HomeMy WebLinkAboutAustin-Foust Associates, Inc. - 1984-10-157 lskA x . EQUE T FOR CITY COUNC ACTION Date August 28, 198:;: Submitted to-: Honorable Mayor and City Council � ��;�� Submitted by= Charles W. T :ompson, City Administrators;`vv, Prepared by: Paul E. Cook, Director of Public Wor;"AA Subject: NOTICE OF GOMPLOTION FOR THE FETSIM GRANT 3 CC-617 Consistent with Council. Policy? [X] Yes [ ] New Policy or Exception „t Statement of Issue, Recommendation, analysis, Funding Source, Alternadve Actions, Attachments, fr STkJ'EMENT OF ISSUE: Austin -Foust Aasociates, Inc., has completed all work related to the FETSIM Grant project at twenty seven. locatic-nis. RECQW4ENDATION Accept the work and instruct the City Clerl.. to file a notice of completion,. ANALYSIS The following is a stat=ary of the contract costs: Contract bid: $25,476.00 Ae tual cort;rcact cast; 25,290.36 Liquidated damages: -0 Total ; on'trp.ct prices $25,290.36 F TZING SrauRM,; California Energy Commission Grant (FETSIM) 100%. ,ALTERNATIVE ACTION: ATTACiiNTNT: 'Npne Pf 's ICH a. d CITY 0FHU!MTINGT0N BEACH 4 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92b OFFICE OF THE MY CLERK a x February 4, 1985 s '= .a Austin -Foust Associates f J45U N. Tustin Avenue 0108 Santa Ana, CA 92701 c The City Council of the City of Huntignton Beach at its regutzr meeting geld Monday, October 15, J984 approved an agreement with your firm for consultant services tar the FU5114 Project Enclosed is a duly o-ecuted cape of said agreement together with a copy or the Certrifio ate of :insurance you submitted. If you have any questions, please contact Karl Hay DepartamenL o Public Woeks V,36- 5223. Alicia M. Wentworta City Cleric cc; Wayn Lee Pingnce De t Karl Huy - DP r ; Submitted to: Submitted by Prepared by: Subject, REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION ION Date Honorable Mayor and City Council C. W. Thomson, City Admini-strava7 Paul E. CoA, Director of Public wc--ks A. prova:l. of Consultant for the Califnrnia Energy F-1 TSTM Grant Program 1984. Statement of Issuer Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions, Attachments: V STATEW2?r 0-2 ISSUE: V The City Coun�h-as previously approved the Dept.. of Public Works subwa:tting an application to the California W Caani:ssion for funding of fuel arnsuWtzcn reducirxY p::.:�jects. The City has since been agarded a grant in tl amount of $29,800.00. Accept the proposal, submitted by Austin -Foust and Associates and autf=ize thz Mayor ,aid C-i ty Clerk to execute the stwxlard omtsultazt agre nt on helzalf of the City_ 11)e State -)f California has retie available $500, 000 for grants and technical support to :local govern sits to reduce lt: el wnmzrpt on U=ugh modifirati.twns to the timing c, traffic signals. ;be Pudic UPorhu D park nt had previously gone cwt to bird co atain the se--vices- of a consultant to assist the City in ix planenting the measures. Se w'ral proposals were r ived fzcm consultants tents to perfa m the rosary work, of which Austin -Foust and .r`sis s' pr sal was selected, project Sri.?l cover 24 interseot-Acm on hex' Avemie and on Szxsalrhurst Stree . Cocperja ive effort with the City of F, ountaitt Val It ry w1:11 assure izpmewent owz:- the entire lex th of the Brocku=st project *ach was recent,'} coapleted. i?(7iMING SCE; Ca l,fo=ia M&W Com fission ?metal,. 100% contric3 c� ($29, 800.00) A?-'.i',.