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American Red Cross - 1974-09-30
"A w� �Ll 71 ID '3 it 41 — - ----------- unt �41 of L A1eV"W,VATt cmoss` C, T TNGT BEACH OF CALIVOMIA T,TY,-'- OF RM Ok �1 tw1dut 'CoOL Subdiv 'y 4 111AAlating to,latur4 erg )We 6perativ$aria 'amt,date x16S ti e notct04 , , ii* lb ltles 1, '6of ha,ecautvMay iter 6ft o"r" ft 1warl6lictwd'Crime " ON,-B 01retmaitur rtfvyvod to''" R* JIM th!a CITY OOF`HUNT!&O EACH-, -N 0 Oft-i a 4eitm 4,06,uf *0 kiapareafteaft plans aid aparomtL6� If tural dimiaii6i iisavjiu�y a coi�- X4099 C01,144ratlaii a d", aad thik'11,T-MY, QF IRARM0, a=T Qk Arndt nat 4,1 disasters (�Ir vt rell 4, ` licit IWO .4t* the Ud Crqsm14- z qk *Irad Pi , mo th.a "ObliSatii the Skid lio 93-2 dead: no 04d I*M�-44 "ot or, iw t f, 4;4a, moo era ct 00 it u's out Son; -,i6op t ifore 114411 "U' t t gob�oct, ixoi4t StictitilIPA"'ib''m Roxv,46mo-I and Or 6t, f scioutt" of the uk tbro%4h 'thp croiJ6, 44, 42614totace milt rendor :tlhat Ai mto 6r Md t I d t d"VA"t uw poa ie "ok: lwot�. *Adlal�ition `bf a maj, vf think- U16 u(S64-.6 of dig diV uo" trom86A4 tho0=6v tha"toIctift -4th it food, clothlftpl,- *%itu" hist 4d, a p 606ti otp# U-M Mitt e a Ida Th 666*6t Als bolp w pr6dded a of in, wi To aa mi*tt lad 0eb\1106 vdvl f014 ' �Xy VftkGr6*-TM164 Cto"ss rovides t1oaimd b,P�od jiWdu�ix, fat, =victlio., 2ho Vid Cross`h dies I ulf;�eom6imeV"&,?cuti Aganw, sceao 2 St '' I .' a .g ... y.;� ,�.1 `� '.1 5 ., .L�✓,e .. > 1, ;`.� (� 411� ` 1 1 � ` � G� .ti i � x 7t• r �.ti I y r \ � 'a C'�t �I4-e)�.. rr y. •, �I.=f9Z�.1�'71,�Im1'l�f�O�dM'f'�+'.+.,+a!fiffx+.Wn+YAwnr;eWxwwmvfncu•.uo..a. ww:+x..{.,� w.r.raw++..swk....M.r.�4«fwwws��w..+++.r.��JF�s,•wi'� 'a..�.`.�... _ Help for disaster victims may,al oo be provided ala an Itidividual farm .,i basis, with funds or purcha6e, orders issceer� tii,'t f"am�li.es for. food, clothing, medi6s!1 rare, health _,itexas, r ssential. bouseh6ld .I,Ifurnishing:a,, t�3g nt:Yy ne<: leil" oc upational plies rind equi&ent, mergpe, ey rentsale for housing, cv,,, lneaportation-,::and Vimporary, kinor repairs to hoaxes so, that they { can be reoccupied. The, Red Cross will, .assist in provid�nlr, information cBZSOUry federal and ©th�,a resG:Arces av lable for addttioii'al assiataance' to din ter victims and {will re"��er families to such, res6urii�. The Iced goat® _ will aaaiat families In assembling 'needed information for g9plicstions for 1 much said and will" 'help theim in processing their oppl.icat on If t-M famines: " 1 ask, fox; such assistance. 'When-there'is to Presl eutiai Declaration of a � ' > vai or,tier`, or whexa such declaration has been made but a f divily is rr,¢c } ellaibl:e for government benefits, Aud (:rosa assistance may also lncludo other recovery needs in addition to t ze-,mergericy help already given. In such cfur the need for h;Ap will be determined by an individual Ga�pwork �r process. All Ind Cross disaster aid is ,on a grant basis, with,ao request $ 1;,or or expectation of .repayment Because a�dmin:,etra),^iv€ tti�sponsib li" and financial controlF. I r. �. ` ? are Inseparable, the lid Cress' requites that all funds utilised by it ;',• m In c�xL•ending relief willbe oxpended in accoraanoe with its established t 1 pol.ie::uo, ' I, Be G(St1ESi`T 1. The maintenance or., restoration o€,,noru` :al government :'serricf.g and xaci.lities. . 