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Alta Associates - 1980-06-16
3 ' r AGREEMENT TO PERFORM A FEASIBILITY STUDY `M A1,I7` OMATE LAND USE DATA BASES IN THE r� ME ARTMENT OF PEVELOP14EPIT SEPV. ES THIS A iaUMENT is made a.id entered into by and. between the GILTY OF HP3t TIN TOR BEACR, a municipal oorpor ation of top State or CaIiZ)rnia, hereinafter, referred to aaa "CITY," and. AVtA ASSOCIATE', a N#evad& rrsrporatlon, doing businesa to b-he, state of 0alifornia, here naPter referred to as 110ONTRACIVOR,t` 4: .. } E.01TA L. WHEREAS, r•�'`Y deeires to automate po-tions of' the Sian check/building pewit proceas to provide automated input data into the Urban Data Inventory data, base,, and. CONTRACTOR, fOr and �n constder-stien of the covenants, condi.tions4 agreements, and stipulations contained herein does hevehy, agree to r•erforz tho roviewa and analysis, and to sub - wit r000mmendatiowi and specifioations as hereinifter statedp: the .rt1,"7'r hereto dux Covenant and agree. ' A TOR shall periorz an autQinatlon teavlbility 4tuoy for -OiTX as set roeth; in CONTRACTOR'S prioposal d atekl 1%147, 1980, an4 0XITYiS rc4uest tGr PrbPosal dated kPr l 3, 1980 0-opi.es of h.inh am Attached hereto,, Marked Bxh1bits "All and "B" respee.- t t pad' I oo-ir prated hertin by 13's rererez1ee as though =�� � 'ii�mtd,aai, :,'2''•`,�,4'ty iaYx�.Seda"�ftsiR2ltY..91':�v�e �� ,.. ,va asav, : fully set forth. 2. PAYINIENTS. s, In consideration of the perrormance by CONTRACTOR in a satisfactory manner of the services herein described, CITY 4grer:- to pay CCttTRAi, iR progress pa}vf_nts based upon percen - � <� gr,� age of contract. wo.,k completed. The above payments for satisfactory performance Includes 4� rm` all expenses incurred by CONTRACTOR. 3.. COST a.rTMITA`i' ON: �y�v T,otalexpenditures made under this contract sha11 not exceed the se= of $15 tflOQ. 4 SUBCONTRACTING: NTRA TOR nhall not he peen-4 tted to aubeOnt:rati, .any portion of thia contract without the prior wr.tten eonsen. or CITY. EMI CIS AGREEMENT: CONTRACTOR shall complete this project within 18C daV3 from the ef fe,- tive date: of t, Az Agreement. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the ay next follow Mne, that date P—n �hlc;� the part xe i� hereto have executed this A4reer.ert. WITRACTOR shaf3 furze sh Ontbl.y interim reports as to the progrear } ,he ;study or upon Zemand Ily GITY. A final reporr. in draft ,fo rn, shall be prn.vided toL CITY thirty (301 days pricer to Ci3lkttr$, � 3YrTj xi ur iri�J 3ii Zo.r reviaw.' Y�t1yGx�rtsi+T77�A2cp�f �r b n e / +. A3:;' data., maps, photographs and other material collected or prepared under this AgLreenent shall become the property cf CITY. 8. `RR,j INATION' OF AGREEMENT ' biz pantraat may he terminated at any time fov cause, and �� < GI,TX may to 3.�aate unilatera)ly withotXt cause upon thirty (30) -V days" prior' 'wrltten notice to CONTRACITOR. All work performed pursuant to the contract andd prior to the date of tarminatlon may be compensated pro rara, R. ASSIGNABILI 'Y: W O.NMI A TOR sita.l.l not ass. n or transfer a;ay inter -eat in this ,4ont,raet wilt -oh gut the 'prior written ions, -at of CITY. MODIFICATION AND AMECUD-MENaS V 1 It is Mutually understood and a i°eed that alterA%ions or varia,tious *f the terms of this contrast, or anyr st cotturact reqaa.ivlTzg th= prior written approvall of CITE', are prohibited un- :Lqss aazade �n writing and oigned by tbo parties hereto. 11. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 4SSUEAN E: Dur'i ;. the perfomr act of this co:�t.t*act, i TRA R agrees as ,; 01.10V',1 e p rsyee or apF ant armor, zp�o,ntent beaaiige of race, oex, creeds color or natJ ona.:l: origin. CONTPACTOIR wi take affirmative action to en�dre that applicants .are employed, and that employees are tx ated durioZ, employment withotat regard to their race, sex, c.aor or zati.onal orlsin Setch a"ti tre sxal l i _dude , but 3.. not be limited to the following: 'Employment, upgtra.dixzg, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitzent advertising; ^ layoffs or t�rmin.ation, rates of pay or otherforms of com— ' pensation; yeleotion for tratng-ncludirig 3i l {Y L a4 € N'TRAGTOR agrees to post In conspiauous places, available to ' employeaz, and applicants for employment, notices setting ;forth � the proviai.ona of this none iscrlmination iause. � (ts) CONTIRACIVor will, :.xa all solicitations or, adver- �,au n tistments for erpployees plaae.- by or can behalf" of f ONTT� .A . R, stake that all que. if'i.ed applicants will receive ca nsideration for employmont without r�,ard to race, sex, creed, color or rational origin. Cot4TRA+ fo.R wil*4, send to each 'labor union or representative of oorkers witli which he has a collective ba.r_, gal ainZ q reeme t or, contract or understandin , A n tice advi'a- Ing t'halabor union or 'Worker s repr-eoontative or commorow c w -menu. undar this nond4 ser imInat on olauoe and shall post �,ofWhopi of rzotioe, In Y•'odFtpiouova planet av4Gl{.4ble to apP.1i— cants for eanploymentr d CONTRACTOR ill permit acoats to hit books, r000t,4a sand .aocaunta fay GITr for purpones of invest-gatior �o y sc 'ta1i c4rfr 'ta;nae with this nondiscrimination clause; X the event f QR' AjrT0,R R S noncompliance with the 'lom zes of this, `oittf"ao"this Cd5 4'c3`Cllajt' be ancel , 4orminated or suspended In whole or in part. 4 r YY "WW �'i t:.. d:'�iia,.6ae..v., hkV3ar:' a.,u5wuow•uA..cf4.'ahYUHL9`L�"Si1ffiyR§d�iN9}3Wk6ltl.iWimmu.£«w.w._ ...d.:. k Y . Neither CITY nor any of it;s off joers, agetrts or employees . anall assume any lJ.abilit•y by reason of anyrt ing done or omitted Y``.. to be done by CONTRACTOR or an f CO .`�. o3TRAC'TO.R ' officers, agC'i',its ar d ezxzp3oees ender, or in corzrtect4rt wuh a:�ay acts perz"omec3uxx— u t,� Sivart to this agreement. CONTRACMI R shs.ii fully indemnify and save and hold harmless the CITY" its offi'Mers, agents and employees �"U from any and all liability, losses and hosts lnpoatd for injttry aka%ti occurring Zly reason of anything; none or omitted to he done day. k 001117PRA TCR and. 0 NTRAV.T01 agreos to enter and defend and stzlt or action brought or arloing out of this Agreement ogainzt CITY, i�z officers, agentsO'k, emp oyeeaY 13. COY The noti.t.es prov.Ide—d for �n vf�is Agreement to be given by either par,,;.y hereto to the other shall to deemed to have been liven when ms.sfo in writing and d poai ted in the United States mail, registered and postage prepajd, as fo logs. ,a.ddresse,,d To 1T )r. � d��y+4.