�1R AC TICK h7�r 1.: Alre�r%3 XA for SuInitt:al of Application 2. � � At�rrvriation of nras for C'EJC Grant 3.. App oved Resolution V 4;i, j ems", CONSULTANT AGREEMENT BEE1'WEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND AUSTIN-FOUST ASSOCI.krES, INC. � FO:R ENGINEERING OF FETSIM PROJECT, THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day r, . . of a r 19 � byand tsetwen the CITY OF HUNTINGTOV! BEACH, a municipal corporation of the state of California, 'hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and AUSTIN-FOUST � LL ASSOCIATES, INC., hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTAD T." WHEREAS, the CITY OF HUNTI7CGTON BEAC9 desires to engage the � services of an ,��lgineering consaxl tent to provide engineering ser- vices for the Fet:sim Project; and CONSULTANT has been: selected to pehform said services, s NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by CITY and CONSULTANT as follows 1. STORK S`i`A` RIENT CO.NSULTAA'T shall pro, de all engineering services as described in the Rq? ,ue.- st for Prop oais,, attached bere',.o Nne, incor- porated herein. by this refere ;ce (hereinafter referred to as 8xhibit Said ser'virss3 (hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT) shall inal.udf-, bl" W not be, limited to surveys, investig^- E a,tions, consultations, ar a advice, preparation, of detail do -sign, cozlstruction plans, quantities and costs, preparation of special provisions and any other miscellaneous engineering services requited, to perzit CITE" to advertise for birds for construction of i�1ZC7J�C'I' . cousuLt.'r-ANT shall attend and, assist in all coordin- ation meetings. er.gineer who shall represent it and be its sole contact and agent in -�.11 consultations with CITY during fulfillment of the terms of ehis agreement. 2. DISPOSITION OF PLANS, FSTIMATES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS CONSULTANT agrees that all original drawino reports, both. fie-ld and offine notes, calculations, maps and other documents, shall be turned over to CITY upon any termination of 3- INDEHUIFIL�ATIOM, DEFENSE, HOLD HARMLESS CONSULTANT hereby acrees to defend, indemnify and hol.d. harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from and. against any and all liability, damages, costs, losses, claizs and expenses, howaver caused, resulting direi.:tly or indirectly from or regardless of the active or pas�Jve nature of any negligence of CM, except where such. liability, damages, costs, losses, claims or expenses are caused solely by the negligent or wrongful acts of CITY or any of its agents or employees in- connection with the geyieral supervision or Cirection of the work to be performed 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION CONSULTANT shall co ly with all of the provisions of biz the Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Acts of the State r of California, the applicable provisioas of Divisio' 4 and 7 of the California .Labor Code and all amendments thereto and. all :similar state: or federal acts or laws applicable; and shall ind,-tm- reify, defend and hold harmless CITY from and against all claimsp demands, payments, suits, actions, proceedings and judgments of every nature and description, including attorneys zees and costs presentee, brought or recovered against CITY, for or on. account of any liability under any of said acts which may be incurred by reason of any work to be performed by CONSULTANT under this Agree - anent 5. INSURANCE in addition tt the workers' Compensation 'I nsuranc and, +CObTSULTANT' S, Agreement to indemnhfy CITY, CONSULTANT' shall furnish to CITY and maintain in farce y,ntil thx: completion o PROJT!:C`r a policy of general liability insiirance in which CITY na d as an. additional, insured. The policy shall indemnify CI, its otfioers and employees, whxlf-,t acting witlx n the s-:-ope of their duties, ag4ln st any and all, claims sxisiog out of or in connection 4 with PROJL T.. The policy shalt provide coverage. in not. .less than the following amountst oombinezd single limit bodily injury and/or .property da,)tage of t300,OOO per occurrence CONSULTANT shall also obt in a poli,�-lr of errors azd omissions insurance in the amaunt of fIN%inlvEWiwnuas.w: a>....,..,.•.,..w..,,.s.�e�wajtzN.d�+�_<.: .._ .. ...... .;.. ..w..c..,r awn k-kr..