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Alta Associates - 1980-06-02 (6)
P c g AGREEMENT TG PERrORM A FEASIOILITY STUDY TO AUTOMAU MAINTE''NANCE MANAGEMENT � •''> ; T THE CORPWATION YARD i� THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into )�>Y and between the " CITY OF HUNTINGTON B -ACH, a municipal corporation of the State rf California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and ALTA ?. ASSOCIATED, a Nt_r, ada corporation, doing business in tile, St �te t of Cal.;".fora a, hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR", RECITALS A. WHER&AS the CITY desires to have the program.. fanct ons a of six Aajor field maintenance divisions of the Public Works Deoar tent reviewed for the advisability of establishing auto- mated systams of maintenance management krograms and B. CONTRACTOR, for nd �n cc�z�sxderat� on of the covenants, conditions, ,agreements, and stipulations contained srerein does her+abv 'agree to oerfo m, the reviews and. analysis, and to submit recomunendatioa,. and specification$ as hereinafter stated., NOW, THP14ZEOR,E, the paroles hereto do covenant and agree as follows 1. Services. CONTRACTOR shall oer'form a City 'Yazd automatlo.a feasi- hi lit study as Sty pt fated �n c c3tt.TRatCTC �" S s�xoposal dated March - 12, 1900 and CITY' S rpaq,,sest for proposal. dated ,Ianuary 4, 1900, and CITY' S purchase order No. 28271 dast}egdtKarch 27, y1990, }conies of Sri t��.�h. CarO attached hereto, mi'�r Y.ed. Exhibits "Aal o if i7� L�Lnd "l"...FF t . respectively, wid incor-96rated herein by this reference as though, 1 tuljy sat forth. In consideration of the po.rformance by CONTI`.ACTOR in a satisfactory mAnnear of the. services :herein describer, CITY agrees fica.. pay N'�Ftr CTOR, progresspaymentsq basgd.. upon.. percentage of cdr�:=racy: work compl±"etea r s s. °�►� r , The above paymentsfi7r satisfactory performance includes all expenses incurred by CONTRACTOR. 3. Cost imitatior- €: Total expenditures made under this r-ontzact: 4:1-al . not n exceed the sun, o $15,000, 0. 4i b ;.:. � y cont //��}.tt �aam�.. � •zS cdn traM!iin ♦ Y ��`. CONTRACTOR RALiLiF} Sha.i..Y not be Y.'A...+. FniJ,. [..LLd 4.o subcontract any AijF�jrf+��q.; porno;, of this contract without the orior express written con�;enr of CITY, i ee t S 5, Tem of Areement • � CONTA.CTOA snail complete this project. within 180 rays F F-'. from the effective date of: this Agreement. The effective date of teas Agreement Shall be the day ,iext fob low—i nq that date oft which all - arties hereto ha.vii executed this 'Re rt s . CONTRACTOR Shall furnish monthly interim reports as to c the progress t..E the .study or upon demand by CITY or the Department of Public Works. > A final report in draft form shall LP provided to CIT)� and the Department of Public Works thirty days prior to w.. cottcact term4-a.t,ion or completion for review, ner,lihin of Data. all data, maps, photo rayl'As and oth r material collected: or priopa.zad under this A ri!F ement, shall become the property or C:: TY ar ,A the De, art:m-,-�ttt of s iablic Vtork s a of y ,y e(.y ..i.. This