HomeMy WebLinkAboutBasmaciyan-Darnell, Inc - 1979-10-15t ; { THIS AOIRSE ENT, made and entered jeiwo t13js-/,r51, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, a municJ&pa,l corporation, herein- after referred to as CITY, and 13asmac yan. - Da:Y'I)ellt Inc, � �.. 77 22 --�y , a J..Lcrr n..�k, ed. a i r��8, i�ieren�.f�r�er i e e�. red > to as CONSULTANT, x 1. The City Council of CITY Is autivirized to theservices ` 11 a professional engi 1:?er iq,, tnt3:" e o [ ecez.71. a yy Li12gr1',�.:ti..�e"e4�Ikl.�y- M r LA .k tl i for .nY���.L '�.J'4♦ W#ri .'. f yp. {tf'M�.�t.1l�RT>anct+ ' :G. It Is ne eszary and des."r&tle tli;l; engineering services be pertormed "'car CITY az move sp deaerlllvad in the Request for Proposal folvMthe _d -i;Lgza... bikew, y along :Paoifir. Coast fl<Lgtway to as PROJECT. k)ajd pro qop &,aj 1,,; att«s:icti,?d 1ia« j,'af ,eA,10 and by th s reference Inovrporatted nerf in and mWe a Para hereo ,4 and Y}r ry s y t 6 cEilXatS'�it�AA4�6d.7, .��+ht�.,.i.l i�avti that �,i�`v }�Sst`.' of :ipX+tival.i, efl OxpOrtlne oa*ate iipl ab within Californ1a 4zon 3714j and shall e all necez3ary pra-otloo and perform the services herelrt t i �# • CONSUL.TAINT agreez ',o perforin e11giIjeer €n ' services necessary ror this PROJrXT; ar,d n,[ 5, CITY hereby employs GGNFVLTANT to perforia the rollovtting services as required by PROUTI<CT and COTAISULTANT agrees to provide those services in a.ccoraance olith recognized standards of the engineering profesz1on; and � 6_. No official or employee of CITY has a financial ;r intere- t in the subject natter of this agreer::;.j,L conteriplated within the provisions of California Government Coda Z;eo- ti ons 1090--1092; and 7CONSULTANT ;arxant3 that it s J all perfarJthe se Vyes herein lonSd'Slacd In 0014pl.±anize with toe °cf ar+." fo r n is laws related to mi ni.raum t.otzrs and was ( 'all or;x a La1bor Code. Section 1171 et seq.), occupatiorsa, health and safety (29 651 et zeq, and the California. Labor Code e,^tioP 6300 of seq. ), and fair e„Aployment practlees (29 u.Z:Gr aec#101) 251 et seq� and Oaliforni.a Labor Code Section 1410 et seq,) t. N Li)- paxte1*,, are ap'plt a ile -herein, an ,. . The parties horeto rzeVl G to r 'ter fovth tjsc r rights, duties and li�bi.11tie5 in conn-Itation `pith the se. -vice;; to be perltori3 ed lxtJer thi4 P =WT, '. r NOVA, .11BftE 0Rt,+y It 10 r%1'eod by CII'�Y and CONULTA1NT CT 1 1. O&UL«i�.A L DESCHIPTIJU OF WORK TO zip DOUI�: 0ONS0 .TAN T shall provIde all etiGinearint--erv- loan as dooribed .in Bxhl4it "A" inoladln& but not limited t.7 ............... . . u..tvFYetiFE'"h'Ii%dSivaa'.t,L.v.a...✓x:. Gu✓..w.cwia a.4..a_ .. ...v. \Y lM r" sir _ _ •. surveys, investigations, con1 ultatioa ss and <?s�L 3 CEN , preparation %af detail design, oonst ract ion plsns, e*Psmates of quanUlt.tea and � . costs, prepara4,%Jon of the special provisions and any ot<he; atis- cellaneous -,ngi, eering services regQired to permit CIETY to adver- tise for bids for cons traction o PROJ9.'M (b) CONSULTANT ..-hall attend and assa;:,t lit all w.. ,`• coordination LLMY.a1 s 9rk:/ (c) CONSUMANT shah d&5i g nate a rLgistered elvil engineer who shaIJ ,'epresent it and be its contact and a ent s; in all consultations with CITY dur ns- fulf111naent c r the Ae ms of 4 ,SECTION 2. DISPOSITIO14 OF FILA S', ES IlMiAE AND 1)711 COUGULUNT iigrees that all orl inul drak: nt;t, repca��Lz, both field and office rotes; &,alculation: s, oiaps 4and other docu- ments, shall be tQrned over to CITY upon c`r iplcttAon of z'ROJLO.i t " CONSULTANTagrees that in L he p r orKwi.rc.,e ;o the Yi f.�L'ii1J X1S 4? 'this aereement, it, wIll not 2k ya #;,e In, nor ptn'a*7i it i i.;s cn.61"nta ho en age in, d4sorimInation in em l.ovgent or because of race, rellaioos creed, color, national origin, anee-try, physi- cal lxandl ap, medical condition, iria it tl stal;us), or of such person%, eue t as prw>riJod Aa 3ection VIM for 1:h1r� provision may reoul.t In the Impo s tion or to Si i l r s otx 2, Part T, Oh4 ter I or the tall ornla Labor Code. 1 p y` CONSULTAi+r'`X hi�reby agrees to defend, itideo�n.ify and held harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from and agairr�t any and all liability, damages, costs, losses, Maims and expenses, however eaused, resul,ti.ng directly or indirectly from or connected with CONSULTANT'S performance o! this af;veemcnt 14 4 . r (including but not limited to such liability, cast, damage, loss, claim, or expense arisin4 from the death or injs rry to an agent or y employee of CONSULTANT, subcontractor, or or CITY or daama- e to * �} u, n the property of CONSULTANT, su contractor, o" of CITY or of any agent: or employee of CONSUU?ANT, subcontractor, or of CITY), ex- eept where such: l.i, ,bi.l.ity, damage , costs, boss : s, claims or ex- penses are eauzed solely by tho ne l.ige.M or r'rrnngf al arts of' CITY or any of its agents or ei+ploy' eo Includinir, nv:l.i ent omias o,.is or commission.; of CITY, its agents or employees, �n corineo,tion with the general sur+ervision or d1rec"'Isn oaf the work to be performed hereunder. S«T ON 5. WORKER4WplL NS1iI .' . trONSPLTAN71 shall eompl„ with ala of ;tie p.'ervi, i=z of the Workers' l.riwrance and. safety Act r of tie 3 ate of California, the applieabl.e provisions, of Division Prid at' o the Call,rornia Labor tOode and all amendment Wieretro; and all r simi.lae 5tato or federal acts or laws appl_. table; and zhal.l n- demtriZy, der`end and mold harrrkless C,T'lY fro i and atainzr t all nlaJms, Oemando, payments,, suit a, actions, proceed"tiffs a,nd j udgl tints of every rz tiire and ffescrlpt,on, i.nc'la. irxr, atJt:ornoy's D-'oG and r. k .H.,,..,u, „ ..,.,.3....,u ,w. _._.. M,....