HomeMy WebLinkAboutCentral Net Operations Authority (CNOA) - Cities of Fountain Valley - Huntington Beach - Newport Beach - Westminster - 1992-07-01`,J STATEMENT OF ACTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH *********-Indicates Portions Of The Afeeting Not Included In The Statement OfAction Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 3, 1997 An audio tape recording of the 5.00 p.m. portion of this meeting and a video tape recording of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Mayor Bauer tailed the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8. ��`Z��1�l►L7I�1:Z�7�rT��C� ''17'if�►yr: � PRESENT: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Green, Garofalo ABSENT: None !k#iii!!!!!f;####i#!!!!#!i#ii!#!!•!#!#i##•i4#i!4#!##k!•ii##i#i4•k!!####i#4i#!#iiii#ill;tiiif!!!!liii On motion by Garofalo, second Sullivan, the following Consent Calendar items were approved as recommended by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (Green - out of the room) gyrator To Central NQt Options Authority Boars -Approved -Appointed Ray Silver, Acting City Administrator, as Huntington Beach's Central Net Operations Authority (CNOA) Board Member replacing Michael Uberuaga, effective November 1, 1997. (CNOA Board Consists of the City Manager/City Administrator of the Cities of Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach and Newport Beach.) #i#iiiiiiiiii#ii#iiiii#iiiiiiii#i4iifiii##iiii#i#;;iiiiii•i#iii#rr;;;;####414i;i;i;;###;;##fiiiiii#!• Page 2 - Statement of Action Mayor Bauer adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, November 17, 1997, at 5:00 p.m., in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California, 92648. ATTEST: Is/ Connie Brockway City Clerk/Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA } County of Orange } ss: City of Huntington Beach ) Isl Connie Brockway City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Isl Ralph Bauer Mayor i, Connie Brockway, the duty elected City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct Statement of Action of the City Council of said City at their regular meeting held on the 3rd day of November, 1997. Witness my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington Beach this the 4th day of November, 1997. Is/ Connie Brockway City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California By Deputy City Clerk Council/Agency Meeting Held:1&/T7 Deferred/Continued to: arApproved ❑ Conditionally Approved O Denied Z Q 1 Council Meeting Date: 1113197 Goo. fro 7ri. _Z15• c� City Clerk's Signature Department ID Number: FD 97-017 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH r REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION t` 0 SUBMITTED TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS +-m� SUBMITTED BY: MICHAEL T. UBERUAGA, City Administrator OW PREPARED BY: MICHAEL P. DOWER, Fire Chief ^' SUBJECT: APPOINT ACTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO CENTRAL NET OPERATIONS AUTHORITY BOARD I Statement of Issue, Funding Source, Recommended Action, Alternative Action(s), Analysis, Environmental Status, Attachment(s) n Statement of Issue: Should Ray Silver, Acting City Administrator, be appointed to the Central Net Operations Authority (CNOA) Board, replacing Michael T. Uberuaga, City Administrator, effective November 1, 1997. Funding Source: None required. Recommended Action: Motion to appoint Ray Silver, Acting City Administrator, as Huntington Beach's Central Net Operations Authority (CNOA) Board Member replacing Michael T. Uberuaga, effective November 1,1997. Alternative Actions : None. Analysis: As stated in the CNOA Agreement dated July 1, 1992, the CNOA Board consists of the City Manager/City Administrator of the cities of Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, and Newport Beach. Due to the resignation of City Administrator Michael T. Uberuaga, City Council action is required to appoint his replacement as the Huntington Beach Central Net Operations Authority (CNOA) Board Member. Fire Chief Michael P. Dolder is the City's aitemate Board Member. Environmental Status: Not applicable. Attachment Us: None. RCA Author. Dolder, ext 5402 g --e xecut1v%usersWo1dermVca197017 E-- 6 v v RCA ROUTING SHEET INITIATING DEPARTMENT: FIRE SUBJECT: APPOINT ACTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO CENTRAL NET OPERATIONS AUTHORITY BOARD COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 3, 1997 RCA ATTACHMENTS STATUS Ordinance (w/exhibits & legislative draft if applicable) Not Applicable Resolution (w/exhibits & legislative draft if applicable) Not Applicable Tract Map, Location Map and/or other Exhibits Not Applicable Contract/Agreement (wtexhibits if applicable) (Signed in full by the City Attomey) Not Applicable Subleases, Third Party Agreements, etc. (Approved as to form by City Attomey) Not Applicable Certificates of Insurance (Approved by the City Attomey) Not Applicable Financial Impact Statement (Unbudget, over $5,000) Not Applicable Bonds (if applicable) Not Applicable Staff Report (If applicable) Not Applicable Commission, Board or Committee Report (If applicable) Not Applicable Findings/Conditions for Approval and/or Denial Not Applicable EXPLANATION FOR MISSING ATTACHMENTS REVIEWED RETURNED FOR DED Administrative Staff ( } {I&W ) Assistant City Administrator (Initial) City Administrator (Initial) ( ) ( ) City Clerk ( } EXPLANATION FOR RETURN OF ITEM: �w7 Submitted to: Submitted by: REQUE§T FOR CITY COUNCIL �eCTION Honorable Mayor and City Council Michael T. Uberuaga, City Administrator 'Z APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Prepared by: Michael P. Dolder, Fire Chief � Cir ITcLr:e Subject: AGREEMENT FOR A JOINT POINTERS AUTHORITY UPA) fUgOWN AS CENTRAL NET OPERATIONS AUTHORITY INVOLVING TIIE CITIES OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY, IIUNTINGTON BEACIi, NEWPORT BEACH, AND iiTSTAIINSTER Consistent with Council Policy? [ X ] Yes [ ] New Policy or Exception Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions, Attachments STATEMENT OF ISSUE: The Fire Department recommends that the City enter into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with the Cities of Fountain Valley, Newport Beach and Westminster to provide for the joint operation, upgrade, maintenance and repair of the existing training facility, communications center and communications equipment on an equity share basis. The Joint Powers Authority provides a formal mechanism by which the Authority can fund training and communications activities on a regional basis and recover funds for the cost effective sharing of resources. REMNI��'DATION: By Motion, approve and authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with the cities of Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach and Westminster for the purpose of creating a Joint Powers Authority to be known as the Central Net Operations Authority for the purpose of sharing training and communication resources with these cities and appoint City Administrator Michael T. Uberuaga as the City's Board Member and Fire Chief Michael P. Dolder as the City's Alternate Board Member. ANALYSIS: In 1969 the cities of Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Westminster and Seal Beach entered into an agreement to consolidate Fire emergency communications systems using physical facilities and communications equipment funded solely by the City of Huntington Beach which operates in the basement of 18301 Gothard Street in the City of Huntington Beach. In 1972 the cities of Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Westminster and Seal Beach (on a limited basis) collectively funded the construction of the training facility, excluding the basement area, commonly known as 18301 Gothard Street in the City of Huntington Beach. The specific training areas are described in the Agreement's Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" and includes the following: 1. A five story training tower and fire building; 3 Page 1 2. Transportation, gas and pM`roleum firefighting props; 3. A fire control tower; 4. A 2,000 gallon per minute pumper test pit and master stream collection pit and shield; 5. Ground floor training office, classrooms, and multi -media office; G. Hydrant and water reclamation system; 7. All underground utilities as described in Exhibit "C". These same four Cities contributed to operating costs of the training and communications facilities until 1981 when an agreement revision added the County of Orange on a limited basis. An additional agreement revision occurred in 1987 when the City of Newport Beach was added as a training and communications facility user. Over the past 23 years, joint use of the training and communications facilities has proven cost effective and has allowed each agency to provide a higher level of service to their respective communities at lower cost. However, complexities of facility operations, inequities in the sharing of operating costs among the members and the potential for adding new, limited use members has led to the need and desire of the participants to formalize their participation by exploring and developing a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement known as the Central Net Operations Joint Powers Agreement. The costs of the JPA are apportioned to reflect the extent to which the parties benefit from the training facility, communications equipment, associated personnel and, in some measure, construction of the facility. Founding members consisting of Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach and Westminster kill keep their capital investment rights through August 22, 2021 as specified in Chapter Xl, Part 11.1. Training facility and communications costs have been approved, in past years, on the basis of member agency assessed valuation and population for both training and communications. Beginning in FY 1993/94, member contributions for training costs will be based on the number of authorized safety personnel and communication costs will be based on the number of recorded incidents. These factors better reflect the level of services received by each member. For FY 1992/93, the JPA will use the "old" basis for calculating member share of costs. This is to allow agencies to plan and budget for the change. The City of Huntington Beach will continue to be responsible for administrative services which include general accounting of funds received and disbursed, preparation of invoices and other functions specified in the Agreement. FISCAL INTPACT: Each member's percentage of costs during FY 1992/93 will remain consistent with previous years and is based on population and assessed valuation. However, beginning in FY 1993/94 a member's cost will be based on use and benefit received from the facilities. Factors used for calculating a member's cost include the number of incidents generated through the communications center and the number of safety employees which relates to th-. use of the training facility. The comparative costs for the four member cities are as follows: Page 2 FY 1992/93 FY 1993/94* COST PERCENTAGE COST PERCENTAGE FOUNTAIN VALLEY $153,252 10.78 $173,064 12.17 HUNTINGTON BEACH $562,823 39.59 $613,449 43.15 NE•WPORT BEACH $557,278 39.20 $3241280 22.81 WESTMINSTER 1 $148,134 1 10.42 1 $310,834 21.86 *BASED ON 1991/92 DATA Although the projected FY 1993/94 cost percentages are in some cases significantly different, the costs more accurately reflect each member's use of and benefits received from the facility. EM NG SOURCE: Funds for Joint Powers Agency participation for FY 1992/93 have been included in the proposed budget as recommended by the City Administrator. An increase of approximately $50,000 will be required, however, in FY 1993/94 to provide the City's fair share contribution to the regional training and communication center. CONCURRENCES: The City Managers/City Administrator and City Attorneys from each of the Cities have all reviewed and approve of the provisions described in the Central Net Operations Joint Powers Agreement. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Each agency could provide individual training facilities and individual communications facilities. The cost of this alternative would be at least 50 percent higher per agency and would not provide the same level of coordinated training and communication resources currently provided. Training and communications facilities could continue to be provided through extension of the existing Agreement. Continuing to operate under the existing Agreement would require member cities to contribute disproportionate shares to the operating costs and does not accurately reflect each member's use of and benefits received from the facilities. MA CRMENT: Joint Exercise of Power Agreement creating the Central Net Operations Joint Powers Authority. MPD/sr bmgm-mentrpa Page 3 klo 1 � 1 40 0 40 40 fe n w 40 mo CENTRAL NET OPERATIONS AUTHORITY ,JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT 1992 Cities of FOUNTAIN VALLEY HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH WESTMINSTER SI G1lED ORIGINAL rj W k.01 Eli %0 60 CENTRAL NET OI'ERATIONSUOIN r POINT I S AGREEIIIENT TABLE OF CQNTENTS age RECITALS ............................................... 1 CHAPTER I DEFINITIONS .................................. 2 CHAPTER II SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS ....................... 4 2.1 Founding Agencies .................................. 4 2.2 Communications Center ............................... 4 2.3 Financial Contribution Transition Period ..................... 4 2.4 Facility Charges .................................... 5 CIIAPTER HI PURPOSE AND POWERS .......................... 6 3.1 Authority Created .................................. 6 3.2 Common Powers .................................... 6 3.3 General Purpose .................................... 6 3.4 Powers .......................................... 7 CHAPTER 11' ORGANIZATION ............................... 8 vo 4.1 Membership ...................................... 8 4.2 Board .......................................... 8 4.3 Principal Office ..................................... 9 4.4 Meetings ......................................... 9 4.5 Quorum ......................................... 9 4.6 Powers and Limitations ................................ 9 4.7 Minutes ........................................ 10 4.8 Rules .......................................... 10 4.9 Officers ........................................ 10 4.10 Bond .......................................... 11 4.11 Status of Officers and Employees ......................... 11 CHAPTER V BASIC SERVICES .............................. 11 5.1 Communications Center .............................. 11 5.2 Training Facility ................................... 14 5.3 Training and Education ............................... 15 i v a.0e CIIAPTER VI FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION ................. 15 6.1 Funding ........................................ 15 6.2 Administrative Services ............................... 17 6.3 Emergency Repairs ................................. 17 6.4 Capital Improvements -Funding .......................... 18 CHAPTER VII BUDGETARY PROVISIONS ....................... 18 7.1 Annual Budget .................................... 18 7.2 Special Budgetary Considerations ......................... 18 7.3 Disbursements .................................... 19 7.4 Accounts ....................................... 19 7.5 Expenditures Within Approved Annual Budget ................ 19 CHAPTER VIII USE OF TRAI'0NG FACILITIES ................... 20 8.1 Existing Contracts .................................. 20 8.2 Existing Arrangements ............................... 21 8.3 New Contracts .................................... 21 CHAPTER EK LIABILITY/INSURANCE ......................... 21 9.1 Liabilities ....................................... 21 9.2 Indemnification/Hold Harmless .......................... 21 9.3 Waiver ......................................... 23 CHAPTER X ADMISSION AND WITHDRAWAL OF MEMBERS ........ 23 10.1 New Members .................................... 23 10.2 Withdrawal ...................................... 23 10.3 Breach ......................................... 24 CHAPTER XI TERMINATION AND DISPOSITION OF ASSETS ......... 24 11.1 Termination ...................................... 24 11.2 Distribution of Property .......... . ......... . ........ . 25 CHAPTER XII MISCELLANEOUS ............................. 26 12.1 Amendments ..................................... 26 12.2 Notice ......................................... 26 12.3 Partial Invalidity .................................... 26 ii Pape EXIIIBIT "A" PLOT PLAN OF 4.9 ACRE SITE ..................... 29 W EXIIIBIT "B" DESCRIPTION OF MULTI -PURPOSE TRAINING FACILITY ... 30 EXHIBIT "C" PLOT PLAN OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ............ 32 W EXHIBIT "D" FY 1991-92 STAFFING LEVELS ..................... 33 w W I w 0 w w EXHIBIT "E" EXISTING CONTRACT WITH RANCHO SANTIAGO COLLEGE .................................... 34 EXHIBIT "F" EXISTING ORANGE COUNTY CONTRACTS ............. 35 EXIIIBIT "G" EXISTING ORANGE COUNTY CONTRACTS ............. 36 iii to CENTRAL NET OPERATIONSUOItiT POWERS AGREEMENT This Agreement, dated the Ist day of July, 1992, for purpose of identification, is made by and effective when fully executed by authorized representatives of all of the following public W entities: A. City of Fountain Valley ("Fountain Valley"); w B. City of Huntington Beach (Huntington Beach"); C. City of Newport Beach ("Newport Beach"); and wr D. City of Westminster ("Westminster"). RECITALS "W A. The Parties to this Agreement each provide fire protection, fire prevention, rescue, emergency medical and related administrative services within their respective boundaries. W B. The Parties have determined that joint use of a training facility, central communications network and record keeping system reduces the administrative costs that would W otherwise be incurred in providing fire suppression, emergency medical assistance and related services. w C. Costs associated with maintaining and operating the multipurpose Training Facility and Communications Center in the City of Huntington Beach should be funded by the Parties through a formal Joint Powers Agreement with costs apportioned to reflect the extent to W which the Parties benefit from the Training Facility, Communications Equipment, associated krl.�vootr�t.�gt 051N z 1 i] personnel and, in some measure, construction of the facility. D. The Parties each have the power and authority to perform, and contract with one another pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act (Section 6500 et. seq. of the • Government Code) or the Municipal Services and Functions Act (Section 54980 et. seq. of the Government Code) for the performance of the duties and functions that form the basis of this • Agreement. THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: • CHAPTER I • DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Agreement, the following words or terms specified in this Chapter shall have the following meanings: • A. "Property" shall mean the 4.9 acre parcel of land commonly known as 18301 Gothard Street in the City of Huntington Beach, as described in Exhibit "A". • B. "Training Facility" shall mean the multi -purpose training facility on the Property as more specifically described in Exhibit "B". The Training Facility includes, without limitation, the following: • k oo-bimt.nt. tu/o4ro2 1. A five story training tower and fire building; 2. Transportation, gas and petroleum firefighting props; 3. A fire control tower; 4. A 2,000 gallon per minute pumper test pit and master stream collection pit and shield; • 2 %0 V 5. Ground floor training office, classrooms, and multi -media office. 6. Hydrant and water reclamation system; 7. All underground utilities as described in Exhibit "Co. C. "Communications Center" shall mean that portion of the main structure rr on the Property commonly known as the basement area which was constructed solely with funds 10 supplied by the City of Huntington Beach, and consisting of physical facilities that house the Communications Equipment, simulator room and all basement areas. D. "Communications Equipment" shall mean all electronic equipment, including telephone lines and computers, located within the Communications Center and utilized %0 for the fire -related emergency communications of any of the Parties. Computer mainframe hardware and software currently operating the Fire side of the Computer Aided Dispatch System includes portions of the "A" and "B" machines and all of the "C" machine and are considered "" � maintenance items. E. "Charter Agencies" shall mean the cities of Fountain Valley, Westminster and Huntington Beach, the public entities that participated in the funding of the Training W Facility. Except for capital facility investments, "Charter Agencies" are equivalent to "Members" for all other Authority powers. W F. "Member" shall mean the City of Newport Beach and any other public W entity that becomes a Party to this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.1. G. "Fine Safety Personnel" shall mean all personnel of an agency trained and designated to respond to fire, medical, or related emergencies and does not include civilian positions. 60 H. "Incident" shall mean any call for service that generates an incident WVr.W osrnam 3 number through the Central Net Communications Center. I. "Central Net Staff" shall mean all personnel contracted through the City of Huntington Beach for the operation and maintenance of the Communications and Training Center. CHAPTER H SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS The provisions of this section establish the rationale for the provisions relating to funding, • administration and decision making. • 2.1 Founding Agencies In 1972, Huntington Beach, Westminster, Fountain Valley and Seal Beach (on a limited basis) collectively funded the construction of the Training Facility. Seal Beach presently • contracts with the County for fire protection services and has withdrawn from participation in the funding or administration of the Training Facility or Communications Center. • 2.2 Communications Center The Communications Center was constructed, and the Communications Equipment • has been purchased, by the City of Huntington Beach. Accordingly, this Agreement provides that title to such equipment, or replacements purchased by the Authority, shall vest with Huntington Beach upon termination of this Agreement. kr/kWa&1nd-W 05/04/92 • • 4 • W %0 2.3 Financial Contribution Transition Period The financial contributions and development costs made and incurred by Huntington Beach, Westminster and Fountain Valley prior to the effective date of this Agreement warrant short term use of funding criteria which do not necessarily reflect the extent V to which the Parties utilize the Training Facility, Communications Center and Communications Equipment. Accordingly, each Parties' share of the costs associated with maintenance and operation of the Training Facility, Communications Center and Communications Equipment will, w during the first year of this Agreement be based upon assessed valuation and population. Beginning on July 1, 1993 and each year thereafter, each Parties' share of the costs shall be W based upon criteria which directly reflects the extent of each Parties' utilization of the Training 40 Facility, Communications Center and Communications Equipment --frequency of incidents and the number of Fire Safety Personnel. 2.4 Facility Charges Charges for the use of the Training Facility, Communications Center and Communications Equipment by non -Members shall be based upon, and used to defray, the fixed and special expenses as well as staffing and overhead costs incurred by the Authority in W improving and maintaining the Training Facility. However, certain non -Parties, specifically W Rancho Santiago College, have constructed improvements on the Property or provide special services or material to the Authority and, in such cases, the Board is empowered to authorize use of the Training Facility, Communications Center or Communications Equipment at rates below those charged to other public entides. 05/W z 5 r� CHAPTER III PURPOSE AND POWERS 3.1 Authority Created This Agreement creates a joint powers authority known as the Central Net Operations Authority. The Authority is formed pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, Chapter 5, Division 7 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California (The Joint Exercise of Powers Act). The Authority shall be considered a public entity separate and apart from the • participating agencies. 