contract may be terminated at ar-y time for breach { ; thereof and CIT14 may t6rminate unilaterally, and wit (Alt taus upar thirty (101 'day i prior ierrxt.ton Aoticr. to, CM CTOS= r All work-Xo;med pursuant, tt7 the t-ozitraart and prior to tlxxs; date of to a t t ore :may beyy-claimed for rain,burrement. C:OX�I SC eojt� shall not a,ssigA rans er any interest in t. t ags ktontrac't: with t the vrjot written consent of CITV,' n ,4 10, Modification. and Amendments. It is zutuall.y understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the berms of this contract, or anv subcontract .. egUi.r ng the prior appro al of CITY axed 'ne Department of public �.. Works., shall, be valid sinless made in writing, signed by the parties Lereto, and approved :ay all necessary parties,. 11:. Equal, oapor!°vtit Assurance � During the ;iorforviance of 'this contract, CONTRACTOR r agrees as foi.losrs ; , r y A. CONTRACTOR will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for ezaploymex.t because: of rare, sex., creed, color or � nat!oraal +origi . COI',,"RACTOR will take affirmative actioi to ensure t eat a'o l : azzta are emoloyed, and tzar' employees are treated dur.:ng azz3 ri svment without regard, to their racy, sex, creed, color or national. origin. Such action zhal.l !'nal:ude, .but not be limited to the foll.owi n z _ employment, upgra4,tng r demotion or transfer, rc orultsrer-t or recru tment advertising; layoff Fs or bovmirzat.lon rates of Pal' or Pther forms of �olrpe ration- select , for traarain5, including, CO;��'RACTQR agrees to post xn conspicuo'As places, vaxlablc to employaos and applicants for employment, notices sev.Ung forth the provisions of this ncn-discrimination S, CWTIPACTCR Will, in .411 eoliczt4tions' or advrwctisements rPr employees pLacied by or on beh:al.f of CONTRACTOR, State that all goallfied arpli.cants gill; r€_r*;4ve coknssderat-ioa for 00V101VM4_1 zt without xegAV'd to rao_-r sax, creex°, ,_cols-r or Aa.tiori l origin. C. COMIRACTOR will ser;d to each ;Labor ulR oa or re�resenta- ti of workt�rs withwhichhe het �% collective bargaining rgreement cogy tr4ot or�,(r� xuod&r_4ytya+yrzrh�k{.ij':'n}q asel�vis.}xz�zg la+�.b�a Union ythe j,^ 1a� }n�ot,{iced�� y�/tr��ry yo}�ry +Ri rl-,e lb,, yr„�.p.+1s4z3�.{�tiiiaive o�y. �i1�dh�f+L4T"�ki�TORI$ comi.�^�,}G,iits under thhia non- z//�yy,i}n.cr,iointoff[[t++� *I, a/lxtisz�i:♦�'✓��Ka.�zd thall 000Yrtst�/�ycr���y1��.ziiet of^�(t5h(,,nycytice in 'V+!!Lyy++:l3}yspi?4 Fh*?'WY+rS N,Y'tx�MyS.1M l,� frY '�wa4aMVV1:,(.�.? +1kit....Yi1^�N'L'�Ei .w4i,L yy�yyl1pp t. �L «li + D. CONTRACTOR Will per_c�tit access to his .hooks, records and accounts by the CITY -fox nt�rreses a� investigation to ascertain. compliance ldr th this . o -d %scrimiliation clause. L y In the ,tveat of CC3NTR;� CTOR 15 noncompliance with the . � Ilk nondiso'J.m-.nation, clauses of this contract, this i'oritract may be ��' canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part � r 12. Hold Harmless. �. Neither CTTX .nor apy r-,f it's officers, agents or enpl� xyees � shall assume any liability by reaso;� of anything doxie or