�.......,z:: ., .,.. wd71�; 000, 000, Such policies of insurance shall 3pecifically provide 'F �a that any other insurance coverage which may be applicable to the j ,4 loss shall be deemed excess coverage cnd t.-ONSULTANT `S insurance shall be priviary. A Certificate of all such insurance policies i required by this agreement shall -141ivexed to the City Attorney prior to the commencement o .,c and shall be approved by her c;Y. in writing. So such insurance shall be cancelled or modified without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to CFTY. 6. INDEPE14DENT CONTRACTOR CONSULTANT is, and shall be, acting at all times in i t; the performance of this Agreement as an independent contractor. CONSULTANT small secure at its exlense, ;nd be responsYble for any and all payments of all taxes, social security, state disability insuranco compensation, unemployment compe isa:tion. and other pay- roll deductions for CONSULTANT and its rfficers, agents and employees and all business licenses, if any, in connection with the serv4t!. as to be performed hereunder. 7. CITY STAFF AaSISTANCF CITY shall assign a Staff coordinator to work directly with CONSULTANT i:i connect or wirh t%e work of this AgTPe' a. PROVISTON FOR. PAY14ENT ',a. con! 1ideration of the performance of the ZLbove described engineering services, CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT the surx of twenty five thcssan,d four .hundred and seventy six dollars rutsl-e in four (4) quarterly installments. a t 9. _EXTRA WORK in the event of authorization, in writing by the City Engineer of changes from tliv work as indicated in .exhibit "'A" or , for other written rer is ir, authcrizing additional work not con- templated herein, additional compensation shah.. be allowed forr;. sued: extra work, so long as the prior written approval of CITY is obtained. i '4 �A 10 TERIMINATICN OF CONTRACT All work shall be done in a good and workmanlike m&nner. CITY may terminate CONSiJi,VNT'S services hereunder at any time with or without cause, and whether or not PROJECT is fully complete. Any termination and any special instructions hereunder from CITY shall be made through the City Engineer, and in writing, which may be delivered in person to CONSULTANT or mailed through the normal course of mail to its now -established busiress address. In the event this Agreement is terminated, all drawings, designs, specifications and appurtenant data tray be used by CITY. 11. T-)URATION OF CONTRACT CONTRACTOR agrees to complete the PRO;)ECT within one (1) year of the .execution of this agreement. f� W, 12. SUBCONTRACTORS This agreement is a personal service contract and the supervisory work hereunder s'hsll not be delegated to any p-arson or enkj,ty without the consen'; of CIT',r 13. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS CONSULTANT agrees that no regular employee of CITY shall b" employed by its firm during the times that this Agreement is in effect. IN WITNESS -WHXREOP, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by and through their authorized officers the day, mouth and yQar first above written.- CONSULTAIM CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, AUSTIN- -OUST ASSOCIATES, INC. A ` m ix oipal o� ration .4 By jo ym st Presiden A o � ..° By ATTEST. APPR M As TO FORM e4;'� r F Czty Clark CityAttocrn v� r XYx ,� i tzar s A RSVI F ' AND APPROVEUa Iyi��TIA''ED Ai3r3 AP ROVSD; C'i c Warks TB ; mf 5/S' F,x 6 G:IT t' ,t- l- L;NTi GTC 4 Br"_X DEPARTMENT 017, ,J13LIC VA.ARK :EPTLt•' P- 1984 fi ?Rt tll 5 . PART ICIPANTS l tiro €or a Wtat cif tw enty-f; ar signalized Brookhurst t%Yi�� Jt3f 'iK, ,c ct.atir� .1 are situated aic-',g J'.reet if, theGit} Of r„a%* { r t�VwtiSF. -36 4 f th se t> t'rSP.ctir'rEs --re ln(`3f' -Talley alcia Brr:caa<hursv street. `.'