HomeMy WebLinkAboutCURTIS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - 1978-03-20 (12)ra ; REI:MBUIRSE1,1ENT AGREEMENT 77-W4 6. WATER b1AIN CONSTRUCTION THIS AGREEMENT in).ered into bl and between the City of. �A Huntington Beech, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred E to as CITY. and Curtis Development Co., hereinafter referred to n u �' as BUILDER, x> WdEt`.EAS, BUILDER, pursuant to agreement with CITY, has at its own cost and expense, constructed 1842 lineal feet of 8 inch A.C.P. water main, ' blowoff assemblies, 2 fire hydrants, 2--8" gate= valves r A and 1-61' gate valve, in Lynn and Green Streets hereinafter referred _I to as FACILITIES, to serve BU'ILDER's development known as Tract 9618 and adjacent properties and said FACILITIES have been constructed in con owmity with the plans and specification approved by the Director of Public Works of CITY and have beet, dedicated to CITY, and CITY desires to reimburse BUILDER for the cost of the construction of said water line, as provided by the CITY's municipal rode, NOW ` HEPX-rOR:E, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein co,ttained., the 1_a�� ties hereto agree as follows: BUILDER has ct,nstructeA, at a tata.l coot of $19,? 07.00, a wafer main line and appurtenances to serve BUILDER'- development and adjacent properties. Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, is a.map of the area served. BUILDER has abdicated said eACILITIES to CITY The ,refund to be paid to DUILULR; o"t of available funds, under this agreement. as as follows: Total, jo&, cpst of Fac lit' es $1.9 107.00 ' 'r Less BUIbDE�''s portion llo183.00 Bross refundable 7,914.00 Less 10% per Hulot _ gton Bach 791.00 . Municipal Cade Section 14.20.060 Net refundable $ 7,123,00 r No refund shall be raade by CITY to BUILDER until the Director of Public Works sh. I;l ce- % fy in writing to the Finance DI rector s u' that BUILDER is entitled to a refund by reason of connection having been made tG FACILITIES in accordance wY th the Huntington Beach Municipal Code., and the CITY has ;received the water service fens from Lne- area served,, Refunds shall be payable for a period of .five: years only from the date of applicant's application for main line. extension. Refunds, shall be made from subsequent developraept at 1�he rate of Five Dollars and; Forty cents ($5.40) a front feet in accordance. with Section 14.12.010 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code. Refunds shall not exceed ninety percent of off -site canstructio-q oasts. Refunds shall: bear Po interest.. Refunds shall be payable only to the origizial applicant or c applicants. *Tpm death of ;ippli-.carat, tbt right, to refund shall terminate. L T shall not be liable abl e for payrci6at refut a by reason of its failure to collect or receive irm any person or entity the wnfn: service :fee. if a developer who develops property served by the j-'%cjfiTX is r4ego fed by cTTY as a condition of development. to cotsttuct adOtional faci.l.i.ti.es,. BUILDER agrees that CITY may allow said developer cr.l.dit toward the water• service fee, and no reir(bur se^ ment fees shall be clue BUILDER by reason of such. construction. h In the event CITY does not require a developer to deposit the w water service fees with the CITY prior to or concurrent with develop- ment, CITY may inter into a:) agreement with said developer stating that said developer is obligated, not only to the CITY, but BUILDER =` and to devel-pers who have previously contributed to the cost of construction of F2AC1L-__ },ES constructed 'iereund(:.r, to deposit said z fee wiin CITY. The CITY shall not be required to pay attorney fees or fiourt nests for any breaclof this agreement. In the event this agreement ccnflicts with or contradicts any CITY ordinances, the ordinance pros sions shall pre'trz-il over tl,ee j te,-ms of this ,agreement, (Rest of this: page not used) { r WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEALS the day, month, and year appearing below. k DATED this day Of 1.9 t CITE' OF HUNTINGTON BEACH (CITY) �. a ipal ro n y, Mayor , ATTEST City Clerk CURTIS DEVELOPMENT CO, (BUILDER) PEV D 3Nl7 l �'h y AdiniM�stxat�or INITIMEi RNLI APP&f.OVEu AS TO CrONTENT -z Mr y+A Al 66tor c"f, ;Pwbl Works APPROVEP AS TO FORM: (Hty 9t-corne 1 ;� i-$. �: :�. . RESOLUTION 53 . 4780 A RV.-:,OLVTIOF OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF H NTINGTON BEACH A:UTHORIZINO PARTIAL PAY+3ENT TO ROBERT F. Ci TPIS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ON REIMBURSE- MENT AGREEMENT NO. 77-Vi 4 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beavh adopted s budget for fiscal year 1979-1980 by Resolution No,. 