omitted to be done by C01vTRACTOR or any of CONTRACTOR'S officers:, aqeats and ems, joyees under or in connection wiyri any acts Performed, pur- �Y S;UAnt, to this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall fully indemnify and � �'• sage and hold ha less tho CITY, its of f a sera r ageits and employee from any :and all liability, losses aad casts imposed for i.n,u y occurring by reason of anything; done or omitted to use doto by CONTPUICTOR, and 0NT C'r0R aq ees to enter anddefend any suit. or action, brougc `^ or arising out of this Agreement against CITY4 ,its of ficfiro, or employees. tyaygenta The notices provided for in this Agreement to he given by oithor party hazeto to the other shall be deemed to have been xj vvon when tide in writing and deposited in the Ur irc4 Statos m4 l, registered and postage pa tid, addressod as follows: ro CZTyZ City Clerk Ci.fjt{y,/g� +�tHun'tvyyi}�yyagtot Beach Run tx gton Beach, Ck S 648 To ONTM R: Alta A soci4tes 1513 P-on erosa, Street l-ull,ert0q CA 52631 i r" 4.. �b�"ilW6tiGw dAi,...'v..m ,J.x. .. r.,eu.iRSadYk'A'14� �kiLid4i".tx•,.. . ... .._ ._ ., uv.......w:rFAeF.�� •a•_ ^.ltXvYMw_..___. _ ui'Fl :..e..a..a._ t ST14 4;c:P-. #r" Local Goverm exit A,ancies are 3ncreas;cn;ly bain,, asked for better ,l z heals of ser •price to the public v ille at the same tuns facing increasi4-,g 1 drgetary c+stmstraints iron p'uibl.ic 'Meeting these connictbig requiremer=ts ;A requiring Departrients to careAO Valyze their operat;5kons Aencies and/or a,r, pas in Which neer tbchnoloa or re. atin� ecoro tics of scale care Le 'v utilized. information and data processing syst:s sbotad t ius be earefully analyzed and ujdated »' provide tho type and gitantity of c age necessitated by Departmen» -nan -UMeat to optimize o:era lolls. These -systems tirust collect this data as a 'by-product of nornol oparataoras and not vela nm (Uttles rind !-tcxGics.'sb--J c*7s"t- to Depart:. -antes. Fyn R.ng :,he past s anal. ,etas, most ;,Utlo la'ted sy, trrr, ha"Fe �ax1 cri to utI ze aiAllabla tecl ttoI,GtV, At tho 5nrm +`'.ltno thoy have rSrov�n rartidlY in .e and a r.wz faci , rcm r quiraitants 'ter a:�allm . ity acces;�. ,�raa tt�trtts io i os ton tuchnoloz�(e ix3CbI4. ,n, cotPutoriuJa data systers, --ffer tre eru3ous, potential for new 1wrels off" ekw'actor a~ti real dollar sax n . Forr��*or, the,s ;genora, y' r) r*esezr,+: a s ;rt i' rrt riiti. start-up co,nt arch in an .,caacs thW k"t st bo c^. aflally diva-luat to ins`uy-e C;a�mi,4't co:tpg , .t-.-Lbl .7.ty ult'h O'":ivtl Yi- I)apa'rt�rF1tntai a y}S t czs., Syat -s vih c<hi are i4 iir 'fonttKI o:kn r 'i"i ; art rr cr znal 1" ( of total, systomr, fall-Airos are more numovous t�uri t y big i #5" 'Ili r*.ztry cases 'Dope .*tIment s ert >a4hi c-'ro signijC" ioarrt sav, ,, thxo-4Gh stral- 13-nln, and tt t Y33 31E `k" CI.Fr� n promi,tros . . -aTt"I it4"041t fish "t ld io 0.. rr,'a�tivelY ��li��"t �+��47 ���.ti �i6ik 3.pv;.,�`to�.t runas. J'St�Kii�1'ii'P45`C9'14'J.ISH�d". i i�°� .s .._.'^, ,_•... vim... .. �,_.. hx..4Herncta.Rt`tu �*'h�4#u""zi'�Sc1FShi[d4L7:y'w.rw...__. . 