__..,,.wo-nh:N4tPansetl✓.wra�swatasx ,�>.. ...., ... w .ixu costs, prKesertted, brought or z e�c€ vered arainst CITY, for or C 11 F' y account, of any liability under any of sai i act* €r;,:q bL, .; Incurred by reason r_' any work Lo be per 07,P,,cd by CO,'IWUTANT q" under this agrLement, SEGTl a 4 6. INSURANCE: C014SULTANT agrees to .f4Mish to CITY anmaintain in f rce until the completion of PROJLCT a general liability Ln- surance Policy i a which CITY is named as an .additional Insared . The policy shall, inzure CITY, its: Offict�r 'MJ while acting within the scope of t;,eiv dutlt s, arwains - 1.1 claims b ,. arising out of or in connection with Tlic I?`4"licy shall Provide x'or nob l:e *s than the fol lows nr arv,)€ it osas �z^ed si;-lgl,e 211Mit bodily Injury and/or property tza€�1ac:e of � per Dii.S,urreni:e. uch Policy O lnaul".5an� le unall twe .14fic.fi+..€'Q' prov1de that any otheV int;urance carr".i,od by CITY Yii'!'. ch, '?"i4y bo applicable shall be deemed excess ana inaurance o����� riz i'Y despite any co�ti`lic 3rtg provi iwrz .€z .'.iia€1 T'A 1 3 -OIICy to the con.ravy, It _Ls f-.orthar understood and agrecd, that C,"'C'3ULTA'*4111 is, and shall Oe, acting at all tune:; as an Ind pendent contrac- tor harem and not a- at) enjplejr ..e of Ir1 Vy. ,ball secure at ito �wxper€�eand be responzalal_ i'tnl L,ny aild :tll pay-- p01;ent or income tax, social seturlty, n t_.aLe s. compensati0 , unonpioymoat compensation and outer payroll do- d',a.etiiotns. r,or ('0f'f�'iVV1'ATfT and Its cff' .Cers., a£'ntss t3€ d E's'tf3loye, s and: all businaus 1Jccn*w, , 11` °ovyr, ill ¢,- ices to be performed hereunderr. �. S4CTION 8. %I`1"Y STAFF A3 3.; ti;'1'AN(;'x: CITY shall a, sign a staff c Y r ., :. , k l frc-c tl ll y` i�a5 with CONSULTANT in connecl;io i V.,f th ti1w' work (,A,.* L. -,Io SECTION' P13OV I S IOI.' FOR Ili conziderawivn of the per..."ur.1an,e c ' whe xai z*e Jo— scrrib�C.e.d engineering services, CITY �.i t:. pa; jICvr' �. amount i. based Kt +wi 1t1le fee i.=che(i'.. le $, PaMy:,nent for engineering, eJ �l yy r�S. jv Fir�nei •. .1 ri.r to ieel 1::. 15 s,i y..�..' Yt.S hr r. Li ,.j 1 in this agreeii eat and ou �l llile Yrl in i. id1�» fit. #.4lw s•}.. k?.'P'r i wy„ 2 s.. 1. w.. d. ;r?i�aj;. ♦. shall be based ul-on the fo i.ut ln. e-4w ed w 7,990.00 Project Manager $32.00 Design End i.neer 28.100 ..war. :.. . Designee 24, 00 7f` y Ser* or Traffic Tech. 15.00 .:...~ - Typist 12.00 SECTION 10. (a) In Wis oveent off 5 i . J i �j i. `S S k Y! k Ye CityJg# ty4e yof cO4. ng,4—o Ar om.. y he work or for 'other writtAn pOirmissioli a tlicfrizli-ji* cc� "e izt dherein, ddiLicaixa�., c ��se�ysr�uf.�+xi *hall be %f ,:.. ,. v.- .n. .. .. M � 4 A for such. extra work but extra t;c5mpers:a7f: r�t1 st;�1.� a,t�t: exePcd 0 percent of the total contract, as specified above, without a,p- �F ,. oval. of C_ *-"Y. (b) CONSUI-TANT shall submit mon--hly invoices which s,recxry the area where work was complef,ed and th,,, <. sr.-i.ated time for completion to the City ngi.nee ror appros- a.t the request of CITY, outside the limit z- in this agreement is to be designat. td as "E X Ri r,010c, a nor}A�.ly i.ravo;tces, Work performed in connection wtt .h an aut horwl zed wri ;try n -han6e order Srill be sty designated on said invoice. SECTION 11. TE MUTION OF C�05N'T AC` , All work shall be done in a am! workmanlike manner ant TY reserves the right to terminat<e> .servi oz f-erE ftunder at any uimo w1th or without ^aus:e, and whys}thrr max' net Pri,";JECT 3 a been "Al:y eomraleteJJ Any termination hereor, an�J atiy zoecial instruct.Iono �'ere nd*r From CITY shall be made throw;h the 1 L Engineer, and In writlnZ, w ilob may be �exi.ver. -rd In person to CONSULTANT or mailed thr-�ix4h the normal aa!,4vae, of ,,,ail to iiiow-e thabl:i.shed bits ' neuis address. In the eve-,)t, va L s agreement 1z cancelled, all drawingz, designs, and appur- tettant data may be uaed by CITY wi thottt add# tlonal cost to CITY. tftuld Cl:'iYY decide to vtr.�minate this agreement ror any CONSl3M1tOT shall be entltlod to paynavnt- ort an ta.)urly uasi. In accordance with ,the rate sf:he�;ul.e for work. eoa pl.eted prior to written notlrication. r f This agreement is a personal service aonz ra.at and the supervigory tvovic hereunder shall not be delef,ated to anj person or entity without the consent or CITY. fi 'ONSUVTANT agrees that no regular employee of CITY � y shall be emp..oyed by its firm during f.he time that this agreement is in e feet» N WITNESS WHEREOFthe parties h4,rr9to have caused 43, { his agreement to be o�ec^uted by and WtgrouCh ' Leir autihori-zed officers the day, month and yeAr flr t above written. CONSULTANT , -fox' A ttrz�e �+ ,k J i d4rits stx' tea MreOtor of Publio� '4 < n k to"r - +'GS 1 MAC ;. BIKE TRAIL H. B, PIER TO BOLSACHIC STATE, BEACH. Y CERTIFI% ATE" OF INSURANCE This is to certify that STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois 0 STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois has in farce for S$Sf RCt `f'A , DARNEL[ Frame of Pohryhalder x k2E2 CAMP!S�°�TE,BZ. Address of P01eCYhd1der NEWPQRT locar,'on of operations _ _ rl' 2 A19 r Pti S S TF 81 � NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 .the iolfowing coverages for the periods and limits indicated below, °FOLICY NUMBER `y TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD l LIMITS OF LIABILITY r-1 Cafnr+rtthenssva Ouat Ltmm; for BODILY INJURY i_ is mtaS Lea�ifiSy _¢ _ ....a._....,.,........