# U n�L�Zya }} �lc-�e{e '(� �.y 7,�, +yky Jliy�SFX Boa-cb VaySy {,, LP00 aIn Lam`'t A�{��ot Aw,titigt on aoh , CA OZ649 o WMCTOR Alt" Assnoiate 1513 Ponderosa Stree Rol le rton a CA 92631 IN WTVE155 AMC ,, the parties hereto have executed tbts it 1V .wu ✓ • r.. _.. _.... ... PROPOSED STUDY METHODOLOGY TasK Review The City of Eintingtor Beach, Development Services Department and Data Processing Division of Admi.nistratson, "concur in �µ the general concept of the need to automate portions of the plait checIcfbuilding perztit _process...". it is the objective of this Request for Quotation to contract a qualified vendor ; �4 to condurt ,a Systeirs aeasioility Stlady for the purpose of eval- _t uating the practicality or. an automated system. The Study is to'produce a policy recommendation and suggest a system Im- plementatton plan which ,is to include a colt a:�aiyr is based upon the -t aggest,ed approach. study e�tT3' LCS3 1 The plan chec :/bu ldin,4 pi enTzit process �Ls orte Of many acti viti .S throughout the amity : h -t is currently bung evaluated for feasibility of an aut'omatea program. ALtTA AS$OC.!'ATES that to properly address the advantages .r da sa �rdntago of tnis, specific application requires. } n ndepth icnowlac,ge and'Linderstan ding; try the seyrat ional Pr�cedur€�s of the Development Service:? 77^q1 21 An awaranesS ,amet, atnderstanding of the Cltnage- ent"s cc a;cepts concerning long range planning for rov'd departmextal ,operaLioros throug'Mout the City. a itit t tese 1 Os ��ofin-or;Ai a on ,attaines dr ;the tudy Vill ,be r�dertaken L-o doterMine it a method of aui.o mating these particular r; :f Yrt Sc s depar-IL rental procedures is practical or otherwise benez::icial cn some za -ter to the city., Tn cons dery ;tg an automated systems approach, ALTA ASSOCIATES shall: ,first place emphas:.si on currently available City data � *' processing facilities., in investigating this approach, specific 1 quests ite l�W.v ono m�^? �"� fir -it 4e answered. I) can the City data processing cepartmont accom©date this additional application economically? If soy boot can it be best implemented, at what costs and �. what problems might be anticipated' 2) is tbe City data proce,4sing compute-• configured .such that additional equIpment needed could be Interfaced and econom�cal�� �ustlfle�3� 3? IL the City data processing staff ava:,lable to unaertalke they dvvf lopment or partial development W: this application? In addition to the possibility o-A6 utilizing the } City data processing computer for this application,, other metbods must,also be considered. Other, alternatives include, a stand -more ninlcomputer, ej ther t7entral. rzed or aetent„ alined with regard to Data processing or an expanded mini -to tputr � wii.li capa.bij:. :ties to fulf ll filt-Ure P.lani-ed ar.'d Otheir configurAtl.ons would necessarily, be investigated as p6tent�4 viable methods. 7 w,., ..P�'L{k}ip�'l�i o.....0 w.. als4,si' x_..,..:vekwlwtrt.J.6ir�dyl�Y'iul�td3t11YF�ttiwviA`elr`[HAwryWua... ...0 .r .,SF . v M ,ALTA A$SOCI 11TS`' understands that the objective of this project s is to conduct: a Systelns Feasibility Study. The Study results shad produce: a comprehensive report From which ma iagent ent decisions regarding the project d irectsons _ wi'.