8. , d. iuu.. Y ry1 ♦n [ y� M ,IRA 33,0 1A-031 feels t7hat ivxriia-anext Ahforpz:tLion and data processing s s;s s rrtst of carofully e 'r uatw .f0- each appl-.o�,'tlon and Lailoreci � t to hf- vni.gxao probf.ns asses rr uiremo ats of ©acb user. Stardlr"ized ' systcns an-, "off-Unc.-shelf" solutions 'may be a mood init'xal I-avestrnent q� but in prac:ce they nave pro ids a total solution. Irr ar R cases dealsio:ns rzast, be Dasod an sound financial data: anal statis"L cs. CCC w i�r. effer..YixelJ tiri'c'o_4 �15� this �,Qa?.., l�i�i �'si5�ky��� i a proposes h f o3 a. approach.` ' sr z v y of all rows S tco and r rr ; . rgn't Information y v� �S �-s'�s 'Fi'�.tt in �'he a'�i•1t'4"�iC�.patiiig Ur. This Ti1^�S aU[nity will identify y waei infomat�on: as thn a+a.rrca, usoiu: r ss, and co.v oa- a,1ity t, f` da.lk-'a ejp-r,snts. Special otty .:ion ;;- 1'- be givers oa i ant- ifyik'k� inforr.tL�uAon functions iY�13��Y t"k�j� �`L+ ��) r1"k+�,d%" �w.'� � CCiePatoY, cOn5olidatod. . An analy:�1S and srzrvey off the eydst,in" con utor confer. ?x:t ary auxsl,lary data ICand'iin- facili"'A bs in tho parti.cipa.Ung Dtzpartr.oaty. This Val f'o+JS on its potQnti:axl ar.d ctpaoi'.F for h-anraiag existing .or pro Seotod inror^:at on roquircrinentS . j. tuzf;�xta analysiz v4ll +.a porf"ozrrod to identify -�o',rral costs ,xor spoci.fac ro+^.vx s and inf'crrW� :mans .�Jsteno, unctions. This sal �oV rrP ixxF'� :mea, ro at; ter va e a 'r.ory .ees for oach dollar as well as s vib iiis tno O s�xt,.OnS it' Vaieft Mod' rica,hi0n. can. result in the greatest savings. ' 4. kn in-igfir,t opo'.ra W.%r+�i.n•sanklysis 1 be z {ii:.t7.:. tvaro inrl"�y.^rzsa ,� on :',���,ist S 'Rhich, .are rnog�x�ir.e.d tKT p:irr�t�,ylcinating Tf.7i'iT�Qsbn r'Feet. v?+/.�.,s t,�.;rr +' as`,i';�o, ecto'iar.oads.l -. A.osul't np, rojiri.rf -meats will be conparod to other .arOncies and )utti-onol stead -girds for vorifit#,tion of vaaidity a�d acaurr;'cyc Tbo analysis will :foaus on econonic.7-or- ,c to that can be wchiwod t#xrssu ix a ssrl-14ati=5 or coo putorivxtiorr of se�.o rtod 1� r $ Com5lrloring all a��ove data and facil tics, an extensive cost/bener t. c` f ,{'` a2tcLl psis wX3. be perx:orme 'to T aka specific. roc,3.'rmend&tl_ons for � n fixture coursos of action, T'p so recormtimdations will be supported by all applicaolo tdclinicml data and .n] shoq projected implementation costs as well as projected savings. Ar..V �.mpa.et � v,,:,on operations w,.1.1 also be carefully detailod. A:Ll anal, sl s and recor.izendations will be shourn in the pablished final report. l av i Y 4 S l 4 { t it f* i 4 ROT L. ; ,au; z. i r. Rogers has a Nachdlors Dee ree in Electrjoal Ew,, neorin M:r. Ro,,lers `. ta8 o*o t�rar4 1 years otpsr sacs err the car ,aster systems rind data CGr.rri,22ij,Cc' tiorls S?nvirolvient. He has been E,"npioy 3r"ith several prof,-r ssiva ca p nags incltading; 11,itkon Cita 53ystems, tD ,L`. .L rgalpmont Corporation, ar�:m ;eta Machtnes, Hmdett:-r a tiara, 2nd Fustom Data GO.-L-.InIcattar#S� In p gar. Rogers bkt-_k#,arourzd ;,riti those r4J'tt`§ n!Os includm;; dosign, protjeot management, contract adnzrrzsttatiiorz, .xar � gf aids sacs X'S+' � 1.r. 