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B.C. Grow and Associates - 1962-01-29
COMPLETED CONTRACTS ON PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS (File 92) PROJECT Beach Front Toilet Bldgs. Civic Center Parking Lot Fire Stations: Bushard Doyle & Shields Headquarters Lifeguard 1.1das Bldg. Municipal Court Bldg Addition Overmeyer Reservoir # 2 Water Meter Repair Shop CONTRACTOR DATE:.. B. C. Grow 6-27-62 Sully Miller 11-7-6 2 Harris & Denner 6-3-64- Sonnenberg Bldrs. 5-22-63 James J. Barrett 4-24-64 Harr. is & Denner 9-25-64 Fred W. May 4-18-60 Bay Sierra - ECCO 11-27-64 James J. Barrett 9-8-66 /O/L - /966 or BOOK 6159. PACE: 471; AOTICE ' OP COMF MOIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the contract"heretofore awarded by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beachg California-, . to` B. C. Grow & Associates w..._.rn.r��wr�■�r.�.r.�r.r�.�r. rnraw�.� r.r... �. �.�rr....r.�.a who -was the company thereon` for doing the following° wo' rk to;; -wit: partial construction of two'Beach Front `toilet Buildingd in the City of Huntington Beach, California FDED AT REQUEST OF P11t171r4cyro, eEAp1ICI_AL RECORDS OF - GE COUNTY CALIF. 9:05 Aft -JUN 27 1962 RUBY. MCFARLAND, Gumity Recorder FREE That said work was completed by laid company according` to` plans and specificatiGns axid to the satisfaction -of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach' and that laid work wa's accepted by the Oi ty Council of the City of Huntington ` Beach at. a regular meeting thereof held on the June., 1962 That upon said contract the Fire .man's Fund Iridurance Company was surety for the bond given by the said, company as required. bar law. .,.!.,.,,--'-Dated Dated at Huntington Beach: California, this the �...,_26tb d y y Clerk r%n -o is o ler of the City C ail -of the City of Huntington-' Beach', California STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange es: City of Huntington Beach 12 Paul Co Jones, the duly elected-, Qualified and acting.. City Clerk and, ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of. , Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that I have read"-ths` foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION and know the contents thereof a.n&, -that. same is- true of ' my ' ovin'. knowledge, and that said:- NOTICE -.OF CG"_TMj0N1= was duly and regularly ordered to be � recorded -in the Office of the. County Recorder of Orange County by said City Counoil'. ,.,DATED at Huntington Beach, California, this the- 26� day f ' 1: • ., 1962 • `, . •�. City Q1exk` anV jzk-officiF C er of the . City C uncil of the City 1 of Huntington Beach, Californid:. MI - =IS AC► ' M Tp made and entered into. as of the ..,�„g9ib..,:....v„+.�..day of January lq 42 by aad 0 CITY OF HIIZTIHGTON BFAGH. a ]bunioi.pal Corporatioup hereinafter called B. C. Grow & Assoc. 250 E. 17th, Suite K Costa Mesa, California Hereinafter called CxTr CONTRACTOR WBEWASp the City Council of the City of Huntington beaohg Coiciaty of Ormno,p State of California, pursuant to statutes in such oases made and provided, duly and regularly caused a notico to be publishedg calling for bi"' for labor. matm-JAI,; tools and equi,= nt for the partial construction'`' of two BeachF 17tromt 'toilet Buildings in the City of I3untincrton Beacn, California In said City of Huntington Beaehp Californiag Bald work to be constructed #ripording to plww p specifications and spacial pravlaionn for same on file in the office of the City Engineer and 'adopted by the City Council of said City of HuntiNoon Beach on the 2nd day. of January �.q 6._..a to shi ch eaid'plus, apecif eationa and special provisions reference is hereby madea and by auch re;�erj once they are made a par~ of this contract as if herein, sort out in=full, ead WHO, the City Council at a regular meeting thereof and at the time and place appointed therefor opened the bidrs oubmi.tted by the respective bidders for the aonstructlon and completion of the above nenticnad work, and'after'oareful consideration of &11 bids oamitted the City Couns�il awarded tho contract thereforr to the Contractor tberein namod at the pries set forth in i.ts bid; it. berg the lowest and best'bid received by the said City Council MW THETWlEv in oonaideration of the oovenarnts and agreesumte hersin9 oontainsdq being done and performed by the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed as . f ollowa: 15 I 1. The Contractorp under the diraotioh and to tha satisfaction of the City Ugineer of the City of Mntingtor. Beach, acting as its agent: ahall and will provide all nateriale and perform ta. work Mentioned in the, specifications -and special • provisions or shown on the plans for the construction of the " work' hereinr above referred to and more particul:-=4 -set out 3.n sai.d'pians9 specifications- atyd ap*via3, provisions= except as hereinafter etated4 2a GO alteration or addition shall be rude in the work shown or deaM• cribed by the drawingn y speoVIcations or speoi.al provisions o No extra - work ahial' be performd or paid for unless the City of BantingtoA'Beachl shall hmr®. issaedq- prior to the beginning thereof,, its writton order.therefor. o Si3 i �zPG,1 The CoLAraofor ' oh+o U eve his persons]. attention to: the faluil-ax.)ant of tria contract. there club-oontraotors r..rs engaged on' the works they will- bo recoj�:i.zed onl„V afl employees of the Contractor; w d. no dub—contraotaIc ehan- undax any circumstancoo relieve the Contractor or surety of their 11abilitiee"and obligations under this contract q and all tranaaotiono With the. City Counoil shs].l be through the Contractor heroin named. 40 FT3 FTC The Contraotor; at its own cost end char s eWl. s%xruniah the neoessary appliances y i.mplemente n taole s molds gays and memo and gall neoesaery eonveniancee for the trawler of the material to i we proper' place in Abs work3 and said City shallnot ire hold responaible for the care or protec tion of any mterial or parts of the works except wn in. the specifi,3aations or special` provisions expresn4 provided, 50 �. �k�.4 :.M . Should it appear that the wozk' herei.nl - cons ._ templistw3, ox my of the matters relatives thereto, are not-©utfioiently datailed- or explained in said specification or epaoial. ' provision i the r ontraator ithal I apply to the City wear for auoh further explanati.orAz as many be necessary and shall conform . to the same as part of this cantracty sa far so may be consistent w4.th the orfginwa spec fiostiona v and special provisions. 