_.EachOtxurrencez S e A�IRnufaetucars' and nd > �Dtmtract0r8^Lrdbetity' l 0 owners`, Landlords' arur PROPERTY DAMAGE Tenants" i.saW v r_ v.w _v ....:.,.. . __ _ .w... _ .. ........ Each O=freMe S . • Tha atzo+re snwrana u,ctudss ! �.--W--•-^ tsipplrrabl* it uediastad tty l 3PROL4jCTS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS l � Ag�agate 5 €_] OWNEAS' OR CONTRACTORS' PROTECTWFE €IABILt. Y ' Cambened Smprn Lunst for ROD€LY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE C1 CONTRACTUAL L€,,BI LIT Y Each Occurrence S x Q 4 Q Q R POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF .INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD, 7 AWtgate 5—.3.=as _ twat€ exit $ CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY LIMITS Plat t „ ?If dsfftrtnttfeanabovel SODILYINJURY 12-71 / CClh1T EahOcturrenee 5 . 0-34580D R OFFICE 9 PROPERTY DAMAGE L I I Agwagato S..„ WCrkrrian'x1lNorfcers C4xrtP^d k CaveropA SI'ATUTOr?y T jtsntl3brf Covragtt A Efr.p:oyer tL+ab+ltty tawars, 8 covert" B ' S "Aqv atdteol appita-We if IOwneW, Landlords' arse! Tentnts' UabO t''Y 5nse tanze exrlud" struafacal atteratwns, new consU-"ton of demolition THI CCr%T!fICATE OF INSURANCE IS NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND NEITHER AFFIRMATIVELY NOR NEGATIVELY AMFNDS, tXTEN%S OR ALTERSTHE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY ANY POLICY DESCRIBED HEREIN. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PARTY TO WHOM a: FIT'IFICRT9[SISSUELI: CIT't OF HUNT NGTON EEACH �191.7 DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS fat PO Box 1g0 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA SM64MID #trIJIr-1ii sltn,ture buthcrl:ad aPres9ntetiva p ? J�/rr� Tltra 1 5 rb ;m t CUtvtfl' it +0.tttYlu RO BOX 807, SAN FRANCISCO, CALfF(1RNiA94101 h i:+tar WRA"CE RUINED CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS* COMPENSATION sNsuafceoo��'wl trL , MAYS 15 to Veti3fy ftl ;rv4v hays: ita,Rz't:-. a k.'A t''.V '?fkt`.tltr' i}rx ? .: `•'4 a f' ;m jii., +hoed bV he Catifoi(va Insurance O)stsmissionertc,4thy=ompfoyeranart,dttt`9c1.+fcrthe = ti:r.y pf,,,r•odini?iczlvd This p0hry it not s'uTrxct TG by 07f, Ftmd w` "rn tnt. f'°t 4400 tf "4� ►Ydf�'.i�sh t 3�lL* j'Gai'iF dTy9'a4'�93iii.#� iw+`91.�'t� Stt�)rii£�'tkbof Yif�riq�:dF' k�< rlifltitF*d,`i�9t.urt ti dl� st;fir*E'Ya's oil, I4sYs eta#a#aG t r r>€ in« r n4'+ a r era da,tla `a, s Thai;, y ='•a,�ia : a �r� rrh s,r#, rxR� � 9 r r �ae�� 0rt° =,u =::b}z diosch-d Lay the po"Iries fisted taerfi"t.t f!f"�Ytttt# ^,l�iit�il � eitil�p i q.t+te'C is �.l t' irn, '0 jffij t c Y'.fi.f as. <A"cl ;ftri,:urkAt$it vvith Ti„sptvt to which lh4l ; ettificrate 'rrf W,0f yrrt :- titay` 1141 • ':ff'sf ..a 01Ji ia: 143 , .1't ;'it§.r"a=ts,+ Af,ri=fatd by the pt"'%tu!" tits;:61*d herein is pub{vmt Sty all the tQ(m-,, trxcfua arm wid ti :)njltc,mi of aiJPiE� ptr6 fi yr .... a '`#'3� .�. ' Y �s i'rff .•'fir ., > ni; SGkF F�jphk2tMfi,REV, 4 to COPY FOR tN13Uf EVS P13 ft EXHIBIT „AO f BAS CIYAN-DAR tELLr INC. Di\ffNGNHF_ e_ RLXG MD PLAT(XWG : T-fvnsportation, Traffic, Municip i, Tr. isit 4262 Campus Drive, Suit A%V B-1 Newport Beach, Californir- 92660 (714) 5494940 t April. 16, 1979 } 41 Mr, Michael Zamhory City Engineer City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street r Huntington Beach, California 92648 Subject; Proposal for Off --Road Bike 'Frail clear :NIr.. Zambory Ba.smaciy<.4--Darnell., Inc. (BDl) appreciates the op�c to„l tlr c submit. this proposal to provide professional engineerxne services fo» the City's Off -Road Bike Trail project. We leave revie4ied the request .for proposal very carefully ar`.d discussed the: project requirements extensively with your staff. Additionally, we have reviewed the project site and fees we understand the objectives and desir¢s of the City in constructing "his important Bike Trail facility. The con- struct ion of the Bike Vail. facility will provide for a con- tinuous bike trail., system between Zol. a Chita State Beach and the Santa. Ana River with .future extensions ap and down the ccastal a-ct. The Zi.ty of Huntington Beach has :requested that the plans, specifications, and cast estimates be completed within 35 working days. To pwovi de the needs of the City in meeting this important deadline, requires ,a team of professional who are knowledgeable and experienced in coordinating with the affected agencies and in prepar3t;.ion of PI xis and specifications for similar hike trail projects. he, association on of Basmaciyar- Dar Zell, ' inc, and Wilson -Bryant and Associates brings together the necessary experience in. project :management, municipal engineer-Ing and confidence in providing a complete project by thee requi ed deadline. Mr. Michael Zambory City of ^Huntinygton Beach ry Page 2 1 The project will be performed under the }personal direction of � ` Pill. E. Darnell, the undersigned.. My recent extensive exper- ience as a municipal traffic engineer and previous experience as Director of Public Works for the City of Banning, California, gives me a unique background to perform this work. To inhance its own capabilities for this project, BBI proposes to engage Wilson -Bryant and :associates as a subconsultant to assist in 14 plans, specifications, and other portions of the project j.