'Ro&ors xras cmpl.oy�c% by Xus:ox; Data Comn.unicatxrans, Ir.ct where he holdthe "wdtim�-o2 rQst/1iyi,-Zomi4«ir.ago: r Du Zinta this par,pi, 110 "6r3tr Ot AiC "Gl k #rii.EtZ r51$t:9 iSL'�' G`il J't'S .F 1_a ar4 Kobile Dlglt%Y _l ':'amjrm2 an lica-tions to public safoty a onc��as In 197 , Mr. Rogers Porma ::Ca : �. ���W�kr` <� pr�R atra con^ul,tinr' vl�l d u stoms �i�irn A icated 4G apz,'�catjon j.n publ. o safety Inj state And �,O�tct ,government, law 9r. 1crt.cins3W holds a Bachdior; do ree in Physics a,ni an 1?A, His Pr_oorience includes more than -ten yva.rs systems, pr>agrvgmjnO', and in compaiiies s zudh a., IM!, 3anarai T alephorro, Kustom Data Commta tications, ards rt ott� cka 1. ': Writ-% Xour years ;vt GTF Data Sam riccas, lnrz., A'x. Gortalr.sky held ;;a,t ioms Jnc' udin4 Systems Supervisor responsible for ar,plerlt4 np, :. a -aa1. iiloriwii.do t eleco xrj x nioat:ioiis systan,, car4 var loxAS wry' mff RoSiti=s Rai 2% rasnohsible for selvatint, equi—t, ent. to, be lzst ,I In tr `s 5 s ^ nab. o;t s d netwmrk of dxt cont,ers. He was al: o iri o3tablishing a long term, cor poreta blant in— dopartrr«n., 'While at r. ,, . y; y a, r .wit GTE he -authored a. t�u3.1i _tech,.. oQducx°t�lo xourso oxr Data Co. anicat-ions ;73' :Ierst+arn. Rogional Sgctrims Nawwe: an -I waa ; re.vt i e roe all systot . appa.lcatlons in tho O.oven Western rtatez for astwi. Thnse L #S izaCl xdtrw syz;tf.m �"�n�.lyy-is, propos, 01. eMtion, i5Yt8,*{,a3�� 's;QS� � Y: GrZ 3Y2i Qx3."7 r' Y ? 2Ern . 1r . iaQ xltuci{'iz-f Tt in s+ti-O,'fiOrtA+msl in 'Cn'e .;.,wxi&'LYW.i�'r'�'�Ym'."wn"m`LY,'�L�idi�datwitwYil,9v.. W _ .. .. e.. au;:rHdfliYtW�`� 'B�iyLse .u`B aa'�!'.awRm,,..Bsa41M21 � .iriaYh. f: f COSTS SYS L.X Zllo:C rF+w'.. CLFUGAL C- . Costs � , ,. • a ' .} �+� ��i�. t,t ��^ fir"}` a • ��1.+La .G'ui� JL"1t Jttr �J3.� n bt Ilito+F M�i';.5 "M +h H! Lty - c. Fo-vrivw ?44 and, ktsa yze Pr,Ij w�r+yy Pram 2 �e � ¢yaura fXr��t �y'�w �y s 5 hrs f sDi isiyon y ; s r i o s 20200, • iIYAC%�n' �illo1 +�j�i�ryFyy,f�, .A Sryx+��M, }.yiy, Y,Q�.,�r4y+yriyv y�.,, �•. Y0�+4YT.} Yell'. ;Rca fiy%a.GFY�M�w�iM1F �?KM 1760. .%.wlL1 li'« Projected yey.asts� yy ,yy a -Tot Orvif—�1' YP'.�ii,,.�}J:#i.:x,11 v�%.�i",t4�'�'".s arr 60 ��U�;, 2 2/54�0: 4"!Ri'y r"r' `e oaja ct ,Si 60 . 10 XQn".�aXi fS:J�i>• '�}�,t y�✓` }}. 0 Roda" V•R.1�1g4 '4�^�r.7 tv'.'T'o4in SE."4.R yfae Pro—:. bid30 V�♦, SXSTt�4 TOTAL !y"' � Kw • 4 �/it'aY.. I-4-n EXHIBIT t ex CITY YARD AUTC1PM?'ION �. Q�li fi FOR QUOTATION Background , The iiuntingtcn Beach Public Works Department has sic mayor field maintenance diev'sions that perform approx1r.itely forty distinct maltttenonce program fuznctions, and for several years the Department has been. desirous of establishing ttainteo-- ance vanagement programs which are tGasidered to be effective in the areas of perpctuol work Inventory, capitalequipment and public structure inventories, f ': scheduled and ntnschedule4 maintenance programing, project root records, and $ y;y,r'. other pertinent: data that: fx'equeatly Senerates excessive manual record re- seartit to prepare reports, budgers, and