HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Fountain Valley - 1964-06-01P
G R -k E if _'9 rl
THIS AMAMENT=do thU 6 th �dtir �� 3u1}' yn 1964,
"i 'ME CITY 0V W"TINGTOH MACH,, a =Unici f Al
eorporstion, classified as a Ma'rter City
situated in t4rf`Coi ty of Orange, herein -
a, ter referre4 to as . ;DTI OF h'OMM-M,
AND 4M G= ;OF k'OWNTAn4 VAUZY, a csu nicipal
corporation, classified as .a C-4nezal LW
City situaredt £u the County of ueange,
hereinafto% referred to as "CITY.
1. The City Ccr ncil of the City I-= here`ofoae detemiraed to avail itself
of certain City of iiaanti4gtan mach bervi.c+as authortred under the r ouditious of
the CoVL-xsrr n :Cod by Sections d�CitS-6547 aad' do Ito lth e,-u� �afe�Code Sectimis
Me ciky de iraa to have the. City, of Huntington $a'ech �erfo n by 'its
approprthtc alliceas and em� layees the follmring City functionsa
3. 1$e City of mintiogtou Beach, �x Dinh its. wire Chief, 4.9 xeilling fird
ready to rerAer, to al'a rzttyF and all s ucca; 5e: arises a�9 die noally perkn e-
by the City of #€antington. Beach Pine iyepart nt'*On V�Vest of the City ana
upon the term and covenants oubjoct to the conditions and provisions hereinafter
set forth.
It, to moAa lly re--ai ft consideration of tbe miitual covehu-try he'2sin sot
A. 21hc ("! of mmtington Bondi, its raffioq rs todet �layavas,
ftrowst shr4 l not be ddem to h ra0ou ai any liaibiltt�r 90'0 the 34agligeure o�
the Uty or =y cif its ofg"rs, or ' oyees ohs for any ditgelroua air x�"efnCc:ivt�
caanditiog''rf any, public ,.tr e't" t:k or pt'014 tg of t^je Ci!.,y, and the sty, shall
hou t& AaL7 of 1Dmt iagt6%1 BeAtzh ita aa£fi tere� e ,te +cue fi .fire ai-ui3ess
0 y aax% all cia1mg for d4mp,4resulting; tzhere xrasft.
ti C t, artd 4ty a$lftlntittcBeach ht i hula each as h<ar ►Fsraa a sss
f a. lubu'ty or a4te Ot of the 00*r.
0, tuo atir sbMU tint � i.i;sb for the item �fia}�rzt of ;any z ie
agzs or other c pens tic a .any City of ilustttrtgton Beach officer or
employee , !ether a full. tim or to*wary employee, ,erformi.n.g nny services
hire 4adar far the Uity,
"D.. EXcapt .as herein *thavvi.ste speeifted,. City ahall �aa be 14.4ble
.feat. coa paxaatAiou pr indtmztity to any such City of liantingtoti 7aeach officer or
qr anit in jury or aick) tas arl.sia3g out .ef his employment.
R. Thi.a Agresc at aball become eff6�tivae ca of ,laxly 1, 1964, and
shall aowj Uea in full fore and effect tmti.l the 30th day of June , 1965. In
t'he. nt the City desired sae tontfau,nes of than aervie~cs covered lay thin Ag eoment,
or otber servior ; tie. City of guntington Eeach is In a. position to vender,
neSotietlons therefor shall be; coucludod pri r to the expiration date of t^him
4. J:ha City of 11untiagron Beach shall render to City fire protection
Service: including but not limitad to firmer fighting excel rescue sar icet",
S. -MA fire f'ightiug. unit respond:aa,g 'are a first alarm to a strnetural
fire shah :not exceed one pua gfw
6. pica wre than one puwper t3hall respond to a rionottuctural fire except that
in, aza unusual case. the City of 'Huntington Desch Fire Chief an j use his discretion
as, to the zu d6er 4n4 type of fire fi.glxt n,g omits tor be d-�spatched.'
1. City 041, pay, to the City zf llanttugtwa peach roar services rendered
=der t id Agreement according to the 11ollovius schedule t
A. For ee4h pumper re"spon4ing to a call,, $30,60,;
« Vag ..each rescue true respoa4ing to e call, $15.001
l r r iY lura ' ireaa= four dollar sa ( s. 0) per call tip to
thre hone.; one dollar ($ .40) per hour .oyez three (3) sumo.
?3. use City of lluutin Beach ah lY uuttot err e-st 4 statement o f the
chargees for- r4tvv ceis t6dde d P=Zuant tag th a Agreement to the city, and tht
City shell pap the same within forty' ( ) d Y$ from and aXtev tha teteipt of saarh
Ut8te t, b7 the iix:gc
91 All f�aa og o6er auto, colleet d by the CU!t of M- tin 6n ttAcb Five
Chfe,, pe�a�; ,4nt ro this a nt -Cd l tad paid to Fl e City of Huutiugtun Bch.