. saw ,s_- Lar s p;-uiect ,il be freal U �:aliiorni�, Exergy COW-lssicn �rar° �. -„ �:',i � .qf> Lity tla=, ifsax: c*i, All y�t3a'rr 5 tcl selttred curs pant 'scar s:.r Y � 6 rasai�rort Sr;r ?sis. of ti%R ;a ; ,l rep_,jr, sy Cit} staff ar 01 S*,.it Y; s rc erat itl.r , #1>allf.frt,=il> ytty .itl� s`. ,Ics« tn-a r:rr� E,tsur, .gi a re z;tert :z t,dte y.%:z r , , wt•,.r, $.9ist t VA' ..«,..-.d'`-..y.�,. .K'rt,.jt;.�.]��^1'sa{�,�3 Y3t ♦� �♦.. 'C 3�.3 SVF1Pla: Y.i A: %4�1 t.o tl. L•.. '1� a tx ..FY .,tN .3 YW .K+1.Y w+ .�J • 6 .. ui# i ! y.• t'Ai R� 4e¢ J+n+r W'A �11a i�r3�iM; Fue the 4rQn$Ultanr':: J',Lth",j Or r t4V i k'�`: 4c :irf or y e.. buL Ilot xlutrtc-d W, �t:1rw consults _� LVit w aiwciC * t, ,wing, res.� ,! ' �I ,`, rc rvlsl k awr;;rsr;ntxl, ar 1;4actlit! t xacr9 °. , and a raj* sc . . ,a:,lrsa6 feryt uafA ue 4w, the fQr z- of a C05tr vitts fkc:e c^ntr:; :. 'neat 4.Nec atrocunt provision-, gar 't can he in 71�t s, " 'it Of {. tis= tt cn .. .it detail shall be provided i" , ,.: r to e tx mate ht user fi `x4. cltall :iyot it lulcan pr-cc%rttrw.�;taidl 4tane: ,aw art of . fza Ira rt,�:pjnse to, his t�WP, ci n: zu!Laint >roxahes to perfnro any iteizi of 4* or,. :.", a different manner than .. outlined by Cit-;, in the &, Caters ent of work, an explanation of thim pr. . 5:d change shall be it cluded irr ian ir000sai. 't it- Vili.�ate Me x:xtenf and status of a"l previously awarded C aii; x nia Energy Cunirnirsion ; ar int work. This descriptionsP`A inchide the d at- xn eoinpIr:.io,i for 311> Lurrent I#. ",ects. `tii'.iN lit - "ELECTli *-" l-RjC E:,ijR f The p, opn ,al should the consultant's (most favorable terms and conditioti5 sir ep ''c:e selection s„ay Le made *heat discussions with respondent tc the ' a RF P. , Seleztion, of the consa ta^t will i ,:, oas(W on criteria which is identified But not limil�,d t- tht, fol.cwir<g i,,t-ns: a 1. .1--csiosed ta pe f,n'; $ the wY z;.e ��+• 2 2. ,,;i,.onstrrAed Edy*ertise and r. :arience in 1;1 idiar pr.)ject:'. �+ { 7:t "'.gager :ir 7x, ..itr:iLnt cj d crt centia;t. W the ia'»,} �ws'ti L ; ru3c ".] tLe t. il i t,« Ytli , l�.+:.t, ;: 3 �i�j e . —yr i :.� .?.iY�. ;:r i3 •+, t: ..� c 1 C :4:i . ti•.E' if. �g tx u"% ,,, «+,a"` a �*i 1nt� rti4 .., :n tk'w'r t}� fi;.t!iP::i' . ;.�;•;`P. a:' � r[a � r....:�. C e, a .y. Jl ril ysl51VI '.i.• `Mi 1cw .'< r•nA,... n+..:rpctr.wh a. :..w�+r'.+r �k .ww�nu•�{wrwpr��rr . §g ¢��,'+�vayxns�aww.�$.��y y (�� y p { r A l�n-.PSyd U I«A'�P"k�.F�d:iY 1 -7 consultant Cain b(i rc k4ired to crjcri:i,rctta all ci)ai putr:r tented items of WCrk through tP e City's lffortnation by stems O vision, 0, Setectrd ct;rmultant will be required to 10mount,#1 nod ` brirc upY1 art uperaUr,:I Tra«my"-=cr Prograrr on the tJty! Lti;: tpumr. All, co0cornir , the City'z current computet syS4 n Hall be obtairied by the conruttar•t prior �. I pmpz,i A.. submit.tat< Contact V- 3arry Braamlett at 960-- --13 d cotLoultant will be provided with th;, cption of ,. rptalllnq the Oltyiz tags a cantaining Tramytn F; or utilizing consult&Ws tape' to mount cnci cperat�: raw or cm-wolt 't nay elect to purchase a new tape c3r,taininq t *;_ rnyt'�,, -L rT., 1 1 . SOeck °f crytaSbltartt will be provided with a work station within C;iGy roA.. whj°i ,t ...:.1 aornputtr t�t,od wor,#t iterr1s shall be coetducted. 1, .-$G:inun to #rscunt#rlg writ }srtr#:isa,a iJ( ti#L' FI"d1�rj�-: PrQ9rUr,,;#: In& selected will be req<slre4 to make ill software adjustments a; -id modifications nee. . ,- .. y to provide the City -w f' a fully operational Transyrt-J Program. t` Seiet;tvj consultant shad .adNeise t .i r of any necessary 1hardware mor'? cations neC;c .;Sary to irr#pleate,~t Sres#7ra 'r rt aliov.ts r°,f 4v are ire uidelms, scu,:a and re Vonsibi li ties to be met and followed by an outside consultant vendor to achieve the .orversk n of TRANSIT-7 source � Fortran c€rds to exec�.te or' o4Su r;oghs 83955 rnediur:s systems hardware.. The 1101.