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Charles Tipton - 1946-02-04
41 6 8 9 10! 13 14 15 16 17 -11.�S 19 20 ')j 22 23 24 0I_d 5 26 27 ,.?s 29 30 31 32 C) AGREEME"T THISAGREEMEW.", made and entered Into as of the day of 1946 by and BETWEEN CITY OF F2JNTINGTON Br.,ACH$ A Munit1pal CorporatiGn, her.,ginafter deelgriated as CITY, CRAMES B. TIPTON, hereinafter designated as PEPHITTEER WITWISSETH: That for and in oonsideration of the covenants, conditions and agreementei herein contained to be done and per— formed by the par -ties hereto, snl the payment of rental by PermIttee, as hereinafter provided, the City .does hereby grant Permission to Permittee to sell and ve-.-t fishing tackle, fishing supplies and fish bait in that certain building located upon Tao No. of the municipal pier in the City of Huntington Beach, known as Bu.'Ildizrg No,& as more particularly ageeed upon by and between the parties hereto, for a term of one year from and after the date hareof, unless sooner termination as hereinafter provided. Sald Permittee does hereby accept said pamalt and does hereby agree to pay rental for said premises in the sum of $30-00 per month ),1Zrabla monthly in advance* It is agreed that 't'his pemrit shall run for said period of one year, from and after the of �ZJ&VC-f% 1946, provided however,, that the City may upnn- thirty days' notice In writing to the Permitteo at any time cancel and terminate this perad t ea,ld, in tl:ie event of failure of Permittee to comply with an,y of the terms hereof, or any ordinance or rules, regulations 1 31 41 f f ' S 9 r 11 lu 13 14 15 16 i.' 1i 1� 21 2'. 21, Z 2, 21 2' f a or requirements impooe& by said City relative to The conduct of the busineas herein aoritemplated to be carried on by the Permittee, then and in that event, this permit shall terminate and be .null and void upon service of notice by the City as herein set forth. Olty further reserves the right to cancel tide permit without liability when public Lecessity so requires, or to suspend oporations thereof temporarily in the event of public neaeesity as may be determined by the City Couneil of the City of Huntington Beach. Upon the terms ml"r4on of this permit the City may enter said premises, building and space abor s de soribed axd remove all property of the Pemirtee, and shall be under no liability to Permittee for damage; to such property or loastheroofo Permittee agroes that in conducting and managing said business they wi�.l at all times conform to and abide by all of the ordinances of the City of Huntington Beaoh, and all rujes and regul,itions which may be from time to time adopted b;r the City Counail of the City of Huntington Beach and will not cause or permit any violation of Pxy rule or regulation of said pier to be done or to be committed upon the premises herein described. It Is further understood and agrpea that Permittee shall not sell, assign or trfansfer this permit without the consent of. Bald City, in writing, first had and obtained Nothing in this permit and agreement shall be construed to relieve the Permitt©e of Any obligation to pay Any City License to-v, which may be impooerl or payable by reaeon o; the 'Germs of any ordinance of the City of Huntington Beaoh, 23�1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused its corporate 291 name and seal to be hereunto annexed by its Mayor and attested ti 36 by its City Clerk, thereto duly authorized, and Permittee has 311 set his hand as or the dozy and year in thin Agreement first L 32; above written. i f + '-a'. �. � I ! ' � • ,11 'i + ,� - __ .� ' r - _ A-�„r.�,.' � � ."'�' W. r 1jy�� ��� 'f �' Y' M �����k• I' ^.. 1, F _ .�_yrr,,..�'v`..1�• +K .►i r ' , "'_ ..f*.:'fi ,r,r f.y ,, ri{l•. •i k} ,�i'' •�, ,�., , ?,�:_ ,..��-,. �, :+Z� ,,� � .•?' 't'�f? sy '� '�`� i -� -' � v •* . •, '�.y ,, - r� t' �.�� {' :C,' kl' i • _ .'�� ./ �' .r • 4 ':.r . :'4' _ � F ,i v � K- ,1Y .4 +r �� �h�+' ''}.. ��. ilr .- •�j+'',. . ,�', � %� �.{ -��:�r ,` � 'il �. ,?. .q+'' .. j "lam k. I .•�.�' 1r 'Y#.'^.M': * -�f . •. r � . ,.,,r .. ti ,� ,. ,. ' t � � - ,.�♦k .r 'y- , ,, , � •}� , o ��{ . M ■ ti '+- S' l r �a. � � „�,t h. � � • ..4r .. • I . 1• i .ca.,.r-1,: .�f ` ' '!f � �- r.�.� :.r�'.4 U, .: t r .�I i •, r w' /i r r ... 1 I i ri' I 'n U • k h , I . 1 y •i r ' r r r r,1 l F 1 • F IK4y