60 s The work :is to- be commenoed* within la days after approval of the aontwt to fornc by the Cif kttoraey' if. said,Cif and is -to be diligently proseout+ed to- oompiation in tuoh-:ordsr ''and' msnnsr of progress as the City dear maq from time to time presoribet, 1L . � wl4r�. . shall appear to tha City Fzgineer tv be incompatent or to act -in a disorderly o.. i mpropar skmer, he ©loll be diachargod i=adiamt€ ly on the requiaition .-of , eai.d' City 20 r + F�giaeerp and such perco:: ohall not agi! in be eat? on the worko 4 COOPERATION R fX Bd�"„�: Whvawer the Contractor is not present on an part of the vork where it m' be deeired to give direction9 orders gill be given by the City Engineer and sha3.1 by..eaeived and obeysl by the superintendent or foreman who wy have charge of the partioular work in reference to which the orders axe given 4,) BA3gBT1'Fl, Y -OR MOLYMY, OF gORMCMR-t if the Contraofor should be adjudged, bankrupt9 or if It should make a general arssig ment. for the benefit of credi.tore p or if a receiver ahoy ld - be appointed ou' account of his insolvencyg or if Contractor. ahould persistently or repeatedly refs ae 9 or shout& fail p except in case© for which extanaloh of tizse in provided9 to supply eacu& praper17 skil- led workman or proper materia is o' or if he should fail to ' make prompt ant for material or labor, or persistantly disregard lawa9 ordinances or the inetruotioaa of %tie City, or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation -of any 1r04ision of .the contract# theiz the City upon .the certificate of the City or of the City of Ha ttington Beach that sufficient cause exietato justify such aotionp W without prejuAce, to any other right- or rome4v and after giving the. Contractor fifteea (13) da`ya vriiten noticev terminate the e*ploynent- of Contractor and take possession of the •premi.etaa and of all. materials, tools p aad- applianoes,- theroonp end :�iniah the work by Whatever method it ma deem expedienVO In'such case the Contractor aha3.l not be entitled to reoaivo any further payment vanti.l the work is fi.nixh�d, If the-smpeid baL=e of the contract price cha]l exceed the ' expense of_ fininhi.,ng the work,, inoludi.ng compensation for ,,additional man86'eri0: and` admiml - etrative work or service©,, such exceee shall be paid to the Contraotara If such expan®e shall exceed auah unpaid balanoa, the Contractor' shall prey the difference to the City, The expense incurred by the City as herein provided9 and the da ago incurred through the Contractor9 a defcaultp shall be cortified by the City Eneineor of the City of Hunttngton Beacho 10., 1AWS TO BE OBSM EB= ai'he Contractor • shall. keephimself fully inforwd of all exis ding and future Stato . and Federal' laws ' and municipal mass ' sad regtil.atiorb in any manner affeoting those engaged -or employed in' the work, or 'the materials used in the work, or in any wry* affecting than conduct of the work, and all such orders and decreer of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or euthorit7 over the same. If any discrepancy or inoonsiiatencg in discovered in the plmw g drawings:, specifications or specUa provisions,, or contract for Ude work In relation to any such lawss p ordi niinces p regvlationg order or decrees be aha11 Forthwith report the came to the City in w rit1mg. He ohs.11 at all times himself 30 r observe and comply with,, and shall cause all his agents and 3mplQyees � to vIenerve' ewd comply with all such exiating and f ature- u-wa s an. regulations oicders and decreeng nnsl oba-33prI*toot and fnd©mnit�y the said Ci.ty,3 the City Crounoil and Citg mgiriear, and its and their officert a, agents and servante' against any claim c:r liability a -I sing from or based on the violation of any such 1awf ordinancoo regulation, order or decree whether by itself or its employees (b) fhe Contractor. shall, before entering onthe perfo=anee of the work herein Frovided, furnish a bond in the mm of fifty (50) per cunt of the eon- trio ' pricel, as required -by the te=s of Sections 4200 00 4205 of the Governaaant � Code of the State of - Ca.Iiforniao (a) In the employmant of labor thi; Contractor sh&II give preferenoe, other tinge b©ine- eglu g to hoonorable discharged- 00.1diers S sailors - aiid- maarinea p and x61ii&i1i ` labororaq but in auch nonn.ection there eha3.3. - be no' other preference or d�ieiii= i- tion° eaaoing' oitixeae of the United States. liV EMPIliYKMT OF Ab'33: ..Pursuant to- the provisiom cif the Labor Cads of the State of Califoruis, no person9 firm,, partnieraMp,; associationor ®Qrpoa'ation' or agent thereof, doing any work as a contractor or sub=ooratractor upon SAY publio work being done for or under the authoritV of this" Stars! or suy offioar or department theroars or for or under the -authority of amf county# oity and county,' oity, tova9 townsUpr distriot or any other polit:Lzal subdi- ieion tberoof, or any csf.hcer' or department obsJU - knnuinglM employ or'' oeue+e or allow to be employed thervoi eAy alien mashing thereby' W pereon not, born or f u].4* itL;�alized oi.tiion of th® IIni.ted States - a=ept in -oases of eizitra+ordinary ® caused by firev :Good or danger to life or prof ertyq' or e:sodpt'' to work° upova public military or naval de enses or works in time, of war;. prr ideiid . how*Tvr, that wi:thilz thi;-ty (30) dayff after any alitmi ie permitted to. work fbireon` due to axtraorin=y P-Mrg6noy, the Contraotor doing the work or hie' authorised .agent abali file #.th the officer or' public bony awarding the contiaot a r$por'ty verified d by h t�' c u, vetting- forth the nature of the eaid emergemiy' end aonta3nii tied nee Of t�=aa' said. alias aUd eeoh ftW he� eras pormi.tted: to work! end. failvre: to 'il.e said report' withln'• aai& time shall be' prima facie evidentie that no ouoh eztreairdiasx3r sWergeaor' edai:ntedQ Such Contractor and .each enb=contractor - she Za aalao *jieepo or came* to bo, kept,. an' accurate ie'cord showing the' name and ci lzership� of all- workers- a ap3.ayed by buns. in connection with the said public 'work , Which' - record sball: be opsii at- all reisoiiable bourn 1 to the' iliepection of the officer or* public awai #ing the" contrapdt, hie or its doputiec and agents and to the Chief' of the Divieion of Labor Statistics and Ia v ErLIoraomento his dhputies and agents„ 4�a It is further un4erstood and' s&reted that i or each violation of the above stipulation,, said Contraator shrll forfeit to the City as a penalty, the