= The estimated consultant fee for the scope of work described in the proposal is $�,990.00. The Consultant Fee. Section of the proposal presents an alternate design concept that can be used to save the City approximately $700. OG Additionally, J we have included a project budget for engineering services � for prepar'�tion of bike trail signing and striping �Aans on the existing improved hike trail between, the Huntington :Beach Municipal Pier and Beach Boulevard. 1 This proposal constitutes a firm uffer to perform the services described and :for the fee .set forth. The proposal is in effect for a !aeriod of 60 days, Thank you,, again, for this opportunity to serge Huntington Eeacti. We are prepared Lo commit our resources to this project of extveme importance to the City of Huntington Beach and look forward to working with you and your staff. Sincerely, a 1NC- Bill E. Darnell, P. E. vice ,President BBD : dux r a e INTRODUCTION Vhe City of fiunti,rgton each, similar to other coastal cities, experiences problems associated with bicycle traffic and their travel desirea . To meet the d,:nands of this ' problem the City desires 4-Q i�onstruct an Otf-Road Bike Trail facility between x�5 the nunti;ngton Beach Municipal Pier and Solsa Chica State IA. Beach. ,. The. City has artic° ited the statement of cork for this project � r.. and, requests props As for the preparation of Plans, Specifica- tions aAad Zngine,-,r Is Estimate of Cost for Bike Trails from: } h, t Beach ? -- Huntington Beach Municipal Pl.er to Eleventh Street. Beach 11 - From wleventb Street to the tap of the Bolsa Chica Bluffs. Beach, III - From the tap of the Bolsa Chica Bluffs y to the existing Bakke Trail, installed at Bolsa Chica State Beach. SCOPE OF WORK ". Our approach to the ' pP project ro4ggriaxes the need for coordination with other agencies and the preparation of final plans and specifications that meet each agency's concerns but satisfy 1 the City of Huntington Beach-, To meet the City's objectives I we have developed a work task program designed to meet the reguz ements of the City' :s request for proposal and to provide { a completed prodact within tie .stipulated 1�,:ime frames: Our ward p agr rec- cgnizes the need for a product that can be f dsed for-lonatructio.r, of the pro;�osed bike trail facilities, presentation to the affected ageaoa.es and allow the City* to build the project in various stages should there be inadequate funds to construct the entire project with current.zy available f fundi.rxc Therefcare e pr poso tlx t se of serial photography for basemaj g,' Aer a x. photography will be .flown and reproduc€ J ofz strip maps at a scale of 1 �t � 40 A minimum of two aerial -strips and tide appropriate ate profile will be produced on mylars conforming to the City of Huntington Beach standard pl A _qheet. Tho aerial lsht�tograph provides a visual display of the ,project :end can, be used to quickly identify problems that wo4ld normally go undateeted We hay analyzed very carefully, the toquested products and the resouxce,s available t�7 perfo= the work. Accordingly, we PrOv4se the Pollowi:nq wotk tasks. Task ,l Data Collection and Design Concept Report The Consultant will: collect, review, and evaluate existing surveys, design criteria and standards to be used for the project, order I" = 40' strip aerial photography and identify � the concerns of the following agencies: a) City of Huntington Beach b) California Department of Transportation r: c) Coastal. Co-ntr� fission d) Chevron USA ' e) County of Grange £} Stat:e. Department of Parks and Recreation A design concept report will be prepared and submitted to the . City £or their review and approval. The report will contain the following a) Preliminary alignment ana design standards to be used. The preliminary alignment will be shown an reproducibles of the City of Huntington Beach 1" = 1001 aerials. The preliminary alignment plan will be adequate to be used in presentations with affected agencies and for submittal to the Coastal commission prior :cu the completion of final ;plans and specifications. j b) Preparation of necessary information and data for the processing and filing of a Negative Declaration for the project. c) Identify concerns, if any, of the affected agencies. d) Identify unanticipated additional right -or -way, if necessary. e) identify the location of utilities that might affect the project., Task 2 -- Preparation of Plans Specifications, and Engineer"s Cost' Estimates The consultant will. prepare preliminary plans and specifications ,�anfoxming