•>„ be based. The 4oubdation of the fill. al report document will be based upon t, the investigation and. a xalysis of information gathered during �s the study. It shall be the intent at ALA A4SOCIATES to ,conduct s this study around specific guidelines, designed to meet the ob-- Jectives set Yorth by the lr,ity- kn conunencibg the Study, zhe;se objectives must inj.t,ially anstwer three important questions z l) Zs this 'Applicatiot practical for automat. ob? Is this a.pplacat�o.n consistent - with overall City ob j ect,ivos ) Car existing City data processing facilities ac omodate this application In a ,practical and e^zonomical manner? 'Each og these questj,�ons will require a thorough investigation of departr4ental proce6t res bel'�oze a. comprehensive answer can be arrived at, Once this is 4e ermined, the Study skald proceed with e-a it-�-depth wialys .s, study,; system methodology end finall .z .. report .docuon4nt. the ,pro-1cts cu:;roatly bejnrr pez armecl, ALTA ASSOIATES for t'�io -City, of ` zxr-i.Igton beach, are directly related tc th ;a } i 3 { Ai' hi x . a t Office Locations Cal-"crnia Southern California r< 17207 Zena Way 1513 Pondera;�a ;Montle Set eno Fullerton a te , Ca ' � 25 ix• r cx p s Dana Brown, A. Gortl Minsky Asaociat,s.s S. Highland, R. Ganner Business Aot�vitieS Conaultin, Services xist� a t;t?�I.,£t3 Program N!Velo went Areaz of Expertise data process I ' Compoter- As:�iztee, operations „•, f o nt r a lec3 e DrC, POP-11 Series F $° ' kip, 1000 and 300 Series r Sperry-Univac V7 7. 1,100 Series 1,9,K, systems 3, 360, 37,) Data Coneral, Nova $zries x irryil• - • y c a a Y£ CITY OF HUN t tf+ G. TON E3iACH FOR S ;f' 'i aTE lai5 Pi.A5113ttr..tTY 5f"i. DY ..x i3�a:kga•cicaritl. x The Otevo1Capaiivnt 9vrvictts Department and lktae 1Oavi Prail;l* vinq Division of the plan permit prCaom Xa., m operational trtva-orld to Pi`rivide r'automat'rml input, :nka t ht- urti<in Onta Invelittiry WIN) diltfa 11a I which m t .'.weed to t-he aperational, nlbtom att#ttt tittftti%`k;rBiCltTlttt?tt 1#1 X bale "".air'vvntly a red, Primarily for"- ii3 E ciliKtii1 r«fidTtJ'tCE'.r'4d3ft%it=ati5ticlti i1iCs't z'"IC+iX1'!t "t."ti(>. iit i [Sttt)t 7iaT{s tlFyttil �`'" l �vl llili cl vritii v�aryiltct r�wclr l s cif f orx71s11*xittes for many years ,arv! sl_ma etteirt tizi8 x 7 ssr"i_ T - ICA'y itljterennted in a ft'a€r/? diuio*tl +arr?1 ar+act1 lml Kit the ri.. vf,- t(o ciinot pt to t-erve as a foundation fror wil sRio(( vnL Ktuvi� s oivs re. Juvilifig tl'tal iDft,tg,:.;:t Obiecti ees; 1. To complete a lit -life in ary Syaems, Ferastbihty study ta- 1 A. Study and >t-Pva(IW curreritlexistinq procru lre for. ttPSll`taa l'a l.Ica<i'aatin iarlla+liinq -_J tilts III "W"4•hipillf blt a)sre a-„, ti'ridll :t1ifa*yttj>r.. til'ar«1 +4i tti tittlir*�Cl ala +Xr arti,laaa a* dad iia t a*+1 a1z.at gat l clal =zat x 'C:: of 0-1 ,1 Tian* iliVfii'df'llai`lit of Mica 1"ira zaraif llublw Vllavka,tt W.Viva. .t Clip irisrlliflt It rinl trait itl€" itii 3v Ill lirth'N'Ov (mmorq rt>al'll ameitl �irna= ' l`1leiaiget, 'and ifsil"tt+'f!.s entitlement') 4,i. sst� pf'-r nits. i',�)mht.fonat ctxc: pt iorvi, etc.). i t)sion lrtltaart% expended for U01 r°0a6ni, arlc3 (jaw tit £y>��y�l'�aivavr }ill P'latilirrifl tva"zilm G ffort!� fink#ref dmil for dal;) 0014'1'.titxl rellitissl Is3 ',pvai,�31 �Culxlputtvi 4ed #i nJal afld ta.aiims ti+.t-31 Impact and tr%,flulicir�a�# ' f fis"tfi.. a >zikft4"ept.'uitf?3' on mitognated (;PtlFfaum 5ti1.1;fion to i`e'ctlrfrmutided s'itfl:t"ouh to stmainlioing the inef=ticieot. 