eaa.of W6 (310.00) Dollars for each day or portion thereof during which each such., aW is kncwingly employed -in the exeouti t= of "this agreement& by said_, Contractor �)r by env aub-contraator ande3r him- iu AolatioA of this e cipulatic-i axd tim pcovisiun6 of the Labor Code of the State. of Califon Ja. x; 12 0 That in the perfo noe of thie Weazent, prices,, fitness end - qusl�V. being e3qual p : the Contractor . e. pees that -he will use empplies and-Mat-ft. eria%a- Z rorm,; manufactured and produced in the Stato of California and that eub�: 3oot1 to: the.: above provision he agrees in the paa:faxUance of the, work aontamp-. Itted hereunder to use only such unmauutao'hwed materials as bane been produred in the United States,, and only 'auoh man afactured` materials as heave been mean,- faotured in the Uoi.ted States g substantially an from katee ale produced in the United Statea 130 17T@LIC ^ON9arowCE AND S (a) The Contractor z=t arrange to take care of the existing traffic 4 so as to - inconvenience the general -public'' se little - se poesibler Residente along the road MUf;t be provided for= as far,as praotiaableo Temporary approaches to crossings or inter,:1-eo:i.ng highway `moat be - provided and kept in good condition where required by the City Engineers (b) The Contractor ©hall provids and maintain .`suoh' fencee 9 barriere 't signs ¢ rea3.ight® and patQhraen. and other =t_.aWL as nn;r be nee, ®aaT7 to prevent acci- detnte to - the - publio a It sham]. be neceao r that the place at' tihe points _ de.sig4 nated by the City &Sinae3r such warning aigns ae may be desisted tsy the said City Eneneer, and he ah�.1 pride white lights as any .bee necessary for ' 111=d.nesting the said signs. (a) The Contraotor ' shau. ogres for publio traffi o D an re3quiTed and - dir. ected by the City Engineer,, Detours used by. the Contractor excluslvely for haul. materiale And equipment shall contracted and maintains" by him at his expense, 14o PRESERVATIOH-OR PROPERTY: The Contractor ahall, at his own expezr-^: preserve anal' protect from injury the road'idP trees by covering'the trunks ti ith bur" lap or drive stakes around them when required by the City hngireera 15, REMBSIHMTY FOi MACE9 The City of Huntington Beachq the City Council, and the City will not in any manner be answerable or aocountrb+o for any loss or damage that - shall or menu happen to the eaid . work or any .Fart there° of; or for any of the materials ' or other things -used or employed in•' finiahi.ng and scrap& efi.ng the work, or forthe i.sx jtz # soy p�::c�n c:r poraoa:a �, Ei th s RGr=mr:n. M ye; _ or the pabliag for damages to adjoining property from any cause which might h:vo boon prevented by the Contractor or his mwkmen9 or by say one employed by hime egainut all of which injuries or damages to persona and property the Contractor bnl t properlyy guard and must mak good all dameVs from auy cause whatever, being strictly responsible for wW damage to any perEon or property reoulting from defects or obatructionsp or fmm anji cause whatsoeverQ during the progress of the work or at any time beforo the completion and final acceptance thereof,, and that Bai.d Contractor will indemnify and save baxmlesa tho said City, the City Council.. Qnd the City Engineer from all uu:,.ta or actions of every name and description brought for or on aocoui t of any injuries or damages received or ougtained by avy person or peraons g by or from said Contrao wor9 its cservanta or agents g in the oon:- atruction of said work$ or by or in aonsequenco of any negl igonae i3 guarding this gzna; im improper materials uaed in its eonstrLtotiong or by or on account of any aot ox osmmionion of the said Contractor or his agest©g and the said Contractor farther sgmes at all times to carry publ-lo. 5f-INAbilityp property dsm$geg fire,, -earth.. quake and worImants eonpe action inmurance satisfactory to the City Engineer; nova er-ing all woex being .done under this contraot¢ and for wW loss to the Contractor by any causee The City of Huntington Beache the City Council, and the City Engineer will not udder and, circumstances be answerable or accountable„ Tho Contractor .hall f`arniah to tim City of Huutington Beach oartifi cute and evidence of all ouch' compliance both before said work is begun and during its performance. 16. lINM MD GRUMs ,7ho Contractor is to fi nisha free of charge, all labor neceenary for marking and maintaining points and l.i rion gi you by the City Engineer and is to give the City £agineer such faoiliti.es and "labor for giving said lines and points as he may require, nhi.ch said marks must be carefully pre. served. 17- TESTS OF MT&ems L11 tests of materials furni.ehed by the Contractor shall be made by the City sneer in accordance with Lnwh methede as he msy from time to time adopt 18, jk, L.M OF VTERTAT s All materials used in the work shall asset the requir(=nts of o ai d egecificati inn, and no "materials shall be used until it has the approval of the City &gineer. Ssmple3 wil-1 be secured and tested when neo'- eeeary to deterzdne the quality of materials,, Laboratory tests will be made an promptly as poseib),e so ae not to-incouvsnience the Ccntraotoro 3.9, STORAGE CB MA z Materials aba1.1 be stored so as to insure the 20' 1PECTIONs 2be City Engineer and his authorizod' aseietants shall e t, all times have anoes©' to the work during its construction and shall be fti r� ninhad with every reasonable facility for ascertaining that the stock and water- ials used and enployedg,and the workmRuahip.; are in accordance with the require - melts and intentions of this contraoto AJU work done and all materiala furnished €call be oubJeot to the inspecti.oa and approval of the City Engineer.' +' 21s DEVEMVE T ?.A ,S AND WORK: (a) The inspection of the work L.h�l.. not relievo th6 Contitor-of & of hla obligations to fulfiU his contrast as herein presoribeda and defective' work shams. by make ,goods and all unsuitable raster_ ial.s may be re jectedv notwithstanding that such" defective work and materials have been pre vi.ous3,y overlooked by the ' Gity Engineer and accepted or estimated for " pay, Monte a if the voti or a" past . thereof shall, be found dofootive at any time before Fiscal ac4aptance of the whole work, the Contractor ahal.l forthwith mare good nuoh def�ot in a m=er autle `ectory to tho City 2agincer, v } The Contractor shall, aftor receiving writ ten. notice from the City Engineer to that ef'fectf proceed to remove to a oatisfaotrry distance frmi the work all materials conde=ed by the salla City Engineer, whether worked or unworked, and remove of the work which the said City Engineer shall condemn as unsound, ipropsr, or as in any way failing to conform to the apecifioationo and shall. cover'; protect and exercise due dl2igenae to secure the work from ixtw►rya AU dama& happening to the came sha31.1 be =do good by ' tine Contractor.' 