HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 2016-27 RESOLUTION NO 2016-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SUPPORTING PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL IMPROVEMENTS AS MODIFIED AND APPROXIMATE 150-FOOT-HIGH STRUCTURES RELATED TO THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ENERGY PROJECT WHEREAS, AES Southland Development, LLC (AES) submitted an Application for Certification (AFC) to the Callfoinia Eneigy Commission (CEC) on June 27, 2012 fol new construction of the Huntington Beach Eneigy Project (HBEP) The City Council pieviOLISly adopted Resolution No 2014-18, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Supporting Pioposed Architectuial Improvements as Modified and Appioxinlate 125- Foot- High Structures Related to the Reconstiuction of the Huntington Beach Eneigy Piolect." On Septembet 9, 2015, ALS submitted a petition to amend the H131JP I'ioject to the CEC The Amended piolect will replace the existing AES Huntington Beath Geneiatmg Station (HBGS) with a natural gas-cited, combined Cycle and supple-cycle, au-cooled, 844- megawatt electrical genciating facility AI S' Amended piolect consists of demolishing the existing 200-toot-high stlucthries and ieplacrng the stILKAulCS with two powci blocks, each with tlni ee heal steam I ecovei)' genei ators with a pi oposed height of 95 and 40 feet, and each has one an cool condensci with a proposed height of 110 and 24 feet, as well as two slacks each at heights of 150 feet and 80 feel, iespectively I"he CEC has permitting autlnolity lm the Amended 1-113E1' and has iCCluesled the City to identify how the ptojec(complies with Local Oidi nances and Regulations (LORE) On February 29, 2016 AES submitted a leper and application foi design I evlew to the City of Huntington Beach iequestmg the City make findings in support of a height variance although the City llaS I10 ILIIISCIICt1011 OW1 the Issue If the C i(} had lulM11 lion over this piolect, a ptoposal to exceed the City's nlaxu11un1 height limits would be sublCc.t to approval of a vauance by (he Planning Commission and would have to comply with the General Plan and zoning code policies to enhance public visual IeSOUICes By this iesolulion, the City Council rs making hypothetical findings for a vauance as requested In addition, City Council iecomniends CEC mcolporate the alchiteclinal treatments with nnodifications as set forth below into then final ptolcctappiovals NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of tine City of Huntington Beach does heieby resolve as follows SECTION 1. The existing HBGS is located on piopeity within time I'S (Public Senmr- public) 701111lg dIstilet which allows inaloi and minor utilities I he exlstrng stiuetures are appioxinlately 214 feet high and have been opeiatnlg on the subject site sin(,e the 1950s Tile proposed piolect will eliminate the less efficient existing lacility and neplace it with a inodein stale of the aft combined cycle electrical generation facility The height of I6-5228/135252 1 RESOLUTION NO 2016-27 the Aniendcd I-IBLP's stacks (approximately 150 and SO feet high) ale a result of the englneeling and design reLjunements to sleet the an quality pclmlttnlg tcqu11011Cnts of the South Coast An Quality Management Disnict (AQMD) The CEC's Pichnimaiy Staff' Assessment for I-IBEP C011CIudes that no feasible design alternatives will eliminate the need for stacks in excess of the Clty's height limitations 'HICICfolC. WlthoLlt the stacks at proposed height. the properly cannot continue to operate as an electiical geneiating facility SECTION 2. Because of special C,n(A1I11Stanc,CS applicable to the SUbjec,t property, nlCILldnlg sve, location 01 sulloundings, the StilLt application of the /oning oidmanLe may depiive the Subject piopeity of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the Vicinity and 1-IIidC1 identical zone CIassilication The Site IS Unique in that an clectmal geneiating sta(Ion has been operating at (he Site since the 1950s and I( IS already Serviced by a high pieSSUie I18tLIlal gas pipeline to faulltate electiical generation and an electiical tiansfel Station to liansfei the genela(ed power Into the overall electrical gild The piesencc Of these inlia4l1UC(LIIe components ale Unique to a pobvel plant and demonstrate the special CIICLII11Sta11CCS applicable to the location and the SLIbjCCI plopelty Additionally, the iegLIIICIllCllt to eliminate ocean watet f01 once- (brOligh Cooling Lonibined With the Site's lack of access to a feasible watet Supply for Wet-Cooling, ucates a u111gLIC CIICU111sta1nce icgLllling dry cooling to accommodate elec,tilc,al elleigy generation hLirthetllmoie, art gUahty WgUlatOly iegUIWIllents that apply ClUe to the Site location leglllte the Use of stacks that exceed the IllaXIIilL1111 height hinit