't:aik" tit (A) ubli e. t;• Ti-X97por t iii 1"tiblr` 4)(OU nhave, to watvh Olt- ki m list". of 'Dill offlatloll #,0,13ia!tOnrul #ell«tit+tJmics of tilar'll,laa "sa*d tost eltectivity. M 11 '{ i. �. r 2t flake a policy rec=,tmmend ition, with proper stipm)rting (l+)raimvntaatipn, to :xitlgoa s Orr. *3f the following appri)arliea to itq)lGiXientatit3l� of iitt ratatptnated Ceeerr►nietiztarganr � •� a A. Pulp centralized 6,velopment and operation. sate the 6tyi's mm-frame r �.,. ;i �p9Ti�ULer ,z C2eCeritralrr.t=u oper�ilt F.ti tin it •tliili -key systt; m with, 0,t."i iktrallZell control. E C. DettontraltzW operatiun with centralized Provide. a detailed tinalysm of tht= appropriaLa �tt��t3cted cersLJ <tivafveci fast d on t), specific rmammundatieri of*W above. � A, Hardware a.' L. Central ProcesGing Unit (CPU). V 2, Peripherals 3. Types nail !?iZe'�Cal)petty) a equipment, a. Softvraire;' ;! l.. Application prtigvains. . O eratitiq system. '1 Priijraittttittiq ltrtulitatgres.: * • argskiCst7l onqt ing VWta- 1. 50fttat'enettitt tYri'tL.i'« 1 Peisunuel._ hn is dosired i* a few"ibilit'y* St'ady 41 ba'�irally fortify ibotl er ;atilrrdWlwiw should ocru and tf so, to have planned tho application well eztrtiwlh to concopt"Ifize it and associate a PrIca tog. We ,1retn *inq for a datadecl `" }r,tt�tns"� �t.udy such m; kieta- 1 lt�u sctech0 and record as ic�y�tit lv�Fr z itzet"tnsi e v zlal lt: to 66i l this 0,tudy aria l`Nod,at tho rity umflet�to roaximize p ro doo, t by hot riat eerily elr't linrj, the lowest i)`Merr b u I ;r,°al.liei, kiy st*ltntr:t:tit;' a most, qjVnre t obility otrul exlvr1:izo in l its �+i,�bjec't Who ci". o 4'iubstanthtte t�t } Upon being i'C»tjuested to .Mend a vendor $#w3'k'vning hcarinyf th- voridur should be r , Prepared to offer the fcallawhig.- t I A profps3icwal mferenne of fi'rmi previr)unfy klntrac;tvd With whici� #;c�P�Ectii� parallel on opplic tion of th* type soncerwd above.. t'leasa provide the company's: camcQmact *mhvidual fi La % tt n one paUe chaseription of that opr1plt�;atioa involvod- } 2.r A stondar ' (irtailt%l descript no of the Wicktimund, and expertise of all individuals proiticted to be invalvcd m tl;iS Midy. . . r, iR3Cilt 1 i S'& i"Jf']t[`it��3 I{`CY off the rII)t3t�i°idul't' ly tits' i?fit3lorlit, i^a ��? #t��!to serve � r: is tt proliminary hedule' a;wsuc:iaW With l: m tipl3?if°+k{mat" Ci'9s"3tSI`1C &,tr PrViOCOOn Par letter -of -Interest 'o !'t`Ci'.4't imj heaiirn)3 t ;ln jw !;rhwjQ1MT L(Aters-Of-Interest maY,t t)e ulv*nilttsd to t1wPurt`.hatiinq Offit.00 ro City CYO beach, Ca ftwnia 926A8. Letters rc unt lie .received by Sall po. nt on l~" r day, April 10, x- c t r r t Wi - FRIEQUE;:�T FOR ICITY COUNCIL" ACTION n Submitted by James TA1. Palin Dam Po k - d June 4 * , 1 3 . 8sc cup Material Amched P, 'Fars [].No k Sublet` AUTOMATED, _;ygT�u4g PPP%.g T4T:r V�.'rC�. V -W,. 