22� OTEA {# UPI (a).ater the completion of said wor): the Contractor shan xataove all temporary s wo tures built by it and all surplus material a of all kinds irom the site of the work and leave the whola clean end preacntable n e.} :U ordered by the City Engineer,, the brush and other oombuatible debris chal.? be piled in the center ' of the roadwcq or otuo.: czlearing and burned.' 23,- 1'DO OF COPIETIO}P• AND LICCIDAM D I ES: (a) It in agreed that in the event mill wore aallod. for under. nald contract in all, parts and reouire� menu is not completed before the ex-pixation of 45 days__._ (SundeV, and holidays exoluaivd) from the date of execution of this contract as approved by the City Attorney of said City of Huntington" Beach, damage will bpi ®t•-stalmd by the said City, and that it is and will be difficult .to ascertain and deteraaine the aotual damage which cai.d City will suatain in the event of and by said City the sum of Fifty , (55a . 00) . Dollars per dey for � e�ross�aer+rm�r+s�ra+saws ea& and every day' a. de'iay bWoud the tim herein prescribed in finiehtng the said work, in case said liquidated da zWz exe not paid by' said Contractor! eadd' Ci.tj Counoil mar deduot the . awunt therefo5C from ax�Y nonoy duo or that m beaosR due m.d Contractor under this contract. (b) It is further agreed that in o&we whole work called for umler thin contr ;zot is not finished and oompleted in all pars and requirements xithIA the time hereinbefore epeaifiedo said City CoUPP111 O a l have the right to extend than tims for rompletian4 if : 16- shall seem beat to nerve the interest of - the CitJD and should said City Council deoide to ' extend the time ] ; mit for completion of this contmots, it shall further bave the right to ohaxge to the Contractor, its heirs,, assigns or suretiee, and deduat from the final pent for the works, &II or &ny pis as it sWal deem propers, of the aotual coat of ongineeri.agg inspect+ons- superintandenoe and incidental overhead exile=cs which are directly chargeable to such extension and which accrue during the period of suoh extensic as 24. ANSULUM O CON-MCTa Wheneverg in the opinion of the City Counoilg- the said work is negleatad by the said Contractor or the ►nmo is not prosecuted with the diligence -and force specified., meant and intenced in aft moaner by the teaaos of this contractp it shall be lawful for fLaid City Council. to apse a req- u1nition upon said Contractor for such additional specific force or such addit., ioma material -to be brought into the work under this contracts, or to remove improper material. from tho grounds as p in the judgment of said City Counoil v .s ' contract and its due and fai.thfu3 Wfillment may require, Due. notice of such action shall be Served upon'.said Contractor or his agent„ in aritingD not less OAin five (5) dVe prior theroto, and if eaid Contraotor fails to comply with such reY- n eition within caid five day s i it istiall be lam for eaid City Counoil to employ upon such work the additional.. A.---ceg or supply the materials erg ally 1 requirptl y as aforesaid, Tho amount of such &Jntional fox -ce or materials- Shall be ch=ged against the Contractor and be deducted fro- his, next or subsequent esti.. rate and paymmtp or tho eume or wy part thereof not so deducted P~ay be recovered from amid Caatraator or ite sureties* Moreover_ p i:� ' said Cc- atreotor fails to comply with; swoh requiaitioA within five (5) dayap the said City Counoil may deolare this oontract terminstedp and may itself proceed to complet© the vrork herein ap3cified, or m y.engW any other per- - eon or persons to do the same. Upon completion of such work the Cityg throe& -its proper officer or officers, shah cause a statement to be made of the expenses properly inourrod consequent and incidental to the default of said Contractor; as aforeuddD and in completing the work itself or by any other person or persons, been dr a to the Cont--actor upon the completion' of the work by it q the dl• f xv- -.nee ehiO be paid by the City. to' the said Contraotora Should the amunt of ruoh• statement axoeod the amasint due the Contractor upon the completion of the Rork icy ita q the difference ' aball be paid by the Contractor to said 'City, 25. PAIM a D . FMOr D OF MATERIAL AID LAB= BILLS: (a) The Contractor will pay all bills for lays machine hirop materials and supplies con.raated for by him on account ' of the work bRrein- . contemplated -ah u the same Acme due and payableg and he will furnish to natd City . Counoil on or before the fifth Oth) dV of each month a agora statement of all unpaid indebtedness contracted fob on account of said work and. of all claims of private corporations or iadivldu,aU #or damage oZ any Id hd caused by the constraotion of said works together with- tae gates of fntch billa and* the names and addresses of such ereditorso . (b) 2he City Counoilt at its option and at any time, by written notice to the Contrxwtor upon the failure of Contractor to iiunieh such statementp or Ulph proof that oantraoted indebtedness is not bed met when due- May deo3 era this contract terminated and coy itself proceed to complete the work -herein spes=ip ftQid: or many engage any other person or persona to do the cameo xe) Said City GeunoiZ y q at its option and - at - any time p retaiii out of any amount dins said Coutrao-tor sure suffioi.snt to cover any such unpaid' CUUMQ provided that sworn statements of. said elate shall have been filed in the office Of the City Clerk¢ and may pay out of such amounts:so retained any auoh utpaid olalma o .City Counail 4.