to the alignment and des.ian standards identifiedin Task The plans s"nail consist of aerial photography stria zaps on =t ar reproduci.bles Two strip maps- and - appropriate rofi e will be provided on each standard side plan sheet. The preliminary plans, specifications, and calculations will. '� su mi teed to, the City for t;hei r review area. approval prior t preparation of final plans. Special Provisions, and Engineer' a -2 Task 3 -- Assistance .DUzix:g Ad';(ertisingr and Construction Periods The Consultant will be available to assist the City ix review �t of bids received for the project and 'to answer questions during � construction related to the plans and specifications. ' 4 CONSULTANT FEE In accordance wi • the request for proposal we suggest that the. work be nerformed n a Time and Material basis not -to --exceed $7, 990 . ,This maxaUr+�urn fee includes the purchase of aerial photo- graphy at a scale 111 = 401 as outlined in Task 1 of the Scope of Work, �.A ;•r meetings with the City staff, attendance and/or presentations at ttwo meetings eacYi with the Coastal Commission, Chevron USA, t>epa TineiiE 6f darks and :tecreation, County of Orange, ar I the C�iliforz i.a Department of Transpoxt.ation The following is the hourly billing ,rates for the proposed project persoonel: Project Manager $32.00 zr Design. Engineer - 28 , 00/h,r. Designer 24.00/hr,. Senior Traffic Technician - 15.00/hr. Typist l i3/hr Any direct e*xpeoses will be invo,.ced at actual cast and are estimated as follows, Aerial Photography 'Miscellaneous Printing and Reproduction 11.tern,tte Budget Cons i4erat ions ' f 3i scuss c�z s with the City .staff revea3.ed...t.wcL 4reas that can result in cost savin s as well 45 additional casts to the City. Theareas are } 1. Ted for profiles 2. iNfed for s gnin.g and striping plans for the existing improved bike trail facility between the H=ti..ngton B ;aoh a ic:ipal Pier and Beach Boulevard:. For Item 1 above woo , suggest that the requi temant for profiles deleted r existing and fi:;^z.ish oe terl ine grades be placed ors the- aerial, strip a-psr Shoad this alternative be considered the City shotad realize a cost savings of apr7roxLtately $750.00. \D1 k i H* t. For Item 2, above, we suggest the use of Z" = 4.0' scale aerial n photography. The appropriate signing and striping requirement would there be placed on the aerial photography strip maps. For budgeting purposes, we would suggest the following. Aerial Photography 25M0 Consultant Services 50� 04 t In the event the City should desire additional work beyond the limits shown in the Scope of cork, the additional, work would be done on a. Time and Material basis at the hoti.rly rates lz sted in. Task 3 of this proposal, TIME SCHEDULE The Consultant is prepared to begin work immediately and can complete the project within the stipulated 35 working days after execution of the contract. It is mutually understood than She City will perform the various duties outlined in the request for proposal in a timely fashion, r-• F, BASMACIYAN-DARNELLt INC. Transponation, Traffic, MuraeipteI, T- rrseasic 4262 Campus Drive, Suite 8.7 Newpone Beach, California 92660 (714) 349-9940 � ^, � ca Qii:ALEF 1CAT1 Oj,;S x �. j ErASMACFYAN-DARNS L, INC. Basmaciyan-Darnell, Inc. offers consulting services in all r aspects of transportation planning and engineering, including traffic engineering, transit system operations and planning, circulation system planning, traffic signal studies and design, " safety studies, 'traffic surveys, z.nd travel demand modeling/ forecasting. Assignments of the ITArm include projects in G.aii_f cnia and Arizona. l Each oL the principals of the firm, Messrs. Basmaciyan and Darnell, havl, Y . >r 16 years of bread and varied experience in the field of transportation, encompassing: t Traffic circulation system planning Traffic generation and impact analyses Regional highway :and transit system planning Transit operations and implementation Transportation technology Traffic. safety studies Interrelationships Old 'transportation systems and land use Evaluation of alternative multimoda.l transportation systems Travel surveys -- data collection, processing, and analysis Cost benefit analyses Traver modeling and demand forecasting -- Community ty participation programs Funding analyses ses t.- Roczea.tional transportation analysis and planninrs Project prioritization and implementation pro5raru;iini Intergovernmental -ela,ti;ons in transportation implem °. in Traffic signal systems studies and design CO—DORA.TE hIE'C1. tA"i'Iu�t� 1tND AE1' REN S Pirm Name; Basm;,�C jfan-Oarnell, Inc. .; ? Establishecl. 1978 � Forxxisr Firm Name: .Herman Sasmaciyan and. Associates Prinzipals and Pro- f fessional St�tus.