�„ jM55 w,- three .0a` ar eg.b= tes of chain rnemary, runs on a sevLn 7"r � -leek c,id is capable of comp Hi l ortran 77 so;j,-ce code. �r i, tic; In with TRANSIT-7 ss;Qrce code written in IBM FDct.ran 77 end convert .;iy` mcompatibl'e soar .e cade to v.11ova cblezt code executions. - '3r. ,f . car *esident Programming, U--, editor to manipulate so4rce code. 3. A Jrivr,, to it €uGtallation of t1he City of Huntington 1'Pach regarding ,Yarning i:onvL ,ntio n;i ° r vro rarns, file:, and reports. �N , 'f y�r� v�f� M�CcJ� ��ff t. Yv ee��} �y �/ Y, ppi�pp ��y f1n the 4. -- �kuzc swyF^Sy3ily .:vv ianstratL�' +~i;tt fC:ct:;ry exe s,;,Ation output per the standard , �1J k51 s — x-'ntrat t'" 51.r te1 ta,,k ° Jet 'n,Jenl. ulf c System ztaff. . .ti`` 4 i`i T#'t `'s"1l,f'"c •" s - '": i$:..3 ; : ' o e c t "1.3e»i`c.'. e - ,._. ). ,. fl:E' � Yaja,#'i nritt,'.-n ex#'?`;tiE}:: ll ,� sit}4,%Ccr fi£jay work ur.-sit,: a ytirue Mancha through Friday, a.m. -*nt l i7, "# u. .ram: two access to the computer rcot , will be i rovs'ded. Tee;nrAical pry lems assoclated with the compiler itself, is', the fcrty of co•npiler bu- 4�, ivill be cons4imated oy the City with liurroughr E,na the venu,-r wi.1 rerizas:- cok=.°wrted t^-- c r ver"ft r^egards' .rof V"'. ls,:�r "sate,, w Invoh, .. ti atoo -e rh e . Sei4ctp�ad consultant will be required to prvp4ri, a Networi(-Node-L-lak M,ap as leg•,ired• M%p shall include all nodes,, finks, link distances, park q/turning re stri:.tlons end Ws routes. is wt, roquire t}ati'r'r " of tl:a ft.rlow"sng data whichwill ,» rarsstrltant :zed for this N Olact. x �. ,.: , stirg cyc1E ler; itit'- wing flf f$ets. c duriins ar..» ' lengths. .'A 3. xist®ng interval 4. &,''ase sequence. 5. >jjnijnurn green. �. �s,-s deli tinIcsk 7 Travel speech G . t- e yn 8. t 171b�SiT i7 rr7 i]ie'Sty C.�i'i'.. ntss. ,. 9. Link to link 1POI;Jt e%- T 1 rircl; - :) t o INPUT ,�4�,13 I t si lip � k and input all necessary data into the r Selr�:¢:rd r,©ytsultee;t ,N;ll be regijtre-� to code � 5 . Transyt Program. t ' tN 0-1 TPL)T CALtl`3RATit3N ;s f^ if u ♦t Y of Trans�14F AwYFIYstl2l Yr S�t.,yl1 rt%r ll r�i;i i.."J� tk�J �V l.rl'Al{ ��ryry,�,ji HtY y ed perform L i> L.'.+���s4�:•t a� :St all i a a .`wd r eta. _ . �^,..nation r M✓ k 'Y i,, * �:c^air, .F tG" �Yla, y xkk.:ilxtlt �r �:.rri rY'.a } ,arwc i�A4t�s5tE ruv. g y w ^ t.� re"i .. .,l q. a final repti~t a$ rera lre VIP y �unsa$tt �t vrill ha requ rO to prepare, . .i ''nal e`el.rirt will f0l'r..v till hut.; :;nr e s er T v ,:�trrzessir�n. the C.tty and CxeC - L : r. 01. atA REQUtoFOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Subm!tW to: Honorable Mayor and City Council Submfttad:by. Charles Thompson, City Adminis WrM by; Subject Date �. .. 1984 Ak Paul. B. Cook, Director of Public W alp orb" nia_,naKgy Commission Grant Coordination s Tr S tatment of lssce.. Futids for wing improvement to the traffic signal timing on major tresty are available to the City thru the. California iforn .a &,A--rgy Came ssion. Adopt Resolution NoS.7 (authorizing submittal. o an application execution of necessary mien by t�+ City Administrator, 7ba Stag ,)f California is making available $500, 000 for grants arv.4 technical support. to local. govets .,nts to --educe fuel oansuaptxon tft igh mzdificatzons to tba timing of traffic c signal systems a tbixi their jurisdiction. This Fuel Efficient rtraffic Signor Management Program is jointly admduu,st by the C al.i fCmia DepartmAt of Transportation and the California exgy oxmi,.ssion. r 1C >r a f iC Signal, KAmge t Pr , ram, ��y�gaoz� nts are assisted = �'� traffic signal systemtimi,ilq pit,d s u"C?ugh use of SWIM and other carputer models. It is estimated that full, statoride imple- mentation al this signal timing program could. conserve 150 million gallons of fuel axe redwe vehacle operating o:.sts. Total savings £rcm the program