�gC, c with the written consent of the Contractor use any moneys in the poseoroiDian. of the City of H=tingtou Beach b6lon g' to- the . Contractor for the purpose of pas Jing for bath . labor and materials for the work ha;re3xi nontem�latesia 26,{, pAfi''T: P.iYT z 3s cent: hot shall provide that the City Coil ehO 3_ q once in each month,; cause an estimate in writing to be made. by the City Engineer of the itotal amount of -arc-k done to the time of such estimmteq and the Valle thereofo Said City oha3.3 retain ten (10) per oent of Duch` estimated value • of the work as part security for the fafiilmeat of thin . contract by the Contraotor and shall manthly at a regular meting of the City Counoil pay to the Contractorq while carrying on the work, the balance not retainedg as aforesaid,, after deducting therefrom all previous payments and all gums to be kept or * ret-Miqid under the progisiona of this contract,, No such estima a or Mvz=t shall be req� uired to be made wheng in the judgment of the City &;giniearQ the work in not pre- ceeding in accordance with the proviaions of thia contract or wheng in his judg. mente the total value of the -work done since the last estimate mounts to less than Trsea Hundred 330o000 Dbilaraa T" City Councilp if it dew it exgedie3t ao tc dog nay cause estimates to be made more frequently than once in each mouth, and it may cause payments to be made more 9quwatly to the Contraotorc 27a. MAL PbYMTs (a) The City - .neer shall ae soon as pr-acticable after the completion of this contrao t a . make a fina;, estimate of the amo=t- of work - done thereunderg and the value thereof¢ and the 'said City of Huntingt6n Beach shs3.l. at suoh timag withla tiz-:rty--five days from and after the date of said eatinate4 as the City council,may•eleotp pay the entire sun so found to be due hereunderg aunts to be retained under the provxaions of this contract.- All prior partial'. ratimates and payments shall be sub jest to .1c orrsctions in the final estimate -and` par. (b) It is hereby epecif` ad- that no aer f oats given or payment made =der this contract, except the final certificate -or- final pgment9 Shall be cows-- 63,usive evidence of the performsnoe: of this contract, either wholly or in part¢ against ashy o? aim of the said City of Huntington Beach2 .and then not until= the lapse of thi.z r-t`ive (�5} da4Ys after acceptance oi" "the work by the City . ConncA I and no. payment shun be construed- to be an acceptance of any dofeative work or improper mates�.a� o (a) Ole said Contraotor hereby fur{bear' agrees that the payment of the final. amount due under this contract and the adjustment- and payment of the bills rMfiered for any work. done in accordance with anyi alteration of . the eamB4 shall release the .City of Huntington Beach, the acid Ci ty Comail' and the City &gizwer f any and all olains or liability on aoavt of osvrk perfu=ed render this con= tx !=P a o or any alteration . thereof. 280 PROPERTr RIG. IPA" Fl TER.TA S a : It is fcsrhter agreed that nothingin' this contract shall be aonot,-,�ued eat vesting is the Contractor any right of properV In, the -materlale uaml after they i avo. been attaohod . or affixed to' the work or affixed to' -the svilg and a 1 such materiels Whal19 upon being- eo attached - or . af6d become the proper of the ea.:d _City of Huntih ton Beach. 29, NO PERSONAL U-01=- It .ie ther' provided that no member of the said City Council or the City .min©ear, . or aj other officer or authorl.aed a.:�aietrat'. of said City Engineers or any other official of said City¢ sal be peroonally roe- possible for arW liability arisiqg unC9r• this contrantfl bond for the iaf.thfull perfotmezee of this contract in. the sum e1, to FiftZ (50 '3�) der cent of the contract price, The t3tal amount of the contract price srd" the bid herein zefore reforred to is the sum of Fifteen" Thousand Two, -.Hundred, and r!0/100 Dollars (5159200.00) 32, LINQ ffpE SCAM: In acc:t: rdanae with the provisions of section r 1770 of the labor Codo o the C:, ,y Council of the City of Huntington Beochg Cal.iforniag ": has aseerta med the general prevaiUng rate of wages applicable to the work cov erad by th'�ss eon caot s more perti.cularly Bet forth in a resolution of the CiV Couch OT the City of Huntington Beach9 a certifisd oopy .of which renolution'irs hereto e.ttached and made a part hereof, and deoigoated as Reeoluwion 11ou 1555 � entitleda A RESOLTUION OF THE .CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISH ING THE GENERAL PREVAILING HOURLY VIAGES FOR THE PARTIAL CONSTRUCTION OF TWO BEAC13FRONT TOILET BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH,- CALIFORNIA. 11 �SIGET-(8,) HOURS PER DAYa That the time of aervive of any.. person employed by the Contractor shall lie, lix�63ed and restricted to eight (8) hours during any calendar dan except _in' cas3zs of extraordinary ©mergeneyp. caused by fire9 flood.9 or danger to life or property and Contraotor or aW sub-Contraotor shall keep an accurate record showixg the number of.aotual. hours worked by each aorkwin employed by him in connection with the work here contemplated, Said rec. ord ehall be Dept- open at all reasonable houro to- inspection by the City "and by the Division of Labor law Enforcement, Teat the Contractor ehe "_1 forfptit as a pan&!ty to the C;ttiy tan (10) dollars Zor each workman employed in the eaecutldn of the Contract by the Contractor or " by eny, cub -Contractor for each calendar day" during which any acrloaan iD required or poxm i.ttecl to labor more than eight hourns 34, That the Contractor shall not aasi&6 this Agreement without the e:on.- sent of tho Cityp ism aritingp fir' at had and obtainado 37. BID 1210E: The . said Contractor further agrees to receive and " accept the following prio©s .as full eompeneetion for furniching all 'materials . and for doing all the *work contcppl.ated and Embraced in this agreement; also for all lose or damp arising out of the nature: cs the work aforecaid9 or from the action of tho e1ehw,-ats9 or from any unforeseen difficulluloe or obstraetionss which may =186 or be encountered in tho prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City Council of the City of l=tiington Heach9 and for all risks of avert' description connected vi;h the word.; a..loo for all expenoes incurrod by or in consequence of the K. 1J PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. C-..7Q-411,37-_-----_---------- The pramiurn :or this bond is S payable in advamta and subleci to adjustment at currant manual rates. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT'S: That we, P. C. GROW - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -• - - - as Principal, and FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized under the taws of the State of California and duly authorized under the laws of the State of California to become sole surety on bonds and undertaking, as Surety, are he!d and firmly hound unto CITY OF HURTIT TWIN BENCH - - - - - - _ _ - a-IM .. r r r _ so.. ,. as Obligee ,_.its the full and just sum of 89VEN THOU&M-8IX HMEED AND 1q01100 - - - - r - _:- ...... _ - r Dollars, ($ 7,60o oo }, lawful money of tho United 'States of America, to be paid to ,the said Obligee, successors or assigns; for which- payment, well :and truly to be made;, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, suc- cessors, administrators- cnd assigns, it.4.