4772,. and Section 5 of said Resolution h. 4772 specifies the pro- cedure ror authorizing expenditures from special finds and Phe City Administrator and Director of Finance ha �<au_ orment ed an expenditure, and the City Council hereby approvt,zj said recommendation, NOVI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City council of tht, City of Huntington Beaeb that partial payment or, Reimbursemen" Agreement o. 77-W 4 in the sum of $764.50 fron the City Water Fund is hereby authorized to be Wade to Robert Fh Curtis Development Company for construction of ai water main, PASSED AND ADOPTED by this City Council of the city of 9-uritington Beach at aregular meeting thereof meld on t e day or August 1 7» Mar — Mayor 4TTEvp. AP3'ROV ,D AS TO FaP.M.VA , M. City Cie]* � �� City Attorney MVIVED, ARD APPROVED' 1*41 `ED AN PPAWED t �VA�in3str'atbx r,ctC?x" t}f` u 3d'ri: 1 'I a K `•, No. 4780 8 _ � 1 S' ATE OF CALIFORNIA k COUNTY OF ORMIGE } �� CITY OF HUNT INGTON BEACH T, ALICIA M. WEYMORTH, the duty elected, qualified City 'Berxh, Clerk of toe Cit;r or Huntington and ex-officio Clerk of the 4� City Council of said City, eN tynr:hy certify that the who)e number of members of the. City Ga'- wity of Huntington Beech is seven; �� that the foregoing; r. ,.is passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majoriLy Of al' the members of said City Council at a re lar meeting thereof held on the bth of August , 19 79 , by the following vote: AYES. councilmen: Pattinson., 'Thozas, Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley 'NOES; cvunci Tmcn ABSENT Courc i lessen � s City Clerk and ex-officl,b Clerk of the Oi"y Council of the City 6f Hurttt.11ton Beasts, California aS , u EST FOR CITYCOUNCILA(.',*TION „ Submitted b*! �4...,._� ci�el Z� ki-92, �ep artmalt i�rab�„ic Ftcsrks DattePreparred July 11 <,9 Backup Material Attwhod M YU [ d subject ReimburenH Pa)Sentr for, R.A. 7; -W4 anti 77--S2, Purti& Dev. Co. City Adminhtrator"s Coa nvntx F Y ' Apprnb e as recommendedd , Ripx y; Steepen$ of lace, Hix*mm&) fttlon, A naily th, Fundinq Source, Alternative A01ons: Y y •r Statement of Issue: y� The Robert F. Curtis Development: Company has manies due i under Reimbur,se;•- ment. Agree tens 77-W4 and 77-S2. Recommended Action.4 Aaopt �a rasoliat.ion authorizing Curtis Development paymontrs of $784..50 and $1.,554.00 on Reimbursement Agreements 77-W4 and 77-S2 respectively for water and sewer main construction, in 1978 Curtis Development f4nanKed the ingt llatiot� of water and --ewer main$ on Y ynn an4 Green St',reet$. The agreement with Curtis DevelopmeAt calls for rei,mburoementr by the City to Curtis .tievelopment tcom fees coltected in t17� ser'viefs, 4rtP'i3 Fees equal to tyhe amounts recormuended above have been received from the area aerved by the subject facilities and should be roxunded from the water and sewer funds. funding Source; The p; yntent of M4.50 for 77-W4 is to be made from the Water Fund; that of 1 31., 5659.00 for, 77ws2 fro than Steer F`und. Az Jy 4,1 DO City of Huntingtone*,whu 441, Gyo, OFFTE P.01 Box ISO CALWORKIA ENGIN;SERING DEPAARTMIEN2 >: C TO Honorable Mayor and City Council ATTN. Floyd G. Eelsito, City Adminis`':rator~ FROM.-H. E. Hartge, Director of Public Wor s WW �� �rT� COUNCIL DATE March 7, 1978 SUBJECT: Reimbursement ; greement 77-;W4 ._.��. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Curtis Developzaant Co. tas made application for reinthi reement for offsite water facil,<' ies built in Lynn and Green Streets at their expense. The casts of installing the offsite improvements are eligible fc' r reimbursement in accordance with. thte MuAicipal Code. RECO1*WMDED ACTIOrT Approve Reimbursement Agreement 77-W4 with Curtis Development Co. and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. ANALYSIS Curtis Development Co. installed water main line:> and appurtenance to serve their development and adjacent properties for a total cost of $1.9,1.07 00. They ;made these ,improvements in coajuction with tract. 061.8, Part of the cast of the water facilities is attr but~ a.bla to the ,, mefit of property outside thir, subdivision ,and should be charged to the, property benefited in accordance with Muni.ci.pa.l. Cole Section 14.20, 060. The amount that Curtis is entitled to have reimbursed is calculated as follows Total lob Chet of Paciliti es Less Builder's portion Less 16% per 'U*D.M.C. Section 14.44,090 (C) 751.00 $7123.00 Patent of the a.bovc amatiat will be made from fe, charged to buil,ilars who develop property within the service area. Ftuld4zy SO4rce go expenditure of funds is ragvired by the recommended action..