-� -- Hermz::n Dasmaciyan, E. #< Registered Civil, Engineer in California, Washington, and Florida � Registered Traffic Engineer in California Members Institute of Trans- portation Engineers and District 5 (Western States) Technical Chairman Secretary of Orange County Traffic Engineering council " Member, American So,.iety o Civil Engineer Bill. Darnell., P. E. Reg:,stered Civil Engineer in California Registered Traffic En�,'..neex zn California IV Member, Institute of Trans:7or- Cation Engineers and Secretar of Souther ,i Califorr is Section " immediate Past President of Oran4e County Traffic Engineering Counci 1 * Member, Axerican Public Works Association Zo x pr Client. Contacts; +K S«TlGi'� ;Mr, Richard BdMOnstozx Traffic Engineer City of Newport ,Beach F Mr- Thomas L. Jenkins E ceotxt; ve Director ,y Ora)r�c,3e CoU ty Transportation Commission 714414-7501 r ti FoLmer Client contacts) References (cont' d.) : - Mr. Ha.l. KrA2.zan � <• Manager of Engineering Services Change County Environmental Management Agency 714-834-3463 Mr. Terry Brandt;., Assistant City Manager for k,u; Municipal Services City of Laguna Beach 714-497-3311 - Mr. Raymond Pang Department of Public Works: City of Lynwood 213-537-0800 1 BILE E. DARNELL BASMACZYAN--UA.RNELL, INC. Mr. Darnell is a transportation/traffic engineer with over 15 years of experience in all aspects of municipal traffic engineer- � ing and circulation planning. Included, in his broad background r are various types of projects such as safety studies, traffic; ,ignal system analysis and design, site planning, nl�-ighborhood a raffic control studies, parking suiveys and studies,- community interaction, traffic circulation planning and modelling He is � also experienced in municipal public works functions other than traffic engineering. SUMMARY CF•~ WflRK EXPERIENCE ,<<; 1970 to Present Principal of Basmaciyan-far xeil,, In .. 1973 to 1978 City Traffic Engineer, City of Newport Beach 1971 to 1973 City of Banning; Director of Public Works 1970 to 1971 City of San Dimas.- City Traffic Engi.n+eer. 1965 to 1970 City of Covina:: Traffic Engineer 1963 to 1965 City of Fullerton: Traffic .Engineering Aide PROF'ESS1014AL ARF`ILIATIONS Registered Civil Bngineer,, State of California (RCE 22338) Registered Traffic Engineer, State of California (TR 539) American Public Works Association (XG.zber Xnstitute of Transportation Engineers (Member' EDUCATION B. S. in Civil. '4ngi"earing, Cal::ifr- nia State. College, Los Angeles Fiumeroas Short Courses, in Transportation and Traffic t'i KRIS L. LA14DERS BASM-ACIYAN--DARNELL , INC. WTI i Mr. Handers is a senior traffic technician with over 13 years ' of experience as an engineering aide specializing in traffic Mx' engineering projects.:` 2 SUMMARY OF WORK EXPERIENCE A 1978 to Present Senior Traffic Techn4 cian with Basmaci—n. Darnell, Inc. Performs a wade variety of traffic 4 technician .functions Primary assignment is the Traffic Control; Devices Inventory for the City of Lynwood. Mr. Landers is responsible for the field work for the inventory and the graphic recording and coding of the inventory. Mr. Larders participates in other aspects of this project sponsored by OTS 1978 Senior Traffic Technician with Herman Basmaciysn and Associates Assignments similar to present employment l az, ly 1978 Drafter for S&T western Engineering Company Responsible for drawing structural, , architectural, h'V & AC, and plumbing plans 1973 to 1977 Drafter for VTN Consolidated, Inc. Responsible for the field work and the graphic recording of traffic control devices inventories for the Cities of Anaheim and Baldwin ;Park Participated in the traffic control. devices inventory for the City ofi Gardena Participated in spot speed studies Participated in parking studies Prepared a variety of traffic engineer- .ng graphics including intersection design drawings prepared structural design drawings 1965 to 1973 Miscellaneous employment as engineering and chema.cll technician EDUCA:I'IO i .Newport Harbor High School Orange Coast, College Ylift, HERRAN BASKACIYAN FRSMIACIYAN-DARNELL, INC'. Mr. Sasmaciyan is a transit, transportation, and traffic planner, engineer with 17 years of experience in multimodal transportation systems. His experience encompasses nearly all aspects of traffic engineering, transit operations and planning, demand modelling and forecasting, project planning and prioritization, economic/financial analyses, and transportation/land use inter- relationships. STIMMMARY OF WORK EXPERIENCE 1978 to Present Principal of Basmaciyan-Darnell Inc. 1976 to 1978 Principal of Herman Basmaciyan and Associates ' 1971 to 1976 Senior Associate with VTN Corporation 1970 to 1971 Senior Transportation Planning Engineer with DeLuew, Cather and Company 1967 to 1970 Advisory Analyst with the Service Bureau Corporation (then a subsidiary of ISM) 1962 to 1967 Puget Sound (Seattle, Washington metro- politan area) regional Transportation Study (several positions, ultimately Director) 1960 to 1962 Research Assi.a tans with. the Virginia Council of Highway Research PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION'S Registered Civil Engineer, State. of California (No. 20137) Registered Traffic Engineer, State of California (TR 525) Registered Professional Engineer, Washington (No. 9266) FmgistL-ted Profess-.c1nal Engineer, Florida (No 1923 ) Institute of Transportation Englneers (Member) Ameri-,-an Society of Civil Engineers (Member) EDUCATION M. S, In Civil Engineering, Vniversity of Virginia, B. S. in; Civil Engineering, Robert College Numerous Short Courses in Transportation and Traffic Engzner.�.