0 3.2 Common Powers • Each Party has the common power to: A. Provide fire protection,' fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical and related services; • B. Maintain an effective communications and emergency dispatch system to facilitate and support fire protection, fire suppression and emergency medical services; • C. Employ and train personnel to perform emergency equipment communication and dispatch services, communication facility maintenance and the purchase of required equipment. 3.3 General Purpose • • A. The primary purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the operation, upgrade, maintenance and repair of the Training Facility, Communications Center and Communications Equipment. This Agreement is intended to provide a formal mechanism by kr/nd hina.W 05/04/92 6 •. �r LJ LI which the Authority can fund these activities, require non -Members using the Training Facility to pay for use of the facility and, accordingly, provide the highest possible level of fire rr suppression training, fire prevention training, emergency medical training, and emergency communication services. W B. This Agreement also is intended to foster cooperation among the parties in the form of a separate written automatic aid agreement, the provision of emergency services by the closest available unit and serves as a vehicle for scheduling and funding of training 60 seminars. 60 3.4 Powers The Authority shall have the power, in its own name, to do any of the following: A. To jointly exercise the common powers of the Members; + B. To make and enter into contracts; C. To retain the services of fire suppression specialists, emergency W communications consultants, and such other persons with specialized knowledge or ability that would assist the Members in achieving the purposes of this Agreement; D. To acquire, hold or dispose of property by any lawful means, including, W without limitation, gift, and purchase for sale; w E. To incur debts, liabilities or obligations subject to the limitations specified in this Agreement; F. To receive gifts, contributions, grants, and donations of property, funds, services and other forms of assistance from any person, firm, entity, corporation or public W agency; trI,Wcc psAKM 7 w • G. To sue and be sued in its own name; H. To apply for any grant or grants offered in conjunction with any Federal, State or local program that is in any way related to the purpose of this Agreement; I. To adopt rules, regulations, policies, by-laws and procedures governing the operation of the Authority; • J. To exercise any other power in the manner and according to the methods provided by applicable laws, rules or regulations, subject only to the restrictions on the manner of exercising such powers that may be applicable to the City of Huntington Beach. • CHAPTER IV ORGANIZATION 4.1 Membership The Members of this Authority shall be the public entities which executed this • • Agreement or a subsequent amendment and have not withdrawn from the Authority as provided • in Section 10.2. 4.2 Board A. The Board shall consist of the existing City Manager or City Administrator of each Party and as an alternate, the Fire Chief or his/her designee. B. Each Board Member shall hold office from the first meeting of the Board after appointment until a successor is named. kr/agt/-bind.vt 05/04M • C. A Board Member or alternate shall not receive compensation, but may be • 8 •' v reimbursed by the Authority for expenses reasonably incurred while performing duties required by this Agreement, and as further specified and limited by resolution of the Board. 4.3 Principal Office ,W The principal office of the Authority shall be 18301 Gothard Street in the City of V Huntington Beach, County of Orange. The Board has the full power and authority to change the principal office from one location to another within the County of Orange. 4.4 Meetings +v The Board shall meet at the principal office of the Authority, or at such other place as may be designated by the Board. The time and place of regular meetings of the Board shall be determined by resolution. Regular, adjourned and special meetings of the Board shall Q be called, noticed and conducted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act or other relevant open meeting law. } W 4.5 Quorum A majority of the Board Members (or the alternate for any absent voting Member) w shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of transacting business relating to the Authority. C� 4.6 Powers and Limitations All of the powers of the Authority are reserved to it except to the extent of powers conferred on the Board pursuant to this Agreement. Each Board Member, or alternate in the W absence of any voting Member, shall be entitled to one vote and, except as expressly provided kdart/cotrlo&#O 05JUR2 9 or • in this Agreement, the affirmative vote of the majority of those present and qualified shall effect adoption of any motion, resolution, order or action the Board deems appropriate. A 4.7 Minutes The secretary of the Authority shall provide notice of, prepare and post agendas • for, and keep minutes of, each regular, adjourned and special meeting of the Board. The secretary shall send a copy of the minutes to each Board Member and otherwise perform the duties necessary to ensure compliance with provisions of law including, without limitation, any • applicable 'open meeting law" such as the Ralph M. Brown Act. • 4.8 Rules The Board may adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its affairs that are not in conflict with this Agreement. • 4.9 Officers • The Board shall select a chairperson and vice chairperson from its Members and shall appoint a secretary who may, but need not, be a Member of the Board. The treasurer and auditor of the City of Huntington Beach shall hold the offices of treasurer and auditor of the • Authority as authorized by Section 6505.6 of the Government Code. The treasurer shall keep all revenues of the Authority in a separate interest bearing account and otherwise perform the • duties and responsibilities of that office as specified in Section 6505.5(A)(d) of the Government Code. The chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary shall hold office for a period of one yam• • kr/qu-bind-V OSro4roz 10 • IW V �j rr 4.10 Bond The treasurer, auditor and such other persons who may have access to, or handle, any revenue of the Authority shall be required to file an official bond in an amount determined by the Board and consistent with the provisions of Section 6505.1 of the Government Code. This -bonding requirement shall be satisfied if an existing bond is extended to cover the duties required by this Agreement. The costs of complying with the requirements of this Section shall be considered an administrative expense of the Authority. 4.11 Status of Officers and Employees All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exception from laws, +�r ordinances and rules, and all pension, relief, disability, workers compensation and other benefits which apply to the activities of officers, agents, or employees of any of the Members when 'W performing their respective duties or functions for that agency, shall apply to each of them to the same degree and extent while engaged in the performance of any activity, function or duty pursuant to this Agreement. w CHAPTER V W BASIC SERVICES W 5.1 Communications Center A. The Authority shall maintain the Communication Center for the use and benefit of all Members. W B. The Authority is empowered to develop and issue policy and procedure kdvv .w 010$ z directives for the maintenance and operation of the Communications Center. C. The Authority shall maintain and repair all Communication Equipment, including, without limitation, hardware, software, electrical systems and all related mechanical • devices or facilities other than equipment which Members are required to install pursuant to provisions of Subsection F. • D. The Authority shall purchase new or used Communications Equipment as necessary to replace existing equipment or upon a determination by the Board that new or additional Communications Equipment will facilitate emergency communications. • E. The Authority shall provide that number of dispatchers, supervisors, and support staff necessary to provide emergency communications services and data retrieval for the Members. The Board shall determine the specific number and qualifications of the personnel necessary to properly perform these services. The Authority shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Huntington Beach for the provision of these services by employees of the City of Huntington Beach. Communications Center positions authorized and fully funded prior to the effective date of this agreement are listed in Exhibit "D" . F. As a condition to receiving emergency communications services, the Members shall install and/or maintain, as appropriate, the following equipment in each fire station and/or mobile unit as maintained by the Member: kr/VV-trind.W 05/04M 1. A station direct telephone line with handset originating at the Communications Center; • • • 2. A station vocal or paging line and speaker originating at the • Communications Center; 3. Two emergency telephone reporting trunk lines terminating at the • 12 • Communications Center; and 4. One mobile data computer terminal in each operating fire company unit; and 5. Other equipment which the Board determines to be necessary to maintain an effective communications network. Each Member shall pay the cost of installing, maintaining and repairing the Communication Equipment it is required to provide pursuant to Section 5.1, Part F. All W maintenance and repair orders of hardware and Communications Equipment which are physically LM connected to the Communications Center shall be coordinated through the Communications Center Supervisor. The City of Huntington Beach shall have the right to initiate maintenance and repair orders for the maintenance of equipment required of each Member and shall be entitled to reimbursement within thirty (30) days after payment for the maintenance or repair of W any equipment required pursuant to this Agreement. Cj G. This Agreement also provides for installation of special or extra telephonic or electronic equipment provided the installing Member pays for the equipment and installation costs. However, special equipment may require additional training of personnel, add to the time necessary to complete communications and otherwise complicate the process. Board approval wr of special equipment shall be required and each Member should be required to explain the reason for any such request to the Board. H. Members shall provide mapping and related emergency dispatching Ln information necessary for the efficient deployment of fire units and manpower. Each Member shall continually update mapping and deployment information. W i,wv tao 05/WM W 13 11 5.2 Training Facility A. The Authority shall provide access to the Training Facility for use by Members as provided in this Agreement. The Board shall develop standard procedures for the • processing of requests for access to the Training Facility, for resolving conflicts when there are two (2) or more requests for use of the Training Facility at the same time, and other administrative matters of a similar nature. B. The Authority is empowered to develop and issue policy and procedure directives for the maintenance and operation of the Training Facility. • C. The Authority shall provide personnel necessary to operate and maintain the Training Facility as well as developing, scheduling and coordinating training programs. The • Board shall determine the specific number and qualifications of personnel necessary to adequately perform these services.