTION TO VACATE PUBLIC STREET EASEMENTS ON A PORTION OF SANTA BARBARA LANE, AND ALL OF SAN CLEMENTE AND MANDALAY CIRCLES The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does hereby resolve as follows : 1 . A public meeting was held before the Planning Commission on July 24 , 1984 at which time it was determined, pursuant to Government Code section 65402 , that the proposed vacation of public street easements on a portion of Santa Barbara Lane , and on all of San Clemente and Mandalay Circles conformed to the city' s general plan. 2. Pursuant to Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 2 of the California Streets and Highways Code (sections 8320 et seq. ) , the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach hereby declares its intention to vacate public street easements on a portion of Santa Barbara Lane , and on all of San Clemente and Mandalay Circles , more particularly described as follows : PARCEL 1 . That portion of Santa Barbara Lane as shown on Tract Map No. 8005 filed in Book 318 , pages 9-16 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, lying southerly of the prolongation of the southerly sideline of Edinger Avenue as shown on said map. PARCEL 2. All of San Clemente and Mandalay Circles as shown on Tract Map No. 6808 filed in Book 295 , pages 39-42 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, and a portion of Santa Barbara Lane as shown on said Tract Map No. 6808 lying westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the northerly corner of Lot 11 of said tract thence northeasterly along the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 11 to a point of intersection with the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of Saybrook Lane as shown on said tract, i 1 . thence northerly along said line of prolongation to a point of intersection with the northerly line of said Tract No. 6808. The city reserves and excepts from the proposed vacation a permanent easement and the right at any time, or from time to time , to construct , maintain, operate , replace , remove , and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across the streets proposed to be vacated and , pursuant to any existing franchises or renewals thereof , or otherwise , to construct , maintain, operate, replace, remove , renew, and enlarge lines of pipe , conduits , cables , wires , poles , and other convenient structures , equipment , and fixtures for the operation of gas pipelines , telegraphic and telephone lines , railroad lines , and for the transportation or distribution of electric energy, petroleum and its products , ammonia, and water , and for incidental purposes , including access to protect such works from all hazards in, upon, and over the streets proposed to be vacated. The city also reserves and excepts from the proposed vacation any easement and right necessary to maintain , operate , replace , remove or renew public utility facilities . 3. The City Clerk is directed to maintain on file in the office of the City Clerk maps or plans showing the particulars of the proposed vacation of public street easements on a portion of Santa Barbara Lane, and on all of San Clemente and Mandalay Circles , and reference is hereby made to said maps or plans for said particulars as to said proposed vacation. 4. The City Council does hereby fix September 4, 1984 at the hour of 7 : 30 p.m. , or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard in Council Chambers in the Civic Center , as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation, which time is not less than fifteen (15) days from the passage of this resolution. I 2. S . The City Clerk is directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be published in a weekly newspaper , published and circulated in Huntington Beach for at least two successive weeks prior to the time set herein for the public hearing. 6. The Director of Public Works is directed to post , or cause to be posted , notices of vacation conspicuously along that portion of Santa Barbara Lane, and along San Clemente and Mandalay Circles proposed to be vacated at least two weeks before the date of the hearing . The notices shall be posted not more than 300 feet apart , but at least three notices shall be posted. The notices shall state the day, hour , and place of hearing and shall refer to the adoption of this resolution of intention, and shall describe those portions of Santa Barbara Lane , San Clemente and Mandalay Circles proposed to be vacated, or shall include a map or plan showing the location of the proposed vacation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof ld on the 20th day of Au ust 984. M r ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Clerk �W/"City Attorney REVIEWED AN4APP kOV : TIATED AND APPROLD: �i City Administrator irector of Public Works 3. ■r��r�■ ■�■��■■ ■■i KOM . .r .. ma '' rr1■1■Ir11rIr � _ � �°_°-_'-- 11t11l1l1!�Itllllllli •"rrlrrllr�r � I�IIIIiI --=====- �;;. D ■■■rr■r��r �-� ; 1111111111.Illlllitli iiir■Ir■Ir■r � � _ � �� 11111!!!!!11 111111l111 rr1111r rrllrlrriip:��:�: ;. • , " �III1111 11 ■li 1 r.'� �rlrr■r r111rIr��■ .. •� . ■■ � ....1�.1 1/ IN M. MM �," 1111111111 lltllilllll i"■. �r1111r •• •� �� •� �� � � � 1111111111 1111111111"■ `r1111rm m .. �. �• • �Biil"' 1111111111 1111111111 • �rsrrrr m: .. ' Ililiillll ■■�� ■. . ..:.. .. . .�.� �. r�or■■r .. .. .� .. ■. . � 1111111111 ��IIIII�IIII�-�IIIIIII��I�M�►� �� � 111111111 ■ , Z � �� w.�■■■r � IIrIr�-111 r11��� ►������ Will �_ _.dam �,.�Ii1� ,b�� ♦ ��� t*i'. Res. No. 5435 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) 1, ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, the duly elected, qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the . 