�ag QUALIVICATIONS WILSON- BRYANT and ASSOCIATES WILSON-ERYANT and ASSOCIATES offers consulting services in all aspects of civil engineering. Specific bikeway projects the firm has completed are, Loma Vista Bikeway - City cE Fullerton Coa,et Highway _ City of Newport: Beach r University Drive -- City of Irvine Harvard Avenue - City of Irvine Culver 'Drive - City of Irvin Walnut Avenue - City of Irvin Edison ,Right of Way- City of .Irvine Mason Park -- City of Irvine Pirterial. Bikeway 2B- City of Yorba Linda `1 W oil 1 WILLIAM G. UKTANI EDUCATION: Santa Ana College - AA Degree, 1962 ` wh University of Redlands - 2 years California State University - Long Beach California State University - Fullerton t' California R.C. Engineer No. 29865 EXPERIENCE. City and County projects for a total of 1.6 years A) City of Santa Ana - 9 years r' Y> B} Lampman and Associates, Associate - 3 years C) Civil Urban Design, Owner D) Wilson E Associates, Associate - 31 years �. E) Wilson -Bryant Associates, President - s January 1979 to present Work covered in the above positions includes design and construction of major, secondary and local streets, storm drains and related master ' plans, sewer and related master plans, parks., traffic signals, street lights, channelizations parking layouts, major and minor grading plans, railroad lowering projects, inspection of public, work projects and 'tract grading projects, right-of-way acquisition, legal descriptions, , boundaries and assessment districts, bikeway;: and trails, preparation of plans, specifications � and engineering estimates, and supervision responsibilities. AWARDS AND ORGANIZATION HEMDERSH I P S t Orange lzz.ak Walton League - Past President Santa Ada Jaycees - Outstanding Jaycee, of the Year Outstanding Director of the Year American Society of Civil Engineers - Member American Youth Soccer,- Organization - Coach, Referee Past Deacon, and Church Cholr Member n Biographical Sketth HAROLD A. WILSON y EDUCATION., University of Southern -California - Graduated 1949 Bachelor of Engineering; Major Civil Engineering is Administrative might school and i.C.M.A. courses LICENSES: Registered Professional Engineer, California No. 8646, received May 1953i New Mexico No. 5706, received August 1974 � EXPERIENCE. City, County and State highway problems were dealt with for a total ' of 21 years with these governmental jurisdictions; y A) State of California Division of highways - five years D) Los Angeles County Road Department - three years -: --. C) i;ity of Pasadena - seven years D) City (if Hhlt tier, Assistant City Engineer - thre(, years E) City of Brea, Director of Publtc Works - three y;.*,are As a consultant, l have worked for or owned the following compaP!es: a) T.A. Shinn s Associates, Vice President - four years ;w b) Filson Associates, Sole Proprietorship four and one-tta f years c} Wilson -Bryant 6 Associates, General Manager January 1979 to present The agency work covered design and construction inspection of major, secondary and local -streets, freeways, storm drains, parrs and surer and water works •-- also budget preparation, survey work, including the property line and other controls essential for good street: and storm tlrayn designs, and the complete control of all items necessary in City and County work, Storm drain and street design are woven throughout all of these jurisdictions with major '3esign and supervision responsibilities covering one City of'Pasa:dena and three ` Las Angeles County storm drain bond issues:, and ,all street cash contract work and subdivision contra) for Pasadena, Whittler and Srea As a consultant, the same types of problems have been handled, plus Wkeway and grading plan design and constrvctlon survey and inspection. , decent cheats include cities of Carson, Compton, Corona, Fullerton, Irvine, La llah-ra, Lomita, Pomona, grange and kwport $each, and thvr Orange County Environmental Management Agoncy and Central Sent vices ,Administration. We also do work for primate developers and landscape architects. k��F3P;ESS;� �llfAi-. .., A00040TiON--, Amrtcan Society of Civll,Engineers, fellow, and Past °± prasi470t of the Orange County Branch. Served in the Vhtttd, Mates>Army Air Corps, 194�-1946, Navigat on and Radar Off tzar rA91�aiLimitalPAit4'3f��' i i €s'MSCa7t ya.. - t ....�v�.<..,.. ... _, ,.,.. .rim.•"''rs"a'imaA:ea'sivc esk:Kei..:a;....�_,.__....a ._•, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ANTHONY N. HIRAOKA EDUCATION, Los Angeles Trade Technical Junior College-, 2 1/2 years of Mechanical x Machine Design, EXPERIENCE � z ' A. REHCO CORPORATION - 1 1/2 YEARS ` Design of corn rcial. kitchen equipment and sheet ;petal installations. R. CITY OF MONTEREY PARK - 1 YEAR Civil Engineering Design Draftsman - tennis court, swz=zng pool equipment and street design. C. LEMLAR MANUFACTURING COMPANY - 12 1/2 YEARS Design of sun control louvers and mechanisms. V,< Chief Draftsman for Last 11 years - coordinate design and troubleshooting 7nanui`acturing and installation. ;r D. LOMIAN & ASSOCIATES - S 1/2 YEARS E. LAMPMIAN &...ASSOCIATES - a YEARS F. BERRY1Wr, MORLE, S:t'EPHENSON & PERRY GOVER' MENTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES; and £'!OHLE, PERRY & ASSOCIATES - 2 1/2 YEARS � G. WILSON & ASSOCIATES/WILSON BRYANT & ASSOCIATES January 1978 to present Office Engineer at Locl.z an & Associates where