- The Authority shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Huntington Beach for the provision of these services by employees of the City of Huntington • Beach. Training Facility positions authorized and fully funded prior to the effective date of this Agreement are listed in Exhibit "D". • D. The Authority shall provide equipment and material necessary to allow Members full and beneficial use of the Training Facility. The Board shall have the power to purchase appropriate supplies and equipment including audio visual equipment, film, and books. E. The Board shall establish formal procedures and appropriate fees for the use of the Training Facility by non -Members who have contracted with the Authority for access. The formal procedures shall include provisions which grant Members priority over non -Members • in the event of two or more requests for use of the facility at the same time and for the recovery of costs and expenses, including overhead, associated with use of the facilities by non -Members. • rr/nV-Utaa.aO 05/04/92 14 • W 5.3 Training and Education The Authority shall have no obligation to provide training or education to the Members or their employees and no provision for such services shall be made in the budget. The Authority shall provide training for Central Net Staff as it deems appropriate for the ,W operation of the facility and support programs. However, the Board shall have the authority to take action which would facilitate training sessions, educational seminars, for, or on behalf of, Members requesting such action. This may include training of Members for the proper operation and use of on -site props and training aids. No Member shall be required to contribute funds to any training session, educational seminar or similar activity authorized by the Board in #r which that Member does not participate. The Board is authorized to retain consultants to study NO and report on methods of improving the quality of services provided by the Authority, additional services the Authority may want to provide, and methods by which the costs of services could be reduced. The unanimous approval of the Board is required prior to the commencement of any such study or report. Costs of the study or report shall be included within the Authority's operating budget or be paid by way of a special assessment levied against each Member in accordance with their then current contribution rate. W CHAPTER VI MA FUNDING AND ADhW1ISTRATION 6.1 Funding Each Member shall pay a portion of the costs incurred by the Authority in u providing the services described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2. Each Member's share of the costs kr/20W W/04M v 15 C1 shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this Section. A. For fiscal year 1992-93 the contributions of each Member shall be based • upon each Member's percentage of overall Member cities' assessed valuation and population as established in previous agreements. The population of each Member shall be based upon the most recent survey • conducted by the League of California Cities, Orange County Division. The Members' assessed valuation shall be based upon the assessed value of all real property under the jurisdiction of the Member as determined by the Orange County Assessor. The calculations for population and • assessed valuation shall be made as of January 1st of each year during the term of this Agreement. The percentage of each Member's contribution shall be determined in accordance • with the following formula: {[MEMBERS' POPULATION (IN THOUSANDS)] + [MEMBERS' ASSESSED VALUATION (IN MILLIONSI) {[POPULATION OF ALL + [ASSESSED VALUATION OF ALL MEMBERS (IN THOUSANDS)] MEMBERS (IN MILLIONS)]} B. For fiscal year 1993-94 and thereafter until termination of this Agreement, the contribution of each Member shall be based upon the number of recorded incidents during • the preceding calendar year and the number of authorized safety personnel. The number of incidents approximates the extent to which Communications Center and Equipment are being • used by each Member. Each Member's use of the Training Facility will, in large part, reflect the number of employees that need training. These criteria shall be weighted in accordance with the percentage of the preceding year's budget attributable to communications and that portion • 05ro4M • 16 • W #0 attributable to training. The percentage of each member's contributions shall be determined in accordance with the following formula: RECORDED INCIDENTS ATTRIBUTABLE TO X COMMUNICATIONS BUDGET MEMBER TOTAL CENTRAL NET INCIDENTS AUTHORIZED SAFETY PERSONNEL OF MEMBER X TRAINING FACILITY TOTAL AUTHORIZED BUDGET SAFETY PERSONNEL OF ALL MEMBERS 6.2 Administrative Services The City of Huntington Beach shall be responsible for administrative services. Administrative services include general accounting of funds received and disbursed, preparation of invoices to Members, preparation of documents relative to any grant program, and such other functions as may be required by this Agreement or the provisions of any law including, without limitation, the Joint Exercise of Powers Act. w The City of Huntington Beach shall select the individual or individuals responsible for providing administrative services subject to Board approval. Huntington Beach shall be reimbursed for administrative costs at a rate and/or amount approved by the Board in the annual W W budget. 6.3 Emergency Repairs If any damage should occur which interferes with Fire Dispatch or other urgent services, the Huntington Beach Fire Chief or his/her representative is authorized without prior tr ow-ubmt-vt o5MM V 17 • Board approval to have the necessary repairs made so that services are resumed. 6.4 Capital Improvements -Funding • In the event unanticipated damage to the Training Facility over and above repairs called for in the then current budget and the cost of which exceeds available reserves, the Board • shall promptly solicit bids for the repair of damage from at least three (3) responsible firms, award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder and direct the accepted responsible bidder to make the repairs as soon as possible. The cost of the repairs or improvements shall be • reimbursed by each Member in accordance with its share of the Training Facility budget. CHAPTER VII BUDGETARY PROVISIONS 7.1 Annual Budget The Board shall adopt an annual budget pursuant to this Agreement and procedures adopted by the Board. The Board shall conduct at least one (1) public hearing regarding the budget prior to adoption. The hearing shall be noticed and conducted in the manner provided by law. 7.2 Special Budgetary Considerations • • I • The budget adopted by the Board shall consist of a communications component, • a Training Facility component, and a capital improvements component. Except as provided in Section 6.3, the contributions of Members shall be used to defray costs and expenses associated • 05/04ro2 18 • W with the communications component, the Training Facility component, and the capital improvements component. Contributions from non -Members pursuant to contracts ratified by the Board, grant funds and other incidental revenue received by the Authority shall be used as additional funding for capital improvement projects. Funds allocated to the communications ,w component and Training Facility component of the budget shall be sufficient to provide and pay IM for the services, personnel and facilities described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2. Special assessment for operating expenses and capital improvement projects can be levied from time to time provided approval of the respective city councils is obtained. qr 7.3 Disbursements The treasurer shall draw checks or warrants upon the approval and written order of the Board. The Board shall requisition the payment of funds only upon approval of such W claims or disbursements in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the Board. J 1.4 Accounts All funds shall be placed in accounts and the receipt, transfer of disbursement of funds during the term of this Agreement shall be accounted for, in accordance with generally W accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental entities. There shall be strict accountability for all funds. All revenues and expenditures shall be annually reported to the Board. V 7.5 Expenditures Within Approved Annual Budget u All expenditures shall be within the designations and limitations of the approved kr/qVc tbxL# t mmm 19 J annual budget, provided, however, expenditures may be made for capital improvements not specifically identified in the budget, so long as the expenditures are made from revenue other than contributions from Members and, provided further, expenditures may be made for capital • improvements upon the unanimous consent of all Members or by special assessments approved by the Board and the city council of each Member. • CHAPTER VIII USE OF TRAINING FACILITIES • 8.1 Existing Contracts • Members of the Authority, individually or collectively, have approved contracts with the Rancho Santiago Community College District (Exhibit "E") and the County of Orange (Exhibits "F" and "G"). Upon ratification of these Agreements, the Authority shall assume the • rights and duties of the Members pursuant to these Agreements. Once ratified, the Board shall review and evaluate the Agreements each year to determine if. I A. The Agreements accurately reflect the services provided by the Authority; B. If the Agreements provide a fair and equitable method of compensating the Authority for the services provided; • increased; and tr/MV-trtaec.Mt osioaroz C. If the scope of the services or the term of the Agreements should be D. If consolidation of the Agreements is appropriate. • • 20 • %0 W w W 8.2 E-xisting Arrangements The Training Facility is used from time to time by non -Members pursuant to understandings which have not been reduced to writing. The Board shall determine the extent to which the Training Facility is used by non -Members, the rationale for such use, and the consideration received by the Authority for such use. In the event the Board determines that the non -Member should continue to use the Training Facility, a written contract memorializing the Agreement shall be negotiated and executed as soon as possible. 8.3 New Contracts The Board shall have the authority to negotiate and approve Agreements for the use of the facility by non -Members at times when the facility is not used by then current Members and non -Members acting pursuant to contract. 9.1 Liabilities CHAPTER IX LIABILITY/INSURANCE rr The debts, liabilities and obligations of the Authority shall not be considered the debts, liabilities or obligations of any Member, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. VJ 9.2 IndemnificationlHold Harmless A. The Authority shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless each Member W with respect to any loss, injury, damage, claim, lawsuit, liability, cost, fee or expense alleged kr/ftV-W 05AK 92 v 21 to have been proximately caused by the performance of services described in Subsections 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement. The Authority shall fulfill its obligation pursuant to this Subsection by establishing a liability reserve fund in the annual budget, by purchasing insurance or by requiring contributions from each Member pursuant to this Subsection. In the event the Board does not purchase insurance or establish a liability reserve in the budget, or in the event the • judgment and/or litigation costs exceed the amount of the liability reserve, each Member shall contribute their pro rata share of the unfunded liability (including litigation costs and attorney's fees) in accordance with the following: • 1. In the event the unfunded liability arises out of the provision of Communications Services, the contribution of each Member shall be in an amount equal to the total unfunded liability multiplied by that agency's percentage of the communications budget as specified in Section 6.1, Part B. 2. In the event the unfunded liability arises out of the provision of Training Facility services, the contribution of each Member shall be in an amount equal to the total unfunded liability multiplied by that agency's percentage of the Training Facility's budget as specified in Section 6.1, Part B. B. Each Member shall assign to the Authority all of its right, title and interest • • to recover any medical expense, salary, or fringe benefits paid to, or on behalf of, any officer • or employee who is injured as a result of the performance of services described in Subsections 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement, or who is alleged to have been injured as a result of the use of the Training Facility. • tr/nVcnWna.agc o5/04/92 • 22 • 9.3 Waiver Each Member waives and gives up any claim against, or right to sue, the Authority for any loss, damage or injury that arises out of, or is any way related, to the performance of services for any emergency response, pursuant to this Agreement. This waiver W extends to liability for bodily injury or property damage that may be sustained by any Member or its officers, employees, contractors, or agents, and which was proximately caused, in whole or in part, by the negligent act, conduct or omission of the Authority, or its respective officers, w employees, agents, contractors and representatives. However, this waiver does not extend to 40 V W bodily injury or property damage caused by an unlawful, fraudulent or willful act or omission. CIIAIY= X ADMISSION AND WITHDRAWAL OF UBSBERS 10.1 New Members Public entities may become Members in the Authority upon such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Board. New Members shall pay a surcharge to be determined by the Board at the time of application. 