THIS AGREMIE:NT, made and onterw.1 ir,td thie> 1st ay of
June , 1954, by and between tht+ CITY OF
W I T 11 E S S E T H 3
WHEREAS, the parties hereto, maintain and operate fire protection
organizations in their respective citirs, all within OranF• County, California;
4 ICREAc, it is the: desire of the pasties bar��to to render aid, each
to the other, to cv,:h„t the effect of fire: when such aid is necessary as herein
set forth; and
WHET.i AS, the parties Ltarcto desire to of'fect the purpose of this
agreement pursuant tc the provisic,ns c" tbo "Joint Exer;is; of rower Act" (Gov.
Codv Sep:. 6500-6547) and (11. F. ..C. Div. 12, It. 1, Ch. i, See. 13050, 13051
and 13052).
111O11, THEPEFORE, thw z-artit.c hi,v-tc, r.utuwlly agree as follows:
1. ro furnish fire ,.'rot, cation perscnnf 1, ccvi.pment, materi=31S aX!d
supplies, srtd to ronder such fir,- nrctection serv,,•es tc cac1; ether as gray be
necessary to suppress fire: of a capnitu& that i . s devc lope: c.,Z, appears to
develop, beyond the control of a sirrl,, party -ar:: *1:rr_.for,- con-
tined forces rf the cart r,n he:retc' .
2. Such Mutual :aid sr"a i €=a. -',r . v i dr ? Wtwin tic:i li;^its of the
County of Orange on th+ b:wsi5 ,-�r V?f. "E 9.IF nin f'yT'•ls", -i-oO vAc1 -, irCy ha-rntf".
agrees to r.'"'ep the ct;ntr,l diSpatchin. :`fi,-o -ar.�} the secrrO ry dis-C.tchinv
office informed as , the: "t-,tus :l1 to:i rizr,*. er:i3. 1:1<; f,,z rutu l aid
hereunder. The, Fire Chi,-f,, cr '�thw l pvr: c. n in tiEa, »e �'f th fire r rotecticr
orgasiizaticn of each of thr parties hl rt-v' ir.-.vt.ry c,tsS.'. of re?qu'.-sted
aid, f,rt€irmiw the limit i'xf asz1sta co whi h his'r,ri:arizati.,.n can render here-
under without depleting firs.} prr.tecticn reascurce. , •,r=rs:F:ncl* and equipn,.,nt for
the area whur:� his primary ro.,,,V nsibil,ity 'exists; ,ind nrw party hereto Shall be
reguiroc3 to finish aid bcreuteer in excs; sz c•f tm 3 amount so dete�'mino.".
• ..0 r �`I.5>k.' �". ... Lid. i..y «. . ^ •.: dwt '. k.�. .. is 1X.-.. 'i` .r pn i
will t; i"...i hV t!di' ' irL.t.F' aLr' ': ul:l' n4^ t L4'^.E , ifi s r. +"R:1:, .a Z l} rr.ioh t,«.
t: `vt.::i-=li,�.�:3 f� n„"'"=*'�Li7:1�''.t . ., : }a:.:•!l. �u l., ,^}!" `.I: tJ:: t 3C%: , ,y,t y ?:Di'. 1"ti�! .',.Y � E'.:.�r'i ns. � 1.G
firt:° i,-ffici;il oll th' party r ,.l:.:atinv- such ?,id, '''1.1 rkquL:st, 1't.:x njtual air!
shall, be first tr the c4ntraJ ;.isp atc.him- o fficc, if in o ",r<-ti::n, and in
P:V nt Such effice fov any re:iscn, is 'aria.^lL t(- 'iarje°la• such traffic, such recucSt
shall. I-e i'idi t,, the si`ccn,lar7v lisratebini- 'xfic .
4. The Crunt�r J Ormj-c,, Fire 'Dispitchinl- Offict shall act as t'ze
central disratching cff icc, and in event this .^fficz is unable tt handle such
traffic,, the City= ,,f Santa .<.IA *'is:atehin, `ffiCL s s ry -�, r ,,z„ i shall .:sc:t a� a ec^nt?a c?ls^
rat:ching .ffico, as miy be furth•,ar ' rctJ t,- in write".. form of nr?.;edurt1.
5. .Dy MutUS ai,: un;3-.:r this a?rvt:7~Lnt is vxten�lcd witl~ the
express undorsttanding that t i< resrcrwitlr i, c•.1. firr r'"fi; 3•:i (in whose juris--
iict3-,n ai:: incident recuirinF-^utual ai.1 }:',:s 'ccur'r¢") shall rf-main in charEie
at such incir'e,r„ including t.X t'"recti<-n •^:F that rkcrscr:nt'l 3r. r .s'!Lt3,pr nt-prct4.ido6 _
hir. thx cuph •th, c'iperkat.-cr, f•f this mutual ., ;s ar'ret7r rlt.