historical information. } Objective, To Complete n prolimi.nary systems feasibility study to; , Reviev the ,itt~ached listing of Projected Public forks 'Kaiatenanco ,. nagement T=rograos, analyze each for the feasibility and advisability of establishing aueomAted systems, and accomplish the follwing field studies. a, Pevivw, existing.maiarorwn'.ce mioa�,emet.t File and at«cutwlated data, toacquire an understanding of d:t.sires of the various division$ of Ptablic Wbrkrt� b. Meet vith various divisional engineers and supr rv"ors to explain scope of tih"i- study, to review hand prt;:parP4 trttcor4s as they no%+ exist, and co obtain an onderst annd:ing of the various Work inventories involved tw. Reviev� all projected orograos, axe general, to asaertai:t piobable capacity requirement I.-. apt autontaced systeme Wfic4ent revIew ahail be vt,4a in order to provide a retommeodation for total capacity taize and _type of au'tomativa oNui.pmeo,,, even though so.tka programs will be 1irov3hc ou IiAo in future years. , d. zacantrate 401lysis efforts 04 :Erie Yrarehoule and meebanical cia.i,n- t;eaii;3nlce programs, With general. aoalysi.s pro-jcolons for Ilia bxii:i pce t of the programs. at Recognize thlt;, for ti:onomical re4sous,, the City is inter"estred In r tlt feasi y° of obtaining exjt;tiAg software pto-.rats vbich aray he utilized as is or tailored for steeds with less cost than an tnrlul;t it iorware preparation. f�. -Reroguize that the fritwy is 'dosi.rous of software programs which, tivoq though,no.t idoo ical, y he compared to caber programs ost4b!ishedna Itanwidt, oudh as those nkow4l;dged by APWA, PTI, AX Ax .(kad/err the Ott bnal S i r4oe Fou tdat3nsrts i i 5 ., .: - ✓.c fit. 2. Recommend potential automated applications, after proper analysis, and suggest ti,orities of implementation. « &Sake a policy vecommendation, with proper supporting documentation, to suggest one of the following approaches to implementation of the automated application candidates; a. Pere certralizied development and opezation on the City's maisr-frame �e r4 computer'• b. Decentralized operation, on a turn-leey system, on a single Ceritral Ycocessizig unit (CPU) for a1l xecomnaercded autQrazated application C. P cantralized 'kndiv'idual, turn" %ey systems for each recommended autonation application sub-sysrem, and if this avenue is chosen, embellish vi.th further recommendations on the concept of "`shared peripherals.t: d. Combinacioas of the above, 4, Based on the specific rec*r=endati,ons for the :above, present a detailed }' analysis of the appropriate pra;ected cost for a« rdwaare; (if required) -,Central Processing Unit (CPU) -Per"i,pheral$ -Supplemental air condi,tioatng, if required -Types end sizes (capacity) of equipment b. Sof tva` e: -Application programs -Operating system (Or--SYS) Yo ras aiog lnoguagets c. Operational oa-goi,n costs -So f tua re o{ r a� �kSardfx�r�e -Personnel --supplies S. l �rf'}orm a study and provide 11sty ofy kI9VestO_d POVentia l,} vendOt's, (if t yta t'Lpplica )m), accowpanled witfs--, a detailed �srsa�.ysis oti t'�'a�ie-okS:i y��uckt �..