10.2 Withdrawal A Member may withdraw from the Authority and terminate its rights and obligations pursuant to this Agreement by giving written notice of its intention to terminate to the secretary of the Board no later than December 31st prior to the termination of the fiscal year W in which the provider agency intends to withdraw. The written notice shall be accompanied by tdtu4t 05AHM ko 23 a resolution or minute order of the legislative body of the withdrawing agency specifying its intent to withdraw from the Authority. Withdrawal shall be effective upon the expiration of the then current fiscal year. An Agency withdrawing from the authority under this section relinquishes all property rights to facilities and equipment except as otherwise specified. • 10.3 Breach The Board consisting of 100 % of non -breaching members shall have the authority to terminate the membership of any Member in the event the Member materially breaches its a duties pursuant to this Agreement. For the purposes of this Section, the term "material breach" shall include, without limitation, a failure to fund the budget in accordance with Section VI, the a failure to make any contribution or pay any assessment when due, and the failure to defend or indemnify other Members as required in Chapter IX. A CHAPTER XI TERMINATION AND DISPOSITION OF ASSETS C7 11.1 Termination The Authority shall continue to exercise the joint power specified in this Agreement until termination. This Agreement shall terminate if two (2) or more Members give the Authority written notice of their intention to withdraw as specified in Section 10.2 or if the Members mutually agree to terminate this Agreement. • kdaw-hineLso MOM • 24 • 11.2 DLstribution of Properly A. The title to all Communications Equipment other than that required to be W installed by each Member pursuant to Section 5.1, Part F, shall vest in the City of Huntington Beach upon termination of this Agreement. B. All capital equipment purchased after the effective date of this agreement, shall be assigned an "operating life" by the Board. The Board shall also designate equipment which is critical or noncritical to the operation of the facilities. Upon termination of this W agreement, all capital equipment either functioning within its operating life or beyond, shall be U appraised by an independent appraiser and equipment designated as critical may be purchased first by the City of Huntington Beach or then by any Member agency. Noncritical capital equipment may be purchased by any Member agency based on procedures adopted by the Board. Capital equipment not purchased by Member agencies, shall be sold to the public at appraised Q value or at public auction. W C. In the event the City of Huntington Beach votes to terminate this Joint Powers Agreement prior to August 22, 2021, and the Joint Powers Agreement is terminated in whole or in part because of that vote, the City of Huntington Beach shall reimburse the cities of Fountain Valley and Westminster in a sum equal to 1/50th of the construction and equipment W costs paid by Fountain Valley and Westminster for each year, or portion thereof, between the date of termination and August 22, 202I . Upon payment of these sums, the Property and assets of the Authority shall become the property of the City of Huntington Beach, provided, however, w funds remaining in the Training Facility budget and/or the Communications Center budget shall be paid to each Member in proportion to their most recent contribution rate to each budget. W tr/nV-Ub«•W 051NM W • CIIAI'TI:R XII MISCELLANEOUS 12.1 Amendments • This Agreement may be amended with the approval of a majority of the Members. • 12.2 Notice Any notice or instrument required to be given or delivered pursuant to this • Agreement shall be deemed given when personally delivered to the Member or the Authority, or deposited in the United States mail, first class postage pre -paid, and properly addressed to • the principal office of the Member or the Authority. 12.3 Partial Invalidity • If one or more of the Sections, paragraphs or provisions of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, each and all of • the remaining provisions, Sections and paragraphs shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law, provided, the remaining Sections or provisions can be construed in substance to constitute the Agreement the Parties intended in • the first instance. kri.Wcna1ra-agt 05/04/92 • J 26 • . • • . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed unattested by their duly authorized officers, and to have their official seals affixed hereto as of the date first stated above. Dated: June 10, 1992 ATTEST: CIKY CLERK \ Dated: ATTEST: CITY CLERK kr/agt/cnwind.so 05/04/92 27 CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY M YOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4j-tusoov CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH _�i� /,.M Ir . APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY' C 0 0 0 Dated:�-- ATTEST: ATTEST: idmUcnWlucLmo 05104M 28 CITY OF(�NEWPORT BEACH By MAYOR AS TO FORM: A CITY OF WEST HNSTER By MAYOR z F- 0 X ..:j 200 . . �j ilo n OAL W EXHIBIT "B" ITEM I, TRAINING TONVER AND FIRE BUILDING W A five -story cement building that typically represents construction features found in two-story V through multi -story high rise buildings. Specifically including ladders and scaling wall, flat and slating roof, enclosed stairway and smoke tower, windowless rooms, observation tower, fire rooms, sprinkler system, cellar inlets, breathing apparatus training rooms, ventilation training panels, a variety of window sections, interim dry standpipe, a basement section, an apparatus 40 maneuvering yard, overhead wire training section, and a yard fire hydrant system with both wet and dry barrel hydrants. W W ITEM II, FIRE SWULATOR, CLASSROOMS, & SUPPORT FACILITIES A one-story building and basement that meets Federal requirements for an emergency operations center. Basement features include Command & Control System Trainer and Fire & Control Simulator. First floor features include two small classrooms, one large classroom, a fire library, u audio visual storage room, a fire prop room, and office space for the trashing officers from the four (4) cities. r kr„j.0 MUM 30 J 109 ITEM III, TEST PIT AND MASTER STREAM COLLECTOR A standard 2,000 gpm pumper test pit including collection shield and water recycling collection System. ITEM IV, FREEWAY EMERGENCY, GAS TRANSMISSION, & PETROLEUM FIREFIGHTUgG PROPS Special outdoor firefighting props surrounded by a typical street. Features include a butanelpropane prop with tanker, a tanker loading rack, a transmission pipe section with five firefighting set ups, glitter section, and a one-story control tower. o51oM 31 r z V z Q .J a (I) W F— z z a cr- 0 w m ❑ T. z x �w t � ' dP •p of ' •1I r.-•-.- (M- -.-. .J-•r.� .r�. a...�..��rl. �.•w r y1-.r.-.-.• •�.y.y.y , r r �iL G►i1 r w � • ' f 11 fi S i R eotoot, 0 1 I n rwc RT C N. 4. r• ...r. r .... � �. r wr• .., 1 1• G p....�.��.:� .art"' � _.L. ,...... ,........_. i 10, •� , • , r rj' f . • 1 1 TO+Zt I '� • `� • 1j s® •r .w .•© �•r y- T •Sw wr r -Srr ii. ' . 1 • Q Om I. ' ral �i •�r, � I � . f �o Jo1nt Pow¢rs L_...J Training Center Gothard F f 1 ,f 1 1 1 I s•w r• so'.a•.� 1 1 611 1 7701 47D hi 1 1 U k".,► 1 111 44 W W W V th C1 0 EXHIBIT "D" r COMMUNICATIONS CENTER STAFFING FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 0 Budgeted Position Titles Number Supervisor Fire Controller 1 Fire Controller Leadworker 4 Fire Controller 8 . Fire Data Coordinator 1 TOTAL 14 a 9 TRAINING CENTER STAFFING FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 Budgeted Position Titles Number Administrative Secretary 1 Audio Visual Specialist 1 Building Maintenance Assistant 1 TOTAL 3 kr/x0-fttoCL W 03n6M 33 0 • a EXHIBIT "E" " EXISTING CONTRACTS WITH RANCHO SANTIAGO COLLEGE April 20, 1977 January 22, 1985 It r L] r 34 0 GM 1• tLW : pj 11/04/76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 99 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -tFIRE":SCIMNCE TRAINING AGRI:LULNT I I THIS AGREEMENT, 'made and entered into this �h clay of -=1977, by and between the RANUO SA14TIAGO q9 MUITITY COLLEGE- DISTRICT of Orange County, State of California, i I hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT", and.the CITIES OF FOUNTAIN 1 VALLEY, IIUNTINGTON_BEACH, SEAL BEACH AND WESTMI STER, all being municipal corporations in the County of Orange, California, hereinafter collectively referred to as "CITIES". i WHEREAS, CITIES, by virtue of a joint powcrs agreement a:c , the owners of a fire training facility located at 15701 I Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, California; anal WHEREAS, the DISTRICT, through Santa Ana College, intents to provide a vocaf.ional educational program for the benefit of I selected, eligible students of the DISTRICT, under the. State plan for Vocational Educational and the Federal Vocational Iiclu- ; I cational Act, as amended, rnd Eirough this agreement with the CITIES to provid4d"use of fire academy facilities and equipment i in order to prepare such :;cudunLs for Lac vcscdtior. of fireman; � and WHEREAS, the DISTRICT also intends to maintain a constant i attendance of no mere than thirty-five (35) students per day in this program. The enrollment pattern may consist of any coribi- nation of half-time or full-time students with a maximum of , eight (©) student hours per`day; and WHEREAS, the CITIES rehresont that, as the owners, adequuc,l facilities for fire science instruction ca.i: be accommoclatc.d in I addition to the re.;ular training requiremcnts of the CITIES. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the conditions, covenants, tc:rnis, atirecllicniL;, zinc! recitals contained herein, I it is mutually agreod as follows: 1 1. CI-M,.,; :.hall •providc a c.la:::;rocm with thirty=five uizi) j i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 321 student stations, an office with a telephone,desk, and chair, all utility costs, a drill tower, and one fully -equipped, triple combination pumper for eight (8) hours per day for thirty-five (35) days during each Academy period. 2. The DISTRICT shall pay to the CITIES on a monthly basis Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per day for each academy day certified to the DISTRICT for use of facilities and equipment during the preceding month at the CITIES' Training Center. 3. The CITIES shall submit and certify monthly statements and billings to Santa Ana College, 17th at Bristol, Attention: Dean of Applied -Arts and Science, and the end of each month on the forms provided by DISTRICT. 4. DISTItIC'r and CITIES mutually agree to hold harmless .each other, their officers, agents, and employees from all losses, cost, expense, claims or liability for injury to•any person, or damage to any property arising out of, or in any manner connected with, the performance and operation of the terms of this Agrinmient- clue to lhc: sole nrlc:l i%jenc!e of file DISTRICT or CITIES. 5. Notwithstanding the actual elate of execution by the respective parties, this Agreement shall become effective May 17, 1976, provided that all four member CITIES to the referenced Joint Powers•Agreement execute this Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate 19, unless terminated as. provided herein or unless extended by written amendment hereto, executed by the same parties to this Agreement. 6. Any notice given under this Agreement shall be deemed given when personally served upon the Superint•cndent• of the DISTRICT or upon the Chairman, Joint Powers Training Center, of the C11111ES, or when deposi l.ed in the wails in Orange County in a sealed envelulia with posiaye thereon fully 1rep.rrf-d rr•crrn one pirty to the otlivr as follows, ivc•ly: 1 r -2- 1 4 5 6 � .7 E 9 1C T1 .l� 1:+ 14 . 