-Ay and severally, firmly by these presents. The Condition of the abovo'.Obligation is such that whereas'the said Principal has @ntere�d inti+ a contract'of even date herewith with the said ObliEco to do and perform the following work, to -wit: Construction of two Beach Front Toilet Bnil.dings - - - - - - - _ - r r a _ r _ •. _ r - r r r r. r _ r .� r as is more specifically set fc -th in said contract, to which contract referencQ:s hereby made; Now therefore, if the said Principal shall well and truly do the said work, and fu!fill each and every of the covenants, conditions and requirements of the said contract in accordance with the plans and specifications, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. No right of action shall accrue under this bond to or for the use of any person other than the Obligee named herein. STATE OF a�:t�� COUNTY OF On this: �5th I day of—.. January► _ , in the year 19V- C,, before 1"i, ____ At. S. BYBEE a xoTGnY rvzsLzc in and for said Cavnty and State, personally appeared Ch2rles F. Wilson known. to me to be the person whose name is subscribed -to. the within instrument as the Attorney -in -fact of, the FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowl- edged to me that he subscribed the name of the FIFcFMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COM- PANY thereto a; prjn6pa;,. and his own name as.Attan:ey-in fact: IIY.WITNESS `�v"HERE(7F, + haye hereunto sct my,hand.and affiied.my official sea], at my eftlycc, in said County and State, the day and year in this certificate"first above written. a. tot arr Pabile to tad t mid County and State i,..e <�� B IK JP.i� 1 i�-4. My commission �cpres, -____ PERFORMANCE BOND f Bond No. C—79-i1137- _----_------...... The prQmtum for thae bond is $...152.DQ_ - , payable to advance and subject to adjustment of current manual rates. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, B. C. GROW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as Principal, and FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California and duly authorized under the laws of the State of. California to become sole surety on bonds and undertaking, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto C= OF IRMINGTON BEACT — Y;w - 00 .+ - '- - - - - - .. w - «0 w. mi" .. .+ - - .. ... as Obligee in the full andlust sum of SEVEN THOUStVD' SIX RUADEW A 6 ?"j0/lOfl Dollars, ($ 7,600XO ) lawful 'rnoncij of the United States c: America; to be pcsid to :the said Obligee,- successors or assi6ris; for which pal meat, well rind truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, sue cessors, administrators and assigns, jointly -ands -severally, firmly by these Presents. The Canditior. of the abovet�bligation is such that whereas the sold Principal has entered into r� contract`of even date herewith with the said Obligee to do and perform the following work; to -wit:. Con B]c'uef.axi of tXo Beach Front Toilet Buildinga - - .. - - - - as is more specificrilly sot forth in saiet'controctr. to which contract reference Is hereby made; Now therefore, if the said Principal shall well and truly do +i- said work, and fuhill'each and every of the covenants, conditions and requirements of the said contract in accordance with the plans and specifications, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain In full force and virtue. No right of action 'shall accrue 'under'this bond 'to -or for the use of any person ot::ar than the Obligee named herein. Seated with otu" seals and dated this 15th day of Jt3x U=7 og 62. ' B, C. (3MIr]_ FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE. COMPANY cirl ATTORNEY er SN 950P s•aa g les F. WilficIIe AtttneeY.M•Foct 1 LAO. R AND MATERIAL BOND PUBLIC WORK—CALIFORNIA Bond No. C The premium ' for this bond is Included. In the premium for the bond guoran!eoing performance of the coniroct covered thweundcr. 417.1"MULIVS ZVVER."CE1 COMARA)VY i, KNOW ALL -MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, B. C. GROW — — — — — — .. .. w .. .. w r r _. .. .. r 1. w .. ... .. r as Principal, and FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, incorporated under )e laws of the State of Califorsila and author= ized to execute bonds and �underiakings as sole surety, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto any and ail mater€almen, persons; companies or corporations furiishing moterials, provisions, provender or 'other supplies used in, upon, for or abourthe performance of the work contracted to be executed or performed under the contract ma - hereinafter., and ail persons, Companies or corporations •renting or.hiring teams, or; implements or ma- chinery, For or contributing_io said work to be done, and all persons who performed work or labor upon the same, and al! persons wiio supply both work and materials, and whose claim has not been paid bye .the contractor,' com-' pany or corporation, in the just and full sum of SEVENTHOiTS : SJX EMRO '�" HQ1106 1y r w �. w„ w _'r r',• r w w' r.� r r w r r w w r _ - r 'r -. w r r r w Dollars, �.� !'6�.OQ jf / .. for the payment whereof, well and truly to be mado; said' Principal -and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, ad- ministrator, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The Condition of theloregoing'obligation is such that; whereas the above bounden' Princ€pal has entered into a cc,..tract, dated Je,nuary 15, , 1962 , with the CITY: OF Hi3ffrIWMH BEACH -- to do'and perform the following work, to -wit: Construction of two Beach Front Toilet Buildings= =' Now, Therefore, if Cho above bounden Principal; contractor; parson. company or corporation, or his or Its sub -contractor, fails to pay for any materials, provisions, provender, or other supplies, or teams. used in, upon, for or about -the performance of the work contracted to be dorte, or, for any wort; or labor don-- thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, the Surety :on this bond will pay the some, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified 'n this bond, and also; in caso suit is brought upon this bond, a reaso►ncable attorneys fee, which shall be awarders by the court to the prevailing- party in said suit, said attorneys foo to 6e taxed as casts in said suit.and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. This bond is executed and,filed to comply with the provisions of the act of Legislature of the State of California - --:- -� :.. /"................a r...ln cam.