5; �r City Admi, mments CI��* carzrT(r { }yam, r( e R o m np ,,,7 ' Cir [ Statement (swe, Recommendation, Analysis, Fur did Soorce, A►termtive !, of Acdottt.: �b 71 Staff has reviewed the proposals and a ntervl'nwed three f l,rms tO perform 4 feasibility study for the automation of the plan check/building permit trees atad NandQkro data bases in the Depaztment of Development Services. to recr ends ETA Associates be selected, to conduct the study. y Approve the empenditure of $15,000 from Capital O4atl.ay 'to fund the eaaila Ilty stady Apptx ove: the: staff' a seleot ion, award the contract to ALTA Associates roar an, amount not to exceed Ala, 000 atd au01orize execution of the contrast. Over the past: two ,years the City, in cooperation with various Consulting rSE,S,, was developed. sevezal, spacial studies and coznputos~-drzven modals Mrsoal, impact, t;ranspart<ation, sewer, water, and drainage) at a cost in c+ rc$ujtinq,;te0a alone in excess of $175 t tlt}U, This jfxgure includes data 0011ectio or the sewer, water, and dxaltage st,nd$,es. however, City "taff ojig.et4ed consider0lo time to develop In-house data necessary for o t sc l `impact and transportation zodels- Cqhij# tho data qoeft for each Zodo. l Varyrt they all depend on collection of U04 use inform4tion, a systematic ma ne . At pz senf:, snob in, Proa- " t7�t d mdii' ally. a4d tto d . R'e' ieV l :f t i, of tion rogU,,1'res extez ziVe staff t�*6 and affort The fiscal, impact, and. trafrzo A. c i ors 4� �oul.d` ret tt re opp)�ui rately 240 staff hduts anhual ly �[y'y�.n�t.�yy#�y��{�y'yp �jyya^ �+ 1y� �+y �y+ y� y� update }� +{ q YN �`t�1� y�'{ becomeobsolete, +�X?Tf• e W'?w�.TV�MFjiin iF Y�+L,��: 1M i�1t ���WCRbw�P i�t�N �G\M'Y1�1a1� 1+�✓��w4M:i�i�iFTr, �I,! kR 4S it� �� �J.{.� Vh - t od'l d eq re si t staff t:am Ci re to a new -data '� rt Page 2 ,.. base. A microprocessor would avoid this by permittincg staff to input = and retrieve land use data and update the input information ; effiozentiy As part of its capital equipment request for fiscal year 79-M, the Dep4ttment of Development Services included an automated data system at an estimated cost of $50, 00€?, for the purpose of improving the efficiency of data,retrieval and update. of this amount'$1.5,000 , �€s` was allocated for a feasibility study. The Ci.t,,-ouncil., on February, 1980, authorized staff to request proposals riom responsible firms for preparation of the study. The bequest for Proposals was responded � to by three consulting, firms which were interviewed by a comm ittee x �' composed of staff ,from. Administration,, b^vel.op;Zent Services, Pur- ObAsi,nq, and Data Processing. The committee selected the firm of A1TA" Azsoc motes to conduct the feasibility study. ALTA Associates' was selected oii the basis of the comprehensiveness of the fi;rm.'s proposed ; ,. Ot investigation methods. Such comprehensiveness relative to the fi proposed study cost s;esul.tfi primarily from the firm's presint Involve- vent with feasibility studies in other City departments (Pplice and Public Works) . It is recommended that the City Council approve this selection and approve $15000£ front Capital. Outlay to fund the study. FUNDING uSGURC Es: Ca�sita i1u�;hay`. ALTl;1CMTI E A:CTIMS.t 1. Not to appropriate futids for ttc feas4bility study, This would necessitate continuing to update lard use information manually. 2. Approva one of the following alternative consulting farms: a• DASD "($15, 600 , Computing Techrs�.c atis .Corporation ($15,000) ���pe�t;�ul�y' xa�tk�fiitt,esl/ 'In Xre 4 ry' J`A t �s 1*., , , .xe.a.ilsn .... � : t .,...,. s.... .... • . , ,. „, • ..,. uui..Gxrinv.Y�s..,_ty . , , - AiB��'Nd