15 16 lE 19 2C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 29 30 31 32 TO'DISTRICT: Rancho Sanitago community Collegc.District Attention: Superintendent/President 17th at Bristol Str(•et Santa Ana,'California 92706 TO CITIES: c/o Chief Raymond Iliand Joint rowers Training •Center 18301 GQthard•Street' Huntington Beach, California 92647 7. CITIES. reserve the .ri.ght to t•ermi:lat-e_ Lhis Agreement by providing written noL•ice thereof to D3:Yr•RICT.ninety (90) clays in Advance -of -the termination. Said terminaLi.un may he based solely upon' the cleterintnation. of CI'1.11;S thaL• joint u:se• is no -longer feasible; or' for .any other ivason. UA'i't:D:� RANCII0 :.AN'1'IAt;O tUr1(•1lIN1Y'Y IIy... DATED:' _�_ f 7� _ — C IIVN'I• I NG•1•t)1 CII, a uni�ci al c or ion ATTEST: ;. ,,' A D AS TO FORM': ity �_Actor efi y DATED:_ Fc:Ltvar�l4. ]: 7 CITY Or S1:Al. 'AFAC1I, a municipal corporation ATTEST: IIy �J l _� f- . ✓ �!, i=r�ti% t , Mayor -- - --- -- — APPROVED Ab TO FORM - City WE — DATED: -- _- - CITY UL•''i.9:STMINSTER, a municipal corpora-tion ATTEST: By. _ APPROVED AS 'IY) FORM: Cil.y•A"lt.oriicy -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 "1 l 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TO DISTRICT: Rancho Sanitago Community College -District' Attention: Superintendent/President 17th at Bristol Street Santa Ana, California 92706 TO CITIES: c/o Chief Raymond Picard Joint powers 'Training Center 18301 Gothard Street Huntington Beach, California 92647 7. CITIES reserve the right to terminate ;ttlis Agreement by providing written notice thereof to DISTRICT ninety (90) days in advance of the termination. Said termination may be based solely -upon the determination of CITIES that joint use is no longer feasible, or for any ol.her reason. DATED: RANCIIO SAN'1'iA(i0 COAIMUNI'1'Y C01.1.I P D T S'1'It1 s-T_ r DATED:—�I P 41,77 __ 'PY 1' 11UN'P LNCTI :ACIi. a murl�, pals rpgf�tio .� ' 'EST l/l /% ••�� �. • '-" `-� ti`-' L-{{//-`, APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney - •• DATED: CITY OF SFAL RRACH, a municipal �- corporation ATTEST: ---------- APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cry Attorney DATED: l� f f� _ _ _ _ — CITY OF V41:5'1'1.11 NS'TR R. a municipal corporation A7"IMST: BY APPROWD AS TO FORM- City •Attofn�y PJA IM 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 10 11. 12 14 15 26 17 18 19 20 91 22 23 24 25 .26 27 -28 29 30 .31 32 DATED: NnUtamhpr. Ifi, 1976* CITY F0 U N LEY, a Munjed co po t on ATTEST: Byj�- Pro Tempore C.*ty clerk' ApP . VED.A.s TO' FqRM: te City to A rriey -5- U AGREEMENT FOR LEASE OF LAND AND CONSTRUCTION OF EQUIPMENT STORAGE FACILITY BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 22nd day of January , 198 5 by and between THE CITY of HUNTINGTON BEACH, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and RANCHO SANTIAGO 0 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT." • • • WHEREAS, CITY is the owner of certain real property in the County of Orange, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as "SITE", consisting of one parcel designated as the storage facility site); and CITY and DISTRICT have caused to be prepared plans and specifications for the construction of a storage facility, herein "PROJECT", to be erected on SITE; and DISTRICT intends to construct PROJECT; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the performance of the mutual promises and Agreements herein contained at the time and in the manner specified, the parties hereto agree as follows 1. GROUND LEASE For and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) rental, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CITY hereby leases SITE to DISTRICT for a term commencing on the date - 1 - of execution hereof and ending at the end of the term of the sublease to the CITY set forth in Section 4 herein, unless earlier . ended as hereinafter provided. At the end of the term of this ground lease, or upon any earlier termination thereof, PROJECT shall become the property of CITY. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT CITY shall deliver possession of SITE to DISTRICT upon execution of this agreement. DISTRICT shall proceed with diligence to let a contract or contracts for the construction of PROJECT. Any contractor or contractors employed by DISTRICT shall be licensed under the laws of the State of California. All work, construction, and materials furnished to be used in PROJECT shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications. Construction of PROJECT shall be completed within ninety (90) working days from the date of the parties' mutual approval of the plans and specifications. The completion date may be extended by CITY for a period not to exceed sixty (60) additional days. If PROJECT is not completed within the time limit, or any extension thereof, this Agreement may be terminated by CITY. Upon such termination DISTRICT shall restore the premises to their original condition. CITY may elect to take title to PROJECT in its uncompleted state. CITY shall give DISTRICT thirty (30) days written notice of its intention to terminate under this section. 3. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS CITY and DISTRICT shall, prior to the construction of PROJECT, agree to the plans and specifications of said PROJECT. - 2 - • In the event that CITY and DISTRICT fail to reach such agreement within ninety (90) days of the date of execution of this contract, this agreement may be terminated by CITY. DISTRICT'shall use said • plans and specifications in the performance of the work of con- • • • structing PROJECT. CITY shall provide all survey and inspection services and testing of soil required for said construction. 4. SUBLEASE TO CITY - TERM DISTRICT hereby subleases to CITY, and CITY hereby accepts and rents from DISTRICT, SITE as improved by construction of PROJECT. The term of sublease shall commence when PROJECT is complete. The term of the sublease to CITY shall end twenty (20) years after commencement of said term of sublease, unless it ends earlier as hereinafter provided. For the period commencing on the date on which PROJECT is complete and notice thereof has been served on CITY, CITY hereby sub -sub -lets to DISTRICT three (3) • storage bays in the PROJECT. DISTRICT agrees that said storage bays will be to store DISTRICT'S fire training equipment and for • no other purpose. CITY further agrees that, in consideration for this sublease, any classroom and drillground rental fees currently . payable to CITY by DISTRICT under any existing agreements between CITY and DISTRICT regarding DISTRICT'S use of CITY'S fire training facilities shall be reduced by twenty-five percent (25%) for the fiscal years 1986 through 1990. 0 =M 0 J 5. INSURANCE In addition to DISTRICT'S agreement to indemnify CITY, DISTRICT shall furnish to CITY, and maintain in force for the duration of this Agreement, a policy of general liability insurance (including automotive liability) in which CITY is named as an additional insured. The policy shall indemnify CITY, its officers, and employees, while acting within the scope of their duties, against any and all claims arising out of or in connection • with PROJECT and its operations. The policy shall provide coverage in not less than the following amounts: combined single limit bodily injury and/or property damage of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) per occurrence. A certificate of all such insurance policies required by this Agreement shall be delivered to the City Attorney prior to the commencement of services pursuant to this Agreement and shall be approved by her in writing. No such insurance shall be cancelled or modified without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to CITY. DISTRICT will pay premiums. DISTRICT will investigate and furnish CITY with full reports as to all accidents, claims, and potential claims for damage relating to PROJECT, and will cooperate with CITY'S insurers in connection therewith. 6. CHANGES IN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS No changes shall be made in the plans and specifications as finally approved by CITY unless such changes have the prior approval, in writing, by CITY. - 4 - 7 7. CHANGES .AFTER COMPLETION CITY shall not make any changes or alterations in PROJECT as completed and shall not make any additions thereto • except with the prior written consent of DISTRICT. CITY may, without obtaining DISTRICT'S prior or subsequent consent, . temporarily affix personal property to PROJECT, provided CITY shall restore premises upon removal thereof. 8. TITLE TO PROPERTY • Title to SITE shall remain in CITY, subject to the terms and conditions of this lease and sublease. Ownership of PROJECT and all fixtures, equipment and apparatus attached to PROJECT by DISTRICT shall remain in DISTRICT during the term of this lease and sublease and shall vest in CITY at the end of this term. Ownership of all personal property, fixtures and equipment placed in PROJECT by CITY shall remain in CITY. 9. UTILITIES MANAGEMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT shall provide and install all electrical fixtures, which shall meet specifications agreed upon by CITY and DISTRICT (Section 3). Electrical fixtures shall provide for a combined maximum usage rate of no more than two thousand (2,000) watts of energy. CITY shall furnish in conjunction with its right hereunder to occupy and use PROJECT, the source of electrical power to the point of connection, with a maximum capacity of thirty (30) amps, which shall be located at the existing electrical panel in the central tower of the fire training facility. CITY shall provide all electrical power needed for - 5 - 17 construction and operation of PROJECT, consistent with the plans and specifications. CITY shall have the option to maintain PROJECT in • good repair and working order. DISTRICT and CITY agree that DISTRICT shall be responsible for maintaining the interior of the three storage bays used by DISTRICT, and DISTRICT further agrees • to repair within a reasonable time any damage to PROJECT caused by the acts of DISTRICT. 10. INDEMNIFICATION, HOLD HARMLESS, DEFENSE DISTRICT shall defend, indemnify, save and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees from and against • all claims, demands, loss or liability of any kind or nature which CITY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the use + of the leased premises by DISTRICT, its officers, agents, employees or invitees, herein as DISTRICT, and which arise from the sole negligence of DISTRICT. DISTRICT shall be required to defend any action brought againist CITY when it is alleged that any cause or causes of action arose out of the aforesaid use of premises by DISTRICT and the combined active or passive negligence of CITY ,and DISTRICT, however, DISTRICT shall not be required to indemnify or save and hold harmless CITY for any award of damages arising out of either the active or passive negligence of CITY or CITY'S share of any concurrent or joint negligence award against both CITY and D • DISTRICT. CITY may enter into any action broughL_ against CITY and DISTRICT and provide for their own defense without any rights to • reimbursement for cost of defense from DISTRICT. In the event a final judgement is entered against CITY and DISTRICT because of the concurrent or joint negligence of CITY and DISTRICT and the parties defendant cannot agree as to an apportionment of the • damages, an apportionment of liability to pay such judgement may be requested of the court in which the judgement was rendered but in no case shall a jury apportionment be demanded or requested. • 11. ZONING AND DESIGN APPROVAL DISTRICT shall be responsible for meeting all zoning and building requirements of the City of Huntington Beach and • other applicable state and local agencies for the duration of this lease agreement. It is understood by DISTRICT that the Huntington Beach Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustments, Design • Review Board, or the Huntington Beach City Council approval of a b PROJECT'S plans elevation and SITE may be required prior to construction of PROJECT. 12. NOTICES Notices to either party shall be deemed delivered twenty-four (24) hours after posting in the United States Mail Service, addressed as follows: TO CITY: Raymond Picard Fire Chief City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 TO DISTRICT: Dr. Robert Matthew Rancho Santiago Community College District 17th at Bristol Santa Ana, CA 92706 13. TERMINATION • • In the event that DISTRICT abandons PROJECT, either voluntarily or involuntarily, by failing to utilize the three (3) storage bays designated by CITY for DISTRICT'S use, for a period exceeding six (6) months, title to PROJECT shall vest in CITY. The parties may otherwise terminate the agreement by mutual consent upon giving thirty (30) days' notice. Title to PROJECT shall vest in CITY upon termination. 