• ^ne Agnn_RgnR inrirtciva. and all amendments thereto: S`i'ATE QF GALIFOI�I9T ss. COUNTY OF Ag On this. _15th day of�_::.�..Jt 4'�C___ in the pear 19.W.C.—, before me, M. S. mayBFF a NOTARY Funmc in: and, for, 64d County and State, pe:soiwly appesrcd• . Cherie • 0, Wilson b known' to me 'to be the person whose nacre is: subscribed to .tl e:within instrument as the littorncy-in-fact of 'the M- EMAN'S "t D INSURANCE COMPANY, aad•acknowl_ edged to nie that he subscribed Lisa name of tlic FM- MANNS FUND INSURANCE COM- .PANY. theretla as principal, and his own name as Attorney -in -fact:. IN WITNESS tYTH - OF; I have hereunto set my hand and atfized my affscw seal, at mT ..Office, 'in. said County and State, the'day and year in`this cartific"ste first"above written- ` . Notary Publics la a for said Ca-.atr as' stste' AS. SYBEE JAN 12 16 My comteission expires LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND Bond No. C .'��'� PUBLIC WORK--CALIFORNIA The preraturn for this bond is included in the premium for the bond guaranteeing performance of the contract covered thereunder. COMPAAlY KNOW AFL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, B. C. GROW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as Principal, and FIRE1MAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, incorporated under the taws of the State of Calif irnio and author „ ized to exacute bonds and 'undertakings as sole surety, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto any and all rriaterialmon, persons, companies or corporations furnishing materials, provisions, provender or other supplies u: used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracts: to be executed or performed under the contract hereinafter.mentioned, and all persons, companies or corporations renting or hiring teams, or implements or ma- chinery, for"oc contributing to said work to be done, and all persons who performed work or labor upon' a some, and all persons who supply both work and materials, and whose claim has not been paid by the contractor, com pany or corporation, in the just acid full sum of SEM,THOUSM - 33X g[} Bpf1�lp6J�./"�f_� _ — — w—•,»•' — r w _, — w — w — -► _ _ _ — _ — _ _ — w — _ — — Dollars,'($ ,� /'6' i�V L" for the payment whereof, well ar:d truly to be mode, said Principal'and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, ad ministrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The Condition of the foregoing obligation is such )hats whereas the above bounden Principal has entered into a contract, dated January 15, ,19 62 , with -the CITY OF HUNT13 MN -BEACH ' - to do and perform the followin8 work, to -wits Construction of tu'o Beech Front ToUet- Buildings �- Now, Therefore, if the above bounden Principal, contractor, person, company or corporation, or his car its sub -contractor, fails to pay for any materials; provisions, provender, or other supplies, or teams used in, upon, for or about She performance of the work contracted to be done; or for any work or labor done thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemplayment.lnsurance Act with respect to such work or labor, the Surety on this bond will pay the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bend; and olso,"in case suit is brought upon this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, which shzil be' awarded by the court to the prevailinq party in said suit, said attorney's fe-3 to be taxed as costs in sold suit and to be included in the'::dgment therein rendered. This bond is executed and filed to comply with the. ' rovisions of the act of Legi_lature of the State of California as designated in Government Code, Sections-42BD-4208, Inclusive, and all amendment: thereto; Signed and Sealed this ANDROVED :3 5n T 15tli`. day of January , 19 62 . hindpal V& IM"a ~W �r all FROPOSAL TO THS gin OF Ht3NMGTOIJ :DWR FOR TO FARTI L CONSTRUCTION OF•'T'M-BE&CH-r FRONT TOOT BULDIir`t3S Its THE CITY OF Pith' MGTOH BEACHt GALIFOMMe To the Honoxab3e for and City Council City of F=U- ngton Bewhi. Califoxx.a In comp3j.�nce brith the amoxed notic:� inxlting 9mled propm aLs, - I bereby propose And agme to air into * 4. contract to .perform the work herein described and to y Furnish thb materials therefore according to the. Maw., Specification's and Special.. FraAsions for the said work and to the satisfaction of and under the supersi vion . of the City Engineer of said City of Huntington Beach. Th .- undera%d has not accepted azW I-YA f'ram avy subcontractor or mateiialmaan through arty bid depos to*y the bey- 3.ays. rules or, regulations of uhi ch prcbibit or pr veat the. contractor from considering exV bid from awl subcortnetor or material— ren, vbich``i.s not processed through said bid depository, or mbioh prvmnt any mb- contractor or mterla3men from bidding to any . co:.nt=tor Wbo ' does , not use tine Ih%cilitina cf or accept bift from or 'throe such "bid do oiAtorye, For ,the tuninhi.ng of all. labor] materiaU and eqUpummt, and to all inci&ntalrods necessary to deli vor all the improve=zrbs complety in p3.ca in' strict Conformity • with the Plana, Specifications. and Special Frovis ions$ on f ile i n tho. off- of t1m C,t;,t n .merr, City of Huntington Beacnp Ca2ffo3r:d a, . I propose and, agrae: to taka fu.0 payaat therefor at the following unitl pvicee, to --wit-, Itw Apprmd— rats its= math tit Prize vri -tan, in rioids Unit price Total 3 2 Each tW-Ut i3di nay., at Se Ire N r a %Zw� Qt� Deis bid pr3iae par. earth i uidi tsg, A A �P. TOTAL BID if awe arded the contract, the nndersipGd bier by agrees "to sib said contract, and Varnish the necessary. bids within ten. (10) days. of the award of said contract, and to begin work.wit2ain tsri (30) days froaa the, date of approval of the contract by tba . Gity of, HuntingtonBaach. Galifornia. The T)nderaigwd hae' e i U* lvcaUte of the : x roj*md ' xork aid its f&W Iiar with the. Mns' - Specifications, and= Special Prai.sions . and the 3acal con- ditions at the place where the work is do be dota3 Accompanying this propoml. is N (NOTICE: Inr , i<ho words "Gash (8 n "Cashier's Ghece, "Ce&- tified Check,': or - "Bidder's Bond", is the cases may be*) licensed in accordance with an act providing Car the registration'- of