�ay -,si. �3a.tdwra,�e �t�aisgths taI ,«�1t",Ag..tbs 33 �Vi.abi.l,ity-maiy rI 11 eenn {�yjYY W4� py' .✓r.�a i R �I Jn �[' /y }^ j.c� Y 1�-°� i'i�`ort '4 �iKiM ii*t11h Rw �uT'. w�o �e� are) ura rc , .4..x .a x d< taocuatertotioat e.. Reputation/$tobil.it 6. Provide from uhich bardware Pratt sottvare may be bid, r. 11 Procedure; The MOAi:s dWilable to fUnLl thin study are fixed at 05,000; the City wishOr, to maxiri.xe its" product by not necessar$ly seleating the lowQst bidder but rather by selezting a ,rendor with the v,ost appar4ASt ,ability and expertise in this subjvAct vhq coo su'batantiate qualitications, ettx, to a screening co=ittee. Upwa being requestoJ tr, artend a v"dor sereening hearing, the vendor should be prepared to offer th:e ollowing i . A professional reference, of fir -a previouuly contracts-d tAth vb.&ch hope- � fully paxm lel on application of the type cont.erned strove. p,lozst y ,prov[l40 the ctrmparty$s t, Concoct individual d. Less than one page desct.:iptlwn of tba application imol:ved t A standard detailed description of the �rrs�f�!ssional bac r�aaudk ac compiish xacots and, expertise of atl.l individuals projected to bo IAvolve4 in "tbi.s study. A suvtary of then methodology rite vendor platy to use to s��ve as a prt3! Unary Schedule, associated "'tith the npPrQXIt to zonjhour p:rbject1on per sub -task. Vldast tu�ztji o, letter -of -interest so rperoening beorirs s cart be sckeduled. 1, : ;t rs� f- nterrst taaxs; bra sub ; tted t* the pumbaslug Officer b} 500 p.14� nb Vriday 0etrrttaty. $ .190 J , 3 llka .a w:M, z, .�s j; 1'�3«7'F 7,i'�.i'%1�;��'Ay�ryr(��xy.{{"%k k�tlE�S•i.�i�%c'. iY t, Xk 1. Warehouse a. veAdor and last cost data Al roorder Control e. Surplus 2a kcac�hanical 14ai rt.anance (u 30 vehicles) �y�,y�, yy{, Y��jy/ (+�+� }* �a yLr.��y w ��yy.+My�}5 yM yy y!�.}a+*ry5 yy�a �,,syq'y�.. A i14r4n�in`aI. S7fr4:41'r�s+l,/xy aan4 irty rl 4R•V'fi+ ..: '. b. Individual and group mainte'nonca reto-ds Building kl� history arid, inventcry bt Component ventroty, vetdor, la at aostt., Afld guar ntoi! data., x�t chad Otility management t�Y ree t�r wxof #�rx�es c�ar,����r3�r� . Cqn$;rjact"or# t cte, % fiw",prii+dg last ccst«s it.`'{•* .,i//rrrjM £"rr �5..ae9+nteyyhyy�M9,nz!oyy.y; gqp5...4i}+yy ''{G YkyY /� ;O ectio-Os and wnosus w .'%itarv$O`r an torm Orai ma 60 €til sta:bw. t- g4}oritory 5 ,f xr.k� 3yy�s��'gFaYy xx}}�PzOSt. ;y�=r venplo *14,�t �ir ntotG4�%ayyL l k ' t L c. Scheduled May in t�az�ance ,�: • tin. -Scheduled heduled. t43'intQ.r1>r"t,ice, e. Rep) acement analysis urcgra f. Utility managament �• .. Ralritenanca Admini ,.ration Wa- pexsonflel Records ALN; Sez�r ce Requests, and comr taints by location and category ' C. Contractural. SarviceS ` d., Sod et data e. Utility management , 4 V.1ork Orders x c'..