14. ENTIRETY parties. The foregoing represents the entire agreement between the • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by and through their authorized officers the day, month and year first above written. L ATTEST: City Clerk 6�p REVIEWED AND APPROVED: City AdministZator b CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH a municipal corporation e Mayor ire Chie RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUN-LTY COLLEGE DISTRICT: By Signature Name and Title KM: sr 03/06/85 By Signature Vice na celllor Business/Fiscal Services Name and Title Board approved: January 22, 1985 EXHIBIT "F" EXISTING ORANGE COUNTY CONTRACT June 18, 1985 35 11 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1GA B62-2 lHuntington Beach Training Facility LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR TRAINING FACILITY USE BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE THIS AGREEMENT 1s made and entered into this /1l day of _ 1985, by and between the City of Huntington Beach, a nw— nMc�pal corporation of the State of California,- hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and the County of Orange, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," a political subdivision of the State of California. WHEREAS, 'the City of Huntington Beach owns a parcel of land situated at 18301 Gothard Street, City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California. WHEREAS, the cities of Westminster and Fountain Valley, as part of "Net 6," have contracted with the City of Huntington Beach for the use of the parcel at 183U1 Gothard Street for a period of forty-nine (49) years, expiring in the year two thousand twenty- one (2021) to construct, operate, and maintain a fire training center. WHEREAS, CITY wishes to grant COUNTY a License for use of Premises in the manner herein described. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. GRANT OF LICENSE COUNTY is hereby granted by CITY a non-exclusive License for use of the fire training center hereinafter referred to as Premises, shown on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, on the terms and conditions set forth below. 2. USE OF PREMISES Premises are to be used solely for the purposes of conducting standard fire training exercises, promotional testing, public relations fire programs, research and development, and academy training, both in the classrooms and exterior yard training areas. COUNTY shall have access for the above mentioned purposes to all classroom areas, fire simulator room, and all exterior yard areas including the test pit, drill towers, and burn building on the terms and conditions set forth herein. 3. TERM The term of this License shall be one (1) year, commencing July 1. 1984. im:al j 170-9-1(8) 4-19_PCC • • C • 0 a 0 0 1 2. 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 This License will automatically be renewed from year to year unless either CITY or COUNTY give to the other written notice that this License shall terminate at the expiration of the then current term. Written notice shall be submitted at least forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the then current term, which notice shall be served in accordance with Section 15*(NOTICES) of this License. f COUNTY shall have the option to terminate this License at any time upon giving CITY written notice at least sixty (60) days prior to termination. 14. LICENSE FEE AND OTHER CONSIDERATION A. COUNTY agrees to pay CITY an annual license fee for the use of the premises in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). A One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollar ($1,250) payment will be due and payable upon completion of each three-month period the License is in effect. B. COUNTY agrees to provide CITY with disposable dry goods, on an annual basis, from the County Service Center that are requested by CITY, not to exceed an annual value of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). C. COUNTY agrees to annually provide CITY with diesel and propaneproducts, as requested and used by CITY, not to exceed an annual value of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). D. COUNTY agrees to replace diesel and propane products -used by COUNTY in its training activities at Premises. E. COUNTY agrees to provi de1a---trai ni ng officer on an average -of. 20 hours per week for the purpose of scheduling COUNTY on the annual master training schedule, Drill Ground Evaluations, and assistance to "Net 6" cities fire departments in providing coordinated training activities. F. COUNTY and CITY agree to develop and exchange audio visual programs -,of' - mutual benefit to both COUNTY and CITY. G. COUNTY and CITY agree that the value of items in Section A through C shall be subject to a 6%-per year -automatic adjustment commencing the beginning of the seconc and subsequent years of the License Term. 5. OPERATIONS It is agreed by the parties that, CITY'S and COUNTY'S Fire Chiefs are hereby designated to be jointly responsible for the day to day operations of this License. Operational procedures shall be agreed upon by CITY and COUNTY Fire Chiefs. Furthermore, COUNTY agrees that any conflict -.=will be resolved by the CITY and COUNTY, - Fire Chiefs. 6. ALTERATIONS COUNTY may not make improvements and changes in the Premises without the prior written approval of CITY. RC:nb 170-9-2(10) 5-29-85 -2- • C • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 8 • • 0 C P 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 i 28 ' 117. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR COUNTY agrees to maintain the Premises, in a neat, clean, and orderly condition at all times during its occupancy. CITY agrees to be responsible for routine janitorial services and all repair and maintenance at the Premises. However, COUNTY agrees to reimburse CITY for repair of any damage to structures or premises caused solely by COUNTY's negligence. CITY shall notify COUNTY of specific damage and provide an invoice for the repair costs to be reimbursed. 18. BUILDING AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS During the full term of this License, CITY and COUNTY agree to comply with all applicable (building codes, statutes, and orders as they are applicable on the date of this License, land as they may be subsequently amended. CITY further agrees to maintain the Premises as a "safe place of employment", as defined in the California Occupational Safety and Health Act (California Labor Code, Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 3, beginning with Section 6400) and the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act, where the provisions of such Act exceed, or supersede, the California Act, as the provisions of such Acts are applicable on the date of this License, and as they may be subsequently amended. Conditions caused solely by COUNTY and not subject to the control of CITY are excluded from this provision. 9. UTILITIES CITY shall be responsible for and pay, prior to the delinquency date, all charges for utilities supplied to the Premises. 10. INSURANCE COUNTY agrees to provide the CITY or its agents a certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance, acceptable to CITY, in the amount of Ten Million Dollars AW.-000x000-naming CITY as an additional insured against claims for injuries to person! or property occurring in, upon, or about the Premises resulting from performance of this License by COUNTY. At COUNTY's option, COUNTY may self -insure the coverages required by this paragraph. 11. INDEMNIFICATION COUNTY shall defend, indemnify, save and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents, and employees from and against all claims, demands, loss or liability of any kind or nature which CITY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them as a result of, arisin( out of, or in any manner connected with the use of the licensed premises by COUNTY, its officers, agents, employees or invitees, herein as "COUNTY", and which may arise from the sole negligence of COUNTY. COUNTY shall be required to defend any action brought against CITY, when it is alleged that any cause or causes of action arose out of the aforesaid use of the License Premise! by COUNTY and the combined active or passive negligence of CITY and of COUNTY; however. COUNTY shall not be required to indemnify or save and hold harmless CITY for any award RC:nb 170-9-3(11) -3- e-99-AC, C • 0 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of damages arising out of tither the active: or passive nesliyrnce of CITY or CIIY's snare of any concurrent or joint negligence award against both CITY and COUNTY. CITY may enter into any action brought against CITY and COUNTY and provide for their own oefense without any rights to reimbursement for cost of defense from COUNTY. In the event a final judgment is entered against CITY and COUNTY because of the concurrent or joint negligence of CITY and COUNTY and the parties defendant cannot agree as to an apportion- ment of the damages, an apportionment of liability to pay such judgment may be requested of the court in which the judgment was rendered but in no case shall a jury apportionment be demanded or requested. 1A'.-. ASSIGNMENT COUNTY shall not assign this License or any interest herein or permit the use of PkEMISE! by any person or persons other than those under COUNTY's control. 13. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION If the PREMISES shall be destroyed by any cause or be so damaged thereby that they are untenantable and cannot be rendered tenantable within sixty (60) days, this License may be terminated by CITY or COUNTY by imatediate written notice to the other party, in accordance with Section 16 (NOTICES). 14. REMEDIES IN BREACH A. In the event of any breach of this License by COUNTY, CITY shall notify COUNTY within five (5) days in accordance with Section 16 (NOTICES) of such breach, and COUNTY shall have thirty (30) days frow receipt of said notice to cure the breach, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. B. If COUNTY fails to cure any breach of this License within thirty (30) days, CIT1 may serve a written notice, in accordance with Section 16 (NOTICES) upon COUNTY that CITY elects to terminate this License upon a specified date not less than five (5) days after the date of the serving of such notice, and the License shall turn expire on the date specified. 16. PARTIAL INVALIDITY If any term, condition, covenant, or provision of this License is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, Impaired, or invalidated thereby. 16. NOTICES All notices pursuant to this License shall be addressed as set forth below or as both parties may hereafter agree in writing, and shall be sent through the United -States mail or hand delivered as follows: RC:alj 170-9-4 (10) 4 -91-Rr� -4 - • • Ll 0 0 0 P P I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TO: COUNTY County of Orange GSA/Real Estate Uivision P. 0. Box 4106 Santa Ana, CA 92702 and Orange County Fire Department 180 South Water Street Orange, CA' 92666 ITO: CITY Fire Chief Huntington Beach Fire Department P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 17. ENTIRETY The foregoing represents the entire agreement between the parties. This License may be amended or modified by written agreement only. 18. ATTACHMENTS This License includes the following, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1. Exhibit A - Map JM:nb 170-9-5(5) . 1 -5- • • • 0 D R b 1 1 1 iIN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by and 2 through their authorized officers the day, month, and year first above written. ZZ 3 EXECUTED at Huntington Beach, California, this 6 day of 1985. 