20th day of 19 b the following vote: August �_, y g AYES: Councilmen: _Pattinson, MacAllister. Finle,y, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Councilmen: Nnpe ABSENT: Councilmen: Ke l ly ABSTAIN: Thomas City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California 64--397140 RESOLUTION NO. 5435 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OF INTENTION TO VACATE PUBLIC STREET EASEMENTS ON A PORTION OF SANTA BARBARA LANE, AND ALL OF SAN CLEMENTE AND MANDALAY CIRCLES The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does hereby resolve as follows : 1. A public meeting was held before the Planning Commission on July 24, 1984 at which time it was determined, pursuant to Government Code section 6S402 , that the proposed vacation of public street easements on a portion of Santa Barbara Lane, and on all of San Clemente and Mandalay Circles conformed to the city' s general plan. 2. Pursuant to Division 9 , Part 3, Chapter 2 of the California Streets and Highways Code (sections 8320 et seq. ) , the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach hereby declares its intention to vacate public street easements on a portion of Santa Barbara Lane, and on all of San Clemente and Mandalay Circles, more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1 . That portion of Santa Barbara Lane as shown on Tract Map No. 800S filed in Book 318 , pages 9-16 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, lying southerly of the prolongation of the southerly sideline of Edinger Avenue as shown on said map. PARCEL 2. All of San Clemente and Mandalay Circles as shown on Tract Map No. 6808 filed in Book 29S, pages 39-42 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, and a portion of Santa Barbara Lane as shown on said Tract Map No. 6808 lying westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the northerly corner of Lot 11 of said tract thence northeasterly along the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 11 to a point of intersection with the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of Saybrook Lane as shown on said tract , 1 . 4-- 3y t14U thence northerly along said line of prolongation to a point of intersection with the northerly line of said Tract No. 6808. The city reserves and excepts from the proposed vacation a permanent easement and the right at any time, or from time to time , to construct , maintain, operate , replace, remove , and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across the streets proposed to be vacated and , pursuant to any existing franchises or renewals thereof , or otherwise , to construct , maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew, and enlarge lines of pipe, conduits , cables , wires , poles , and other convenient structures , equipment, and fixtures for the operation of gas pipelines , telegraphic and telephone lines , railroad lines , and for the transportation or distribution of electric energy , petroleum and its products , ammonia , and water , and for incidental purposes , including access to protect such works from all hazards in, upon, and over the streets proposed to be vacated. The city also reserves and excepts from the proposed vacation any easement and right necessary to maintain, operate , replace, remove or renew public utility facilities . 3. The City Clerk is directed to maintain on file in the office of the City Clerk maps or plans showing the particulars of the proposed vacation of public street easements on a portion of Santa Barbara Lane, and on all of San Clemente and Mandalay Circles , and reference is hereby made to said maps or plans for said particulars as to said proposed vacation. 4. The City Council does hereby fix September 4, 1984 at the hour of 7 :30 p.m. , or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard in Council Chambers in the Civic Center , as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation, which time is not less than fifteen (15) days from the passage of this resolution. 2. 64-397140 S. The City Clerk is directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be published in a weekly newspaper, published and circulated in Huntington Beach for at least two successive weeks prior to the time set herein for the public hearing. 6. The Director of Public Works is directed to post , or cause to be posted , notices of vacation conspicuously along that portion of Santa Barbara Lane , and along San Clemente and Mandalay Circles proposed to be vacated at least two weeks before the date of the hearing. The notices shall be posted not more than 300 feet apart , but at least three notices shall be posted. The notices shall state the day, hour, and place of hearing and shall refer to the adoption of this resolution of intention, and shall describe those portions of Santa Barbara Lane, San Clemente and Mandalay Circles proposed to be vacated, or shall include a map or plan showing the location of the proposed vacation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof Id on the �4_h day of August 984• 2 r ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: C—A LPgL&0)-' City Clerk P�'o/p/C'I—ty Attorney REVIEWED ND APP OV TIATED AND APPROV D: 4j 1 y ministra or Public Works 3. /�i !�1 `�I- �h •I- - �r fill$ Ir r�■ rr�- IM •►�►;sir ��� ;'► r WAS 4P' i��I�lr i��ir �� �11►1 r1 s� ♦e- �► • ��� � jilt►� •s •►. • _ — 111111111 1///. ■///////////. Z no MM ■-111111111 f11�11111 � � - " � �� �_ =� �= �� �///��� 111111l111 flflllilll � '� : �� =C :'�•� ' ��// #� �' �1�1 �IIC 1111111111 am •• �� •I///// !/� IIIIIf 111 f 111ilil�fll � : �///////i/ . illlllllii IIIIIII111 ; ' -� i/i/ Ililllll 1 flllllllll _-='�`� �11111 � : �SE 1 ��®1// / i�ii. i Zii ii ii ■ I A . . 64-397140 Res. No. 5435 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) I, ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, the duly elected, qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is Iseven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 20th day of _August 19L4_, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Pat _inSnn, MacAllictpr. Finley.Bailey Mandir_ NOES: Councilmen: Nnnp ABSENT: Councilmen: Kelly ABSTAIN: Thomas City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California The foregoing instrument is a correct copy of the original on file in this office. Attest -r— 19" AUCIA M. WENTWoR1b City Clerk and Ex-off icio Clerk of the City Council of the Clty of Huntington Beach, Cal. gy�'� Deputy