-Agreemen ts a 4 Reports and Dire,-4t'ives a,l ventOty r AdtiVity 5umaari05 ftr all divisions ". ta;pital. Outlay . fir a.11 divisions' 7, Othor P rog rams Notefi The below,' rograms may be input frc,-' 10Catdons ctb�r a rfxan the Corporation Yard. A. Storm O.rain, UM Stat:iOA "MaInte0ance a. '.Free anLI Landscape, Maintellarlce 05,000 I., S ..s..f. Idsp) C. k224a�.n.tenanca (3350 acres) syparks v y '�.3c`3.r,4fke:nt c. 4 r+♦ I4aiAktena.nce ' 4 •: i.. J; • i to ' WA i � Z82-71 i BILL TO: ACCOIJNTS PAYABLE POST OFFICE lao)e 190 i,lf; x,14.iM HUOTINGTON BEACH, C; i,IFOANIA 92549 G,b KNI 1714) S36.6221 - �• r * , MZS A.Ik 1PtV' ,'M ZVATS 03/27/130 16443E1496 2S271 k eALTA, 3OCIATES CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEFCEi 4 fit 1517 JNDE OSA STREET M " CMTY CORPORATION YARD P � q 0 FULL XTON., CALIFORNIA,926-A1 17371 GOTFiM STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. 92647' ATTN & mAI"T ROGERS D � .=". .B. t7asz�ras�:alti... .. w t b •trP �` 1•i ,°Y 3 � E ,c (7?1itYRxlc wsthreY '" Ccnfltm - Wu s Fit. Ptspay Af Ad s;-- 3ty'� a�^ w�'iF-F.s . PER PROPOSAL ON CITYYARDr WrOMATION REQUEST 15000.00 DATED FEBRUARY 8, 19,80, ALL. TERMS. CONDITIONS ,AND SPECIFICATIONS {]F WHICH SECOME A PART OF # 11415 ORDER PE-RFORK A FW'ZIMIt IT1Y STUDY FOR AUTOMATION, OF x THE vr.RzosJs FUNCTIONS OF �sArNTE.NANC8 I�I�rISaOr� € 5 THEPUBLIC VORKS pOEPAT "TMEN AS Cs15a�.RIBED IN Tt�E RI:�OUE,ST FOR Pi2OPC)�AL AND THE LISTING € ROPOSED MAINTCNANCC 'hl.: NAGEMENT PROGRA%* S K 1 COPIES OF WHICkl ARE A"iTTACHCO,i AND SN ACCO D-k a' ACC WITH THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTED ON MARCH 12, 1960, EXCEPTING REFkneNCI� TO ESTIMATED P3 ojec IROURS OR RATES - COAPLET;fOM OF THE .STUDY RG001REMENT'S SHALL PPSVAIL AND WORK SHALL. BE AT SUCH OTHER RATES :SDI Ai NOT TO EXCEED }4,15, 000. 00. �..• .qA_ a f' t_ , REQUEST FOR 0T Y COUNCIL SACTION Paul E. Cook �s Public works . Submitted by Department Datt Prepared April 17 , t9 80 &Lainl Mmtertaf Attached E] Yeas No % t Contract: for reasib£lity Study to Automate 'Maintenance ,Management x K at the- Corporation Yard CIL Approve as Retommendect Statement of Issue, Recommendstion, Analysis, Funding Source, Alterrstive Actions: Statement of Issue: �A taff eteerxng ccsmm u,tee i.nterv,i..e c-1 three firms which: responded; to `the Regtjest« for Proposals and ,the com,� tier selected �l ri"t�. associates to per or the .stud�t Recommendation Approve the-telpeti,on. award the contracttoALTA, Associates for $75,R{tCJ d au-,Wio.r te' e ecutian of agreement.. The City Council, *n Dec, ,3, 3,9791 Approved, $27,000 from Revenue Sharing F$ ndrs for the co1i141mencf3ment of maintenance management automation, of which �.Sp.Q00 was allocated for a feasibility study, The Request for Proposals was-responded to by three consulting f ilrms who were interviewed by a X committee composed of staff from Adininistrati.on, Public Storks, Purchas:%ng, reX end. Data 'rocess g. The committee selected the firtr of, ALTA Ast i~ dates ; to perfo the stx�dy, Tbo basics sought in the study consist" of the suing ;r aud, dcoSkmendat .cn for tape of computer application, together, with appropriate ,s cost estimates for hardy4are and software to manage: several programs, wl.Vi 1 ei phasx:s being towar4 warehousing and mechahlce.l maintenance as being the first two programs to be 01ira11e0- rhdi n Source,, Re enuo Shan 'un€ s were, appeoved for this project. pso ' r