2.: The ex1 rnsion or augmentation of 'certain normal government °" services;Vhen such Oxtension or augmentatiim is consistent or compatible with saeh normal copuuntiy services. Thedb serccrlces include: at. FVarsai""ng"' zcnd evacuation. p ' b.-Sexe;1-. and R:Ascue. 4 c. P621c" and afire, prot�s!tion. d. Hmericancy madical, ' publ.icf health* and aepitation. 1 e. x'dentificatt.6a and #spoaition of the Ae�a , including opeiat,ion,,of tampor � a.�aorgt es. i f listituti,onal care fox the sick, aged, and orphaujid. f` g. rvey ,and damage assessimkent. h. i .eerin& :and public works. r, i, Wsigru4ti\.,a of hazardous structustei, and atiM. �tbris removal, from public property. It. tAlit wel:fj :e. r, ; 1.., Utilities. na. 5upply traa'H ztBtian, and c nunicat'!n�as. S ly, r1 o. 1wediaCe notifi"cat onto All departr�n�ts and ager-di ; providing-,ass3stdncp when a disastar is imminent or occurring,; p. ' Coordi'natton aq4 determination of priori-t� tn-allocataaar and use of available local resources and. rcq; -,�tcs f?T, - support trir�ou gh offer government or priv�t+c .. agan y channels. E f t Nly paN��+�++f.� v. y � A 'f "�""�'7t�'^� �a"��.ktwrw°°Y,.».�FIN►rwewRleur+. x.��e�—. Y�.ii31�r', o JIM , r ni- ik¢7pflN y y ( _� 3 C� iaED CROSS- LATIONS WITH THE FEWMAL DISASTER ASSISTA�CCjL A IS�"�`10K,, # STATE. AND LOCAL GOVERNI�f�1`S to The :s Cross will usually have onissing working relationships for'disaster preparedness and relief with_atate and local governments. Because the Red Cross r4spends immediately following a disaster's occurrence, `. . h the organization will often be operational before a Presidential Declaration.; f of a major disaster is made and will he 'working with,-- he state and local ' t g©varnments before a FCO.(Federal Coordinating Office , of PDAA is designate4j.. While ;ihe: Bled Cross will keep the Wf) fully informed as to .the worK.Pg Y � arr ementa nvol�6ed in a specific disaster situation, thl; MRC will eon��U8 its direct ralatioiisbips with the state and local POvernments - 2. FMI DISASTER 'ASSISTANCE CENTV'a.S The Red Cross will provide hppropriate volunteers andjor = ;y staff ter- Siv4! dirwit service to disaster victims at - all FDAA disaster assistance cetnter€t, when they are eat—blishad. ". ''gowevet, if the Red Cross has ^opestied disaster service'oenters in the disaster area prior to :a PresiOnAt.lal Declaretion and/or prior to the opening of FDAA Centers, the Red Crow wiill x ' continue to operate as many of its separatecenters as necessary unless l\ t facilities mud convenience to disaster victims are n the FDAA tenser to accommodate the number of Red Cross relief perL_,Ael'�and disaster` t victims involved. r,l III. MOVO&ION AND COORDINATION WITH PUBLIC A ORTLIES 1; o The Red Cross ,oaperates with all federal, star`,L, and local agencies eA who have any responsibility for rendering disaster r lief essistance to 3 di'3aster victims. .The Pad Cross is willing to accept'comraissi©ne, from goverments and coor>d:nate its relief effort with (,esignatet agencie®'. ;This may in lude acting as an agent for ;;sverrmenea3 ^unf*4 under tsatua47 agreed upon conditions + `, f SIOAxOTM. Coordi na of; Civil Preparedness ARC Chapter Cheix i f - Date Apprrmed Date Approved / City Hem�tger Chapter 'Manager A51 bat Apprcved Date Apif oV' Si 1 *---++�+e+.w+....mma.�.......�.ep;�, , !n fLA