The snict application of the zoning oidlllance WOUld depllvc 1-IBl P of the existing ptivileges enjoyed by the 19509 eia 1-I13GS. Which opelateS under the same zoning classification Additionally, thete ate othei existing appiuximately 70-foot- high electiical towei strLiCiures that have been appioved and c.onShuLted exceeding maximl1111 height limitations in Low Density Residential zones, Residential Agmt.l ule zones, and Public Semi-Public zones [lie strict application of the zoning oidinance Would deprive I-IBFP of the existing piivileges enjoyed by the Cultenl power geneiating station and other existing electiical towel SttUCtUreS opciating U11dCl the same and othCt zoning classifications SECTION 3. lxceeding maxlmuni height limitations May be neCessaly to pieselve the enjoyment of one of 111oie SubSlantial plOpCltj' IlghlS bCLause the PLINIC SCmI-PLIMIC tolling (Jasslfication allows illajoi and mill01 Utilities and the height vaimme WOLIId be necessmy (o allow AES to demolish and leConstruct a illoie ellicient. lowei piofile clec,tilcal power geneiating station Exceeding the maximum 50-foot height limit for the proposed appioxiniately 150- and 80-fool-high electiical geneiating plant along With appioximately 120-foot-high aiChlteCtuial screening will not Lonstilute a giant of special piivilege inconsistent With limitations Upon other piopeitics in the vicinity and under an Identical zone Llassification Thew aic other existing appioximalely 70-foot-high elecoical lowei StluCtules (hat have been appioved and COI1SULIOCCI excecding maximum height limitations in Low Density RCSIdential zones. Reglden(ial Agl I AlItllle zones, and PLIbliC Semi-PLlblic zones I he Stl ICt application of the zoning oidinance Would deprive I-IBEP of the existing pilvlleges enjoyed by the Cuuent powC1 geneiating station and othei existing electiical towel stIlIdUies opelatlllg under the same and other zoning classifications 16-5228/135252 2 RESOLUTION NO 2016-27 SECTION 4. F'xceccling IllaX1111U111 height limitations will not be matC1 ially dcllinlental to the public wellbue of mlullouS to property in the same zone classilication and will not adversely affect the General Plan The overall site has favorable geology and soils suitable Col the power plant development No new oflsite development would be needed loi HBE'P, Sueh as upgiades of additions to the existing cicctiic tiansmission system or natural gas pipeline system The Public land use designation is consistent with powel plant development Construction of Amended HBEP may result In the ieduclioil of ccitain envnonmental Impacts as compared to the existing H13GS CollSULICtIO11 ol' the Amended 14131--,1' also includes aichltcetutal enhancements, to soften the View Ol the new StIIICtl11Cs, using a marine implied wreen wall design treatment in varying shades of blue The aichlteCtuial iniplovernents seive to pi esei ve and enhance public visual t eSolli ces as i equn ed In the Coastal Lone over lay Although the pioposed Sttuctuies do not comply with maximum height limitations,the poitions that exceed the maximum 50-1oot height limit aic a small peicentage of the overall improvements on the 28 6-acre site I herelole, exceeding maxinlunl height limitations loi 1-113E1' and associated aic,lulectural nnpiovements will not be materially detinnerltal to the public welfare or itllulious to piopeity in the same zoning classification and is consistent with the GGncial flan SECTION 5. The City of 141,111tington Beach City Council recommends that CLC's final action incorporate an architectural plan based on the visual SIIlllilatioirs and alchllectulal enhancements as clepicted in the 1'ebtuaiy 29. 2016 lettei and attachments from AI-;S Southland, with the following modilications 1 No signs of othei identifying leallues be painted or attached to the stacks, ai I cooled condensei s. or heat I ecovei y steam gener aloi s, 2 The final aichitectuial plan and color scheme sliall be Subject to review and appioval by the Community Development Depai tment PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a iegulai meeting thereof held oil the 2 n d day of Mao , 2016 M of REV1E D APPROVED APPROVED O FORM I ql �4e City WnJVej Ci Attoi ney NITIATE AND PPROVED Dit ectol o Comt a ity Deve opment 16-5228/135252 3 Res. No. 2016-27 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) I, JOAN L FLYNN the duly elected, qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven, that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of all the members of said City Council at a Regular meeting thereof held on May 2, 2016 by the following vote AYES: Posey, O'Connell, Sullivan, Katapodis, Hardy, Delgleize, Peterson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None City CUrk and ex-offic Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California