would bB appropriately $550 mill.im annually, 'fiscal. gmmrirent, agencies awarder a grant will be refgui.r aci to have project staff attend speciali -.d tedwtical training a:ks ops. The geog� s t-ributi.an of grant xecW ents with the state will determifte, the number and l ti.un of the training vmksbops, The trazni,rq is designed x enhance the specialized skills of local: trattfic engir inq Personnel and traffic rxa wul.tants serve local. Wm=Vadies; ileac i tigg for tx *el and 4r,using will be i�luded in the gent zit. Applicatim will cover 24 intersections on dit^,ger Avenue and an trookhurst Street eligible x er th program. Ccoperative effort with the City of Fountain valley V4.11 assure xnr=vement over the tiro le.gth of the Brookhurst projett now zslet�d. aud,,�.ted personnal time oval be used to piwie- contribution, fisted of City as a p6rticipant in the proqra . Z�. ,� .� REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Date August 6, 1984 Sbm:tt in: Honorable Mayor' and City Council y: son, city Administrator ` gp Y� Submitted b Charles W. CrTCo Prepared btl: Sul E. Cook, Director of Public Works�� � Subject-, Appropriation �--- A i.ation of Funds for California Energy Cormu-ws � Gran x� , 17. r Statement of fssue, recommendation, Analysis, funding !source, Aitarnative Actions, Attachments: C'o Stzitnt of Issue: `The City Council has previously appersved the Departrrent of Public Works suhtt rg an application to the California Energy Camiission for possible funding to imple- ment measures which will help .reduce fuel consu-,ption thrash modificat�nns to signal timing cyst ans . Bzc amwrdation: Approve the appropriation of $28,600 from the unappropriated general fund balance. Analvsiss The State of California, is making available $500,000 for grants and technical, support to local governments to reduce fuel consumption through, modifications to the timing of traffic signal systems within their jurisdiction. Sbis Efficient Traffic signa3 managenwt, Program is jointly administeried by the California. went of Transportation and 0-- California Ear cawdssion . Tlirough the Euel Efficient ,raffgleent Program, local gove�nmentsi are assisted in inpmvinq traffic: signal system timing plans tluaigh use of TRAIMT and other ompit er irr-dels. It is estimated that full, statewide imple- mentation of this signal timing program could conserve 150 million gal.lms of fuel and reduce ve iele operating costs. Total savings from the program would be appropriately $550 million annually. tccak. gov=ment agencies awarded a grant axe required to have "pioAect staff act specialized t ra training workshops• '"-ne geograpskuc distribution of grant recipients wi hi.n the stag will, determine the b' nu and location of the Ong workshVs � The training .ni ng .s designed to en ::anoe the specialized skills of local traffic engiameri-na personnel, and traffic consultants who serve local go _Vent agencies. Rui i q for travel and housing has been included in the f grant requested. e eject will oar 24 intersections on Ediriser Avenue and on Brookhurst ; street. r' RESOLUTION NO. 5384 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING FUEL EFFICIENT TRAFFIC SIGNAL MA TAGEXENT PROGRAM GRANT AP- PLICATION W EAEAS, the City of Huntington Beach recognizes that it is f` in: the interest of the national economy to )?rjmote the conservaA tiers, of energy resources and to reduce our nation's dependence " on tostl.y foreign oil; and Fuel, efficient traffic signal management by the City of x Huntington reach will provide benefits to '�he local community .in the form of improved traffic flow, reduced fuel consumption, reduced vehicle operating casts, reduced air* pollutant emissions, and improved safety due to smoother flow, and Funds have been established and are available through: the California Energy Covnisaion for