responsibilities handed through design. and final plans for streets, sewers, storm drains an'd subdivisions. At the other firms, from;Lampman through Wilson -Bryant design and drafting :for streets, sewers,- storm drains, and subdivisions were routinely accomplished. Also plans for a railroad line lowering, ;project were completed. REQUESri FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Submitted to Honorable Mayor and City Council Submitted by: C. W. Thomp;,on, City ;Administrator �I Pretoared iay; Paul E. Cook, Director Px$l.ic Works Subject: REQUEST FOR PAYMrr OF EXTRA WORK 'BY CONSUl Date January :, 1982ZoviqcAu - q f�i # ' CI G Sutement of lssuer Recom-mendation, Analysis, Funding Source, ,A4terriatiye Actlons, Attach"nts: STATEfiS T OF ISSUE; �. The engineering firm of Bast ciyan.-Darnell., Incorporated has submitted a request for additional fees for t.,e preparation of plans and specifications in connection uith � Con.Struction. of the Vdi Bikeway from the pier to Bolsa Mica State Beach. (dash Contract Nu&er 399 It is recovm-nded that $3,414.00 of the requested $3,954.00 be paid to the consultant for tho extra work items ANALYSTS The iconsultant was, in .fact, asked to provide additional services in the fork of additional surveying, redesign and extension of the project to include the teach from the Fier to Beach Boulevard. The difference betwem the requested amount and the recomended amount is a result of a negotiated reduction in the hours claimed and an error in, the hourly rate charged to the project. Extr4 work beyond the original scope of work was required to coW.lete the bikeway trail from the Santa Ana River to the Bolsa Mica State Bench. It should be emphasized that even with the additional Work, the engLieering uas completed by this firm at a total cost of 20% l6as ,than the nest higher proposal, as shown on the RCA dated October 4, 1979.. ALTEMTI S 'Not applicable, MIZING SOURCE: State Pwids, s' RCA dated October 4, 1979. C,:RRLtk �M F BEQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Submitted by Paul E. Cook, Director` Department :Public Works Date Prepared October 4, 19 79 Backup Material Attached Yes No '+ � e Subject pacific Coast Highway Off -Road Bikeway k City Administrator's Comments } f. s CI'i'X C(3iihCit, f a t 4 z3? r Araprove as recommended fs Statement of issuer Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions: ' Statement of Issue The State of California and Aragge County are providing funds (approxi- mately $250,000) to construct a bike trail along the Beach from the City pier to Bolsa Chica State Beach.. The ;project must be w-idea contract by June 30, 1980; and proposals have been received .for the design of the bikeway. R.ecote�iended Action: 1., it is recommendeu that the firm of .Basmaciayan-Darnell, Inc. be reta.ned for the: preparation of plans, specifications and engineer's estimate subject to approval by the orange Ca my Evironmental Manage- ment Agency. 2.. Instruet the .Director of Public Works to use $8,000 S,B., 821 Funds to have the: design and engineering completed immediately. 3. Authorized the execution of the Agreement for Proffessional Engineering Services. Analysis- mn Aa ch 1-9, 1979, the City Council authorized a "Request for Proposals for the design of the bikeway. The following consultant firms have sub- .mittgd their p roposal.s. .e i gym( Proposal BaZmaciyan-rarnell, Inc. `, 7,990 14,184 L.D.. King 14,900 Mohler Perry & Associates 25,OOU R.O.B. Sagineering, Inc.. 25,000 l erryznata r lW phehsoii, Inc 28,9Ofl *0 e4;i.cUtJ0xi of a. #: r'ee.-party .a.greement has been delayed at the :State .level-.. `his agteement :is in the final stages of negotiation:, but trust ......:... . ' 1equest for Counctl Action Pacific Coast Highway off -Road Bikeway October 4, 1574 Page 2_ be presented to the City Council for approvalr. to the grange County Board of Supervisors and finally to the State Department of Pare and A Y Recreation, This p;racess -,f approvals .is estimated to take 4 montIS► the design process will, take approximately 4: months which would bring us � ` to June l► 1980 and wc.;ald not allow enough, time to advertise and award a contract bedaxe the June 30, l9$O deadline. S.R, 82l Funds are special gas 'tax, funds thar. can be used for bikeway design and construction, She. � have 49,384.93 interest for these funds to be credited to the account. `= tote could use this interest for the design casts and return the monies to the account when reimbursed by the funding of this Bikeway. Funding Source; i The project will be entirely funded (including engineering) from outside sources as follows: County Harbors & Beaches Fund 38,000 Senate Bill 383 50,000 Senate Bill 284 107,000 Senate Bill, 821 51,000 TOTAL 6,000 K" ~* r F Vt r I •C + i1/. +4�' a.F End r��.L'r..r�; iT lr, 't�- � i �r ��jf •. 4. it lA• ts•f1 itr'Ff moved i r i< +� # g` i�x i ° t� i t 4, x ' �i°� �, '� � �i a.w ti,i i• 'Ni � Pg � {� .� : y„K! i,l. <.;.. { ai..:p: �y tf•rr v <� f � ;-�r F � �• ° •`ffl+l+l Iui ; l- YAVSF x `a Zyt � tjll � 4�- •O f �, y, + �4.,i�..'►��xr^ i x j <J ti� G txk�:' % § `�•�� . q i W ., �`�,, ✓✓� �:,, CRY ii` F:. .+�' t it i f. `M a CATION IAA►R .�_.. F< BIKE TRAIL,"-H.B. PIER 'T B'OLSA> HIC AT WkCH.