4 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, 5 a Municipal corporation BY 7 - _-May or 8 ATTEST: APPROVED AS FOR FORM: 9 10 DhQu-'`' City Clerk City Attor ey 11 12 REVIEWEI2>D APPROVED: J 14 City7dmi ni str 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 'jM:alj 1170-9-6(5) INITIATED AND APPROVED: e • • • • 0 0 6 0 P I 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Approved as to fo nn: County-Launsel RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Orange County Fire Department By JNMES W. RADLEY General Services Agency Facilities & Real Property Real Estate Division By 1/7 SIGNED AND CERTIFIED TH T A COPY OF THIS DUCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO ITHE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARU LS D. ROBERTS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California RM:alj 17U-9-7(4) COUNTY COUNTY OF ORANGE 46;e Chairman of the Board of Supervisors -6 1 0' rov►c� Trarrnp Carrion ■//■/■■/■■//■/./■.■��N/■■M■■■M. ONE men ■■■/ ■/■/■/■ ■■■/■■11 EqualN///■■� 7Joint Powers Trck -center • . ` , MEM Location TAa.4fR� A nnaQ.n�U qq C ttII�ECG C N � � 3 c� Pa•w a3 W J � IA�dAR.1DY C Q� V V Eu..s A �• Nu►�rr'��cro BIRCH N Not ;ncluded Lor: 3ID'x 6 zap Arta: Ai-4 ac�cs FORYO•ttf• Wkl lWal EXHIBIT "G" EXISTING ORANGE COUNTY CONTRACT June 2 L 1988 cm his • REQUE FOR CITY COUNC _ ACTION M Date May 24. 1988 Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council 'p • Y,.Lra By CST Submitted by: Paul E. Cook, City Administrator" Y co CZL lj Prepared by: Raymond C. Picard, Fire G f J ""4� 1. • Subject: FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR TR C c� �` BY THE ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT e� , Consistent with Council Policy? [X1 Yes [ j New Policy or Exception Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions, Attachments (5�;6 STATEMENT OF ISSUE: • The Orange County ire Department desires to continue to use the Net 6 Training Center for fire training purposes.' The County also desires to modify -the terms of the original License Agreement by eliminating the provision for assigning a Training Officer to the facility for twenty (20) hours per week and pay an increased annual license fee in lieu of providing this officer. • RECOMMENDATION: The Mayor and the City Council approve the FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR TRAINING FACILITY USE BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE for the purpose of allowing the Orange County Fire Department to continue to use the training facility on a limited time basis. • ANALYSIS: Huntington Beach and the Net 6 cities have had an excellent working arrangement between the cities and the County of Orange Fire Department for many years and all parties are agreeable to continuing the joint training facility use agreement. The primary advantage is improved emergency operations between fire agencies. The other advantages are that the Net 6 cities, . by original Agreement in 1972, desire to keep the maintenance costs low by using rental funds for partial upkeep of the facility and, the Orange County Fire Department does not, as yet, have a training facility; and therefore, must rent space from other agencies. The County and cities now desire to amend the Agreement because the Orange County Fire Department desires to use the twenty (20) hour assigned Training Officer elsewhere and the cities' desire to increase their license fees for major repairs required at the Joint Powers Training Center. There is a retroactive payment provision in this Agreement as the reduced use of the Training Officer was administratively agreed to while the amendment was proceeding through the formal process. FUNDING SOURCE: No funds are required as this is an increase revenue item of $24,000 per year for the Net 6 maintenance account which is specifically set aside for maintenance and repair. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Maintain or cancel the original License Agreement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. First Amendmen 2. Original Request 3. Original License RCP/sr/8096f .In AMA t To License Agreement. For City Council Action, April 25, 1985. Agreement, June 18, 1985. STA ENT OF THE ACTION OF THE CITY HCIL Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, June 6, 1988 Mayor Erskine called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister Absent: None CONSENT CALENDAR — (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Kelly, second Erskine, Council approved the following items, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: -Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES:- None ABSENT: None BY THE ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT - APPROVED - Approved and authorized execution of the First Amendment to License Agreement For Training Facility Use By and Between the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange for the purpose of allowing the Orange County Fire Department to continue to use the Training Net 6 Facility on a limited time basis. Mayor Erskine adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to 5:30 p.m., Thursday, June 9, 1988, in the Council Chamber. ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex—officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Orange ) City of Huntington Beach) r. I, ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, the duly elected and qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct Statement of Action of the City Council of said City at their regular meeting held on the 6th day of June 1988. WITNESS my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington Beach this the 7th day of June, 1988. Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex—officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California !R-1 �A' � %i 0 0 • • 0 COP y MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA JUNE 21, 1988 FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR TRAINING FACILITY WITH CITY OF HUNTI GTON B C : Fire Department requests a0prdVal of First Amendment to License Agreement with the City of Huntington Beach for use -of the City's fire training facility at 18301 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach. MOTION: On motion by Supervisor Roth, seconded by Supervisor Vasquez, the Board moved to: 1. Authorize execution of the amendment. 2. Authorize the Auditor -Controller to issue a warrant in the amount of $23,955 in favor of the City of Huntington Beach; said warrant is to be made payable from FUBU 1211-220, Fiscal Year 1987-88 budget. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. CR•. 1 1013-2.3 (12176) • • 0 0 0 0 C b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 GA 862-2 Huntington Beach Training Facility FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT is made -1-ei V c a2./ 1988, by and between the City of Huntington Beach, a municipal corporation of the tate of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and the County of Orange, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", without regard to number and gender. RECITALS A. By License dated June..18, 1985, CITY granted COUNTY a non-exclusive License ("License") for use of the fire training facility ("Premises") at 18301 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, California. -The License has a term of one year with automatic annual renewal. B. COUNTY pays CITY an annual license fee to use the Premises for conducting fire training exercises,.promotional testing, public relations fire programs, research and development, and academy training.' C. The License requires that the COUNTY provide a training officer on an average of twenty hours per week for various training activities; which, in addition to annual license fees, amounts to COUNTY expenditures of approximately $24,000 per ,year. D. COUNTY is no longer able to provide a training officer as required by the License and, with CITY's approval, discountinued the training officer position."'Julyy 1, 1987. E. In lieu of providing a training officer at the Premises, COUNTY wishes to pay an increased annual license fee to CITY commencing July 1, 1988, and CITY is willing to accept the increased license fee as compensation for COUNTY not providing an officer at the Premises. F. COUNTY wishes to compensate CITY, in lieu of providing a training officer between July 1, 1987, and June 30, 1988, by making a retroactive payment to CITY in the amount of $23,955 to cover that period. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above, the parties hereto agree that effectivc June 30, 1988, the aforesaid License is hereby amended as follows: CCA:sf:aIj 1218w-1 5-31-88 -1- E • C 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I. Section 4 (LICENSE FEE AND OTHER CONSIDERATION) is deleted from the License and in its place is substituted: 4. LICENSE FEE AND OTHER CONSIDERATION A. COUNTY agrees to pay CITY Twenty -Three Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty -Five Dollars ($23,955) in lieu of providing a training officer at the PremisE between July 1, 1987, and June 30, 1988. COUNTY shall make payment to CITY within forty-five (45) days after execution of this agreement. B. COUNTY agrees to pay CITY an annual license fee for the use of the Premises in the amount of Twenty -Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Dollars 429,820), The license fee is payable in semi-annual installments of Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred Ten Dollars ($14,910) in arrears, on January 1 and July 1 of each year the License Agreement is i effect. The first installment shall be due and payable January 1, 1989. The license fee shall apply to COUNTY's use of the Premises as follows: 400 hours at the Fire Tower, 360 hours at the Pump Test Pit, and 80 hour at the Gas Tanker Props, totalling 840 hours. COUNTY and CITY agree that these hours are elapsed time hours and not man-hours. Application of such hours may be adjusted within the areas noted above and may also be used for classroom and/or video room time when available. Additional facility use hours may be arranged provided hours are available on the master calendar and with the agreement of the Facility Manager (Huntington Beach Fire Department Deputy Operations Chief) at a 'rate of Thirty -Five Dollars ($35) per hour for each specific use (Fire Tower, Pump Test Pit, Gas Tanker Props, etc.). No charges shall be made for hours scheduled then cancelled provided COUNTY gives CITY a 72-hour minimum written cancellation notice. The 72-hour written notice shall be waived by the CITY in the event of inclement weather, emergency deployment needs, or other reasonable unforeseen circumstances. A quarterly statement shall be provided to COUNTY's Director of Fire Services by CITY's Facility Manager Department Deputy showing actual hours used to date. Said statement shall be issued on July 1, October January 1, and April 1 of each year. CITY agrees to provide a desk and phone for use by COUNTY. COUNTY agrees to pay all toll and message uni charges over and above the base phone rate. C. COUNTY agrees to provide CITY with disposable dry goods, propane and diesel products, as requested by CITY, not to exceed an annual value of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000). D. COUNTY agrees to replace diesel and propane products used by COUNTY in its training activities at Premises. CCA:sf:alj 12.18w-2 -2- 5-31-83 • • • 0 • C 0 P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E. COUNTY and CITY agree to develop and exchange audio visual programs of mutual benefit to both COUNTY and CITY. F. COUNTY and CITY agree that the value of items listed in Section C shall be subject to a 6% per year automatic adjustment commencing July 1, 198 and continuing for all subsequent years of the License Term. II. All other terms and conditions of License Agreement dated June 18, 1985, shall remain unchanged. CCA:sf:al j 1218w-3 5-31-88 -3- �A :l • • • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by and through their authorized officers the day, month, and year first above written. EXECUTED at Huntington Beach, California, this day of 1988. ATTEST: City C erk REVIEWED AND APPROVED: City Administrator CCA: sf :cv 191 Aw-4 CITY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a Municipal Corp yyratiory By r APPROVE-D* AS FOR FORM: City Atto rn y TSITTT ATrn Amn Annnnurn. -4- L • 0 0 11 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Approved as to form: County Counsel By RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Orange County Fire Department By /s/ R.H. Hennessey General Services Agency Facilities & Real Property Real Estate Division By SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD �� L I J LIN �1 D. ROBERTS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California CC A:sf:cv COUNTY COUNTY OF ORANGE v 4 Chairman of the Board o 4upe�rvis®rs JUN 2 1 1988, 1 -5-