grants to local governments ' for efficient traffic signal management projects,, NOW* THERERE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of tht City of Huntington Beach does authorize the submittal of an. 4 application to the California Energy Commission ;for a grant and the City Administrator or the City of Huntington Beach is hereby authorized and. empowered to execute in the name of the City of Huntington Beach. all necessary applications, contracts, and agreements to implement and carry out the purpose specifies In this resolution � o 'PASSED A14D ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Hunt.inoon Teach at a regular meeting thereof .held on the 4th day of 1 A�TEgT*. d A%4 a, jor �. No, 5384 COMTY OF 4Ra; N(M CITY or sv TM709 SUCH, g, i, ALIM M. WENIW9RTH, the duly elected, qualified .City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Couneil of said Cite , do hereby certify that the +.thole aavtiber of mbers of the Cite Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; r that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative *„ 4 vote of imcre than a majority of all the members of said City Council ` at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of June , l �+ by the following vote. AYES. Councilment ti MAdMister, Thomas, Kelly, Finley, gailey, ndic ?one $fit \"•t�+�cilma� t City Clerk aqd. ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California k -..:rig....._..^_.,...�..._..,�..�.:•...._,.., ...._..,..,.»:. �....._;,.,�. �i;,'j a.,., 'S:ka<4�. ..:.r rh"r s.+ 3'�a'.d4,,,♦ ':-,Rr3, q�, ,rrt" qof..q""'�''.i PRQ"I$erti wSt q TFrrS t RTtt7CAiE IS iaSW D AS A MATTER OF tNFCRMA ION ONLY At40 t_ w R c. bay d L • N a ve r t a. n C . t:D RIGIRTS UPON THE C£fiTse7CATE HOLDER. THIS CER.TIFMATE DOES NOT AMEND, ci . Box IS 4 4 1 EXI 'ND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOWP.. .' So. Pasadena, CA 9-L030 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE .r 1 CO%4aAItY A t.MER Gabralter Casualty Company COMPANY w„ Austin -Faust Assaciat4s I COMPANV � ¢ 1450 N, Tustin Ave.., 4108 Santa A.na CA 92 /01, i arr E:pmpk4Y D LETTER rr0+,tPAN!lgipp , .. _ 1111 TMS IS TV CE!<TIFY THAT POLICIES OF WSURANCE LISTED @FLOW t4AVE BEEN 1S6UEDTO TI4 H5URF+O NkMED ABOVE FOR THE.POLICY PERIOD tHD"CATFD NOTIYITHSTA, -ING ANY REQUIREWNT. TERM OR CONDtTICfii OF ANY C'lNTflA 7 OR OTHER DWIJMEM' WITH R£SPFC"^ TO WHICH TWS CEriT`PfCATE Mao tqi ISSUED OR,4 AY PERTAIN, TkE INSUTRAHM AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREW IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TfAIAS, EXCLUSIONS AND CGH4; 14" TK*S OK SUCH?O:iM.:RES, *X t tr. yx Pk ?"trRH'c15 t-Afnn'TV 1 ,47,L zN THOUSANDS TYPE OF POUCY NUMBER I ,AA vv wo- ;u'- *'r. �CHWORALUABILIT fTIiRiS r.'r v ' fear c fly+ mot S CUAM f4AaRRD w « g ccx�-sr.!ea.c,r��uti € R " Iv'I.tisr�t, 5 � � � � w `� +'•'" t��t�� f" � �;e,,eTtra�� �E�� Cf)ATI'I�TI � a .II • a t x" • •pmpwt wAa ? ,...,�.,...,_ . _.. , , p:Ai IiL1t.GBY 5. \\�. *#��.• r .SK,,. pcfi+,t(1tdAi. *w.,ttte t ,C AUTO?ROffiILi ALL. CM".IO AUT€ $ +P�^I+-,">P PKI� l'w ALL tIW'. AX05 HI{x.Nz Akrvi NOR-m AMOS € F i y L ii LIAIT $ n t a, IiiN:7+� } I # �. iryM�Y(,f��r'�{Gy1 t{.yk���f�*;j ,p j y��KTsp..,q � ! ji�.��� �{♦ ��q� �S1LFk .f1'KR At��Y,%��4r.R >i.R4F� � y ._ j - •' fi I. Y✓pEi74m. compbrAvOH 8 :• aQ,zs L c i; AHD �„ » tiA�jE tY1 >f (t4 Ci1PEtiY` I IABA ►7X tee.. t+t�^^ ��yyy IPJbC, fc,4siwxtal GSL 03111 li ' w ((f ��yy,�,,ttgig{ �y aa ��++.�. t{'ytry��nr� ((t�l(�yn. ; 3/ 25/8•4 i1 3r F.5/%C75 . �$1 ,0 3,000 Qa/C" gqi 7t ,cr:. d000 deductib *. h City s ii NO'�:ing on, Beach SHOULD A2tY Of` TAItr A00VE *f5CRtV4V P%I(VM I3E fi.ANCELLED BEFORE, TNF F% PIOATION DATE 7NEi COP. THE IR511WO COMPANY WILL ,exvraixa,��xr � ° . L t 1-lain .t SAIL OAYS trYb 11"fN NOTICE TO T?ff OERT'FICATt HOLDER NA �t (I €Ca TNT NT `i Mot Pa4� ,lh f CA 92648 LFFE; E I° 7 t ? Cad �ili'�d:. . 