E. :;<:r_v hwrt?". � �.�� r r'•~�.r E;.. rc,. IY:.c;, at aits •..vt cyst
and ex*, nse, arn, stun u.:.> ., _s >i f, sue.; r •
All t ry ncw'ler, fr,�m P ?f ^'r2 , , 4:(° , w,.,.t w;it---i, inI "the ; : � ., Z,i*f l ' i7;)r.ls Use l
S= Pec3-11 �- S fiTt° c•h.,:i n_ r al{4 S�.t' ut; tha_: ^..rts ..t f; i ' 2^iI St3;3t ltt..xa'.
�I, tLo <,Vunt 'f .^,r'st, qu ntitieS,
ov types ^f r-nsa r,-!:"!!.5 use, `.1 This
,"i �.•:7 SS,:. '.ii 5�:�t ♦c:. i:'t�`. :. It !: n`. r.:I'..`i <t :. 'If, rh.33,1 !'L.�Pr,"Zch ,-.. 3' threet_,7.,5.—
x, c
7. `t,.�t.; '^Tc;. ,y,'.,..,. :.:'3..: T&, ,' in. s.e,g a +' .<„ �vT^'i.3'"�'It���: is
herein. ;: ..• rh;li -'ffect
this ua• �. �. t.ttr :+>,Et,.th3S 2FJ nt ��. . fi :a, r" . ; ti, :tit,, *' ,st �,+:.' - u r tY•''.
7^.t�F ti;_ra^.".',1.:....,r.„. .}, 5dr.,:.k. �:'V' :>,.Y �!'. ii. I. 3 .-: .., »:_ x;.„ ,.i.,
cf tii'':a b, _cat -,f �^.-.1'"?" .-.*. �'1,•. '.t t".t ;^ ,`•n�C. .'.0 i`i.,�r "i; ;`�,, whici; :'a`t I. E.. Vay to
SeVGyTt?'..4 Lax i^'.'i.$.E, •xr;,' th..- yF`T::t.'F"".a.T't ri,.,nl i + , r„r r: t a
z r, ,...,�.:,t:., . t�id. Z"2p'�"t5 :n=.
11abilities• 4J the arty sc:rvi:;7 suc i n t.i;r:, fi t+ t 7iE 4 fter th' llt.:St
late;- c°r# filit _r with ::ariu s .ch t'1- rir.
1' 4. 1. `
N I -Al: Y'%', S t
t., !'C e,Xt;cutt jJ, -,It i,I J f,-,:�; f r r t�i, -iti
first hQmirat,w- writti.n-
City of -Fountain Valley
MY of Huntington goa..,t
of Hu ngton Beach
."I1 17th Ia e� s" ilecember
ix r :Y ` , CI V: OF IWIN 1:»: CIN :, .. Municipal
orpor tiar., c l€issif'ied as €e Ciliarter City
sitvat;�d in the Cotinty of Oranf:;e, tterein-
.if::yevvr rc fcrreei tojat CTIN tll
7stix'Tit �IC1
i'%t C,
corporation, classizied as a general. Law
City si.tuatt�d in t:Rc County of Orange,
hereinafter re ierted to as "CITE:".
. 7he city Council c x C:C, Utv his deterr..i.nea to ..vail it -self
of Certain City of ,Litild,-,tor SE:rLr?cL.0 ..tS::iow7..^f:d 4::EK+.GT the C7Iii:1`..1os [1i'
ti.e GovE rrmeiit Codc. by Sections t"3.. _ 5. ti'. r c' .'t.. i F.. „ei >za £ ty Cclee '3c-Ltio-,.s
. The City desires to :,ave 4he City of lluntln ton Dcach perform by its
approrriate oflficcrs t_rd eployye{es ((h� follo in City functions:
3.. Tht, City of untir.ton. _t.€°i:i:�,.. t.rc41jt its Fire Ckiv , is wiiliniii a's:.d
ready to tender to the C . t zy ard 11 such -. ; as are romr ally performed
by the City of 1�unti.n6tov. i tea,_ Fir,. Der;-,rt,:;e{it upon request oi' t City and ufon
the terns and covenants subjr c : t,�! the c: xditi,. tns z n..d pro risiors hereinz:fter stzt
It is mutually r ,reed in c+r;sxa3er:aticar cif the i.utu< I cc:rvenaits herein set
forth as follows:
A. The City; of l not rk,,tor. Dunch, s :, of ieers ,zz d ezrioyeers, and fire men
shall not he deemed t4 L*L344` x,sst sC ar."; linbi.lity for thu of VIC,' City
or any of its e• fx.c4r;,, or crp=.€s ».cs, =r fo; any d,:n�,crous or sat fec.tive condition
of any public street, wori: or j,ropexr.y o� the; City, and ?. dr snail bold the
11.ty of Hunti:ngtor Unch its Gf i.ici:rs, e r pl uye e u ;and k ire?r,,on harmlra-�s from any
and all claims for resultii<y,, therefrom.
B" City ind Gist,, t*f liunti,nvicit >"ac% shall hole each other harmless
from liability for acts or omissions of the other.
C. The City shall not e liable for the direct payment of any salaries,