Contractorso Licenso 'No LSD L s SIGN /. HEP►E 2 ■r �rfa�r��r�r�rrr� `►f Satura --,of Bidder : 140TTICE INVITING SEARED BIDS r Notice is he; eery giventinat the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, will receive sealed bids for the partial construction of two —beach —front toilet buildings, in the City of Huntington Beach, in accordance with Plans, Special Provisions and Contract Documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk and City Engineer of said City. Each bid to be submitted in strict accordance with -the Specifications*there- f ore. ITEM 1 CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMTE APPROXIMITE QUA1.41TITY 805 square' feet concrete floor including footings 2 1608 square feet concrete block walls 3 17 plumbing fixture units including miscellaneous piping and service lines 4 54 square feet ceramic the installation In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the labor Cade; the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,, has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages applicable to the work to be done to be as f oliotivs : CLASSIFICATION Laborer - General or Construction ---------------------- -- Dry Packing of Concrete ------- -------------------- Operator of Pneumatic and Electric Tools' Vibrating Machines and similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein — HOURLY WAGE RATE 3.26 3.26' 3.47 Bugg mobile 1'an-------------------3.47 Cement Dumper (on 1 yd. or larger mixer and handling bulk cement) ----------_�_ _. Concrete Curer - Imprevious Membrane and Form Oiler ----- Health and We.Uare - 100 per hour 1 3•47 3.45 i HOURLY CLASSIFICA. ON WAGE RATE CEMENT YAS-., S Cement Ida s : 4.04 Cement Masi,, chipping and patching -------------------- 4004 Curb Form amd Plank Setter, including setting of lines, stakes and grades - ---- ------ -- 4.04 Screed Setter, including screed pins ----- -------------- 4.04 Cement Floating and Finishing Machine Operator__---.r_r__---------- --------------------------- 4.29 Health and' Ytelfare - 10� per hour BRICKLAYERS Bricklayer Foreman - Not less than $2.00 per day above Journeyman rate Bricklayer and Stone -------4.35 Health and Welfare - 220 per hour Bricktender 3.51 Health and Welfare - 100 per hour, PIPE TRADES Plumber & Steamfitter Gen_-sral Foreman -20% above gross Journeyman rate. Plumber & Steamfitter Foreman -lOp above gross Journeyman rate. Plumber --------- ____.---------------— -------4.58 Lead Burner4.58 Health and Welfare - 4% TILE Tile Setter Foreman in charge of less than 11 men, $2.00 per day and in charge of 11 or more men, $5 . UO per day ~SORE THAN the Tile Setters' wage. Tile Setter ----- ----___----- 4.50 Tile Setter Helper3,66 Health and 'f{elfare - 12¢ per hour 2 •! HOURLY CLASSIFICATIOR WAGE RATE ENGINEERS GROUP 1 Air Compressor, Pump or Generator Operator3.53 GROUP 3 A -Frame or Winch Truck Opel-ator --------------------- 4-01 Ross Carrier or Fork Lift Operator {Job Site) 4.01 GROUP 6 Concrete Pump or Pumpem- to Gun Operator --__-----------__-_-- 4.41 Health and 'Welfare - 15� per hour TEAViSTERS Driver of Truck Legal Payload Capacity j e ss than 6 tons 3.575 6 tons to 10 tons --------------------- ------- --•----- 3.605 10 tons to 15 tons --------- ----------- - 3.655 15 tons to 20 tons ------------- ----------- ---- 3.735 20 tons or more3.955 Driver of Transit -fix Truck - 3 yds or more 3.955 Health and Welfare - 100 per hour "The rate of compensation for any classification not listed in the schedule, but which may be required to execute the proposed contract, shall be commensurate and in accord with the rates specified f or similar or comparable duties in the Southern California boaster labor Agreements." OVERTIb3E RATES The rates per hour, indicated above are based upon the local pre- vailing rates per day being eiPnt times the above scheduled rate per hour. Hourly rates of apy, based upon eight hours per day for a full day or a fract- ional part of a day. The per diem wades for a fractional part of a day shall be the applicable rate per hour inultiplicd by the number of hours -worked on said day other than for overtime and/or Sundays or legal Holidays. All work performed in xcess of eight (8) hours per day or forth (40) hours per week shall be paid for at the prevailing overtire rate, and all work peroormed on holidays and Sundays, shall be paid for at the prevailing 3" ,f overtime rate, fore craft involved. It shall be r}andatory upon the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded and upon aihy subcontractor under him to pay not less than the said pre — nailing rates to all laborers, workmen and mechanics amployed by them in the exec•-,tion of the Contract. Any workmen employed not specifically listed shall receive no less than the prevailing wag© scale for particular craft. Plans and Specifications together with proposal form may be obtained at the office of the City engineer, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California. No bid will be received unless it is made on a blank f orm furnished by, the City Engineer. The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the "Proposal Requirements", set forth in the specifications, for full directions as to the bidding. The foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids,' and the City of Huntington Beach does not, express or by implication, agree that the actual amount of viork will correspond therewith but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portions of the work, as may be deemed necessary or expedient by the Engineer. All bids will be compared on the basis of the City Engineer's estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted from a Contractor -who is not licenser' in accordance w:i th the law, under the provisions of Chapter 791, . Statutes of 1921p as amended or Chapter 37, Statutes of 1939, as amended, or to whom a proposal .form has not been issued by the City of Huntington Beach. Each bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California; shall be sealed and filed with the City Clerk of said City on or before 5 : QO P.Al. of r January 12 , 1962,and shall be opened by the City Council at its inf 'al Session Jan1, wry � 5 , i q_�_�, at Z : 00 The City of Huntington Beach, California, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to accept the bid deemed for the best interest of the City of .1:untington Beach. By order of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach this 2nd day of January - - , 1962.