1 d'i P tkl ; } . f'i�w'rirf'i>E k�A{3tl M as !Ij 9• t 4���g 'h itE.TIWN-Tll: CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ApprevedastoForm: (.j!N o: ilnntinl;ton Ili -it It TO Gail Hutton. City Attorney his. & lien,Offict- CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1'.0.Ito 190 cy; lluntimlon !leach, CA 920-IB A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION This is to certify that the policies of insurance as described below Kaye been issued to the insured by the undersigned and are in force at this time. If these policies am cancelled or changed in such a manner that will affect this certificate tfie insurance company ag­ es to give 10 days prior written notice, by mail, to City of Huntington Beach, P. 0.Box 711,, Huntington Beach, California 9264$. ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED, ANY DELETION OR CHANGE iNTHIS FORM SHALL Be SIGNED AND 'DATED BY AN AUTHORiZ'ZD RVRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. (Name of Insured A_...UT b.N—FOUSTi ASSIO ' A'i'Ur-, INC Address of Insured 1450 N,_ Tustin Ayentle. -Uite 108. ,ant. An,,. Callif o,, ti=,�%, Location of Work or Operations to be pea•formed llur: 3 ni7,ntpn Beae:tl Description of Work or Operations Fii— ie,?r r " for Fct s T FrOII e t POLICIES IN FORCE POLICY NO. 11 LIrtITS OF LIABILlT'Y in Thousands (DWI IVAMc OF COfNPANY TINS.) Effective Expiration GEN11IAL LIABILITY k] COMPREHENSIVE FORM 72SMPWB— f 8/30/84 8/30/85 ,Q_Q, CSL s�0 Hartford ki PREMISES,.- OPESATiDNS 8423 Each Occurance [ 1 EXPLOSIOP AND COLLAPSE HAZARD C i UNDERGROUND HAZARD kI PRODUCTS COMPLETED OPERATiow HAZARD PC! CONTRACTUAL 9NSVgp NCl fir I BROAD FORM k l PROPERTY DAMAGE bI INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ' J .X) PERSON&LINJURY ,Kid'romo tit C ISAP'n.tSY (f COMPREHENStVEFORM� 9 t T2SMPV7B l }I8/30/84 a 8/30/85 (3 04NEO 8423 S� Oy CSL' .ExttOcrurance Ilartford KI HIRED y{t NON -OWNED ; x CSL03111 i3/25 ,94 3/25/85 t $1 000, 000 G :bra i tar Cast, uwrL (I t1h960 LL%FORM t I OTHERTCIAN l UMBRELLA FORNt, l American rotor and CW 143482 12r 3/84 9,r 1.,e 85 EMPLOYEATLIABILITy t 1, (aii OGO Ts .Additional lnwfed Endorsement The insurer agrees that the Ctty of 'Efuntington Beach and its City Cotini:4, and1cr all City Council appc anted groups, comrn ++t, comrrlirsirins, board and any other Ct:y Councsi ap"inteti bo ty, anilot elective and abpointiv. officers, Servants of emp�ttV?yes pr t'r' Ci6* of Huntington Beach, when acting as such are, additional invtreds hereunder, for the acts !if the insured, and such insuraw, sr.t be primary to any ,'sir suronce of the City of Huntington Bea,,`h, as their interest may appear, (Exclusive Of E&O Ins." Data='4Z g. AUTHORIZED 1984 AEPF; 'EN li/E OF INSURANCE atNPA1VY INSVRANCECOMpANy RiChard ;o, r3TvaT", ftxt'.^- Nama � sZgMes R kerman, j A.tld � nr f 8#" 'iO� AM post Pfi'�:✓s'�c�� ���� city 4Oizett ?a,,,a3ert:� C'-1ifornin City ,. out h Tayadena. to inorni:x Telephone Lly'_.� 7���fM1fl �3:11?*'tCCIS'tCttl ��h'� ASSOC; ate4o be -executed by insured) The insured • •[1= 4 .agt s to protect, defend, indemnify, save,, and hold harmtes, the City of Huntington teach its officers, agents, i,nd employees against any ftability, ioss,., damage, cost, or expense by rersson of any and all liability, snits, claims demainds, ludg nts and causes of action caused by insured, bit employees, agen8s or any subtoittractor or by any third party artatnn out of or in cOnsacloance 61 the portotmance of elate wl; rati091r activity for which this certificate of insurance is furnished ']"l} Sofa t td,jsliatorshila (2) Partrnenlfi (3 ,yr�io ion (4) Other (sta�l «��FILES IG 6Et)r flytnsureif; .�._. .'ritts f tiit►,s�t4�'ti �a RvtttWract ,c y Two �*;;_ ld E AVSTltl tf 'istrrae#wr, ' i F%ur tvrr bn4 yit4+wrc d of atrthorigption to bind crnparatina.